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X-Men - General Discussion

David T. Cole

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I hated that it was Wolverine-centric (and I'm a Wolvie fan), but there were aspects that I thought were OK. Didn't it end with, like, an Age of Apocalypse cliffhanger?


I hated Wolverine and The X-Men; hated Rogue in this one, and how Cyc was turned into a schmoopy mess who couldn't or wouldn't move on after Jean's "death."  All I remember from the last episode was that Jean was alive. I've blanked out so much of it, I don't even know if it ended on the Apocalypse cliffhanger or not. Blech.


And I'm a HUGE fan of Logan/Wolverine but this was all kinds of wrong. With Xavier "dead", it should have been CYCLOPS leading the X-Men.

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I hated Wolverine and The X-Men; hated Rogue in this one, and how Cyc was turned into a schmoopy mess who couldn't or wouldn't move on after Jean's "death."  All I remember from the last episode was that Jean was alive. I've blanked out so much of it, I don't even know if it ended on the Apocalypse cliffhanger or not. Blech.


And I'm a HUGE fan of Logan/Wolverine but this was all kinds of wrong. With Xavier "dead", it should have been CYCLOPS leading the X-Men.


…it was too influenced by the films IMO…especially Rogue and Cyc and especially Logan's role in the series…

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While the animation had mistakes here and there...usually coloring mistakes on the costumes or hair (Rogue having solid brown here and there...)...I loved the look of the series...The animators really tried to capture the essence of the characters at that moment in time and capture the look of the comic...that's one thing I'll always love and appreciate about the cartoon.  I appreciate Evolution and W&TX-M doing their own thing...but I loved the 90's series for keeping itself rooted in the comics, even with the roster at that time for past stories...


...Hands down, my favorite episode(s) were the Beyond Good And Evil multi-part.  Apocalypse, Magneto, Sinister, Sabretooth, Mystique, The Nasty Boys...I'm a sucker for my villain team-ups...IIRC, didn't Psylocke make an appearance in the arc too?  

Yea Psylocke did make an appearance and was captured by Magneto I think because Apocalypse needed all the telepaths. I did like the interaction between Archangel and Psylocke. Psylocke is one of my favorite X-Men characters.


I did like the NIghtcrawler episode. I just think I like any episode that has Rogue in it minus Mojovision lol. Wolverine questioning religion and God, but one thing I didn't like was that Gambit was taken out of action yet again. Then again the second episode that featured Mojo wasn't bad at all and was watchable minus Jubilee.


I did find Jubilee so irritating, she was really useless and wish that they had put someone else on the team besides her.


As far as villains go I liked Sabretooth. I really do like Sabretooth in the comics too as well as in the series.

 I just think I like any episode that has Rogue in it minus Mojovision lol. Wolverine questioning religion and God, but one thing I didn't like was that Gambit was taken out of action yet again. Then again the second episode that featured Mojo wasn't bad at all and was watchable minus Jubilee.


What was the second episode with Mojo? All I recall is the one where the X-Men were captured and forced into those TV shows.


Jubilee irritated the crap out of me, too. I really don't remember her being a whiny brat in the comics. She was more feisty and sassy, and generally more like a teen. Cartoon Jubilee was a child.

The 2nd episode featuring Mojo is called "Longshot" it's when Longshot stumbles into the X-Men's dimension with no memory and comes to find out that he's on the run from Mojo who's after him. Jubilee ends up having a crush on Longshot and she's taken hostage by Mojo where Longshot, Rogue, Beast, & Wolverine have to save her by defeating Mojo's army which of course is broadcasted on t.v.

I also like the episode with Nightcrawler finding out about Mystique---I tear up at the ending when Mystique turns to Nightcrawler and as she cries and starts talking, she's blasted off the bridge--an emotional scene to me...and for the longest time, it's still one of my favorites, but one of my all-time favorites was always the Season 1 finale with the X-Men and Magneto teaming up against Master Mold and the Sentinels...I can still see the Professor piloting the blackbird into Master Mold...actually I can watch Season 1 over and over, I just love it.


