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Season 18 Live Feed Discussion: Their Lives are Almost as Boring as Ours!

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The power has gone to his head and no one is really stopping him at this time. He knows he's running the show and he knows it. Now, if it gets him to the Final 4 will be a whole different story. I'm sure he doesn't realize how bad he came off last night. In his head he probably thinks Z is the one who looks like the bad guy. I can't imagine living in that trailor for 4 months. No thank you. That said, I think Paulie looks great with his beard and his tan is on point. See! I can be nice to Paulie, too. LOL!!!

  • Love 2
36 minutes ago, Kendall said:

I don't think you have to be on a moral high horse or even a hobby horse to be stunned at watching a man verbally and emotionally abuse a woman to her face and talk about her like a dog behind her back, in the name of a game or even his twisted version of courting.

If people were harassing Frank's parents over slapping DaVonne on the butt, an act that he apologized for and did not repeat, that would be one thing. If people harassed Victor's mom over him badgering Natalie over her food intake, something that we saw bothered her, but I don't recall her bringing up to him, that would be another thing.

But, Paulie's behavior has been both repetitive and escalating, so much so that even his mother could no longer come up with the rationalizations that she was attempting to spin in the beginning.

There is high and mighty and there's somebody needs to step in and stop this. If Paulie isn't a textbook case for an emotional and possibly physical abuser, then he's at least a walking Lifetime movie antagonist.

No one is going to step in and stop it (in terms of production, it's possible that a HG could say something). They didn't do that for Bridgette when she was being taken to task and basically told she's a piece of shit by Paul so they aren't going to step in now. I don't condone what he is doing by any means and he is a major asshole, but unfortunately that is part of the game. It's not only a physical & social game it's a mental one as well. It's sometimes the most uncomfortable thing to watch in the game for sure. 

ETA: In re-reading your post- I'm not sure if you meant that someone needs to step in outside of the game or in the game but if you mean outside then yeah I would hope his family or friends would talk to him after the show just to make sure that this is something that he isn't going to continue with. (I'm not going to presume to say he's done this before, it's possible to him that this was just all game manipulation, this game can bring out the worst of the worst in people).  

Edited by SiobhanJW
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1 hour ago, Kendall said:

And you conveniently skipped over the whole point of my post, twice. And as long as people choose to ignore what was being discussed and dismiss it as something else, that type of behavior will continue on Big Brother because that type of behavior exists in the real world and in this exchange.

Nicole has been exposed, repeatedly. They don't care because they are able to find a common ground with Nicole that they won't allow themselves to find with DaVonne because she makes them uncomfortable.

The "social experiment" of BB is creating a microcosm of society in the house in which the HGs are isolated and play off of each other, supposedly without outside influence. Often, those who are in power in the game and/or have the strongest personalities set the tone for what is "normal" and "acceptable" in the house. It isn't surprising that HGs prejudices of various kinds come out in that environment and the more comfortable they become acting out those prejudices, the more others join in the behavior and grow to accept it.

At this point, King Polly is absolutely drunk with power and he's acting out his little fantasies of being omnipotent and omniscient and, above all, badass. There is absolutely a racial aspect to the way he (and others) have characterized and treated Day. It's true that her position in the game can be attributed to her gameplay, but what's interesting is the way her ouster has played out. The HGs (mostly Polly and Nicorey) don't want her out because she's been acting like a stereotypical "scary black woman." She hasn't gone off on them or anything like that. She schemed against them and that's why they want her out and that's fine, so why all the carrying on as if she's so volatile? There is an even more explicit racial (and sexist) aspect to Polly making comments like telling Nat to "put her Latin ass away."  

Obviously, the misogyny this season is totally out of control, led by King Polly and ably supported by his Douchebros. I hold all of them individually responsible for their own actions and for contributing to the generally misogynist atmosphere, but I feel like Polly does a lot of the tone setting around that stuff (building on the foundation that Frank laid when he was in power). Everyone, men and women, knows that the men are in charge and the women are afraid to do anything to upset them. That's why Polly can do things like telling Nat to put her ass away (while smirking as he makes it clear that he's been checking her ass out since she came into the house) and no one says anything. Frank took some heat for touching women without their permission, but Polly is kind of more disgusting basically intimidating Z into sexual contact with him after he shreds her emotionally and makes it clear that he doesn't give a fuck. He talks shit about her constantly, lies to her face, and gloats about making her cry, then he finger bangs her. It's sick.

