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S06.E20: Who Do You Believe?

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I have issues with Yolanda saying her kids are sick and then blaming the world for not recognizing how ill the really pretty are.  Well, I don't know about anyone else but Bella managed to get admitted to college and launch a successful modeling career, I consider her dashed Olympic hopes a ridiculous claim because Yolanda originally said it was because they could not afford the $400,000.00 for another horse.  If Mohamed Hadid can't afford a horse then that is one exclusive club trying out for the Olympics.  (I always wondered how Mohamed felt about Yolanda crying poor about the horse situation.)  Sometimes one does get tired or achy when trying to compete and complete these Herculean tasks.  It is called limits and it is not necessarily due to a disease.


Isn't entirely possible her kids just plain old get tired from keeping up a hectic schedule?  I find it ridiculous Yolanda thinks her kids have to excel at everything and when they don't it is because of Lyme Disease.  Maybe they are just human and dare I say average in some aspects of life.  Maybe Mohamed just doesn't buy the ridiculous claims and realizes there is more harm than good in saddling your child with a condition.


I was going to address the brain function but Higgins did it already.


Claiming certain disabilities or exaggerating symptoms in the name of raising awareness is just such a deplorable thing to do.  I feel for people who truly have PTLD and are trying to work and support a family and have suffered huge financial hits because they are unable to work.  Yolanda trying to work up sympathy because she can't bear putting on make-up, or missing an awards ceremony (for bringing awareness), or blaming the end of her daughter's equestrian pursuits on some made up version of Lyme Disease is unconscionable. 


Blaming LVP for talking about her kids is even dumber.  Yolanda loves to use that people doubt her Lyme Disease as a talking point at her Lyme Disease conventions.  She has even found others with the same claims, who when the rug comes out from under them, they decide they have had this insidious disease for decades and still managed to have all these major accomplishments-until they didn't.  Even more mysterious is how they symptoms disappear and they are cured when they get pregnant.  (Allie Hilfiger)

How fortunate for Yolanda that she can lounge in her bed  for 10, 11, 15 and 18 month periods and not have to WORK like all the rest of those with chronic health issues.

Edited by Higgins
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I think Mohamed is never going to speak openly about whether LVP truly is his friend or not. Of course she is his "friend." He's not airing any dirty laundry - whether Yolanda's or Lisa's.  


But IMO the absence of twitter/insta photos speaks volumes in light of his recent statement that she "always is my friend." If she's his friend always, why hasn't he been active on SM the way he always was with her.  I just think Mohamed is discreet. He was pissed she brought up/responded to crap on the show. Maybe he is just teaching her a lesson and giving her the cold shoulder for awhile.  Maybe he is placating Yolanda for all you who think that. But I don't see Mo cow-towing to Yo, ever. I think he is a put up or shut up type of guy.


FWIW, LVP is the one who is going to back up Mohamed in the Krupa v. Glanville case. I don't doubt that Mohamed said something about Joanna in front of Brandi and LVP that was off color. LVP is always saying off color sex jokes. The man has a bed in his basement for goodness sakes.  But he presents Mr. Suave and Sophisticate to the world, and he wants to preserve that debonair reputation.  He doesn't want his "joke" to be "Joanna Krupa's pussy smells like fish."  LVP has to back him up on this.  If he outright said, "We aren't friends; she's dead to me," what do you think LVP is going to say in her deposition?

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Thanks for finding and sharing that link notnowimbusy


Lisa Rinna having her Tom Cruise "look at where her career is" moment with Kim.... sigh. I was glad Kim held her own there and called Rinna out, calmly, on what she was doing.


Lisa Rinna is a mess of a human being and unashamedly cruel. I heard her project her issues (ie. not owning the mess she herself made) while walking Eileen out of that party. "We have to get you out of here" read to me as 'let's pretend this is your problem and i'll save you to deflect from all the crap I caused'. That's what Rinna was saying and doing with Eileen. They're both buried so deep in self denial and can't bear to face themselves they're not even catching each other projecting onto each other! That's funny! 


Noticed how Kyle never really defends her sister or speaks in support of her even. Nobody should speak to a loved family member that way but in Kyle's book, it seems that's ok. No wonder Kim doesn't trust Kyle. I'm amazed Kim showed up for anything on this season. Kyle just keeps putting her in compromising and hurtful situations. That's not a good sister, that's a toxic sister.

I'm saying, I've seen this from day one. Season one especially you saw a Kim Richards that was extremely tentative and I don't think it was just about her issues. You could see she had this sense of wondering if some scary clown would jump out of a closet at any moment to scare her. I feel like she gave off this energy like she wouldn't put it past Kyle to ya know, mean girl her.  Kyle did do a good job this season, I will admit, however I firmly believe the narrative that Kyle, although helpful with Kim's addictions has also similtaneously chastised her the whole way which in turn creates Kim's point of view that Kyle has done hurtful things to her as well. I think some of the steely, none apologetic demeanor Kim puts forward is more of a protective amour against the side shots, and extra crap that she knows people are going to try and unload on her because, well, she's an easy target. I've always felt that way about Kim's position in all of this. Very big disadvantage and I think this very significant detail has been ignored season after season because her battle with addiction has trumped all else. No one notices or cares about the pain inflicted by second, third, fourth parties on the side while she's down cause everyone's attention is on Limo rides, Loud poker games,  "You Stole My House" finger pointing. No one notices the stealth body blows Kim receives thru this small gesture and that cruel comment while everyone distracted with crocodile tears, and attention seeking martyrs and the "how dare you's"  I'm telling you, I know Kim is flawed and has addictions but I truly think she has cause to have that rigid, wary and on guard attitude she dons when dealing with these women. At the end of the day I to would resent anyone trying to force their own healing time line on me. People have spoken their peace let their opinions be known now its up to Kim to find her way, direction and most important pace. People holding judgements over her head and imposing unnecessary demands (looking at you Rinna, you aren't relevant in Kim's battle) is actually very counterproductive and add that it's so very inauthentic then yeah. I have no problems with Kim having a bit of a 'tude when she has to face the fake concern bullshit that is the housewives. I just gotta say.

Edited by Yours Truly
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But what if that was what Yolanda and the kids wanted and agreed to do?  To bring awareness or whatever dumb reason.  As an excuse for why Bella doesn't ride or drives drunk. Whatever. 


However, they weren't prepared for strangers and Yo's co-workers to question their illness the way they have.  Although they aren't the first Lyme patients that get  "Yeah, suuuuurrrrre you're sick.  You look so good.  How is it that you're functioning?" thrown in their face.


