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S13.E28: 8 Finalists Perform (Again)

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I'm sure there will be a moment tonight when Caleb interrupts Ryan and apologize to all the old ladies he may have offended last night.

Oh, God, I hope so!   I can just see it now, Caleb all trying to look contrite, maybe squeezing out a tear while he works that "baby face" and says:  "I'd like to apologize to all the old ladies I offended."    :)

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I loved seeing David Cook back on last night. He had a lot of practical advice for the kids. Musical advice, arrangement advice, and camera blocking advice. Now we see how much he was aware of the cameras during his season. Smart Cookie.

I think that Jena gets it. Her arrangement may not have hit in all of the planned segments last night, but it sounded good in rehearsals.

Sam would do well to pay attention Harry's suggestion about Ricky Nelson videos. I didn't notice the resemblance before last night, but he should be doing better with the votes if he learns to loosen up a bit.

I think that CJ is someone whose recordings will be better than his live performances, and that's a problem on this show.

I usually tend to like the rockers more than the others, but I'm not crazy about Caleb's personality. It doesn't matter how good your voice is if you're not likeable.

I'm a huge fan of Harry Connick, Jr.'s music, I've been buying his CD's for 20+ years, but now that I'm seeing him regularly on television, I think that he's a little off his rocker. That stunt with the little girl on his shoulders would have been cute if she was one of his daughters, but with a stranger? He really shouldn't have done that.

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If he gets a shock boot tonight, I will do cartwheels with my granny self.

This "granny self" will be doing cartwheels with you!  Sure, he can sing and he has the "look," but the winner should be the whole package--attitude included!  As for Jessica, she seemed almost sedated last night--the smile on her face that never changed while each of the judges spoke to her reminded me a little of a Stepford wife.  Jena's rendition of "I Loaf Rock and Roll" was a little strange--I usually like the slower piano beginnings, but that is definitely not the style of rock and roll, if she "loafs" it, why try to make it into a ballad?  CJ--poor CJ--if there was an award for Mr. Congeniality, he would win but (and I have been a fan of his since the auditions) I'm beginning to concede that he is struggling.  I didn't want to like Dexter's song, but I did.  Although I have to admit that now while I'm listening to him sing, I am more and more aware of his habit of chopping off his words.  I've been saying to hubby since the first of the season that Sam has that "Ricky Nelson" look, but I think its something he should try to stay away from, not move toward.  Ricky Nelson also seemed a little stiff in front of the camera (at least to me).  Malaya seems like a nice person, and one who would make a great friend, but her voice just doesn't seem as great as the judges say.  Alex seems to be pulling out ahead as a contender for me, but is he an "American Idol?"  Not sure yet.  

Don't take this wrong, I love David Cook too, but did he have hair transplants or something?  I remember his hairline being farther back or his forehead larger than it looked last night.  In any case, he did a great job and I liked the glasses and beard.  

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"Keith Urban's Jaw Line" should be a thing. "How was your day?" "Oh, it was so beautiful it was nearly Keith Urban's jaw line."

David Cook, as a mentor, was Keith Urban's jaw line.

Speaking of David, when he was on AI they had a singing coach who loved him and he loved her back. I suspect she was the model for him as he mentored last night. Does anybody remember her name, and do you know if she's still with the show? They called her by her last name, I believe.

I get the Ricky Nelson advice, but I think it's only going to lead Sam to more discouragement. Ricky had a natural sexiness that I don't think a person can "learn" to "do." All he had to do was stand there and look out through those eyelashes. Anybody who ever saw "Ozzie and Harriet," will recognize Sam as more like the other brother, David Nelson. Wholesome. The boy can't help it.

Edited by picklesprite
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Speaking of David, when he was on AI they had a singing coach who loved him and he loved her back. I suspect she was the model for him as he mentored last night. Does anybody remember her name, and do you know if she's still with the show? They called her by her last name, I believe.

I think you're thinking of Debra Byrd.  She was a favourite of many of the contestants.  I'm not sure she is still coaching on the show.  That may be part of the problem.


