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Danielle and Mohamed: The Original Mess

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7 hours ago, CoachWristletJen said:

Does anyone know how many of these women there were in total? Ballpark figure?

When Mo hastily departed for sunnier climes, he left behind piles of Western Union receipts from various women scattered over the U.S. and Canada. He recently boasted that he gets so many friend requests per day, that he can't handle them all. One of his FB accounts topped out at the limit: 5000

Last year, he and his online bestie Maria created on online website for single women with children called MJ Help. It included a few advice tips pilfered from other sites but also alluded to "personal investment tips" that the great Mo would offer via personal messages. The site was quickly closed down as a phishing site but Mo has recently announced plans to create another one as well as his own YouTube channel. 

As a con artist, Mohamed is very, very talented. The NY mistress was highly educated. Her only mistake was believing everything Mohamed told her, even after she caught him lying. The woman from New Brunswick believed, on his word alone, that Mohamed had the requisite skills to start and run a business with her. The other contributors to his personal fortune believed the BS that he's currently peddling on TV: he's just a lonely guy, abused in his marriage, looking for love with that special someone. I don't know the secret of his success but it's undeniable. 

  • Love 5

I don't know how the erotomania works, but I've seen how con artists work and romance scams look similar. 

Engaging the target comes first and talented cons seem to sense which people are most vulnerable. Sometimes it's just a matter of timing. A normally logical even skeptical person may be going through a rough patch. I guess in Mo's case, finding "single women with children" who have recently separated is a good hunting ground. 

So the first step is not gaining the target's trust, it's pretending to give trust: "I'm so unhappy, I only feel comfortable talking to you, I know you are here for me".....you can see Mo doing this in his early scenes with Luisa. But then step two, how do you get the target to invest? Not just invest money but also invest her future? I think once that Rubicon is crossed, then it's easy sailing. Dani had already invested financially in her ideal fiancé. So when she confided to Angie before the wedding that she was "feeling pressured", the logical thing would be to call a halt. NY mistress knew at a certain stage that she'd been lied to by Mohamed. But she was also invested in her future with him. Even con victims who only invest money have the same tendency to hang in there in the hope, the ever diminishing hope, that it will all work out somehow. 

If Mo is raking in as much money as I think he is, then he's become a master at this by now. He publicly states that he does not want anyone to send him money.  He knows that he's been caught doing this before so best to be careful. But it's a brilliant move because it means that only those women who are very, very special to him are allowed to make donations. Donations he never asks for outright but rather suggests: "I'm so sad my bicycle was stolen". 

  • Love 8
23 hours ago, CoachWristletJen said:


It is very sad to watch the girls! I noticed how each one coped when they aired that rerun of Danielle & Mohamed So Far.  Danielle has a meltdown because Mohamed's phone of course doesn't work in the U.S.  Faith tries to reason with her. Her pretty long-haired daughter looks away. And, her other daughter, the spunky, Danielle clone, sits there like a sponge, soaking it all in, like this is how you behave over a man. Just awful!

She is starting to sound straight up SCARY! I am really starting to understand what Mohamed is talking about! She admitted to blocking doors to that he couldn't get out.  And, he sounds like a peaceable fellow who is not going to try to shove her out of the way.  And let's face it, the lady is built to block an entire door. That's just a fact. 

Not to mention the fact that she locked him in a room? WHAT? She's treating him like an item she purchased, and not like a human being.

Mo also said  try to live with danielle and then talk to me... maybe we dont know what happens in closed doors.. ive never seen her cook ive seen him cook... maybe she isnt proper or something...

  • Love 1
20 minutes ago, Verojama said:

Mo also said  try to live with danielle and then talk to me... maybe we dont know what happens in closed doors.. ive never seen her cook ive seen him cook... maybe she isnt proper or something...

Except that: 1. he's a liar and 2. he had three months before the marriage to figure out what Danielle was all about. 

