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Small Talk: 1, 2, 3 Non-Cheerleader Conversation

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Do people in your life know you're a DCC fan? I'm open about it. Although everyone hates the Cowboys in this area...

Oh my Goodness, yes!! My family is sick of hearing about it!! My youngest daughter was going to make me some Cowboy pom-pons for Christmas! 


I am retired but work once or twice a week just for fun at a retail store.  I worked Christmas (which was fine because I'm so super part time, and the full timers could have the day off)  Anyway we had a sale on slipper socks for 1 dollar a pair.  I thought that was such a great deal for anyone who had to do last minute shopping.  I would hold them up and ask everyone in line at the register if they would like to purchase one..One of the pairs was pink with large blue stars.  i held them up and said "Anyone here a fan of the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders? Here's some really cute ones!"  Then a customer said "Those are not the DCC colors."  I informed her that in Training Camp, the rookies wear pink, so pink with blue stars  is fine.  Then I said "123-DCC!"   I wound up buying them myself. 

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"123-DCC" I love it! I would of bought them from you in a heartbeat just because :) I've been watching since the beginning but just more recently actually told people LOL. I had a friend just post "LINES" on Facebook one time before the field rehearsal episode in season 8....she got a lot of ? type comments, but I knew what she meant! We live in different cities now, but I instantly messages her and said let's discuss.lol I still can't admit to anyone though that not only do I follow this blog, but I actually post on it too!

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haha at the "123-DCC". My friends and my fiance know about my obsession. They think I'm crazy, but I don't care. I forced my fiance to watch a couple of episodes with me and he thought it was pretty intense. He knows that I post here, although he doesn't know how often I check these boards. I have issues and I'm ok with it. I'm praying that they have another season of the show this year.


ETA- We were gonna travel to Dallas for our anniversary last month, but ended up going with San Diego. But, he has to travel to Dallas for a business conference next month right around Valentine's day and I'll be going with him. He already promised me a tour of ATT Stadium, I will be sure to let you guys know how it goes. Maybe I'll be lucky and see a couple of cheerleaders. 

Edited by BK10
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Not entirely sure where to put this as it is not really "cheerleader" but "football" related.  

I sometimes "flight follow" a small business jet from Orlando FL that made a stop in my hometown on a trip late last year.  A little over a week ago this little jet departed Orlando and made several other stops before settling in Hawaii for multiple days.  

My dad and I were discussing this tonight as the plane is making its way back from HI to FL and he seems to think that maybe the plane's passengers were pro football players.  Knowing that the Pro Bowl is long over I was unsure.  

Can anyone here think of any reason for Pro football players from Mississippi, Arizona and California to spend a week in Hawaii other than just basic R&R?  At around $5k and hour to fly (and that's just the PLANE'S fee and not paying pilots) somebody(s) gotta be pretty loaded to afford this little plane!!



Edited by lscobee
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I should probably introduce myself. I'm a long time lurker from TWOP. DCCMTT is one of my favorite shows and I've watched it since the beginning. I have all of the seasons downloaded from Amazon and I watch them way too much lol! I'm very excited to see which vets make it back to TC (not a fan of Breelan or Caila)....

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So in my backwards re-watching of all the seasons, I just finished season 3 earlier today. I had forgotten how sad Katie Schouten's cut made me, because I genuinely didn't remember how devastated she was. It must really hurt to essentially hear, "your butt is too big, there's the door." I thought Katie was a good dancer and such a pretty girl. Her body looked fine to me. Pretty sure most American males would have liked her "bottom heavy"ness.


I don't understand why Amazon has all the seasons but 1 and 2. Now if I want to keep watching, I'll have to do it on the CMT website. Grumble.

Yes I agree...I hate CMT website because then you have to get through commercials. 

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Commercials?? I've watched every season on CMT.com and never have had commercials. It'll say 'buffering...initializing' every so often but I've never had actual ads. 


Lucky you. I always get at least 5 ads/commercials every 10 minutes or so.

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I don't get ads either because my ad blockers take care of them. I just hate watching on my computer versus on my television like I can with the rest of the seasons. Such a drag. It makes it difficult to multi task. When I watch tv I'm pretty much always doing something else at the same time.