It's ugly and disgusting, but kind of fascinating, to see Polly's psyche laid so bare with him feeling so powerful. He clearly has a lot of anger towards women and I wonder what that's about. He presents as a lothario who doesn't give a fuck and would never let a woman "play" him, but that doesn't jibe with a 27-year-old guy who's proposed to two different women (I think?), one of whom turned him down but kept the ring (which, how does that work?). It's obvious that he's had his heart broken and I assume that's part of his attitude toward women in general and Zak in particular, but it seems to go deeper than that. I know it's very important to him to "look cool," to the others in the house and to the audience and it's disturbing to realize that he thinks this is how a "cool" guy acts. It's one thing to scheme against your showmance partner for game reasons, but he goes way beyond that and must realize how bad he's making Zak look (he doesn't know they're not being featured on the show). It seems like he's trying to create a Boogie-Erika situation, but does he really think that will make him look good? His underlying insecurity comes across loud and clear through the bravado and I think he actually likes Zak on a certain level (not at all like he wants to marry her, but as a friend/someone he might date casually in real life) and he appreciates the physical comfort she provides (I'm not even talking about anything sexual, but having someone to cuddle with when he goes to bed, etc.) and other ways she supports him in the house. Yet he's gone out of his way to trash her for no apparent reason.

  • Love 16
3 hours ago, escape said:

This is Big Brother.  The show has never been about treating everyone fairly.  Day played a messy game.  And once someone is exposed as untrustworthy, they make themselves a prime target.  Maybe Day can expose Nicole on her way out, like what Tiffany and Frank did with Day.

From your mouth to the Big Brother God's ears -- I would LOVE that!!!!   

....but please don't dangle that carrot in front of my face.  It'll never happen.   Now I'm sad.  :(

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, MV007 said:

I think what Paulie's dad meant was that people who watch the feeds and judge his son are acting all high and mighty and are on their moral high horse.  And that his son isn't perfect.  He did say that.

Just to be clear, I wasn't adopting this line of thinking.  I was just deciphering what I thought Paulie's father meant as there seemed to be confusion.  

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So the biggest targets after Da'Vonne leaves are Z/Michelle/Nicole/Vic, right? And if Da'Vonne returns, she's the biggest target unless she gets some HOH or Veto power. I could see Natalie being more of a casualty than Bridgette  if things don't go correctly. Corey/Paul/James seem pretty safe. Paulie won't go, but I could see talk about him being a threat picking up steam.

ETA: I also think it's funny that, whenever they talk about the pecking order, Paul's like, "What about Bridgette?" And no one cares.

Edited by mooses
7 hours ago, gunderda said:

I get why James is scared to go rogue.  If he buddies up with Michelle, Z, Day and Natalie and they manage to get Day to stay in the house.... he is target #1 to the guys and the chances of that side of the house winning HOH is slim to none. 

So if I were James I probably wouldn't want to rock the boat either.

But I do really want Day to stay now.  Send Bridgette home - at this point she's worthless to the show.

Yes to all of this but I'll add two more things.

Day is an unreliable ally.  She and Frank both blew up the 8 pack and started after 8 pack members, she has a big mouth, and a temper.  Rather, she did.

Most importantly though, THERE IS NO FIFTH VOTE and he knows it.  So voting for her to stay is totally pointless.

He said last night he COULD flip it (implied the PeePee's aren't smart even if they think they are) but the cost would be too great and the risk of backlash on him, and on Nat.

3 hours ago, escape said:

This is Big Brother.  The show has never been about treating everyone fairly.  Day played a messy game.  And once someone is exposed as untrustworthy, they make themselves a prime target.  Maybe Day can expose Nicole on her way out, like what Tiffany and Frank did with Day.

Yes, by all means, let's let Day take ANOTHER woman out of the game.



4 minutes ago, Umbelina said:

Nicole and Day private talk now. 

Come on Day, flip this.

Nicole admits that she thinks Day would put her up, especially in double eviction.  (SHE IS RIGHT!)

Haha. There is absolutely no way that Nicole is flipping to keep Day. She was thisclose to voting her out when Tiff was on the block, but didn't because it would of pissed people. Now that Day is up there and most of the house wants her out. I cannot imagine her voting to keep her, and I don't blame her. If she does i'll eat my shoe. HAHA. 