Even one of his panty dripper fans said Mo hated staying at Danielle's place but he really wants that Green Card!

  • Love 4
2 hours ago, Verojama said:

Mo also said  try to live with danielle and then talk to me... maybe we dont know what happens in closed doors.. ive never seen her cook ive seen him cook... maybe she isnt proper or something...

Remember, we see her clothed and usually wearing makeup, not walking around the house in her underwear or half naked after bath.

  • Love 2

I knew that due to recent activity there would be strong anti-Mo sentiment presented, but I had no idea what a virtual treasure trove.

So, I still have to say, I think he's not a bad person. 

I guess I'll have to read a lot more before making a final decision.

Meanwhile, Danielle wants him deported solely for the purpose of importing another one!  To her, these foreign men are disposable, like tissues, to be locked in bedrooms and treated like objects.  With her fancy ripped jeans and freshly dyed hair, she is ready to hunt! 

[That's assuming she can even bear to have him leave the country at all! I think all Mo would have to do is flash those pearly whites at her and she would melt and do his bidding once again.  I'm pretty sure that's what will happen. She rolled over on her own daughters. There's nothing to stop her from rolling over on her strong-willed friend, Beth]

When it comes to, as Cassia calls it, Prostoots, I've always been in very sympathetic towards the sex workers and not at all sympathetic towards the johns. Danielle is the john. [Although I suppose it could be argued she's a bit of a Shirley Valentine, I still feel sorry for the people who have to do the "work."]

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, CoachWristletJen said:

I knew that due to recent activity there would be strong anti-Mo sentiment presented, but I had no idea what a virtual treasure trove.

It's definitely a fascinating journey and one I hadn't counted on two years ago when a friend told me "there's a documentary about Immigration on at 8pm, you'll like it".....

I originally thought that there must have been some ghastly misunderstanding. Perhaps Mo's family had paid Danielle for a marriage of convenience (a rumor to that effect sprang up on these very pages way back then) and the old dear hadn't gotten the memo about what was involved (no sex or touching, please). Or perhaps Mo's English had been so poor, he mistakenly thought he was entering a home visit program for foreign students, only to find that he was expected to sleep with the house mother. 

Alas, the truth (and it was out there) was much more sinister and depressing. And yes, it was comical at first to see the obliviousness of Danielle to the reality of what was playing out in front of her. The words on her tombstone will be: "There's still no proof, I'm not even sick."

But Mohamed's true character was emerging too. For me, it was his mistreatment of his mistress who-- along with so many others-- had believed his sad stories of life with the horrific Danielle. When she stopped handing over money to him so easily, he rejected her without a second thought. Worse, he enlisted his online supporter to eviscerate her publicly on Facebook. He compared her to an STD: easy to get, hard to get rid of. He encouraged second mistress to post exchanges in which they either bemoaned the fact she wasn't coming up with money fast enough or laughed at her for buying his story in the first place. 

The really sad thing to witness is that over and over again, the women in this story choose to support the good looking con artist instead of the other bruised women. If only the women stopped going after each other (Danielle being the worst offender, constantly blaming women for chasing her husband) then there might be a happy ending to this story.  Yet constantly we hear instead a variation of "she deserved it". She's too ugly for him, so what else could he do? He is not the agent of his own actions-- those horrible women made him do it. Then to turn on the news and hear one of your Presidential candidates doing the same thing: "Just look at her. She wouldn't be my first choice"....It's all pretty depressing.

Edited by realitymaven
  • Love 9

There is more tea in this thread than there is in both India and China combined. A million thanks. 

I can't believe someone would send give his ass $40k. It just boggles the mind. It also infuriates me that he seems to be winning. He talks and interacts with women like he hates them - even the ones he is supposedly trying to woo & swindle.

Mo is either gonna end up on an episode of Dateline for being indicted on many counts of felony fraud (his website shenanigans sound sketchy as all be damned) or on an episode of Snapped because one of those vulnerable women are gonna lose it and kill his smarmy ass.  I wouldn't be able to find an ounce of sympathy or a tear to shed for either scenario.

