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Chesapeake Shores - General Discussion

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On 9/27/2021 at 5:47 AM, dubstepford wife said:

When we first met Sarah she was a cop, I believe, and then she was a firefighter.  I understand tough people can get physically ill too but did we really have to go the Victorian fainting couch route? 

It didn't seem like fainting tome - more like she lost her balance on the ladder and fell then got woozy when she tried to get out of the hospital bed too fast.  But yeah....that certainly happened awfully fast.  And from next week's previews it looks like they're going The Rookie route with Sara not wanting Kevin to say anything at work yet (they did that on The Rookie when Lopez made detective and found out she was pregnant)

Are we to assume that Jess & David didn't share a bed prior to getting married that he didn't realized she kicked in her sleep?  Also....is this the first time a Hallmark show or movie portrayed couples in bed? ( I can't remember if they ever showed Cassie and Sam together on Good Witch)

The Evan/Jake/Abby potential triangle is dull.  And did the writers purposefully have Jake be a guitar player to try to fill in some of the musical gap left behind by Trace?

Does gran always have an automatic supply of fresh muffins always ready to go?  They should at least show her character in the kitchen more often for us to believe she's actually baking 24/7

Wonder why Treat Williams was not in the episode and they oh so conveniently wrote him being in Kansas (?) about landing a job.

Well, of COURSE Evan changed his mind and is going to stay in Chesapeake shores and build around the artifact site.  You know.....top billing and all.

I want to know what Mandrake's real name is and why Even insists on calling him that and, even moreso, why Mandrake puts up with it?  I really like his dry humor

So now we find out Evan is dyslexic.  Add another vulnerability to make him more relatable and human.  Now I'm waiting to see what this 'accident' in his past was that tweaked his back

Why didn't they end the episode with Luke telling Brie about his prison time?  That's the one thing I was waiting for.

The actress who plays Abby's oldest daughter (I get their names mixed up - Callie/Cassie) has really beautiful features and expressive eyes.  And the younger one will either be a gamer or a musician

I am curious about Arthur's ex wife who has the rights to all his art work and how Megan is going to deal with her.


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I think the kicking at night was because she was having anxiety and and not a regular thing.  She kicked at night right after their mom left and now right after she's married as part of her not knowing what to expect with the huge changes her life is facing.

I am sure I'm supposed to be worried about Mick but I'm more worried about Chekhov's sneeze/cold medicine.

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All I have to say about this past Sunday's episode is:


Jess:  Get over it.

Brie:  Give that rainbow heart t-shirt to your nieces.  It's much too young for you

Lucas:  That sneeze and popping what I think was an antihistamine was TOO random to not have it bite you in the hiney down the line

Abby:  Thought it was a 'wisk' but it wasn't

Evan:  Didn't intend for it to be a 'wisk' but maybe hoping it was

Kevin & Sara:  Yes, I have to mention them together now because they've 'schmooped' into one.  You're both boring.  Your baby drama is boring.

Connor:  You are an aspiration to everyone out there who quits their great paying job over moral ethics and can venture out on their own complete with an water-front (I think everything in Chesapeake is waterfront) completely renovated office.  I'm glad there was a thrown away line about Connor sinking every dollar he had into this rather than assume there's a magical money tree on Casa Estate O'Brien

Mandrake:  The man went out of his way to have a stack of sandwiches made - include peanut butter & Nutella on wheat - and neither Even nor Abby ate a thing.

Gran:  That 'Irish' accent just gets more stilted and grating with each episode

Mick:  Does anyone know if Treat Williams' contract is up??

I'm much too tired to snark on the details.  

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The editing in this episode was wonky-Abby is at Connor’s office helping out in a white tank top and in the next scene she’s with her dad and in a purple sweater. In one scene Mick is at home having wine with Megan and her friend and in the next scene he’s with Abby getting a smoothie. 

And if Kevin and Sarah are going to announce the pregnancy early, it’s a sure thing they will probably lose the baby.

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Awww, I’ve actually been enjoying this season very much. I was curious to see how Trace’s departure would affect the show, and I think it’s allowed for more interesting storylines to open up.

Schoolteacher Jay is sweet, and was there when Abby really needed someone to be sweet. But Jay, she’s just not that into you!

