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Who wouldn't steal $600 worth of bacon? It's BACON!!!!!  

Once again the least interesting plot is the Ben/Aaron romance plot.   Ben wouldn't be so bad if he was just a Corporate Suit trying to rise in Spriga.  That I would find interesting.

Again Laura is the most fascinating character on the show.  If anyone should be the lead it is her.  

Then again the Corporation is what should be the lead not the people in it.  Now that would be fascinating. I would love to see an expanded world with no focus on one person or plot.   No Ben I don't care about your love life.


Also..."If you hear something yucky tell officer Bucky."  

Edited by Chaos Theory
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The first episode set up that bacon is a very rare and expensive commodity, not at all as common as it is now.  It was rare even for Ben/Laura at their status.  The maid/cook blew it by letting info get out about Laura helping heal the girl.

It sounds like climate change happened with gusto, that the tropical part of the word is now desert and the cold poles are the moderate/tropical areas.  This suggests that there are not nearly the amount of food animals we now have, likely because they don't have the ability to house enough animals.  Hence rare bacon, steak, burgers made with 10% real meat.

I laughed at the red-zone hacker making the pampered suit catch and then eat a rat.  Oh there's a few 1%ers I'd enjoy see doing that too.

I really feel for the other corporate woman who was afraid of her child growing up to be a tattle tale corporate drone.  How absolutely scary to think that one's child would love a corporation more than his/her parents.

My tv/dvr lost some time during the scene showing Ben/Aaron and Elena on the rooftop after she fainted.  Did I miss anything critical?  I did see soon after that, I think it picked up when they gave the dead girl's things to Ben.  

I loved the, what did they call it, furry curtain? that hides part of a room.

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So, I can believe the poor people ate rats, but I'm sure they did not eat them raw. That was disgusting.

Did the maid and the girl ever get in the gate?


Again Laura is the most fascinating character on the show.

I have to agree.  I just hope she survives.  She's way too soft hearted for this world.

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Hello again, Rob Stewart!  Should have known it was only a matter of time before he showed up!  Same with Demore Barnes.  Ah, Vancouver casting!

Ben more or less teaming with Elizabeth and Julian to help fake the traitor's death was nicely done, but my mind still wonders whenever it goes back to him and Elena.  And, of course, that dead body was a fake-out and she's still alive.  But now the fear is that she could get her mind wiped like David Hewlett's character did last episode, and she won't remember him or Theo.

Laura is still surprising naive, but I'm still enjoying her the most, and the realization over how bad things really are.  I guess Elizabeth really sheltered her when she was growing up?  I'm looking forward to seeing what he has to play in everything.

Hendrick having a child and bring her as an excuse to talk to Ben is hilariously devious.

Roger is onto Ben.  I'm sure he'll make a move after he quicks hawking up rat hair! 

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The Officer Bucky cartoon was absolutely chilling -- very well done.  

The idea of the overweight man strapped to the chair and used as a "dump" for others to vicariously experience beer and fatty foods ... OMG, so fucking disturbing.  I found this way more disturbing than the (disgusting, but ultimately voluntary) rat-eating.  I should feel bad that that smarmy guy probably has the Plague now or something, but I kinda don't.  

The Ben / Aaron and Elena star-crossed lovers story is easily the most pedestrian thing about the show ... so kudos to the casting directors and writers for making sure she's more than just a pretty girl.  They chose a good actress and the scenes about her amphetamine-fueled efforts to get a scholarship and get out of the Red Zone made Elena more interesting to me.  Also, her obvious love for her family and wanting to get a message to her younger brother.  I get why Ben / Aaron is willing to do anything to find her (even though Laura is also awesome).

Why why why did that maid let everyone follow her to the gates??  I assume the little girl never got help because it all devolved into a riot?

Still not sure what Hendrick's deal is.  Does he have an endgame?  Or was getting a life in the Green Zone his endgame, and he doesn't have a bigger plan, like Ben does?  

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Fun episode.  I am enjoying Roger's storyline.  He is becoming more then just a one note villian.  Irony is he is actually more compelling then Ben.  I enjoyed his conversations with both his father and brother.

