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Season 18 Live Feed Discussion: Their Lives are Almost as Boring as Ours!

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Bridgette just said this about Da'Vonne:

"I don't thinks she's up for the half a million dollars. I mean, of course she is, but it's a floater game. If she was up against any other girl, I'd probably vote for the other girl ... I respect her as a woman, for sure, and as a mother, but personally, I don't respect floaters." 

I thought being a floater was her whole strategy! She just has a really bad read on the House dynamics right now. One of my least favorite solely based on cluelessness. And she's the only one taking the designated BB teams seriously right now.

But happy for Da'Vonne - all the vets except Frank seem to be in a good position in the House.

Natalie also said she's acting "spacey" on purpose. And the Bridgette/Bronte think Paulie's running the House.

Edited by mooses
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50 minutes ago, mooses said:

Bridgette just said this about Da'Vonne:

"I don't thinks she's up for the half a million dollars. I mean, of course she is, but it's a floater game. If she was up against any other girl, I'd probably vote for the other girl ... I respect her as a woman, for sure, and as a mother, but personally, I don't respect floaters." 

I thought being a floater was her whole strategy! She just has a really bad read on the House dynamics right now. One of my least favorite solely based on cluelessness. And she's the only one taking the designated BB teams seriously right now.

But happy for Da'Vonne - all the vets except Frank seem to be in a good position in the House.

Natalie also said she's acting "spacey" on purpose. And the Bridgette/Bronte think Paulie's running the House.

Bridgette is a moron.  I guess Bridgette's strategy of letting Frank run her game is really much more respectable.  Does she even realize how ridiculous she is?

Edited by RCharter
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Day is a floater? Ha, that's news to me. I know the first week she was playing Bridgette's side of the house, but there was actually no flip flopping, and she had solid allies from the start. Man, Bridgette's dumb. 

I love Natalie and I love James. They're the only showmance I want to see this summer. They're both super sweet and super nice. Plus, I love the fact that acting spacey has been confirmed to be her strategy. Seriously, if anyone isn't on the Natalie train, you really should be. It's a great ride and I haven't rooted this hardcore for a woman since Elissa. 

I do really want Tiffany to win POV, just so we could get Corey and Paul up on the block and hopefully another guy goes home. I just want to laugh at the irony of four guys being evicted before jury, with a possibility of the jury being almost all girls. 

Edited by Lady Calypso
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It was fun catching up this morning and I didn't expect that.  I thought the comedic moments left with Joe and Vic.  Silly me! 

Julie Chen, short interview. 



Sorry, Team Unicorn, I am not afraid of you. You have the worst name. At best, you’re friendly and magical to 3-year-olds.  At worst, you’re not real and not a threat. Go home. 


Day a floater! Oh that is rich.  Another gem is Bridget's alliance telling her not to trust Frank (her #1)!  Bronte telling Bridget that she would throw the next HOH so she (Bridget) could win it.  Have they not picked up on the rules? 

Frank Grodner,  Love this. 

Natalie or James for the win!  I finally have someone to cheer.  

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11 hours ago, Callaphera said:

At one point, Paul said that he wouldn't mind if Michelle just dropped dead or something to that effect.

Paul actually said that about Tiffany but Michelle believes it was about her. And yet she takes more issue with Bridgette's eyebrow joke. Michelle is an idiot. 

8 hours ago, mooses said:

Natalie even had some good reads on The House! And basically let Bridgette know she got played.

Natalie: "What do we do? Do we just shut up and let everyone run our lives?"

Natalie is just perfect. I really hope she can somehow manage to make it far enough to do some damage.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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Doing a couple of flashbacks this morning.  Jesus.  Whispering in the kitchen is painful when they slam the microwave door shut!  It has the same jolt as FISH.  

Wake up going on now.  Veto comp today, right?   

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Managed (just barely) to keep down my breakfast watching the Spy Girls giggling and shrieking in the HoH room last night. I did throw up a little in my mouth when Bronte insisted on finding "the magical spoon" so she could make her earth-shattering announcement.

Geez Louise. I can only hope that when CBS airs this (and you know they will) they'll punch it up with "goofy music" to tell us how utterly inane they think it is.

