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Star Wars: The Force Awakens passes the $600 million milestone in its 12th day (domestically) and has made $1.228 billion so far in total. Inflation or not, its popularity is very impressive!


Here's how quickly the other $600+ million movies made the mark:


Jurassic World: 36 days | Jul 17, 2015   (Released Jun 12, 2015)

Avatar: 47 days | Jan 29, 2010   (Released Dec 18, 2009)

The Avengers: 54 days | Jun 22, 2012   (Released May 4, 2012)

Titanic: 252 days | Aug 21, 1998   (Released Dec 19, 1997)

Edited by Dejana

Titanic was a pretty amazing phenomenon. It seems EVERYBODY saw that movie. Even my mom who never goes out to the movies ever since we got a VCR went to see Titanic in the theater two months after it opened because of the word of mouth.


Beyond it being a good Star Wars movie and hitting the nostalgia buttons, The Force Awakens has all of the best elements from other blockbusters. It has the irreverent humor of the Marvel movies, a young strong female heroine like from the Hunger Games, it has the two ethnic characters who are bromantic and having fun doing awesome stuff like The Fast and the Furious movies(Poe is as amazingly good a pilot as Vin Diesel is at driving in those movies), a guy doing Shia LeBeouf-esque comedy (without being Shia LeBeouf), the old school heroism of an Expendables movie with Han and Chewie and finally an extremely cute character that could have come out of a Pixar movie in BB8.

Edited by VCRTracking
  • Love 2

The funny thing about both of Cameron's blockbusters is that they didn't follow the usual formula: Huge opening and then smaller than normal dropoffs. They started OK and then went on and on and on....


Titanic and Avatar were both released in December, and at the time were both thought to have strong opening weekends for the time of year. In 1997, Scream 2 had just set the December OW record at $32.9M and Titanic came in at $28.6M, both ahead of any December OW from 1996 and earlier. Avatar's $77.0M OW was within 200K of the then-record holder I Am Legend ($77.2M). For years, December has had a reputation for softer opening weekends, but stronger weekdays to make up for it, with so many people having time off during the holidays. Until this year, a December movie had never even had a $100 million OW, let alone $150M or $200M.


TFA will be #1 unadjusted before next weekend.


January 1–3, 2016 Estimates:


1 (1) Star Wars: The Force Awakens  $88,300,000 | 4,134 Theaters | $21,359 Avg. | $740,265,583

2 (2) Daddy’s Home  $29,000,000 | 3,342 Theaters | $8,677 Avg. | $93,696,495

3 (10) The Hateful Eight  $16,240,000 | 2,474 Theaters | $6,564 Avg. | $29,577,963

4 (4) Sisters  $12,582,050 | 2,978 Theaters | $4,225 Avg. | $61,705,690

5 (5) Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Road Chip  $11,800,000 | 3,474 Theaters | $3,397 Avg. | $67,376,640


6 (3) Joy  $10,400,000 | 2,924 Theaters | $3,557 Avg. | $38,721,460

7 (7) The Big Short  $9,000,000 | 1,588 Theaters | $5,668 Avg. | $32,979,117

8 (6) Concussion  $8,000,000 | 2,841 Theaters | $2,816 Avg. | $25,370,000

9 (8) Point Break  $6,845,000 | 2,910 Theaters | $2,352 Avg. | $22,430,000

10 (9) The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 2  $4,625,000 | 1,485 Theaters | $3,114 Avg. | $274,222,959


11 (12) The Good Dinosaur  $4,004,000 | 1,735 Theaters | $2,308 Avg. | $114,714,575

12 (11) Creed  $3,900,000 | 1,375 Theaters | $2,836 Avg. | $103,456,653

13 (14) The Danish Girl  $1,507,000 | 449 Theaters | $3,356 Avg. | $6,003,735

14 (18) Brooklyn  $1,300,000 | 285 Theaters | $4,561 Avg. | $20,860,233 

15 (16) Carol  $1,215,000 | 189 Theaters | $6,429 Avg. | $5,014,748


16 (17) Spotlight  $1,204,543 | 385 Theaters | $3,129 Avg. | $27,128,422

17 (13) Krampus  $828,750 | 663 Theaters | $1,250 Avg. | $42,307,325

18 (21) Spectre  $725,000 | 331 Theaters | $2,190 Avg. | $197,833,955

19 (19) In the Heart of the Sea  $700,000 | 533 Theaters | $1,313 Avg. | $23,874,171

