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Small Talk: I Like Them All, I Just Can't Choose!


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Cricket, this is so exasperating that you're in pain, ran up all these bills on tests, and they can't find anything! (Also exasperating that the office screwed up your insurance!) Can't they at least prescribe a temporary painkiller for you?

Sorry to hear Joe has another blood clot. He looks great in the photo with Kody. That little doggie is growing like a weed. He's such a cute furbaby! Very expressive eyes. Right now he's all ears and feet, but soon he'll start to grow into his adult shape.

I know purple loosestrife is an invasive species, but still looks pretty in our little piece of wetland.We had one plant there 30 years ago when I brought one home before I knew about it. Now it has spread. Can't use the space for anything anyway so I don't mind.

IMG_0392 (2).JPG

Now off to feed the parrots and pack a lunch. Going to take Kody on another ride up into the Adirondacks... towards Plattsburgh I think to Ausable Chasm for a picnic. Joe can't walk the trails but we hope to find someplace pretty to sit and eat. He needs to get out of the house. Hope the weather cooperates! Foggy right now.



5 hours ago, Coffeecup said:

Cricket, this is so exasperating that you're in pain, ran up all these bills on tests, and they can't find anything! (Also exasperating that the office screwed up your insurance!) Can't they at least prescribe a temporary painkiller for you?

Sorry to hear Joe has another blood clot. He looks great in the photo with Kody. That little doggie is growing like a weed. He's such a cute furbaby! Very expressive eyes. Right now he's all ears and feet, but soon he'll start to grow into his adult shape.

I know! He is going to a smart one I think!

Thank you, I am just going to resort to aspirin and meditation for the pain and hope it subsides. They are not going to prescribe anything, they don't do that there. Getting them to give me an antibiotic was bad enough. Like I said, come next year, I might be checking out another group if I can find one.

On 08/12/2017 at 7:23 AM, Cricket said:

. Lord Almighty, this is wearing. Thank God I can come here to unload. If I do around my daughter(s) I am over reacting, being negative etc... Ending on a positive note... (yes I can be positive sometimes) Kody is almost 22 lbs and his ears are almost up and he is a JOY.

And that's when you snuggle Kody close and say, "and that's why you're my favorite child."

If your two legged kiddos get offended - well who's being negative now?

May I also add I have a faulty "off switch"...? Discovered a new Talenti I love too... coconut chocolate almond. Damn them! I was doing so well too... now this relapse!

The ride up to Ausable, NY was awesome, Kody was perfect, many stopped to interact with him which is what we want.. not because we want to be adored... (think OES) but so he is socialized. As a German Shepherd, he needs to accept other people and not  be in the protect mode all the time. One couple, Mennonites I think, came down from Ontario. Nicest young couple with a toddler. They have 3 GSDs! They even showed us their dogs playing on their cell phone. They had lovely dogs and they said Kody was a great specimen which was nice to hear. Kody had a great time and slept all the way home. Me, at the moment I am waiting for the 8 pm hour to watch Columbo. I hope I stay awake to see it to the end!

Edited by Cricket
added the play was a cell phone video
5 hours ago, Cricket said:

Anyone else like those fruit bars from Outshine? Wow I love those things. I love the lemon, tangerine and grape best. Well piggy me, ate 3 lemon bars and now the inside of my lips and my tongue feel like the skin is gone! Ouch! Guess too much icy cold and acid!


Yes!  I frequently buy the lime ones or the pineapple.

18 hours ago, Cricket said:

Anyone else like those fruit bars from Outshine? Wow I love those things. I love the lemon, tangerine and grape best. Well piggy me, ate 3 lemon bars and now the inside of my lips and my tongue feel like the skin is gone! Ouch! Guess too much icy cold and acid!


I'm addicted to the coconut water with pinapple, delicious and 60 calories.

6 hours ago, PearlClutcher said:

... and now for something completely different, any of you into your family history/ genealogy?  I just found out I'm related to this guy on my mother's side.  Aren't you impressed, lol?  He was a Templar and he has a cool resting place but needs a tad of touching up!  How about you, anyone we should know about?  He's Sir Gilbert Waterhouse of Kirton.  Apparently he had a castle in Ireland. 

Waterhouse-301.jpg This drawing is actually labeled Sir Gilbert Waterhouse on another site.  My beard is slightly smaller!