21 hours ago, Celia Rubenstein said:

The bloom didn't take long to fall off that rose, did it?  HA.  I typically am not one to wish bad things to upon people unless they really piss me off, but I really wish that Luisa had managed to burn Mohamed much worse than she did before she took off.  Just leaving him in Florida to fend for himself was not enough.  Sure, seeing him wandering around in the mis-matched last pieces of clothing he had clean was great, and seeing the run down little motel he had to move into was fun.  But I wish she had caused him to spend his last penny before she abandoned him.  I wanted to see him sleeping under a bridge and making tomato soup out of ketchup packets just to have something to eat.  I wanted him to have to call Danielle begging her to wire him money so he could come home.  And I wanted her to tell him NO.  


This is glorious. 

Note to self: don't piss off Celia Rubenstein

19 hours ago, realitymaven said:

I heard that the show producers were the one who arranged for Mo to see a lawyer on the day of his wedding. I think he was genuinely shocked to find out that it would take longer than expected for him to get his "how you call it.. the Green Card". Then they showed him on the phone blasting someone in Arabic. "I never wanted to come here"  I think he was talking to his bro and friend in Canada: he never wanted to come to the U.S., he wanted to come to Canada. In fact, when he left Danielle two weeks after the wedding he tried to get Halal Potatoes Angie to drive him to Canada. 

The 'how you call it... Green Card' with his attorney Frodo Baggins never fails to crack my shit up. LOL! There was absolutely no pause between the rhetorical question and the answer. You know damn well what its called Mo. 

One thing I loved about that pre-wedding conversation with the mystery phone friend was Mo saying every direction he turns he loses. LOL! If only that were true now and always. 

Edited by islandgal140
  • Love 11
On 10/7/2016 at 11:05 AM, Virtually Me said:




She filed for an annulment on the basis of fraud and adultery.  The timing for an annulment for fraud runs two years from the time the fraud is discovered during the marriage, not from the date of the marriage.

I still have trouble understanding New York mistress. How could anyone competent enough to earn the kind of money necessary to cloak Mo in Burberry behave as stupidly as she did? It had to be her husband's money, right? Unless she just had some kind of compartmentalized, mad skill someplace.

She had a husband and a son, and she threw that away to be thrown away, by Mo?

I will give her kudos for the timing of the pseudo-pregnancy announcement. That was slick and it got her an anonymous appearance on the follow-up special, thanks to Danny's hysteria. I'm sure it was calculated drama on Carine's part.

However, then she posted a bunch of stuff about how she laid awake all night crying her eyes out when she heard Mo and Dani were divorcing? Excuse me? You above all people knew how fake their marriage was at that point! And, you were toying with Danielle like a bug. Why the pity all of a sudden? 

I have no doubt that this woman was absolutely ate up and in love with [infatuated with] Mohamed. All arrows point to that.

Oh, and what's up with Carine's stupid husband? Hopefully he had the sense to leave. If not, then Jorge probably has more backbone than he does.

But why torment Danielle? And then pretend to grieve her marriage? At the very least she should have known we all saw through that sh%t.

And, as sick as Dani was, even she refused Carine's hand of friendship. 

You know it's bad when Dani is shaking her little head going, "Nah uh. Too toxic!"  Poor Dani probably even posted a few memes about it, too.

  • Love 2
22 hours ago, realitymaven said:

I forgot an extra detail. This mistress had just been released from hospital but Mo's big concern was how that would affect the money flow. And even better, he was getting ready to fly back from South Carolina where, unbeknownst to NY mistress, he had just had an oil and lube job from Luisa.  Whatta guy!

1013 copy.jpg

Reminds me of Michael Douglas as Liberace. "When you have a sad face, I have a sad face." 

Was Carine the Vietnamese-French mistress in NYC?

