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The $100,000 Pyramid - General Discussion

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3 hours ago, ams1001 said:

I eat them with ketchup, on the rare occasions I eat a hot dog. I realize I am apparently a heretic. But hot dog wouldn't have been my first thought with that clue (french fries, maybe).

I shouldn't criticize people who like food I don't. Sorry. I generally don't eat ketchup anymore, and mustard is my favorite condiment.  


3 hours ago, sugarbaker design said:

Sorry for being obtuse, but I have no idea what you are talking about.  Could you kindly elaborate?

I’ll try.

Back then, it seemed that a category consisting of people’s names was considered the tough categories. You always had to give the full name of the person, not just the first OR  last name they ask for today. So you couldn’t, for example, just say “Britney” for Spears or “Sylvester” for Stallone. You had to describe who the person was or give titles of their body of work, or whatnot. That took longer and I swear I remember celebs and contestants being afraid of those types of categories.

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Such a pleasure watching Mark Duplass and Yvette Nicole Brown play. 

I thought the woman, Jamie, gave weird clues for the plant category. Maybe she just needed to warm up.

Not sure what else Mark could have said for ranch. Oh! "A salad dressing. Hidden Valley blank." And he didn't get a chance to do anything with artichoke, but that's kind of a tough one. "A vegetable that you pull off the leaves of, dip, and then scrape on your teeth." You'd have to mime that. I think he started talking about artichoke hearts. I guess that would work. It just seems like giving clues for artichoke would take a long time.

Bourbon shouldn't have been hard. "It's a whiskey. Kentucky...."

In the Winners Circle category of horror movie places, 'the woods,' Mark said the trees in a forest, but that didn't work. You could say, "A Robert Frost poem, Stopping by the blank on a snowy evening," and I bet the judges wouldn't buzz you for saying "the."

In the second WC, Mike was giving bad clues for Things You Sell. He started off bad by bringing up Goodwill. How about, "Your car that you don't want, your house that you don't want, eBay items, Facebook Marketplace items..."

Larry Wilmore was pretty good. Tisha Campbell had some hiccups. 

Chili. Is there a major brand? I don't know if Hormel would do it. "Some brands of this are Hormel and Stagg. Oh! "You can put this on your hot dog. It can be spicy. Three-alarm blank."

Clammy is kind of tough. Seems like Larry was giving good clues.

Spirit: The Father, Son, and the Holy blank.

River Activities: Tubing, fly fishing, white water rafting...

Types of Cans: Aluminum, tin, soda ones, beer ones...

All in all, not a bad episode.

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On 7/31/2023 at 12:01 PM, peeayebee said:

In the Winners Circle category of horror movie places, 'the woods,' Mark said the trees in a forest, but that didn't work. You could say, "A Robert Frost poem, Stopping by the blank on a snowy evening," and I bet the judges wouldn't buzz you for saying "the."

That wasn't a Winner's Circle subject, it was in the qualifying round. I would have said "another word for forest" or "another word for lumber" then "plural." I don't know why "Missouri" was so hard, just say "This is where St. Louis is" but then again maybe they don't teach geography anymore. 

Hidden Valley should have been the definitive clue for "ranch" but I could have sworn I heard the contestant say "horse ranch" after he had already passed. "Mystery" shouldn't have been that hard either. "Agatha Christie writes these." Or "It's an unsolved . . . "

On 7/31/2023 at 12:01 PM, peeayebee said:

Larry Wilmore was pretty good. Tisha Campbell had some hiccups. 

I thought they were both pretty bad at giving clues. Tisha was decent at guessing. But she couldn't come up with a clue for "war," "Kennedy" or "Vietnam," all in one category. Yeesh.

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Good grief. Jeff Ross should never be invited back again, he is awful at this. He only got two out of seven, both giving clues and guessing. Robert Herjavec wasn't much better. Even Michael was exasperated with how bad they were at this. The show kept cutting to him looking frustrated as hell. The clue was "catalog" and the contestant, pantomiming turning pages, says "You order things from this, the JC Penney or Sears . . . " and Jeff Ross goes "receipt?" OMG. What a dumbass.

That contestant managed to win the 100K out of sheer dumb luck. Still, they gave Jeff a pass on "things a chef uses (cook)" must by saying "cook." 