Edited by TimWil
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I am sooooooo with you TimWill.  I love Julie Chen's comment about the name of Team Unicorn.  I would love to see Bronte out on Thursday but that will not happen.  She said she is not a big BB fan (no shit)  and only came for the money for her doctorate.  HA! 

Edited by wings707
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2 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

I do really want Tiffany to win POV, just so we could get Corey and Paul up on the block and hopefully another guy goes home. I just want to laugh at the irony of four guys being evicted before jury, with a possibility of the jury being almost all girls. 

Even if Tiffany wins POV, Bronte will likely be ousted.  Also, 1 of the 5 first evicted houseguests will be coming back (my guess Victor, since he's strong in comps).   If there is an all female jury (which I doubt) and the jury is still made up of 9, it means the Final 2 will have to be guys.

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I'm with @Katesus7, I love Spy Girls. Sure Bridgette is an idiot and Bronte made a racist remark (but hey so did Zak) and possibly evil, but whatever they're adorable.

I really hope Tiffany can somehow channel Vanessa's competitive abilities today and pull out this veto. Sadly if she does Bronte will likely be evicted, but I just don't want Frank to get what he wants.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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RE: Frank's behavior.

If there is one thing you can rely on...in the days or weeks ahead if Frank is suddenly in a precarious position to be evicted it will herald the suspiciously timed arrival of PANDORA'S BOX whose opening will be tailor made to prevent his eviction. Bank on it.

Edited by North of Eden
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6 minutes ago, seasick said:

someone please?  phones?     When did they get them?   Are they all over the house?  Permanent new fixture?

There's a phone between the two bedrooms and in the HOH room

Edited by peachmangosteen
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24 minutes ago, North of Eden said:

RE: Frank's behavior.

If there is one thing you can rely on...in the days or weeks ahead if Frank is suddenly in a precarious position to be evicted it will herald the suspiciously timed arrival of PANDORA'S BOX whose opening will be tailor made to prevent his eviction. Bank on it.

This show bears a striking resemblance to UnREAL. I easily envision talks in the production room about what they will say in the DR to _______ to create _______.  And what challenge to use to benefit the outcome they want.  It is painfully obvious. 

The newbies do not have a chance.  Grodner does not want a flibberty gibbit like Bronte or Bridget anywhere near the end. 

On the bright side they may just want Tiffany to win the veto. There is a good story arc there.  She adds drama, too.  Nothing like keeping an irritant for tension! 

ETA.  I know nothing about the phones.  For me, they just showed up one day. 

Edited by wings707
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12 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

I'm with @Katesus7, I love Spy Girls. Sure Bridgette is an idiot and Bronte is slightly racist and possibly evil, but whatever they're adorable.

I really hope Tiffany can somehow channel Vanessa's competitive abilities today and pull out this veto. Sadly if she does Bronte will likely be evicted, but I just don't want Frank to get what he wants.

To be fair, I read that Bronte told Bridgette she's really embarrassed that she went along with Jozea/Paul/Victor about James in the beginning. In no way does that excuse making a racist comment, but at least she seems embarrassed that she stooped so low.

Right now, Natalie is one of my favorites, and I'm sympathetic to Bronte's harmless, trying hard, awkward personality. Bridgette is dead weight to them, though. No matter how much Natalie and Bronte inform her of things she's missed in the House, she's totally blind somehow. And she has three people on the block this week during her HOH that were not coming after her. She said "people are afraid" to put anyone else (besides Spy Girls/Tiffany/Paul) on the block - and it's just her! The rest of the House are in an alliance together!

I want to like James, but he is so super aware of wanting to be America's Favorite. Which makes me automatically like him less.

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3 minutes ago, wings707 said:

The newbies do not have a chance.  Grodner does not want a flibberty gibbit like Bronte or Bridget anywhere near the end. 

I doubt Bronte or Bridgett will make it near the end regardless.  But I can see Paulie and Natalie.  I like Natalie, but she needs to make a move in the game at some point.

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Natalie trying to explain life to Bridgette - 

Bridgette: I was put on the block the first week because I was a flip vote.

Natalie: That's a lie. They just need a reason to put you up. 

Bridgette: But I was told that. Not by the person that put me up, but...

She was told that by Frank - the person who put her up!