I've always had a soft spot for Mojo...glad to see some Mojo love...and Spiral too, she's one of my favorites.


Apocalypse: I am the rocks of the eternal shore. Crash against me and be broken!


I always thought that line was badass! :)


Many of Gambit's made me laugh:


- When he caught Rogue admiring the Shi'ar (?) crystal, he was all, "You like it, chere? Gambit get you one for Christmas."

- When he emerged from a dangerous situation, Rogue "kissed" him, said "I hate you!" and then hugged him. His reply? "I don't understand this woman." Heh.


Then there were the over-the-top schmaltzy lines:


"If we die...we die together" (goes in for a kiss)

Later, when they regain consciousness, collapsed together on the floor: "If dis is hell...it not so bad."


And a brief yet lovely nod to the importance of consent...


When Rogue accused him of stealing a kiss from her (not knowing that a shapeshifter had taken her form and enticed him) "Gambit don't NEVER go where he's not invited!"

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Damn. I'm going to break out the dvds and watch this again, aren't I? You are all making me nostalgic!!!


I remember enjoying the episode where the X-Men are stuck in some jungle under a cloud in the arctic and there's some force-field which renders their powers obsolete. I liked seeing them try to cope with fighting etc. without their default being available. Also, as someone who cheered for Gambit and Rogue, I think I spent an embarrassingly large amount of time yelling "why aren't you kissing???" at the screen. ;)


On that topic, even as a young'un watching the show, I remember being puzzled by the Rogue/Gambit "touch" problem. If she held skin-to-skin contact for too long, she could hurt someone, right? And for a mutant, she'll temporarily have their powers, right? So, stick to QUICK touches/caresses! And if you want to prolong the touch, just take precautions. I mean, if you wanna kiss, just put some plastic film between your faces! Wear gloves and hold hands. Cuddle while clothed. What's the big deal? Wanna have sex? Stay mostly clothed and add a condom. Problem solved. Ahem. I think I spent too much time thinking about this. :D

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Wear gloves and hold hands. Cuddle while clothed. What's the big deal? Wanna have sex? Stay mostly clothed and add a condom. Problem solved. Ahem. I think I spent too much time thinking about this. :D


You are far from the only one who a) had options and b) thought too much about it. I think anyone who read comics on the regular and certainly those who wrote fanfic came up with any number of ways those two could get it on without Gambit getting zapped.


And the thing is, it wasn't prolonged touch that did it. Basically, whenever Rogue touched anyone for a moment she absorbed them... prolonged contact made it extremely dangerous and unlikely that the victim would recover. Prolonged contact is how Rogue permanently absorbed Carol Danvers. So the show was following comic continuity as it was then. Any touch from Rogue was dangerous but could be recovered from... prolonged contact was far more dangerous.


But seriously, so many people came up with options it was ridiculous how long it took Marvel to finally move forward. I mean... years and years and years later. The downside is... I don't even recognize comic Rogue anymore.

Having watched most of the show again over the summer, I think the writers wrote their relationship inconsistently.  Especially in season 4 and 5, which was odd, given how their relationship was developed over the first 3 seasons.  But I think the show in general took a dip in quality after the Dark Phoenix arc, though the Apocalypse/time travel stuff was interesting.  His hyperbolic monologues are the stuff of legend.

I also like the episode with Nightcrawler finding out about Mystique---I tear up at the ending when Mystique turns to Nightcrawler and as she cries and starts talking, she's blasted off the bridge--an emotional scene to me...and for the longest time, it's still one of my favorites, but one of my all-time favorites was always the Season 1 finale with the X-Men and Magneto teaming up against Master Mold and the Sentinels...I can still see the Professor piloting the blackbird into Master Mold...actually I can watch Season 1 over and over, I just love it.


Speaking of Mystique I did like how Rogue wouldn't harm Mystique even though she could if she wanted to. In a Rogue's Tale she just put Mystique gently down on the roof towards the end of the episode and when Mystique was going to frame Gambit for the assassination of the President, instead of having the X-Men capture Mystique, Rogue got her out of there. Even in "Come the Apocalypse" or "The Cure" forgot which one when Mystique told Rogue about Apocalypse's plans to turn mutants into his Horseman Rogue just let her go while Mystique instead shot her.