Edited by Oranaiche
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I don't get ads either because my ad blockers take care of them. I just hate watching on my computer versus on my television like I can with the rest of the seasons. Such a drag. It makes it difficult to multi task. When I watch tv I'm pretty much always doing something else at the same time.


I use Chromecast to watch them on my TV using my computer. Very easy to set-up and you just click the Chromecast button on your browser! I have a 65" TV and the episodes look great when they are playing. I even use my computer while watching them on my TV. We have a house full of gadgets  :)



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Would that work for the audition videos on the Dallas Cowboys page?  I want to try to learn the routine, and it would be easier to put it on my tv instead of watching it on my computer.  I have to use my phone to access my Chromecast.  

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I use Chromecast to watch them on my TV using my computer. Very easy to set-up and you just click the Chromecast button on your browser! I have a 65" TV and the episodes look great when they are playing. I even use my computer while watching them on my TV. We have a house full of gadgets  :)




Thanks for the tip! I'm trying to decide if it's worth the $30 just to watch MTT seasons 1 and 2 on the tv. We use our Xbox One for pretty much everything else but there's no damn CMT app on there. :( My sister and her husband have a Chromecast and they love it.

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Would that work for the audition videos on the Dallas Cowboys page?  I want to try to learn the routine, and it would be easier to put it on my tv instead of watching it on my computer.  I have to use my phone to access my Chromecast.

If you can watch it in a browser it will work. You have to use Chrome I think - there is a cast button on my chrome browser and what I see on my phone, iPad or computer browser I see on the tv. You will need the password to your wifi to hook it up - it's easy, the directions pop up once you plug the dongle into your tv.

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I tried a "Bar Method" class this morning (it was showcased in one of the episodes last year, I think) and boy was it a workout!  It also happens to be too expensive for my budget to take any more classes for a while and I'm going to have to really think about it if I do.  My schedule would be super hectic taking two to three classes a week plus doing other workouts as well.  I can see how this would really help a girl get leaner, firmer, and stronger if she went to at least three classes a week, if not more.

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I wasn't sure where to post this question....

I would like to post a picture with a question, but I can not figure out how to load a picture except in the profile area. Can someone help me out.... Thanks!

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I wasn't sure where to post this question....

I would like to post a picture with a question, but I can not figure out how to load a picture except in the profile area. Can someone help me out.... Thanks!

I answered your question in the other thread you posted this in.

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Hi All - 

I have been reading a bunch of articles on how fitness models are the newest thing in the modeling industry and they are hard to come by.  They are shorter and have different bodies but the clothing industry is in need.  I'm posting this as I think it would be great for the retiring girls.  Just my opinion.

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Do people in your life know you're a DCC fan? I'm open about it. Although everyone hates the Cowboys in this area...

Ha ha ha!  EVERYONE knows I'm a DCC fan, including all of my co-workers. I have the group photo in my office (signed!) and a calendar on the wall. I am flattered when people come in and ask if I'm a former DCC - I just laugh and say "I wish!"  I've even gone to the lengths of ordering one of those cheesy Halloween costumes that looks like their uniform and re-doing it to look authentic!!   

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Hey DCC fan! Here's an update... My dancer daughter decided not to audition for the college team because she wants to be a normal student for a change. But she's going to school in Dallas so she plans to take Kitty's prep classes for fun, and some DCC prep classes when they start up in February. I think she has a secret fantasy of auditioning in a few years.

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That's so cool! I thought of auditioning just to say I did it, but I'm so terrible at dance, I'd probably just be made fun of on the show. So, I've settled for going to a game and touring the stadium at some point in time.

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Not sure where else to post this, but are AT&T Stadium tours available in the fall?   The website only has tour dates listed through August. 

I will be in Dallas in October and want to tour the locker rooms and walk on the field.

Edited by TwitchyPoo
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Not sure where else to post this, but are AT&T Stadium tours available in the fall?   The website only has tour dates listed through August. 

I will be in Dallas in October and want to tour the locker rooms and walk on the field.

They probably will have them and just have not set the schedule for the upcoming season yet. This should probably be moved to small talk.

