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2016 Tryouts and Training Camp Spoilers and Spoiled Speculations

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14 minutes ago, NFLSweethearts said:

Does Tasha's video work for anyone? For me I see her in the picture then click it and it's Madeline dancing instead. 

No, it's doing that for everyone I think. I actually wanted to see Tasha dance as well lol. 

I'm thinking the girls are lined up ready to perform.. So maybe when the first one messed up the others are getting totally stressed out and making mistakes as well. I remember last years finalists being a lot stronger than this? It can't be just me? 

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I was just rewatching the second episode of season 6, trying to catch a glimpse of Olivia S sitting in her chair (and man, they showed the tiniest glimpse of her ONCE! she really must have gotten on their sh*t list!!!) and Jamie is one of the girls who does not make it...she carries her tree prop out and says about how she doesnt know if she'll try again next year because it's still a dream, etc. So that was like 5 years ago?? I will say, girl does not age! She's another one tho where in dancing vids on her IG I think she looks really good but her clip for this piece...yikes. it was SO out of control :( 

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Is it just me or did Heather's video number 33 cut out early?

I like Maggie but she messed up a bit lol on the good parts she had really good power

Edited by heatherrrrz
realized there were two heathers lol
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I think "Tasha"/Madeline has got this! She has improved so much since last year even her appearance! Lol Shelbi's video was awkward you could see her walking away at the end. Emily Roslyn appeared to be too close to the camera towards the end vs. the position where she started lol

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1 minute ago, heatherrrrz said:

Is it just me or did Heather's video cut out early?

I like Maggie but she messed up a bit lol on the good parts she had really good power

Lots cut out early.. usually because the girls mess up and stop. I think there are about 4 or 5.

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2 minutes ago, BritFan said:

Lots cut out early.. usually because the girls mess up and stop. I think there are about 4 or 5.

It looked like she knew the choreo which was weird as to why they would stop it early. Maybe she did forget, who knows lol 

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16 hours ago, JC123 said:

Aw I like Cersten! She was fun to watch. I don't know what it was about Kelsey's but after seeing her in insta vids I feel disappointed with that one?! Lol hope she can pull it off better next weekend! Despite that, Cersten and Kelsey are definitely my favourite two right now.

I can see like 6 videos is that what everyone else is seeing?

I don't think there's technical issues with Celindas video- she's so obviously looking over to the person marking it, the point where it cut off look like she's forgot and they've cut it short to spare her the embarrassment lol. 

Cersten was super fun to watch.

15 hours ago, Harrythecat said:

Oh geesh.  That song is just like the one they used the first year they had the fan vote.  Is Kelly so cheap she will not pay for musical licensing of a good song.  It is like the hire a dj to do it for the beats...but she don't consider that we the fans have to listen to it over and over again to view the finalist.

Lol that has nothing to do with it. Mia clearly choreographed this though; you can tell by her choice of music.

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Considering Shelbi knew where she was going wrong after TC last year, her video is embarrassing! 

Lots of them are all over the place. It's sad because I feel like other girls in past seasons may have had a better chance of making the team this season.. Last year, there was an abundance of talent at tryouts.. This year not so much. 

Based on those videos I honestly think (and hope) there is little/no chance they will start cutting veterans next week. We shall see! 

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Maybe they got more time to rehearse last year - didn't really watch every single video last year, but I didn't find these all that shockingly bad overall.  Yeah, I can find technique issues, but I can do that in any video of someone dancing ;) unless they are a rockstar.   And we've really only seen half of them so far, right?  Even the ones that stop, for instance Heather, you got the idea how she dances before it stopped and I still think she's pretty good.  I think Maggie is good too and she had issues as well.

Overall a lot of them are really pretty and have nice figures.   The girls from last year as a whole weren't as "DCC pretty" as this group so far IMO.

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Yeah seems a lot have heard of Caila's behaviour, someone said she was hot and asked for a lap dance sarcastically on her latest instagram post of her with her number on the board after prelims lol! Hate to say it but would almost be more exciting if some vets are cut! Would make it anyones game! So excited to see which new girls are featured on the show/eventually make the team. I'm guessing there will be a montage for the returning girls lol. Also hate to say it but don't want Amy Simone to make the team she wouldn't be a good DCC and that would be three Amy's on the team lol but would like to see how she handles TC!

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I guess I am not a tough enough judge LOL  I don't think this crop of girls are so bad.  They are performing a routine they learned just that morning, they are exhausted, nervous, and are told they have one shot to perform alone on camera to be judged by random strangers.  I know that is what you sign up for with something like DCC but it still has got to be tough and stressful. There are a lot of girls I watched and thought, I think she could get this down.

It would be interesting to see how the rock stars of years ago like Brittany Evans and Whitney would have done in a fan vote dance thing like this. Were they truly a different caliber where they could immediately perform a routine to perfection or would they also have had some stumbles and made their improvements as they had time to practice? 