Maybe that's why Mo isn't furious with Yolanda as so many think he should be.  Maybe he was onboard with her and the kids bringing the kids' illnesses out of the closet.  They all told her to go ahead and wave those medical records around when people started to doubt them on TV.  Who knows.  There's more to this than meets the eye.

It's funny how it's assumed that Yo went off the rails like a loose cannon. That family is tight. Why is there this narrative that Yolanda is doing things without a word to the rest of them? I mean that's the biggest stretch of them all. LOL.

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They didn't say it was fake.  They were surprised because Yolanda told Kyle in a way that seemed as if she thought Kyle already knew, and Kyle had never heard a word about it.  So she asked LisaV,  knowing that she & Mo are very close.  And LisaV had never heard a word about it either.  So she asked Mo, who is her friend.  Her very close friend, and not just her friend - their families are closely intertwined, and she has known his children since they were small.  I don't have a problem with her asking him.  I think that's completely understandable, and a normal thing to do.  It's far better to inquire about the health of a friend's children than not.


I do agree with you - I wouldn't care what anyone thought, either.  And there would be no grandstanding and waving of medical records.  That was overly dramatic and ridiculous, especially for someone who is allegedly so low on brain function and energy.  She should be channeling that energy into getting well, into her family, and into raising awareness.  If that's what she really wants to do.

And Yolanda didn't see the exact footage... We have the benefit of rewinding, seeing it in context, although I still think the tone said it all and it was very evident what the implications were but regardless. If I saw the footage and came away with the message that they were tastelessly doubting whether the children were ill then Yolanda catching wind of a conversation that called into question whether the children had lyme or not. Wouldn't that be enough to receive that particular bits of information negatively? The semantics of that conversation being used as a defense enrage me ™ Lisa Rinna. LOL.

Edited by Yours Truly
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And Yolanda didn't see the exact footage... We have the benefit of rewinding, seeing it in context, although I still think the tone said it all and it was very evident what the implications were but regardless. If I saw the footage and came away with the message that they were tastelessly doubting whether the children were ill then Yolanda catching wind of a conversation that called into question whether the children had lyme or not. Wouldn't that be enough to receive that particular bits of information negatively? The semantics of that conversation being used as a defense enrage me ™ Lisa Rinna. LOL.

No Yolanda didn't see the footage of what was said until much, much later BUT she didn't bother to ask LisaV or Kyle exactly what was said at the BBQ, which is what most people would do. Yolanda assumed that Erika told the truth, the exact word for word truth about what was said, by whom and how it was said which is not what she did. She actually cut Lisa off when Lisa tried to tell her what happened, something Yolanda has done time and time again. She accuses people of doing/saying XYZ but then doesn't allow themselves to explain because she is too busy lecturing everyone about what failures they are at being her friend all the while showing us that she isn't a friend to any of them either.

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No Yolanda didn't see the footage of what was said until much, much later BUT she didn't bother to ask LisaV or Kyle exactly what was said at the BBQ, which is what most people would do. Yolanda assumed that Erika told the truth, the exact word for word truth about what was said, by whom and how it was said which is not what she did. She actually cut Lisa off when Lisa tried to tell her what happened, something Yolanda has done time and time again. She accuses people of doing/saying XYZ but then doesn't allow themselves to explain because she is too busy lecturing everyone about what failures they are at being her friend all the while showing us that she isn't a friend to any of them either.

Well in my world most people wouldn't need to hear the obvious innocent angle that's going to be put forward when trying to absolve oneself of any wrong doing. Actually in my world the fact that the conversation even happened is enough to justify Yolanda's stank attitude towards their attempted vanilla explanations and it more than explains, to me, why she wasn't even interested in hearing them cherry pick the points they wanted highlight in order to make it okay. Sure you can say Yolanda was cherry picking bits and pieces and turning it into something to be upset about but HER cherry picks were pretty much something to be upset about.


-You're talking about my kids

-You're doubting my word and integrity

-You're sharing private information you have received between you and your friend/my children's father to the public. In a way to discredit me.


I'm still at a loss where in the world, is this not enough to qualify, at the very least, being pissed off?


How Yolanda handled their attempts at explaining is a whole other debate. That doesn't change the dynamics of the conversation in question. Erika relaying the information the way she did doesn't change what was actually covered and said in conversation. It's like the way she got the information, and the way she decided to move forward with her reactions to them about it seem to be more important than the fact that there in fact WAS doubt about the children having the illness. I mean what else is there?  At least for this detail? Making up theories about "no ill intent" doesn't negate that certain absolutes were actually said that contradicted Yolanda's claims. Not cool.


Then when that detail is proven it's glossed over and the next deflection is about "oh well, of course they aren't going to be sure"  or "why shouldn't they be curious Yolanda this that and the other" that's besides the point. Let's stick to the point. Yolanda is mad that they were questioning her children's health and the reasons behind the doubt which is they think their mom isn't being truthful. Ouch! It's in the actual footage. That is the deduction that can be made for heavens sake. And when that is evident again we digress and make it about Yolanda's attitude when discussing it with this one and that one after the fact. Who cares! The attitude is justified because.., well look at the bullet points above. They had the conversation. They had it. It's a fact. And Yolanda wasn't happy about it. Plain and simple.  All this she's not allowed because.......man oh man. Just because she's a pain in the ass doesn't mean she can't be annoyed when the others are being pains in the asses and participating in shit that's hurtful.


I bump into someone by accident, causing them to fall and scrape their knee I apologize etc. etc. That doesn't change the hurt it's caused or the reaction they are having to the outcome. They can choose to forgive me through clenched teeth cause they are busy dealing with the after affects of what I caused but for me to take offense to that cause I don't appreciate being made to feel bad about an honest mistake is ludicrous. That's my position about Yolanda's reaction. It's not for her to sugar coat her disappointment or pain for their benefit especially when their explanations are littered with more doubt and defensiveness. Nothing less than a sincere apology for that particular conversation would be acceptable to me. If there are other things that Lisa or Kyle felt needed to be address so that they are able to explain why the conversation went in that direction fine. But first it needed to start with. "Yolanda, I understand how disappointed you must be about hearing that we were discussing your children's health with slight disbelief and I can respect how that would come across as hurtful so I apologize for that. I'm sorry that it came across that we didn't believe you".


Let that sink it. Contain that one particular part of the problem before moving on to the bigger picture. Theeeennnnnn once she's responded, had whatever she had to say, any reassurance that in no way did that conversation reflect any ill will. You know, really let it settle down. And THEN maybe get into, "well I have to say that we found ourselves caught up in the details because of some other things that we've be noticing.. etc. etc." and that's how they can have their voice heard and maybe vindicate themselves by expressing what lead them into such a conversation to begin with.. Ya feel me?


