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GH In The News: The PC Press Club

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Exactly my point. They purposely gave Roger a character he literally could do nothing with. Where does he go from here?

Delving into his personal life, allegedly, dude got divorced in 08. That ain't cheap. He has kids going to school. Not cheap. I'm sure he got paid a pretty penny or two over the years, as he chose to not be a movie star, rather than to just act. He has allegedly turned down many movie roles. But I feel for the guy because I think he really thought he'd end his days playing Todd, wherever. I doubt he thought he'd be handed Franco. If the rumors are correct, he was handed a trip to the hair salon and a script and for months believed he was playing another character. Hell, he even thought he was a Jason recast, for a bit. If that is true, then that is shitty of Cartini to do to him or any actor.

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Even if they wanted to go with something more blank slate, but someone with ties to family on screen (not to mention the current storyline) that play to RH strength of playing a anti hero, they really should have cast him as Valentin Cassadine. TPTB could still had him paired with Carly, and it would be a more plausible character that interacted with Luke, since I know that TG likes to hoard talented actors to work with.

Exactly there were a thousand different ways to do this. Even if we were stuck with Franco there could have been more. There was a moment when non-tumor Franco "killed" Heather when he could have smiled and said as she was falling to the floor "It wasn't the tumor, stupid" and we could have opened up and entire can of worms.  A ruthless Franco building and empire which would eventually force Luke, Sonny and the Q's to work together to bring him down would have been awesome. The angst that KS could have played as he realized his son was out of control (something we only got a glimpse of with Logan), the scenes between Scott and Lucy as Scott worried that his "bad seed" manifest in Logan and Franco would appear in Serena. Luke having to grapple with the idea of Carly and Franco and realizing that of all his relations he actually is closest in character to Carly. Sonny finding a force more ruthless then himself. Ava realizing what she has let into the inner circle of the Jerome's. Even Kiki as kind of the Fay Wray loving the beast despite himself.  This could have been great soap stuff.


Instead it is Ron's spoof.

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TheGourmez, thank you thank you. I enjoyed seeing so many of the characters from my youth.


John Reilly looks good. I know this show makes people look bad but I was concerned for his health. I'm happy to see him up, walking around & looking healthy. You are correct there were plenty of nice pictures of Micheal Sutton. You had some nice ones of BB too. I loved seeing Scott Clifton. I've been watching BB lately & get to enjoy him again. I miss seeing Coleman on my screen. To think Kiko/Stan & Letecia have a child together. 

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Exactly there were a thousand different ways to do this. Even if we were stuck with Franco there could have been more. There was a moment when non-tumor Franco "killed" Heather when he could have smiled and said as she was falling to the floor "It wasn't the tumor, stupid" and we could have opened up and entire can of worms.  A ruthless Franco building and empire which would eventually force Luke, Sonny and the Q's to work together to bring him down would have been awesome. The angst that KS could have played as he realized his son was out of control (something we only got a glimpse of with Logan), the scenes between Scott and Lucy as Scott worried that his "bad seed" manifest in Logan and Franco would appear in Serena. Luke having to grapple with the idea of Carly and Franco and realizing that of all his relations he actually is closest in character to Carly. Sonny finding a force more ruthless then himself. Ava realizing what she has let into the inner circle of the Jerome's. Even Kiki as kind of the Fay Wray loving the beast despite himself.  This could have been great soap stuff.

Instead it is Ron's spoof.




Fylaki, great post. For people who like good/great storytelling the other options & possibilities are obvious. A decent story teller/writer could have done this. The main problem is Ron is NOT a good writer. He is a plot point camp it up hack. To me, it seems his only point with RoHo was to but him back with LW in order to get that amazing chemistry he seems to believe they have. I agree with you, if you have RoHo & are going to go with Franco, Go with Franco. If not Steven Lars was a valid option because he & Carly did date years ago. Heather would have still been his mother, etc. Valentine Cassidine was a viable option because this was suppose to be a dark gray character..


I think he also wanted to connect KA to RoHo as well.