On that topic, even as a young'un watching the show, I remember being puzzled by the Rogue/Gambit "touch" problem. If she held skin-to-skin contact for too long, she could hurt someone, right? And for a mutant, she'll temporarily have their powers, right? So, stick to QUICK touches/caresses! And if you want to prolong the touch, just take precautions. I mean, if you wanna kiss, just put some plastic film between your faces! Wear gloves and hold hands. Cuddle while clothed. What's the big deal? Wanna have sex? Stay mostly clothed and add a condom. Problem solved. Ahem. I think I spent too much time thinking about this. :D


I think they were a little inconsistent with Rogue's "touch" problem. Like when she touched Wolverine in the "Night of the Sentinels", Pyro, Ms. Marvel, the Pilot, Mystique, Cody, in "A Rogue's Tale" along with the Cop, and Jean Grey/Phoenix you know it didn't make her scream like she was in pain but when she touched Juggernaut, Sauron, Archangel, and when an angry mob touched her in the "Nightcrawler" episode she screamed out like it hurt. So I was like is it people that she touches for a long period of time that makes her scream? Cause when she touched Ms. Marvel & Jean Grey/Phoenix it was for a good lengthy time and she didn't scream, well except for Jean she did but that was cause the Phoenix blasted her off of her.

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I do hold this cartoon responsible for the 98% of Rogue/Gambit fanficcers insisting that Gambit constantly spoke in the 3rd person. "Remy thinks dis... Gambit feels dat." Ugh. He had one quote in the comics "Don't nobody know that Gambit likes a challenge" -- ONE. And it became a thing. Such a ridiculous thing that it became hard to listen to. Period.


And Remy is one of my absolute favorite X-characters.


I liked a lot of the cartoon but I really hated the way they portrayed Jean (another one of my all time favorites.) It was absolutely inconceivable to me that they had Jean constantly fainting when she is significantly more powerful in the comics even without the Phoenix Force (and I'm not even going to get into what the various retcons of the Phoenix Force even involve.) But I also had trouble when they took a storyline from the comics and tried to tie it into the cartoon team. I think they did as good a job with the Phoenix storyline as they could but that's such a major storyline all the way through that it always fell short. Not as badly as the movies did. (Holy crap, do not get me started.)


The X-men have a long history of having really great, layered, powerful women in their ranks so to see them get marginalized so much in the cartoon was very frustrating.

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Kinda feel the same way about Storm, she's one of the most powerful women in the X-Men universe but she would on more than one occasion be taken out of action first. Now I understand for the cartoon they probably had to dwindle down Jean and Storm's powers and not make them so powerful but Jean's fainting and klutzy behavior was just silly as well as Storm being taken out by a single blast.


I'm gonna talk about the movie briefly or lengthy depends on how you look at it lol, but it drew me away the first one that I could barely look at the sequels to it. Cause Anna Paquin is no Rogue, there was no Gambit and barely used in the Wolverine: Origins film, gave Storm the worst line in movie history with that toad lightning crap plus Halle is no Storm, and Famke was just ill suited to play Jean. One of my favorite villains Sabretooth just looked stupid and I love Sabretooth in the comics and the animated series.

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Notice when it was Rogue, Gambit, Wolverine, and Beast against the Nasty Boys when they went to save Jean & Cyclops. When Rogue saved Gambit from Gorgeous George, he wrapped himself around Rogue and she spun him off of her. You seen him fly like a good couple of feet or maybe yards away from her but Slab calls out to Rogue and Gorgeous lands on Slab and the next shot you see Rogue looking down at them. That's just not possible.

Got redirected to the Japanese intros by TVTropes.

Damn, why couldn't we get these guys? Beast isn't being Blue Brian Griffin, the team is slaughtering the Brood, and Wolverine and Omega Red are Ninja Gaiden-jumping off walls while attacking each other. And while the Honest Trailer does bring me back . . . I maintain that X-Men: Evolution was the better series.