The only ones that really scare me are the girls who completely forget and stop. But I'm still not convinced it's not a computer glitch.  They seem to be taking forever getting the videos up. 

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They are performing a routine they learned just that morning, they are exhausted, nervous, and are told they have one shot to perform alone on camera to be judged by random strangers. 

Of course, don't get me wrong I know it must be so stressful. But in the prep classes we've all been seeing so many videos of, they're picking up a whole routine, which is often longer than the one they've gotta do here, in a similar amount of time? And it looks better? And half of these girls have done competitions etc their whole lives, which is surely the same pressure stress nerves etc? All I'm saying is that I remember previous fan vote videos being lots better. To me, half of them just don't look that bothered lol.

Tasha's still isn't sorted out.. It's still Madeleine on there. 

There's around 30 videos up so we should have like another 15ish to go yet? What on earth is going on?!

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You are probably right; this dance stuff isn't my forte...I just think the pressure at an actual DCC audition (BEST IN THE WORLDDDD) is a heck of a lot different than prep classes and competitions they've done growing up.  They treat it almost like the olympics...you work allll year (or more) for 90 seconds to impress the judges. If nerves get the best of olympic athletes who never messed up otherwise at world or national competitions during the year, I imagine 19 year old girls who are extremely talented may falter and are purposely trying not to look bothered or upset on camera. 

Maybe this will just make it an easy year for the judges.  They will keep veterans, grab the few new girls that are not terrible and be pretty much set. They did fine with what, 34 girls on squad last year? Their injury prone girls retired and they'll have some great all stars to step in if an injury does happen.  Maybe this will lead into them ending the show. They aren't getting quality girls so no excitement in camp and people will start to not care and they can move on.  I thought K&J seemed very over it last year anyway (the show, not DCC). 

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13 minutes ago, LaurenBrook said:

You are probably right; this dance stuff isn't my forte...I just think the pressure at an actual DCC audition (BEST IN THE WORLDDDD) is a heck of a lot different than prep classes and competitions they've done growing up.  They treat it almost like the olympics...you work allll year (or more) for 90 seconds to impress the judges. If nerves get the best of olympic athletes who never messed up otherwise at world or national competitions during the year, I imagine 19 year old girls who are extremely talented may falter and are purposely trying not to look bothered or upset on camera. 

Maybe this will just make it an easy year for the judges.  They will keep veterans, grab the few new girls that are not terrible and be pretty much set. They did fine with what, 34 girls on squad last year? Their injury prone girls retired and they'll have some great all stars to step in if an injury does happen.  Maybe this will lead into them ending the show. They aren't getting quality girls so no excitement in camp and people will start to not care and they can move on.  I thought K&J seemed very over it last year anyway (the show, not DCC). 

Oh lord I hope it's not the end of the show, I get what you are saying it's lacklustre though I hope it doesn't spell the end of MTT lol. I remember last year being surprised at Jasmine's cut so maybe I will be surprised if they cut some vets this year too lol.

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Is it common to have a demonstrator in front for an audition like they do in the videos? It seems to throw them off more than it helps them. Several of them just have their eyes locked on the vet (Bethany is particularly bad), and a lot of them cut things short or rush. Then you have Whitney, who screws up the choreography but looks great because she's just relaxed and going with it rather than trying to keep up with the vet.

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I like Kyndall, I don't remember why they didn't like her in training camp does anyone else? 

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I think the talent is getting better, not worse., but that we are looking at a small glimpse of who these girls are.  I look back at the early seasons and how many of those girls would not make it today. 

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11 minutes ago, heatherrrrz said:

I like Kyndall, I don't remember why they didn't like her in training camp does anyone else? 

Wasn't she having memory mistakes? She kept messing up on choreography and even doing it with Jacie she was making a lot of errors.  She wasnt willing to quit her job just to practice more which I admire. 

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8 minutes ago, LaurenBrook said:

Wasn't she having memory mistakes? She kept messing up on choreography and even doing it with Jacie she was making a lot of errors.  She wasnt willing to quit her job just to practice more which I admire. 

You're right, she totally did mess up a lot. I admire her for asking for a second chance to dance, it takes guts to go up to Kelli and Judy.

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And sorry, but I don't think all of these girls who have like a 10 second clip are forgetting or screwing up so bad that they quit filming.  I was watching Sheridan's and she was doing great and in the middle of a move and then it just ended abruptly. I think they are having a lot of technical issues.  

Sheridan is so cute. I hope she does well this year!

Underwhelmed by Tasha. Jenny was kind of yikes though I think she was just SO nervous.  I think she is gorgeous though, I hope she gets it together by Saturday. 

Brittney is just adorable with her haircut! Reminded me Jordan Baum's first year but her smile reminded me of Kelsey Bond. 

