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GH In The News: The PC Press Club

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45 people on social media. Terrifying. But that's what passes for a fanbase on GH these days and the network has left the show in the hands of a glorified assistant (Nathan Varni), so...

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This isn't Julian/WVD specific, but I'm really not sure what this show is going to look like in the fall.  It'll be the Sonny/Carly/Sam/Jason/Jason pentagon, presumably showcases for Franco and Dr. Michael Easton, but what is everyone else going to do?

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She might do something legal, depending on Carolyn Hennesy's schedule. And there's Spencer's civil suit that seems to be happening to a certain degree. But you're right overall. NLG was very active in pushing her fans to make noise on social media about Alexis and Julian, so she clearly understands what's going on.

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16 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

I mean, if Julian goes, I think that's it for Alexis.  She'll get to be Sam's Mom, but I can't see her getting any other type of story.

What exactly is her story now though? She's getting as much airtime now as she used to get in that role. I think the only reason she only got so much airtime last year is because they were planning to toss him off and then they backtracked and had to make her a wreck to try to re-write it. If Julian stays they'll probably go back to occasional sex scenes with occasional Sonny threats the way it was before the knife.

I'm not arguing for or against keeping him. But from NLG's pov it might not make much of a difference.

Edited by ulkis
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LW's smile looks so unbelievably fake lol. And RoHo's looks so very smug.

I didn't remember this Sean Riggold person, so I looked him up. I expected to see GH on his credits, but no, it's OLTL. I should've known.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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So I guess Julian is going to fade away.

I wonder with Ava as the only bad Jerome around, if she will head back to the mob and be ineffective against Sonny. They could hook her up with Valentin to amp up the drama with Nina or park her with Finn. Hell they could do a stupid quad with the four of them.

Alexis should have scenes with Valentin, either fighting with him or working with him. 

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If Spencer is off the show, how much time are they really going to spend on the lawsuit?  I suspect it will be mentioned only long enough for the Shocking! reveal that Nicholas is still alive.

They're never going to let Alexis get her Cassadine on, are they?

11 hours ago, TeeVee329 said:

This isn't Julian/WVD specific, but I'm really not sure what this show is going to look like in the fall.  It'll be the Sonny/Carly/Sam/Jason/Jason pentagon, presumably showcases for Franco and Dr. Michael Easton, but what is everyone else going to do?

Add in the Jordan/Curtis romance and it's a cure for insomnia.

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Meh, I'm thinking that he is speaking more in the terms of "I'll never go back to GH while they have people that I hate/dislike still in charge." And can any of us blame him? Jebus, what the show did to Nik the last few years. And if I had know that Liz would be anchored to a serial killer, I would've been all for Niz 2.0. Hell, at this rate, I would be all for a Valentin blackmails Liz into a MoC. 

But yeah, I too wish that more actors would speak more of the truth about the job.

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49 minutes ago, stlbf said:

Meh, I'm thinking that he is speaking more in the terms of "I'll never go back to GH while they have people that I hate/dislike still in charge." And can any of us blame him? Jebus, what the show did to Nik the last few years. And if I had know that Liz would be anchored to a serial killer, I would've been all for Niz 2.0. Hell, at this rate, I would be all for a Valentin blackmails Liz into a MoC. 

But yeah, I too wish that more actors would speak more of the truth about the job.

What would that do for either of them?

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11 hours ago, LexieLily said:

What would that do for either of them?

Well, it would free them from the Serial Killer and the Banshee. And honestly, in the game of terrible FV additions - Lounge singer Cassadine >>> Todd/Franco Frankenstein hybrid.


Story-wise? Couldn't be worse than what they're each doing now*. 


*GH writing room: Challenge accepted! 

Edited by Oracle42
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9 hours ago, HeatLifer said:

Girl, Frank plays favorites and makes decisions based on that. He clearly had no use for Tyler/Nik. Don't worry, he'll be sure to give the actors who play Spencer and Emma steady work!

What are you talking about?


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10 hours ago, LexieLily said:

What would that do for either of them?

