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Season 18 Live Feed Discussion: Their Lives are Almost as Boring as Ours!

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11 minutes ago, escape said:

But if Nicole gets safety, they will likely evict Michelle - to prevent her from getting a care package.

Anything can happen, though. I'm just preparing myself for Nicole getting it, because of her popularity. Michelle could get it, but Nicole's next in line. One of them is getting it for sure. If Michelle gets it, then Natalie might go. If Nicole gets it, then Michelle might go. But it all depends on who wins HOH. If Michelle or Nicole win HOH and they were next in line for the care package, then the care package will go to the girl not HOH. 

There are too many possibilities but HOH is the thing that will determine who will go this week. If Nicole's side wins HOH, Natalie/James/Paul are on the block for sure with one of them guaranteed to go. If Michelle's side wins HOH, Corey/Paulie are on the block and one of them are going for sure.

It was storming here in Ohio.  Electric went off during the Veto comp when Corey was HOH.  It just now came back on.  I see that Bridge got evicted.  Oh well.  At least it wasn't my Nat, but all my "Bridge" Care Package votes were wasted.  Note to self for next Thursday:  Don't cast Thursday's votes until after the live eviction show.

I don't even know where to begin to catch up with the rest of you.  I think I'll just log off and go to bed. ... :( .... catch up with everyone in the morning.  

  • Love 2
5 minutes ago, Umbelina said:

Paulie near tears because Miche and Bridgette told him all the things Z said about him when whining to the girls.

It's not because of Z, it's because he now thinks he's been made a fool on TV by Z. 

It's glorious!  He even apologized to Miche and Nat!


I have my doubts, I think he's faking to play the victim and try to mend some fences with the other side of the house.  Everybody is trying to cover their bases right now because HoH is unknown.

  • Love 6
2 minutes ago, Cosmosgravitation said:

I have my doubts, I think he's faking to play the victim and try to mend some fences with the other side of the house.  Everybody is trying to cover their bases right now because HoH is unknown.

1.  He's not that smart.

2.  It's all about ego with him.

  • Love 1

James is so dumb.  He's already back under Paulie's spell.  He implied he threw the double eviction HoH to Natalie and thinks he doesn't need the next one.  Meanwhile, Paulie is talking to Nicole about how angry he is with James and how he doesn't trust him.

Edited by Cosmosgravitation
  • Love 4

I think Paulie's half playing victim to get people sympathetic toward him and to keep him longer, but I do think there's some genuine emotion behind his tears. He's absolutely worried about his game now. He knows he's in a very tight corner. He can't trust anyone but Nicole/Corey now. He lost Zak and he knows he's not in a good place. He's seriously scared. Paul/Victor don't trust him, Natalie'll keep a tight leash on James to make sure he doesn't flip, and Michelle will just fake it to them at this point. He knows that he can only win comps from now on to ensure his safety. 

Ok, so I'm thinking about safety this week. Either Nicole or Michelle are safe, that's for sure. It's going to one of them, no question. I'm leaning toward Michelle, but I wouldn't be surprised for a Nicole care package. So I've decided to outline some of the possibilities and chances of something good happening.

Care Package Three- Nicole

1. Michelle wins HOH. So, Nicole's safe. Michelle winning means the package would go to Nicole, no matter what. Michelle can't put up Nicole, but she can put up Corey and Paulie. One of them is for SURE gone, no matter who wins veto and is put up. Michelle would probably put Victor up and he'd still be safe, as Nat/James would vote out one of Corey/Paulie. Paul would vote to keep Victor as well. That's a done deal there. 

This above scenario goes the same for Natalie winning HOH, or James. Probably Paul and Victor as well, but they're wild cards. 

2. Paulie wins HOH. Nicole's safe, so that's not an issue. He puts up James/Natalie.

a) Natalie or James wins veto. Paulie puts up Michelle. One of them is bound to go home. It could very well be Michelle if James is still up. If it's Nat vs Michelle, it could go either way. 

b) Paulie/Nicole/Corey win veto. They don't pull anyone down. James probably goes, although Natalie still is at risk of leaving, if Paulie wants to stick to his all guys thing. 

c) Paul/Victor win veto. They'd keep noms the same, unless Paulie could convince them that Michelle's the target. Then James would come down. Natalie probably goes.*

d) Michelle wins veto. She pulls down Natalie. Paul goes up. James goes home. 