Edited by SiobhanJW
1 hour ago, SiobhanJW said:

No one is going to step in and stop it (in terms of production, it's possible that a HG could say something). They didn't do that for Bridgette when she was being taken to task and basically told she's a piece of shit by Paul so they aren't going to step in now. I don't condone what he is doing by any means and he is a major asshole, but unfortunately that is part of the game. It's not only a physical & social game it's a mental one as well. It's sometimes the most uncomfortable thing to watch in the game for sure. 

ETA: In re-reading your post- I'm not sure if you meant that someone needs to step in outside of the game or in the game but if you mean outside then yeah I would hope his family or friends would talk to him after the show just to make sure that this is something that he isn't going to continue with. (I'm not going to presume to say he's done this before, it's possible to him that this was just all game manipulation, this game can bring out the worst of the worst in people).  

Yeah, I know they won't step in on the show, but I also know that people watching are like, "somebody help her!" That's what I meant. As a viewer, I don't think anyone is sitting on a high horse, but in shock. There are a lot of people that hear about the middle to end result of an abusive relationship, but have never seen it build and take shape.

They are seeing it now between Paulie and Zakiyah and also seeing how an abuser's family stands by him and his actions because they don't want acknowledge that something has gone very wrong from what they they thought they raised and what he is.

I think that's part of the dismay with this entire situation: everyone can see what this is and what is happening, but everyone is trying to pretend that it's not and it will just work itself out.

42 minutes ago, TheRealT said:

At this point, King Polly is absolutely drunk with power and he's acting out his little fantasies of being omnipotent and omniscient and, above all, badass. There is absolutely a racial aspect to the way he (and others) have characterized and treated Day. It's true that her position in the game can be attributed to her gameplay, but what's interesting is the way her ouster has played out. The HGs (mostly Polly and Nicorey) don't want her out because she's been acting like a stereotypical "scary black woman." She hasn't gone off on them or anything like that. She schemed against them and that's why they want her out and that's fine, so why all the carrying on as if she's so volatile? There is an even more explicit racial (and sexist) aspect to Polly making comments like telling Nat to "put her Latin ass away."  


I liked your whole post, but since this is what is unseen by some and clear as day to others, I wanted to highlight it.

If this were just about gameplay, I don't think anyone would have a problem with DaVonne going home because she did make mistakes and made them way too early. What I and others have noticed is that her mistakes that rival others' are being described as mortal sins and what kind of person would even think of doing something like that! I mean who would dare to play both sides of the house?!? You know, other than Frank, Nicole and James, the other three vets!

Her trash talk isn't trash talk, it's a woman viciously attacking two young kids that only wanted to play the game, but she's stripped them of all of their dignity in addition to their hopes and dreams of playing Big Brother!!! Will she ever show them some mercy? How will they ever sleep again?

Game play, she's leaving for the same reason why they wanted to get Frank out, they think she could beat them given the chance. However, they won't leave it at that. As you said, they are making it seem like she has been this incredible threat to their personal safety and for 50+ days, they've been living on the razor's edge being forced to sleep next to this danger to society. Oh and by the way, all of this coded language and fear for their lives just cropped up now that they have positioned her to be evicted, but let them tell it, this is a long overdue relief from her reign of diabolical terror.

  • Love 6

I kind of wish Da'Vonne would just be upfront about everything. That she wasn't happy with the Showmance Alliance, but she wanted her girls back not the guys - and how everything escalated from there.

It would at least be more believable than saying, "I'm not going to pull the trigger on you!" talk. 

Edited by mooses
  • Love 3
4 hours ago, wings707 said:

I think the RT is in #8.  Day has this one. 

Are we 100% sure about this? I know that's what everyone was initially saying but then I read something about Victor (I think) saying he had #8.

11 minutes ago, Kendall said:

Her trash talk isn't trash talk, it's a woman viciously attacking two young kids that only wanted to play the game, but she's stripped them of all of their dignity in addition to their hopes and dreams of playing Big Brother!!! Will she ever show them some mercy? How will they ever sleep again?

I 100% believe there is some underlying racism in the Day situation, but this happens every season to various people. Hell it happened this season already with Tiffany. For some people it's just easier to make someone out to be a monster rather than admit that you want them out for game reasons. I truly do not understand it at all, but it always happens.