Cedric and Jo Koy were only slightly better but again, Cedric absolutely sucked at giving clues. He was much better guessing. 

More questionable judging. The clue was "pedicure" and the contestant was able to say "manicure" and not get buzzed. I call foul. 

"Things you hunt for." I would have said "hidden Easter eggs."

The show desperately needs better celebrity players. This was not entertaining.

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43 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

That contestant managed to win the 100K out of sheer dumb luck. Still, they gave Jeff a pass on "things a chef uses (cook)" must by saying "cook." 

And the categories were pretty easy. I knew he was going to win because of seeing the clip of it at the beginning of a previous ep, so I was wondering how it would happen since Jeff was sooooo bad.

Robert H was sooooo bad, too. It was painful all the way around.

I was bugged when the word was "her" but the judges accepted "hers." I guess it was allowed because the word was inside of hers.

What was the clue Robert gave for Keanu? A tall actor with a beard? Whatever it was, sheesh. Michael gave the obvious clue saying The Matrix and Reeves.

The clues she gave for Skin Care Items weren't bad, and maybe nothing would have gotten Jeff to say it -- Was it Jeff? -- but you could say, "Anti-wrinkle cream, moisturizer, an exfoliator, a facial mask..."

For 'Lizzo,' I was wondering if Robert would say anything about her weight, but I wasn't surprised he didn't. Saying some of her songs would be the way to go. About Damn Time, Good As Hell. Oh, and saying she's a black singer who plays the flute.



More questionable judging. The clue was "pedicure" and the contestant was able to say "manicure" and not get buzzed. I call foul.

Hasn't this come up before? I'm pretty sure it has and was allowed before. They allow giving the clue 'million' for 'billion' right? The only thing that bothers me here is that it rhymes.


"Things you hunt for." I would have said "hidden Easter eggs."

Yes. She definitely needed a few non-animal clues. "A good bargain, a treasure chest." And maybe be more specific with the animals, like, "A 10-point stag." I wonder if you could say "Red October"?

The woman gave great clues for Things That Are Tied -- your shoelaces, an OT football game (or whatever it was. Those were perfect. Maybe also "a hostage's hands."

I knew that one category "Chal I Compare Thée..." was going to be about Timothy Chalamée, which I wouldn't have wanted. Apparently the players didn't want it either.

The best part of the show was Jo doing the impression of Jon Lovitz.


Edited by peeayebee
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21 minutes ago, sugarbaker design said:

Are you kidding?  I have no problem of the use of the word "the".

You are not allowed to say any part of the answer in the clue.  If the answer was "Bronx", it would have been fine.  However, the answer was "The Bronx".  The is part of the clue and technically, you are not allowed to say it.

The have buzzed on less egregious things than this in the past.

Edited by KeithJ
Just now, sugarbaker design said:

Could you name any that are less egregious than using the word "the"?

Again, as I said, you are not allowed to use ANY part of the answer in the clue.  "The Bronx" was the answer.  Therefore, you are not allowed to use "The" in the clue.  Technically, they could have buzzed them for it but they did not.

I wonder how they get the celebrities on the show. Obviously sometimes the celeb is promoting something, so the agent might contact the show. Other times I think the celeb just loves being on the show. But in cases like this, I can't imagine any of the four celebs asking to be on the show, and I have no idea why the show would approach them.

I wouldn't think Pyramid would have trouble getting good, smart celebs on.

I always feel terrible for contestants who are really good but are saddled with loser celebs.

  • Like 5
10 hours ago, peeayebee said:

What was the clue Robert gave for Keanu? A tall actor with a beard? Whatever it was, sheesh. Michael gave the obvious clue saying The Matrix and Reeves.

Oh I know, it was driving me nuts. How can you not say "Reeves" when the clue us "Keanu?" Maybe he didn't know who he was. Still, how many Keanus are there? If he's that ignorant of pop culture he shouldn't be anywhere near this show.

10 hours ago, peeayebee said:

Yes. She definitely needed a few non-animal clues. "A good bargain, a treasure chest." And maybe be more specific with the animals, like, "A 10-point stag." I wonder if you could say "Red October"?

Oh wow Red October is perfect.

6 hours ago, helpmerhonda said:

(Did Michael ask Jo Koy about Chelsea Handler? They broke up over a year ago.)