With Eccentric Billionaire she has someone who appreciates the side of her that excels at what she does, and the family that is everything to her. IOW, he gets her the way that Trace never could and Jay never can. I really liked the episode when Billionaire was laid up on the O’Brien couch. The hotel/Smithsonian excavation was a really good way to give him a reason to stay, and IMO they set up quite nicely his bonding with at least one of Abby’s kids and need for a home and family. I find him really interesting, and of course the breakout character has got to be Mandrake!

Speaking of—in the “Whisk away that wasn’t”--- Mandrake was ordered to drive them to the heliport, and then (presumably after a helicopter ride) Mandrake drives them to the mansion. I actually spent way more thought than the show was providing to suss out how that was possible. Did Mandrake drive as quickly as the helicopter flew? Did the helicopter airlift the car while Mandrake switched from the driver’s seat to the cockpit? Did Mandrake leave the first car at the heliport, ride with them in the copter and leap into a waiting car at the landing pad? Those are the things I fixate on, so I can handwave away all the other fantastical elements (90% of the show)

I do like Kevin and Sara together. He’s kind of like Schoolteacher Jay, really sweet and supportive. But he’s always gone for someone he works with, who’s outwardly tough and rarely shows vulnerability like his ex-fiance Georgia. The total opposite of Jess and Bree in fact, who are enjoyable, but in small doses.

And I do admit to having the feels when the doctor told them they were pregnant. I'm tearing up? No, you're tearing up!

I’ve always loved David but has their B&B turned into a restaurant as well? To have a review claim his salmon was dry, or whatever it was, seemed really odd.

Bree—I get the appeal of Parole Guy. I’ve already forgotten the story behind how he ended up behind bars except how much credit I gave writers for coming up with a sanitized, hallmark-appropriate reason. No college admissions scandal here!

Asking people who have been watching the show for a while—are there characters that were your favorites before that you’re no longer into now (or vice versa)?

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11 hours ago, Kaiju Ballet said:

Asking people who have been watching the show for a while—are there characters that were your favorites before that you’re no longer into now (or vice versa)?

They're dumbing down Bree.  She was my favorite of the O'Brien children, as she was an attractive, artistic, intelligent woman who, while she had a boyfriend, also cared about other things, and she didn't seem like she felt a burning need to be married and have kids in order to find fulfillment.  But I haven't been impressed with her storyline this season.

Conversely, I used to be meh about Connor, but I really like him these days.  Yeah the waterfront practice is over the top considering his age and relative inexperience, the O'Briens have a ton of money and if the show were more realistic he would have used his trust fund to buy that location, but I think they're balancing quirkiness with him growing into his own.  It doesn't feel like he's just the youngest sibling (I think he's meant to be the youngest?) or the comic relief.  I also think he's super attractive in an unusual-for-Hallmark, non-Ken Doll way so that might be coloring my opinion of him.

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I just caught up with this show after a marathon.  I thought it had been cancelled at the end of last season, honestly.  I was shocked they brought it back. 

I have to say I’m probably in the minority, but I really miss Trace.  He was the reason I watched this show in the first place (well, he and Treat Williams who I’ve always loved).  I miss him, and this new guy is not working for me at all.  He’s arrogant and annoying, but pitiful at the same time.  Is any of that supposed to be attractive to Abby?  I mean, she doesn’t need a puppy.  She needs a man.  The only thing attractive about this guy other than his good looks is his money, which Abby doesn’t need.  Every other thing they’ve had him say and do has been awful, imho.  He’s very beta, very spoiled, and very eccentric-billionaire ordering people around, not calling them by their real names or respecting their boundaries.  So far the only thing I’ve seen that appeals to Abby is his pitiful, lonely little boy thing and I don’t see how you build a relationship based on that. 

At least Trace treated those around him with dignity, knew who he was and was not sad and needy, and had something more to him (imho).

OTOH, I like the rest of the story lines okay, even prison-boy. He needs a real career soon though. Perhaps he’ll be a writer, too?

I LOLed way too much at the wedding dreams.  That was cute and so fun. Those two are always the much-needed comic relief in this show.

Oh, and let’s get that paralegal (the one who warned him about his desk drawer) back as a love interest for Connor. She was cute and they would be good together.


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5 hours ago, SusanwatchingTV said:

Oh, and let’s get that paralegal (the one who warned him about his desk drawer) back as a love interest for Connor. She was cute and they would be good together.