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Michelle has been ranting to Z and Day to day about how Frank keeps bringing up how Bridgette won HOH and she makes cookies for him, basically taunting her that Bridgette does more for him than she does. And he told her she was too comfortable in the the game. She's so pissed about it.

I am living for Frank just further ruining his game every minute of every day lol.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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Just now, peachmangosteen said:

I have no doubt that if Natalie could she would make a move, but right now she has no power. I wish she would've won this HOH.

If anyone but Frank - oops, I mean Bridgette - won, it would've been great.

Frank's getting sloppier. After talking to a couple people about wanting Michelle out, here's what he said to Michelle/Z this morning: 

Michelle: [Bridgette's] bad for my game.

Frank: Yeah, well, right now she's better for my game than you so you better step your game up. I'm gonna cut this one, Zakiyah ... in a couple weeks. Don't forget we won't have teams forever, girl. You're gonna be the first casualty of the Seven Pack.

After he leaves:

Z: If that's not clear who he wants most ... I think he meant that wholeheartedly.

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2 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Michelle has been ranting to Z and Day to day about how Frank keeps bringing up how Bridgette won HOH and she makes cookies for him, basically taunting her that Bridgette does more for him than she does. And he told her she was too comfortable in the the game. She's so pissed about it.

I am living for Frank just further ruiningg his game every minute of every day lol.

Wow, what an ass.  He is ruining it but saves himself OR Grodner is managing it.  His confidence may be born from a promise to help him along, to a certain point.  

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7 minutes ago, mooses said:

If anyone but Frank - oops, I mean Bridgette - won, it would've been great.

Frank's getting sloppier. After talking to a couple people about wanting Michelle out, here's what he said to Michelle/Z this morning: 

Michelle: [Bridgette's] bad for my game.

Frank: Yeah, well, right now she's better for my game than you so you better step your game up. I'm gonna cut this one, Zakiyah ... in a couple weeks. Don't forget we won't have teams forever, girl. You're gonna be the first casualty of the Seven Pack.

After he leaves:

Z: If that's not clear who he wants most ... I think he meant that wholeheartedly.

 I am shocked.  I shouldn't be.  This is so blatant and mean I am floored.  And stupid!   He thinks he has Michele's support and is aligned with him unless I missed something.  

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Natalie telling Bronte about her airhead act again and that she's always asking, "What's that?" on purpose.

Bridgette, hyping the Spy Girls up : "Little do they know who the f*** we are! Spy Girls f***ing unite! I don't give a f***! They think they can take these girls downs, they can go f*** themselves!" 

...This girl.

Edited by mooses
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Tiffany has been controlling her emotions impeccably this week so far. I'm kinda proud of her tbh. But also I wish she would go full Vanessa and just start causing some chaos because this week is SO boring right now. I'm hoping she's waiting until after veto to spill info. If she wins veto she probably won't do anything even though she should. But I sadly think she thinks it's only Frank who's out to get her and that the rest of 8 Pack/Fatal 5 are still on her side.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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7 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

What I don't get is, doesn't everyone already know that Bridgette, Bronte and Natalie are a "thing"? How do they think that they're some mysterious side group?

I think they just think they're underestimated. And they still don't know practically the whole House has been aligned as one.

5 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Tiffany has been controlling her emotions impeccably this week so far. I'm kinda proud of her tbh. But also I wish she would go full Vanessa and just start causing some chaos because this week is SO boring right now. I'm hoping she's waiting until after veto to spill info. But if she wins veto she probably won't do anything even though she should. But I sadly think she thinks it's only Frank who's out to get her and that the rest of 8 Pack/Fatal 5 are still on her side.

Yeah, for all these talks of emotional outbursts, we haven't had one since pretty much the Frank debacle. Once she realizes she's leaving, though? I expect some fireworks. But she doesn't have anywhere to turn - the Spy Girls will be afraid to jeopardize Bridgette, and the only info she has is against Da'Vonne - Paulie/Z/Frank hate Tiffany, so they'll never believe her. But imagine if Tiffany wins HOH and Corey went up? Meltdowns!

Honestly, it doesn't make much sense why they'd do exactly what Frank wants this week - if they can't get him next week (and it's gonna be hard), he'll probably be in a pretty good position.

