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Dr. Jeff, Rocky Mountain Vet - General Discussion

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6 hours ago, Gypsy3142 said:

The fact that Dr. Jeff cares so much for animals is amazing and TRULY, TRULY RARE. 

I'm sorry that has been your experience, and very glad that is far from a universal truth.

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16 hours ago, Gypsy3142 said:

Over the years when I've needed vet care for a pet, I call around first and the difference in pricing is astronomical, and the vets that charge a decent price are few and far between. Why? Because most are in it for the money, not for love of animals. 

Any veterinary office is more than capable to have fund raisers to help keep costs low, the simple fact is they just don't give a sh*t. It's unbelievable to me how many vet clinics honestly don't care about animals at all. 

I wouldn't say vets are in it for the money. A co-worker's daughter graduated from vet school and was offered an internship at a prestigious vet clinic with a starting annual pay of $26k. Imagine living off that in a town where the average rent is $1,800/month and owing nearly a hundred grand in student loans? You really have to love your job to handle that math. 

Dr. Jeff has made some very smart financial moves to keep his vet clinic running at prices that are reasonable, but even at PPP there's a deposit required for emergencies/surgeries. At the same time due to the sheer number of animals they see, they can't always take walk-ins (life and death emergencies are triaged), they NEVER answer the phone, if you call you don't always get a call back and because of the tv show when they do return your call the number is often blocked because they don't want to give out their personal numbers, so you have to go "vet or robo call" and play your luck.

Also because it's a low cost clinic sometimes you're still referred to the more expensive vet. When my dog got an infection in his leg, Dr. Kraft knew the limit of his skills and ultra sound equipment, so we had to take him to the emergency hospital where they have a radiology department to rule out cancer and find the abscess (that if it had been Dr. Pol, he would've of lanced and drained and sent my dog home same day.  Alas it a weekend in the vet ICU on powerful antibiotics until the surgeon came in on Monday, did ANOTHER ultra sound and then did surgery to drain the abscess). Even at PPP I would've paid a pretty penny for the follow up antibiotics because my dog is 180 lbs, so that's 8 pills a day for 2 wks.

Due to finances more and more vet clinics are being bought by consortiums, that means when you call for an appointment you're talking to a call center, not your local hospital and the collections department is in Florida. So the days of a vet practice run by a handful of doctors is becoming a thing of the past. And unfortunately we're all paying for the people that stiff the vet. When my cat got sick 2 yrs ago I was told to pay a $4,000 deposit at 5am by the emergency vet before they would treat him (note he was about 10 minutes away from a bladder rupture and death) I was pissed off (mostly because the over-night vet had the bedside manner of a turnip and the receptionist that was supposed to be running my credit card was dawdling and chatting and had to be made to focus by the vet). This policy was new at the emergency vet and the result of people saying "save my animal, no matter the cost" and then people not paying. It's not what pushed me to PPP, it was they kept misdiagnosing his UTIs as psychological, putting off PU surgery, and after I was in and out up to 3 times a day for 6 wks and had maxed out 2 credit cards, they still said "have we seen you before?"

The next time my cat blocked it was into PPP and by 1pm they had done PU surgery and we haven't had a blockage since.  I still had to pay a deposit, because even PPP has bills to pay.

If we want lower vet bills, something has to be done about the cost of medication, the cost of rent, and most importantly the cost of vet school. Dr. Jeff has found a way to make it work and he's in a large metropolitan area, but for a small clinic in a small town the ability to offset cost with quantity gets harder, especially if that area is struggling overall. 

But I'd accuse very few vets of not loving animals (and many love the animals, but that doesn't come across to owners, because they don't like people).

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8 hours ago, Gwendolyn said:

So the days of a vet practice run by a handful of doctors is becoming a thing of the past

Happily, that is not the case for my vet, who took over the one-woman practice in the mid 1990s, and has never asked for a payment up front.  Since I had to take early retirement many years ago, she has given me price breaks, and even some free services.  I am her first client, and she has cared for all my cats for their entire lifetimes,  with caring compassion.

