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S03.E13: Burned

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Scott and Jordan must perform surgery in the field as the burning wildfire gains intensity around them. Syd has caught Typhus along with hundreds of other patients on the Syria-Turkey border, and TC goes to great lengths to get the medication. Meanwhile, Drew and Rick fight to keep Brianna, while San Antonio Memorial finds an unlikely buyer, though saving the hospital comes at a cost.


Well, we don't have a renewal yet, so it's not a given that the show's coming back.

Annie turned out to not be a red herring.  She actually stole the pills, even though she didn't use any of them.

I have to remember that this show deals with things in about one episode or less.  Paul and Shannon are in love?  Okaaay....  Glad that Drew and Rick adopted Bri, but how did Justin ever figure out Bri was being adopted to begin with?  He clearly wanted to extort Drew and Rick because they were gay, but it was never explained how Justin found out about the adoption.

Topher fired?  Ummm....no.  That will bum me out if that's how the series ends.  Along with Kenny getting beaten up by loan sharks.  Also, no.

And Dad's still paying Paul's expenses

Well at least i have my happy ending for Drew and Eye Candy, I mean Rick. So if this gets cancelled I can pretend TC died, Flashdance Syd survived so that helps too. I just wish I could fanwank an easy HEA for Topher. The rest I don't really care about. Kenny had me until the whole stupid loan shark crap, so now there is one less I have to make up a happy ending for. 

Sincr it can't be said enough, TC is a self centered ass. 


NBC’s The Night Shift sewed up Season 3 on Wednesday with 5.8 million total viewers and a 1.2 rating, ticking up to its second-largest audience of the season while tying its demo high for the season.

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The Night Shift Season 3 Finale Recap: Whose Life Did Not Just Go Boom?!

Trying to keep the timelines straight in this episode made my head hurt. The worst was in the refugee camp where apparently Syd gets sick, collapses, gets a pill, recovers, and says goodbye to TC all in one 24 hour period (not to mention the kid, who has major hip surgery and is up and playing football in less than that.) I also can't believe that CPS didn't have bio Dad's waiver in Briannas' file considering she has been in the system so long. I almost hope the series is cancelled so we don't have to pick up the absurd cliffhangers.

Edited by Good Queen Jane
34 minutes ago, Good Queen Jane said:

The worst was in the refugee camp where apparently Syd gets sick, collapses, gets a pill, recovers, and says goodbye to TC all in one 24 hour period (not to mention the kid, who has major hip surgery and is up and playing football in less than that.)

I will be forever thankful for whoever made the decision to not have Syd and TC become romantic - I was so sure they were going to go that route. 

I so like Rick - he's been on a nanosecond or two in total, but I like him so.

I'm surprised at the ratings.  I honestly figured this was all we were going to get.  I don't have cable and tend to watch shows through Hulu, which hasn't been featuring the show this season, so since I don't see advertising, I was surprised after it had disappeared during the Olympics that people would remember to wander back.  I'd forgotten it was back last week, so I had to binge this morning on the NBC website.

So, if they do come back again, can they please find the money to keep paying Jennifer Beals?

Noooo...not TC, said no one ever!!! If this tripe even returns next season,  they better be at TC's funeral.  Flashdance Syd couldn't make it though because she's still recuperating.

I'm not familiar with how the chain of command works in a hospital, but isn't there only ONE ER manager, usually on day shift? If Topher sucks so bad managing, why not give the responsibility to another doctor/shift and keep him on because he's a good teacher and doctor? And why would Jessica be there talking about having an office? She's a flippin' drug sales rep!!! Not hospital admin!!!! 

So Paul is old enough to be a top surgeon now, but not old enough to pay his own bills?  And now he and the intern are in love?? They had like one booty call!  Last week they weren't even speaking to each other!! Lame!!

Bree's bio dad demands $20k and he'll leave them alone. Drew and Rick say no. Bio dad is all "ok, it was worth a shot. See ya around."  How totally stupid!!

Annie stole the pills, but didn't take any? Why did she steal them in the first place?  

I guess the guy out in the fires died. I thought he was a friend of Topher and TC. You would think Jordan and Scott Wolf would have told them that he perished in the fires. They didn't seem broken up about it considering he pretty much saved their lives.  Meh, he was going die in a couple of months anyway.  

Kenny is going to get an ass kickin'. I'm kinda hoping he doesn't return either. I liked him more of a secondary character. 

Intern is the only one left on the night shift since everyone else quit to support Topher? Sure thing, show.  Maybe they'll hire Jessica to replace Paul/Topher/TC. After all, she's a drug rep with a degree in accounting.

Edited by juliet73

Ah, a classic "explosive" cliffhanger for the season finale!  If the show comes back (judging from the ratings, I would think so.  Still doing decent for a summer show), I suspect it will hold no surprises: T.C. will live to "wing" it another day, while Syd dies, and that's the last we'll hear about her or her daughter.  After all, this show is out of sight, out of mind, once these characters depart for whatever reason.  They barely remember you, Krista. Or Ragosa.  Or Gwen.  Or hell, Landry.  Remember Landry?  Suppose to be a close friend of Jordan's....

Sure enough, Julian arrives to save the day and buys the hospital.  But equally sure enough, there is a kind: he doesn't like how Topher runs things, so he fires him.  This leads to Paul and pretty much everyone else quitting, except Shannon (and I don't think Scott was present for the walkout, so he could stay for all I know.)  So, does this mean next season is going to be about them all working at another hospital, clinic or something?  Are we going to cut between both hospitals?  Of course, with this show, next season could already have them dispatch Mean Julian by the end of the premiere, and get things back to normal.