Yes - I'd like to see him woo her away from that big firm and come work for him in his practice


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So, all week they showed the previews for last night's episode as making it appear as if the entire family was sitting around the table waiting to hear about Mick's fate - and possibly having it be an episode where each one has flashback memories of Mick while they wait - only for everything in the previews to be the opening scene - prior to the song intro - and have being found alive, albiet banged up - as soon as the next scene opened up.  What dramatic, cliffhanger trash!

I'm worried about David's dad - to where the season finale may include a 'very special episode' with a PSA warning prior to the start

Yeah - Connor's co-worker from the firm (can't remember her name) did join him as his paralegal, ala Jerry Maguire style

What's up with gran's art gallery outfit?  All she needed was a wand with a twinkly star at the end.

I knew those antihistamines Luke took last week for allergies were going to bite him in the rear.  I don't remember if those were given to him by his PO whom I suspect is trying to set him up to go back to prison

A health scare for Connor?  Really?  As soon as he said he felt better when he got some juice in him, I immediately thought diabetes.

I did enjoy the Evan/Mick scenes and Evan's heart to heart talk with Mandrake.  He gives Evan good counsel without it appearing as if he is as not to cross the boss/employee line

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On 10/7/2021 at 8:50 AM, SusanwatchingTV said:


Oh, and let’s get that paralegal (the one who warned him about his desk drawer) back as a love interest for Connor. She was cute and they would be good together.


Looks like your wish has been granted! I like her too, and  it seems like that's the direction we're headed. Although I'm also fine with a slow(ish) buildup as friends first.

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4 hours ago, Stacey1014 said:

My dvr cut off just as they were showing  Kevin and his wife. Did I miss anything at the end?

Yes - I forgot to mention that in my recap.  They were getting ready for the art gallery and Sara passed out.  Wonder if they're going for a miscarriage or another fake out.

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I didn't miss Abby at all and I actually really liked the slower more mellow interactions between Mick and um... um... Mandrake's boss.   

Weren't Chekhov's pills in a bottle?  The ones he showed Conner were not.  So maybe Connor wasn't researching the right antihistamine?  

But Connor's not taking bad antihistamines?  He's got a legitimate health thing going?  

David's father?  Clearly about to be in trouble for all sorts of fraud... hope the sister is clear of it, but...   Will he also commit suicide?   

Kevin and his wife are cute but boring and I don't see how either a baby or miscarriage will fix that.  

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So they somewhat answered the question I had earlier about Evan and his backstory. It's not inherited wealth, and he really did somehow become a billionaire on his own. Given the interactions he had with Abby's daughter, I wonder if he started out in tech, and then branched out? I also really enjoyed his interactions with Mick (and the scene with Mandrake). He's so much more interesting as a character (and a love interest) to me than Jay the teacher (that is his name, right?). I really hope this doesn't become another love triangle of death that lasts way longer than it should (looking at you, When Calls the Heart).

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I still like Jay but I can tell he's getting the Hallmark love-triangle-loser edit.  His character isn't being fleshed out enough, he's just a sweet, basic guy.  As a basic girl myself I say sign me up, but I can see how the billionaire is more complex and thus more interesting.  

There are suddenly a lot of health issues in this family.  If Connor turns out to have diabetes I'm blaming Grandma's daily muffin extravaganzas.


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14 hours ago, ctlady said:


Anton Checkhov Russian playwright (and doctor but that isn't important here) is famous for (aside from the plays) saying many times in many was something to the effect of if you introduce a gun in the first act it better go off by the third act.  He believed that everything in fiction had to have a purpose.  

Since they made such a big deal of showing the pills a couple of episodes ago I've been waiting for them to go off like Checkhov's gun.   

Now sometimes this doesn't work.  A friend and I were both watching a movie independently once and they kept focusing on the main character's glasses and I kept thinking somehow they were going to be an imortant plot point and they turned out to be just product placement.   But the next day my friend was like, "Did you see that movie last night?  The glasses they never became a thing..." 

But we never saw the brand name of the pills so...they totally are a plot point waiting to fully explode and given that Conner is also eating pills like candy I think they might be related.

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9 hours ago, bybrandy said:

Since they made such a big deal of showing the pills a couple of episodes ago I've been waiting for them to go off like Checkhov's gun. 