*This is to assume Paulie gets over his anger toward James and he goes after the target he intended to next, to ensure an all boys final five. 

Care Package- Michelle

1. Nicole wins HOH. Michelle is safe, so Nicole goes after James/Natalie.

a) James or Natalie win veto. Nicole throws up Paul. I think Natalie would go if she's still up, and James would go if he's still up.

b) Nicole wins veto. She doesn't pull anyone down, unless Paulie tells her that his target is Michelle/Paul/Victor. 

c) Anyone else wins veto. They probably wouldn't use it, unless Paulie has a specific target. Nicole doesn't like Natalie, so she'd probably go.

2. Paulie wins HOH. See CP #1 article 2, but Michelle would not be a replacement nom.

3. Natalie/James/Vic/Paul win HOH. They put up Nicole/Corey. 

a) Nicole/Corey win veto. Paulie is put up. Paulie goes.

b) Paulie wins veto. He pulls Corey down. Someone is put up. Nicole goes.

c) Anyone else wins veto. Corey is pulled down and Paulie is thrown up. Paulie goes home.


I mean, that's a rough estimate on how things are looking this week so far to me. The wild cards are Vic/Paul, but I think they'd throw up Nicole/Corey/Paulie. At least, they should. Basically, the worst outcomes are Paulie and Nicole winning HOH. 

Edited by Lady Calypso
41 minutes ago, Umbelina said:

Paulie confirms unprotected sex with Z 5 times.  Z "forgot" to take her birth control pills at least once.

I never noticed any 'putting on a condom' motions the couple of times that I was able to stomach watching Zaulie zex, so I was wondering about that. I didn't completely hear it, but the other day I thought it sounded like Polly made some semi-joking remark along the lines of, "If we were together, there'd be no birth control..." to which Z responded, "I'd be fine with that..." It seems like Zak is fucked up enough to think an 'oops' Zaulie baby would be awesome and maybe Polly is desperate enough to finally tie someone down to be open to knocking her up. <<Shudder>>

Also, I fucking HATE Nicole.

Edited by TheRealT
Nicole hate is always worth the effort.
  • Love 16
2 hours ago, poopchute said:

I'm reading that Paulie is saying he has family members who will beat up the girls and destroy them socially. What is wrong with him????

I don't think anybody here has the time or inclination to type a list that long.


1 hour ago, njbarmaid said:

well we know James isn't the greatest about keeping his word



On the bright side: having Bridgette in the JH with James/Natalie potentially joining her soon puts a potential Battle Back in an entirely new light....

  • Love 5

I think Paulie was genuinely upset that Z had played him, but at some point, he either caught on, or decided it wasn't true.  If he hadn't been upset, he wouldn't have blurted that stuff about unprotected sex, and boning her out.

He regrouped and decided to use it, especially after Nicole clued him in that the entire house was in on it and against the 3 of them.

  • Love 1

From what it seems like is going to happen: Paulie wants Michelle gone, but he also threw out Nicole's name as a nom. Vic/Paul also want to backdoor Paulie. So...throw up Nicole/Michelle to keep Paulie happy. Then if ANYONE uses veto, they take Michelle down and put Paulie up. If Nicole comes down, throw Paulie up and send him out. If Paulie wins, he won't use veto and then they send Nicole out. If Paulie uses veto on Nicole (highly unlikely), throw Corey up and send him out. 

It's not as ideal as Nicole/Corey/Paulie, but since they have three targets, this could work. But ONLY if they stick together. 

ETA: This is all under the assumption that Nicole doesn't get the care package this week. Which means she will, so Paul/Vic have to play their cards right here. 

Edited by Lady Calypso
  • Love 3

Paulie the Egotistical Bastard is back again. Him and Corey are puffing their chests and congratulating themselves on an easy week. 