The baby making stuff was interesting.  It makes an eary sort of sense.  Corporations don't want women to take months off being pregnant plus it's the whole vanity thing.  The ultimate in designer babies.  If it wasn't so scary it would be intriguing.

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Most of the titular characters on these type of shows can be boring but I actually like Ben a lot. He is an interesting dude. I especially like him in the flashbacks as Aaron; how scrappy he was and how much he hustled. 

Initially rolled my eyes at the childhood sweetheart storyline but they chose a good actress and fleshed her out more, so I don't mind it. She's more than a romantic interest to Ben. She's sort of like family as they grew up together briefly in that harsh environment.

Good episode. Both the current day and flashbacks worked for me.

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The baby doctor should have had a pretty good idea Larson was lying about his background. She didn't ask any questions, which would be conclusive except TV scifi ducks exposition even when it violates common sense and character. 

The Gift of the Magi plot with Elena and Aaron was strong. 

But the kid offering himself up wasn't convincing. All he has to do now is tell the scholarship people who did it and who hired him. Really the whole plot made no sense the moment the kid recognized Theo. If Theo had no fear of cops for breaking the guy's legs even after the dude ID'd him, then Terence never needed a Theo for the job, not even to have him commit a crime so that Terence would have leverage on him.

One quibble about the Roger story, which is why in a world where the in house security can torture people and even routinely reduce them to vegetables, a drunk driving accident isn't just a fine? One thing scifi could do, but rarely ever does, is treat the question of Bad Things isn't just a matter of the Bad People who, inexplicably, happen to be running things exactly the way they want, but of a system that seems to run independent of an individual will. That in fact trains up people to do their jobs instead of being masterminded by villains. A bad barrel versus bad apple theory of social evil, so to speak.

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I like the show but it feels like the American prequel to Continuum in which corporations were the government.  The major difference is the look and feel of the times.  This is still bright and somewhat hopeful in appearance although the time periods are roughly the same (within 5 years or so).

The actor playing Ben is ok but isn't all that compelling.  Feels like another "super smarty" that can out think everyone around him except when the script has him do something dumb.

It's good to hunt for the previous cast members of other SYFY/Canadian shows.

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I think Ben is supposed to be conflicted morally with his cut throat moves to get what he wants (the so called anti hero).  The show seems to be about getting what you want no matter who or what gets in the way.  That's how Spiga operates and in turn how the people treat each other.

It's interesting that Laura went to see Chad's wife.  I think in future episodes Ben will be surprised to find that his wife is more sympathetic to the plight of Red Zoners than he thinks.

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I think the scholarship story was a ruse.  Notice in the last episode, the scholarship was dangled as an enticement for Elena but it ends in her being in the green zone but not as a student.  I'm wondering if the scholarship is a cover story for the company to pluck the best and brightest out of Red Zoners.   The kid telling Theo to do his job is from the Just Do It Already trope.

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Mark Moses!  Between him and Julia Ormond, I'm totally down with casting folks who played secondary characters from Mad Men!  Despite the futuristic setting, they kind of fit right in with all the corporate warfare and maneuvering.  Roger is becoming an interesting antagonist now, but, of course, Aaron ends up figuring it out as well, so I'm sure he'll find some way to outmaneuver him.

This was probably the most interesting the flashbacks have been, even if I'm still not wild about Aaron/Elena.  But do think I might like the Elena character somewhat.

Theo is now finding himself to be Terrence's foot solider; breaking legs of of innocent kids for money.  Oh, Theo.

Watching Aaron manipulate Laura into having a natural pregnancy, only so they can never get pregnant, is sad to watch.  She deserves better. 

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42 minutes ago, thuganomics85 said:

Watching Aaron manipulate Laura into having a natural pregnancy, only so they can never get pregnant, is sad to watch.  She deserves better. 

It is really sad and Laura deserves better, but Aaron's ruthlessness is keeping him interesting for me. Obviously he cares about Laura but I do like that his eye is never off his objective and he is good at keeping a cool head even when he is in a tight spot. 

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On 12/23/2016 at 0:29 PM, Noirprncess said:

Rachel shouldn't have shared that information about the little girl with anyone.  She was already on shaky ground by stealing that bacon.

