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S10.E10: A Little 4-1-1

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Besides Kate & Jen's parents, I remember Jen's Aunt Barbara (the kids' great aunt) took care of Will in their hotel room while Bill & Jen went to the (fancy) hotel restaurant for dinner 1 night, during the first trip Jen, Bill, & Will took to Florida after they brought Will home from China (it was in 1 of the episodes). Various relatives on Bill's side of the family have probably taken care of the kids too, though we haven't seen it on the show yet.

I remember that episode, though it seems so long ago now.  Will, the child who is up for, and very enthusiastic about everything, was afraid to put his feet in the sand at the beach.  He's come a long way, and I credit Jen and Bill with instilling that confidence in him.  It will serve him well in the future.  They may have been completely inexperienced at having a toddler, but they clearly did the rights things with him, right from the very beginning.  The same is true of Zoey.

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I have never understood why Jen and Bill chose to display their lives on TV. They are both educated, highly skilled people and do not need the money.

For Jen and Bill, I think that the bad far out weighs the good.

I don't remember hearing either Jennifer or Bill saying that the show is negatively affecting them. Was this something mentioned in an episode at some point, in an interview, or somewhere else? I'd be very interested to hear what they said was bad about it and why.

Personally, from watching the show and from what information is publicly available about them, I've thus far observed nothing negative in their lives that could be attributed to filming. However, given that obviously we only see the tiniest sliver of what their lives are really like, I'm the first to admit this is an opinion only, as I don't have anywhere close to enough information to do anything other than speculate. Thus, why I'm interested in hearing what Jennifer and Bill themselves have said about it.

Thanks in advance for pointing me in the right direction!

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Why in the world do you think being a SAHD is something to be ashamed of?

It's not so much the poster believing SAHD is something shameful, but society generally reacts condescending towards the stay at home dads, much the same way society calls spending time with their children, "babysitting". It often takes awhile to sway public perception of SAHD's being aimless, lazy, and/or not contributing financially to the marriage.

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Jen better hope that, over time, this doesn't all blow up in her face. When they were dating/engaged, the agreement was that they would live in New York where Bill could run his business. Jen no sooner had the ring on her finger that she said she wanted to move to Texas. Her family gave him a pet store as a consolation prize.

Now Bill is a SAHD with a pet store.

My perception of men from New York is that they are very manly and proud. It will be interesting to see if the lifestyle that Jen forced on Bill will eventually take a toll on the marriage.

I believe that Bill is the type of man that doesn't mind riding on the coat tails of his successful wife. I can remember in past seasons he always referred to her as "the good doctor" whenever he could in front of people. It is a status thing with him and a little embarrassing. Bill isn't going anywhere and neither is Jen.
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Why in the world do you think being a SAHD is something to be ashamed of? I don't think anyone is downing the role of SAHD but, I think Bill isn't necessarily proud of that role. He's a businessman not a house husband. And maybe that is what the majority of his time has resulted to be. Jen is no longer seeing patients so I would think she would be home more often but, apparently the SIM Center is keeping her busier than ever.

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Agree and when Will put his head on the pillow and started sucking his thumb he was clearly done in addition to Zoey laying upside down and backwards.  Quite a difference between the 3 year old Hamill twins in their TH's.

I think there is a night and day difference with how the Hamil's discipline and Jen and Bill and maybe it's due to having the kids biologically and adopting. The Hamils have been able to discipline starting at a much younger age while Jen and Bill didn't want to discipline right away because the kids weren't comfortable with them yet. I think Will was able to get away with a lot more than Jack at 3 or 4 and now Zoey basically runs the house and seems to do whatever the hell she wants and Bill looks on and laughs at everything she does. They excuse it as her being moody but the moods need to be addressed because the older she gets the moods will get a lot worse.
  • Love 3

I didn't really like this episode but, I don't really like any of the question answer shows. They don't get asked anything of substance IMO. We really don't learn anything from them, it's a waste of time. Has anyone noticed that when they are on the couches they never show their feet it's from the chest up. Any other little people show we see their entire body including feet. Does anyone think they are in denial about being little? And think they are just extra short, especially Bill. I think I've mentioned this before, if so, I apologize, I suffer from memory loss...seriously. It was just boring. I didn't see Bill being bored or rude to Jen. It did seem as though she was answering the majority of the questions as usual but, when it was about the kids he interrupted probably because he spends more time with them and could give more info, but I don't think he was doing it to undermine her. I think it's time for the show to end and for them to do update shows maybe twice a year.