The episode was filmed over a year ago. In an earlier episode this season the clue giver said "it's 2022" and the answer was "year."

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Well nobody was awful this week but nobody was great either. But at least they tried. Amanda Seales was pretty good. And I was really impressed with Francia Raisa's intensity. She really leaned into the contestant when she was receiving the clues. I think the players themselves were weaker than the celebs. 

Amanda didn't seem to know she could use her hands during the prelim rounds. "Fist bump" should have been an easy one but instead of doing it she just kept trying to describe it.

For "things that are clingy" I would have said "static-y clothes." And for "things that are stained" I would have said "church glass windows." 

More wonky judging. They gave them "Wienermobile" even though she clearly said that after the buzzer. But she did say "Wiener" before the buzzer so maybe that's why.

Dillon obviously misread "Things Germany might say" as "what a German might say." I can't believe they got that.

Um, Shawn? Wants to go to Iran? I don't think that's a very good idea Shawn.

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9 hours ago, iMonrey said:

Well nobody was awful this week but nobody was great either. But at least they tried. Amanda Seales was pretty good.

She was way better than Will Sasso, who resorted to cheap laughs than just say the name "Marlon Brando".


9 hours ago, iMonrey said:

And for "things that are stained" I would have said "church glass windows." 

I was screaming that phrase from my couch.

9 hours ago, iMonrey said:

Um, Shawn? Wants to go to Iran? I don't think that's a very good idea Shawn.

Yeah girl, you might want to tone it down a bit.

7 hours ago, MerBearHou said:

Great contestants and superb celebrities in Alex and Michele.  That was impressive to watch and I was bummed that anyone had to lose.

I love good game play, I rewatched that one also.

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10 hours ago, iMonrey said:

And I was really impressed with Francia Raisa's intensity. She really leaned into the contestant when she was receiving the clues.

That actually bugged me. I imagined giving clues and being weirded out a bit by her leaning in so far. But that's just me.


Amanda didn't seem to know she could use her hands during the prelim rounds. "Fist bump" should have been an easy one but instead of doing it she just kept trying to describe it.

OMG, I know! Granted, she gave good clues, but an actual miming of fist-bump would have been better. I couldn't remember if she used her hands in the first round. I thought maybe after being in the Winners Circle, no-using-hands was stuck in her head. Of course that rule only applies to the clue-giver.


For "things that are clingy" I would have said "static-y clothes." And for "things that are stained" I would have said "church glass windows."

Yes and yes. I also thought Michael's clue of a smoker's teeth was good. 


Dillon obviously misread "Things Germany might say" as "what a German might say." I can't believe they got that.

I was cringing at his accent. 

I was really impressed by Amanda Seales. I don't know her. I've never watched Insecure. (It's on my list.) 

I cracked up when the contestant was giving clues for Baltimore and said "the one city in Maryland." Of course she wasn't stupid, just being funny.

I didn't like Dylan's clue-giving. He was too hyper for one thing. 

What was the other male contestant's name? Shar? It didn't sound like Shawn to me. 

Kind of embarrassing that Francia didn't know Eleanor Roosevelt. And I think even if Shar had said something like, "The Beatles' song blank Rigby," I don't think she would have gotten it. When Michael said the category was words in Beatles songs, she looked like she wasn't all that familiar with them.

Dulee Hill was my favorite thing about Psych, (I've never seen his Wonder Years reboot.) but he disappointed me here. Some of his clues for Agony of Da Feet were pretty bad. Like he kept saying lightning and rain for 'thunder.' You could simply say, "When there's a big storm, there's this noise in the sky." And for humid he could have said, "When there's a lot of moisture in the air, you say it's very..." 

Is there skiing in Yosemite?

Share didn't mime 'splashing' very well. You could also say, "Little kids like to do this in the water," and then mime downward splashing.

In the Winners Circle, I thought Rooms at a School was really tough, so I was surprised they got it. Things You Bring on an Airplane: Chewing gum? Yes, but that's a terrible clue. "Carry-on luggage, your boarding pass, a neck pillow." I didn't quite hear what all he said for Other Words for Food -- grub, chow -- but it seemed like Francia just wouldn't get it no matter what he said.

I'm sure she knows who Nicole Kidman is, but what a brain fart to go the long way with trying to get Jamie to say "kid." Of course the HUGE brain fart was not getting 'quarter.'