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It's not like KA couldn't have been a biology major and interned with Stephen Lars or a gambling addict with a debt to a Cassadine. They can freeze the world, I'm sure they own casinos.

Why is it that we can come up with viable stories for these characters? Oh. Because we care and aren't trying to show off, throw hissys, nor throw anyone under the bus.

Though, I'd definitely have kept SK and given him a unicorn to stay.

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Thanks for the pictures. Funny to see they are all getting ,   old as I am.  Loved the original Jerry Jacks never did understand why they got rid of Julian Stone for the sleezy one they replaced him with. Sean, Sean, Sean what can I say Love him and why again didn't they bring him back ???  This must have been sooo much fun .Hutch .? the years have flown.Terri, .Nice to see all the old and older faces. Thanks for putting them up. I was never a big stone fan, to much sonny is  love for me.

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People get this. You are expecting FrankenRon to think before acting. You are not thinking. This is their show they are the boss and they only allow you to watch. No comments no bitching, and no telling them what they are doing wrong. Don't like the show , don't watch. They don't need you. They have all the ABC interns to comment and kiss their rears . Tell them they are the best, funniest etc.  Tell them how they surprised you.Don't believe they are the best with the ratings up, because of them not you. Ask them they will tell you. I watched almost all the Asian story the other night. No matter what anyone tells you This mess is NOT GH. Just incase This is sarcasm

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KMc cohosted Michael Fairman's radio show the other day and Michael Sutton prerecorded a message for KMc.  It was very sweet


the whole show was great, well paced and somewhat informative. I enjoyed it. Made Kim seem so real. HAd Dr Lee Finola, Emma the child is a riot and 8 going on 30. Fun listen. You can go there click on it and the whole thing comes up.

It's sad because imo GH's ratings are up in spite of Cartini.

It's people like me who are Roger Howarth fans, who stayed for Sean Kanan. That are staying to see Sonny get locked up, not knock people up. Or people that love the Q's, the Scorpios, the Webbers, the Spencers and want to see them succeed. People who want an escape from the boredom and whatever else goes on in life, so maybe they want romance and passion. A good anti hero or dammit a good hero. But I sure as hell don't need slapstick bs on my soaps. I have comedy central. And I have netflix if I want to watch gangster movies.

But the genre is dying because instead of letting it be what it is, people want to renovate it. No. You don't always get a Todd Manning or a Roger Thorpe. And Maurice Bernard, you will never ever be Micheal Zaslow. So stop trying.

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I think he also wanted to connect KA to RoHo as well.

Oh, most definitely. Lauren and Franco work only because Alderson and Howarth work together so well. Their GH characters don't make any sense together at all.


We were discussing Steven Lars in the History thread. He was trashed once Steve Reeves was cast. I mean, his Steven Lars was just THE WORST. A different kind of terrible from Franco, of course, but really terrible just the same. I also don't see RoHo and LiLoC together. They have very different energies.


Valentine Cassadine seems to tick off all the boxes, so of course that's the character Ron decides NOT to write for RoHo.

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We were discussing Steven Lars in the History thread. He was trashed once Steve Reeves was cast. I mean, his Steven Lars was just THE WORST. A different kind of terrible from Franco, of course, but really terrible just the same. I also don't see RoHo and LiLoC together. They have very different energies.



As bad as Scott Reeves was, I will attribute 75 -80 % of it to the writing and not SR's performance. The writing presented him dumber than dumb and no one could have saved it. He was okay his first few months. I always felt that they didn't want to cast anyone too charismatic, otherwise he would take too much shine away from golden boy Steve Burton.  However, I always resented that Scott got that plum role (or what should have been a plum role) because he is besties with SB, so it was JFP doing not Mark Teschner, considering the people that were up for the role the first go around.

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Which is sad because I loved Scott Reeves long ago on Y&R and tuned in specifically for him thinking he'd be great. I was sad that he wasn't. I hated SB's backstage control, ending it was the best thing Cartini did. I admit to being afraid that he will pop up on GH again. The only plus would be that SK may come back since they are friends in real life or cousins.

Let us not discuss Monavie.