To be fair to Rachel, the little girl isn't her daughter, but a neighbor's. To be able to take the girl, she would have had to tell the girl's parent. From how Rachel didn't seem to know exactly how the news got out, my guess is that her neighbor talked, probably to other people in the same building since it's basically a co-op where the inhabitants are sharing and helping each other.

That's what Laura missed. It's nice that she wanted to help someone, but helping one special snowflake doesn't do anything about the larger problem. As she saw when she went to the gate, there are many, many, many people in the same boat as Rachel's neighbor's daughter. The corporate mindset as we have seen is different from that of Rachel's building - it's not expected that employees will help each other, it's rather expected that they will all stab each other in the back for the sake of getting oneself promoted higher up the ladder. Everyone is out for themselves. Rachel and the girl's family live in a community with a different mindset.

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6 hours ago, Noirprncess said:

Not sure I like the fact that Ben/Aaron is sold as a expert hacker and programmer, yet Roger gets his name and background so quickly and rather easily.  I mean, I get that his daddy's money made things a bit easier but....

Roger got Ben's name and background from Elena's father. Roger could not find a connection between Elena and Aaron, until her dad blabbed.

Sad to see Roger go but wow, that was a great episode. It kept my interest both in the present day and the flashback scenes. And nice to see Elena is not just a token love interest but a great character on her own. I like all of them - Elena, Ben, Reed/Hendrick, Theo, Elizabeth.

Everything is going to catch up to Ben one day.

Edited by waving feather
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There's something very old fashioned about how Incorporated is written, by comparison to stuff like The Americans or Fargo or first season True Detective or the latest darling Westworld. But it seems to me that because it's structured by a plot where the characters do things aimed at achieving comprehensible goals which make a certain kind of sense for a more or less comprehensible world shown on screen, they've taken on a certain weight of verisimilitude as people. As a result I'm finding Ben's murder of Roger horrifying. He was a shitty person, but I'm not so sure Ben isn't one too. And there is the moral standard of lex talionis, a life for a life. What life did Roger take? I'm not sure I agree with the Hollywood principle of Bad People Dying is Fun. Sure I want Elena to get out of Arcadia without having her mind erased...but this is the episode where Ben claims he can complete a technology that will allow her to get out with her mind intact.

So, why is it necessary to murder Roger? To complete the tech, even though it will strengthen Spiga immeasurably even as it saves Elena? Or simply to save Ben's position, and Laura's, and Elizabeth's too, so that Elena can be saved from a Fate Worse Than Death? The show has gone out of its way to portray working as a prostitute for executives means being routinely mauled by sadistic monsters. Well, perhaps it's true that no executive is ever the masochists in his sex play, or for that matter, none ever enjoy straightforward intercourse with a seemingly enthusiastic partner? But if that's the case, what corporate secrets are they hearing that requires the NDA?

Edited by sjohnson
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26 minutes ago, sjohnson said:

As a result I'm finding Ben's murder of Roger horrifying. He was a shitty person, but I'm not so sure Ben isn't one too. And there is the moral standard of lex talionis, a life for a life. What life did Roger take? I'm not sure I agree with the Hollywood principle of Bad People Dying is Fun.

I think we are supposed to be horrified by Ben's murder of Roger. I know I was. Roger is not a good person but I wouldn't say he was evil, so it was hard to watch Ben kill him. I don't think it was the usual Bad People Dying is Fun trope, which is why I found the whole thing interesting. Ben has done many bad things for a protagonist. He will face the consequences of his actions down the line, if his guilt doesn't eat him up first. Like Theo said, he is "a real piece of shit". But interesting as a character for me, because he is always in survivor-mode (kill or be killed), even when he doesn't have to be.

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I don't share the horror over Roger's death.  He jammed a corkscrew into Elena's face and was planning to torture her so I barely flinched when Ben killed him. I find what Ben did to his boss to create an opening on the 40th floor to be far more troubling. I wondered if Aaron knows who he was referring to when he cried out that he wouldn't let Roger kill his family. Did he also mean Laura? He has so many people to protect.