  • Love 2
8 hours ago, realitymaven said:

As a con artist, Mohamed is very, very talented. The NY mistress was highly educated. Her only mistake was believing everything Mohamed told her, even after she caught him lying. The woman from New Brunswick believed, on his word alone, that Mohamed had the requisite skills to start and run a business with her. The other contributors to his personal fortune believed the BS that he's currently peddling on TV: he's just a lonely guy, abused in his marriage, looking for love with that special someone. I don't know the secret of his success but it's undeniable. 

On an almost primal level, women tend to be attracted to very strong, confident men - the alpha males - who Pay Attention To Them.

But plenty of women just aren't going to get an alpha. For these women - who are 1-4 on the attractiveness scale, while the alpha male is a 10 - it's not going to happen. He's looking for 9s and 10s and getting them.

Unfortunately, women like Dani & The Groupies tend to confuse alpha behaviour (strong and confident) with asshole behaviour (rude, shitty, and even abusive.) But if can *feel* like alpha behaviour, at least at first ("He's so strong!") so they keep hanging on. And if/when the guy pulls away, they chase him even more because we always want what we can't have.

Mo isn't an alpha, but women like Dani and his on-line groupies think he is. They're being sucked in by asshole behaviour, not alpha behaviour. He's kinda the poor woman's alpha. And it's awful, but it also explains why so many women stay in abusive relationships.

I realize none of this is politically correct, but Nature isn't politically correct. And it's playing out right in front of our eyes on TV and, no doubt, among people we know personally.

  • Love 12

Plus, Mo seems to have the lost little boy routine down pretty well. A lot of his women talked about his vast potential. WTF? An uneducated, illiterate blank slate with a gift for BS.... no, he's the second coming of Stephen Hawking or Steve Jobs!

48 minutes ago, okerry said:

And it's playing out right in front of our eyes on TV and, no doubt, among people we know personally.

I've seen it play out with women in love with their oh so adoring incarcerated boyfriends. Of course once said boyfriend is sprung from the pen, it's completely different. Quel surpris! 

  • Love 2
9 hours ago, realitymaven said:

When Mo hastily departed for sunnier climes, he left behind piles of Western Union receipts from various women scattered over the U.S. and Canada. He recently boasted that he gets so many friend requests per day, that he can't handle them all. One of his FB accounts topped out at the limit: 5000

Last year, he and his online bestie Maria created on online website for single women with children called MJ Help. It included a few advice tips pilfered from other sites but also alluded to "personal investment tips" that the great Mo would offer via personal messages. The site was quickly closed down as a phishing site but Mo has recently announced plans to create another one as well as his own YouTube channel. 

As a con artist, Mohamed is very, very talented. The NY mistress was highly educated. Her only mistake was believing everything Mohamed told her, even after she caught him lying. The woman from New Brunswick believed, on his word alone, that Mohamed had the requisite skills to start and run a business with her. The other contributors to his personal fortune believed the BS that he's currently peddling on TV: he's just a lonely guy, abused in his marriage, looking for love with that special someone. I don't know the secret of his success but it's undeniable. 

So I would guess this is what Luisa was referring to when she threatened to expose the real Mohamed and then said to the camera crew that Mo would eventually "get caught" but refused to explain what she meant.  Hmm.  Interesting. 

Well, I will say this much ... Mohamed is way more ambitious than I would have thought.  I figured he was just a run-of-the-mill leech who just wanted some dumb woman to pay his bills and buy his food and keep him in ugly polo shirts that show off his moobs.  But it turns out the guy is probably a full-fledged con artist.  He's a lot more sophisticated than I thought. 

I really hope he gets what's coming to him.  And that it involves the words "Tunisia" and "prison." 