This whole thing about Yolanda doesn't give them a chance to clarify why or even express their doubt to her is a real non argument to me because I'm not surprised she's not entertaining their attempts to throw her under the bus to justify their tactless conversation. Until they can honestly acknowledge that however small they feel that quick conversation was compared to the bigger issue they felt were at the heart of it still isn't small to Yolanda and until that's dealt with I don't blame Yolanda for waving them away uninterested. I get that. You go girl! They needed to correct THEIR error and their part first and BE sincere about it before throwing around defenses and semantics and "I would never", "how could you say that"?, all these counter grievances in the course of trying to rectify shit. It clouded up the whole issue. Instead of dealing with on thing at a time it became this slue of offenses among them all and with each "talk" it got messier and messier. I have a problem with the messy way these women introduce shit, try and resolve shit and how they mangle shit which at the end of the day creates a twisting, winding maze that no one ends up getting out off. Pathetic! 

Edited by Yours Truly
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I've got a great kid.  But he can be an ass.  If I heard that my friends were talking about how I'd confided in them that he was sometimes an ass, I'd agree because it's sometimes true. 


But if they were saying something untrue about him, I'd have a real problem with that.  No sincere apology?  Eff you, then. 


That's why I think Yo and Mo and Shiva (!) are so bent. Yo is telling the truth.  Sick kids + Hollywood friends questioning that = Pissed off mama and papa.  Simple math.

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Thanks for finding and sharing that link notnowimbusy


Lisa Rinna having her Tom Cruise "look at where her career is" moment with Kim.... sigh. I was glad Kim held her own there and called Rinna out, calmly, on what she was doing.


Lisa Rinna is a mess of a human being and unashamedly cruel. I heard her project her issues (ie. not owning the mess she herself made) while walking Eileen out of that party. "We have to get you out of here" read to me as 'let's pretend this is your problem and i'll save you to deflect from all the crap I caused'. That's what Rinna was saying and doing with Eileen. They're both buried so deep in self denial and can't bear to face themselves they're not even catching each other projecting onto each other! That's funny! 


Noticed how Kyle never really defends her sister or speaks in support of her even. Nobody should speak to a loved family member that way but in Kyle's book, it seems that's ok. No wonder Kim doesn't trust Kyle. I'm amazed Kim showed up for anything on this season. Kyle just keeps putting her in compromising and hurtful situations. That's not a good sister, that's a toxic sister.


I notice Kyle defending her sister quite a bit and asking the others not talk about Kim in her presence.  Kim and Kyle had come off a disastrous public Reunion, where Kim threatened to out her niece about something.  She then proceeded to get arrested not once but twice, screw up her daughters' wedding and skip in and out of rehab.  I guess I am at a loss exactly what Kyle is suppose to be supporting.  According to Kim she demands her family not talk about her issues.  All I have ever Kyle say during Kim's various bouts of rehab is she is doing well. 


Kim signed up to be on the show.  She has had her moments of lunacy and now it is time and now she expects  fresh start with no apologies or explanations.

How fortunate for Yolanda that she can lounge in her bed  for 10, 11, 15 and 18 month periods and not have to WORK like all the rest of those with chronic health issues.

Better yet she lounges around talking about affordable treatment and pulls in six figures a year.  Her suffering is far worse because she is pretty and sick and being pretty and sick is the worst thing ever. 

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Yo knew that she was supposed to work (film at Erika's dinner) that night, but she apparently exhausted all of her energy earlier in the day, and that let her off the hook, although of course that's not what she said when she called Erika.

Right. Not that Erika should've been outraged or anything, but I don't see how she didn't feel some kind of way about Yolanda lying to her. Then again, maybe they're just "Hollywood friends", so being phony is just the way they roll.

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Kim signed up to be on the show.  She has had her moments of lunacy and now it is time and now she expects  fresh start with no apologies or explanations.



I agree Kim is a frustrating person who would prefer if we all just stopped talking about her public transgressions, but I don't think she expects a fresh start with no apologies or explanations, at least not in regards to Lisa Rinna. I think she feels LR got a pass for her behavior in Amsterdam and proceeded to be very harsh in her commentary about Kim in both talking heads and among the other women. Then when Kim confronted her about her self-proclaimed rage over Kim's lunch with Yo and Brandi, LR said she preferred to keep her feelings private. IMO Rinna has had a years-spanning Kim Richards Hate Campaign and been so contemptuous that her reaction has outweighed the crime, and Kim shouldn't have to apologize anymore.

Edited by The Mighty Peanut
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Right. Not that Erika should've been outraged or anything, but I don't see how she didn't feel some kind of way about Yolanda lying to her. Then again, maybe they're just "Hollywood friends", so being phony is just the way they roll.

How did she lie? Didn't she just tell Erika that she wasn't feeling well? How is that a lie? I mean, I can't remember the conversation ver batim but all I got from that conversation was that Yolanda wasn't really feeling well enough to attend and something about her face being swollen???

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But which of the HWs resent Yolanda for the reasons you mention?  I haven't heard them say anything much.  I think that's all on us. LOL  As pissed off as the world is at at Yo, you'd think the HWs would be the ones REALLY pissed off at her - they're the ones who know her and work with her.  But they don't seem to be.  Except for that lunatic Rinna, who was enraged that Yo didn't show up for Erika's dinner.  Perhaps they don't want to break the 4th wall.  But these 'ladies' can certainly be passive aggressive, and still, not a lot of resentment detected.   


Both Kyle and LVP admit to talking about the instagram pictures.  They wondered if the kids were sick.  But Erika, Kathryn, Eileen have not said anything against Yo or indicated in any way that they don't have her back.  Maybe I'm forgetting some things?  Highly possible!  (I also missed about 4 or 5 epis.) But even in their social media or Bravo blogs they haven't mentioned any of the things we bag on Yolanda about - her weaseling out, the inconsistencies in some of her statements, how she treats the non-Gigis, etc. 


I don't see them holding much resentment toward her. Yo, Mo and Gigi seem to be the ones with the resentment toward them. On TV and IRL.  Maybe there's a good reason it's like that.

I see that several other posters have answered your question (thanks!) so I'll just add this - I think the resentment has been there and Yo knows, per her email to Kyle, but in the grand scheme of things I think Kyle and Lisa V are overall pretty happy with their lives so they can't get all worked up about what some slag they work with is up to, even if they don't believe her or like it, because they have better things going on.  The ones who get so obsessed with the others (Eileen, Yo) are the ones who don't seem super happy with their lives outside of the show, and focus on dumb crap to keep either the cameras or their own minds off whatever they are unhappy with.  And then there's Lisa R who just = crazypants, LOL


Yo can reveal whatever she wants, but she can't then say she doesn't want it talked about.  She clearly DOES want it talked about, but only if she gets to control what people say and how people say it.   If you put it out there, it's up for discussion - here on the forums, in the hills of Beverly, all over the internet, among her co-workers, and everywhere else.