Ah - I see.  Being the dork that I am, I thought it may have been a reference to the Star Trek 'Checkhov' character!

I've heard of the 'gun over the fireplace in the background' analogy - meaning, that it didn't just happen to be in the frame, but that at some point in the show it was going to be pulled down and used

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On 10/11/2021 at 3:40 PM, TVForever said:

Looks like your wish has been granted! I like her too, and  it seems like that's the direction we're headed. Although I'm also fine with a slow(ish) buildup as friends first.

Yup! I'm a prophet! lol  

I guess it was pretty obvious she was too good an actor to just have that one bit.

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Man, I never thought we'd see opioid addiction on Hallmark, but, here we are.  And a miscarriage, one that showed how different people cope with loss very differently -- some close themselves off, some probably talk a little too much?  And that suggests (with Megan) a possible explanation for why she left the family that feels somewhat plausible, where she was heartbroken and needed to get away from everything?  And what I think was some kind of heart attack?  What is this actual semi-realistic show?

I like it.  A lot.  I thought they were going to lose me early on in the season since I was annoyed that it all seemed like Chesapeake was going to become When Calls the Heart Part Two: Revenge of the Neverending Love Triangle, but it actually feels like a) there are other characters in this story besides Abby and her suitors, and b) Jay seems to be moving on to someone else (maybe?) thus clearing the path for Evan?

I'll definitely be back next season.  If there is a next season.  There should be, considering the cliffhanger, but then again, Good Witch sort of ended on a cliffhanger and that got cancelled.  

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I liked the finale too. They set up some interesting stories for next season, though I'll be irritated if Mama leaves for California and I still hate Evan.  They're going to have to do something with him to make him much more appealing. Right now he's still only got sad puppy going for him.


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On 10/18/2021 at 9:34 PM, chitowngirl said:

Abby sure spends a lot of her day braiding and unbraiding her hair! And her daughters are….where?

Seriously!  Her hair is braided in the scene with Jay, then next scene she's at the kitchen counter on her laptop wearing the same red top and her hair is down, then next scene with Jay (day after maybe?) she's wearing a flirty little sundress with the dramatic braid job - even working her short bangs into it.  No way she did that herself

Not liking the dramatic cliffy, complete with Connor's supposed heart attack, Mick looking like he's on his way to paid med addiction, and David being broke.  At least Luke avoided jail and Kevin & Sara seemed to have come to terms on how to grieve over the miscarriage.  I didn't like her lashing out at him for telling his parents.  She may wanted to just be alone and listen to podcasts, but it was his child too and he needed someone to turn to.

Again, the logistics of the days bug me.  Megan making breakfast for everyone in the opening scene, so I'm guessing it's eight-nine-ish in the morning.  David and Jess are there.  Don't they have an inn to run and isn't he the only chef?  Who is making the guests breakfast, if there are any guests at all?

And other than a glimpse of Megan at the gallery and Connor, is no one else working?  Oh, right - all you need is a laptap and can sit on the bench looking over the ocean while working.  Ah, the benefits of being an O'Brien who lives on the water!

I like Connor and Margaret together.  He has really grown from a whiny, bitter twit since S1.

I thought Jay was a tool for saying what he did to Abby.  All he had to do was ask "where is this going between us?" instead of, "well, there's this lady at school who likes me and I really like her and want to make something of it, so I need to know if we're going to be more than friends because, if now, I'm going to take up with her"  .   Maybe he was trying to let Abby know that she's not the only one with two suitors?

I want more Mandrake in S6 (if there is one) and I want to know his real name and to have Evan use it


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So this got renewed for a sixth season, but it'll be the last.

Is Hallmark slowly getting rid of all serial productions?  Good Witch was cancelled, Chesapeake Shores is now cancelled, and I think they never really replaced Garage Sale Mysteries (I think that was the one?) after Lori Loughlin's departure.  They make an Aurora Teagarden mystery every five years it seems, but otherwise, are all the series gone?  When Calls the Heart is the last man standing?  Even that doesn't seem like it'll go for that much longer considering that it's on Season 9.

I do wonder what the powers that be at Hallmark are thinking.  They're gutting the network.  Not that I think Chesapeake shouldn't end, it seems to have come to a logical conclusion, but I haven't seen any talk of any of these series being replaced.