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Here's a favorite of mine from this show - and one I sometimes quote... I may not get it word for word though. In the scene Storm offers Hank an apple, reminiscent of the garden of Eden.

Hank: As a scientist, I have always resisted the notion that it was knowledge that destroyed paradise.

Edited by AwesomO4000
On 9/30/2016 at 5:09 AM, AndySmith said:

I liked Famke as Jean. I thought it was good casting.

At least compared to Anna Paquin who seemed very out of place.  Personally, I thought Kelsey Grammar was weird yet inspired casting (and the only good idea of X-Men 3.)

I loved rediscovering the series on Netflix.  Binged my way through 4.5 seasons.  The less said about the final episodes, the better. 

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21 minutes ago, The Crazed Spruce said:

You guys know that this forum's for the 90's animated series, and not the movies, right?  Quicksilver only showed up in, like, two episodes.

Interesting episodes; The Twins meeting their father for the 1st time and a 2-parter dealing with an alien SPIRE (Phalanx)! Magneto was coming off a lot better! ;-)XMen043.jpg

6 hours ago, Jeebus Cripes said:

So, I'm watching this on Disney+, and I was super excited but the quality is for shit. Even the audio is lagging in spots like they uploaded it from an old VHS tape from someone's basement. Come on, Disney! I've seen clearer rips on YouTube!

Really? I'll have to check it out. So far, I've been fortunate enough (fingers, toes, legs, eyes crossed) to have no issues with the service or any of the movies I've watched so far. The quality is amazing. Just as if I were in the theater!

16 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

Really? I'll have to check it out. So far, I've been fortunate enough (fingers, toes, legs, eyes crossed) to have no issues with the service or any of the movies I've watched so far. The quality is amazing. Just as if I were in the theater!

Well, I watched the Avengers cartoon, not the Assemble one, but the one from 2010, and that one was really crisp with no issues. X-Men looks terrible, though. I mean, when the repeats air on television they don't look this bad, so I know there is footage that isn't balls. I'm not sure what the deal is. 

Oh Jeebus! Paging @Dandesun!!!!!

I've been watching this on Disney + and even checked IMDB to see if Disney mucked up in the order of airing, but apparently not! I'm thinking that when Fox originally aired these (as well as the dvds were packaged), they aired them out of order, but in order of continuity so it would make SENSE!

To whit:

Disney + have the Phoenix Saga, then the Dark Phoenix Saga, then "Orphan's End" and THEN "No Mutant is an Island"! And in the previouslies before "Orphan's End" they show Emma Frost talking to that asshat, Sebastian? I can't remember--dude with the Black Hair, about what she felt when Lilandra succeeded in contacting Xavier, I think it was. You know, when that HUGE psychic blast hit, and it affected all telepaths. And because I've been watching in order, from the Disney streaming, I haven't seen the episode where Emma, that twat said that line.

Help a pal out. What is supposed to be the order? Because I swear, it made sense when I watched them on DVD. I mean, when does Jean show up, after "No Mutant is an Island" when Xavier tells Scott that Jean's alive? She's just...there, with no 'splanation how she's alive and has shown up?

That said, this show SUCKED when it came to Alex/Havok and Scott/Cyclops. I mean, after Scott is reunited with Corsair, his thought to be dead Daddy, other than Scott's question to him as to whether he'd come back if he'd known he and Alex were still alive, we got NOTHING about Alex/Havok. Or how he and Scott were separated. OR that they learned they were brothers. Just that fight in "Cold Comfort" which wasn't enough, DAMMIT.

And was the plot in "A Rogue's Tale", where Rogue stole Miss Marvel/Carol's powers and ability to fly, something the show made up?

I really wish that Warren's skin had turned back to normal after Rogue took away his EVUHLNESS. I mean, he got his original hair back! Why not his normal skin tone AND feathery wings, instead of the metal monstrosity?