Much as I lurve Dr. Jeff and his mission, I have to crown my Queen, Dr. Cecilia Morris, Rancho del Oro Veterinary Hospital, Oceanside, CA.  She's the BEST!

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I feel sorry for the deaf white dog, Pinky, being bounced around to so many places, but figured that in a bigger city she was primed to finally get her forever home; all that change would be well worthwhile.  And poor thing just having to recover on her own after being hit by a car, not to mention having been shot!  That poor girl has been through some shit ("her body is like a crime scene" was sadly accurate).  I'm glad she's now happily running around her home.

The granddaughter lying down on the floor next to Nacho during recovery and putting water on her tongue was adorable, and I never find kids adorable (hell, I hardly ever find them bearable).

I had a rash that for a time I suspected was ringworm (it wasn't), and I routinely checked Riley because I wanted to make sure I hadn't spread it to her, not because I was afraid she'd spread it to me (she's an indoor cat, I'm out and about in the world - odds are greater I'd pick it up).  I knew Bandit was going to be negative, and laughed at his owner realizing she needs to push her husband, not her cat, away (but if the husband's infected spot is smaller than hers the way she made it sound, she gave it to him to begin with).

I'm glad Lexi's story was included, because there are a lot more people out there who want to get care for their pets but can't afford it, but there are also the people like her owners who just "eh, don't want to pay" and the effect of vets having to deal with that is often ignored when complaining about clinics that require payment up front.  (I've never had a primary vet require any advance payment - and they'll do payment plans with reliable clients - but the emergency clinics I've used all required deposits.)  Shelly making fun of Dr. B not needing his arm twisted to take her home was funny.  I liked seeing his other pets.  (And I'm partial to Alice, since that was my late cat Maddie's middle name [Madeleine Alice].)  She ate a dog training book, ha!

Mercy is so young, I hate that the diagnosis was as bad as Dr. Jeff feared -- her poor owners. 

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I was going to look this up but thought, eh  @Bastet will know -- are ringworm meds the same for animals and humans? I was thinking Dr. Amy should just toss the owner a few samples!

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31 minutes ago, 2727 said:

I was going to look this up but thought, eh  @Bastet will know -- are ringworm meds the same for animals and humans?

Indeed I do know this.  🙂  In people, topical (and usually OTC at that) anti-fungal ointment is often enough (as long as it's one of the several to which ringworm will respond), although sometimes a prescription topical or even oral drug is required, and in cats, it's usually both topical and oral - or oral only, if the topical would be where a cat would just lick it right off.  But same base drug, yes, as the fungus is zoonotic (transmissible from animals to people/vice versa) and thus the same fungus in either species.

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I think veterinarians are much like attorneys, auto mechanics....you have to wade through a pile of $hit many times, get ripped off and hopefully, eventually you will find a good one.

I've mentioned before that I was a veterinary asst/tech for 7 years and then 15 years in veterinary diagnostics. I've worked with kind/caring vets (who still shed tears when a pet had to be euthanized) and vets who were in it for the money (talking clients into unnecessary procedures like dentals).

The good ones are out there but damned if I know how to find them.

And WalnutQueen, thanks for acknowledging the wonderful vet you've found in your area. You are a lucky lady! 

Edited by chenoa333
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I loved seeing the pictures of young Dr. Jeff.

And I always love seeing the clinics they do in remote/impoverished areas -- spaying/neutering 75 animals in a town of only 250 people makes a tremendous impact!  I'm glad the on-site surgery of the big hernia on that tiny kitten worked out, and it was great seeing her bigger, recovered self.

Roscoe certainly had a lot working against him, so I'm glad that surgery went so well, too; Petra did a great job.  And LOL at "he's basically just a breathing rug".

Poor Jack, walking around on that leg with a horrible knee for so long.  He must feel like he's a whole new dog.

