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Rob & Chyna - General Discussion


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3 hours ago, iwasish said:

That ugly ass painting that Scott, Rob and Chyna were looking at, wrapped in plastic. It was of all the K ladies having a Victorian type tea party. Did Chyna say she painted it? Cause that painting was in a episode years ago. I think someone gifted it to Kris.

Actually, it wasn't that long ago (I think)...didn't Kris and Corey go visit some artist that Kris was currently"obsessed with" and that painting was sitting agsint a wall, and I thought it was odd that Kris didn't want to buy it and bring it to her own house.  So when I saw Chyna with it, it bugged me and I started wondering how on earth it came to be in her possession, and why would Chyna and Rob want a painting of Rob's mom and sisters in their house...and then I took a drink and forgot about it.

  • Love 2
6 hours ago, laurakaye said:

Actually, it wasn't that long ago (I think)...didn't Kris and Corey go visit some artist that Kris was currently"obsessed with" and that painting was sitting agsint a wall, and I thought it was odd that Kris didn't want to buy it and bring it to her own house.  So when I saw Chyna with it, it bugged me and I started wondering how on earth it came to be in her possession, and why would Chyna and Rob want a painting of Rob's mom and sisters in their house...and then I took a drink and forgot about it.

Does taking a drink help? Cause sometimes I lay awake wondering about the shit they do and why they do it. Like 6000 selfies in 4 days. I see several        sleepless nights ahead of me pondering that.

  • Love 1

I watching him tonight, I've lost any sympathy I had for him. Scott genuinely is trying to help and the slob just can't be bothered. 

He cant find pants that fit? There are bigger guys than him than dress beautifully. And he can't be seen by the paparazzi but he's filming a reality show and fucking weighing himself on camera.

Even if by a miracle he loses weight, he'll gain it all back within a short time. 

Chyna complains about the negative press but can't wait to attend a party hosted by the Daily Mail. 

Kris so wants to believe the worst is over, honey it hasn't even started yet.

  • Love 4

Scott was the best and most interesting of all the Rob scenes. Chyna can hold her own in her scenes and with her family, but Rob? His whining over his jeans not fitting and just always focusing on the bad is so annoying. He needs Scott in all his scenes to make him interesting.

The way Rob reacted over the suit made me wonder about Kim's wedding. He seems traumatized over it and the whole issue of him leaving started over the suit fitting.

I was shocked Scott actually admitted on camera about his drug problem, rehab, then still doing drugs after rehab in that talk with Kendall on the phone (if she was even on the phone). I don't think he's said the words before.

  • Love 5

So Kendall has anxiety attacks. Panic attacks, whatever you want to call them. Are any of Kris's kids emotionally healthy? 

They called it exhaustion, but Kendall was hospitalized for a breakdown of some kind. Kylie is  anxiety ridden, Kourtney is emotionally repressed, though seems to be better. Kim cares only about success, fame and money and Rob is just useless.

Rob and Chyna? That will last as long as the time he spent on that treadmill. 

Again, that poor baby. 

People really need to start thinking twice about having kids with strangers.

  • Love 7

Is Scott far enough removed from his own issues to be helping Rob with his?  I don't know about that whole situation.  Scott setting up spy cameras in Rob's house crosses the line from helpful to creepy.

This show is really about the downward spiral of two people that don't belong together, an innocent baby on the way, and a mentally ill man who clearly feels awful in his own skin and being on television is perhaps the very last thing he needs to be doing right now.  But unless/until he finally "gets right," he has no other way to make an income at the moment, and Kris knows that televising her son's issues is a money maker for her.

And Scott was right...saying " you have to work on yourself" to a person in the midst of depression is just talk.  It means nothing to Rob, and the one silver lining for Rob is that Scott does understand that.  Who knows, I'd like to see both Scott and Rob get healthy and have a lot of success.  But I don't think it's going to happen as long as both of them are on tv.