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I thought they were cousins which explained the slight resemblance. Like blood cousins. Anyway, I don't understand nor like that there are more Corinthos spawn than Q's or Webbers or Scorpios on screen. As much as I like Julian, the number of Jeromes even should not be greater than Q's. It's shitty that Liz is the remaiming Webber. And Micheal/Lauren will spout forth the next generation of Q's.

For the love of Jasus, AJ better be alive making babies now.

Did not any one at Disney think it was a bad idea to try to re-cast A serial killer as a romantic lead


This is the show that's most iconic character is a rapist who became a romantic lead, and who's two lead characters for the 20 years prior to RC showing up were a Mafia thug and a killer for hire presented as romantic leads while they were committing their crimes.  Disney probably got told, "We're re-casting that character that James Franco played and reforming him" and went, "Fine", and moved on to overseeing whatever Shonda Rimes was coming up with.

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I loved Howarth on OLTL as Todd, I thought he did a good job on GH as Todd, but I am not seeing this as any kind of situation where RC or anyone else set out to sabotage him, at all.


The fact is it was TPTB's big idea to put the OLTL stars on this show, and it was their dogged determination not to be denied that made them bring them back on again as entirely new characters less than two months later. That was already an insane idea on its face, but they made it even worse. They rejected more down to earth options for Howarth in favor of a character that they thought was flashy and edgy and attention-getting, one that they felt could be molded into the most Todd-like character possible - Franco. That was their bright idea and I have no doubt they thought it would work great. It had nothing to do with making sure Maurice Benard or Sonny were safe; it had nothing to do with punishing Roger Howarth. They made a stupid decision based on their own pride and their need to keep Roger Howarth on the show playing a 'sexy antihero.' They truly believed they were doing right by their star.


That's all it was - stupidity. It's not a scheme to put Howarth down. It's not a strategy to preserve Maurice Benard. They honestly believed this would fly. And while I think Roger Howarth has probably tried his best to weather the storm and I think they put him in an impossible bind, I have little sympathy beyond that for him or for his job security. GH screwed the pooch and he is unwatchable as the heroic contract player Franco. Unless he's playing Todd again (and even that is a dicey affair given the way Ron Carlivati handles the character) he needs to get off GH and not come back. A third character would be an even more horrible idea than this.

Edited by jsbt
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NEXTIAN, ON 05 AUG 2014 - 09:59 AM, SAID:

So does nobody here know anything about fan club weekend? Based on Twitter it looked like there were some issues with Julie Berman not being allowed to sell her paintings, but then fans were pissed so she was allowed. Then Nancy Lee Grahan had her own event and tweeted that she doesn't participate in GHFCW for ethical and moral reasons, but most of these rest of the cast does, so that was interesting to me. She never expanded on what that meant though. I was just wondering if anyone here knew more about it.


She just doesn't like the way Debbie Morris runs things (who runs GH Fan Club Weekend), I think is all it is really. She hasn't officially been with FCW for years.


What ulkis said. But what made NLG tweet it was that an audience member asked a Julexis question during the Main Event, and as neither NLG or WdV were there (WdV showed up for the signing later and was in and out of actor-centric events all weekend), Frank basically said the focus (of the event) should be on storylines for actors who showed up to support the fans at the event...in what might be construed as an insulting manner. He dressed them down a bit for not coming! I was surprised, and no doubt, Nancy's twitter exploded to tell her all about it. She doesn't come (on the surface, and no, I'm not explaining that) because it's a for-profit event. So she holds her own event on the same weekend to capitalize on all the GH fans being in town. I think proceeds go to charity for hers? Not sure.


Julie Berman and her paintings was a misunderstanding that of course, escalated, when she took to Twitter to complain. It was all sorted out a few hours later and she had her artwork out for sale at the Kick-Off Reception. She did not attend Past Cast.

Edited by TheGourmez
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I'm of the mind that for some reason Maurice is babied and protected. My evidence is Ted King, IR, and now Roger Howarth. This was through many different writers. It's no secret they've alienated actresses, so why not actors? RH wasn't bad at first as Franco.