AKA The Universe :)



I've got a great kid.  But he can be an ass.  If I heard that my friends were talking about how I'd confided in them that he was sometimes an ass, I'd agree because it's sometimes true. 


But if they were saying something untrue about him, I'd have a real problem with that.  No sincere apology?  Eff you, then. 


That's why I think Yo and Mo and Shiva (!) are so bent. Yo is telling the truth.  Sick kids + Hollywood friends questioning that = Pissed off mama and papa.  Simple math.

But if you lied about him whilst constantly claiming to be a person of integrity, you'd be pissed when they called you a liar too :)

Edited by princelina
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I agree Kim is a frustrating person who would prefer if we all just stopped talking about her public transgressions, but I don't think she expects a fresh start with no apologies or explanations, at least not in regards to Lisa Rinna. I think she feels LR got a pass for her behavior in Amsterdam and proceeded to be very harsh in her commentary about Kim in both talking heads and among the other women. Then when Kim confronted her about her self-proclaimed rage over Kim's lunch with Yo and Brandi, LR said she preferred to keep her feelings private. IMO Rinna has had a years-spanning Kim Richards Hate Campaign and been so contemptuous that her reaction has outweighed the crime, and Kim shouldn't have to apologize anymore.



I think a big issue is that in the case of LisaR and Kim there seems to be this consensus that because Kim is the addict that it all falls on her to be humble and apologetic when dealing with Rinna and ignore the completely outrageous behavior Rinna has aimed at her the whole time. Or until she kisses Rinna feet for the angst she put her through in that Limo she has no right to be unhappy about all of the derogatory shit Rinna's put out there since the end of the last season. Really? Ain't happening and I don't see why it should.  I think that contributes to Kim haughty attitude and "no apologie to you" demeanor. Yeah, yeah, not "owning it" is Kim's MO but in this case I think she is well within her right to put on the brakes and say "Hold on, wait a minute I have a bone to pick as well". Whether or not Kim has behaved badly towards LisaR and owes her an apology she is well within her rights to be in her feelings about Rinna and should be allowed to express her own disdain with Lisa's constant belittlement.

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I see that several other posters have answered your question (thanks!) so I'll just add this - I think the resentment has been there and Yo knows, per her email to Kyle, but in the grand scheme of things I think Kyle and Lisa V are overall pretty happy with their lives so they can't get all worked up about what some slag they work with is up to, even if they don't believe her or like it, because they have better things going on.  The ones who get so obsessed with the others (Eileen, Yo) are the ones who don't seem super happy with their lives outside of the show, and focus on dumb crap to keep either the cameras or their own minds off whatever they are unhappy with.  And then there's Lisa R who just = crazypants, LOL


AKA The Universe :)



But if you lied about him whilst constantly claiming to be a person of integrity, you'd be pissed when they called you a liar too :)

But there still isn't any proof that the kids don't suffer from Lyme. So it is true until proven otherwise so as it stands now Lisa V and Kyle talking about how the children don't  have Lyme is for now a lie. Especially since Mo has come out and commented that their interpretation of the word fine was misconstrued therefore, even though it's not the resounding proof most people want it definitely doesn't prove they don't have it so we are back to square one. Which is they have it and Lisa V and Kyle were discussing them not having it according to Mo. Inaccurate chatter over the health of another womens children. That just sounds extra skeevy... yuk.

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How did she lie?

​She told Erika that she was having one of her bad days, which previously has meant that she's unable to leave her bed/house. She may have really been spent from being out and about earlier, but she didn't say that.


That just sounds extra skeevy... yuk.

​So does making inaccurate claims of assault.

Edited by jaync
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But there still isn't any proof that the kids don't suffer from Lyme. So it is true until proven otherwise so as it stands now Lisa V and Kyle talking about how the children don't  have Lyme is for now a lie. Especially since Mo has come out and commented that their interpretation of the word fine was misconstrued therefore, even though it's not the resounding proof most people want it definitely doesn't prove they don't have it so we are back to square one. Which is they have it and Lisa V and Kyle were discussing them not having it according to Mo. Inaccurate chatter over the health of another womens children. That just sounds extra skeevy... yuk.

Well we will probably never get any real "proof" - and I can live with that, LOL.  But I do not feel honor-bound to believe the word of a known liar :)

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But there still isn't any proof that the kids don't suffer from Lyme. So it is true until proven otherwise so as it stands now Lisa V and Kyle talking about how the children don't  have Lyme is for now a lie. Especially since Mo has come out and commented that their interpretation of the word fine was misconstrued therefore, even though it's not the resounding proof most people want it definitely doesn't prove they don't have it so we are back to square one. Which is they have it and Lisa V and Kyle were discussing them not having it according to Mo. Inaccurate chatter over the health of another womens children. That just sounds extra skeevy... yuk.


You know why I don't believe the kids have Lyme?  Nothing to do with Mo.  It's all on Yo - I do not believe for one single second that Yo wouldn't have mentioned the kids have Lyme to anyone prior to now.  She said they were diagnosed the same time as she was?  Mmm-hmm.  She just failed to mention for years and years as she was going through her journey that her poor Lyme-riddled children were also suffering through their own journeys?  No way.  No fucking way she would have kept that to herself for a minute.  She would have wanted that "poor, poor Yo, not only is she diagnosed with something worse than AIDS, but so are her kids. Poor, poor Yo, so much to deal with..."


End of story for me.  Yo never would have kept that to herself.  Never.

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The way I look at Yo's excuse for not attending Erica's party is by likening it to if I called my boss in the morning and said I'm not coming in because I was out partying all night. Yo obviously knew she would be found out so her going to lunch with Kim and Brandi and blowing off the group at Erica's was apparently a scripted plot point.

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I think the "take a drink" (to get drunk) word during the finale episode was 'gorgeous'. Rinna said it at least 4 times in the first 10 minutes of Kyle's party. Cannot imagine what tonight's word will be.

I'm thinking of skipping the reunion. 1) It will just make me mad. 2) I dislike supporting a show featuring a cast member who has thrown hateful insults at the fans. Regardless of whether Rinna has scrubbed her social media accounts, what she said a few days ago is out there already and can't be unseen.

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People being offended and taking to heart Yolanda's tendencies to talk in exaggerated terms doesn't make her a known liar. I personally don't think she's a liar. I think hyperbole runs rampant in her life but I think it's a far stretch between that and being a liar that uses lies to completely destroy people's lives. 