  • Love 7

Is there anyone in Rob’s family/friends circle who genuinely is trying to “help” him? And I mean someone off-camera who is not getting a paycheck to act out a storyline and get their mug featured on screen. I know Rob willingly signed on for this show but he is so pathetic that I just don’t see how anyone who really cares about him could take part in this exploitive exhibition of someone who is clearly not well. And speaking of storylines, how many times are they going to recycle the “panic attack” theme? First it was Kylie, who couldn’t do appearances without Kendall, next it was Kourtney panicking because she was doing a press tour without her sisters, and now it’s Kendall. Well, I can predict that this whole family will have a group panic attack for real when the ratings for their crap shows fall low enough to cancel all of them.

  • Love 8
46 minutes ago, laurakaye said:

Is Scott far enough removed from his own issues to be helping Rob with his?  I don't know about that whole situation.  Scott setting up spy cameras in Rob's house crosses the line from helpful to creepy.

This show is really about the downward spiral of two people that don't belong together, an innocent baby on the way, and a mentally ill man who clearly feels awful in his own skin and being on television is perhaps the very last thing he needs to be doing right now.  But unless/until he finally "gets right," he has no other way to make an income at the moment, and Kris knows that televising her son's issues is a money maker for her.

And Scott was right...saying " you have to work on yourself" to a person in the midst of depression is just talk.  It means nothing to Rob, and the one silver lining for Rob is that Scott does understand that.  Who knows, I'd like to see both Scott and Rob get healthy and have a lot of success.  But I don't think it's going to happen as long as both of them are on tv.

I doubt the spy cameras were a surprise to Rob. He's a willing participant in mocking himself, he just doesn't know it. Afraid of paparazzi pictures, but is filming a reality show in all his out of shape glory. 

He has a million excuses for not accepting help and none of them are valid. I give Scott credit for trying, but even he can't fake his frustration/confusion at Rob's behavior. As soon as Rob started with his crap about "I'm 30 years old, I'm a grown man, I don't need ....." I knew it was useless for Scott to even bother trying. Rob will just drag him down.  And Chyna should just cut her losses and  move on. (Interesting that she said all Tyga does for child support is help pay for a nanny). As long as she sticks with Rob, she'll have Kris and Kim up in her business.

And I want to know.. where is all the furniture and stuff that Kris had delivered and arranged in Rob's home? All he has now is a bedroom set and some kitchen stuff.

Chyna and her friend in Cannes traipsing thru the hotel with those skin tight pants and huge asses, I can only imagine what the locals were thinking. And if she is so self conscious about her ass why does everything she wears emphasis it?

  • Love 2

More extreme randomness in this episode, especially the Rob/Scott scene at the beginning of the show:

Rob and Scott are talking about Rob's eye, because his eye hurts.  This issue is never resolved, because then Rob wanders off to go outside.  Scott follows, seemingly befuddled, following awkwardly after him.  Next, the twosome go to Kris's house for a...meeting, I guess?  We hear Kris's disembodied voice state that she is "obsessed with coffee table books," apropos of absolutely nothing.  I don't think "obsessed" means what she thinks it does, but whatever.  And didn't she say that exact same thing last season when Khloe was visiting (I hate myself for knowing that).  It's like they took a random non-sequitur voice-over from Kris to establish where they were.  Then Kris and Rob talk about Chyna with Scott sitting and listening, while Rob rubs his face and smirks in a way that suggests he'd rather be in a dark room with the covers over his head.  Then, just when it can't get any weirder, Kendall calls in the middle of a panic attack, Kris tells her to drink some water and maybe a sip of juice, and then Kris puts her on facetime so she can eavesdrop on the personal conversation between Kris and Rob (and Scott) because...???  I don't know.

This is why I get so angry at myself for watching this.  We're not watching anything in any sort of logical timeline, and the producers/Kardashians aren't even pretending to try and make anything cohesive anymore.  Hair goes from short to dark to red to long to short.  People wander back and forth and hang out with each other just to make it part of a storyline.  Awkward conversations are filmed that clearly have either taken place earlier minus the camera and then re-created, or the players are reading from cue cards written in gibberish.