Edited by mooses
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1 minute ago, mooses said:

Honestly, it doesn't make much sense why they'd do exactly what Frank wants this week - if they can't get him next week (and it's gonna be hard), he'll probably be in a pretty good position.

Yea the longer it takes for them to even have a chance at getting him the less likely he is to go. He could probably pull the men back to his side fairly easily. And if Tiffany does go this week then that gets out probably the only person who would actually have the balls to go after Frank right now. Maybe Day would, but I'm not completely convinced.

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4 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Maybe Day would, but I'm not completely convinced.

I think Day would, but only in a RK situation - actually her original plan was crazier, wasn't it? Like nominate James with RK, he will win Veto, put up Frank.

Tiffany would do it an bathe in all the blood. And if she fails, he hates her anyway. He'll think it's just her. Everyone else is going to be scared to be the one blamed for it, so it's going to have to be a meticulous plan. It will be harder than Vic, because, like this week, they couldn't get everyone on board and had to cross their fingers.

ETA: There's no way Tiffany would be going if Da'Vonne didn't hate her sister.

Edited by mooses
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4 minutes ago, mooses said:

I think Day would, but only in a RK situation - actually her original plan was crazier, wasn't it? Like nominate James with RK, he will win Veto, put up Frank.

LMAO! Yea see this is why I don't think Day would actually do it. She just gets too nuts and she'd probably have some insane plan and then it wouldn't work out or she'd just get too paranoid and not go through with it.

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23 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Tiffany has been controlling her emotions impeccably this week so far. I'm kinda proud of her tbh. But also I wish she would go full Vanessa and just start causing some chaos because this week is SO boring right now. I'm hoping she's waiting until after veto to spill info. If she wins veto she probably won't do anything even though she should. But I sadly think she thinks it's only Frank who's out to get her and that the rest of 8 Pack/Fatal 5 are still on her side.

I am afraid of this, too.  Everyone has been careful not to share upsetting information with her so she has been soothed.  I hope someone puts a fire under her but I am not sure who that would be.  They all seem to want her out. She is gone unless she wins veto.

I want Bronte out. I think Paul will be useful in the get Frank out movement.  Bronte is not going to let a man protect her or help her; she is all about girl power.  Oh come on you silly twat, just go get your doctorate.

12 minutes ago, mooses said:

I think Day would, but only in a RK situation - actually her original plan was crazier, wasn't it? Like nominate James with RK, he will win Veto, put up Frank.

Tiffany would do it an bathe in all the blood. And if she fails, he hates her anyway. He'll think it's just her. Everyone else is going to be scared to be the one blamed for it, so it's going to have to be a meticulous plan. It will be harder than Vic, because, like this week, they couldn't get everyone on board and had to cross their fingers.

I agree.  You cannot depend on Day.  No problem though, she will throw all HOH challenges. 

Talk early this morning, told me that everyone but Michele was going to fight for HOH.  Many plans laid that turn out to be all talk.   sigh   We shall see. 

Edited by wings707
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5 minutes ago, wings707 said:

I want Bronte out. I think Paul will be useful in the get Frank out movement.  Bronte is not going to let a man protect her or help her; she is all about girl power.  Oh come on you silly twat, go get your doctorate.

I don't understand this.

As for Paul, the only way he'd go after Frank if he got HOH is if everyone told him they wanted it and I don't think anyone would do that because, as @mooses said, they're all afraid of getting the blame for going after Frank.

Basically imo Frank just isn't going to get evicted anytime soon unless Tiffany gets HOH or Day/Zak win RK. And I'm not even convinced Day/Zak would do it even if it was anonymous. I just don't trust any of these people to have the confidence to really go for it.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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41 minutes ago, mooses said:

Natalie telling Bronte about her airhead act again and that she's always asking, "What's that?" on purpose.

Bridgette, hyping the Spy Girls up : "Little do they know who the f*** we are! Spy Girls f***ing unite! I don't give a f***! They think they can take these girls downs, they can go f*** themselves!" 

...This girl.

..."we're Frank's Angels girls!  Lets go bake some cookies and do some damage!"

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1 minute ago, peachmangosteen said:
6 minutes ago, wings707 said:

I want Bronte out. I think Paul will be useful in the get Frank out movement.  Bronte is not going to let a man protect her or help her; she is all about girl power.  Oh come on you silly twat, go get your doctorate.