I agree that David was excellent last night.  Sure beats Randy "Dawg" Jackson and all his inane chatter.  Any changes coming next year and I would vote for David becoming the new in-house mentor.  

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The more I think about it, the more creeped out I am at HCJ with that random female child around his neck.

Caleb can bite me. If he's the shock boot on the results show, I will do cartwheels with the above posters and also do a prancey dance with hand gestures.

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Caleb needs to put a filter between his brain and his mouth. (Of course, what he really needs is to stop being automatically jokey. That's tiresome to be around--and it definitely not something you want to do on camera.) 

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I don't think Debra Byrd is a coach for the show anymore. Michael Orland still is though. 

Aw I will be sad if Caleb goes home tonight. :-( He's the only one I can really root for at all. His song made it to #2 on the iTunes Rock charts, so clearly people like what he is selling despite whether or not they like him as a person. It's too bad that song downloads don't count towards votes like The Voice. That would entice more people to buy the songs. I think B3 tonight though will be CJ, Malaya, and Jena, with CJ finally going home. And it's well-deserved since he should have been gone weeks ago. 

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I don't think that anyone is upset because they think he was being mean. In fact his thinking "old ladies would cry at his song because it's a ballad" is equally offensive.

People are upset that he felt the need to use the word "old."

I think it's not just the word "old," but the whole phrase, "old ladies," which brings to mind little old ladies bent over their canes and tottering along with a Boy Scout helping them cross the street. Had he said "older women," it would not have been as offensive. Although really, I'm almost as offended that he would think anyone would cry at "Faithfully." I loved Journey (and still do), but that's never been one of their best songs, in my opinion. And it's certainly not something to cry about. I'm not sure any of their songs are, but the closest I can think of is "Open Arms." But it probably wouldn't get tears out of me either, at least not from someone I don't know singing it on TV.

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The only way this "old lady" would cry when Caleb is singing is if pictures of homeless/abused animals were being shown at the same time.  I still can't listen to Sarah McLachlan's song "In The Arms of An Angel" because the ASPCA used it in one of their commercials!

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Don't the judges look spiffy on Results night?  I like it.  The group for the most part looks like a sweet bunch of kids.  If Caleb or Jena win, I think they will be disappointed that the world won't worship at their feet though.   The aftermath when this show ends will be sobering for them once the glory stops.  That's the only thing with this show that makes me feel sad for them all.   I hope they stay grounded and don't believe the hype.  It's all tinkerbells and fairy tales now with the cameras and the catering every week but once that ends they will disappear like a toot in a windstorm.  There has been no big waves from this show in years.

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I don't even care about the old ladies comment, I'm just over Caleb. He clearly has no time for the judges and is only using idol as a jumping off tool which is fine but at least pretend to play the game. I'm also sick of him getting the pimp spot all the time. I get that he has the biggest performances but its just ridiculous.

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According to Wikipedia, Caleb has had the pimp spot exactly 2 times only. That's hardly "all the time." Every other time has either been around 6 or 7th or the second to last spot. 

I suppose some people would wish he would "play the game," on the other hand- at least he's not being fake about it. While sometimes he's a little too blunt, he always says exactly what he thinks. In a post show interview somebody asked him what the last movie was that he saw and he answered "Mr. Peabody. It sucked ass!" At least he's honest I guess. For me, that's a part of his appeal, is that he always says exactly what he's thinking, even if he's horribly blunt. It's kind of funny.

Edited by BogoGog24
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I suppose some people would wish he would "play the game," on the other hand- at least he's not being fake about it. While sometimes he's a little too blunt, he always says exactly what he thinks. In a post show interview somebody asked him what the last movie was that he saw and he answered "Mr. Peabody. It sucked ass!" At least he's honest I guess. For me, that's a part of his appeal, is that he always says exactly what he's thinking, even if he's horribly blunt. It's kind of funny.

