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GH In The News: The PC Press Club

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I think Darby was actually a temporary fill-in while Annie was off doing something else, and then Annie later came back. I could be wrong, but I kind of recall that on Darby's first day, she had a sex scene with Sonny on his desk in his office (Annie's Amelia hadn't had sex with him prior to that point, so I remember thinking that it was strange that it had worked out that way).



She was mistaken for a Hooker in Sonny's hotel room at the metrocourt. 

I was curious enough to get the "Ben" casting side, and it is just the 2006 Scrubs lunch setup scene with Noah and Patrick once more discussing "Ben's" dead mom and "Jeff" (Noah) crashing and burning and "Ben" says he is a better surgeon. And Liz and he never wanted commitment and Liz won't show for the lunch, anyway...


So it is either for Patrick or an Early Patrick clone-like character.

So is like the show is thisclose to cancelation and everyone knows it. That can't make for a very happy work environment.


According to my local paper, for the month of Sep GH was in last place among the 10 local channels in its timeslot.   


My ABC affiliate moved it to their sister station a few months ago, but its now fallen behind the local CBS's 'retro' sister station and two Spanish language networks.  

Edited by Tiger
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According to my local paper, for the month of Sep GH was in last place among the 10 local channels in its timeslot.   


My ABC affiliate moved it to their sister station a few months ago, but its now fallen behind the local CBS's 'retro' sister station and two Spanish language networks.  



The more I read/hear about actor discontent and all the actors rumored to be jumping ship, I am beginning to think we'll see a cancellation announcement for GH come December, as it did for AMC/OLTL.



the more I read/hear about actor discontent and all the actors rumored to be jumping ship, I am beginning to think we'll see a cancellation announcement for GH come December, as it did for AMC/OLTL.


It's crazy to me that just two years ago it airing on the ABC affiliate at 3, was averaging 17k per week, and was # 1 in the slot even beating Ellen.  My local affiliate even featured GH as one of the images on a rotating billboard they own/lease on the main thoroughfare right when it always bottlenecks during rush hour.  


Now its averaging 1.4k per week, airing on a sister station and losing to Bewitched repeats.  

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Are audition sides indicative of what the casting is for?


Not always. When Kristina was aged to a teen, if I recall, the side was with Jason involving a crush, etc. During the initial casting for Patrick, "Gordo" (yes, Gordo) was slobbering over Carly, etc.


Maybe it depends on the "type" casting is going for.


But if this "Ben" side is not for Patrick, it seems strange to use an old renamed Noah/Scrubs scene as the audition scene.

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The more I read/hear about actor discontent and all the actors rumored to be jumping ship, I am beginning to think we'll see a cancellation announcement for GH come December, as it did for AMC/OLTL.


Not to nitpick, but AMC/OLTL got cancelled April of 2011.  I remember because the initial rumor report about it from Michael Logan came out right before or after April Fools Day.


I can't even imagine what the last episode of this show would look like.  Probably the hospital exploding with all the Quartermaines in it while Sonny and Carly drive off into the sunset so Sonny can run a bigger mob in NYC.

  • Love 5

Maybe JT is leaving, but no recast. And the casting call is for Recently!Released!From!Prison!Matt.


If Patrick is recast, then they might as well recast Robin because the character coming home and reuniting won't mean jack squat if it's not Jason AND Kimberly.  The pairing and characters have already been gutted; all fans have left to cling to is getting to see the two actors together again.  


At this point, I don't care if its something as brief and shoddy as Patrick gets a phone call at the end of an episode and the next he and Robin and Emma are together in the Scrub house and they are telling Mac & Flea they are moving to Portland. Or same thing with the phone call and then the next episode Patrick isn't seen until the end and the last scene is him finding Robin and them smiling at each other.  Just give fans of Robin, Patrick, and Scrubs something!

  • Love 7

Not to nitpick, but AMC/OLTL got cancelled April of 2011.  I remember because the initial rumor report about it from Michael Logan came out right before or after April Fools Day.


I can't even imagine what the last episode of this show would look like.  Probably the hospital exploding with all the Quartermaines in it while Sonny and Carly drive off into the sunset so Sonny can run a bigger mob in NYC.


Thanks. But I could swear there was such an announcement for some show in December. Eh, whatever. Either way, I don't see this show hanging on much longer if it stays on the track it is now.

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If Patrick is recast, then they might as well recast Robin because the character coming home and reuniting won't mean jack squat if it's not Jason AND Kimberly. The pairing and characters have already been gutted; all fans have left to cling to is getting to see the two actors together again.

At this point, I don't care if its something as brief and shoddy as Patrick gets a phone call at the end of an episode and the next he and Robin and Emma are together in the Scrub house and they are telling Mac & Flea they are moving to Portland. Or same thing with the phone call and then the next episode Patrick isn't seen until the end and the last scene is him finding Robin and them smiling at each other. Just give fans of Robin, Patrick, and Scrubs something!

I wonder if Frank and Co. realize that Recast Patrick still has to wonder where the fuck Robin has been and that story still has to be resolved.

  • Love 4

I wonder if Frank and Co. realize that Recast Patrick still has to wonder where the fuck Robin has been and that story still has to be resolved.


Honestly? I think they think recasting Patrick would put an exclamation point on the fact that this regime has no interest in cleaning up the messes they made. Essentially recast Patrick will be in name only.

  • Love 1

Honestly? I think they think recasting Patrick would put an exclamation point on the fact that this regime has no interest in cleaning up the messes they made. Essentially recast Patrick will be in name only.

It's not about cleaning up messes. Robin can't be a prisoner forever. The dude is still the father of her child. She saved Jason. They will all know Jake is Jason. It has to be dealt with even if the entire cast is recast.

  • Love 2

Not to nitpick, but AMC/OLTL got cancelled April of 2011.  I remember because the initial rumor report about it from Michael Logan came out right before or after April Fools Day.


I can't even imagine what the last episode of this show would look like.  Probably the hospital exploding with all the Quartermaines in it while Sonny and Carly drive off into the sunset so Sonny can run a bigger mob in NYC.


The final episode will feature Sonny being awarded a Kennedy Centers Honor Award by the President, and during his acceptance speech he will refer to Mother Theresa and Harriet Tubman as evil sluts which will generate a rapturous applause from the audience.

  • Love 4

It's not about cleaning up messes. Robin can't be a prisoner forever. The dude is still the father of her child. She saved Jason. They will all know Jake is Jason. It has to be dealt with even if the entire cast is recast.


That's the logical train of thought. When is the last time any logic was used? I can easily see that whole arc left hanging if just because of ego or spite. That, or just some throwaway line of how Robin escaped or was rescued and is eating croissants in Paris.


This regime has no interest in actual stories. It's all stunts and smoke and mirrors. And hoping viewers forget what they saw even a week ago.


That is the FV regime's way, no matter the head writing hack.

  • Love 6

Frank will get TG back to look back at the audience and flip us the bird. That's the last scene.


I honestly don't think FV has any grudge against the audience the way Guza did. Now, actors, and other crew members who tick him off for whatever reason, yeah. I think FV just has horrible creative vision and way too much pride.

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