I recently rewatched the party reveal scenes and they weren't bad at all, save for the hair. He looked awake, alive, and was having fun. I don't see why though they needed to make him Franco. He's proven in scenes with anyone but LW that he can act. It's the chemistry that's not there. I def believe that Maurice protects himself and that Roger is being punished.

there's too much evidence to support it.

I don't see anything in the RH handling that is designed to protect MB as the male lead. They signed him as Todd and they must have known that the character was far to compelling not to moved to the forefront. Once they lost the ability to use Todd they made the massive mistake (Whoever wants to take the blame step on up: Ron? Frank? TPTB? it really does not matter as Homer Simpson says "mistakes were made") of casting him as Franco.


I would listen to an argument that not signing Tristian Rogers to a contract was done to protect both MB and TG, as Robert FuckingScropio was lighting up the screen during the time he was on. But not RH. This is just the sad case of a bad decision from which there is no real hope of recovery for the actor or the character. He can't come back as Todd (a la the fail that was Bill Echerkt and the ability for TG to once again be Luke) because of the PP law suit (and even if he could how would they handle it? "Gee Kiki you look just like my daughter Starr?" ) and a third re-cast would be too much to handle 

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They're paid for their likenesses, too, so they get some bucks for pictures. Probably not a ton, but something. I think we're seeing photos of SBu because a) Jason is returning and we're getting anviled to death about it, and b) whomever they cast, they want to keep it a secret, so we won't see updated family pics until the new guy is confirmed.

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They're paid for their likenesses, too, so they get some bucks for pictures. Probably not a ton, but something. I think we're seeing photos of SBu because a) Jason is returning and we're getting anviled to death about it, and b) whomever they cast, they want to keep it a secret, so we won't see updated family pics until the new guy is confirmed.


SBu said himself a couple of weeks ago he said he thinks he got like 50 cents in the mail for the picture of Jason Victor showed Robin back in February. He was joking, and it's probably a little bit more than that (I think?) but in general, his point was, you get paid, but it's peanuts.

Edited by ulkis
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Maurice Bernard couldn't wash Micheal C Hall's underwear or hold JR's hat.

True but in part because over the years MB has gotten as lazy with Sonny as the writers have. If under Guza the unholy trio had taken a different turn there was still enough chops in MB that he could have pulled off a different character. Who knows maybe acting is like being an athlete, if you don't use the skills if you do not continue to push yourself you become lazy and lose the skills you did have


I think that this happens a lot on Soaps because characters stay for years and years and writers change again and again an actor can become lazy. Even if in their own mind they are not. I sincerely believe that TG wanted to bring something to this Fluke story line. But I think that he has been walking around "In his own shirt" for so long and Ron is such a lazy writer and there are clearly no Directors with any power on set, that the very real talent that Tony has is being lost.


I think that MB believes he is bringing all he can to Sonny, every thing you hear about him behind the set indicates he is far to nice a guy not to, but without a writer and director to challenge him to push it, to go beyond his talent level, to play up as they say, he just phones it in.


You can see the same thing in RH, this is not the RH of the long hair and gang rape, is that his fault? Maybe in part but it also on the writers and Directors.


I would be curious to ask if any one who has ever been back stage at a soap has heard a director say "That was shit, let's try to step it up here people. One more time with some real emotion please." or something similar. I get the feeling that as long as marks are hit and lines said no one really cares about anything else.

Edited by Fylaki
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There is only so much a director can do.  And GH, due to time (re: budgetary) constraints, they only do one take.  So when MB bungle a line, or KA makes some inappropriate facial expression, even if the director wanted to fix it they cannot. 


Also it is my understanding that they shot approx. 90 pages per day.  Movie directors might spend days on one part of a scene, and even tv averages about 10 shooting days per one ep.  Who knows how much material they are cranking out per day episode wise.


For example, allegedly KMc filmed for four days back at the end of June.  If what we have heard about the pace is true, they might have generated material for 16 episodes from those four days.   Robin has already been on screen six days, including today, from this latest stint and I'm curious to see how many episodes they managed to get material for.  