Chico's "eyebrows" are adorable.  The fly larvae living inside of him, not so much.

If Watson ever gets adopted, Susan is going to cry a bucket's worth of tears - half in joy and half in sadness over how much she's going to miss her little helper buddy.  She should just adopt him.  🙂  Given her obnoxious invitation (glitter, really?), I was afraid her wedding was going to be equally ridiculous, but it was nice. 

Edited by Bastet
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I'm catching up on episodes and everything got blocked out because FLY LARVAE grossssssssssssssss 😱😱

ETA - I can deal with blood, vomit, ticks, etc - something about larvae, I don't know eeeeeeeee 😱

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Thanks for the heads-up on the time change.  Fortunately, I get the east coast feed on my satellite, so they'll both air at 6:00 and then repeat at 9:00; I can just watch Dr. Jeff at six and Dr. Pol at nine.  (I'm weird about recording; I only do it when I'm out, and sometimes not even then - for some reason, if I'm not home when something is on, I tend to just skip it until a rerun.)

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I so wish Dr. Jeff had a PPP clinic near me. I would be volunteering every free moment of my time (which translated means "most of my time"😁)

Loved the episode with the tiny calico kitten. And the dog Watson going to be in the owners wedding with his little wheelchair cart.

Didn't get to see if the little kitten came thru ok but seemed like it was going to have a good outcome.

Edited by chenoa333
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25 minutes ago, chenoa333 said:

Didn't get to see if the little kitten came thru ok but seemed like it was going to have a good outcome.

The tiny kitten with the big hernia?  I was a little nervous for her, but she did just fine - they showed video of her bigger, fluffier self playing and a picture of her in her owner's arms at the end, with a note that she'd made a full recovery.

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13 minutes ago, Bastet said:

The tiny kitten with the big hernia?  I was a little nervous for her, but she did just fine - they showed video of her bigger, fluffier self playing and a picture of her in her owner's arms at the end, with a note that she'd made a full recovery.

Thank you for the update Bastet! 💞

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I keep meaning to ask this: Does anyone here have trouble understanding Dr. Petra to the point the captioning is necessary?  I appreciate making things easy for the audience, but I also cringe a bit when anything mildly “foreign” gets treated as de facto incomprehensible, and I don’t think her accent is prohibitively strong.  They don’t do it all the time, though, so production is determining that sometimes she needs captioning to be widely understood.  I tend to do really well with accents (I even understand Scottish accents, heh), so that’s why I’m curious if that indeed holds true for anyone here.

Dr. Jeff’s reaction to Grafton amused me; he was very “the dog ate an entire intestinal system worth of trash and it’s just going to have to work its way out” about it – not like it was wasting his time, just that it was not worth giving much attention beyond that.  At least the owner taking him to PPP for his garbage gut meant he got fixed.  I liked when she said she was going to give him treats – but not too many – and just cuddle with him all day upon getting him home.

Oliver eating hair ties gave me flashbacks to how lucky we were when my then-roommate’s cat ate a section of my fabric headband (that he retrieved out of a bathroom drawer that was just the tiniest bit shy of fully closed!) and it had lost so much elasticity (it was just a ratty old thing I used when washing my face) that he had no trouble passing it.  And to how relieved I was to walk in on my cat Riley just as she swallowed a 4-inch length of stretchy ribbon (actually an 8-inch piece, but folded in half) she’d crawled into a bag to retrieve; getting there just in time meant I was able to simply induce vomiting (with hydrogen peroxide) and get it back out intact, again avoiding surgery.  Shelley – who is my favorite tech – rubbing Oliver’s shaved belly on her way out of the room was cute.

The little orphaned black kitten going to town on his bottle had me smiling, and then my heart was warmed another 20 degrees when Christine talked about needing time to mourn her 17-year-old cat and now being ready to be the little guy’s mommy.  (Him kissing Dr. Amy was adorable, too.  Of course, let’s be real, everything about kittens is adorable.)  Her poor old dog crawling in the litter box to get away from the house panther, but I’m sure they’ll figure it out.