I guess saying "Jim Gaffigan's microphone" wasn't against the rules, but it made me grimace. Kind of a tough category. A stool, a microphone, a bottle of water, jokes, a funny story (a comedian DOES use jokes and funny stories, right?).


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45 minutes ago, peeayebee said:

In the Winners Circle, I thought Rooms at a School was really tough, so I was surprised they got it.

That was another wonky judgment call. All she said was "school" and they gave it to them. When the subject is school rooms" I think you should have to say the word "rooms."

Edited by iMonrey
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54 minutes ago, peeayebee said:

In the Winners Circle, I thought Rooms at a School was really tough, so I was surprised they got it.

Same here.  It's hard to immediately think of a room in a school that doesn't have "room" in it.  Later I thought of Chem Lab, Principal's Office, teachers' lounge etc.

Edited by sugarbaker design
15 hours ago, iMonrey said:

Amanda didn't seem to know she could use her hands during the prelim rounds. "Fist bump" should have been an easy one but instead of doing it she just kept trying to describe it.

And in the other game in one round, one of the celebs (Indya Moore?) was trying to act out every clue and I kept screaming USE YOUR WORDS!

Edited by ams1001
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Pretty good games.

Contestant Nicole gave the clue for Caribbean that it is an island. Though wrong, it worked. And then Wendi said for spatula that you use it to stir things, whereas I would have said you use it to flip pancakes.

I don't know if there are any definitive clues for Harvard. Seems like if you don't get it from Ivy League university, you just won't get it. "Pahk ya cah in the blank yahd."

Terrible clue for RuPaul. "He has a wonderful show, all about style." Just say he hosts a show. He's a drag queen.

Wendi was giving kind of off clues for pedestrians. Keep it simple. "This is what you call people who are walking."

In the Winners Circle, Pat was giving clues for Places You Sit that were too complicated. I always feel that for simple categories, give simple clues. "A chair, a couch, a stool."

In the second game, I didn't know either of the celebs, though I think the Marcus guy was on before, right? He looked familiar. But man, not getting kitten? Did Kelsey say it was a baby cat or a little cat? That MIGHT have made a difference. When he was stuck, I might have said, "A baby dog is a puppy, a baby cat is a..." Then she was giving bad clues for talk. Maybe she was flustered after the kitty-cat business. 

Amanda was excellent.

Machine is kind of tough. I think she was stuck trying to give clues around an ATM. I don't think I would do much better under the pressure, but thinking now in the comfort of my living room, a good clue might be a fill-in-the-blank type clue. "Before voicemail, this thing recorded messages for you. An answering...."

For 'tacks' could you give clues for 'tax'? So, you pay this every year to the IRS, your income blank." Of course there's also, "You get down to brass blank," but I'm not sure everyone knows that expression.


Edited by peeayebee
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I seem to recall Wendy McLendon-Covey being better than this last time she was on, if I'm remembering correctly. She seemed a little slow on the uptake this time. Matt Walsh was pretty good. Neither were great but neither were trainwrecks either.

OK, let's talk about Pat. I can't be the only one who immediately thought of that androngynous SNL character played by Julia Sweeney. When they first showed him and said his name was Pat I thought "Wow, appropriate name." 

Not sure why they got stuck on "places you sit." I think it would have been better to say "your chair, your sofa, your stool, your bench, your ass.

"Steamy things" should have been easy. Hot shower, sauna, racy novel, Houston summer. I think they just ran out of time.

Never heard of Marcus Lemonis before but good grief he was horrible that first round! I've never seen someone get zero points before in a round. It's a good thing nobody had to go to the winner's circle with him.

And they really gave his partner a pass in the final round just to make up for it. They were giving her passes on partial answers through the whole thing. "Bark" for barking, "shed" for shedding, "pee" for peeing. And this right after they wouldn't take "kitty" for kitten.

Things a cashier uses: number one, nowadays, is the UPC scanner. Or maybe say "package scanner." Also, register, and grocery bags. Conveyor belt.

The two best clues for "things that give you bad breath" are onions and garlic, but that's a tough one to make the connection with.

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57 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

OK, let's talk about Pat. I can't be the only one who immediately thought of that androngynous SNL character played by Julia Sweeney.

Nope. You're not the only one.