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In anticipation of the Season 6 airing (I'm hoping) within the next few months, Hallmark On Demand has uploaded all 5 seasons for a refresh binge

As much as I loved the setup in the Pilot and the beautiful scenery and quaint town shops, I was unable to forget the 'eyeroll moments'.  Meghan and Kevin getting out of successive cabs right within eyeshot of the family at the end of the Pilot, Abbey showing us what an important workaholic she is with back to back meetings, pulling a Miranda Priestly as she sashays down the hall to her next meeting while her assistant loyally follows taking notes, etc. but yet once she gets to CS she can extend her weekend stay until Monday to help ditzy Jess with her bank loan issues and yet another week when gran gets hospitalized just by magically picking up her phone and having assistant cancel her day, postpone/reschedule meetings, etc. AND magically gets offered a job in the Baltimore office which isn't too bad of a ride from CS.  Wow.

And the opening of the second episode was so OTT from Connor's over-caffeinated behavior to the slow-mo 'smores montage to Colby Calliet's 'Bubbly'.  So much cringe.

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For me it was the mugs.  So many mugs.  All the time.  Everyone everywhere is always holding a mug.  Mugs = instant cozy according to Hallmark.  In a way though it made Connor's hyperactivity make sense.  If anything everyone else should be hyper as well, a la the Gilmore Girls -- and if you haven't watched that, the main character's favorite drink was coffee, with predictable results.

I'm also re-watching all the previous seasons.  I'm gonna miss this cheesy little show.  I haven't seen anything about Trace returning, and I know Jesse Metcalfe said he'd only come back if Abby and Trace ended up together, so I'm guessing that's not happening.  I like both Evan and Jay though so I won't be disappointed no matter what the endgame is. 

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On 6/1/2022 at 5:18 PM, dubstepford wife said:

In a way though it made Connor's hyperactivity make sense

Season 1 Connor was a defensive, belligerent A-HOLE!  Nothing was his fault.  He couldn't take any constructive criticism.  He snapped at his mother (for having the nerve not to have the kind of mustard HE liked in HER house), Abby, Kevin - everyone.  Was in constant wise-crack mode.  I wanted to knock his teeth in so many times.

On 6/1/2022 at 5:18 PM, dubstepford wife said:

For me it was the mugs.  So many mugs

And with so many mugs, it was teeth-grinding to watch Abby and Brie pull each other's mug of coffee out their hands for themselves.  Downright rude and gross

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I'm excited but also a little sad.  I feel like I never watch Hallmark anymore.  The movies are way too formulaic, annoyingly so, and all the series are gone, with the exception of When Calls the Heart, which I also don't think I'll be watching anymore because it has run its course for me.  Chesapeake was the last thing I was watching on Hallmark that still felt like it had some life in it.  I'm not saying it shouldn't end because, echoing what I said earlier in this thread, I feel like the storylines have all come to a logical conclusion, but it also felt like the only series that had some actually decent writing.

I feel like my Hallmark days are over unfortunately.  Netflix series like Virgin River have replaced it for my dose of cheesy serial dramas with romantic intrigue, and every network makes made for TV movies nowadays.

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Double post....

Evan bought a yacht for a first date?  Did I get that right?  Yikes.

He seems completely opposed to who Hallmark usually has as its male lead.  The male lead is usually the everyman, the rustic cowboy, the handsome guy next door.  The billionaire businessmen are the boyfriends that the women leave when they return home to run their family's Christmas tree farm or whatever.  And yet Evan is pretty clearly being set up as endgame.  But I also can see where they're going with this.  Jay is reminding me of male second leads in K-dramas, which, if you're not familiar with them, the second lead is almost always the better choice, and yet for some reason he always get passed over for the weird and often slightly toxic main guy, who get "fixed" by the love of a good woman. (ew)

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Connor's romantically involved with his African American para-legal.  Mick may become addicted to pain meds.  Brie is smitten with a convict.  David's on-the-lam father is being pursued by the FBI.  Oh Hallmark, you envelope pushing scoundrel you!

The actress who replaced Margaret needs to grow on me.  I'm not feeling the chemistry that Andrew had with the previous actress last season.

Abby:  "A spontaneous lobster lunch on your just-purchased yacht?  Sure, Evan....let me fish through my closet for the ball gown I keep for just such invitations.  Oh, and a fancy updo, makeup job and shoulder duster earrings.  Be out in a flash!"