I have really come to like Aaron. I thought he would be one of those typical white male boring sci fi protagonists, but he is much more interesting and compelling. He reminds me of Rick from The Walking Dead with the tormented determination to survive and save the people he loves. The flashbacks have done a good job of showing how the desperation of his childhood has made him ruthless and capable of doing the things that he does. I am looking forward to watching how his plan to rescue all the people he loves unfolds. I hope it involves destroying the corporations.

 I don't find Laura's story particularly interesting, but I hope that it leads to her becoming determined to take down the corporation as well. Maybe it was behind her attack and kidnapping. I wonder if she will really be surprised when she finds out the truth about Aaron. I remember what she said about him always being on. Subconsciously, she knows that there is something off about him.

Edited by SimoneS
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I'm kind of bummed Roger is done for, because he was a fun villain, and Douglas Nyback brought the perfect amount of sleaze to him.  But, damn, I did not know Aaron had that in him.  But I guess if you come from that background, you would be tough to survive those streets.  I do wonder if Roger's dad will now factor in more, since they had to get Mark Moses for a reason.

Speaking of which, finding out that Aaron basically bribed Hendrick to get him in, makes me believe Hendrick will be trouble later on.  Like with Moses, I suspect they would have bothered getting Damon Herriman, if he would end up playing a bigger part.  And you can never really trust Dewey Crowe...

Elena was pretty badass, when she didn't let Roger get to her, even after he began cutting her with that corkscrew.  She's becoming a much better character now that they are letting her be more then just the object of Aaron's affection/redemption.

Enjoyed the Laura/Julien scene.  I'm all for getting Allison Miller and Dennis Haysbert playing off one another.

Aaron now just made a big damn promise to the board that could cause big trouble if he doesn't follow through.  Not just with Elizabeth, but Rob Stewart, which.... have you seen, Killjoys, Aaron?  Better watch your back!

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7 minutes ago, thuganomics85 said:

...  Not just with Elizabeth, but Rob Stewart, which.... have you seen, Killjoys, Aaron?  Better watch your back!

Also Nikita! I'm sure Rob Stewart is a perfectly nice person in real life, but I'd still not want to be on his bad side.


....I have really come to like Aaron. I thought he would be one of those typical white male boring sci fi protagonists, but he is much more interesting and compelling. He reminds me of Rick from The Walking Dead with the tormented determination to survive and save the people he loves. The flashbacks have done a good job of showing how the desperation of his childhood has made him ruthless and capable of doing the things that he does. I am looking forward to watching how his plan to rescue all the people he loves unfolds. I hope it involves destroying the corporations.


I agree. I like that Aaron isn't some morally pure hero we all root for. He's much more interesting this way.

I think this show is really hitting it's groove. I'm enjoying pretty much all the aspects of it except fight club. And while the futuristic tech can get kinda hokey, many of the dystopic elements resonate a lot with me. In my area, there's a yearly subscription fee for ambulance service. It's voluntary, but if you don't pay it and you wind up needing an ambulance, you end up with a huge penalty. The debtor's prison reminds me a lot of the privatized jails and probation services where you can end up in cycles of incarceration and debt. The poor not being able to afford health care from that prior episode obviously isn't even that fictional now. The show doesn't feel that far fetched.

Except for the 20 year sex slave contract. That seems pretty excessive for a lot of different reasons. 

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4 hours ago, cynic said:

Except for the 20 year sex slave contract. That seems pretty excessive for a lot of different reasons. 

I thought the same about the 20 years, but then it occurred to me that they probably have technology that would slow down the aging process and keep sex workers healthy for those 20 years. Also, they probably make the contract that long to reduce the odds of pay out because few of the sex workers live that long. The one thing that strikes me as odd is that we haven't seen any male sex workers or did I miss this? I cannot imagine that is no demand for male sex workers in these corporations. 

Edited by SimoneS
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I'm not sure why Theo thinks Aaron is a piece of shit when he's the one trying to save Elena. If Theo supports that end game, he's got no business spitting on Aaron for the way he goes about it. Does wanker Theo think he's capable of doing it by himself?

I was glad to finally get the backstory of how Aaron conned his way out of the Red Zone.

I just noticed that the series is rated TV14 DLSV. I'm old and don't have kids but not sure I'd let an 8th grader watch.