Isn't it fun to find someone of historical significance in your background?  Both sides of my mother's family have notables.  Mom's maternal lineage has been traced back to Richard Boleyn, brother of Henry VIII's infamous second wife Anne, mother of Elizabeth I.  This family also had a documented passenger on the Mayflower who begat a family of whalers.  His direct descendant is one of two whalers depicted in a memorial statue to whalers that once stood near Boston Harbor but has since been removed  (it can occasionally be seen in older pictures of the Harbor area). A later family member who was a wealthy farmer with a lot of land donated the land on which the Little Brown Church in the Vale, made famous by the protestant hymn by that name, is located.

 On my mother's paternal side we have an ancestor who was one of the panel of judges at the Salem witch trials.  His signature is on many of the documents that remain from the trials.  A little further down the line, we have two US presidents in the family (no, not the Bushes lol).  My mother's father was named after the first of the two Presidents and my older son has the presidents' last name as his first name.

My dad's folks were village bakers. originally peasants, and we have not found any significant figures among them. But on my Mom's side we are loaded!

Edited by Denver Hoosier
On 8/13/2017 at 4:19 AM, Cricket said:

I am just going to resort to aspirin and meditation for the pain and hope it subsides.

I'm a little fuzzy on details ... is the pain in the front or the back? I had severe back pain once, and ice and Advil were the only things that helped. Aspirin didn't do anything. I suspect it was a muscle/nerve issue, because it improved over time. Took about six weeks to feel better, though.

5 hours ago, ennui said:

I'm a little fuzzy on details ... is the pain in the front or the back? I had severe back pain once, and ice and Advil were the only things that helped. Aspirin didn't do anything. I suspect it was a muscle/nerve issue, because it improved over time. Took about six weeks to feel better, though.

Lower back, around the kidney area and low in front. I try aspirin first because the other NSAIDS are rougher on the liver. So far, I am starting to feel relief. I also finished the antibiotics. The burning pain in my arm is like 90% done, just "catches" once and then. But... my vertigo returned 3 days ago. I tried the exercises last night and I have to say, I did not keep one single calories from the Talenti I ate just before that... :(    

I am very leary of doing the  exercises again. I did not do them before work today because there is no way I can function at work after hugging the porcelain. This is worse on my nausea than the first round I had last December through to Feb. I read it can continue to come back. No cure, no reason. Nice.

Joe felt tired and ugh last night too. He said he just wanted to feel like he was getting on with his life again.

Kinda sums it up here at the moment. But... as they say, this too shall pass...

I sprained my foot this evening.  While I am naturally klutzy, Mr. Hag is at fault for leaving a case of beer in the back hallway. I came in from outside and tripped right over it.  As you can imagine, I gave him hell because I've been bugging him for 3 days to put it away.  He's still stalling.  "I'll get to it."  It's always "will", "could", or "might"; never "doing" or "did".  I had to reschedule a business meeting.  He needs to understand that I am the major breadwinner.  If Mama can't work, no one gets anything.  Plus, it hurts like hell.  End of rant. Thanks for listening.

Edited by seahag
54 minutes ago, seahag said:

I sprained my foot this evening.  While I am naturally klutzy, Mr. Hag is at fault for leaving a case of beer in the back hallway. I came in from outside and tripped right over it.  As you can imagine, I gave him hell because I've been bugging him for 3 days to put it away.  He's still stalling.  "I'll get to it."  It's always "will", "could", or "might"; never "doing" or "did".  I had to reschedule a business meeting.  He needs to y derstand that I am the major breadwinner.  If Mama can't work, no one gets anything.  Plus, it hurts like hell.  End of rant. Thanks for listening.

Arrrggghhh!  How frustrating. You kept saying move it, and he didn't, and then you're the one who ended up suffering for it.


7 hours ago, seahag said:

I sprained my foot this evening.  While I am naturally klutzy, Mr. Hag is at fault for leaving a case of beer in the back hallway. I came in from outside and tripped right over it.  As you can imagine, I gave him hell because I've been bugging him for 3 days to put it away.  He's still stalling.  "I'll get to it."  It's always "will", "could", or "might"; never "doing" or "did".  I had to reschedule a business meeting.  He needs to understand that I am the major breadwinner.  If Mama can't work, no one gets anything.  Plus, it hurts like hell.  End of rant. Thanks for listening.