  • Love 10
10 hours ago, realitymaven said:

When Mo hastily departed for sunnier climes, he left behind piles of Western Union receipts from various women scattered over the U.S. and Canada. He recently boasted that he gets so many friend requests per day, that he can't handle them all. One of his FB accounts topped out at the limit: 5000

Last year, he and his online bestie Maria created on online website for single women with children called MJ Help. It included a few advice tips pilfered from other sites but also alluded to "personal investment tips" that the great Mo would offer via personal messages. The site was quickly closed down as a phishing site but Mo has recently announced plans to create another one as well as his own YouTube channel. 

As a con artist, Mohamed is very, very talented. The NY mistress was highly educated. Her only mistake was believing everything Mohamed told her, even after she caught him lying. The woman from New Brunswick believed, on his word alone, that Mohamed had the requisite skills to start and run a business with her. The other contributors to his personal fortune believed the BS that he's currently peddling on TV: he's just a lonely guy, abused in his marriage, looking for love with that special someone. I don't know the secret of his success but it's undeniable. 

Why did I just think of the movie Midnight Cowboy? All he needs is a Ratso Rizzie to serve as his pimp and the picture would be complete. Or maybe he is Ratso Rizzie?

Mo may appear talented but he is nowhere near as smart as he thinks he is. He is arrogant and can't seem to maintain a pleasing disposition if the money isn't coming in fast enough. He also immediately shuts down and gets a sourpuss if he isn't getting his proper R.E.S.P.E.C.T.  

Also, his situation with Danielle has introduced him to all these fish in a barrel women. I wonder if the show would still be interested in him alone or will he forever have to be engaged in drama with her in order to get airtime? 

  • Love 2
20 hours ago, realitymaven said:

Mo's younger bro and his best friend were already in Canada in 2012 when Mo cyber-met Dani. Canada, unlike the U.S. had a policy at that time (since changed) that as soon as the foreigner marries, he gets his permanent record status. No conditions, no waiting. So there were a lot of high profile stories of Canadian spouses being abandoned as soon as the wedding documents were done. 

I heard that the show producers were the one who arranged for Mo to see a lawyer on the day of his wedding. I think he was genuinely shocked to find out that it would take longer than expected for him to get his "how you call it.. the Green Card". Then they showed him on the phone blasting someone in Arabic. "I never wanted to come here"  I think he was talking to his bro and friend in Canada: he never wanted to come to the U.S., he wanted to come to Canada. In fact, when he left Danielle two weeks after the wedding he tried to get Halal Potatoes Angie to drive him to Canada. 

Yes, Canada changed those laws....but it was changed well before 2012. I'm married to a Canadian and 6 years in we are STILL working on getting me a Perm. Residency Status. (Which is what is needed to be able to work.......like a green card). Luckily, I don't have to work as I retired. Up until  I did, I drove across the border to work because I was not allowed to work in Canada. 

  • Useful 1
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@happy hobo It was October 25, 2012, I remember it well (I was younger then)......"In October 2012, the federal government announced the introduction of a conditional permanent residence period for sponsored spouses and partners. Under the new rules, there is a period of conditional permanent residence of two years for sponsored spouses and partners who have been in a relationship of two years or less with their sponsors, and who have no children in common. If the sponsored spouse or partner does not remain in a conjugal relationship and cohabitate with their sponsor during the conditional period, their permanent residence could be revoked, and they could be deported."

The government is notoriously inefficient but six years is too long for you to wait. And you should be entitled to apply for an open work permit by now too. 

  • Useful 1
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1 hour ago, islandgal140 said:

Mo may appear talented but he is nowhere near as smart as he thinks he is. He is arrogant and can't seem to maintain a pleasing disposition if the money isn't coming in fast enough.

That;s the downfall of most con men I have known, they always think they're too smart to fail. Of course, in this case, Mo's up against the gang that couldn't shoot straight so it's neck and neck.  Did you ever see the old Monty Python Battle of the Upper Class Twits sketch? They can all barely find the obstacle course, much less get through it. 

