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Season 18 Live Feed Discussion: Their Lives are Almost as Boring as Ours!

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So while this is interesting for feeds. Has Victor and the others thought of veto at all? Not to mention the return ticket? It's possible neither of them go home this week. Then what did they think of that at all?

They won't know about co-HOH next week, but that could end up happening too.

Edited by Artsda
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3 minutes ago, Artsda said:

So while this is interesting for feeds. Has Victor and the others thought of veto at all? Not to mention the return ticket? It's possible neither of them go home this week. Then what did they think of that at all?

They won't know about co-HOH next week, but that could end up happening too.


Veto can only save one of them, they're both on the block and they have numbers.  They know about the RT, but they can't let that stop them from playing the game.  

Paul, Michelle, or Victor will probably win co-HoH, so that's likely to help them.

Edited by Cosmosgravitation
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53 minutes ago, wings707 said:

Snap out of it. 

I am picturing Cher right now and hearing her voice.

Michelle - Ok, I will admit to living in the same area as her. [hangs head in shame]  Washington Michigan is in the greater Detroit area.  You heard of 8 mile?  Washington starts at 26 Mile.  Has a very diversified economic range.  Haves and really-have-nots.  I am guessing she is a have.  I am guessing her parents showered her with everything including a delusional self-sense of worth.  Stop crying, OMG, just stop.  She must go because I can't, I just can't, anymore.

Nicole - played the exact same game she did the first time.  If their little plan works then it would be a final three of Paulie, Corey and Nicole.  At that time Nicole will be out and the two boys go into the final.  What an idiot!

Edited by jumper sage
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Victor: Were you in any other alliances?
Paulie: NO! You can bring in Nicole and Michelle!


Paulie: I'm trying to find the logic behind your strategy-
Victor: But what if there's no logic behind it? 

Victor's winning at this argument and Paulie/Corey can't even see it.

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Oh Victor, I think I am in love.  I read that Paulie was looking like he wanted to kill someone.  Best blindside ever! They definitely didn't see this coming.  I am not going to think about that ticket back or one of them winning veto.  I just want to enjoy this moment when that fraction of a man Paulie was blindsided.  Too bad Da and Brig were not there to see it.

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2 minutes ago, Porterest said:

By the way, Corey being on the block suuucks. Paulie, it's fine, but Corey is just a good person.

No.  He isn't.  He's said disgusting things about women and minorities.  He's awful.

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Damn, even JAMES is speaking up. Saying he knows one thing, whoever is creating hostility and he feels he needs to walk on eggshells around is not getting his vote. Paulie thinks that was aimed at him. Ha!

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LOL James just basically said "Whoever acts like an asshole this week isn't getting my vote."

Paulie tries to defend his assholish behavior by saying he's passionate and loyal.

James - "Well, be passionate to us on the outside."

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7 minutes ago, Cosmosgravitation said:

Veto can only save one of them, they're both on the block and they have numbers.  They know about the RT, but they can't let that stop them from playing the game.  

Paul, Michelle, or Victor will probably win co-HoH, so that's likely to help them.

They should strategically since that's the word they've used 20 times in the past 5 minutes be thinking of the RT. Because a possibility is Corey wins veto. Paulie is evicted, Paulie has RT. One of them or Nicole wins HOH. Then what? These are things they should think of when they've got people like Nat and Michelle in the house they could have gotten rid of instead, so the RT is eliminated on someone who wouldn't come back to bite them.

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Now, Paulie's admitting that Meech blew up MOST of his game, but ha ha--she didn't know about the part where he had a deal with the guys, ever since he roped in Paul and saved him. 

Meech (to Paul): How does it feel to be roped in? And saved?

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This is the longest I've ever seen Paul quiet.  :D

Oooops, I spoke too soon.  Paul and Paulie now going back and forth.

Edited by J.D.
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I think Victor will be very hard to beat if he continues to play the game this way - make strategic moves, keep calm, and above all, don't ego trip - which is what led to Frank's and Paulie's downfall.