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 3

And the other thing about the Da'vonne situation - she still blames everything on Frank. I understand Nicole doing that because it covers her butt, and she's also not going to throw her allies UTB. Da'Vonne, though, has no reason to protect anybody - say some names, try to make Nicole see some HGs in a different light or from a different perspective. Mention them keeping Bridgette and having her in their pocket, or how Paulie is playing Derrick's game. Nicole still doesn't know the Da'Vonne/Paulie/Bridgette plan from last week, or that Paul/Paulie were on to Nicole. Something that might make Nicole think a slightly different way.

Da'Vonne's a goner if things just stay level, and at this point, she knows it. The chances are slim to none that the vote will change, but it wouldn't hurt to try to give someone a different perspective.

  • Love 3
11 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

I 100% believe there is some underlying racism in the Day situation, but this happens every season to various people. Hell it happened this season already with Tiffany. For some people it's just easier to make someone out to be a monster rather than admit that you want them out for game reasons. I truly do not understand it at all, but it always happens.

But it was Day who was hell bent in getting rid of Tiffany.  And Tiffany's last word (to Victor) - Watch out for Day.

  • Love 2
Just now, Umbelina said:

Nicole's doing it because she KNOWS Day is coming after her, which she is.

Anyway, reading up and apparently BB kept zooming in on the Ochos poster last night. 

I do think Day has the round trip.

Oh yeah - Nicole isn't wrong for wanting out Da'Vonne. Da'Vonne is gunning for her hard since the Frank situation. But I'd like to see Da'Vonne try a few different campaign techniques aside from making peace before she goes.

I heard about the Ochos poster - they could also just be trollin' us. I'm good with Da'Vonne having the Round Trip, but I don't want to get my hopes up.

  • Love 6
3 minutes ago, escape said:

But it was Day who was hell bent in getting rid of Tiffany.

Michelle and Nicole were also acting like Tiffany was going to try to kill them in their sleep. I'm just saying that it's not just Day who has gotten that 'make someone out to be an unhinged monster' treatment. Even though, again, I do believe some of the Day stuff is race based.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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Everything has to be bygones at this point.  A new alliance has to start in order to flip this thing.  Drop the pettiness everyone!  This is a new day, a new start!  

Day talking to Nicole makes me think DR told her to remember, she might be coming back, you need to do some damage control. 

Edited by wings707
  • Love 2
55 minutes ago, Umbelina said:

I don't think BB is trolling us.

Vanessa voice:

It make SENSE!  Big Brother gave them a clue, which they ALL missed about which envelope to pick.  That gave the first one in a huge advantage, which also makes SENSE, since everyone was going to get an envelope eventually anyway. 

My post on page 125 says the exact same thing! 

Edited by wings707
  • Love 1
1 hour ago, peachmangosteen said:

I 100% believe there is some underlying racism in the Day situation, but this happens every season to various people. Hell it happened this season already with Tiffany. For some people it's just easier to make someone out to be a monster rather than admit that you want them out for game reasons. I truly do not understand it at all, but it always happens.

The vilifying phenomenon is definitely very common, but I think the racial (or sexist or whatever) aspects are kind of additional avenues to get to the vilification that are (to me) telling about people's true beliefs and attitudes. When they are vilifying a black woman, the "scary, aggressive black woman" stereotype is in the arsenal, so they might pull it out instead of/in addition to just characterizing the person as sneaky, not needing/deserving the money, eating all the ice cream, whatever.

I actually do understand why they vilify the people they're voting out. On some level, they feel bad and in many cases they have shared genuine friendship with the evictee, so it makes it easier emotionally to exaggerate how the person "deserves" to be betrayed/evicted. It's easier to take when the alleged offenses are more innocuous and not so rooted in racism/sexism/etc. (like someone eating all the ice cream being blown up into the Worst. Thing. Ever.). Stuff like Polly painting Natalie as a slut who probably lies about other things the way she lies about her fake tits is harder to hand wave.

  • Love 6

You guys are probably right but that was a very subtle clue, if so.  I would feel less so if "rios" wasn't also in red, I guess.  But the red words 'eight rivers, bon voyage' = 'envelope 8 is the best'?  I guess outside of any other number clue it'd be better to pick 8, though.  But 'bon voyage' might portend bad things, too, in a house where the goal is to stay.  

They'd definitely know, and frankly, James is from Texas, and Paulie from Jersey, they'd know too.  Hell, most of them have a reason to know.


I agree with your other post except I haven't seen nearly the shit thrown at Day for leaving her baby as Janelle got.  Also, I read Sucks, one of the toughest boards out there, and I haven't read one single snark or post about that, and they ream everyone on the show.