20 (22) The Martian  $585,000 | 282 Theaters | $2,074 Avg. | $225,930,402


The Revenant  $450,000 | 4 Theaters | $112,500 Avg. | $1,324,384

Youth  $350,000 | 144 Theaters | $2,431 Avg. | $1,647,513 

Trumbo  $176,554 | 90 Theaters | $1,962 Avg. | $7,029,067

Room  $140,231 | 91 Theaters | $1,541 Avg. | $5,000,984

Anomalisa  $140,000 | 4 Theaters | $35,000 Avg. | $213,000

Edited by Dejana

January 8-10, 2016 Estimates:

1 (1) Star Wars: The Force Awakens $41,630,000 | 4,134 Theaters | $10,070 Avg. | $812,011,043

2 (23) The Revenant $38,000,000 | 3,375 Theaters | $11,259 Avg. | $39,556,901

3 (2) Daddy’s Home $15,000,000 | 3,483 Theaters | $4,307 Avg. | $116,313,576

4 (N) The Forest $13,088,000 | 2,451 Theaters | $5,340 Avg. | $13,088,000

5 (4) Sisters $7,174,320 | 2,864 Theaters | $2,505 Avg. | $73,884,265

6 (3) The Hateful Eight $6,351,000 | 2,938 Theaters | $2,162 Avg. | $41,473,820

7 (7) The Big Short $6,300,000 | 2,529 Theaters | $2,491 Avg. | $42,849,837

8 (5) Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Road Chip $5,500,000 | 2,972 Theaters | $1,851 Avg. | $75,608,339

9 (6) Joy $4,500,000 | 2,513 Theaters | $1,791 Avg. | $46,555,608

10 (8) Concussion $3,050,000 | 2,056 Theaters | $1,483 Avg. | $30,968,278

11 (9) Point Break $2,101,000 | 1,981 Theaters | $1,061 Avg. | $26,709,623

12 (10) The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 2 $2,100,00 | 1,227 Theaters | $1,711 Avg. | $277,571,610

13 (11) The Good Dinosaur $1,644,000 | 1,190 Theaters | $1,382 Avg. | $117,334,385

14 (12) Creed $1,610,000 | 1,001 Theaters | $1,608 Avg. | $105,701,494

15 (16) Carol $1,474,000 | 525 Theaters | $2,808 Avg. | $6,992,293

Brooklyn $1,050,000 | 294 Theaters | $3,571 Avg. | $22,433,959

Spotlight $941,499 | 368 Theaters | $2,558 Avg. | $28,559,505

The Danish Girl $826,000 | 417 Theaters | $1,981 Avg. | $7,586,305

Trumbo $106,656 | 90 Theaters | $1,185 Avg. | $7,206,120

45 Years $90,567 | 9 Theaters | $10,063 Avg. | $354,720

Global Totals:

STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS: $921.4M Overseas Total | $1.733B Global Total

SPECTRE: $673.6M Overseas Total | $872.1M Global Total

HOTEL TRANSYLVANIA 2: $296.8M Overseas Total | $465.5M Global Total

THE PEANUTS MOVIE: $92.2M Overseas Total | $221.3M Global Total

THE GOOD DINOSAUR: $148.7M Overseas Total | $266.034M Global Total

DADDY'S HOME: $37.9M Overseas Total | $154.2M Global Total

BRIDGE OF SPIES: $81.1M Overseas Total | $151.8M Global Total

ALVIN & THE CHIPMUNKS: THE ROAD CHIP: $36.2M Overseas Total | $111.8M Global Total

January 15–17, 2016 Estimates:


1 (N) Ride Along 2   $34,040,000 | 3,175 Theaters | $10,721 Avg. | $34,040,000 
2 (2) The Revenant   $29,500,000 | 3,559 Theaters | $8,289 Avg. | $87,674,769
3 (1) Star Wars: The Force Awakens   $25,120,000 | 3,822 Theaters | $6,572 Avg. | $851,052,841
4 (N) 13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi   $16,000,000 | 2,389 Theaters | $6,697 Avg. | $16,000,000
5 (3) Daddy's Home   $9,300,000 | 3,322 Theaters | $2,800 Avg. | $129,256,102 
6 (N) Norm of the North   $6,675,000 | 2,411 Theaters | $2,769 Avg. | $6,675,000 
7 (4) The Forest   $5,792,000 | 2,509 Theaters | $2,308 Avg. | $21,125,634
8 (7) The Big Short   $5,200,000 | 1,765 Theaters | $2,946 Avg. | $50,520,882 
9 (5) Sisters   $4,420,000 | 2,313 Theaters | $1,911 Avg. | $81,853,630 

10 (6) The Hateful Eight   $3,447,000 | 2,385 Theaters | $1,445 Avg. | $47,595,491


Best Picture Watch (includes 1/18 estimates):


The Martian   $227,089,040
Mad Max: Fury Road   $153,636,354
The Revenant   $93,174,769
Bridge of Spies   $70,833,676
The Big Short   $51,570,882
Spotlight   $30,870,372
Brooklyn   $24,949,613
Room   $6,164,867


Other Contenders:


Joy   $2,675,000 | 1,796 Theaters | $1,489 Avg. | $51,325,268

Carol   $1,383,000 | 790 Theaters | $1,751 Avg. | $9,078,854

Creed   $1,105,000 | 878 Theaters | $1,259 Avg. | $107,269,603

The Danish Girl   $649,000 | 479 Theaters | $1,355 Avg. | $8,693,637

45 Years   $100,028 | 14 Theaters | $7,145 Avg. | $474,610

Trumbo   $83,278 | 66 Theaters | $1,262 Avg. | $7,349,715


Global Totals:


STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS: $1.0126B Overseas Total | $1.8637B Global Total


THE PEANUTS MOVIE: $102.2M Overseas Total | $231.6M Global Total

DADDY'S HOME: $50.4M Overseas Total | $181.7M Global Total

BRIDGE OF SPIES: $86.6M Overseas Total | $157.4M Global Total


THE REVENANT: $58.6M Overseas Total | $146.4M Global Total

THE LAST WITCH HUNTER: $105.7M Overseas Total | $133.1M Global Total

ALVIN & THE CHIPMUNKS: THE ROAD CHIP: $46.0M Overseas Total | $125.6M Global Total


SISTERS: $11.5M Overseas Total | $93.0M Global Total

RIDE ALONG 2: $2.7M Overseas Total | $36.74M Global Total

STEVE JOBS: $11.1M Overseas Total | $28.8M Global Total

THE DANISH GIRL: $12.8M Overseas Total | $21.6M Global Total

  • Love 1

I think there's an audience for the story but Bayghazi probably could have used more star power to approach the success of Lone Survivor or American Sniper.


I didn't see any of the comp titles either, so I'm clearly not in the target demo for "Secret Soldiers," but Michael Bay is the last person I would ever look to for a true story.  I'm more imagining a live-action version of Team America: Wold Police.


Big drops and soft openings all around. Things should rebound next weekend between the weather clearing and the lack of NFL.