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1 minute ago, Artsda said:

They should strategically since that's the word they've used 20 times in the past 5 minutes be thinking of the RT. Because a possibility is Corey wins veto. Paulie is evicted, Paulie has RT. One of them or Nicole wins HOH. Then what? These are things they should think of when they've got people like Nat and Michelle in the house they could have gotten rid of instead, so the RT is eliminated on someone who wouldn't come back to bite them.

So...they should just play scared? If Paulie or Corey leaves, gets back in the house, then what? They've formed an alliance where Corey/Paulie/Nic are on the outs. Sure, there's a risk they win HOH. But if they still get rid of people who are better for their game, one of those people will come back, and will no longer be better for their game. 

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Just now, Katesus7 said:

So...they should just play scared? If Paulie or Corey leaves, gets back in the house, then what? They've formed an alliance where Corey/Paulie/Nic are on the outs. Sure, there's a risk they win HOH. But if they still get rid of people who are better for their game, one of those people will come back, and will no longer be better for their game. 

At this point of the game they need to play logically and for jury management. Which nobody is doing. 

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I do love when people are nominated or no one goes with their plan they say it's not logical. They need to discuss it on and on and on. They always say, "I'm just trying to understand" or "It doesn't make sense" (Amanda kept saying that in her season) and, now I'm watching PP go around in circles. Too funny!

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Jokers - Paulie asks if Paul would pull him off if he wins the veto, and Paul mumbles a yes if he is picked. Paulie says he had Paul's back and says he really went in to try and squash beef with Mich just now and Paul says he knows, he knows that.

Is Paul weakening or is he just placating Paulie?

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1 minute ago, Katesus7 said:

I think they're playing extremely logically. Mileage varies.

Yes.  I have to give credit to Victor for setting the temperature and Paul is taking it from there.  Good job boys.

I have not and will not listen to the girls.  

1 minute ago, Skycatcher said:

Is Paul weakening or is he just placating Paulie?

Placating.  BIG TIME!!  And covering his ass should P or C get next HOH. 

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3 minutes ago, Porterest said:

Now Paulie is claiming that he threw the HOH to see how everything would play out. (I don't think Paul believes this.)

I LMAOed at that one!  He threw it because he was cock sure he was safe!!!!!

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Paul is completely placating. He knows that he would lose too many jury votes if he didn't stay with the "outsiders." (Not their alliance name.) 

Vic will be choosing have-nots soon. Paulie asked not to be one in case it's his last week. (Paulie only gets amped up when the girls do stuff like last week. He went in there to give hugs and Meech just started in. Hugs, dammit!)

Girls suck, but Nicole is a good person. (The rules according to Paulie.)

Edited by Porterest
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25 minutes ago, Porterest said:

By the way, Corey being on the block suuucks. Paulie, it's fine, but Corey is just a good person.  (That's from Nicole, by the way.)

Does the goat get a vote on that statement?

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It's bothering me that Paulie keeps acting like a victim and that he's not the one who started all this shit.  What an ass.  

And then he's whining about not wanting to be a Have Not.  

He really think she's been 'shit on' last week and that he's such a great guy.  He's missing some brain matter.  

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I do agree with Paulie that both Michele and Nat did not handle the situation with Paulie well.  They are young and just don;t now how to handle confiict maturely.  It did not serve them.  I am not talking about Paulie's feelings.  

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Paul is playing this nomination thing off very well.  He even said to Paulie and Corey in the kitchen right in front of Vic and James, "I don't know what's going on....I was just as surprised as you."   Vic and James both could have blown up his lie right then and there in front of Paulie and Corey.  They both could have confessed that ALL of them discussed this and that Paul's in on it to.  But they didn't.  To me, that gives Paul an advantage.  Paul's sitting pretty good right now if he makes it to the final 2 with Vic or James because Paulie and Corey are going to be anti-Vic because of this nomination, and Paulie and Corey are also going to be anti-James because of James canceling out Corey's vote which resulted in Zak going home.  

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