ETA: It's a shame soaps are still looked down on because in my opinion, if I was a movie or primetime actor, taking a few months off and doing a short stint on a soap would be a great way to "hone your craft" as they say.   Can you imagine, instead of a one-day appearance, someone like Chandra Wilson comes in and shoots for six weeks and plays some sinister character with an amazing storyline that is able to be so awesome becsuse there is a set end date?  It's what I was hoping for when James Franco was first announced.  

Edited by Stinger97
Fixed the @mention.
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Thanks Tiger I can understand the constraints on filming material, but is there no way to rehearse more? Maybe instead of thinking of soaps as regular TV Shows or movies the genre might be better served if they were consider plays.


It is just that having acted on stage (small college and local theater) it just seems to me that the Directors are giving nothing to the actors and not changing the material on the fly when it does not work. Do Soap Directors have that power? or is all vested in the Head Writer?



From what ive heard, certain actors such as JT, KMc, NLG, WdV, DZ, ER, and FN will run lines together in their dressing rooms and work out the kinks of a scene beforehand of their own initiative.  


And as I alluded to above, I think even if the directors wanted to change things or give direction, they simply don't have the time.  That said, allegedly FV spends a lot of time actually on set guiding the actors.  


ETA: It's a shame soaps are still looked down on because in my opinion, if I was a movie or primetime actor, taking a few months off and doing a short stint on a soap would be a great way to "hone your craft" as they say.   Can you imagine, instead of a one-day appearance, someone like Chandra Wilson comes in and shoots for six weeks and plays some sinister character with an amazing storyline that is able to be so awesome becsuse there is a set end date?  It's what I was hoping for when James Franco was first announced.

I so agree with this there have been several great Broadway runs of big name actors on limited time in for set shows. You would think that with block taping this would actually be easier. It also speaks to "cross-pollination" What if spme of ABC's prime time actors came in as their characters for a short stint, even if it was just a gimmick:


Like maybe when Victor is exposed and arrested, Gregg Clark could come and take custody of him: "Who was that?" asked Dante. "Said his name was Couslon." Replied Anna. A simple one day shoot that opens many doors


Or for a longer stint have some one like Kelly Reilly come on as Catherine Black (From Black Box...and the cross pollination could have helped that show as well) to assist Patrick with a case and some how she meets Sonny and they bond over their bipolar. Or she calls Carly on being an enabler all these years. A short three or four week in and out that still effects the canvas.


I think what happened with Franco was that James Franco fell in love with himself, and Guza was so in love with Jason that the thing dragged. Franco as a one up was great, after that......argggg

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If they don't have the budget to rehearse, or have attractive sets, or have attractive hair/makeup/clothes, or decent lighting, or mix up characters for different scenes (because of this block shooting business) .... at some point, it's like "why bother?"

Not that I begrudge any of these people employment. But it's just kind of depressing.

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ETA: It's a shame soaps are still looked down on because in my opinion, if I was a movie or primetime actor, taking a few months off and doing a short stint on a soap would be a great way to "hone your craft" as they say.   Can you imagine, instead of a one-day appearance, someone like Chandra Wilson comes in and shoots for six weeks and plays some sinister character with an amazing storyline that is able to be so awesome becsuse there is a set end date?  It's what I was hoping for when James Franco was first announced.  


I remember reading something where James Franco talked about how his audition for 127 Hours involved a lengthy monologue (well, I guess that whole movie is pretty much one long monologue, LOL), and that all the intensive memorization he was exposed to during his time on GH was a huge help for him in landing the role.

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I think that MB believes he is bringing all he can to Sonny, every thing you hear about him behind the set indicates he is far to nice a guy not to, but without a writer and director to challenge him to push it, to go beyond his talent level, to play up as they say, he just phones it in.


I think he cares most of the time, he's just shit at memorizing his lines, at least from what I can tell on-screen. Which is another reason I wish they'd give him less. And even before Ron and Frank came along his co-workers talked about how he didn't want any ad-libs whatsoever, not even tiny changes, in scenes.

Edited by ulkis
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