  • Love 2

Has anyone noticed that when they are on the couches they never show their feet it's from the chest up. Any other little people show we see their entire body including feet. Does anyone think they are in denial about being little?

To be honest, I have never noticed any significant difference in filming on these shows.


And I will be honest, I think people who are on a show called "The *Little* Couple" - and their last name isn't Little, and they have a show expressly because they fall into the catagory of "little people" and who do occasionally discuss the challenges they face as little people, probably aren't in denial about their physical stature.


Jen is no longer seeing patients so I would think she would be home more often but, apparently the SIM Center is keeping her busier than ever.


The SIM Center role allows her to keep more regular hours but it didn't reduce her work hours.

  • Love 7

It's the same thing over and over with the questions. At least we got a chance to see Zoey and Will try to have TH moments. I thought it showed how far behind they are compared to other kids their age although they are making progress. I would be willing to bet that the questions are screened well beforehand and Jen and Bill have had time to rehearse answers. The show has changed over the years going from truly educating the viewers on how little people live day to day to this never ending roll out of random businesses, organizations, restaurants, and trips all over the place. Plus we get to see how TLC has put a lot of money in their pockets. I am sure we will see the beach house season--not episode--season.

  • Love 3

I think there is a night and day difference with how the Hamil's discipline and Jen and Bill and maybe it's due to having the kids biologically and adopting. The Hamils have been able to discipline starting at a much younger age while Jen and Bill didn't want to discipline right away because the kids weren't comfortable with them yet. I think Will was able to get away with a lot more than Jack at 3 or 4 and now Zoey basically runs the house and seems to do whatever the hell she wants and Bill looks on and laughs at everything she does. They excuse it as her being moody but the moods need to be addressed because the older she gets the moods will get a lot worse.


I do agree that Bill and Jen probably held back on discipline while the kids were adjusting to their new situations. And I'm no adoption expert - maybe this is what the professionals advise to ALL adoptive parents of pre-schoolers - so that's fine. But come on, Bill. it's been 3 years. Will especially adjusted very well and very quickly - IMO - and still you pretty much chuckle at both kids all the time. Or worse, rationalize reasons to withhold discipline. Don't you realize that discipline NOW is the easiest it will ever be? Man up and start being the truly-strong male figure you're always trying to put across. One that is not afraid to have his kids mad at him for a while after they've been disciplined. For one thing, at their age, any anger over being disciplined evaporates SO quickly. The kids will NOT sulk and avoid you for days. And in the big picture, no child ever really respects parents who did not set limits for them, did not have the courage to be disliked for a while while doing it. The opposite is what nearly always turns out to be true. Permissive parents are rarely respected by their adult children.

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We don't need to see them discipline the kids on tv.  However in fact we have... Will clearly knows what time out is and hates it.  We have witnessed that so we know they are disciplined.  


They are probably more lax when they are filming. Would I want to be seen yelling at my kid on tv?? Probably not (even though I don't have kids)

  • Love 3

I love the way Bill and Jen crack each other up. Yes, of course the questions are screened, but I think the laughs are genuine. They are easygoing parents but I don't think that's a bad thing (growing up with parents who yelled constantly, at each other and my older brother, and sometimes at me, was hell.) I would rather come from a happy home with loving parents than a strict home with punishments meted out for every little infraction. 


I don't know if men from New York are especially manly or tough, but they are known for their sense of humor. Bill is a true New Yorker.

  • Love 8

Jen and Bill's question and answer sessions are, for me, the most honest and watchable out of all the shows on TLC.  They're funny, enlightening, and responsive to the questions asked.  When it comes to discipline, I've seen far more children act out from a stern approach then a loving, positive, and warmer manner of correcting.  I think Jen and Bill are doing an amazing job.  Looking at the older shows when Will and Zoey first came into their family and how far they've both come, I see what a loving and supportive family can do.  They are not perfect parents or people.  I don't know anyone who is.  And everyone makes mistakes parenting, I know I have, and our children are really good and caring people.

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