  • Love 2
10 hours ago, okerry said:

On an almost primal level, women tend to be attracted to very strong, confident men - the alpha males - who Pay Attention To Them.

But plenty of women just aren't going to get an alpha. For these women - who are 1-4 on the attractiveness scale, while the alpha male is a 10 - it's not going to happen. He's looking for 9s and 10s and getting them.

Unfortunately, women like Dani & The Groupies tend to confuse alpha behaviour (strong and confident) with asshole behaviour (rude, shitty, and even abusive.) But if can *feel* like alpha behaviour, at least at first ("He's so strong!") so they keep hanging on. And if/when the guy pulls away, they chase him even more because we always want what we can't have.

Mo isn't an alpha, but women like Dani and his on-line groupies think he is. They're being sucked in by asshole behaviour, not alpha behaviour. He's kinda the poor woman's alpha. And it's awful, but it also explains why so many women stay in abusive relationships.

I realize none of this is politically correct, but Nature isn't politically correct. And it's playing out right in front of our eyes on TV and, no doubt, among people we know personally.

I had similar thoughts, to me he has the toxic aggression of a cornered animal, of a sociopath, that ultimately hates women.  That is not alpha. Aggression is not assertiveness.  He lashes out bitterly, and feels persecuted.  No alpha feels persecuted.

9 hours ago, realitymaven said:

Plus, Mo seems to have the lost little boy routine down pretty well. A lot of his women talked about his vast potential. WTF? An uneducated, illiterate blank slate with a gift for BS.... no, he's the second coming of Stephen Hawking or Steve Jobs!

I've seen it play out with women in love with their oh so adoring incarcerated boyfriends. Of course once said boyfriend is sprung from the pen, it's completely different. Quel surpris! 

A high school drop out, let's not forget.

  • Love 7

Sorry my reply didn't show up so I am trying this again.

Even if she has an Ohio guy for now, I believe she wants to import again.  What she has learned from this is that she can go overseas and find someone considerably better looking than herself.  That's her takeaway.

As for the local guy, Dani's had men in and out since or before Mo left in December of 2015.  She once said, "I need sex!"

  • Love 4
32 minutes ago, CoachWristletJen said:
34 minutes ago, CoachWristletJen said:

As for the local guy, Dani's had men in and out since or before Mo left in December of 2015.  She once said, "I need sex!"

I believe she wants to import again.  What she has learned from this is that she can go overseas and find someone considerably better looking than herself.

If you're listening to the gospel according to Maria-- who is not terribly credible and who has always been a Mohamed stalwart-- then that might have been true. But it isn't. 

Poor dumb Danielle has always been head over heels in love with the man who never gave a shit about her. 

Let's not forget: Mohamed found her on MeetMe, not the reverse. Mohamed followed all the classic love scam moves even down to the textbook phrases: "age is just a number" "beauty is from within" "I don't care about what you call it the Green Card". Mohamed messaged her every day. Mohamed proposed marriage. 

Just because he's a Muslim from a third world country doesn't mean he's pure of heart.  It's interesting: the people who are most offended watching Mohamed's antics aren't North American women, they're other MENA men who say "that scammer doesn't represent me and certainly isn't a good Muslim". 

  • Love 8
21 hours ago, CoachWristletJen said:

I still have trouble understanding New York mistress. How could anyone competent enough to earn the kind of money necessary to cloak Mo in Burberry behave as stupidly as she did?

There's a recent book called "The Confidence Game" that posits that everyone will get conned sometime in their life, it's a question of timing rather than stupidity. I tend to think this is true because I've seen it from both sides: defending in court the con men and then, much later in life as a karmic penalty, seeing someone close to me get conned.  The latter person was very intelligent, highly educated and the last person on earth you'd expect to fall for such a (to me) obvious con. But he was at a very vulnerable time in his life and the con man was giving him lots of attention, praise, and hope for a future that otherwise seemed bleak.