The infrared pits in the snake’s mouth to detect heat signatures in the dark is interesting.  I still don’t like snakes, but that’s interesting.

Edited by Bastet
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I remember Dr Jeff mentioning that living above the store is convenient for many reasons, one being that Dr Petra loves to check on their patients during the night.

I don't have a problem understanding her and I enjoy listening to her speak. I don't recall noticing or thinking about captions being used until I read Bastet's post just before watching an episode tonight; I saw scenes with and without captions.

The earlier scene was rather short and the terms used weren't especially complicated and it was captioned. I was like, "Hunh." The later scene didn't have difficult pronunciations but she talked much longer than usual and it was not captioned. What's up with that?

Oliver the cat who ate hair ties has good parents; they're learning, they realize they made a mistake, they corrected it. 

I like Dr Amy, and Dr Don. Dr Jeff and Dr Petra are Da Kine. OK, the entire staff is Da Kine.  

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When they spent a couple minutes meeting Larry the camel before castrating him, Hector was looking at Larry like that guy on the sidewalk looks at the LiMu Emu in the Liberty Mutual commercial. I think the camera operator was getting a kick out of watching Hector. 

Then, in the "after" footage, Hector and Dr Jeff were casually standing next to Larry and they jumped about a foot when he stamped his feet (to shoo some flies?). LOL

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I want a baby yak! 💕

I’m glad Dr. Amy told Yarrow’s mom not to let him use her hands as toys. I used to catsit a cat whose dad did just that. As a result, I could be petting Mico and suddenly he would grab and/or bite my hand. Ouch!

Edited by LittleIggy
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Watching old episode from 2017...  Petra trying to piece together a badly shattered leg on dog that fell out a 2nd story window. ROFLMAO when she says it's "like trying to put a ###### puzzle together when you're drunk"

Rest of story - good Samaritan stepped up when owners were going to have poor pup euthanized - dog had broken three of his legs. Good Samaritan couple ended up postponing wedding to pay bills. Shattered leg couldn't be saved, but we see happy 3 legged - 2 legs still in casts - pup playing as episode ends. 

Edited by SRTouch
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On 7/13/2019 at 6:04 PM, Bastet said:

The granddaughter lying down on the floor next to Nacho during recovery and putting water on her tongue was adorable, and I never find kids adorable (hell, I hardly ever find them bearable

Oh Bastet...you just won my heart!😁

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Heads up: According to my program guide, before tonight's new episode, there is a retrospective (it sounds like a clip show with behind-the-scenes footage).  So, special at 8:00 EDT, regular new episode at 9:00 EDT.

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I don't know what's being aired right now but I just watched (5 p.m.-6 p.m. PST) an episode celebrating Dr. Jeff's 30 years in vetetinary medicine. It was beautiful...I cried, I laughed and it made me want to get back in veterinary medicine again. Then I came back to MY reality...which is maybe, someday in small doses! 😺 But it was a very good hour of Dr. Jeff!

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I loved the special; I remembered so many of the animals (and a couple of the owners, like Chico's).  My only wish is that we'd heard more from Melanie; in the show's early days, they included more of what she went through making the money work.  (I'd also love to know what she thought when her dad first took up with Petra, but that's beyond the scope of the show.)

Actually, I'd have also liked to learn a bit about some of the techs (other than Hector), especially Shelley, and to get an update on Dr. Nichols.  But I quite enjoyed what we did get.

I loved hearing that they're able to adopt out around 300 animals a year!

It's wonderful how much having Dr. Jeff as his coach wound up changing Hector's life, and if Dafni indeed winds up becoming a vet, that's going to be a second generation living a life partially set in motion by Dr. Jeff.  Add in the work he does internationally, especially the teaching facility, and Dr. Jeff is among those who will truly leave a legacy. 