I think Mick may have been a bit under the influence when he threatened then promoted Luke at the bar.  The next scene he was pretty much asleep on the chair outside.  I'm wondering if he's going to remember what he did.

so they removed Diane Ladd from opening credits, but Nell is mentioned throughout the show 

Edited by ctlady
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On 8/15/2022 at 10:01 AM, ctlady said:

so they removed Diane Ladd from opening credits, but Nell is mentioned throughout the show 

Is Diane Ladd gone entirely?  Or is she still going to be in one or two episodes?  She was such a central character to the O'Brien family dynamic, if she's completely gone it's going to be hard to explain that.  Unless they kill off her character of course, which I suppose is possible.

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On 8/15/2022 at 10:01 AM, ctlady said:

Abby:  "A spontaneous lobster lunch on your just-purchased yacht?  Sure, Evan....let me fish through my closet for the ball gown I keep for just such invitations.  Oh, and a fancy updo, makeup job and shoulder duster earrings.  Be out in a flash!"

I'm glad I read your comment before I watched the episode. It made me laugh out loud to see her go from  sweatshirt/pants to all that FABULOUS in no time flat, lol!! I probably wouldn't have paid enough attention without you. Thanks!! 

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I love Treat Williams, love his brother Gregory Harrison (I guess that storyline is gone, now). These are seasoned actors. Why are they on this corny show? I guess it's all about money. I don't like any of the daughters and their silly love interests but most of all I can't stand Treat's ex-wife (don't remember her real name.) She walks out on her husband and 4 kids and barely see's them for years. Now she's back and all is forgiven and she the loving, doting mother. Ugghh! Treat deserves soooooo much more and is still handsome enough he should have found another woman by now. Done ranting. This one comes off my DVR. 

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The audacity of Bree to write about the incarcerated experience without, ya know, talking to someone who has been incarcerated is so aggravating. I’m not surprised nor am I surprised that she was initially butt hurt that she was critiqued for it. 

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What a relief that Abby's unfortunate bangs disappeared overnight in the hospital following Connor's heart attack. Speaking of Connor, he has quite the bathrobe collection, but I was relieved to see him sans robe in the second half of this week's episode. Something about the new Margaret bugs me. Though she does have a very impressive earring collection. I really liked the OG Margaret and hope the actress moved on to bigger and better things. 

I hate hate hate the opioid addiction storyline for Mick.

How could Bree presume to write from the viewpoint of someone in prison?! WTH?! If she publishes that story, Luke should get co-author credits. 

Abby and Evan are an extremely boring couple. I wish they hadn't gone the eccentric billionaire route with Evan, especially since RB has been portraying him more "on the spectrum" than eccentric and it just comes across strangely. RB is HOT and I just find him extremely boring here. 

I don't like the David's dad on the lam storyline. Don't need to see any more of the Boston Pecks, and I actually like David and hate seeing him sad. 

Megan, I don't care whether you go to the Getty or not. Just make up your mind already.

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6 hours ago, Jillybean said:

Abby and Evan are an extremely boring couple. I wish they hadn't gone the eccentric billionaire route with Evan, especially since RB has been portraying him more "on the spectrum" than eccentric and it just comes across strangely. RB is HOT and I just find him extremely boring here. 

I didn't start watching this show until Robert Buckley came aboard, and I agree; they're not doing him justice with the character of Evan. He's kind of Peter Pan-ish here—the boy who never grew up.

Luckily, I haven't become invested in anyone else in this show (well, maybe Mandrake), so I'll continue to watch it until the end. But I can foresee getting to the point where I just FF to RB's scenes, watch those, and move on. Bless the invention of the DVR.

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18 hours ago, Jillybean said:

What a relief that Abby's unfortunate bangs disappeared overnight in the hospital following Connor's heart attack.

I feel like this is a Hallmark thing, where everyone has the same hairstyle.  For the guys they all had side parts with a lot of gel, and the women went from mermaid waves to bobs with bangs.  I blame the bobs-and-bangs on Erin Krakow, who has (had?  I don't follow her so I don't know) them in real life and became a trend-setter.  Everyone more or less looking the same contributes to the interchangeability of all their actors and actresses.  I really loved Conor's girlfriend's hair last season, because it was something completely different.

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21 hours ago, Jillybean said:

What a relief that Abby's unfortunate bangs disappeared overnight in the hospital following Connor's heart attack.