Oh, Seahag - I feel your pain!  It once took my husband 4 years - yes, 4 years, to change a light bulb in garage.

Hope you heal quickly!!

Edited by imisspuddy
I would have done it myself, but wasn't physically capable. Now, I don't even bother to ask...
7 minutes ago, PearlClutcher said:

I trained Mr. Clutcher on getting rid of this habit.  When he didn't put something away, it would be lying on his side of the bed.  A toolbox that was left in a traffic spot by the entrance was disassembled on his pillow and where he lies, tool by tool.  There must have been about 50 pieces - grease and all since I was going to win on this one.  Also, no meals or laundry for him (I did mine) as I "would get to it eventually,  don't sweat it".  Um, yeah, marriage is mutual respect.  

I like your style !

13 hours ago, seahag said:

Mr. Hag is at fault for leaving a case of beer in the back hallway.

I usually trip over things *I* left in the path. 

4 hours ago, PearlClutcher said:

There must have been about 50 pieces - grease and all

Who does the laundry? 

I guess you're lucky you won ... seems like a good way to end up sleeping alone. Married people are funny.

Edited by ennui
20 minutes ago, PearlClutcher said:

When one or the other performs designated tasks, we need to complete them - not do them halfway.  Like paying one-half of the bills or doing half the dirty dishes.  The toolbox incident was early in our marriage and its proper spot is in the garage, not in the front entrance where guests could hurt themselves. 

Married people aren't anymore funny than people who take on roommates. Sharing space is being considerate of the other(s).

Laundry is now divided:  I sort, wash and dry, he folds and puts away.  It works really well.

@TexasTiffany  Those cat puzzles are beautiful.   I like the ones by Charles Wysocki which where discussed here earlier.  They also look great framed.

My husband was 40 yrs old, and had been divorced for nearly 10 yrs. when we met.  As such, he had been doing his own laundry for that long (except for the occasional load he would take to his mother's - ugh).  I saw no reason to take on that duty, simply because we began cohabitating and because I had girl parts.  Fast forward 31 years...he does his, I do mine.  It works.

Edited by SuprSuprElevated

I have no problem with each doing their own.  When we were first married, husband offered to do his own.  (In fact, I think he was kind of weirded out that someone else would do it!  lol)  Since I was often un-or-under-employed, following his career, I said I would do it.  Then I was home with kids for 15 years so it seemed to be doing my part.

4 minutes ago, Thumper said:

I have no problem with each doing their own.  When we were first married, husband offered to do his own.  (In fact, I think he was kind of weirded out that someone else would do it!  lol)  Since I was often un-or-under-employed, following his career, I said I would do it.  Then I was home with kids for 15 years so it seemed to be doing my part.

I can understand that.  For my hubs, I actually think he quasi enjoys it, as he does cleaning up after a meal/loading dishwasher.  If I cook, he cleans and vice versa.

1 hour ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

My husband was 40 yrs old, and had been divorced for nearly 10 yrs. when we met.  As such, he had been doing his own laundry for that long (except for the occasional load he would take to his mother's - ugh).  I saw no reason to take on that duty, simply because we began cohabitating and because I had girl parts.  Fast forward 31 years...he does his, I do mine.  It works.

Same here. Mr. Booney had been living alone for 14 years, after separation and divorce, when we moved in together. He wanted to keep doing his own laundry. Suits me just fine. I do the sheets and towels and my clothes; he does his clothes. It works well. He's not much of a cook, so I do the cooking and he cleans up.

17 hours ago, seahag said:

I sprained my foot this evening.  While I am naturally klutzy, Mr. Hag is at fault for leaving a case of beer in the back hallway. I came in from outside and tripped right over it.  As you can imagine, I gave him hell because I've been bugging him for 3 days to put it away.  He's still stalling.  "I'll get to it."  It's always "will", "could", or "might"; never "doing" or "did".  I had to reschedule a business meeting.  He needs to understand that I am the major breadwinner.  If Mama can't work, no one gets anything.  Plus, it hurts like hell.  End of rant. Thanks for listening.

