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2016 Tryouts and Training Camp Spoilers and Spoiled Speculations

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8 hours ago, pink317 said:

Game day sheet


I see this list and I think "why isn't the cheerleader locker room stocked with Sharpies, Shout wipes, boot cleaner, safety pins" - things you could buy in bulk from Costco. Dip into the petty cash and even buy some extra socks, a hair dryer and some 5 hour energy bars/drinks. Stop being so cheap Charlotte!

Of course, this was 2012 so if things have changed ( ??? ) I apologize.  

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Commenting on the Courtney Johnson comments. I do find it hard to believe that she will never try out again. She is really close friends with Samantha and seems to love the DCC. Maybe she decided to finish college first and then try out again. 

I must admit I never disliked Jenn K but she was just never one of my favorites until this year. You can't deny her talent and I would love love love to be her size. I think changing her hair has done wonders. Now, they need to change Holly's (I wonder if she is allowed to let it grow) or does she have to keep it short because that is how she started out...

They really need to hire Michelle Keys as a full-time dance instructor for the DCC, she is amazing. Also, can someone please explain to me why Kelli and Judy both have to travel with the girls everywhere, I can see one of them going but both?? To me Judy adds no value she always has her RBF and she yells at the girls all the time. They need a younger head choreographer. How old is Judy? Is she not close to retirement???? They will probably have to drag her away kicking and screaming b4 she gives up that job...lololol!! 

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I looked Judy up on Wikipedia and she is on 58 years old (IMO she looks older) but she just turned 58 this past April, so she probably has another 10 years working for the DCC. Also, another interesting fact is that she does not have a college degree, it only mentions her HS diploma.  

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Cassie seems to go to sooooo many of the practices. Imagine if she is picked as the next choreographer???? 

Michelle keys would be amazing as the next choreographer. The woman can do it all. 

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3 minutes ago, JC123 said:

Cassie seems to go to sooooo many of the practices. Imagine if she is picked as the next choreographer???? 

Michelle keys would be amazing as the next choreographer. The woman can do it all. 

I don't think she has an interest in being the choreographer, it seems like she enjoys just being with her family.

Michelle on the other hand would be amazing. She choreographed a routine for the stars and Stephanie on AAIA said she's going to have her choreograph one for them as well.

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Can anyone tell by the picture posted on Twitter by Kelli who the 6 girls are on the LA Media tour? I see, Jenna, Jenn K, Jessica. HollyP..is that Amy and who is the one that is hidden in between everyone. 

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I find it interesting the girls drink Five Hour Energy drinks on game day. Those drinks are not healthy even with the smaller cans. What happen to eating and drinking healthy. In her interview on the radio after being chosen to be the magazine swimsuit calendar girl, Erica said the girls have to do their own hair and makeup on game days. The only days the girls get professional hair and makeup is rookie makeovers, squad photo day, and the calendar shoot.

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7 minutes ago, DCCFAN71 said:

Can anyone tell by the picture posted on Twitter by Kelli who the 6 girls are on the LA Media tour? I see, Jenna, Jenn K, Jessica. HollyP..is that Amy and who is the one that is hidden in between everyone. 

Jenna, Jenn, Holly, Amy, Erica, Jessica

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33 minutes ago, RazzleberryPie said:

Is five hour energy the stuff in little shot sized plastic bottles? Like you see on gas station counters? It isn't carbonated is it?

Yep, that's them! They aren't carbonated. So crazy, because I remember Diet Coke being a no-no because it causes cellulite apparently. Five hour energy is way worse.

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i have a feeling that 5 hour energy is no longer a recommended item to bring lol  a lot has changed over even the past five years with energy drinks and if they are safe to consume regularly.  I wouldnt be shocked if amongst themselves suggest using something like that if they are wiped but I just can't see Kelli officially condoning it. 