I don't understand this lol.

Last night Bronte and Bridget had a spell of hilarity on the HOH bed.  Bronte expounded on the girl power, stating she would never hide behind a man to be safe, I don't need a man to protect me!!  And she went on and on about not needing men in this game.  The girls can take over the house! It was playful and light hearted but terribly naive.  

She doesn't get it that a man in your alliance is not there to protect you, he is there because you hopefully trust that he is on the same page with the same goal.  I didn't find it all that adorable but I didn't hate it either.  Just dumb.  

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14 minutes ago, RCharter said:

..."we're Frank's Angels girls!  Lets go bake some cookies and do some damage!"

Please tell me no one actually said this and it is your humor.  

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32 minutes ago, RCharter said:

LOL, its humor 

See?  That I had to ask is an indication of how totally ridiculous "the girls" are!  LOL!


1 hour ago, Brian Cronin said:

What I don't get is, doesn't everyone already know that Bridgette, Bronte and Natalie are a "thing"? How do they think that they're some mysterious side group?

They do not see.  Bridget thinks she is now aligned with Frank and the people he hangs with and Bronte probably does, too, despite her belief  that the girls are going to take over. 

Edited by wings707
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1 hour ago, mooses said:

To be fair, I read that Bronte told Bridgette she's really embarrassed that she went along with Jozea/Paul/Victor about James in the beginning. In no way does that excuse making a racist comment, but at least she seems embarrassed that she stooped so low.

Is she only fessing up because she doesn't have the numbers in the house?  No one force her to say what she said - and it was clearly based on stereotypes, not truth - since James isn't even from Hong Kong.  If Frank is a misogynist, Bronti is a racist.

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I know I'm probably going to be making fun of Bridgette this whole game, but I will say that she looked at Paul's nasty nose ring infection thing last night, and she seems like she's a good nurse - it was a glimpse of her bedside manner! 

Just not so good at this Big Brother thing so far.

Edited by mooses
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2 hours ago, escape said:

Even if Tiffany wins POV, Bronte will likely be ousted.  Also, 1 of the 5 first evicted houseguests will be coming back (my guess Victor, since he's strong in comps).   If there is an all female jury (which I doubt) and the jury is still made up of 9, it means the Final 2 will have to be guys.

Honestly, I don't think I'd want either girl out, but I'd be fine with Bronte going out. I just kind of want to watch Paul leave because there's less of a chance of Paul having one of his two best friends back with him in the house. I don't know, though. Depending on what the competition is, Victor's an idiot and could mess it up. 

There won't be an all female jury, obviously. But imagine if six or seven of the jury members were female. More females than males in jury would be fun. I know we've kind of gotten close to even numbers in jury, but having a lot of the guys gone pre-jury is something I'd love to see. Season 15 had four out of the five pre-jurors as males, but what if it was five out of five? 

I can dream! I know it'll never happen, but I can dream! 

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14 minutes ago, escape said:

Is she only fessing up because she doesn't have the numbers in the house?  No one force her to say what she said - and it was clearly based on stereotypes, not truth - since James isn't even from Hong Kong.  If Frank is a misogynist, Bronti is a racist.

Oh Frank is racist too. Last night he did some daddy Frank act where he reprimanded James for talking on the phone at a late hour.

Frank: That better not have been a long distance call...to Korea!

If someone is so willing to make such casual racist jokes when they know cameras are filming them I hate to see what jokes they make in the privacy of their own home.

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Frank in SR blowing smoke to Michele.  It is pretty funny.  Michele is not buying it and telling him so.  Dont be like Danielle and make me do all the work for you.  Good god Frank.  You are trying to soothe her and then you say that.  

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59 minutes ago, mooses said:

I think Day would, but only in a RK situation - actually her original plan was crazier, wasn't it? Like nominate James with RK, he will win Veto, put up Frank.

Tiffany would do it an bathe in all the blood. And if she fails, he hates her anyway. He'll think it's just her. Everyone else is going to be scared to be the one blamed for it, so it's going to have to be a meticulous plan. It will be harder than Vic, because, like this week, they couldn't get everyone on board and had to cross their fingers.