Looks like Annie really was taking the pills (but not using them?), so Scott is taking her to rehab.  They are so not lasting.  Especially since Scott clearly still has the hots for Jordan and vice versa.

Seriously?  Paul and Shannon are already in love?!  Ridiculous!

As for Drew, the show took the easy route of making the bio dad a bastard who just wanted to extort them and never seemed to want anything to do with Brie.  Added bonus of being a bit homophobic, to say the least.  But anyway, Rick digs some stuff up about him, they get Brie, and he's out of the picture.... for now.  Really thought he was going to try something at the very end.

Mac had and knew he had a life-ending disease this entire time, so he fully attended to just end it out on the field.  It sounds like he got his wish, but I hope Jordan Scott told Topher about it.

Again, what is the entire point of having Kenny suddenly be in debt to loan sharks?

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It's probably just the health policy analyst in me, but I can't help thinking this hospital would be a lot better off if Texas accepted expanded Medicaid. All those non paying patients would have coverage, especially if the state had a presumptive eligibility program. This story has actually played out for real in a lot of states that didn't accept Medicaid expansion. 

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Did anyone else find it just a little odd that Topher's locker was covered in pictures of him and his work family, but none of his actual family?

I admit I was flipping back and forth between this and a Law and Order rerun, and the end of the L&O was keeping me more engaged, so the last thing I saw was Paul's and Shannon's declarations of love... did we get a final happy shot of Drew and Rick and Brianna? And what happened to TC?

1 hour ago, DeLurker said:

I'd change "residency" to fill-in-the-blank.

True, but given that Shannon was lamenting that she couldn't quit because she needed the job, when she in fact can't quit because she's contractually obligated unless the hospital agrees to release her.

It doesn't seem like any medical drama aside from ER has ever understood how it works (Chicago Med didn't even seem to have an attendings), but this seemed really stupid, especially since that's somehow the only thing keeping Shannon from the reservation?

I don't know, after three years, you think I'd know better than to try and make sense of all the madness.

Also, you don't treat typhus with Cipro.

3 hours ago, dargosmydaddy said:

did we get a final happy shot of Drew and Rick and Brianna? And what happened to TC?

Drew, Bri, and Rick were in the guys' truck.  Drew was the passenger, Rick was in the driver's seat, and Bri was in between them.  All three were singing the "I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream" song.

TC and Syd were in the refugee camp.  Syd was ready to head back to the States.  TC was going to go to another camp in Syria (Aleppo).  They hugged and parted.  As TC was walking through the camp, it was hit by lots of artillery/missile/etc. fire.  Several explosions.  When the dust clears and the attack stops, the audience sees Syd and TC lying near each other unconscious and bloody on the ground.

Edited by Ohmo
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As fraught with drama as the Drew/Rick/Brianna adoption story is, the appearance of bio dad could have been a poignant twist if he were a generally good guy who just found out he had a daughter. Instead, he turns out to be an all-around jerk: a former(?) drug addict, ex-con, liar,

and a smoker to boot(!) Just all kinds of bad news. So he's all bad and Drew and Rick are all-good, justifying Drew's instant dislike of the man for no reason. Okaaaaay...

Cant believe it took me this long to truly realize what bothers me about this show. No subtlety whatsoever. Everything and everyone seems to be either black or white, no shades of gray.

  • Love 4

Interesting... for as much TC hate as there is here, I'm surprised to see blaming Annie for taking the pills. I don't have strong feelings for the Annie character either way, butI believe her.

My thought, from the moment that *Kenny* reported the pills missing, was that Kenny took the pills to sell (or already sold by this point) in order to pay his loan sharks and had been hiding /transporting pills in various co-workers garments / lockers. Thus, I took Kenny's apprehension of Topher looking through the lockers, because he knew the latest batch to be transported was in TC's jacket, and presuming that Kenny has a decent co-worker connection to TC, he didn't want TC to be the one in trouble. But Annie... Kenny has no connection to Annie, so she was the easy target - the easy way out for Kenny.

Kenny taking the pills and hiding them in TC's jacket, which Jordan then finds in TC's jacket also lends itself to some nice TC/Jordan angst in the future, if I know these writers.

  • Love 1
4 hours ago, hacerry said:

Kenny taking the pills and hiding them in TC's jacket, which Jordan then finds in TC's jacket also lends itself to some nice TC/Jordan angst in the future, if I know these writers.

I could definitely see them going that way, but if Annie really didn't take the pills then it's going to be a major WTF that she did, however reluctantly, get in the cab with Scott to go to rehab at the end. (She did, didn't she? Or at least seemed to be leaning in that direction?) If she was really innocent, she should have high tailed it out of there alone, no matter what her feelings for Scott.


9 hours ago, TVForever said:

and a smoker to boot(!)

Right? I kept expecting Drew or Rick to bring up the fact that he would be putting Brianna's precarious lungs at risk if he smoked around her, but no...

On 2016-09-01 at 0:44 PM, Good Queen Jane said:

Trying to keep the timelines straight in this episode made my head hurt. The worst was in the refugee camp where apparently Syd gets sick, collapses, gets a pill, recovers, and says goodbye to TC all in one 24 hour period

I have never said "Oh, my GOD, this show!" more often or meant it more viscerally than with this ferkakte thing. We're now at Zoo-levels of appalling ridiculousness or beyond. My eyeballs are starting to hurt from all the rolling around.

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I thought there was no question that Annie was the one who took the pills and that she admitted it by the cab/in the parking lot.  At first I thought it was Kenny also.

Finally - given how loaded Daddy is, there's NO WAY that Paul had loans or that his father was still paying off medical school for him.  That's a tough pill to swallow.  :) 

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