But as it stands now there is nothing, aside from people's dislike of Yo, that proves those children don't deal with symptoms stemming from Lyme. It is what it is and at the end of the day.................. 

I think the "take a drink" (to get drunk) word during the finale episode was 'gorgeous'. Rinna said it at least 4 times in the first 10 minutes of Kyle's party. Cannot imagine what tonight's word will be.

I'm thinking of skipping the reunion. 1) It will just make me mad. 2) I dislike supporting a show featuring a cast member who has thrown hateful insults at the fans. Regardless of whether Rinna has scrubbed her social media accounts, what she said a few days ago is out there already and can't be unseen.

what did she say?????

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​She told Erika that she was having one of her bad days, which previously has meant that she's unable to leave her bed/house. She may have really been spent from being out and about earlier, but she didn't say that.


​So does making inaccurate claims of assault.

So she was basically supposed to say what. Well I'm having a bad day, not feeling well and oh by the way I went to lunch with Brandi and Kim so I think I've exerted myself and so I'm pretty much in for the night? I mean sure that's one way she could have phrased it but then again there was nothing wrong with what she said either. I just don't get why she should have outlined her earlier days activities to a friend before explaining she wasn't feeling up to the party. I mean that's kinda weird. If I'm calling my friend about an evening date to cancel I'm not going to give this whole list of disclaimers before addressing what the call is about. It just doesn't make sense to me.


"Hey Barb, I know that we were supposed to meet at 9 but I'm tired. I did my morning workout at the gym, then I had my sons recital, did some of grocery shopping, then went rollerblading in the park. Walked home and now that its time to jump in the shower and wash my hair I've realized just how spent and tired I am. I can't muster up enough energy to meet you for drinks at 9"... or what most adults do. "Yeah, I'm not feeling up to it tonight, pretty beat, please don't hate me, raincheck?"


Who actually outlines their whole day? And if it does happen who decided this was the new norm when cancelling plans?


I mean if it comes up in another conversation or right then and there where she asks "why am I not up for it" then okay fine but that's not how Erika handled the conversation. I doubt Yolanda would have lied about lunch had Erika posed the question innocently like "aww sorry to hear that what have you been doing today? You pushed yourself too hard?" Now had Yolanda just said oh no just having one of my bad days then I can see where that's wrong but Erika keep the conversation simple and didn't question Yolanda so there was no need to even go into what her daily activies were. Not strange to me at all.

Her 'haters' are all fat hoarders with 50 cats with no teeth who cannot find their own vaginas. Literally. Insert the f-bomb in many places and you get the idea.


Edited by Yours Truly
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I have issues with Yolanda saying her kids are sick and then blaming the world for not recognizing how ill the really pretty are.  Well, I don't know about anyone else but Bella managed to get admitted to college and launch a successful modeling career, I consider her dashed Olympic hopes a ridiculous claim because Yolanda originally said it was because they could not afford the $400,000.00 for another horse.  If Mohamed Hadid can't afford a horse then that is one exclusive club trying out for the Olympics.  (I always wondered how Mohamed felt about Yolanda crying poor about the horse situation.)  Sometimes one does get tired or achy when trying to compete and complete these Herculean tasks.  It is called limits and it is not necessarily due to a disease.


Isn't entirely possible her kids just plain old get tired from keeping up a hectic schedule?  I find it ridiculous Yolanda thinks her kids have to excel at everything and when they don't it is because of Lyme Disease.  Maybe they are just human and dare I say average in some aspects of life.  Maybe Mohamed just doesn't buy the ridiculous claims and realizes there is more harm than good in saddling your child with a condition.


I was going to address the brain function but Higgins did it already.


Claiming certain disabilities or exaggerating symptoms in the name of raising awareness is just such a deplorable thing to do.  I feel for people who truly have PTLD and are trying to work and support a family and have suffered huge financial hits because they are unable to work.  Yolanda trying to work up sympathy because she can't bear putting on make-up, or missing an awards ceremony (for bringing awareness), or blaming the end of her daughter's equestrian pursuits on some made up version of Lyme Disease is unconscionable. 


Blaming LVP for talking about her kids is even dumber.  Yolanda loves to use that people doubt her Lyme Disease as a talking point at her Lyme Disease conventions.  She has even found others with the same claims, who when the rug comes out from under them, they decide they have had this insidious disease for decades and still managed to have all these major accomplishments-until they didn't.  Even more mysterious is how they symptoms disappear and they are cured when they get pregnant.  (Allie Hilfiger)

All of this, absolutely.


My impression was that Bella was crying at the Lymecademy Awards (TM Ronnie Karam) is that her mother trapped her in this lie. Why did Gigi speak at the award ceremony, and not Bella and/or Anwar? They're the ones that "have Lyme." Why isn't Bella speaking out about it at all? She must be asked about it at the modeling events she's at. None of it adds up in my mind unless it is all bullshit.

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I have issues with Yolanda saying her kids are sick and then blaming the world for not recognizing how ill the really pretty are.  Well, I don't know about anyone else but Bella managed to get admitted to college and launch a successful modeling career, I consider her dashed Olympic hopes a ridiculous claim because Yolanda originally said it was because they could not afford the $400,000.00 for another horse.  If Mohamed Hadid can't afford a horse then that is one exclusive club trying out for the Olympics.  (I always wondered how Mohamed felt about Yolanda crying poor about the horse situation.)  Sometimes one does get tired or achy when trying to compete and complete these Herculean tasks.  It is called limits and it is not necessarily due to a disease.


Isn't entirely possible her kids just plain old get tired from keeping up a hectic schedule?  I find it ridiculous Yolanda thinks her kids have to excel at everything and when they don't it is because of Lyme Disease.  Maybe they are just human and dare I say average in some aspects of life.  Maybe Mohamed just doesn't buy the ridiculous claims and realizes there is more harm than good in saddling your child with a condition.


I was going to address the brain function but Higgins did it already.


Claiming certain disabilities or exaggerating symptoms in the name of raising awareness is just such a deplorable thing to do.  I feel for people who truly have PTLD and are trying to work and support a family and have suffered huge financial hits because they are unable to work.  Yolanda trying to work up sympathy because she can't bear putting on make-up, or missing an awards ceremony (for bringing awareness), or blaming the end of her daughter's equestrian pursuits on some made up version of Lyme Disease is unconscionable. 