ETA: There's no way Tiffany would be going if Da'Vonne didn't hate her sister.

I don't even think the RK should be a factor in getting Frank out.  

I don't see how it would matter who went up as RK nominee because that person should never be the target.

I think if Frank goes out, it should be traditional BD style.  Its risky, but I think its really the only way.  Initial nominees should be Bridgette + someone else.

This would ensure that the rest of the spy girls will be okay with the plan to BD Frank, since it will save Bridgette.  

Whoever wins veto takes down "someone else."  If Frank gets picked to play veto and wins, at least you can get rid of Bridgette, thereby weakening Frank.

Trying to take out Frank later BD style is riskier because there is a smaller pool of people to play for the veto.

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Sometimes, I wonder why people get so fearful of attacking a bigger threat player. If you know people feel the same way that you do, shouldn't it not matter whether or not said threat is angry at you? There's a fear about Frank getting angry if he finds out. Ok, he can possibly win HOH and be safe next week. But there's more people that could win than Frank. He can't go after all of you in one week, and you can band together and, you know, not enable him and do what he wants. He wants Tiffany out? Torture him by getting someone else out. Maybe it'll throw him off his game during HOH. I guess it just always confuses me when people are like "We need to get this person out, and we have the majority agreeing.....but let's not do it right now. He might win HOH and come after us'. 

They should absolutely be putting up Bridgette and maybe Corey/Paulie next week, if they can. Then, BD Frank if you have the opportunity. If not, get out Bridgette or someone that Frank is using/benefiting from having around. Done.

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1 hour ago, mooses said:

ETA: There's no way Tiffany would be going if Da'Vonne didn't hate her sister.

Nope.  It has to do with Tiffany being a pain to live with 24/7.

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2 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Sometimes, I wonder why people get so fearful of attacking a bigger threat player. If you know people feel the same way that you do, shouldn't it not matter whether or not said threat is angry at you? There's a fear about Frank getting angry if he finds out. Ok, he can possibly win HOH and be safe next week. But there's more people that could win than Frank. He can't go after all of you in one week, and you can band together and, you know, not enable him and do what he wants. He wants Tiffany out? Torture him by getting someone else out. Maybe it'll throw him off his game during HOH. I guess it just always confuses me when people are like "We need to get this person out, and we have the majority agreeing.....but let's not do it right now. He might win HOH and come after us'. 

They should absolutely be putting up Bridgette and maybe Corey/Paulie next week, if they can. Then, BD Frank if you have the opportunity. If not, get out Bridgette or someone that Frank is using/benefiting from having around. Done.

They are all young save a few of them.  The atmosphere in the house is something we don't know.  The book Lord of the Flies talks about this group phenomenon (much bigger way).  Your survival in the house hinges being liked and avoiding having anyone mad at you.  It is human nature to move toward comfort and away from pain.  It is a psychological trip as much as strategy and physical prowess. 

Translated, we are watching a bunch of fucking wimps!  

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8 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Sometimes, I wonder why people get so fearful of attacking a bigger threat player. If you know people feel the same way that you do, shouldn't it not matter whether or not said threat is angry at you? There's a fear about Frank getting angry if he finds out. Ok, he can possibly win HOH and be safe next week. But there's more people that could win than Frank. He can't go after all of you in one week, and you can band together and, you know, not enable him and do what he wants. He wants Tiffany out? Torture him by getting someone else out. Maybe it'll throw him off his game during HOH. I guess it just always confuses me when people are like "We need to get this person out, and we have the majority agreeing.....but let's not do it right now. He might win HOH and come after us'. 

They should absolutely be putting up Bridgette and maybe Corey/Paulie next week, if they can. Then, BD Frank if you have the opportunity. If not, get out Bridgette or someone that Frank is using/benefiting from having around. Done.

Agree, not to mention that the opportunity to BD Frank becomes slimmer and slimmer as the weeks pass.

He has a much higher likelihood of getting picked for veto as there are fewer players in the house.  

I think now is the time to really make a move against him.  There is an anti-Frank sentiment in the house, and the newbies have a very "go with the house" attitude.  I think Bridgette/Corey/Paulie is probably the best deal because they will be more invested in saving themselves than saving Frank.

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