And yet I watch.  Even my husband, who got me hooked on KUWTK several summers ago, professed shock that I am continuing to watch this awfulness.  So I can't blame anyone but myself.

  • Love 6
2 hours ago, TheVoicesToldMeTo said:

Wow is Rob going to be in for a shock when that baby comes, and his 12-hour night sleeps go bye bye and he realizes he can't just put the baby up on a shelf when he's bored and wants to go F around with his friends or play video games or whatever he does with all of that free time. 

You don't really think he's going to be living in the same house as the baby & Chyna, do you? Nope, he's going to "give Chyna space" & go back to his house where he has no responsibilities or obligations & live his life the way he wants to.

  • Love 4
3 hours ago, TheVoicesToldMeTo said:

Wow is Rob going to be in for a shock when that baby comes, and his 12-hour night sleeps go bye bye and he realizes he can't just put the baby up on a shelf when he's bored and wants to go F around with his friends or play video games or whatever he does with all of that free time. 

Isn't that what nannies are for? 

  • Love 4
2 hours ago, laurakaye said:

More extreme randomness in this episode, especially the Rob/Scott scene at the beginning of the show:

Rob and Scott are talking about Rob's eye, because his eye hurts.  This issue is never resolved, because then Rob wanders off to go outside.  Scott follows, seemingly befuddled, following awkwardly after him.  Next, the twosome go to Kris's house for a...meeting, I guess?  We hear Kris's disembodied voice state that she is "obsessed with coffee table books," apropos of absolutely nothing.  I don't think "obsessed" means what she thinks it does, but whatever.  And didn't she say that exact same thing last season when Khloe was visiting (I hate myself for knowing that).  It's like they took a random non-sequitur voice-over from Kris to establish where they were.  Then Kris and Rob talk about Chyna with Scott sitting and listening, while Rob rubs his face and smirks in a way that suggests he'd rather be in a dark room with the covers over his head.  Then, just when it can't get any weirder, Kendall calls in the middle of a panic attack, Kris tells her to drink some water and maybe a sip of juice, and then Kris puts her on facetime so she can eavesdrop on the personal conversation between Kris and Rob (and Scott) because...???  I don't know.

This is why I get so angry at myself for watching this.  We're not watching anything in any sort of logical timeline, and the producers/Kardashians aren't even pretending to try and make anything cohesive anymore.  Hair goes from short to dark to red to long to short.  People wander back and forth and hang out with each other just to make it part of a storyline.  Awkward conversations are filmed that clearly have either taken place earlier minus the camera and then re-created, or the players are reading from cue cards written in gibberish.

And yet I watch.  Even my husband, who got me hooked on KUWTK several summers ago, professed shock that I am continuing to watch this awfulness.  So I can't blame anyone but myself.

I suspect they spend a lot of time following Rob around as he walks out on conversations or doesn't bother to even show up for filming, or passes out from exhaustion, boredom or side effects of his medication. Watching him swaying and stumbling like a punch drunk fighter,  trying to comprehend some if any of the conversations going on around him. That weird stroking his head/smoothing out his sweaty disheveled hair... he reminds me of an extra in scenes from "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" waiting in line for his daily dose of meds. With Kris as the kindly Nurse Ratchett.

I waver between thinking it all has to be a big scam they're perpetuating on us or they really are as fucked up a family as you could find.  I want to look away and yet I can't.  I imagine final scene of this spin off will be Rob being lead away by men in white coats, while in the background "They're coming to take me away, haha, hehe, hoho, to the funny farm where life is beautiful all the time"

  • Love 5
  5 hours ago, TheVoicesToldMeTo said:

Wow is Rob going to be in for a shock when that baby comes, and his 12-hour night sleeps go bye bye and he realizes he can't just put the baby up on a shelf when he's bored and wants to go F around with his friends or play video games or whatever he does with all of that free time. 