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3 minutes ago, palmaire said:

I'm not sure why Theo thinks Aaron is a piece of shit when he's the one trying to save Elena. If Theo supports that end game, he's got no business spitting on Aaron for the way he goes about it. Does wanker Theo think he's capable of doing it by himself?

I don't think that Theo really means it though. He is angry and frustrated that Aaron was so close to Elena and could not rescue her. It has got to be wearing on both of them after all these years of sacrifice and scheming that Elena is still outside of their grasp. 

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Enjoyed the Laura/Julien scene.  

That scene was SO good. I hope we get to see more of Dennis Haysbert. His character has been kind of peripheral to the action. Hopefully, that will change.

This episode (and the previous one) were really good. It felt like the story moved along. 

Ben killing Roger was disturbing. I felt sure they'd keep Roger around to be a villain/thorn in Ben's side. 

Laura's storyline feels detached from the rest of the show, so I'm not that interested in it yet.

Love seeing Rob Stewart as the Spiga exec. Can't help it, that man makes me swoon.

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Damn, this show is brutal. I had to cover my eyes when the kidnappers were cutting off Laura's ear. Allison Miller did an excellent job in this ep. She conveyed Laura's terror but also her resilience and resourcefulness. And it was good to get more insight into her character. 

So, was the implication that Spiga kills execs when they get kidnapped to protect the company's intellectual property?

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Another good episode. This show is killing it.

Good to learn more about what happened with Laura. So, she and Aaron have something in common, they have killed someone. I wonder if she told Aaron the details of what happened.

The actor playing Aaron must be doing a great job, because I missed his presence in this one.

I don't find Aaron unlikable at all. Elena is more than just his childhood sweetheart. In some way, she is like family to him, because back then they really did not have much but each other. She was also likely the first stranger who showed him kindness when he was younger and had nothing. That kind of grace breeds loyalty. And Elena seems like a wonderful person, why wouldn't he try every way to save her?

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33 minutes ago, waving feather said:

The actor playing Aaron must be doing a great job, because I missed his presence in this one.

I don't find Aaron unlikable at all. Elena is more than just his childhood sweetheart. In some way, she is like family to him, because back then they really did not have much but each other. She was also likely the first stranger who showed him kindness when he was younger and had nothing. That kind of grace breeds loyalty. And Elena seems like a wonderful person, why wouldn't he try every way to save her?

While I enjoyed Laura's back story, I missed Aaron in this episode also. I think the actor/character is compelling. I don't think that Aaron is giving up anything with Laura. He likes her well enough, loves her in a way, and does not want to hurt her, but fundamentally, they have nothing in common.

The flashbacks convincingly show why Aaron's bond with Elena and Theo is unbreakable. Even if he wasn't in love with Elena, she is a good person who deserves to be saved not discarded so Aaron can live a fake life with Laura.

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5 minutes ago, SimoneS said:

He likes her well enough, loves her in a way, and does not want to hurt her, but fundamentally, they have nothing in common.

The flashbacks convincingly show why Aaron's bond with Elena and Theo is unbreakable. 

Exactly. He cares for her but deep down, Aaron doesn't feel like he belongs in her world. Unlike Hendrick, I don't think Aaron can ever settle down in the Spiga world. Let's say Elena dies and he doesn't have to try to save her anymore...I still don't think he can be happy under the company's rule in the green zone.

Who knows if Aaron and Elena can fall back into a romantic relationship after he has saved her? I doubt that is Aaron's main concern. He just wants to get her out of there.

It's unfortunate Aaron has to use Laura, but that's one of the conflicts this show presents.

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Hmm.... an episode with barely any Aaron and it ends up being my favorite?  Not sure what to make of that.

Either way, it was good seeing what really happened to Laura in the Red Zone, and Allison Miller did a great job.  Crazy that she ended up having to kill one of them (recognized the actress from the first season of American Crime.)  Also explains her little scene with Julian last week, since he was the one who saved her from getting "cleaned up", I guess, by the company.  I guess it's the company policy to just take everyone out for security reasons?  Always fun seeing Patrick St. Espirt in another military-type role.

Aaron's plan now is to have Theo sell Roger's watch to.... some kind of suit?  Was it from the same company or a rival?  Is he trying to make it look like Roger was a victim of corporate warfare?  Kind of confused by all of that.