It appears as though the entire front of her hair was French braided over to the side so her bangs  were most likely worked in

2 hours ago, dubstepford wife said:

I really loved Conor's girlfriend's hair last season, because it was something completely different.

That's because it was a different actress who portrayed Margaret last season.  I really liked her too - probably because we had several episodes to get to know her.  I'm just not feeling the replacement actress yet.  And her over-confidence over the bar exam has me worried

21 hours ago, Jillybean said:

I hate hate hate the opioid addiction storyline for Mick

Me too.  TW is too much much of a seasoned actor to be stuck with such a contrived storyline.  And how exactly was Mick getting home from the Bridge when Luke called him out for the pills?  Was he driving?  Did Luke actually let Mick get into the car when he was all loopy and strung out?

14 hours ago, kirinan said:

I didn't start watching this show until Robert Buckley came aboard, and I agree; they're not doing him justice with the character of Evan. He's kind of Peter Pan-ish here—the boy who never grew up.

I'm enjoying his character - especially since they humanized him a bit more with dyslexia, lonliness, etc rather than being a one dimensional snarky billionaire.  Abby isn't trying to change him, but trying to introduce simple, everyday things into his whirlwind lifestyle. 

I certainly like him much better than Trace who had too much angst and baggage.  I just never felt the reconnection between him and Abby.

On 8/22/2022 at 2:03 AM, Pallida said:

The audacity of Bree to write about the incarcerated experience without, ya know, talking to someone who has been incarcerated is so aggravating. I’m not surprised nor am I surprised that she was initially butt hurt that she was critiqued for it. 

I absolutely cannot stand Bree.  You know how Jess was the annoying, needy one in the first couple of seasons?  Well, Bree has taken her place.  The actress needs to take the facial expressions/ticks and exaggerated delivery of her lines down a notch.  I can't believe someone like her - 'the infamous playwrite Bree O'Brien' - wrote something without doing a stitch of research.  She's a joke as a writer.  And....is the bookstore done and gone?

Did the actress who plays Jess have a baby?  Her figure is definitely fuller.  And the actress who plays David's sister looks as though she's aged a lot since last season.  What the heck?  Barbara Niven is looking absolutely gorgeous and fit, but dang - I just cannot take her (s)mothering of Connor, which is all out of guilt.  So, what, the entire family has to drop their lives (Kevin cancelling his trip to Maui) because Connor was in the hospital?  

And why are the female characters always fashionably dressed just to hang at the house?  At least Abby got casual in a pink sweatsuit and I understand Jess has guests at the inn to look presentable for, but here's Bree with zippered crop jacket, skin tight ripped jeans, high heel ankle boots, hair curling ironed to beachy wave perfection and layered dangly necklaces just to serve porridge for brunch to Luke.  I just hope wardrobe retired that juvenile rainbow heart tshirt - or least give it to one of Abby's daughters to wear

The opening scene with Abby watching Princess Bride in bed with her daughters only for Bree to crash and later Megan with the ice cream.  Can we please stop with these silly get-togethers?  Do fully grown siblings and parents really do this?  I'm still waiting for the morning coffee ritual where everyone is up at the crack of dawn, fully dressed all ready to go out at the same time and Bree comes swooping in and taking the full coffee cup out of Abby's hand rather than pour her own.  They did that schtick a lot last season.  It's not cute - it's gross.

There's talk of 'Nell', but not sighting of 'Nell'.  I'm wondering if DL doesn't have the stamina for the role anymore, but keeping it open for an appearance now and then.

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8 hours ago, dubstepford wife said:

I feel like this is a Hallmark thing, where everyone has the same hairstyle.  For the guys they all had side parts with a lot of gel

This reminds me that I forgot to comment on Connor's hair. He didn't have it slicked back when he was actually in the hospital and he looked like a totally different person and 1000 times better! Now that he's back "home" I guess he has access to unlimited gel (sigh).

I don't know how these women eat as much ice cream and as many s'mores and muffins as they do and stay so thin. With the exception of Jess, as noted above, who now has a curvy figure and looks more "real." At least Abby was a runner at one time, though she doesn't seem to be doing much of that lately. Ah, the unemployed life of a billionaire's girlfriend.