The pictures of baby Dr. B. with various animals were adorable.  Same with Dr. Amy, and I love how tickled she was by two big guys coming in with their kittens.

LOL at Dr. Jeff faux demanding a $500/episode contract for Fred. 

I guess because we got a special and The Vet Life returns next week, tonight's episode was the season finale.  It always goes by so fast!  (I like The Vet Life, too, but I could watch this and Pit Bulls & Parolees year round and still want more.)

It was cool seeing Dr. Jeff and his mom.  And it's funny that he and his cousin, despite living far away from each other and having a connection but not seeming all that close in daily life, are both fiercely dedicated to spay/neuter programs.

And, of course, I loved Dr. Jeff telling Bear's owner that if she also brings in the parents and litter mates, he'll fix them all for free.  He is not going to let another "surprise" litter happen (I can't with people who have an unaltered male and unaltered female being "surprised" they wind up with puppies, although at least this person was coming in for spay/neuter when she found out there was already a pregnancy [it's a shame she didn't do a gravid spay then, but at least she won't compound the problem]).

Melanie telling her newly-adopted fatty "you'll be in a bikini in no time" was cute.  It's good she has the knowledge and dedication to enforce the weight-loss program; it's a simple formula of fewer calories (she's particularly wise to supplement the dog food with vegetables, to add fiber [helping the dog stay feeling full] without adding too many calories) and more exercise, but, just as it can be hard to stick to for ourselves, it can be hard to insist on with our pets in the face of their adorable whining.

The one leg on poor Dakota (the little dog who got hit by a car) looked absolutely awful on x-ray; Petra has mad surgical skills for someone at her level of experience (and I'm like a poster upthread, absolutely loving that time she described a surgery as trying to put a fucking puzzle together while drunk).  And LOL at Susan giving him Cheerios and saying, "Let's not tell Dr. Petra."  I hope Dakota winds up keeping (and using) that leg.

I wonder how Lyra's owner was able to get pills down her throat given how swollen and painful her face was.  And she wasn't eating, so it wasn't like he could just hide them in treats.  Kudos to him for figuring something out, because she's doing great.  I'd never heard of her condition before. 

Edited by Bastet
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I too enjoyed the flash back show. For some reason Dr Amy looks familiar to me. Was she on that Vet School show a few years ago?

The guide didn't say this week's show was the finale, so maybe next week.

43 minutes ago, Bastet said:

I loved the special; I remembered so many of the animals (and a couple of the owners, like Chico's).  My only wish is that we'd heard more from Melanie; in the show's early days, they included more of what she went through making the money work.  (I'd also love to know what she thought when her dad first took up with Petra, but that's beyond the scope of the show.) 

I guess because we got a special and The Vet Life returns next week, tonight's episode was the season finale.  It always goes by so fast!  (I like The Vet Life, too, but I could watch this and Pit Bulls & Parolees year round and still want more.)

I watch the reruns of Pit Bulls & Parolees every day, I hate the dumb throwback Thursday when it isn't on!!

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7 minutes ago, Gramto6 said:

For some reason Dr Amy looks familiar to me. Was she on that Vet School show a few years ago?

As far as I know, this show was her first TV appearance - thus how nervous and red-faced she was initially upon being filmed - but I didn't see all of that show.  A quick search on Google and IMDb isn't bringing it up, though.

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1 minute ago, Bastet said:

As far as I know, this show was her first TV appearance - thus how nervous and red-faced she was initially upon being filmed - but I didn't see all of that show.  A quick search on Google and IMDb isn't bringing it up, though.

Thanks, maybe she just looks like someone that was on the Vet School show...

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Bear is going to be huge (no surprise with his parentage). In a month he went from being a little puppy to the size of a medium sized dog!

I too wondered how Lyra’s Dad was going to get those pills down her. Maybe Dr. Don gave her a shot that helped ease her throat enough. Lyra looked so bad that I was terrified for her. Glad things worked out.