Okay, I figured it out. It's the streaming service that has the episodes listed to play OUT OF ORDER. You have Dark Phoenix Part II, Part III, Part IV, and then Part I! You have "Lotus and the Steel" airing after the Phoenix Sagas, yet, it makes references to "Proteus" and "Weapon X, Lies and Videotape", which are slated under the Season 4 season. And according to imdb, "Lotus and the Steel" should also be in season 4 (midseason), but it's under season 3 in Disney +. "Nightcrawler" and "Weapon X, Lies and Videotape" are supposed to be under Season 3.

So, we got an 'splanation that Jean just showed up after disappearing into the sun in "Child of Light", by that TWAT, Emma Frost. But we never actually got a full, stand alone episode, where Xavier or even Scott, found her.

And while we met Warren in "The Cure" no one remembered him as one of Xavier's first students, yet, yet, in "Proteus" while Xavier is remembering his past--how Moira dumped him for Patrick, and he married? that redhead, who also left him because what Xavier wanted to do was not what "she signed up for" or whatever, we saw his first students--Hank, Scott, Jean, and oh, LOOK! It's Warren!

That's the problem with watching all of these as a marathon watch! You see all the inconsistencies and continuity gaffes.

I'm trying to understand Silver Fox's anger and sense of betrayal. And I do for the most part. What I don't understand, and makes me want to bop her, is her extreme anger toward Logan in "Weapon X, Lies and Videotape." As if HE'S the one who installed false memories into her brain. 

You know what I remember? I remember them holding off on 'No Mutant is an Island' when this shit originally aired. I mean, I was THERE for the whole build up... I was taping that shit so I could see how they did the whole Phoenix thing and 'No Mutant is an Island' didn't air until AFTER the Dark Phoenix saga which made no sense at the time!!

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19 minutes ago, Dandesun said:

You know what I remember? I remember them holding off on 'No Mutant is an Island' when this shit originally aired. I mean, I was THERE for the whole build up... I was taping that shit so I could see how they did the whole Phoenix thing and 'No Mutant is an Island' didn't air until AFTER the Dark Phoenix saga which made no sense at the time!!

It STILL doesn't make sense! It's OBVIOUS, from just watching that "No Mutant is an Island" takes place after the Phoenix Saga ONE. BEFORE Dark Phoenix Saga! 

Why do streaming services MUCK up the the ORDER of the episodes and how they SHOULD be aired? You know, like, IN ORDER.

On top of all that, because I am SO THERE with you, during the entire build up, anxious, foregoing watching my soaps! While watching this saga--to find out if Jean would come back; HOW? And would we find out what happened to Alex, they FUCKED UP that reunion as well. Meaning I didn't get to see Scott find out that Havok was Alex. Or that there was a reunion with father and his two sons. I'm somehow, more PISSED about that! And I was and still am pretty LIVID over the lack of a bridge, if you will, to show us, how Jean returned. Instead we get that bint, Emma telling Shaw how she Jean was found washed up against the rocks. We didn't get to see Phoenix announce she was taking over and refused to leave. BAH!

Hey! I have the Graphic Novel of this! Somewhere. I need to dig it out to find out if the comics did a better job!

I very much prefer this show, warts and continuity fuck-ups and all, to Evolution. Do NOT get me started on the other shows.

But seriously. They should have just cancelled the show after the fourth season, instead of the nonsense and fillers that made up the "fifth" season.

First, that hideous animation. To the point where I didn't even recognize Gyrich who tased Xavier with that gadget interrupter--that apparently, killed him. Riiiiiight. I thought it Creed again.

But Scott's grief and tears was the only thing that got to me in "Graduation Day."

But I did like "Old Soldiers." Loved seeing Steve/Captain America.

Can someone, who is familiar with the comic story of "Beyond Good and Evil" who that person was, that kept baiting Bishop?

I really wish we'd gotten to "meet" Dr. Strange here--we saw him in Xavier's memory, and also when Jean became Phoenix--that huge mental blast.

But I also hate that know it all, Bishop. Especially in "Days of Future Past." "The X-Men are the ASSASSINS! I gotta KILL them! for the FUTURE!!!!" No, no, it's Gambit! "YOU'RE the ASSASSIN! for the FUTURE!!!!" Idiot. Just jumps to conclusions instead of listening or trying to figure out who it could be.