January 22–24, 2016 Estimates:


1 (2) The Revenant   $16,000,000 | 3,711 Theaters | $4,312 Avg. | $119,192,522
2 (3) Star Wars: The Force Awakens   $14,257,000 | 3,365 Theaters | $4,237 Avg. | $879,289,346
3 (1) Ride Along 2   $12,959,520 | 3,192 Theaters | $4,060 Avg. | $59,109,560
4 (N) Dirty Grandpa   $11,525,000 | 2,912 Theaters | $3,958 Avg. | $11,525,000
5 (N) The Boy   $11,260,000 | 2,671 Theaters | $4,216 Avg. | $11,260,000
6 (N) The 5th Wave   $10,700,000 | 2,908 Theaters | $3,680 Avg. | $10,700,000
7 (4) 13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi   $9,750,000 | 2,917 Theaters | $3,342 Avg. | $33,483,429
8 (5) Daddy’s Home   $5,270,000 | 2,789 Theaters | $1,890 Avg. | $138,780,265 

9 (6) Norm of the North   $4,100,000 | 2,411 Theaters | $1,701 Avg. | $14,296,203
10 (8) The Big Short   $3,500,000 | 1,351 Theaters | $2,591 Avg. | $56,713,841



Best Picture Watch:


The Martian   $227,625,414
Mad Max: Fury Road   $153,636,354
The Revenant   $119,192,522
Bridge of Spies   $71,517,000
The Big Short   $56,713,841
Spotlight   $33,006,762
Brooklyn   $27,539,321
Room   $7,953,680



Other Contenders:


Joy   $1,160,000 | 966 Theaters | $1,201 Avg. | $54,219,638

Carol   $639,000 | 692 Theaters | $923 Avg. | $10,574,031

The Danish Girl   $531,000 | 794 Theaters | $669 Avg. | $9,724,377

Creed   $485,000 | 558 Theaters | $869 Avg. | $108,294,759

45 Years   $219,794 | 40 Theaters | $5,495 Avg. | $740,203

Trumbo   $88,091 | 136 Theaters | $648 Avg. | $7,482,599

Edited by Dejana

January 29–31, 2016 Estimates:


1 (N) Kung Fu Panda 3   $41,000,000 | 3,955 Theaters | $10,367 Avg. | $41,000,000

2 (1) The Revenant   $12,400,000 | 3,330 Theaters | $3,724 Avg. | $138,171,368
3 (2) Star Wars: The Force Awakens   $10,782,000 | 2,556 Theaters | $4,218 Avg. | $895,426,162
4 (N) The Finest Hours   $10,327,000 | 3,143 Theaters | $3,286 Avg. | $10,327,000
5 (3) Ride Along 2   $8,345,520 | 2,412 Theaters | $3,460 Avg. | $70,775,210

6 (4) Dirty Grandpa   $7,591,049 | 2,912 Theaters | $2,607 Avg. | $22,837,059

7 (5) The Boy   $7,551,388 | 2,671 Theaters | $2,827 Avg. | $21,185,304

8 (6) The 5th Wave   $7,000,000 | 2,908 Theaters | $2,407 Avg. | $20,188,149

9 (7) 13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi   $6,274,244 | 2,803 Theaters | $2,238 Avg. | $42,848,089 
10 (N) Fifty Shades of Black   $5,900,528 | 2,075 Theaters | $2,844 Avg. | $5,900,528


Jane Got a Gun   $835,572 | 1,210 Theaters | $691 Avg. | $835,572



Best Picture Watch:


The Martian   $227,936,706
Mad Max: Fury Road   $153,636,354
The Revenant   $138,171,368
Bridge of Spies   $71,683,103
The Big Short   $60,900,477
Spotlight   $34,686,107
Brooklyn   $30,386,171
Room   $9,882,725


Total Gross: $727,283,011
Average Gross: $90,910,376



Other Contenders:


The Hateful Eight   $668,000 | 505 Theaters | $1,323 Avg. | $52,316,982

Joy   $550,000 | 447 Theaters | $1,230 Avg. | $55,343,624

45 Years   $472,256 | 94 Theaters | $5,024 Avg. | $1,258,744

Carol   $425,000 | 313 Theaters | $1,358 Avg. | $11,392,245

The Danish Girl   $242,000 | 224 Theaters | $1,080 Avg. | $10,315,404

Trumbo   $66,472 | 78 Theaters | $852 Avg. | $7,623,344



Global Totals:


STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS: $1.0878B Overseas Total | $1.9832B Global Total

THE REVENANT: $136.6M Overseas Total | $274.8M Global Total

DADDY'S HOME: $67.6M Overseas Total | $210.6M Global Total

CREED: $51.7M Overseas Total | $160.4M Global Total

ALVIN & THE CHIPMUNKS: THE ROAD CHIP: $69.5M Overseas Total | $152.7M Global Total


GOOSEBUMPS: $54.7M Overseas Total | $135.8M Global Total

KUNG FU PANDA 3: $75.7M Overseas Total | $116.7M Global Total

POINT BREAK: $87.9M Overseas Total | $116.2M Global Total

THE BIG SHORT: $41.8M Overseas Total | $102.7M Global Total

SISTERS: $15.1M Overseas Total | $101.2M Global Total

Edited by Dejana

I wonder if Brooklyn's going to pass Spotlight eventually.


The gap seems to be closing, with Brooklyn making more per weekend for the past month. If Spotlight wins Best Picture, though, that boost might put it ahead for good.



Please tell me this marks the end of the Wayans' clan parody movies.


(Aww crap. I just looked up the budget. It's already earned it's initial investment.)


Fifty Shades of Black did only cost $5 million but parody movies have seen better days at the box office.


February 5–7, 2016 Estimates:


1 (1) Kung Fu Panda 3   $21,000,000 | 3,987 Theaters | $5,267 Avg. | $69,050,957
2 (N) Hail, Caesar!   $11,439,000 | 2,232 Theaters | $5,125 Avg. | $11,439,000
3 (2) The Revenant   $7,100,000 | 3,018 Theaters | $2,353 Avg. | $149,703,403 
4 (3) Star Wars: The Force Awakens   $6,890,000  -38%  2,262 Theaters | $3,046 Avg. | $905,961,469 
5 (N) The Choice   $6,085,000 | 2,631 Theaters | $2,313 Avg. | $6,085,000 
6 (N) Pride and Prejudice and Zombies   $5,200,000 | 2,931 Theaters | $1,774 Avg. | $5,200,000
7 (4) The Finest Hours   $4,715,000 | 3,143 Theaters | $1,500 Avg. | $18,380,660 
8 (5) Ride Along 2   $4,517,760 | 2,172 Theaters | $2,080 Avg. | $77,204,590
9 (7) The Boy   $4,098,000 | 2,214 Theaters | $1,851 Avg. | $26,895,684
10 (6) Dirty Grandpa   $4,050,000 | 2,567 Theaters | $1,578 Avg. | $29,389,753


Regression   $31,000 | 100 Theaters | $310 Avg. | $31,000



Best Picture Watch:


The Martian   $228,006,339
Mad Max: Fury Road   $153,636,354
The Revenant   $149,703,403
Bridge of Spies   $71,963,976
The Big Short   $63,730,476
Spotlight   $36,113,108
Brooklyn   $32,325,943
Room   $11,252,823


Total/Average Gross: $746,732,422 / $93,341,553



Other Contenders:


45 Years   $511,500 | 155 Theaters | $3,300 Avg. | $2,022,512

2016 Oscar Nominated Short Films   $400,000 | 150 Theaters | $2,667 Avg. | $1,186,399

The Hateful Eight   $351,000 | 373 Theaters | $941 Avg. | $53,014,841

Joy   $235,000  -59.1%  286  -161  $822 Avg. | $55,839,190

Creed    $224,000 | 242 Theaters | $926 Avg. | $109,001,531


Carol   $210,000 | 236 Theaters | $890 Avg. | $11,803,856

Anomalisa   $160,000 | 147 Theaters | $1,088 Avg. | $2,236,307

The Danish Girl   $126,000 | 155 Theaters | $813 Avg. | $10,600,359

Son of Saul   $100,393 | 54 Theaters | $1,859 Avg. | $884,534

Edited by Dejana

I've never even heard of Regression.