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1 minute ago, QuiteContrary19 said:

Well, Kelli doesn't endorse cocaine either but as we have learned from various publications and written testimonials of former DCCs ('Deep in the Heart of Texas', 'What I learned half naked', and others), a few of the girls used it for weight maintenance and energy boosts. I wonder if Kelli doesn't want to know everything. I have always gotten the impression that the girls had better keep their party life quiet (unless they're a favorite, like Tobie and Tia Williams), keep the weight off (unless they're a favorite like Brooke S) and show up on time for practice (no exceptions there) and do their (poorly compensated) job.

I agree but I simply meant I would assume Kelli reviews things associated with the DCC (like anything the girls put on the webpage blogs) and may not love controversial energy shots being included these days.  If that flyer someone posted was not actually an official DCC document, my apologies - I misunderstood the context. 

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2 minutes ago, QuiteContrary19 said:

 No, I'm sorry, I was really just throwing that out there as a separate thought with regard to the energy drink and it reminded me of...uh, other sources of "energy"....

ah gotcha...and yes, I do agree that they make concessions on all kinds of things based on who is committing the 'sins' lol  

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7 minutes ago, bigskygirl said:

Any news on who the All-Star girls are? I think three year vet Ashley and Katy are All-Stars. I hope Kenzie becomes one because she is adorable.

There's a livestream with the girls today on Facebook, someone should post that question

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1 minute ago, DCCFAN71 said:

What time? What time zone? 

4:30 eastern, 1:30 pacific on dcc making the team facebook

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16 minutes ago, bigskygirl said:

Any news on who the All-Star girls are? I think three year vet Ashley and Katy are All-Stars. I hope Kenzie becomes one because she is adorable.

I heard Kinzie, Ashley Nicole and Rachel are the new additions and Katy is still one.  I think she may be one of the only returners - maybe Emma?  

I know Jacie and Mary are pursuing other things and it sounds like Holly was not asked tho I don't know why.  Kelsey I would have thought would have been asked but haven't heard anything about her. 

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2 hours ago, RazzleberryPie said:

Is five hour energy the stuff in little shot sized plastic bottles? Like you see on gas station counters? It isn't carbonated is it?

No, it is t carbonated,  it's like syrup. YUK

(at least the one I tried)

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4 minutes ago, iloveit said:

Holly the point girl was not asked?? I can't imagine why. Maybe she had already stated she wasn't interested.

The impression I got was that she was definitely interested but was not asked and didn't know why.  Again, that is what I heard and not directly from her or anything.  As with anything I share, you are welcome take with a grain of salt :) No offense taken.  

I personally thought she was a shoo in. 

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i think I'll miss the chat as I'm +6 hours of Dallas ☹️ Hmm that holly thing is weird. Although the last few appearances she did Im sure I remember thinking she was looking a bit heavier than she had done her whole DCC career? 

I'm not sure if Kinzie would be asked.. I'm sure she had to quit DCC due to injuries so would she be able to fill in at short notice? I really hope she does get asked though because I think she's an incredible dancer and although a little more reserved for a DCC she seems really nice. 

And omg, cocaine? Really? Where did you read that can you link me please? That 5 hour energy is so so bad for you but I can see why they'd wanna use it. I bet they can't even move after game day haha 

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5 minutes ago, ByTor said:

Wasn't Nicole an all star last year?  I didn't see her mentioned as either returning or left.

I forgot about her! Yeah, not sure what her plans are, she has been traveling a lot lately but I don't know when specific all star duties are required.  She still looks very fit! 

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The Game Day sheets were a small tradition started by the girls.  A new senior get would take on the responsibility every year.  During the time the blogs were being posted, Ally then Sydney were doing them.  So no, not an official DCC document from Kelli!

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Mary is a two year vet so she will not be asked unless they cannot find enough girls with three or more years experience to be an All-Star. I am surprise about Holly not being ask or not considering being one. I thought Sunni or another girl said Kelli and/or Judy ask retiring girls if they want to be an All-Star. Good question to ask during the live facebook chat.