I think NY mistress was the same way and Mo knew how to play into it. When he first met her in NY (right after the tell all show), he was wearing his good old Nauga jacket despite the fact that elderly pensioner from Canada had already sent him money for a winter coat. Mo immediately started his pity story and then....who says he needs acting lessons?.... visibly shivered from the NY cold. Nobody was helping him, he was all alone in the world..... That was all it took because NY mistress wanted to feel needed. She said that at the beginning she wasn't physically attracted to him (hmmm, doubtful) just felt that he needed her. She handed over $1000 on the spot. All Mo's other marks have said the same thing: "He needed a friend. I only wanted to help him and I did".....it's classic! 


Edited by realitymaven
  • Love 3
2 hours ago, realitymaven said:

If you're listening to the gospel according to Maria-- who is not terribly credible and who has always been a Mohamed stalwart-- then that might have been true. But it isn't. 

Poor dumb Danielle has always been head over heels in love with the man who never gave a shit about her. 

Let's not forget: Mohamed found her on MeetMe, not the reverse. Mohamed followed all the classic love scam moves even down to the textbook phrases: "age is just a number" "beauty is from within" "I don't care about what you call it the Green Card". Mohamed messaged her every day. Mohamed proposed marriage. 

Just because he's a Muslim from a third world country doesn't mean he's pure of heart.  It's interesting: the people who are most offended watching Mohamed's antics aren't North American women, they're other MENA men who say "that scammer doesn't represent me and certainly isn't a good Muslim". 

Maria has not always been a Mohamed stalwart! I've seen her attack him before ~ early on ~ for taking trips and not telling her where he was going.  Maria got involved because she hated seeing Danielle get bullied; it's one thing to hate her choices to neglect her daughters and marry a Tunisian, but people were jumping on the bandwagon to critique everything from her chin to her feet! And, Danielle, poor thing, just didn't seem to know how not to jump in and quit feeding the frenzy!  

I always got the impression that she sort of got dragged into their marriage. She's married to a Muslim man herself, so she had empathy for Mo, who was living in a very strange and faraway land (Sandusky).  [Could their city have a more disreputable name? Yikes!]  

Since Maria talked with Danielle and Mo, I'm guessing she became privy to the abuse that we are now all aware of, and by that I mean Danielle throwing her large body around when things didn't go her way. I'm sure that must have been frightening at times. 

I'm sure Maria didn't plan on getting as involved as she did, but, after all, Danielle doesn't have relationships, she takes hostages.

Edited by CoachWristletJen
  • Love 1

The sad thing is that people who've been conned and then finally, finally, realize they've been conned are usually quite devastated. How could they have been so stupid? In hindsight, it all looks so glaringly obvious. I really think it's one of the cruellest crimes: taking someone's confidence without any feeling for them whatsoever. 

  • Love 3
17 hours ago, realitymaven said:

That;s the downfall of most con men I have known, they always think they're too smart to fail. Of course, in this case, Mo's up against the gang that couldn't shoot straight so it's neck and neck.  Did you ever see the old Monty Python Battle of the Upper Class Twits sketch? They can all barely find the obstacle course, much less get through it. 

I love you. Yes, ND Gumby proclaiming...I am a twit! So much this!

This pair of twits leaves me marveling that they can even function!

Forgive me if I'm reposting...several posts have crashed..but in a nutshell, I've been wondering if their marriage was ever consummated. He made her wait, refused to kiss her at their wedding, and took off 2 weeks later.  It would seem that he strung her along...refusing to consummate the marriage or cutting off the sex when there is no medical issue...and he knew it's an expectation she had...is grounds for annulment / divorce.