It stars Emma Watson and Ethan Hawke, and was supposed to come out last August before getting yanked from the schedule. This new release date was just publicized at the end of January. No ads and a Super Bowl weekend release date = dumped. It's going to be on Amazon in a month. It did come out last year overseas in some places, like Spain (the director is Spanish) and the UK.

Edited by Dejana

Deadpool has $47.5m Friday, eyes $125m 4-day weekend.

Guess that Valentine's Day marketing worked. And we have not yet reached superhero fatigue.


Probably one of the more surprising results since American Sniper went wide last year: even if I didn't think The Force Awakens could make that much money in a December weekend, it was still Star Wars. Ryan Reynolds as an a R-rated superhero? I can't believe it's going to sell more tickets than multiple X-Men movies.

Edited by Dejana

Deadpool languished in development hell for years because no one thought an R-rated superhero movie would be profitable. It cost $58 million, which is cheap for the genre. Huge win for Ryan Reynolds.


February 12–14, 2016 Estimates:


1 (N) Deadpool   $135,050,000 | 3,558 Theaters | $37,957 Avg. | $135,050,000 
2 (1) Kung Fu Panda 3   $19,650,000 | 3,844 Theaters | $5,112 Avg. | $93,912,387
3 (N) How to Be Single   $18,750,000 | 3,343 Theaters | $5,609 Avg. | $18,750,000
4 (N) Zoolander 2   $15,650,000 | 3,394 Theaters | $4,611 Avg. | $15,650,000 
5 (4) The Revenant   $6,900,000 | 2,266 Theaters | $3,045 Avg. | $159,164,599 
6 (2) Hail, Caesar!   $6,590,000 | 2,248 Theaters | $2,931 Avg. | $21,354,970 
7 (3) Star Wars: The Force Awakens   $6,194,000 | 1,810 Theaters | $3,422 Avg. | $914,838,964 

8 (5) The Choice   $5,250,000 | 2,631 Theaters | $1,995 Avg. | $13,259,551
9 (8) Ride Along 2   $4,130,000 | 1,564 Theaters | $2,641 Avg. | $82,661,235 
10 (9) The Boy   $2,913,000 | 1,450 Theaters | $2,009 Avg. | $30,778,587


Best Picture Watch:


The Martian   $228,167,401
The Revenant   $159,164,599
Mad Max: Fury Road   $153,636,354
Bridge of Spies   $72,086,318
The Big Short   $65,701,837
Spotlight   $37,256,577
Brooklyn   $34,076,253
Room   $11,964,042


Total/Average Gross: $762,053,381 / $95,256,673



Global Totals:


STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS: $1.118B Overseas Total | $2.026B Global Total

DEADPOOL: $125.0M Overseas Total | $260.05M Global Total

RIDE ALONG 2: $25.6M Overseas Total | $108.3M Global Total

SISTERS: $17.0M Overseas Total | $103.8M Global Total

Edited by Dejana

Deadpool languished in development hell for years because no one thought an R-rated superhero movie would be profitable. It cost $58 million, which is cheap for the genre. Huge win for Ryan Reynolds.

Yeah, you best believe the budget for the sequel will be at least twice that. This also means Marvel/Disney is never getting the X-Men.

  • Love 1

Deadpool has $47.5m Friday, eyes $125m 4-day weekend.

Guess that Valentine's Day marketing worked. And we have not yet reached superhero fatigue.

As far as fatigue goes, I can't speak for other franchises, (still haven't seen any of the Amazing Spiderman or Dark Knight reboots) but the brilliance of the Avenger series (and X-men to a lesser extent) is they are basically all one epic saga. Not saying people won't skip one or wait to catch it on Demand, but it's pretty much in for a penny in for a pound for a lot of moviegoers.