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I'm sure all the questions that will be answered will be softballs.  I wish they addressed the fun stuff like weight gain and partying.   Instead, we'll have to hear about how training camp is designed to find strengths & weaknesses blah blah blah

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46 minutes ago, Runnergrl37 said:

I'm sure all the questions that will be answered will be softballs.  I wish they addressed the fun stuff like weight gain and partying.   Instead, we'll have to hear about how training camp is designed to find strengths & weaknesses blah blah blah

And the yes, no, maybe judging system. 

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Seeing the questions most people ask reminds me why Kelli doesnt' go TOO far to keep the new team a secret...she doesn't need to!...I forget that most people aren't SUPER fans like us who study every detail and even discuss in depth past seasons.  Always amazes me to see questions like "has anyone ever been cut and come back?" forreal?? lol 

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The chat was meh, clearly being led by a social media coordinator from CMT. Lots of PR fluff, I"m sure this season won't be as dramatic as they claim. I was shocked about the truthfulness in regards to how being a DCC affects their romantic relationships. 

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Long time stalker, first time poster.  The questions are lame.  Who do you want to win The Bachelor?  Seriously?  What is your favorite part of the audition process?  I don't know what I was hoping, but it certainly wasn't that. 

Like I said, I'm a first time poster, long time lurker.....what I don't understand, and I have been trying to read through the posts is about Kyndall.  She was fired from her job for practicing in the bathroom?  And we know she was cut on the final night, but we think Megan was behind it?  Where did this information come from?  I'm not questioning it at all or trying to be snarky at all, I'm just wondering if there is another chat board or something I'm missing lol.  I feel behind on the gossip!

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1 hour ago, kgirl38 said:

Like I said, I'm a first time poster, long time lurker.....what I don't understand, and I have been trying to read through the posts is about Kyndall.  She was fired from her job for practicing in the bathroom?  And we know she was cut on the final night, but we think Megan was behind it?  Where did this information come from?  I'm not questioning it at all or trying to be snarky at all, I'm just wondering if there is another chat board or something I'm missing lol.  I feel behind on the gossip!

Ok I do not know Kyndall or Megan personally, but this has snowballed quite a bit. 

Kyndall was seen last year on the show practicing in the bathroom. Said she did so during breaks but she said she didn't want to quit her job during TCC. Smart girl.

during the off season she was let go from her job. Various Insiders say she either was with laid off because of staffing cuts, or fired because either her company didn't want to be filmed, her boss wasn't supportive of her dream (very vague - could mean anything - that they didn't want to schedule around her DCC needs or that she was not doing her job, etc). My guess is it was a combo of a lot of things, but you have to follow your companies rules, not the other way around. Who knows. Lesson learned. 

Kyndall was offered a mentoring session with Melissa R and turned it down. Apparently said she didn't want to be one of Melissa's one hit wonder projects. She thought it was ok and no biggie. 

Megan apparently questioned her and said she should take Melissa's help, then told some vets. 

now I personally think DCC/CMT dragged out Kyndall's cut for a reaction, which they didn't get. I don't think Megan has the power to get anyone cut. Maybe Melissa, but not someone barely off their rookie year. I also suspect Kyndall was misled into thinking it was an optional session, and honestly think she was very rude to say she didn't want to be a project and turn down the help. 

7 minutes ago, Smplsimon said:

The DCC took a huge credibility hit when they selected Cassie.  She can't dance; she's not at all attractive; and she was a mean girl.  There are so many stories of how girls were put through hell just because they got on Cassie's wrong side.  She's a total POS in my book.

Do tell some of these stories.