Set Laura and Lulu up for being angry at Liz for "betraying" them and Nik. Also set up Liz/Jason battles over Jake. Valentin needed someone who could be a Cassadine wife and stepmother to Charlotte. Nina is the worst possible choice, except for her trust fund. Which Valentin should've swindled away from Nina. Liz wanted answers about Jake and Nik. And let's say that things with Jason went downhill fast and she was terrified about having to go to court and possibly losing Jake. Valentin promises Liz that Spencer, Laura and other Spencer family members will be safe from the Cassadines, he can get her the info about Jake's lost years and keep Jason/Sam in line if she agrees to marry him and stay silent about their deal. 

All of which is better than Liz and the scruffy, whiny serial killer.

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I'd watch it.

And she'd have chemistry with him because she has chemistry with everyone.

Also, SORASed Spencer/Cam would actually have a legit reason for feuding as opposed to a triangle amongst 10 year olds

Edited by Oracle42
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22 hours ago, TeeVee329 said:


Why does MB bother to pose for these snapshots if all he is going to do is scowl at the camera?  He looks TERRIBLE in this photo!


12 hours ago, Oracle42 said:

I wish one of the actors who has retired or moved on would just go ahead talk shit about FV. Even if they just admitted that the sets look like hot garbage, something.

It is more and more beginning to look like Jamey Giddens was right - the problems at GH that got Carlivati fired can be laid at Frank's feet, not his.  Especially when you consider that TC actually seems to imply in this article that it was Carlivati who got him to join DAYS.

Wonder how long it will be until Frank starts signing ex-DAYS actors the way he signed ex-Y&R actors when he was feuding with them?

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2 hours ago, ulkis said:



It looks like there are still budget issues to deal with. They apparently spent all the money they had on the poster. My neighborhood grocery store turns out better looking cakes than that one. Frank probably made a makeup person or a set painter decorate it. 

Edited by rur
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He looks like the Dollar Tree version of Ed Sheeran and/or a Keebler Elf who one day decided to become a hipster truck driver, but yes, it is very touching. 

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Ang‏ @Lunacy111  2h2 hours ago

Easton saying lot of people on the show let's say difficult, Budig wasn't 1 of them.

Hayden not being killed[/quote] #GHFCW

Alrighty then, Easton.

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1 hour ago, UYI said:

He looks like the Dollar Tree version of Ed Sheeran and/or a Keebler Elf who one day decided to become a hipster truck driver, but yes, it is very touching. 

Ouch, but I can't argue against the comparison.

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4 hours ago, yowsah1 said:

It is more and more beginning to look like Jamey Giddens was right - the problems at GH that got Carlivati fired can be laid at Frank's feet, not his.  Especially when you consider that TC actually seems to imply in this article that it was Carlivati who got him to join DAYS.


I think the actual stories that RC told were bad. I'm sure FV contributed to the overall effect with the cheap look of the sets, the bad casting and the terrible pacing but I think the actual stories were shit, and that's on RC. 

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2 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

We can only hope Nicolas Bechtel gets a job that doesn't allow him to work at GH, or he decides to quit acting altogether.

I wonder what would make FV more upset, if NB never gets big or he does, but NB never mentions him.

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6 hours ago, yowsah1 said:

Wonder how long it will be until Frank starts signing ex-DAYS actors the way he signed ex-Y&R actors when he was feuding with them?

Peter Reckell as the new Sonny Corinthos. Heh.  

3 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

We can only hope Nicolas Bechtel gets a job that doesn't allow him to work at GH, or he decides to quit acting altogether.

No, I think Bechtel is going to be the Jonathan Jackson of his generation. I could be wrong, and he'll decide to do something else with his life, but he has a lot of potential if he wants to stick with this. He also looks like someone who will be a handsome adult.  

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Recap of KM's event. Nothing much there except two things that stand out to me:

"BM had to play Jason differently his own way. Sam had to accept that and fall in love with it. I'm not poo pooing anything. I'm just giving props where props is due. And BM has busted his ass off the last 3 years"

Busted his ass at . . . not breaking character and running from the building? Then sure, I agree.

Kelly said there have been a lot of powerhouse woman on the show lately, but she's excited to have 5 powerhouse lead men again, and to have that back will be great for GH and the network will be happy.

I get she's just trying to put a positive spin on things, but MB, BM, SBu and I guess the other two are ME and RH? Can't compete with FH, GF, JE, MW, and NLG on a good day.