  • Love 1

February 19–21, 2016 Estimates:


1 (1) Deadpool   $55,000,000 | 3,722 Theaters | $14,777 Avg. | $235,394,887
2 (2) Kung Fu Panda 3   $12,500,000 | 3,448 Theaters | $3,625 Avg. | $117,104,584 

3 (N) Risen   $11,800,000 | 2,915 Theaters | $4,048 Avg. | $11,800,000
4 (N) The Witch   $8,685,270 | 2,046 Theaters | $4,245 Avg. | $8,685,270
5 (3) How to be Single   $8,220,000 | 3,357 Theaters | $2,449 Avg. | $31,763,633
6 (N) Race   $7,275,000 | 2,369 Theaters | $3,071 Avg. | $7,275,000
7 (4) Zoolander 2   $5,500,000 | 3,418 Theaters | $1,609 Avg. | $23,718,011
8 (7) Star Wars: The Force Awakens   $3,836,000 | 1,618 Theaters | $2,371 Avg. | $921,642,295
9 (5) The Revenant   $3,800,000 | 1,939 Theaters | $1,960 Avg. | $165,116,550
10 (6) Hail, Caesar!   $2,635,165 | 1,726 Theaters | $1,527 Avg. | $26,148,310


The Mermaid   $1,015,000 | 35 Theaters | $29,000 Avg. | $1,015,000

Neerja   $585,300 | 73 Theaters | $8,018 Avg. | $585,300

Embrace of the Serpent   $50,165 | 3 Theaters | $16,722 Avg. | $61,374


Best Picture Watch:


The Martian   $228,289,428
The Revenant   $165,116,550
Mad Max: Fury Road   $153,636,354
Bridge of Spies   $72,179,455
The Big Short   $67,122,741
Spotlight   $38,095,287
Brooklyn   $35,326,101
Room   $12,667,721


Total/Average Gross: $772,433,637 / $96,554,205



Global Totals:


STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS: $1.118B Overseas Total | $2.039B Global Total

DEADPOOL: $256.3M Overseas Total | $491.7M Global Total

THE MERMAID: $419.4M China Total


GOOSEBUMPS: $73.4M Overseas Total | $153.5M Global Total

RIDE ALONG 2: $27.9M Overseas Total | $114.4M Global Total

THE 5TH WAVE: $68.8M Overseas Total | $100.7M Global Total


HOW TO BE SINGLE: $24.1M Overseas Total | $55.9M Global Total

THE DANISH GIRL: $38.3M Overseas Total | $49.0M Global Total

ZOOTOPIA: $39.0M Overseas Total

HAIL CAESAR! $5.8M Overseas Total | $26.1M Global Total

February 19–21, 2016 Estimates:


1 (1) Deadpool   $55,000,000 | 3,722 Theaters | $14,777 Avg. | $235,394,887


Global Totals:


DEADPOOL: $256.3M Overseas Total | $491.7M Global Total


I admit that I'm always a little horrified to see the box office totals -- the relative distribution of wealth and the ways which humans choose to spend that wealth is unsettling when I pause to think about it -- and I saw Deadpool this past weekend and I don't know that it "deserves" that record but I'm also a little bit happy for Ryan Reynolds.  He seems like a nice guy, he appears to have reasonable acting chops, and he's a good ol' Canadian boy, so cheers to him for finally headlining a successful movie.


Question: Deadpool's overseas seems to be on par with the domestic -- is that a good / bad / indifferent sign?


(Also, yay! for Race!  The reviews are middling but I'm happy for good young Canadian Stephan James too!)

I admit that I'm always a little horrified to see the box office totals -- the relative distribution of wealth and the ways which humans choose to spend that wealth is unsettling when I pause to think about it -- and I saw Deadpool this past weekend and I don't know that it "deserves" that record but I'm also a little bit happy for Ryan Reynolds.  He seems like a nice guy, he appears to have reasonable acting chops, and he's a good ol' Canadian boy, so cheers to him for finally headlining a successful movie.


Question: Deadpool's overseas seems to be on par with the domestic -- is that a good / bad / indifferent sign?


(Also, yay! for Race!  The reviews are middling but I'm happy for good young Canadian Stephan James too!)


Not only did he headline it, but he also produced it, which means he probably has a pretty good percentage of the gross box office. If he does, and given that this movie cost 58 million to make and has already made that back over 4 times domestically, Ryan Reynolds is basically set for life.