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In my opinion. I do not think Melissa has that much pull when it comes to who makes the team. She probably makes her opinions, but I do not think it carries much weight with Judy, Kelli and especially Charlotte. I often wonder if Kelli and Judy wanted Melissa as a mentor because I think CMT wanted her to be a mentor than Judy and Kelli did. I also wonder if it was CMT who wanted Kyndall to have a mentor session with Melissa. Imo, I have a hard time believing a girl would get cut because she did not want to have a session with Melissa. In fact, if I was Melissa I would be embarrassed by some of the mentor scenes especially the painful one with Caila and Breelan and their parents.

Btw, I did find it interesting when Kelli said she got into a tangle off scene with Miss Kitty during the live facebook chat. Did they get into a disagreement about a girl? Judy thought Miss Kitty was more calmer when she showed up during TC, and the girls were like no way Judy. Ha!

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12 minutes ago, bigskygirl said:


Btw, I did find it interesting when Kelli said she got into a tangle off scene with Miss Kitty during the live facebook chat. Did they get into a disagreement about a girl? Judy thought Miss Kitty was more calmer when she showed up during TC, and the girls were like no way Judy. Ha!

I know! - that part about Kelli and Kitty disagreeing sounds sooooo interesting - can not wait to see that!   Maybe they were arguing about Kelli Q since Kitty is such a Kelli Q fan (remember the famous email?) and Kelli has been trying out unsuccessfully for years?   If so, Kitty apparently won :).

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5 minutes ago, MyFavShows said:

I know! - that part about Kelli and Kitty disagreeing sounds sooooo interesting - can not wait to see that!   Maybe they were arguing about Kelli Q since Kitty is such a Kelli Q fan (remember the famous email?) and Kelli has been trying out unsuccessfully for years?   If so, Kitty apparently won :).

I put my money down on Kelli. It will be very telling if they show that scene. 

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6 minutes ago, MyFavShows said:

I know! - that part about Kelli and Kitty disagreeing sounds sooooo interesting - can not wait to see that!   Maybe they were arguing about Kelli Q since Kitty is such a Kelli Q fan (remember the famous email?) and Kelli has been trying out unsuccessfully for years?   If so, Kitty apparently won :).

And rightly so! Kitty knows best 99% of the time. Especially last season when she said to K and J Shelbi needs cutting like right now. *teehee*  

why don't they bring kitty to prelims to judge? She judges show group so why not? 

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2 minutes ago, JC123 said:

And rightly so! Kitty knows best 99% of the time. Especially last season when she said to K and J Shelbi needs cutting like right now. *teehee*  

why don't they bring kitty to prelims to judge? She judges show group so why not? 

I just watched a re-run of that episode and it was interesting that Kitty remarked that Shelbi is so competitive that if she doesn't make the team, she's going to implode.  Well, we saw what happened when she didn't get selected at finals this year!

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From what I understood from Jenn K. Answers is that this season is about the swerve. How some girls seemed on track but derailed and others were headed towards the off ramp but stayed in the right lane in the end.  I could not get a read on Jenn's feelings but I have too wonder if in her opinion the right 36 made the team. I know there is 37 girls today but I don't believe Yuko is a real member of the squad without the right visa. Like Amy said in the FB chat, in order for you to get the DCC pinky ring, you have to make it through the entire season. 

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2 hours ago, kgirl38 said:

Long time stalker, first time poster.  The questions are lame.  Who do you want to win The Bachelor?  Seriously?  What is your favorite part of the audition process?  I don't know what I was hoping, but it certainly wasn't that. 

Like I said, I'm a first time poster, long time lurker.....what I don't understand, and I have been trying to read through the posts is about Kyndall.  She was fired from her job for practicing in the bathroom?  And we know she was cut on the final night, but we think Megan was behind it?  Where did this information come from?  I'm not questioning it at all or trying to be snarky at all, I'm just wondering if there is another chat board or something I'm missing lol.  I feel behind on the gossip!

They always pick the lame questions to answer.  They want the aura that dcc is perfect and no one effs up ever.  Can someone please write a tell all book like holly Madison did on playboy?  Please???

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