You don't really think he's going to be living in the same house as the baby & Chyna, do you? Nope, he's going to "give Chyna space" & go back to his house where he has no responsibilities or obligations & live his life the way he wants to.

ImBecile may not even be the father!

  • Love 2

Rob's fat ass needs to get his shit together. It's time to grow up and be a man. You're having a baby soon. 

I mean, I think Rob is genuinely depressed, but I think he's like a lot of men who think having a woman will make them happy. He mentioned having an ex who cheated a lot -- shout out to Rita Ora? -- and that's why he was looking in Chyna's phone. Rob doesn't realize he picks the wrong chicks. He picks woman who are only interested in him because of his family. 

I mean, Rob wouldn't look half bad if he would get a haircut, shave, wash his face, and wear normal clothes. Stop walking around in basketball shorts and t-shirts. You're a grown ass man now. 

I wonder why he won't just get lap band surgery. Not sure if he's a candidate, but insure they can put up some money for him to get it.

Chyna is a shitshow. Between the ridiculously oversized clown butt that she apparently likes showing off and the lazy high-maintenance whining, I...think Rob is going to regret hooking up with her. I'd have a little more respect for her if she would drop the KOD aesthetic and act more like a mother. And cut that little boy's hair. He's too young to be looking like Pusha T.

  • Love 4

This last episode gave me more than  a few giggles


1. Chyna upset about them saying her butt was deflated in the media. Chyna is right its not because in the first episode when she was yelling at Rob and running after him it was flapping in the wind like a flag.

2. Paige, Chyna's friend who is going to Jail is right about how Rob probably feels but knowing she is headed to Jail for running from the police will driving Chyna's car makes her suspect in the friend dept.

3.Chyna's mail friend saying those who talk about her want to be in her postion? say What? engaged to a depressed man, short on both jobs and brain activity. Chyna's life will be a woman with  3 kids 2 in cribs and one in her bed? Who would want to be in that postion? I mean she looks like she is having so much fun! not!

  • Love 3
49 minutes ago, 27bored said:

Rob's fat ass needs to get his shit together. It's time to grow up and be a man. You're having a baby soon. 

I mean, I think Rob is genuinely depressed, but I think he's like a lot of men who think having a woman will make them happy. He mentioned having an ex who cheated a lot -- shout out to Rita Ora? -- and that's why he was looking in Chyna's phone. Rob doesn't realize he picks the wrong chicks. He picks woman who are only interested in him because of his family. 

I mean, Rob wouldn't look half bad if he would get a haircut, shave, wash his face, and wear normal clothes. Stop walking around in basketball shorts and t-shirts. You're a grown ass man now. 

I wonder why he won't just get lap band surgery. Not sure if he's a candidate, but insure they can put up some money for him to get it.

Chyna is a shitshow. Between the ridiculously oversized clown butt that she apparently likes showing off and the lazy high-maintenance whining, I...think Rob is going to regret hooking up with her. I'd have a little more respect for her if she would drop the KOD aesthetic and act more like a mother. And cut that little boy's hair. He's too young to be looking like Pusha T.

He won't get lap band because he is using his weight as an excuse to not change his life. His weight isn't why he isn't successful, but losing it leaves him with nothing to blame for his lack of success. 

His weight didn't keep him from getting naked and fucking Chyna. Hasn't stopped him from being filmed for a reality show . Or maybe he's just medicated enough to stumble his way thru filming. 

King's hair looks like he is going bald from the braids. He's got a good 5head going there, by 10 he'll be totally bald.

  • Love 2

I feel for anyone who suffers from panic attacks.  There are no words to describe how awful those are.

Rob is just a portrait of depression.  It's sick that he is on our televisions screens.  What he needs are people who care enough about him to see that he gets the help that he needs, i.e., proper medication and therapy.  Scott seems like he is the only person in Rob's life who gets that.