On 12/2/2019 at 4:08 PM, GHScorpiosRule said:

And was the plot in "A Rogue's Tale", where Rogue stole Miss Marvel/Carol's powers and ability to fly, something the show made up?

Nope, mostly completely true.    Avengers Annual #10 from 1981.

Rogue, as a member of the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, absorbed Carol's powers and put her in a coma for several years (years in OUR lifetime, anyway).  The Brotherhood then attacked the Avengers.

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, Twilight Man said:

Nope, mostly completely true.    Avengers Annual #10 from 1981.

Rogue, as a member of the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, absorbed Carol's powers and put her in a coma for several years (years in OUR lifetime, anyway).  The Brotherhood then attacked the Avengers.

Thanks @Twilight Man!

Lord, but is that depiction of Rogue makes her look downright FUGLY.

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
19 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

Thanks @Twilight Man!

Lord, but is that depiction of Rogue makes her look downright FUGLY.

Man, I was JUST telling a friend about Rogue's origin the other day. And yeah, her depiction in her villain years kind of suggested that she was middle aged and rather homely. But she's actually a kid... like older than Kitty but younger or the same age as Piotr. Then there were the migrating stripes. I think, perhaps, the dual stripes on the side of her head contributed to the middle-aged look.

Anyway, it wasn't just that she absorbed Carol almost completely, she then tossed her off the Golden Gate Bridge! Jessica Drew ended up saving Carol. The whole thing was written like a prophecy from the Oracle of Delphi... which usually end up being self fulfilling. Destiny had a premonition that Carol was a danger to Rogue and Mystique was like 'I'll kill her if I have to then' and Rogue only heard part of the conversation so she hunted down Carol to protect her mother and... boom.

So when Rogue went to the X-Men for help they were like 'FUCK OFF!' and Charles went 'Now hold on a moment...' Carol had come to the X-Men after waking up from her coma and Charles helped her reconnect to her memories as much as she was able to. She was very good friends with Logan and all of the X-Men were allies so when Rogue showed up they were pretty much against doing anything for her. Charles pointed out that rehabilitation was her only hope and argued that Logan's dark history was set aside for the potential he had as a hero. Ultimately, Rogue took a shot that Viper intended for Mariko and Logan, saving their lives and almost losing hers in the process. Whatever Viper shot at them with got through Rogue's invulnerability and Logan offered her his healing factor to help her survive. Basically, Rogue stepping up to put her life on the line for Mariko made things pretty square for her and Logan.

During this time Carol was out becoming Binary and bopping around with the Starjammers so when she returned to the mansion she saw Rogue and punched her hard enough to send her into orbit. The X-Men had to explain that Rogue had come for help and they were working with her. Carol was NOT happy. She understood the underlying reasons but she wasn't going to stick around and be a part of it so she buggered off to space again for awhile. 

Anyway, the Carol/Rogue dynamic is one they revisit once in a while. Even just recently in the current Captain Marvel book. Those scars run deep.

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, Dandesun said:

Man, I was JUST telling a friend about Rogue's origin the other day. And yeah, her depiction in her villain years kind of suggested that she was middle aged and rather homely. But she's actually a kid... like older than Kitty but younger or the same age as Piotr. Then there were the migrating stripes. I think, perhaps, the dual stripes on the side of her head contributed to the middle-aged look.

Anyway, it wasn't just that she absorbed Carol almost completely, she then tossed her off the Golden Gate Bridge! Jessica Drew ended up saving Carol. The whole thing was written like a prophecy from the Oracle of Delphi... which usually end up being self fulfilling. Destiny had a premonition that Carol was a danger to Rogue and Mystique was like 'I'll kill her if I have to then' and Rogue only heard part of the conversation so she hunted down Carol to protect her mother and... boom.