The HOH comp sounds like it was mental. 

The only worry we have is if one of Nicole/Paulie/Corey having RT or winning their way back into the house over Zak/Day/Bridgette. 

Paul's talking to Vic now. He's saying that none of them will use veto and they have to make a move now. Is Paul going to talk Vic into putting up Corey/Paulie? OH MY GOD. 

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, TheRealT said:

I never noticed any 'putting on a condom' motions the couple of times that I was able to stomach watching Zaulie zex, so I was wondering about that. I didn't completely hear it, but the other day I thought it sounded like Polly made some semi-joking remark along the lines of, "If we were together, there'd be no birth control..." to which Z responded, "I'd be fine with that..." It seems like Zak is fucked up enough to think an 'oops' Zaulie baby would be awesome and maybe Polly is desperate enough to finally tie someone down to be open to knocking her up. <<Shudder>>


Sadly, Zakiyah is the perfect candidate for baby mama status. She'll always let you come around and hit and you will never have to commit to her. Between low self-esteem and this usually misapplied belief that a child needs their father and her own lack of a relationship with hers, Paulie can show up once every other month and Zakiyah will be saving all of her money so Quattro (Paulie is the third Paul) can buy daddy the greatest Father's Day and Christmas gifts ever!

  • Love 4

Paul: They don't want a final five with guys. If you put up Paulie and Corey one of those go home. They were trying to clip you. If one of them don't go, you don't play next week and we are fucked. We were next on their hit list.

Victor: All right all right.

Paul: Think logically. Do you think they want to take two guys to the top who are matching them in competitions?

Victor: My fear is Paulie taking himself off the block.

Paul: And?

Vic: Big moves.

  • Love 8

Even if Paulie or Corey win their way back into the house, they are powerless. Paulie's just going to be targeted again. They won't do what he wants if he comes back in, so he'll just have meltdowns. The only way for him to do well is to win comps. 

So...I guess Paul's going to be getting co-HOH next week, or he'll get the last care package. Because Corey/Paulie are probably going up, and it's beautiful. One of them is for sure going, and Paul knows it. 

  • Love 2

Guys. This is a good week for us. When is the last time we had a good, easy week? Paulie thinks he has it easy. Well, think again, buddy. 

I truly think Corey or Paulie are leaving and I couldn't be happier. If one of them comes back, we can deal with that when it happens. But let's all enjoy this week, sip our drinks, sit back, and watch the shitshow that's going to happen.

  • Love 16

James/Nat/Paul talking. Paul's telling Nat to reign Michelle in and to get her to keep quiet, but Corey/Paulie are done and Nicole has a decision to make. 

Paul's chances for AFP just went up. He won't get it, but his chances shot up this week. 

Congrats, Paul. You've been on your way to redeeming yourself for this move. 

  • Love 11
17 hours ago, me5671 said:
18 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

Paulie is a total douche, but come on, folks, we've had some awful, awful people over the years. BB15 was only a few years back. There's no way Paulie's worse than Aaryn. Remember that shit with Candice? I mean, holy crap, that shit was CHILLING. 


Ye -es.      No ONE, yeess, no one was viler than that...Aaryn--and her torture of Candice.  Aaryn ➡true piece of §μ!+.

  • Love 3
4 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Paul's chances for AFP just went up. He won't get it, but his chances shot up this week. 


AFP? Hell, Paul's got a decent shot at the grand prize.

Paul is actually a very good player, but not without his flaws.  Victor coming back into the house really helped him, it gave him a comp beast ally he could trust as much as one can ever trust anyone that house.  I bet he's happy he threw that vote for Victor back when Victor was evicted.

  • Love 12

Done deal.  Information sharing about all of Paulie's loose lips targets.

Paulie and Corey on the block, one goes home.

Safety won't matter this week, even if Nic gets it, still voting like mad for Miche, send a message.

Blindside ON.

Warnings about Nicole sucking up?  DONE.

This week may turn things around.

If Polly or Cory has the RT or wins the damn Battle Back or whatever it is, I fear for my TV set.