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, DangerousMinds said:

Didn't she end up hospitalized? Hardly just a fear of flying.

She has a tremendous amount of stuff happening in her life. A lot of it emotional  she uses her travel as a way to escape as she has said to Kris in the past. She can't control what goes on around her and they all seem to be control freaks so that doesn't help. But Kris gives the worst advice,  take a sip of water, have some juice!

  • Love 2
21 hours ago, DangerousMinds said:

Didn't she end up hospitalized? Hardly just a fear of flying.

Does anyone have a link to a vaguely reliable source (not E!, US Weekly, DailyMail or any of the other tabloids that Kris has in her back pocket)?  I wouldn't be surprised if Kendall does have a fear of flying or anxiety issues in general, but that we didn't hear her actual voice, the number on Kris' phone came up like a random caller she didn't have in her contact list, and their production is notorious for faking drama, I'll remain skeptical.  Kendall has almost as little interest in being on TV as Rob does, so I'd be surprised if she'd agree to have a very vulnerable moment like that, broadcast.  She doesn't even share her dating life with the public.

  • Love 3

'Whole-leee-crapola'  I  watched the second episode and don't know why. I guess it's a sense of astonishment that I had watching episode one wondering how any network could put something so trashy, so disgusting and so shameful on TV.  I don't mean to diminish the many people in the world that are mentally challenged by stating it outright that I think these people are retarded. I wish they were only mentally challenged people but they're not, they're retarded to the max. Why are these nut-bag, sleazeballs even allowed to breed? I think we should bring back the practice of eugenics that was widely used in West Virginia during the early part of the 20th century. I always thought 'how horrible' that went on in the 1920's to 1950's in West Virginia. Young people were sterilized and weren't allowed to have children if deemed to be 'undesirable'. Most of the ones sterilized were mental patients and that was a horrible thing that happened. BUT.... Rob & Chyna would certainly be great candidates for sterilization in my opinion. What a horrible, horrible show and I'll never watch it again. It makes me so ashamed for our society here in the US and I'm embarrassed that other countries around the world might judge all of us by Rob & Chyna. There was so much awful things in this episode that I can't even get started on how bad it was.  Lord help us.

  • Love 1
On 9/19/2016 at 5:43 PM, iwasish said:

I suspect they spend a lot of time following Rob around as he walks out on conversations or doesn't bother to even show up for filming, or passes out from exhaustion, boredom or side effects of his medication. Watching him swaying and stumbling like a punch drunk fighter,  trying to comprehend some if any of the conversations going on around him. That weird stroking his head/smoothing out his sweaty disheveled hair... he reminds me of an extra in scenes from "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" waiting in line for his daily dose of meds. With Kris as the kindly Nurse Ratchett.

I waver between thinking it all has to be a big scam they're perpetuating on us or they really are as fucked up a family as you could find.  I want to look away and yet I can't.  I imagine final scene of this spin off will be Rob being lead away by men in white coats, while in the background "They're coming to take me away, haha, hehe, hoho, to the funny farm where life is beautiful all the time"

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, TheVoicesToldMeTo said:

Does anyone have a link to a vaguely reliable source (not E!, US Weekly, DailyMail or any of the other tabloids that Kris has in her back pocket)?  I wouldn't be surprised if Kendall does have a fear of flying or anxiety issues in general, but that we didn't hear her actual voice, the number on Kris' phone came up like a random caller she didn't have in her contact list, and their production is notorious for faking drama, I'll remain skeptical.  Kendall has almost as little interest in being on TV as Rob does, so I'd be surprised if she'd agree to have a very vulnerable moment like that, broadcast.  She doesn't even share her dating life with the public.

Who reacts to a call from their child in the midst of a panic attack, by suggesting a sip of water and putting her on FaceTime to watch/listen to a staged conversation with her half brother and semi brother in law? 