Blaming LVP for talking about her kids is even dumber.  Yolanda loves to use that people doubt her Lyme Disease as a talking point at her Lyme Disease conventions.  She has even found others with the same claims, who when the rug comes out from under them, they decide they have had this insidious disease for decades and still managed to have all these major accomplishments-until they didn't.  Even more mysterious is how they symptoms disappear and they are cured when they get pregnant.  (Allie Hilfiger)

Oh, I forgot to add a comment about Yolanda's anger around people talking about her and her kids. She is the person that started all of this. Lots of famous people have kept their illnesses private. Yolanda is the one and only person that is constantly going on about it. What the hell does she expect? Oh yeah, I know. She expects people to turn their brains off, bow down, worship her, and cater to her every whim.

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​She told Erika that she was having one of her bad days, which previously has meant that she's unable to leave her bed/house. She may have really been spent from being out and about earlier, but she didn't say that.

​So does making inaccurate claims of assault.

It'd be healthier for her to get up in the morning and go to bed early if she tired, than it would be for her to sleep until 2 pm so she can attend her Hollywood friends party 2 hours away in Pasadena. Erika accepted it, so I don't see how Lisar or anyone else can justify getting bent out of shape about it.
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All of this, absolutely.


My impression was that Bella was crying at the Lymecademy Awards (TM Ronnie Karam) is that her mother trapped her in this lie. Why did Gigi speak at the award ceremony, and not Bella and/or Anwar? They're the ones that "have Lyme." Why isn't Bella speaking out about it at all? She must be asked about it at the modeling events she's at. None of it adds up in my mind unless it is all bullshit.

My favorite line from Yolanda's at the Lymecademy Awards was that Gigi had exceeded all her expectations, cut to the two little underachievers sufferers of Lyme Disease.  Not just Lyme Disease but neurological Lyme Disease.  One thing that is consistent-is it is all about Yolanda all the time.

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But IMO the absence of twitter/insta photos speaks volumes in light of his recent statement that she "always is my friend." If she's his friend always, why hasn't he been active on SM the way he always was with her.  I just think Mohamed is discreet. He was pissed she brought up/responded to crap on the show. Maybe he is just teaching her a lesson and giving her the cold shoulder for awhile.  Maybe he is placating Yolanda for all you who think that. But I don't see Mo cow-towing to Yo, ever. I think he is a put up or shut up type of guy.



Yolanda is a delusional, lying, loose cannon. I have no doubt that for the sake of his children and his own privacy, he has quite a lot of interest in keeping her calm.

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It'd be healthier for her to get up in the morning and go to bed early if she tired, than it would be for her to sleep until 2 pm so she can attend her Hollywood friends party 2 hours away in Pasadena. Erika accepted it, so I don't see how Lisar or anyone else can justify getting bent out of shape about it.

Erika and Yolanda live about 40 minutes apart.  At the time of filming Yolanda lived in LA not Malibu. 


I think if you are claiming to only be out of bed three hours a day it probably doesn't matter when you get up.


IMO an event like Erika's dinner party does not offer Yolanda her usual swan in and early exit option.  We know she doesn't have to get ready for these events-white jeans and a top, no need to even comb the hair.  This wasn't exactly a late night adventure-it sounded like things were over by 8 pm. 

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It's funny how it's assumed that Yo went off the rails like a loose cannon. That family is tight. Why is there this narrative that Yolanda is doing things without a word to the rest of them? I mean that's the biggest stretch of them all. LOL.

Because Yolanda thinks only about herself. Look at all the crap she did "for David." She dressed up for him and presented herself as a gift. She made a book of photos of herself for him. I could go on and on, but the gist is that even when she's claiming to do something for someone else, it always about her. It seems that a person needs to have a pretty high opinion of themselves to be on a show like RH. That's all well and good. I wish everyone felt good about themselves, but it's ugly when they put themselves above all others, and in that department, Yolanda takes the cake.

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And Yolanda didn't see the exact footage... We have the benefit of rewinding, seeing it in context, although I still think the tone said it all and it was very evident what the implications were but regardless. If I saw the footage and came away with the message that they were tastelessly doubting whether the children were ill then Yolanda catching wind of a conversation that called into question whether the children had lyme or not. Wouldn't that be enough to receive that particular bits of information negatively? The semantics of that conversation being used as a defense enrage me ™ Lisa Rinna. LOL.

Why is it tasteless to doubt that Bella and Anwar have Lyme, more specifically, "chronic Lyme," which doesn't exist. Yolanda knows the truth. She's pissed because people can see through her lies. Since when is it not okay to use one's brain? And to call it tasteless? If we all went along believing anecdotes and myths where would we be as a culture? 

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My favorite line from Yolanda's at the Lymecademy Awards was that Gigi had exceeded all her expectations, cut to the two little underachievers sufferers of Lyme Disease.  Not just Lyme Disease but neurological Lyme Disease.  One thing that is consistent-is it is all about Yolanda all the time.



What am I going to do with you!?  Get it straight, chronic neurological Lyme disease.    sheeeeeesh. 

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Well in my world most people wouldn't need to hear the obvious innocent angle that's going to be put forward when trying to absolve oneself of any wrong doing. Actually in my world the fact that the conversation even happened is enough to justify Yolanda's stank attitude towards their attempted vanilla explanations and it more than explains, to me, why she wasn't even interested in hearing them cherry pick the points they wanted highlight in order to make it okay. Sure you can say Yolanda was cherry picking bits and pieces and turning it into something to be upset about but HER cherry picks were pretty much something to be upset about.


-You're talking about my kids

-You're doubting my word and integrity

-You're sharing private information you have received between you and your friend/my children's father to the public. In a way to discredit me.


I'm still at a loss where in the world, is this not enough to qualify, at the very least, being pissed off?




If Rinna et al were peaking through the curtains, making assumptions, and then sharing them, that would be one thing, but Yolanda herself is the one putting all this out there.


Yolanda has no right to expect her word not to be questioned. She's a documented liar. The integrity aspect is pretty much moot after that.


Again, Yolanda is the person that has lied. No one is obliged to accept her lies just because she's Yolanda.


ETA-She can be pissed off. Of course she can. She can be the world's most pissed off person that ever lived. She just can't be pissed at anyone other than herself.

Edited by homeperm
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How Yolanda handled their attempts at explaining is a whole other debate. That doesn't change the dynamics of the conversation in question. Erika relaying the information the way she did doesn't change what was actually covered and said in conversation. It's like the way she got the information, and the way she decided to move forward with her reactions to them about it seem to be more important than the fact that there in fact WAS doubt about the children having the illness. I mean what else is there?  At least for this detail? Making up theories about "no ill intent" doesn't negate that certain absolutes were actually said that contradicted Yolanda's claims. Not cool.





Oh, there's doubt all right. I don't just doubt their illness, I don't believe it, period. Why does it matter? She's wrapped them up in her own issues, whatever in the hell they are, and more importantly, she's bringing them to disreputable doctors and giving them whatever ungodly substances she calls medicine.

