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Season 18 Live Feed Discussion: Their Lives are Almost as Boring as Ours!

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They have to be done!!! The HGs are in the house eating and talking and we are missing it.  Paul is probably in a state because Victor won and we are not seeing it!!!!

This is a new thing they do.  

Edited by wings707
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2 minutes ago, Christi said:

I think its over 6 hours..JeffLoops started around noon :/

Jeffish came on during that time, but then they went back to the feeds for a few more hours. The feeds went off officially around 5:23 BBT. 

Yeah, I know it's a memory comp/game, but four hours for that? Maybe Nicole's whining made explaining the instructions take four times as long.

"COOOOOOOOOOORRRRRRRRRRRRREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY, I'M THE HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSSSSSSSSSSTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTUHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. Whyyyy won't youuuuuuuu get one riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigggggggggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhttttttttttttttt? Why are you staring at Vicccccccccccttttttttttttooooooooooooorrrrrrrrrrrrrrr? COOOOOOOOOORRRRRRRRRRRRRREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEYYYYYYYYYYYYY!"

(I don't know why, but typing out Nicole's overexaggerated whining makes it double as funny for me).

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I am a 5 hour and 39 minute drive from the CBS studio but I don't own a fire arm.  I have a kayak oar though.   How much damage do you think I could do with that?  

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I don't mind the wait for the feeds to come back. One of the greatest Canadian bands, The Tragically Hip, is having its last show ever tonight (the lead singer is dying of terminal brain cancer) and the concert is being shown live on television across the country. So if the feeds could stay off until 8 tonight, I'd appreciate it!

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1 minute ago, Callaphera said:

I don't mind the wait for the feeds to come back. One of the greatest Canadian bands, The Tragically Hip, is having its last show ever tonight (the lead singer is dying of terminal brain cancer) and the concert is being shown live on television across the country. So if the feeds could stay off until 8 tonight, I'd appreciate it!

Aww, that is sad.  


Do not put that out into the universe!

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I'll admit; as a Canadian, I haven't listened to The Tragically Hip's music before. But I just watched some of their live concert now and I think I would really enjoy their music.

Then I hope the feeds stay off for another hour. Maybe Paulie escaped from the jury house and broke into the backyard, where he is refusing to bake apple pies and is shouting about butterflies. 

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3 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

I'll admit; as a Canadian, I haven't listened to The Tragically Hip's music before. But I just watched some of their live concert now and I think I would really enjoy their music.

Honestly, I'm not a huge fan of theirs. There are certain songs that I'd like to never hear again because radio overplayed them and there are others that I absolutely love. But they had a huge impact on the Canadian music scene and I can appreciate them for that. And the husband is a huge fan so I don't have that much choice, anyway.

1 minute ago, zenithwit said:

Noooo!!!!! Feeds back.  Looks like Paul won.  Bye Victor?

Well, damn.

Fuck you, Nicole! I don't think you had anything to do with it but I haven't said that yet today.

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Just now, Sara2009 said:

Would they not vote Victor out?

Well, the voters are Nicole, Paul, and James. James is the swing vote here, and Natalie will tell him to vote out Corey, so he will. Paul will obviously vote for HIS BOY, so Nicole would be the only vote for Victor. 

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2 minutes ago, Sara2009 said:


7 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Nah, feeds back.

Paul won. Well, bye Corey! 

Would they not vote Victor out?


James is the deciding vote.  So it's all on him.

ETA: Unless Michelle goes rogue and nominates James.

Edited by zenithwit
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I know Nat and Sloth are bummed right now, but if they put up Corey and Corey gets evicted, this whole Paul-winning-veto is a blessing in disguise considering Paulie might be coming back.  

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1 minute ago, zenithwit said:

James is the deciding vote.  So it's all on him.

I doubt Nat wants Victor gone.  She really loves the guy. 

1 minute ago, J.D. said:

I know Nat and Sloth are bummed right now, but if they put up Corey and Corey gets evicted, this whole Paul-winning-veto is a blessing in disguise considering Paulie might be coming back.  

And this is a blessing,, how?

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1 minute ago, Lady Calypso said:

Nicole thinks that she's going up and she's already whining.

"I don't waaaaaaannnnnnnnnnaaaaaaaaaaa sit on the blooooooooocccccccccccckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk!"

Fuck you Nicole!!

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Hard to say. Right now, James is supposedly leaning Corey. I wouldn't be surprised though if they get rid of Victor to split up the Victor/Paul vote and because Victor is deemed a bigger threat than the giant void that is Corey. (Sadly for me. I find him to be somewhat amusing eye candy at times and would prefer him on my screen to Corey. Strategy-wise, though, it could be the right move for James/Nat.)

The possible silver lining is that Victor probably has a better shot at besting Paulie in a competition to re-enter the house than many other HGs.

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James already campaigning to get Victor out instead.

1 minute ago, escape said:

If they were smart, they should take out Victor, who is a competition beast.

Sending Corey to Jury just increases Paulie's chances of winning JBB.

Sending Corey to jury decreases Paulie's allies in the house.

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Just now, wings707 said:

And this is a blessing,, how?