Hope it is better now

I took a "vacation day" today as mentioned on the other board. I got tired of the upkeep of the fern, and the undesirable spreading. So.... they were evicted from the front garden today. I spread 8 bags of mulch when I was done, going around the side of the house now too. Took me about 4 hours. My  back is already telling me this is going to cost me tonight and tomorrow LOL.  Not happy with the annuals this summer. Next summer the only annuals I think I will put in is lantana, dahlia and geraniums.

IMG_0494 (2).JPG

after 1.jpg



Just now, PearlClutcher said:

@Cricket  Your home is lovely.  

Thank you... the gardens are, but the siding is shot. I don't know how we can ever afford to side it and it is in desperate need of that. Two summers ago we -Joe and I alone mind you! - roofed our house by ourselves! We got an estimate for 15,000.00 to do it. Insurance gave us 3000.00 for storm damage and we kicked in another 1200.00 and did it ourselves. UNREAL. Joe said it was our "one time only"! Never do be done bu us again.

Funny, this was the year I was diagnosed with second stage lyme disease too. The doctor was shocked I was still going and asked me if I was tired? sore? I laughed. Said, sure I am tired and sore... I am a 50+ woman putting a roof on my house with just my husband! I thought the soreness etc.. was from that, not lyme disease!

3 hours ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

My husband was 40 yrs old, and had been divorced for nearly 10 yrs. when we met.  As such, he had been doing his own laundry for that long (except for the occasional load he would take to his mother's - ugh).  I saw no reason to take on that duty, simply because we began cohabitating and because I had girl parts.  Fast forward 31 years...he does his, I do mine.  It works.

We do our own, but I mostly do the household laundry.  Occasionally, he will do it if I ask, but I always have to take the initiative.  I truly think this is an xy issue.  As my daughter says "Why? XY!"

2 minutes ago, seahag said:

It's a lovely shade of purple and I can't put any weight on it.  The result?  He is out doing my errands as I type this.  Good thing I finished all the laundry (mine and household) on Monday whilst he was at the Cubs game.

You're really lucky (and perhaps him too) you did not break it.

download (1).jpg

1 hour ago, seahag said:

It's a lovely shade of purple and I can't put any weight on it.  The result?  He is out doing my errands as I type this.  Good thing I finished all the laundry (mine and household) on Monday whilst he was at the Cubs game.

Oh dear, do you trust him with errands?  (That can be iffy in my household! ?)

Cubs?!  My husband is a huge, lifelong fan.  I jumped on the bandwagon last year!

5 hours ago, Booney said:

Same here. Mr. Booney had been living alone for 14 years, after separation and divorce, when we moved in together. He wanted to keep doing his own laundry. Suits me just fine. I do the sheets and towels and my clothes; he does his clothes. It works well. He's not much of a cook, so I do the cooking and he cleans up.

Love it when a plan comes together!

4 hours ago, Cricket said:

You're really lucky (and perhaps him too) you did not break it.

download (1).jpg

I sprained my ankle badly once (taking out warmed up canned food for the feral cats and slipped on ice).  At the ER, the doctor told me, "Well, the good news is, you didn't break it.  The bad news is, you didn't break it."  Breaks they can fix.  Sprains you have to suffer through, with a stiff boot thing and crutches.

10 hours ago, Cricket said:

Joe on the roof removing the old shingles. They were 44 years old! Just dust particles holding hands!


"Dust particles holding hands"  LMAO! Seriously, that was a huge job for you and Joe to do, but worth all the money you saved. I dread roof problems because of the cost. My roof wasn't that old, but I still had to have it replaced 3 years ago because the insurance company got on my back about it. It's true that I had a leak in one room, so it worked out for the best. A contractor who was a friend of my husband's did the work for a good price, compared to what a regular roofing company would have charged.

Your garden looks fabulous. Mine never looks that neat and clean. I have a lot of that same kind of fern. I hate to cut them down because they're so airy and pretty, but they spread too much. I am always seeing new clumps pop up.

9 hours ago, seahag said:

It's a lovely shade of purple and I can't put any weight on it.  The result?  He is out doing my errands as I type this.  Good thing I finished all the laundry (mine and household) on Monday whilst he was at the Cubs game.

Take it easy and let that ankle get healed properly.