While you may think it is funny (and it is to me, although more in a train wreck manner where I will now enjoy watching him go down in flames) it will not get him anywhere in this business. The days when people got to be rockstars by behaving like assholes are over. You have to be a rockstar first, and Caleb is no rockstar- he's a dime a dozen bar singer. He needs to start looking at this show as an audition for a job and understand that everything stupid that he says or does will be remembered forever.

Understanding the concept of "a time and a place" is not being fake- it is being smart.

And he is not.

He's too ensconced in a bubble of his own construction and falling for his own hype. It's gonna bite him in the ass big time.

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According to Wikipedia, Caleb has had the pimp spot exactly 2 times only. That's hardly "all the time." Every other time has either been around 6 or 7th or the second to last spot.

I suppose some people would wish he would "play the game," on the other hand- at least he's not being fake about it. While sometimes he's a little too blunt, he always says exactly what he thinks. In a post show interview somebody asked him what the last movie was that he saw and he answered "Mr. Peabody. It sucked ass!" At least he's honest I guess. For me, that's a part of his appeal, is that he always says exactly what he's thinking, even if he's horribly blunt. It's kind of funny.

Wow really? I could have sworn he closed the show more than that. Thanks!

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I find Caleb extremely flippant, dismissive, and rude. Just because something is true, doesn't mean it's ok or appropriate, imo, to say especially on tv.

Have they put other contestants in the middle of swooning girls like they did to Sam? And I agree, as mentioned, harping on the "shyness" isn't helping. At least he's not a colossal ass. (imo) Same for shy, calm Alex. I'll take shyness over assholery anytime. Shyness generally diminishes with experience and age. Assholery, OTOH, generally gets worse, imo.

Also, for me, loud is not necessarily the new good.

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I think it's not just the word "old," but the whole phrase, "old ladies," which brings to mind little old ladies bent over their canes and tottering along with a Boy Scout helping them cross the street. Had he said "older women," it would not have been as offensive. Although really, I'm almost as offended that he would think anyone would cry at "Faithfully." I loved Journey (and still do), but that's never been one of their best songs, in my opinion. And it's certainly not something to cry about. I'm not sure any of their songs are, but the closest I can think of is "Open Arms." But it probably wouldn't get tears out of me either, at least not from someone I don't know singing it on TV.

I totally agree.  My husband and I were singing along to it, holding our arms out to each other...and laughing.  Not crying.  Nostalgia makes you smile, not cry.

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Assholery, OTOH, generally gets worse, imo


Also, I really got the vibe from him that he is working the "cougar vote".  By saying with a gleam in his eye: just working the baby face or just giving them the baby face, and the going to make some old ladies cry comment, well that just made me feel it even more.  He seems to feel that he has the demographic figured out, as if they were ladies to be played.   I'd like to see him in ten years.  Actually we won't see him in ten years.  

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There was a B2 instead of B3. Is there any significance to Sam being the last one to the lounge before the B2? That doesn't mean he was B3 (if there were one) or does it? TIA. Of course, TPTB would look like morons for saving Sam had he been the one to leave one week after being, "saved." :)

I felt a little sad for Malaya even though I didn't enjoy her singing for the most part. She looked like she may have thought it was CJ going home. The singout was hard to watch.

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Love the "assholery" term--think I'll start using it "faithfully."  lol!  I agree that Caleb is young and immature, but I also agree that he is "auditioning" for a role--and even so called superstars don't always stay on top by speaking their mind.  He is still a wannabe, trying to climb the ladder of success and he is not endearing many voters to his side. His reference to using his "babyface" and the whole "old ladies" argument not only make him seem arrogant but smarmy as well, almost like the proverbial used car salesman trying to put one over on people.  

I too felt bad for Malaya, but she was one of the weaker performers and she has many other talents she can fall back on.  I think the only person more surprised than Malaya was CJ!  

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I really like HCJ as a judge, but I sort of wish he'd stick more to judging. Sometimes I thought he was going a little far with the silly, although I enjoy a little light-heartedness. Then he totally creeped me out with that random child on his neck; That went on WAY too long. Eww. What possessed him to do that? IDK.