Never heard of Marcus Lemonis before but good grief he was horrible that first round! I've never seen someone get zero points before in a round.

I was wondering if that ever happened before. Big yikes.


And they really gave his partner a pass in the final round just to make up for it. They were giving her passes on partial answers through the whole thing. "Bark" for barking, "shed" for shedding, "pee" for peeing.

I thought of you when that happened! But it wasn't at all surprising to me. They were all forms of the word.


And this right after they wouldn't take "kitty" for kitten.

That was different. They were going for sex kitten. Sex kitty is... something else. 


Things a cashier uses: number one, nowadays, is the UPC scanner. Or maybe say "package scanner." Also, register, and grocery bags. Conveyor belt.

I guess the player didn't say register because she was thinking cash register, which would have been buzzed. Maybe other clues could be a credit card swiper, a receipt dispenser, a name tag.


The two best clues for "things that give you bad breath" are onions and garlic, but that's a tough one to make the connection with.

I don't know if she even said garlic and onions, which like you said are THE clues but not giveaway clues. Maybe saying, "Garlic, onions, mouth bacteria, unbrushed teeth."

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On 8/28/2023 at 12:32 PM, iMonrey said:

I've never seen someone get zero points before in a round.


On 8/28/2023 at 1:41 PM, peeayebee said:

I was wondering if that ever happened before. Big yikes.

That was something to behold.  The look on that poor woman's face.  And then Lemonis's dismissive "It's going to be alright!" followed quickly by Amanda's choice of category "this guy sucks!".  

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Tiffany Haddish and Jesse Tyler Ferguson were both terrible clue givers, especially Tiffany. But they were good at guessing. Good thing the celebs only have to give clues in one round. 

More wonky judging. There's no way "BZZZZ" should be allowed as a clue for "Buzz." That's about as close to saying the words as you can get.

"Things that are foggy" is a tough subject. The only thing I could think of was something to do with San Francisco or London.

Wayne Brady Joel Kim Booster were much better at this, especially Joel. He was almost psychic in his ability to guess the right thing with only one word. But I call foul on the "places you get married (wedding venues)" subject, because he said the word "wedding" and they didn't give it to them. Usually you only have to say one word in the subject to get a pass. And then the contestant went on to say "venue" and got buzzed. 

Also, the judges gave the contestant a pass for "runway" when she answered "running away." I thought they misheard her and would go back and deduct a point. Running away and runway are not the same thing. And she got buzzed for saying "space" when the clue was NASA? Huh? This from the same judges who were ok with BZZZZ for "buzz!"

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8 hours ago, iMonrey said:

Tiffany Haddish and Jesse Tyler Ferguson were both terrible clue givers, especially Tiffany.

Just started watching and got to Tiffany's first round of giving. Holy moly.

Not super familiar with his work but I have a soft spot for Joel (because of a podcast episode he was on), so I was hoping he would be good at this.

I loved "a Little Pig's house" as a clue for things with bricks. I also thought of a LEGO factory.

Edited by ams1001
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10 hours ago, iMonrey said:

Good thing the celebs only have to give clues in one round. 

Funny you say that because I was thinking the exact same thing. I had never considered that before. But yes, Tiffany was HORRIBLE at giving clues.


More wonky judging. There's no way "BZZZZ" should be allowed as a clue for "Buzz." That's about as close to saying the words as you can get.

Yeah, I gave a side-eye to that. 


But I call foul on the "places you get married (wedding venues)" subject, because he said the word "wedding" and they didn't give it to them.

He said "Things at a wedding," so in normal, correct judging, that wouldn't be correct. However, like you said, like we've said many times, the judging just isn't consistent. I'm sorry the contestant then said 'venue' because I'm sure Joel would have gotten it with more clues. "A church, a chapel, a fancy ballroom..."

I don't know Joel Kim Booster, but he can come back any time. Boy, he was good.


Also, the judges gave the contestant a pass for "runway" when she answered "running away." I thought they misheard her and would go back and deduct a point. Running away and runway are not the same thing.

That was terrible! And I don't know why Wayne didn't give a real clue for 'runway.' I was expecting him to mime a supermodel strutting down a runway. 


1 hour ago, ams1001 said:

I loved "a Little Pig's house" as a clue for things with bricks. 

That was a perfect clue. And then he said "A red building." So good.

I assume that Jesse Tyler Ferguson doesn't know anything about baseball.