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Ever since the beginning of this show, I  have rolled my eyes about how "elite" the DCC believe themselves to be, and how everyone buys into it. It's just cheerleading, for heaven's sake, and their choreography is repetitive and uninspiring. But I just saw this video of the Philadelphia Eagles Cheerleaders and holy cow, are they messy. They are all over the place. I've never seen them before, but I spotted a number of mistakes in just the first minute. And it's not one girl constantly screwing up, it's a whole bunch of them.I don't think it's 100% the cheerleaders. The choreography is all wrong - way too many small fast moves that look like a muddle from far away. If this is the competition, I guess the DCC are onto something with their summer-long training camp and 5-night a week rehearsals. Sheesh.


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Ever since the beginning of this show, I have rolled my eyes about how "elite" the DCC believe themselves to be, and how everyone buys into it. It's just cheerleading, for heaven's sake, and their choreography is repetitive and uninspiring. But I just saw this video of the Philadelphia Eagles Cheerleaders and holy cow, are they messy. They are all over the place. I've never seen them before, but I spotted a number of mistakes in just the first minute. And it's not one girl constantly screwing up, it's a whole bunch of them.I don't think it's 100% the cheerleaders. The choreography is all wrong - way too many small fast moves that look like a muddle from far away. If this is the competition, I guess the DCC are onto something with their summer-long training camp and 5-night a week rehearsals. Sheesh.


That was a complete MESS. I had to turn off the video because I was so embarrassed for them.

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I would be embarrassed to put something like that on the field, especially if people couldn't execute it correctly.  I'd be even more embarrassed if I performed that badly.  Geez.  The choreography was horrible (small moves that would not translate well to the sidelines, much less the last row), the moves were sloppily performed across the board and it really looked like they had literally learned it that day without enough time to really get it set.  Scary.


If they want to see how flawless execution and amazing choreo is done, look at the University of Minnesota.  They show that you can dance, use poms, be clean (nay, FLAWLESS) performance wise, have mad skills, and STILL be seen from the back row, all at the same time.  Can someone PLEASE let the NFL cheerleaders know this and then have the NFL cheerleaders actually do something about it?


Here's a link to a University of Minnesota poms routine: 

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Wow...the difference between those two videos. Just wow. Granted, the Eagles team is much larger, and it's hard to synchronize more bodies, but the college team is really on point.

Edited by sleepyjean
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The sad thing is that there SHOULDN'T be a difference.  I know that there's a difference between 16 girls and 36 girls and there's also a difference between hardwood and turf (and there are other differences besides), but I've seen high school squads at the different Nationals competitions that can be (and probably are) up to 40 members in at least four different categories that are just as good.  In other competitions (where there's college AND high schools competing), there can be up to 20 so the body count is no excuse in my eyes.  Those who dance for professional sports teams should be held to a higher performance standard than college or high school because they are often seen by a wider variety of people (including high schoolers and college) dancers.  


If these teams want the best performers and not people who can move but want the attention more than they want to dance or to just use the teams as stepping stones into a different format (or at least, want to dance as much as they want the whole "stepping stone" bit), then they have to step it up.  I don't see why they can't and if there's turf shock, then make sure there's time to get over it and practice on the field (or A field) before they perform or they will end up embarrassing themselve even more.  Unfortunately, they'll also lose qualified applicants who want to be on top-notch dance teams if THIS is the best they have to throw out there, especially those who want to gain the experience and then move on to bigger and better things because people can and do watch these squads, going through Youtube and such to see what they look like and it could hurt potential employment, depending on how bad things look.  JMHO though.

Edited by EricaShadows
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O Heavens on the Philadelphia Eagles one!.. I watched the whole thing, and thought about this:  Just imagine Kelli, going to sleep and you see one of those thought balloon thingies and she's dreaming of the DCC, and all of a sudden,in her dream it turns into that video, but it's AT and T Stadium, and those are her cheerleaders.



And as an aside, I noticed a sign that says "When you recycle, everyone wins" or something like that.  I hope that's not true this year because Demarco Murray (my favorite running back) "recycled" himself to that team. Awesome player, and I only know that because I watch Cowboys football so I can catch a glimpse of the DCC. It's gonna hurt the Cowboys.

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I would be embarrassed to put something like that on the field, especially if people couldn't execute it correctly.  I'd be even more embarrassed if I performed that badly.  Geez.  The choreography was horrible (small moves that would not translate well to the sidelines, much less the last row), the moves were sloppily performed across the board and it really looked like they had literally learned it that day without enough time to really get it set.  Scary.