I'm not a dude, but I can't imagine a guy that looks like Mo getting it up for someone who looks as unfortunate as Dani. Mo looks good with the soul patch...I wouldn't say he's hot, but he's far from ugly. I could see him being attracted to Dani if they were both intellectuals with a special connection or if she had a really neat personality.  She could be cute if she dropped some weight and dressed nicer, but I know from personal experience how hard it is to lose weight. She's got 4 kids, so obviously, their dad came back for more. We have no idea what he looks like.  The idea of marrying someone more age appropriate for one's daughters is a huge red flag.  Yes, there are younger men who prefer a hen to a spring chicken and who are chubby chasers as well.  Dani is not a cougar, she's more of a turkey vulture...even though she is still cougar aged:

http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Turkey Vulture

  • Love 6
2 hours ago, realitymaven said:

Maria isn't married to a Muslim, she's married to a Cuban guy (she's Cuban/American). She'll be on an upcoming show, I can't wait. 

You may be thinking of Beth who is married to a guy from Pakistan (Muslim). She had sympathy for Mo at first: strange place, strange land but quickly changed her mind. 

My mistake! Even so, Maria and her husband both would be sympathetic to someone from another country trying to get settled here.

Think if you were in a faraway land and the only place you had to stay was Danielle's house!

  • Love 1
10 minutes ago, realitymaven said:

Yeah, but it's not as if he were deposited at Dani's house by a misdirected Unicef delivery van.  "We've got a little Tunisian boy here who's lost. Any takers?" 

Right, he CHOSE to be there. He pursued Danielle online, told her everything he thought she wanted to hear, and proposed to her. Met her in person, knew about her family, etc. No lost little boy here.

  • Love 7
4 hours ago, realitymaven said:

There's a recent book called "The Confidence Game" that posits that everyone will get conned sometime in their life, it's a question of timing rather than stupidity. I tend to think this is true because I've seen it from both sides: defending in court the con men and then, much later in life as a karmic penalty, seeing someone close to me get conned.  The latter person was very intelligent, highly educated and the last person on earth you'd expect to fall for such a (to me) obvious con. But he was at a very vulnerable time in his life and the con man was giving him lots of attention, praise, and hope for a future that otherwise seemed bleak.

I think NY mistress was the same way and Mo knew how to play into it. When he first met her in NY (right after the tell all show), he was wearing his good old Nauga jacket despite the fact that elderly pensioner from Canada had already sent him money for a winter coat. Mo immediately started his pity story and then....who says he needs acting lessons?.... visibly shivered from the NY cold. Nobody was helping him, he was all alone in the world..... That was all it took because NY mistress wanted to feel needed. She said that at the beginning she wasn't physically attracted to him (hmmm, doubtful) just felt that he needed her. She handed over $1000 on the spot. All Mo's other marks have said the same thing: "He needed a friend. I only wanted to help him and I did".....it's classic! 


So, do you know if Mo came and slept on her couch with the husband there or what? It just seemed like such an awkward scenario.  (Of course, perhaps it was a hide-a-bed.)

Also, how did her husband handle all of this? It must have been obvious that she, too, like Dani, was obsessed. And, perhaps she was lonely in her marriage.

And assuming that she was a reasonably intelligent woman, he blew her off for Luisa and her reptilian tongue! Oh, the shame!

For 40K, I hope she at least got to sample the goods.

And, oh, the text messages she must have! I still maintain that Mohamed was very lonely in his marriage as well ~ stuck with a squaw who used to bury her wet face in his shoulder with a low-grade, continual whine, like a whispering tornado siren.  Seriously, I have never heard that from a grownup before.  Also, she sat in doorways!

  • Love 3
4 minutes ago, CoachWristletJen said:

So, do you know if Mo came and slept on her couch with the husband there or what? It just seemed like such an awkward scenario.  (Of course, perhaps it was a hide-a-bed.)

NY mistress and hubby were already split but civil. (Now they are split for good) 

First NY visit, they all went to Atlantic City together which must have been a tad awkward except for the fact that hubby didn't care. 

Other trips and get-togethers was true love, together, forever.  Until it wasn't. If you can't trust a guy who cheats on his wife to not cheat on you, then.....what's the world coming to?

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