I always thought Van Wilder was his best role, and that Ryan was really good at R-rated snarky humor. He doesn't have the chops for being a straight-forward leading man, but he's honestly great for this.

  • Love 1

After marrying Scarlett Johansson and Blake Lively, one could say he was there before Deadpool.


Being that I'm gay, that's not really a consideration for me. LOL. In any event, until someone's married for 30 plus years, I tend to not take stock in them really going the distance, especially Hollywood couples.


Anyway, Ryan Reynolds stands to make at least 10 mil for the movie because he's the only actor that actually had percentage gross in this.

February 26–28, 2016 Estimates:


1 (1) Deadpool   $31,500,000 | 3,856 Theaters | $8,169 Avg. | $285,639,009
2 (N) Gods of Egypt   $14,000,000 | 3,117 Theaters | $4,491 Avg. | $14,000,000 *budget = $140M*
3 (2) Kung Fu Panda 3   $9,000,000 | 3,296 Theaters | $2,731 Avg. | $128,455,359
4 (3) Risen   $7,000,000 | 2,915 Theaters | $2,401 Avg. | $22,703,747

5 (N) Triple 9   $6,109,085 | 2,205 Theaters | $2,771 Avg. | $6,109,085
6 (N) Eddie the Eagle   $6,084,682 | 2,042 Theaters | $2,980 Avg. | $6,084,682
7 (4) The Witch   $5,066,908 | 2,204 Theaters | $2,299 Avg. | $16,675,437

8 (5) How to Be Single   $5,008,362 | 3,047 Theaters | $1,644 Avg. | $39,479,228
9 (6) Race   $4,273,000 | 2,387 Theaters | $1,790 Avg. | $13,862,622
10 (9) The Revenant   $3,800,000 | 1,645 Theaters | $2,310 Avg. | $170,506,469



Best Picture Watch:


The Martian   $228,349,433
The Revenant   $170,506,469
Mad Max: Fury Road   $153,636,354
Bridge of Spies   $72,232,773
The Big Short   $68,510,852
Spotlight   $39,173,609
Brooklyn   $36,509,627
Room   $13,538,053

Total/Average Gross: $782,457,170 / $97,807,146



Other Contenders:


45 Years   $243,800 | 212 Theaters | $1,150 Avg. | $3,777,847

Son of Saul   $156,262 | 151 Theaters | $1,035 Avg. | $1,311,890

Carol   $123,000 | 202 Theaters | $609 Avg. | $12,504,921

The Danish Girl   $58,000 | 67 Theaters | $866 Avg. | $11,006,670

The Hateful Eight   $57,000 | 77 Theaters | $740 Avg. | $53,576,636

Spectre   $16,000 | 92 Theaters | $174 Avg. | $199,840,527 (limping to $200M)



Global Totals:


STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS: $1.122B Overseas Total | $2.048B Global Total

THE MARTIAN: $395.7M Overseas Total | $624.4M Global Total

DEADPOOL: $324.1M Overseas Total | $609.7M Global Total


THE MERMAID: $481.0M China Total

THE REVENANT: $233.5M Overseas Total | $404.0M Global Total

KUNG FU PANDA 3: $185.8M Overseas Total | $314.3M Global Total

ALVIN & THE CHIPMUNKS: THE ROAD CHIP: $139.7M Overseas Total | $224.5M Global Total


GOOSEBUMPS: $75.2M Overseas Total | $155.3M Global Total

RIDE ALONG 2: $29.5M Overseas Total | $118M Global Total

THE 5TH WAVE: $70.4M Overseas Total | $103.5M Global Total


ZOOTOPIA: $81.4M Overseas Total

HOW TO BE SINGLE: $34.7M Overseas Total | $74.33M Global Total

THE DANISH GIRL: $42.7M Overseas Total | $53.4M Global Total

HAIL, CAESAR! $11.8M Overseas Total | $40.2M Global Total

DAD'S ARMY: $11.4M Overseas Total

Edited by Dejana

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