On 8/15/2017 at 11:23 PM, seahag said:

I sprained my foot this evening.  While I am naturally klutzy, Mr. Hag is at fault for leaving a case of beer in the back hallway. I came in from outside and tripped right over it.  As you can imagine, I gave him hell because I've been bugging him for 3 days to put it away.  He's still stalling.  "I'll get to it."  It's always "will", "could", or "might"; never "doing" or "did".  I had to reschedule a business meeting.  He needs to understand that I am the major breadwinner.  If Mama can't work, no one gets anything.  Plus, it hurts like hell.  End of rant. Thanks for listening.

Hey, what's my husband doing there:)

Wondering if any of you have a method of transporting a tablet computer in your car.  I want to use my 8" tablet as my GPS for upcoming road trip, and I can't decide on the less-than-stellar choices.  I really don't want to use suction cups on windshield due to reduced visibility, the cupholders in my car wouldn't hold that style...kind of in a quandry here.  The GPS unit in the dash hasn't been updated since Jesus was a foot soldier, and I think it would cost an arm + leg to do it.

23 hours ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

Wondering if any of you have a method of transporting a tablet computer in your car.  I want to use my 8" tablet as my GPS for upcoming road trip, and I can't decide on the less-than-stellar choices.  I really don't want to use suction cups on windshield due to reduced visibility, the cupholders in my car wouldn't hold that style...kind of in a quandry here.  The GPS unit in the dash hasn't been updated since Jesus was a foot soldier, and I think it would cost an arm + leg to do it.

A friend of mine had some sort of clip that attached to her a/c vents in her car.  Don't know if this is the exact brand, but check this out:


1 hour ago, lovemesomejoolery said:

A friend of mine had some sort of clip that attached to her a/c vents in her car.  Don't know if this is the exact brand, but check this out:


Thanks for this, but I wasn't looking to spend upwards of $200 bucks.  Probably a good one though.

On 8/14/2017 at 5:32 PM, Denver Hoosier said:

Isn't it fun to find someone of historical significance in your background?  Both sides of my mother's family have notables.  Mom's maternal lineage has been traced back to Richard Boleyn, brother of Henry VIII's infamous second wife Anne, mother of Elizabeth I.  This family also had a documented passenger on the Mayflower who begat a family of whalers.  His direct descendant is one of two whalers depicted in a memorial statue to whalers that once stood near Boston Harbor but has since been removed  (it can occasionally be seen in older pictures of the Harbor area). A later family member who was a wealthy farmer with a lot of land donated the land on which the Little Brown Church in the Vale, made famous by the protestant hymn by that name, is located.

 On my mother's paternal side we have an ancestor who was one of the panel of judges at the Salem witch trials.  His signature is on many of the documents that remain from the trials.  A little further down the line, we have two US presidents in the family (no, not the Bushes lol).  My mother's father was named after the first of the two Presidents and my older son has the presidents' last name as his first name.

My dad's folks were village bakers. originally peasants, and we have not found any significant figures among them. But on my Mom's side we are loaded!

I envy your, and others', connections to U.S history.  All my grandparents came from Poland at the turn of the last century.  I am an avid and amateurish devotee of Early American history; if I could go back in time, it would be to pre-Revolutionary Boston, but alas, no way-back machine.

Oh!  Editing to add that I also am enthralled with England's Henry VIII era, especially the wives, so I am double envious!  :)

Edited by Ladyrain
3 hours ago, Ladyrain said:

I envy your, and others', connections to U.S history.  All my grandparents came from Poland at the turn of the last century.  I am an avid and amateurish devotee of Early American history; if I could go back in time, it would be to pre-Revolutionary Boston, but alas, no way-back machine.

Oh!  Editing to add that I also am enthralled with England's Henry VIII era, especially the wives, so I am double envious!  :)

Ladyrain, I think you should be proud of your Polish heritage too!  Love the USA melting pot!

A noted irritation....

Walmart is gearing up their back to school rush with a stupid commercial of a "hero" that rushes through the store to help the poor customers.

I cry foul.."This song" I need a Hero" was already done, associated with the Kia car commercials and  Melissa McCarthy.

That was an awesome commercial!

Walmart, your's stink. You need to stop stealing another commercial's idea too.

16 hours ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

Thanks for this, but I wasn't looking to spend upwards of $200 bucks.  Probably a good one though.

Sorry about that! I didn't even check the price!

But I'm pretty stunned that it's upwards of $200 for you.........I just checked and if I were to do my own tablet - a mounting base and a holder is $80.  

Edited by lovemesomejoolery

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