Because if Corey stays in the house and IF Paulie comes back, the Paulie-Corey-Nicole trifecta alliance would be a negative for Nat and James.  And with that stupid pseudo-kiss thing Paulie threw at Meech, that's just one more thing Nat/James would have to worry about.... the possibility of Paulie luring Meech over to the dark side.

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2 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

James already campaigning to get Victor out instead.

Sending Corey to jury decreases Paulie's allies in the house.

Don't trust Paul and Victor.  They can turn on the girls for putting them on the block.

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Just now, escape said:

Don't trust Paul and Victor.  They can turn on the girls for putting them on the block.

Not likely, they dont see them as threats and both dislike Nicory.  James is above the girls on hit list. 

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7 minutes ago, wings707 said:

I doubt Nat wants Victor gone.  She really loves the guy. 

But remember how much Nat really loved Paul, the guy she thought of as her little brother.

Above all, Natalie is strategic. She just hides it.

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1 minute ago, wings707 said:

Not likely, they dont see them as threats and both dislike Nicory.  James is above the girls on hit list. 

The way Paul was ranting.  He will want revenge.

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1 minute ago, simplyme said:

But remember how much Nat really loved Paul, the guy she thought of as her little brother.

Above all, Natalie is strategic. She just hides it.

She still loves Victor, NOW.  Who knows if that will hold. 

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1 minute ago, escape said:

Don't trust Paul and Victor.  They can turn on the girls for putting them on the block.

I didn't say I trust Paul and Victor. I just don't want Paulie coming back in and having two numbers right off the bat, and then he sways Paul over to his side again if he gets into power because Paul feels betrayed over the girls and then the girls get targeted anyway. 

There's a chance that can happen. The girls may be screwed either way. 

Let's blame jury buyback for things not being able to go right.

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Unlike many others, I don't find Corey at all attractive. Maybe it's that he always has this vacant look in his face when someone is talking, like they're speaking in a foreign language. I don't see any personality or sense of humor in the guy. When Nicole said he's the best looking guy she's ever seen, I thought "You don't get out much, do you?" But then, I think Ubly's population is only a few hundred. I don't live far from there, but I'm in a much larger city. I find Victor to be much better looking than Corey, but it could be that I enjoy his personality and sense of humor.

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2 minutes ago, parisprincess said:

Unlike many others, I don't find Corey at all attractive. Maybe it's that he always has this vacant look in his face when someone is talking, like they're speaking in a foreign language. I don't see any personality or sense of humor in the guy. When Nicole said he's the best looking guy she's ever seen, I thought "You don't get out much, do you?" But then, I think Ubly's population is only a few hundred. I don't live far from there, but I'm in a much larger city. I find Victor to be much better looking than Corey, but it could be that I enjoy his personality and sense of humor.

You are not alone.

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2 minutes ago, parisprincess said:

Unlike many others, I don't find Corey at all attractive. Maybe it's that he always has this vacant look in his face when someone is talking, like they're speaking in a foreign language. I don't see any personality or sense of humor in the guy. When Nicole said he's the best looking guy she's ever seen, I thought "You don't get out much, do you?" But then, I think Ubly's population is only a few hundred. I don't live far from there, but I'm in a much larger city. I find Victor to be much better looking than Corey, but it could be that I enjoy his personality and sense of humor.

I agree!  I think Victor is beautiful.  He is smart, kind, cleans and is a good man.  I like him. 

Michele want to put Nicole up.  I can go either way, I really don't care.  

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2 minutes ago, Lisin said:

James is totally going to vote out Victor. He can't even look at Paul. 

I see that, too.  He and Nat talked about that earlier just after feeds came on. 

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Paul should be smart enough to pick up on the icy reception he's getting over winning the veto.  That should tell him these people have clearly flipped.  Paul just asked James who he wants to see go out of Corey or Nicole, and James did his classic avoidance thing, saying it's not his decision.... Nat's the HOH....etc. Way to avoid saying "Vic," James.

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7 minutes ago, parisprincess said:

Unlike many others, I don't find Corey at all attractive. Maybe it's that he always has this vacant look in his face when someone is talking, like they're speaking in a foreign language. I don't see any personality or sense of humor in the guy. When Nicole said he's the best looking guy she's ever seen, I thought "You don't get out much, do you?" But then, I think Ubly's population is only a few hundred. I don't live far from there, but I'm in a much larger city. I find Victor to be much better looking than Corey, but it could be that I enjoy his personality and sense of humor.

The last nomination episode - 

Mr. Callaphera: "Wow, Corey gets nominated and he looks as... uh..."
Me: "Vacant? Dumb? Dull? Stunned as ever? I could keep going."
Mr. Callaphera: "Nope, think you about covered it."

I think Nicole is one of the very few people this season that are attracted to him and his Christmas loving, goat burning self.

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6 minutes ago, wings707 said:

I agree!  I think Victor is beautiful.  He is smart, kind, cleans and is a good man.  I like him. 

Michele want to put Nicole up.  I can go either way, I really don't care.  

I've liked Victor lately, but I can't forget how rude he was when he was first in the house.

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