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Maybe this has been discussed before, but I know these days it's somewhat controversial to neuter some large breeds of puppies when they're really small because it's thought they don't develop properly. I totally applaud  and agree with Dr Jeff's  spay/neuter philosophy, but I wondered what others think about this.  He's often shown neutering very young dogs.

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Have you guys noticed that they're not showing the actual surgeries any more? The crew films from the other side of the table and there are no close-ups of any pus, cutting, pinning, etc.

Given the grief Dr. Pol has received about his treatment practices, I'm wondering if it's just not worth potential blowback from the vet community to film everything any more, or maybe it's the grossness factor? Vet shows all have that boilerplate onscreen disclaimer about not showing the full extent of treatment.

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On 8/11/2018 at 11:15 PM, Cpink said:

Re:Fred, I think he'd ingested a foreign body. He was a repeat offender and the owners wanted him killed so they wouldn't have to keep paying for the surgeries. Poor guy. He sure lucked out!

Is Fred still with Dr. Jeff & Petra?  I just watched an episode that aired February 2017 - Petra made a comment that they (she & Dr. Jeff) didn't have any pets.

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On 1/19/2020 at 12:32 PM, Happy Belly said:

No action here since September. Has this show been cancelled?

There was a year-long gap between seasons last time; if 2020 follows the pattern of 2018 and 2019 (that's as far back as I checked), we'll get new episodes this summer.

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I'm bummed because it seems like forever since I've seen the show in the lineup at all. Days and weeks of Tanked and My Cat From Hell and Pit Bulls and Parolees but no Dr Jeff, and very little of The Vet Life. Sad. 

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43 minutes ago, suomi said:

I'm bummed because it seems like forever since I've seen the show in the lineup at all. Days and weeks of Tanked and My Cat From Hell and Pit Bulls and Parolees but no Dr Jeff, and very little of The Vet Life. Sad. 

Yeah it seems like Pit Bulls and Parolees and Tanked are weekend fillers for every hour and every minute of Animal planet on weekends.I usually end up missing Dr. Jeff whether it's new episodes or repeats.

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21 hours ago, suomi said:

I'm bummed because it seems like forever since I've seen the show in the lineup at all. Days and weeks of Tanked and My Cat From Hell and Pit Bulls and Parolees but no Dr Jeff, and very little of The Vet Life. Sad. 

The Vet Life just started a new season.

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On 5/27/2020 at 11:52 AM, RoxiP said:

I just looked and it says Dr. Jeff will be back June 9.  Whoo Hoo!

June 9, 2020 is a Tuesday. According to the AP website, the new season begins on June 13.

Edited by LittleIggy
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9 hours ago, LittleIggy said:

June 9, 2020 is a Tuesday. According to the AP website, the new season begins on June 13.

Must have looked at one date and typed another!  Sorry.  I was just excited Dr. Jeff will be back (and I should have figured out that it would be on a Saturday, right?).

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33 minutes ago, RoxiP said:

Must have looked at one date and typed another!  Sorry.  I was just excited Dr. Jeff will be back (and I should have figured out that it would be on a Saturday, right?).

Glad you all are on top of these things😉😉.  I have enough room on the DVR to just schedule my favorites and leave them on the schedule between seasons. When new episodes come out, they'll start appearing on the recorded list.........

Hmmmmm maybe what that really means is not that the DVR has a lot of room to schedule things, but that I don't have a lot I want to record.....

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1 hour ago, SRTouch said:

Glad you all are on top of these things😉😉.  I have enough room on the DVR to just schedule my favorites and leave them on the schedule between seasons. When new episodes come out, they'll start appearing on the recorded list.........

Hmmmmm maybe what that really means is not that the DVR has a lot of room to schedule things, but that I don't have a lot I want to record.....

You are smart.  I find myself constantly having to go through my scheduled recording list and delete stuff because of the way that they retread shows (different names but repeats of shows).  I'm almost about sick of the 90 Days shows because right now there are simply too many.