Edited by Jillybean
How could I forget the MUFFINS?
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I was confused about Kevin's trip to Maui because this was only episode 2 and I don't remember hearing about it last week. If it was mentioned, I missed it. What I DID find ridiculous was Kevin needing to rummage through the garage for an old, brown, wheeled suitcase. He and his wife don't have any luggage at all? He's too broke to buy a new one? That suitcase was in sorry shape and not even that large.

I do realize that it was just a way to have Mick, Connor, and Kevin all together to discuss Megan's smothering and whether she should go accept that job in California.

It just bugged.

Still don't like Evan for Abby and would have preferred Jay.

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On 8/23/2022 at 10:20 AM, ctlady said:

Did the actress who plays Jess have a baby?  Her figure is definitely fuller. 

I was thinking that, too. Or maybe she's pregnant now. She sure is giving a bland, bored performance this season. What happened to the perky, quirky, cutesie and sometimes annoying gal of last season? Now she's just phoning it in. She's also not getting very many lines. The camera keeps panning over to her face but no lines. Strange.  Same with Kevin, we don't see much of him now they are sending him on a vacation to  Hawaii. Maybe he's busy making another Hallmark Christmas movie. 

Does Megan accepting the job mean she's leaving the show? Hope so. I had to laugh when she walked in to the dinner and didn't say a word about Mic's cast being gone after the kids all mentioned it before she arrived. Whoops, script overlook there. 

Bree is beautiful. Not much else to say about her. 

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So they built up this entire 'The Talk' episode between Mick and Megan during every flipping commercial and made it appear to be humorous, but it really turned out to be a serious talk.  About what Mick did and whom he had a relationship with after Megan left.  Not to mention they really downplayed Mick's pain killer addiction this week - especially after the last episode.  He popped a pill before going to Megans for dinner and drank a lot of wine there.  I'm glad he did stay the night and didn't drive home.  I really don't care anymore about Megan, even though I like Barbara Niven. Just go to The Getty and don't come back.

Luke acted as if he had never been to Bree's rental house before the way he was looking around when he got there and her telling him where the bathroom was and history of how she used to see this house when she played on the beach when she was a kid.  Wouldn't all of that been covered in conversation when she had him over for oatmeal brunch last week? 

I am so not feeling the new Margaret.  Her chemistry with Connor seems forced.  The former actress came across very natural, cute and sweet.  I'm just not feeling the vibe from this one.

And I know Connor is a lawyer and all, but DANG - that house of his.  Or...apartment?  Either way - mortgage or rent - that can't be cheap, especially in 'da shore'  

No Jess/David/FBI dad on the run this week.  No Kevin (whose most likely still in Maui) and still not a peep from gran, with the exception of a big framed print of her face on the stairwell wall.  I don't know what's going on with Diane Ladd, but you think they would've just given gran a 2 minute scene when Connor came home from the hospital.  A grandmother would be fettering about

I really did enjoy Even and Abby's fun outing - and that he finally confessed to her about what traumatized him as a kid.

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1 hour ago, ctlady said:

And I know Connor is a lawyer and all, but DANG - that house of his.  Or...apartment?  Either way - mortgage or rent - that can't be cheap, especially in 'da shore'  

This has been an issue with CS since the beginning.  I'm from the area where the O'Brians supposedly live and considering that they have a gigantic house on the water plus a plane means they would be multi-multi-millionaires.  Like, Evan would have more money, but a match between Abby and Evan would hardly be a massive socioeconomic difference.  And now add Connor's house/apartment that is also huge and that character is supposed to be probably in his mid-20s?  It means he would have a trust fund.  I don't think anyone in the show has ever mentioned money problems so at least it's not inconsistent the way that some Hallmark movies are, where people are "poor" but live in beautiful giant mansions, but yeah.  The O'Brians are loaded.

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I'm not loving the new Margaret actress, either. She doesn't have any chemistry with the Connor actor, and truthfully, I don't think she's a very strong actress. 

Megan is the woooooooorst. I hate her so much! Going on about all the men she dated or had flings with after she abandoned her five children so she could go off and "find herself" or whatever. Lady, you suck, and you are very lucky that your ex and children still want anything to do with you.  

I'm not into Evan, I think he is a child, and it would annoy me that he probably has no idea how to deal with normal, everyday adult tasks, like laundry, cleaning, paying bills, grocery shopping, etc. 

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