  • Love 4

Michelle tells Paulie she ca't take Paul and James anymore. "It's not anything that they're even doing directly to me, it's just when they talk." 

Michelle says she's worried she won't be able to get a job because of how she's acted. Paulie says he'll fly her to NJ and she can work at his gym.

Michelle's crying, but whenever she does I never see tears. I think she's just feeling left out (again) and needs the attention.

ETA: Michelle says she's worried about disappointing her family - and Paulie starts talking about how they don't get to hear anything unless one of their family members die. That's comforting.

Edited by mooses

Michelle: "Boys can say whatever they want and not get any crap for it. But then girls are catty."  She might be right, but she's done the exact same thing by harping on Bridgette's eyebrow comment and not Paul's comments. 

James also spilled...everything to Nicole and Corey because Nicole felt bad. That Da'Vonne has said Nicole's name and wanted to split up Corey/Nicole and Zakiyah/Paulie. I guess he really does want Da'Vonne gone - didn't even want to try and play off Nicole's guilt.

ETA: I missed Da'Vonne/James fallout last night, but he could also be putting the final nail in Da'Vonne's coffin because Da'Vonne doesn't trust him after this.

Edited by mooses
18 minutes ago, mooses said:

Michelle tells Paulie she ca't take Paul and James anymore. "It's not anything that they're even doing directly to me, it's just when they talk." 

Michelle says she's worried she won't be able to get a job because of how she's acted. Paulie says he'll fly her to NJ and she can work at his gym.

Michelle's crying, but whenever she does I never see tears. I think she's just feeling left out (again) and needs the attention.

ETA: Michelle says she's worried about disappointing her family - and Paulie starts talking about how they don't get to hear anything unless one of their family members die. That's comforting.

So lemme get this straight:

Michelle mean girls her way through the house for the first while and then when she gets called out on it by Bridgette, she cries and says, "I don't want to come across as a mean person." Okay.

Michelle throws an apple really fucking hard at Paul and then when she sees the welt and bruise it raised immediately, she cries and says, "I don't want to come across as a violent person." Okay.

Michelle is now worried about disappointing her family and not having job prospects because of her behavior in the house. Michelle, who has watched past Big Brothers and has probably heard about Spenser or what's-her-face that crossed Jeff and heard it from the fans in a spectacularly shitty way (forgive me, it's been a long day and I'm blanking on her name). 

Perhaps she should have stopped and thought about that before... nah, this is the same girl who created a fake Facebook boyfriend and a fake Facebook dog so that he wouldn't be lonely. Never mind. Carry on, Michelle.

  • Love 8
5 minutes ago, Umbelina said:

Nat says she's definitely voting Day out, but she wants to pump Bridge for information and see if Bridge will admit she's working with the boyz.


Miche is a Sucks fan/poster too, so she should KNOW how to act in there.

How in the fuck can she post at Sucks without dissolving into tears every five seconds? That place is rough and I say that as a fan (and lurker).

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, RedheadZombie said:

I'm rooting for Day and I will continue to root for her until she's gone for good.   She's messy,  she's made endless mistakes, but she is the only woman left not subjugating herself to the men in the house.   She's the only one not using her sexuality to manipulate.  Many think sexuality is fair game tactics - I have never respected it, whether it's BB, Survivor, or TAR. 

I don't think Day's choice is because a "tall chocolate" man wasn't cast.  Sure Nicole immediately spotted a hot guy she'd never have a chance with in the real world (her opinion), but Bridgette just attached to the next alpha male who looked her way.  Natalie is ignoring all of her good instincts and following dim-witted James's advice, because he's her "boyfriend" as she chirped to the cameras over and over the other night. Michelle is grooming Paul like she's a chimp and he's her child, because her first choice (Frank) lost interest, and Paul was the last guy left unattached.  


It really has been the worst possible script for Grease 3. The absolute, most horrific bunch of T-Birds and Pink Ladies to ever grace a screen.

  • Love 6
19 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

How in the fuck can she post at Sucks without dissolving into tears every five seconds? That place is rough and I say that as a fan (and lurker).

The BB forum isn't bad.  Other Shows is mild.  Off Topic is WILD.

Not positive she posts at Sucks but she's curious what her banner icon will be (it's not good, jabba is one of the front runners, all are eating related.)  She also has given Sucks several shout outs.  She also has a thread where people are logging in everything she eats, screencapping it, etc.  It's a LONG thread, and it started late.

Edited by Umbelina
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