  • Love 10

It's a done deal. Vic's a little worried about the care package but he's putting up Corey/Paulie. One of them is certainly going. Cue the panic and more shit-talking from Paulie and Corey, plus Nicole's whining and sobbing over Corey being on the block. 

I think we deserve to be a little cocky here, right? It's ok to celebrate this glorious moment. 

  • Love 15

LOL, and the feeds cut from Paul/James/Nat scheming against Corey/Paulie/Nicole, to Nicole/Corey talking about how much she trusts Vic but she thinks she's going up for sure. She also needs a care package. 

Oh, Nicole. Don't worry; you're safe even with the care package. I actually want Nicole to get the care package so Michelle can get next week's care package. Nicole's not going anywhere, regardless. And it'll send a better message next week when Michelle is not only safe, but has the power to nominate one person. 

  • Love 5

If Polly or Cory has the RT or wins the damn Battle Back or whatever it is, I fear for my TV set.

Co-HoH could help with that.  If Michelle wins safety this week, we should vote like hell for co-HoH to go to Paul next week (Paul over Victor because he's more popular).  If Corey or Paulie come back to the house Paul will put him right back up and as long as they're not taken down with veto they have the votes to get him out.

Edited by Cosmosgravitation
  • Love 2

Victor just toyed with the rat Nicole in a glorious fun way.  OMG, I'm in love with him!  This was AMAZING.


Vic's asking Nic if someone suggested backdooring him.

Nic: I uh, I can't think of anyone.


Nic: It was thrown around for sure.
Vic: By whom?
Nic: That seems so long ago for me.

Vic says he has the power to help her. "I feel you know, but you don't want to tell me. That's fine. But I have the power to put you on the block."

Nic: It was said. I don't want to be screwed over.

Vic says he has information that she knows and doesn't want to repeat it. Nic "You're not gonna say anything?"

oh my god, her whining voice.

Vic says he already knows and wants confirmation.

Nic: Can you tell me and I'll confirm it?

Vic: no.

Nic: OK. You won't put me up.

Nic: It starts with a ...

Vic: Don't toy with me.

Nic: ummmmm, James.

Vic: Who was in the room?

Nic: Me and James.

Vic: Paulie and Corey?

Nic says she doesn't know for sure. Nic says she thought they were saying that only for Day's benefit.

Nic's gonna say she was bullied after this.

Edited by Umbelina
  • Love 7

Oh my god, this conversation feels like a script from a bad movie.

Vic: Do you know who wanted to backdoor me?
Nicole: I might have heard something...sorta...
Vic: *starts long eloquent speech on keeping her safe if she talks and he won't put her on the block maybe*
Nicole: ........
Nicole: I might have heard it for sure. 
Vic: Ok, who was it?
Nicole: ........
Nicole: ....James......
Vic: Who was there?
Nicole: Me....Day...
Vic: Paulie and Corey?
Vic: Thanks, bro.
Nicole: But...wait...Paulie and Corey are totally cool. It was a joke! 

  • Love 1

Playing with the rat in the rat trap, not berating her, reassuring her, being a man, but having fun with it.  LOVE it!

check the couch for shit and pee stains when she gets up Vic.

Paul bullshitting Paulie now

Paulie: "Nat should go up as a pawn every week because she deserves it..."

Paul: "Oh 100%!"

  • Love 14

Victor is doing a very good job here. He's asking for the facts, while making it clear that he might know something, but Nicole seems too scared to catch onto the subtle hints. He's a very good speaker, I can tell you that.

Nicole is going to feel betrayed when Corey/Paulie are put up, but hopefully she sees that this is better for her game.

Nicole's whining about going up. Girl, you haven't been up on the block yet this season. My god, relax. Actually, is she the only one that hasn't been up on the block yet? Has Corey?

Victor's asking Nicole who he should put up. It's almost like Nicole hasn't played the game before. She's basically saying anyone but Paulie/Corey without mentioning names. She's so bad at this. Victor's comforting her by telling her to stop having a pity party. 

  • Love 8
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