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I am sure Bravo filmed the lunch with Yo, Brandi and Kim and asked them to post an instagram so everyone could see it.  It was part of the plan that she not attend Erika's dinner.  I would put money on it.  


They probably wanted to show a short clip of that lunch but it added nothing so they canned that plan.  


i think Gigi spoke at that gathering because she is more articulate than the other two. 

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I totally agree with you. I don't believe for a minute those kids are sick - and think it's shameful that she apparently hasn't brought them to a real medical doctor to be evaluated. If she wants to mess up her own body that's one thing, but she shouldn't be subjecting the kids to the same quack treatments she's apparently willing to undergo herself. That's child abuse. I would love to have seen the "medical records" she tossed over to Vanderpump at the luncheon a few episodes back.

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You know why I don't believe the kids have Lyme?  Nothing to do with Mo.  It's all on Yo - I do not believe for one single second that Yo wouldn't have mentioned the kids have Lyme to anyone prior to now.  She said they were diagnosed the same time as she was?  Mmm-hmm.  She just failed to mention for years and years as she was going through her journey that her poor Lyme-riddled children were also suffering through their own journeys?  No way.  No fucking way she would have kept that to herself for a minute.  She would have wanted that "poor, poor Yo, not only is she diagnosed with something worse than AIDS, but so are her kids. Poor, poor Yo, so much to deal with..."


End of story for me.  Yo never would have kept that to herself.  Never.

This is what I cannot get past. And I really want to. Despite my complete and total dislike for Yo from the very beginning, I have really tried to figure out a way to explain this. I simply cannot. 


Not only do I find it inconceivable that she would "suffer" so long with this disease and yet never mention the fact that her children were suffering as well, how could she leave children who had "diminished capabilities" for long periods of time while she trotted around the globe trying out unproven treatments? What about the kids? I understand that Mo seems to be a loving and involved parent, but what about the dangers of trying so many treatments when her kids were sick and could ill afford to lose their mother? 


And then there is the leaked email. When I first read it, my cold dark heart softened towards Yo. She wasn't a beautiful model, a rich elitist, or a Reality TV star. She was a scared mother who was desperately trying to get through to her troubled daughter. Her fear jumped off the page. I read it again, after Yo revealed they had Lyme, and it was completely different for me. If I had known when I read it the first time that Bella was ill, I would have been shocked at such a letter. How could she not mention that they needed to visit her doctor? That perhaps the Lyme was impacting her decision making? How could she blame Bella so harshly for her behavior if she had this disease which was impacting her brain to the extent Yo would later claim that it was? Zero mention of her being sick, just mention of her being irresponsible, entitled, and a world-class brat.


I would love to hear a theory on this. I am sure that Yo will say she just wanted to protect their privacy, but her behavior says something very different to me. 

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How did she lie? Didn't she just tell Erika that she wasn't feeling well? How is that a lie? I mean, I can't remember the conversation ver batim but all I got from that conversation was that Yolanda wasn't really feeling well enough to attend and something about her face being swollen???

She said her BRAIN was swollen. If that were case, why wasn't she in the hospital? I believe that needs to be diagnosed by a doctor and treated. You don't just put on a robe and make phone calls.

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homeperm, on 19 Apr 2016 - 5:18 PM, said:

Why is it tasteless to doubt that Bella and Anwar have Lyme, more specifically, "chronic Lyme," which doesn't exist. Yolanda knows the truth. She's pissed because people can see through her lies. Since when is it not okay to use one's brain? And to call it tasteless? If we all went along believing anecdotes and myths where would we be as a culture? 



I agree.  I'm sure back in the day it was considered "tasteless" to say that the world was round. How DARE you*, Christopher Columbus???


*TM Eileen Davidson


I mean, sorry but where there is smoke, there is usually fire.  Look at the whole Brooks cancer debacle.  People called Meghan every name in the book for daring to question his illness.  And while I won't dispute that she used some ...err... questionable methods in her investigation, she turned out to be correct in her suspicions.


If the people who KNOW these people in real life --- people like Lisa VP and Kyle --- thought it was "weird" (TM Eileen again!) that Yo busted out with this "Bella and Anwar have been ill for 2 (or was it 3?  Ehh, it's Yolanda's story--it could be either. Or both!) years and they're all like ""WTF!!? about it?  There is a reason to be suspicious.  In my most-ever humble opinion.  (But I'm not Laughing Out Loud. I'm totally serious).

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Because Yolanda thinks only about herself. Look at all the crap she did "for David." She dressed up for him and presented herself as a gift. She made a book of photos of herself for him. I could go on and on, but the gist is that even when she's claiming to do something for someone else, it always about her. It seems that a person needs to have a pretty high opinion of themselves to be on a show like RH. That's all well and good. I wish everyone felt good about themselves, but it's ugly when they put themselves above all others, and in that department, Yolanda takes the cake.

Those things do actually seem like stuff she did for David, not herself. By definition, anything she does for someone else is going to involve herself in some way. Should she have hired a prostitute for David and given him a porno magazine featuring someone else? Edited by Kokapetl
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Those things do actually seem like stuff she did for David, not herself. By definition, anything she does for someone else is going to involve herself in some way. Should she have hired a prostitute for David and given him a porno magazine featuring someone else?

How about a book of photos of them together? Or framing some of his music? Anything that is about him and not herself exclusively.

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You know why I don't believe the kids have Lyme?  Nothing to do with Mo.  It's all on Yo - I do not believe for one single second that Yo wouldn't have mentioned the kids have Lyme to anyone prior to now.  She said they were diagnosed the same time as she was?  Mmm-hmm.  She just failed to mention for years and years as she was going through her journey that her poor Lyme-riddled children were also suffering through their own journeys?  No way.  No fucking way she would have kept that to herself for a minute.  She would have wanted that "poor, poor Yo, not only is she diagnosed with something worse than AIDS, but so are her kids. Poor, poor Yo, so much to deal with..."


End of story for me.  Yo never would have kept that to herself.  Never.

At the very least, Yolanda would have used it to fight or help lessen the severity of Bella's DUI conviction and she would have mentioned LD in her angry tirade email to Bella....BUT Nothing, zip, zero, nada about a serious illness.


So she was basically supposed to say what. Well I'm having a bad day, not feeling well and oh by the way I went to lunch with Brandi and Kim so I think I've exerted myself and so I'm pretty much in for the night? I mean sure that's one way she could have phrased it but then again there was nothing wrong with what she said either. I just don't get why she should have outlined her earlier days activities to a friend before explaining she wasn't feeling up to the party. I mean that's kinda weird. If I'm calling my friend about an evening date to cancel I'm not going to give this whole list of disclaimers before addressing what the call is about. It just doesn't make sense to me.