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I really like HCJ as a judge, but I sort of wish he'd stick more to judging. Sometimes I thought he was going a little far with the silly, although I enjoy a little light-heartedness. Then he totally creeped me out with that random child on his neck; That went on WAY too long. Eww. What possessed him to do that?

Innnnnappropriate!  In the second half the show, I found myself saying out loud, "is he drunk?"  I'm pretty sure he was drunk.  I've known a few people who didn't slur or weave around or whatever, even though they were crocked.  (And if I were HCJ, I would probably be drunk on this show, too.) 

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Eh, I'm 45 and could care less about being called an old lady by a 22 year old.

I was just going to post the exact same thing. Most kids under 25 would categorize anyone over 40 as 'old' so I took no more offense than I do when my 22 yr old son calls me his 'old ma'. They are just kids, and foot in mouth disease runs rampant in that age group. i don't think he meant any disrespect, but instead was trying to be funny and maybe missed the  mark a little. He's had the best vocal pretty consistently since this thing went to the live shows, and he did again last night. For that, he deserves the win.

I do think it's hilarious that the same folks who take such offense at being called 'old ladies' think nothing of making disparaging comments about a kid's weight. Pot...meet kettle.

Edited by JustAlison
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I don't think he meant any disrespect necessarily, but he showed it just the same. And I don't make disparaging remarks about kids' weight. He's 22. It's time to learn to take his foot out of his mouth.

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I don't think he meant any disrespect necessarily, but he showed it just the same. And I don't make disparaging remarks about kids' weight. He's 22. It's time to learn to take his foot out of his mouth.

THIS. Foot in mouth is passable for someone who is 14. Also, just because some folks aren't offended by it doesn't mean it's not offensive imo.  My husband is neither old nor female, but he thought it was a really rude thing to say especially about people who could be potential fans, cd buyers, ticket purchasers or voters. Really stupid and thoughtless.

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Most kids under 25 would categorize anyone over 40 as 'old' so I took no more offense than I do when my 22 yr old son calls me his 'old ma'. They are just kids, and foot in mouth disease runs rampant in that age group.

I get the same thing from my son in law who offers to buy me one of those "help I've fallen and I can't get up" buttons every time I see him. Caleb just has this sense of familiarity with the audience that I can understand is off putting at times. He's probably been that annoying since he popped out of his mama. But I find it less annoying that those contestants who are "following their dream" or "becoming superstars" that can't sing their way out of a paper bag. 

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Foot in mouth is passable for someone who is 14. Also, just because some folks aren't offended by it doesn't mean it's not offensive

The human brain continues to form until our mid-twenties, and skills like the ability to predict consequences and self-edit accordingly don't develop fully until much, much older than 14. 

I would submit some folks not taking offense most definitely means it's not offensive, to them. It's subjective-one shoe never fits all.

For what it's worth, I think making jokes about a kid carrying a few extra pounds hoisting Doritos over his head  is offensive. Obviously, some of you disagree. Does that mean it's offensive to everyone? Nah-just to me.  

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By bracketing his song with a comment about manipulating ANYONE before and a comment about manipulating people by making faces after he undercut any emotion in his own performance. That's stupid.

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I wasn't crazy about Caleb's song choice. Additionally, his comments were offensive and stupid imo. There are some In the competition who are the same age and younger who manage not to offend the people who they presumably want voting for them and buying their music.  It doesn't take a fully formed brain not to be a colossal  ass. People go to war, marry, and vote who are younger than Caleb, (not yet fully formed brains) so I think he has enough mental fortitude not to be an ass; Given that, I think it's a choice. But that's my opinion.

CJ, OTOH, has serious pitch issues, but his voice has so much feeling that he's apparently winning people over. He's not my favorite in the vocals, but I can see his appeal.

Jessica seems the most relaxed when she's singing with other people which is odd for me because I'd think the opposite. I hope she doesn't sleepwalk her way through this because I sort of like her. We'll see if she lasts.

Edited by ari333
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