So, the reason Laura dislikes Elizabeth is because she believes Elizabeth let her father die in another hostage scenario.  But judging from her moment with Julian, there seems to be a lot more going on with that and the father/husband in general.  I'm sure it will all come to ahead eventually.

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39 minutes ago, thuganomics85 said:

Hmm.... an episode with barely any Aaron and it ends up being my favorite?  Not sure what to make of that.

I agree, it was also my favorite episode so far. I'm not really a huge fan of flashback central episodes but I really liked Laura's back story. I still don't know what to make of Aaron. I get that everything is all morally grey, especially in this world, but I really can't root for him. Probably because Laura is quickly becoming my favorite. 

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In the category of things you probably never would have guessed;  Laura is kind of a badass. She almost saved herself there for a second.

The more I see of her the more I wish she was the central character.  Her backstory is interesting and her yearning to be a "real" Doctor which only being outside the safe zone allows her to be.  Might be an interesting storyline for her.  

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Ben's guilt in the dream was interesting. Laura deciding to go to the girl was interesting. The rest didn't grab me at all. The soulful torturer still doesn't work for me, no matter how they dress it up. And Julia Ormond's personal qualities may be admirable enough, but she fulfills a social role. There doesn't seem to me to be much admirable about that. 

Ben's ambiguous relationship with Laura is matched by Theo's ambiguous relationship with his significant other, who apparently is about as relevant as a potted plant.

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I too was disappointed to see Roger die, especially since they had set him up to work with his brother against their father.  I wonder if the brother will become a bigger role now.

I'm glad we got more of the backstory of how Elena became a corp prostitute and Aaron became Ben and into the green zone.  I don't like how he manipulates Laura, I wonder if he married her solely because of her mother, or she was just the first available to help him move up the corp ladder.

I loved the references to actual current circumstances, like the pay-for fire services, debtors prison, etc.  Yes, we can see these things happening under certain polticial control.

And for all the 'freedom' the green-zone people have, the corp controls their procreation, though at least it gave them choices on how to do it, once approved.  Ben/Aaron is lucky I suppose, that the corp doesn't demand the use of a gestationist.

I agree that the 'scholarship' was ruse for everyone.  The green-zone just offer them, and end up taking the 'best and brightest' of the red zone people for use in other ways (though perhaps some smart red-zoners do get corporate jobs, eventually). And the 20 year prostitute contract is to ensure that its long enough to never really be completed.  Has any former 'corporate service' drone ever returned to the red zone after the contract was completed?  They'd know that.

Of course, I knew the moment Elena casually threw $20,000 on the table, it was going to be lost in some way.  Real risky of a restaurant owner, who uses fire/grease to cook to not pay for his fire service.

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I also am finding myself on Team Laura. After starting as a stupid teenager who got into stupid teenager trouble she did a good job trying to extricate herself from the situation.  The episode explained a lot about her inner demons. 

I wonder if her father isn't dead but "dead" in the sense he defected to a corporate rival.

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I almost feel that if Aaron/Ben could be honest with Laura, she'd actually try and help him save Elena.  The problem, of course, is that Ben is in love with Elena.  If she was just a friend, Ben could work with Laura, but knowing that he'd probably choose Elena over Laura, he can't ask for Laura's help.

I kept waiting to hear a gunshot after Laura and Julian left the apartment, showing that the 'clean up team' shot the young boy too (leave no one).  

So it looks like Elizabeth told Laura that her father was kidnapped and killed "accidently" by the rescuers/on purpose by the kidnappers.  And now Laura believes her father was killed on purpose by the rescuers.  However, it appears something else is the case, as speculated above, that the father actually defected instead and I bet we'll see him again, assuming the show lasts long enough.

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The level and amount of violence on this show is a bit much. Between Laura being quasi-kidnapped again and Theo being raped, it was a all a lot to take. 

I was sure that pumped up fighter was going to kill Theo. He really is in a desperate situation.

It'll be interesting to see what happens with Laura and the clinic for Goren. I'm guessing her mom won't like her taking regular trips into the Red Zone.

Theo is right: Ben/Aaron is a piece of shit. 

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