"Hey Barb, I know that we were supposed to meet at 9 but I'm tired. I did my morning workout at the gym, then I had my sons recital, did some of grocery shopping, then went rollerblading in the park. Walked home and now that its time to jump in the shower and wash my hair I've realized just how spent and tired I am. I can't muster up enough energy to meet you for drinks at 9"... or what most adults do. "Yeah, I'm not feeling up to it tonight, pretty beat, please don't hate me, raincheck?"


Who actually outlines their whole day? And if it does happen who decided this was the new norm when cancelling plans?


I mean if it comes up in another conversation or right then and there where she asks "why am I not up for it" then okay fine but that's not how Erika handled the conversation. I doubt Yolanda would have lied about lunch had Erika posed the question innocently like "aww sorry to hear that what have you been doing today? You pushed yourself too hard?" Now had Yolanda just said oh no just having one of my bad days then I can see where that's wrong but Erika keep the conversation simple and didn't question Yolanda so there was no need to even go into what her daily activies were. Not strange to me at all.


A HWs first "dinner party" is a big deal in the realm of Reality HWs and Yolanda is well aware of that. Look at how angry Yolanda got at LisaV missing her finger painting party a few seasons ago, even though she knew in advance that Lisa would not be able to attend, Yolanda still hasn't forgiven her for that.

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People being offended and taking to heart Yolanda's tendencies to talk in exaggerated terms doesn't make her a known liar.

​No, but the lies she tells does.


Now had Yolanda just said oh no just having one of my bad days then I can see where that's wrong...

She did say that, so we agree.


Erika accepted it, so I don't see how Lisar or anyone else can justify getting bent out of shape about it.

​I never said anyone should've gotten bent out of shape about it.

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People being offended and taking to heart Yolanda's tendencies to talk in exaggerated terms doesn't make her a known liar. I personally don't think she's a liar. I think hyperbole runs rampant in her life but I think it's a far stretch between that and being a liar that uses lies to completely destroy people's lives. 


But as it stands now there is nothing, aside from people's dislike of Yo, that proves those children don't deal with symptoms stemming from Lyme. It is what it is and at the end of the day.................. 

what did she say?????


Exaggerating, denying events on camera are pretty indicative that it is more than a mere exaggeration it is lying or prevaricating.  One can exaggerate a time or two then the person's word becomes subject to questioning and if they do it long enough the person's word is just disregarded.  I have no doubt Yolanda pays plenty to have doctors say whatever she needs to keep up this façade about her health, it is the "exaggerations" about the other that cause me to find her totally lacking in truth and veracity. 


I think at this point it adult children should  seek a second opinion regarding their Lyme Disease.  They don't have to make the results public - especially if they discredit their mother's journey but they should be able to shut down their contribution.

Those things do actually seem like stuff she did for David, not herself. By definition, anything she does for someone else is going to involve herself in some way. Should she have hired a prostitute for David and given him a porno magazine featuring someone else?

Maybe it is part of her model persona and she thinks the greatest gift is her looks and David having a private showing.  It has to run a little thin after awhile.   When they showed the real estate pictures of Yolanda's former home she had photographs of herself in each and every room, and  many times multiples.  To me, it was the contrast to the stained robe and ponytail look that Yolanda held dear for the last 10 months, no wait 14 months or was it 9 months?

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Lisar is working her job.  She out to expose Yo for her batshittery.  Ah ah, she has some proof!  Yo lunched with the enemy and skipped out on dinner with US!  Evidence bag #1 filled.   I doubt she personally cares what Yo does.  She is on a mission.   


This is a little reminder that she is acting a part. She wants to be asked back and she knows Joyce and Carlton offered nothing so were not cast in another season.  There is a lot of behind the scenes stuff that goes on with actors and parts and exposure etc. 





ETA.  I don't believe Yo's kids have Lyme.  She had them tested by a quack and he said they did so he could sell her beakers of meds.  They came with their names on the side and the word Lyme.  We saw a photo of those. 

Edited by wings707
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I agree with zoeysmom. Exaggerating is a form of lying. We're all guilty of it from time to time but Yolanda does it to an excessive degree, both in terms of frequency and severity, and I think some of these "exaggerations" go past the point of embellishment and into the territory of straight up lying. She said or implied that Ken assaulted her when we all saw the video. What he did was in no way indicative of assault/physical harm/etc. She has also claimed that she hasn't driven in x amount of years when we've seen her driving in that time period. She says she hasn't gotten out of bed in x amount of months but she somehow filmed a reality show not in her bed during that time. Those are lies. They may also be exaggerations of the extreme kind but there is so little truth in them that I'm not even sure if they qualify. 

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Her 'haters' are all fat hoarders with 50 cats with no teeth who cannot find their own vaginas. Literally. Insert the f-bomb in many places and you get the idea.

​I'm sure LVP made her Tweet that.


In one of Rinna's THs this episode, it did look like she was wearing a wig. Something about the area around the part didn't look natural.

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I just watched this episode for the first time.  And hell hath frozen over but I've gotta hand it to Kyle for standing up to LVP.  You know Lisa didn't like that one bit.  Kyle, you in danger, gurl.


Reminded me of how she talked to Kim last season on the patio of the Palm Springs house and basically called her a liar.  First time I've cheered Kyle on for several seasons.


That said, I still don't understand why Kyle lets Lisa get away with treating her like that. 

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Not only do I find it inconceivable that she would "suffer" so long with this disease and yet never mention the fact that her children were suffering as well, how could she leave children who had "diminished capabilities" for long periods of time while she trotted around the globe trying out unproven treatments? What about the kids? I understand that Mo seems to be a loving and involved parent, but what about the dangers of trying so many treatments when her kids were sick and could ill afford to lose their mother? 

 All I've got is that when you're the parent of a chronically ill kid, there are times when the kid feels bad, good, better, worse. But life must go on.  You continue to let them do activities when they're feeling up to it and let them drop stuff when they're not.  In Yolanda's case, if she was looking for a 'cure' for herself and her children - with the money, the baby daddy and the hired help to take care of the kids when she was gone, why not?  I'd be the guinea pig for my kids if I sincerely thought it would make a difference.


I don't know what Yo's deal was and why she traveled the globe looking for cures.  But if she's like any number of personal stories I've read, patients feel ignored, misunderstood and accused of making stuff up for years before they find someone who helps them.  Unfortunately some of them don't have the resources to jet off to Korea for lichee nut infusions.


I'd not just sit around waiting for a cure.  Especially if my kid was sick and I had the $$.  Unlike Yolanda, I hope I'd know where to draw the line though.  But I'm not in her shoes and mentally impaired so I don't know.

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