When Scott suggested Rob might benefit by actually having a job, Kris nearly swallowed her tongue. Who cares if it helps his mental health, no Kardashian will work 9-5.

  • Love 5
28 minutes ago, iwasish said:

Who reacts to a call from their child in the midst of a panic attack, by suggesting a sip of water and putting her on FaceTime to watch/listen to a staged conversation with her half brother and semi brother in law? 


This is what bugs me to no end about Kris.  She reacts to her children's various crises by talking gibberish in that stoned, dreamy voice, which suggests that every single storyline is made up or re-created for the cameras, or she truly is just too checked out or drunk on vodka to care.  Even when she does squeeze out tears, I feel like she's doing that for show as well.  There are very few times I can recall where I thought Kris's emotions on the show were actually real and raw.

I just caught the episode where Rob had appendicitis.  After Rob calls Kim, Kris talks a big talk about how she needs to rush right over to get Rob and drive him to the hospital, and yet she does this little pretend rushing-around dance and keeps saying she needs to put on her tennis shoes, and then we see a shot of her feet.  I mean, who cares what shoes she was wearing?!  The entire thing (except Rob's pain, which seemed real) smacked of a re-creation.  I can totally see Kris getting a call from her sick son, and Kris asking him to just hang in there and not pass out until she can get to make-up, get her hair done, and make sure the camera crews are on sight and the lighting is good.

  • Love 4
13 minutes ago, laurakaye said:

I just caught the episode where Rob had appendicitis.  

All of these scenes are re-creations.  There is no way E! can afford to have cameras rolling 24/7 at each and every Kardashian/Jenner household, restaurant luncheon, or car ride, and everyone mic'd up, in order to catch all of the action.  I think the TEXTING BITCHES scene was a re-creation too, but Chyna decided to kick it up a notch second time around. 

  • Love 1

I've gotta rant about this for a moment:  I'm confident that the production crew (of this, or any other show) films several takes from different angles before they get enough for a scene to make it to air, not including all of the other scenes that end up on the cutting room floor.  So what we see of Rob is THE BEST moments the crew was able to get out of him after likely months of filming.  His ratty thinning hat hair is his BEST LOOK!  The  mumbled confessionals we see were the FINAL TAKES!  Can you imagine what that crew went through trying to get him out of bed, dressed, standing (without support) near his marks, making even vague eye contact with whoever he was supposed to share a scene with, and kinda following the script?

  • Love 7
57 minutes ago, TheVoicesToldMeTo said:

All of these scenes are re-creations.  There is no way E! can afford to have cameras rolling 24/7 at each and every Kardashian/Jenner household, restaurant luncheon, or car ride, and everyone mic'd up, in order to catch all of the action.  


23 minutes ago, TheVoicesToldMeTo said:

I've gotta rant about this for a moment:  I'm confident that the production crew (of this, or any other show) films several takes from different angles before they get enough for a scene to make it to air, not including all of the other scenes that end up on the cutting room floor.  

Kim had the Kris Humphries proposal scene redone because she didn't like her reaction, & the scenes where she's discussing having trouble with her marriage with Kris were completely made up & filmed after she had already filed for divorce.

Edited by GaT
whoops, forgot the word "proposal"
  • Love 3

Lauren Hoffman from Cosmopolitan Magazine has summed up this episode perfectly starting with her opening thoughts......

"I'm sort of over listing the ways in which the year 2016 proves that we're nearing the end times, but last night's episode of Rob & Chyna added a pretty compelling item to that list: We are living in a time in which Scott Fucking Disick (sorry to take the lord's name in vain) is the voice of reason on a reality television show. It is terrifying, and it is majestic."


  • Love 6

Yes! The last place Rob needs to be is in front of the camera filming this show. Scott seems to genuinely care for Rob but of course KingBaby blows him off.  I thought Rob looked good when he tried on the sport coat - he could look better if he put a little effort in but no - back into the endless black Hanes Tee and Walmart bball shorts. I can just imagine him opening his walk in closet and it's just filled with hundreds of packages of black Hanes tees lmao and bball shorts on hangers. It's sad because he really does have EVERY resource at his fingertips : doctors , meds, therapists , personal trainers , nutritionists , personal chefs - the Kardashian money could pay for all of it .  