If they want to see how flawless execution and amazing choreo is done, look at the University of Minnesota.  They show that you can dance, use poms, be clean (nay, FLAWLESS) performance wise, have mad skills, and STILL be seen from the back row, all at the same time.  Can someone PLEASE let the NFL cheerleaders know this and then have the NFL cheerleaders actually do something about it?


Here's a link to a University of Minnesota poms routine: 

This is great!!

Ever since the beginning of this show, I  have rolled my eyes about how "elite" the DCC believe themselves to be, and how everyone buys into it. It's just cheerleading, for heaven's sake, and their choreography is repetitive and uninspiring. But I just saw this video of the Philadelphia Eagles Cheerleaders and holy cow, are they messy. They are all over the place. I've never seen them before, but I spotted a number of mistakes in just the first minute. And it's not one girl constantly screwing up, it's a whole bunch of them.I don't think it's 100% the cheerleaders. The choreography is all wrong - way too many small fast moves that look like a muddle from far away. If this is the competition, I guess the DCC are onto something with their summer-long training camp and 5-night a week rehearsals. Sheesh.


horrible dancing...they should be ashamed

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Why the hell does Colby use that fake British accent when she even told she is originally from Texas and only moved to London after college?! No one who is born in the US suddenly acquires a British accent just from living over there for a few years. That's ridiculous and she sounds idiotic when she talks.

In high school one of my classmates did a study abroad program in Australia for half our senior year.  When she returned, she gave a speech and suddenly had this Aussie accent (a poorly done Aussie accent, may I add). 


I moved to the Philadelphia area 10 years ago, and often times when I meet a new person they ask me where I'm from, since I don't have to Philadelphia "accent"...yes, I say "water" not "wood-er" :) so I find it hard to believe this British accent thing is real.

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This is the first time I've actually ventured into this thread. I'm a former member from TWOP. I not a football fan but love this show and have been watching it since 2006. Just wondering how everybody selected their screen (member) name. I'll go first:

I'm a huge Van Halen fan (since '78) and crazy about Eddie Van Halen so I nicknamed myself  MrsEVH.

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Mine is music related too!  I am a huge Rush fan, have been for years, so my name is a tribute to one of their much older songs "By-Tor and the Snow Dog"

Edited by ByTor
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The origin of my moniker is likely more unique for this forum.  I got my degree in biology and worked with adorable Northern Saw-whet Owls, genus 'Aegolius'. :)

That is AWESOME!!!  I love owls, especially Screech Owls!

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Mine is music related too!  I am a huge Rush fan, have been for years, so my name is a tribute to one of their much older songs "By-Tor and the Snow Dog"


I like Rush too. I saw them 3 times (Permanent Waves, Moving Pictures, Signals tours). When I saw your name I did think of that song. Love the live version from All the world's a stage .

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In high school one of my classmates did a study abroad program in Australia for half our senior year.  When she returned, she gave a speech and suddenly had this Aussie accent (a poorly done Aussie accent, may I add). 


I moved to the Philadelphia area 10 years ago, and often times when I meet a new person they ask me where I'm from, since I don't have to Philadelphia "accent"...yes, I say "water" not "wood-er" :) so I find it hard to believe this British accent thing is real.

IThere have been studies done confirming that people will change their accent in an attempt to assimilate. I was a military brat and recently moved from the north to south and found I have a little twang in 3 months. it wasn't intentional and it is slight... No one thinks I am from here but I can hear it occasionally. I wonder if it was all those transfers as a kid (that linguistically I am in the habit?) Anyways, what I don't get is why she hasn't fallen back into her southern twang when she moved back (since she is originally from TX). My guess is she thinks it is unique and it is intentional.
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My username means "singer" or "songstress" in Gaelic. Singing is my profession and I actually have "oranaiche" tattooed behind one of my ears (I'm Scottish by descent).

Just weighing in on the accent thing -- my dad is retired Air Force and got out when I was sixteen. I spent my childhood moving all over the world and my accent never changed. Now that I've been living in TN for about twelve years, I still haven't picked up even a hint of a southern accent. My husband was born and raised in California and honestly we talk exactly the same. Just a very neutral accent. I guess everyone is different, but I too have to question the authenticity of Colby's accent. I actually do a good enough English accent that I've fooled English people before...so Colby's accent is kind of laughable because it's so hot and cold.

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