I got a big chuckle out of Wayne not saying anything really for 'tuck', but the contestant got it anyway. I'm glad Michael let him do that even though they'd run out of time.

I'm not sure what you could say for NASA. "The government program that sends rockets to the moon and beyond." Very verbose.

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8 minutes ago, peeayebee said:

I assume that Jesse Tyler Ferguson doesn't know anything about baseball

If I’d had the presence of mind, I would have gone into charades mode:  two words: not tall but ——; not go but——-  

But who are we kidding, I would have probably been nothing but a puddle on the floor of the set.  

Rosie and Jason are both good at this. Lauren is pretty good, too. Oscar was bugging me a bit. I think I counted three clues that referenced Seinfeld/George Costanza.

I loved Sam's reactions to winning (twice!) in the Winner's Circle.

"Renovate" is hard...I can't even think of anything for it.

I object to accepting "football" for "things with balls"...but I did giggle when she smiled when she saw the category.

Fuchsia would make me think pink or purple, not red. Ruby, crimson, scarlet...

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Can Rosie and Jason just be on every show? They are so good at this. Lauren and Oscar weren't half bad either. My word, Lauren Ash has lost a ton of weight. She looks fantastic. Two really good games this week.

I was really frustrated with whoever was trying to describe "Congress." Congress is not the House. It's both Houses. They kept saying "Not the Senate but the . . . " They don't teach civics or government in school anymore.

I gave a side eye to accepting "necklaces" for "things on your neck."

"Things that repeat" - I wonder if "reruns" would have been acceptable. Probably not.

12 hours ago, ams1001 said:

Fuchsia would make me think pink or purple, not red. Ruby, crimson, scarlet...

Yeah this shouldn't have been that hard. Rose, crimson, ruby, even pink.

12 hours ago, MerBearHou said:

I so enjoy this $100,000 show but now with Survivor and Amazing Race on Wednesdays, I’m going to miss out watching it in real time.  Same with the evening Jeopardies, unfortunately.  

Too much Wednesday TV!

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12 hours ago, MerBearHou said:

I’m going to miss out watching it in real time.

I never watch traditional network shows in real time, I hate commercials!  Everything gets DVRed and watched later, FFing thru commercials.  I watched Pyramid this morning.  Nothing like starting the day with game-playing celebs and big wins for the contestants.

  • Like 4
1 hour ago, iMonrey said:

I was really frustrated with whoever was trying to describe "Congress." Congress is not the House. It's both Houses. They kept saying "Not the Senate but the . . . " They don't teach civics or government in school anymore.

That was Oscar, and what made it worse was that he was pissed that Sam didn't get it. Oscar was the dummy. Jeez. He also got pissed when the other contestant (Kayon?) didn't get pool boy immediately. I suppose Oscar was trying to be funny, but, well, he wasn't. 

But the first two games with Jason and Rosie were fantastic. And the contestants were both really good. I want to say esp Sam, but Lavon (sp?) was also great. I was just disappointed that she didn't get a chance in the WC.

In the "I’m So Gay For You" category, I really expected penguins to be one of the words.

In the second half of the hour, I didn't think the clue for 'renovate' was good. What Max was describing was redecorating a room. A better clue would have been something like, "When you want to update your kitchen, you do this. Another word for remodel." Maybe.

Kayon was generally very good, but she got stuck on ego. I can't remember the clues she gave. They weren't terrible, but obviously didn't do that job. Maybe "This is part of your psyche. The id and the...."

Campaign is kind of a tough word. 

Seemed to be that Max is a gamer in how he was trying to describe amateur. Heck, all you have to say is "If you're not a professional, you're an..."

Is gooey really that tough of a word? I didn't catch what Lauren said. I thought she nearly said gooey. Did she say ooey? That probably wouldn't (or shouldn't) be allowed.

Shades of Red is not hard. Yes, Kayon started describing pink shades. Looks like her brain just went ploop. Crimson, cherry... 

And then Things With Balls. Yeah, what was with "Michael Strahan sports"? Ugh. And 'football' shouldn't have been accepted, but what else is new. Anyway, this is one where you really have to be careful not to say 'ball' like baseball and football. This might be a tricky one. "A tennis game, a soccer game, a sports equipment closet, a pool table."


Edited by peeayebee
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