How long did KingBabyRob know BC before he knocked her up ? I can't imagine having a child with a stranger! And now , you're tied to them FOR LIFE if you realize uhhh I don't even actually like this person let alone love them . Sad for baby :( 

Rob looked cute in the flashback video running track - the Kardashian women drained the life out him lol go to therapy deal with the loss of your father and learn how to deal with these overbearing women your surrounded by. Boundaries Rob ! 

  • Love 6

How long did KingBabyRob know BC before he knocked her up ? I can't imagine having a child with a stranger! And now , you're tied to them FOR LIFE if you realize uhhh I don't even actually like this person let alone love them . Sad for baby :( 

If Scott was correct, they texted and spoke on the phone for a long time and then met... she was knocked up two weeks later. So much for getting to know someone.

Hooking up with Chyna is jumping from the frying pan into the fire. That screaming and drama, whether or not she's playing it up for the cameras, who wants to deal with even a fraction of it?    

  • Love 5

This show is depressing.  It was a big mistake for Rob to agree to this mess.  He looks terrible on camera - obviously has gained a lot of weight.  And he has neither the charisma or personality to carry a show.  It's telling when Scott looks like the voice of reason here.

Rob is almost 30 yrs old - and is ultimately responsible for his own life.  He's had more advantages than most.  But he's always comes off spoiled, lazy and entitled.

  • Love 5

Mama Kris has a lot of influence since she's the producer of all the Kardashian shows, I'm sure she pleaded with E execs to give Rob & Chyna a chance hoping to ride on the coattails of the more successful but waning KUWTK.  She doesn't have a magic touch although I'm sure she thought she'd turn Rob & Chyna into an instant success, but this show is obviously a loser and won't be renewed.

I'm so confused about Rob. He doesn't want his pictures captured in real time because of his insecurities...doesn't that fly in the face of his willingness to be filmed for a reality show? Film lasts just as long as a picture does. It's also ironic listening to Chyna talk about how irresponsible Rob is behaving. These are his insecurities that he was dealing with long before you came on to the scene. It's just as irresponsible that you seemingly were trying and planned a pregnancy with a man before you got a chance to know his behaviours. I don't understand how two people could actually plan a pregnancy without having a better sense of each other's personalities, views on life, parenting, etc. 

Between this show and the Kardashians - I don't for a second believe that all of these disproportionately massive butts aren't surgically enhanced. 

  • Love 1

Flashback scene - birthday party invite

khloe : " so Rob , what are you doing Monday ? " 

........ He's doing NOTHING !! Nothing on Tuesday , nothing on Wednesday , nothing on Thursday x infinity. 

I know he's obviously mentally ill but being around Rob would drain the life out of me.  Chyna has hooked her caboose to a sad sack . I hope he gets his health together before baby girl kardashian arrives 

that's it - go home Rob zzz zzz . If Rob says " yeah I'll go" there's a 99.9% he's NOT going . Theyre just starting at the end... Preggers then finding out the most basic shit about your partner. I couldn't imagine it. 

geez ! Chynas father - 12 kids - who knows how many baby momma's . He's like that Iyanla special with the guy who had like 35 kids with 30 different women ( approx) . Geez

Did Chyna make her way out of Sinsational on her own or she went the golddigger route and got her nails into Tyga? 

Edited by DNR
Ninja edit
  • Love 1

Khloes birthday was at the end of June. Chyna tells us the only people in his family she's met so far since she and Rob got together, are Kris and Scott. What happened to Mothers Day? Kourtney discussed with Khloe and Jonathan how Chyna came with King and the kids all played together and how nice Chyna was. 

Rob keeps track of what he ordered in Subway?

  • Love 1

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