So when Rogue went to the X-Men for help they were like 'FUCK OFF!' and Charles went 'Now hold on a moment...' Carol had come to the X-Men after waking up from her coma and Charles helped her reconnect to her memories as much as she was able to. She was very good friends with Logan and all of the X-Men were allies so when Rogue showed up they were pretty much against doing anything for her. Charles pointed out that rehabilitation was her only hope and argued that Logan's dark history was set aside for the potential he had as a hero. Ultimately, Rogue took a shot that Viper intended for Mariko and Logan, saving their lives and almost losing hers in the process. Whatever Viper shot at them with got through Rogue's invulnerability and Logan offered her his healing factor to help her survive. Basically, Rogue stepping up to put her life on the line for Mariko made things pretty square for her and Logan.

During this time Carol was out becoming Binary and bopping around with the Starjammers so when she returned to the mansion she saw Rogue and punched her hard enough to send her into orbit. The X-Men had to explain that Rogue had come for help and they were working with her. Carol was NOT happy. She understood the underlying reasons but she wasn't going to stick around and be a part of it so she buggered off to space again for awhile. 

Anyway, the Carol/Rogue dynamic is one they revisit once in a while. Even just recently in the current Captain Marvel book. Those scars run deep.

Thanks for this background, @Dandesun! You're MY wikipedia!😘

When did Carol regain her strength and flying abilities? Because you know, with this show, we only saw that Carol smiled in "A Rogue's Tale" and one of the cons of this show was its habit of dropping story lines or not revisiting! Like Scott* and Alex* learning they were brothers! The gap between the Two Phoenix stories where Jean** returned to the X-Men.

And the scene where Mystique reveals that she's Rogue's adopted mama...really? She adopted her when she was "four" and what, disappeared right before Rogue got her powers? Because in the flashback where she kissed Cody, Her Daddy done kicked her out and she was 13 then. Where was her precious Mama then? Showed up to make her a would be, gentler villain on this show?


*Yeah, gonna keep beating this particular dead horse.

**Yeah, still beating this one, too.

8 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

Thanks for this background, @Dandesun! You're MY wikipedia!😘

When did Carol regain her strength and flying abilities? Because you know, with this show, we only saw that Carol smiled in "A Rogue's Tale" and one of the cons of this show was its habit of dropping story lines or not revisiting! Like Scott* and Alex* learning they were brothers! The gap between the Two Phoenix stories where Jean** returned to the X-Men.

And the scene where Mystique reveals that she's Rogue's adopted mama...really? She adopted her when she was "four" and what, disappeared right before Rogue got her powers? Because in the flashback where she kissed Cody, Her Daddy done kicked her out and she was 13 then. Where was her precious Mama then? Showed up to make her a would be, gentler villain on this show?


*Yeah, gonna keep beating this particular dead horse.

**Yeah, still beating this one, too.

She only got powers again during her excursions in space with the Starjammers and Shi'ar. This was the first Brood saga (the one where they went to space and Storm became bonded with a space whale -- really, as opposed to the one where the Brood crash-landed on Earth and turned mutants into Brood) and the Brood actually subjected Carol to an evolutionary ray that jump-started super powers in her. Before that, even though Rogue had permanently drained of her of her powers and memories, Carol's becoming Ms. Marvel in the first place altered her on a genetic level so she was at absolute peak human abilities.

Anyway, the evolutionary ray energized her and she was super surprised at how great she felt after it and in the midst of trying to escape the Brood she discovered the new Binary powers. Claremont really liked giving his ladies cosmic powers. Hell, in the Captain Marvel movie she goes full on Binary when she glows and her hair is all floaty. I mean, they can't do that story because of all the reasons but it was cool to see her in that capacity all the same.

As for the other stuff in X:TAS... that's why it became so hard for me to deal with stories they pulled out of the comics. They didn't have the history established and that's fair but when you start trying to bring up stories with these rich histories but you can't actually do it right, it got frustrating for me.

  • Love 2
5 minutes ago, Dandesun said:

As for the other stuff in X:TAS... that's why it became so hard for me to deal with stories they pulled out of the comics. They didn't have the history established and that's fair but when you start trying to bring up stories with these rich histories but you can't actually do it right, it got frustrating for me.

I wish I could LIKE this a gazillionmilliontrillion times.

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