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Why is it always the men who check out? It's not as if the women get better stories. Yet I can't think of any time we complained about one of the women either tanking a story or giving nothing to it the way we have the men. 

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4 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

Why is it always the men who check out? It's not as if the women get better stories. Yet I can't think of any time we complained about one of the women either tanking a story or giving nothing to it the way we have the men. 

I think KeMo checks out a lot actually. KSt too, and way before she started having problems (at least before the problems became apparent on-screen). I don't know if NLG checks out per se but I think she does rely on hammy stuff (like her acting like a schoolgirl around her love interests and over the-the-top crying. JMB used to check out. BH sometimes too.

But yeah, overall, not anywhere near the level of the men, and that's probably because they know FV or whoever is in charge has their back.

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51 minutes ago, ulkis said:

Kelly said there have been a lot of powerhouse woman on the show lately, but she's excited to have 5 powerhouse lead men again, and to have that back will be great for GH and the network will be happy.

Sonny, Jason, Jason...and then Franco and Dr. Michael Easton?!?!  Ewww.  I am dreeeading whatever nonsense they're cooking up to keep Dr. Michael Easton in the forefront come fall.

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1 hour ago, ulkis said:

I think KeMo checks out a lot actually. KSt too, and way before she started having problems (at least before the problems became apparent on-screen). I don't know if NLG checks out per se but I think she does rely on hammy stuff (like her acting like a schoolgirl around her love interests and over the-the-top crying. JMB used to check out. BH sometimes too.

Yeah, you're right, ulkis, the women do check out. It doesn't seem as obvious to me, I guess. Probably because only KeMo gets close to the same amount of airtime as the men.

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On 7/29/2017 at 1:50 PM, ulkis said:

Chris Van Etten was promoted to headwriter. He's basically xerox Ron. His favorite characters are/were Obrecht, Spencer, Britt.

I just turned my barge pass into a lifetime membership. 

Here's a comment I made about him to a friend awhile back.  It'll give you a sense what you have to look forward to: 

"Typical Chris Van Ettan episode.  All Spencer and "townie" references.  Even Helena came up with it, supposedly on her own!"

Yeah, Van Ettan's totally a Mini-Ron.  Or rather a millennial version of Ron. He was part of the quadrangle of entitled, smug a-holes from back in Ron's heyday, and Ron's biggest pet.  One of those four horsemen-- Dan Oconnor -- has been gone awhile, I think.  And the fourth, Scott Sickles, appears to be more the type who knows which side the bread is buttered on. He seems to shift his style to please his head writer. 

Now that that's Van Ettan, I have to say:  You in danger, GH fans. 

Sorry you all!

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Um . . . what?

William deVry . . . tells Digest that his contract negotiation relationship with the show and the network remains “amicable”, explaining, “We’re chatting. It’s all very slow. It’s like a slow boat to China, it seems like, which seems to be fine with them and it’s fine with me; I can stay busy and I’m enjoying myself. I’m up in Vancouver with Rebecca [Staab, ex-Elizabeth, PORT CHARLES, his partner], and there are a few things that I’ve got in the fire. One of them might hold me out until April of next year, if that were to happen, which would delay [GH’s] story a little bit. So I’m hoping that we can get a deal done before too much time passes. I just feel like it’s so close [to a positive resolution] that it can’t not happen, you know? I’m not going to play stupid games. I’m not going to go clean out my dressing room or anything like that [laughs]. I feel like I’m being reasonable and we’ll get it done.” As much attention as his contract status has been getting online, he shrugs, “I honestly don’t think it’s a big thing. It’s just life, it’s just business. It’s not personal; I don’t want to make it personal. I love my character, I love GENERAL HOSPITAL, I love everybody I work with, I love the fans. I’m comfortable in Los Angeles. So I hope we can make it work. I love my bosses, I love my bosses’ bosses — everybody is great. I don’t know what the problem is, to be honest with you, but it’s certainly not personal.” The support he’s received from fans, deVry says, “has been heartwarming. I just want to thank the fans for their support. There are some people in my corner that matter. I’m fairly comfortable saying that I think we’ll get a deal done. There have been some fan favorites who thought for sure they’d be back and weren’t, so I can’t say 100 percent. But I’m confident.”


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