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The new episode tonight is labeled S6 Ep14 but the AP website tells us that S6 Ep13 debuted on Aug 3, 2019.

Wouldn't you think that 10 months after the last fresh episode this one would be numbered as belonging to a new season? When does the "real" new season start? Confused... 


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3 hours ago, suomi said:

The new episode tonight is labeled S6 Ep14 but the AP website tells us that S6 Ep13 debuted on Aug 3, 2019.

Wouldn't you think that 10 months after the last fresh episode this one would be numbered as belonging to a new season? When does the "real" new season start? Confused...


Sometimes things are labeled as "new" when it is really just reedited video.

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Wow, I didn't realize they'd be airing stories from during the pandemic; that's a quick turnaround, so I thought this would be a season already in the can and having been in post for a while.  I think this was very interesting, and important, to see. 

It's good to see what goes on inside a vet clinic at this time; it's the same thing here (only you don't even stand in line outside; you stay in your car).  And it's really sobering how many people they - especially the front office staff - see per day at Planned Pethood, even when limiting themselves to time-sensitive issues.  Like Dr. Jeff said, they're becoming even more people's last resort, given the economic consequences of the pandemic.

I appreciated hearing Dr. Amy say she was hesitant about going to work, because you have to prioritize your own health under these circumstances, but feels it's her duty under the oath she took.  I'm damn happy I already work from home, and court appearances have been drastically curtailed for months now; if I have to go in to get a client a restraining order, for example, I'll do it for the same reason.  But I'm very glad I haven't yet had to.  My hat is off every day to essential workers.

(Dr. Amy was also cute tucking in the dog's long tail, even though it was nowhere near the neck laceration she was working on; she just liked the tail.)

I feel for Melody in her frustration with her dad not taking proper precautions for his own safety; a lot of adult children are experiencing that these days.

The woman whose dog, Jillian, had a splenic mass talking about how this is the last straw, she cannot handle her dog being in jeopardy when she's already under such unusual stress, asking Dr. Jeff to call her when he does his 2:00 a.m. check because she won't be sleeping anyway?  How many viewers nodded in understanding?  I fucking cried when Dr. Jeff revealed that Jillian died.  That poor woman, and I'm glad they didn't film/air the call notifying her.

Penny-Rose is lucky she ate DVDs, I guess, so someone among the umpteen owners she's had in just 11 months finally took her to the vet.  She has an adorable face.  There was something oddly poetic about the Parvo ward when the whole clinic, hell the whole world, is a bit like the human version of a Parvo ward, trying to ride it out.

Noir, the fluffy black kitty peeing blood, is very pretty.

Poor Winter, with the abscessed tooth, was so scared, and then so happy when she got to run across the parking lot to her people. 

Similarly, I loved Kai (the broken leg dog) wagging his tail in his big ol' cage when the tech came to check on him.

Kudos to Dr. Jeff saying it can be understandable why people neglect to have the necessary care done for their pets, when they themselves are neglected.  That pet food bank made me smile, especially the folks who drove over with their dogs so the dogs could say thank you.

Edited by Bastet
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Dr Jef is cracking me up. He has so many problems with the mask! Hanging off his nose hanging off one ear or another falling off his face an all different kinds of masks. The staff seems to be able to keep one on. But I love that he is keeping on keeping on and giving back to the community. This man is a gem!

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Oh, felt so sorry for owner poor Jillian. Hope went up pretty fast went Dr Jeff first says he doesn't feel a mass on spleen, but then he says, oh my this liver looks bad. Guess it doesn't matter, but wonder what the liver biopsy showed.

And Dr Jeff calling out the other clinic for not immobilizing that rottie's compound fraction.......... pretty basic first aid in my book

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I have to wait another hour to see it in my time zone so I just glanced at the new posts. The description of the ep on the site and in the TV guide mentioned Covid scenarios so that's why I was confused by the numbering/labeling of the Season. 

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