Really like Kelli Q. She messed up a couple of times but recovered quickly. She has a nice spark. Selina was also a lot of fun to watch. 

Kyndall is so beautiful but was not overly impressed with hers, she seemed so spastic. 

Did Cristi not make it? I thought someone said Carly did not but I thought Cristi did. I don't see her in the videos unless she wasnt uploaded yet. 

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34 minutes ago, MaryWebGirl said:

Is it common to have a demonstrator in front for an audition like they do in the videos? It seems to throw them off more than it helps them. Several of them just have their eyes locked on the vet (Bethany is particularly bad), and a lot of them cut things short or rush. Then you have Whitney, who screws up the choreography but looks great because she's just relaxed and going with it rather than trying to keep up with the vet.

They have a Vet to follow for filming the video clip because they learned the dance sequence only that morning. Hopefully it'll help enough so they get through it without messy up (too much). :)

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If you are going to vote for a DCC fan favorite, please take the time to engage in a fair and thorough process.  I organize myself by writing down the name and number of a candidate, I then view their video once and assign that person a "DCC" letter grade of A, B, or C (considering memory, showmanship or pop, and look) based on my initial impression.  A candidate may have only so-so memory, but incredible showmanship and look to make up for their choreography mistakes, and still end up with a low A or B.  A truly standout performance earns an A+ to differentiate them from the others.

After the initial review, I generally have my top ten or so As, whom I then review once more -- starting with those few A+s (to set the gold standard) -- and then assign them a rank order from one to ten.

Edited by California Girl
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3 minutes ago, California Girl said:

If you are going to vote for a DCC fan favorite, please take the time to engage in a fair and thorough process.  I organize myself by writing down the name and number of a candidate, I then view their video once and assign that person a "DCC" letter grade of A, B, or C (considering memory, showmanship or pop, and look) based on my initial impression.  A candidate may have only so-so memory, but incredible showmanship and look to make up for their choreography mistakes, and still end up with a low A or B.  A truly standout performance earns an A+ to differentiate them from the others.

After the initial review, I generally have my top ten or so As, whom I then review once more -- starting with those few A+s (to set the gold standard) -- and then assign them a rank order from one to ten.

Lol that's alot. I'm just going to vote for who I think is the best by what I see and rank in my head if need be.

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30 minutes ago, California Girl said:

If you are going to vote for a DCC fan favorite, please take the time to engage in a fair and thorough process.  I organize myself by writing down the name and number of a candidate, I then view their video once and assign that person a "DCC" letter grade of A, B, or C (considering memory, showmanship or pop, and look) based on my initial impression.  A candidate may have only so-so memory, but incredible showmanship and look to make up for their choreography mistakes, and still end up with a low A or B.  A truly standout performance earns an A+ to differentiate them from the others.

After the initial review, I generally have my top ten or so As, whom I then review once more -- starting with those few A+s (to set the gold standard) -- and then assign them a rank order from one to ten.

Yeah...I'd love to do that but don't really have the time to be that organized.  I am trying to watch all of them though instead of girls I know I like already and want to see in camp.  

33 minutes ago, NFLSweethearts said:

Thanks! She was a bit out of control too but I think she can do it.  Her other videos on IG are great.  There is something I like about her...and she can kick to the moon! 

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6 minutes ago, LaurenBrook said:

So Cersten was a jr DCC *and* is friends with DCC Erica!  Maybe that partially explains why she is one of the standouts.  I bet they feature her some on CMT, at least I hope so. She really is one of my favorites so far. 

Ah, so the LSU trend continues (Jacie, Erica, Jax, Cersten). And all phenomenal dancers! I was pleasantly surprised by Selina, she did better than I remember last season. I'm still rooting for Kendall, even though her performance wasn't the best.

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So I just counted the group photo that was posted and there were 48 girls on there and I've counted 44 girls videos that have been uploaded currently, so there should be 4 more girls left to be uploaded and then hopefully we can vote. 

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Britney, Ellen, Dejeane and Brennan are my favs from today.  Ellen had a less than high kick, but besides for that she has the DCC style and is cute as hell - reminds me of Evan Anderson.

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Tasha looked, to use a Kitty phrase - "stripper...ish" when she danced.   She just does not have a girl next door look to me, reminds me of the Minchew sisters, and her boob job is just way OTT IMO.  I love spray tans, but hers was just too dark.

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I actually really liked Cristi's! A few memory mistakes and she slipped a little but I just like her performance factor. I really am routing for her


my favorite still is definitely Cersten

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I have a question about the FV choreography. Some girls are doing 2 kicks, one at the beginning and the one near the end. Some are just doing just the only one near the end. Are some just showing off or are the others just forgetting it?

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Just now, MrsEVH said:

I have a question about the FV choreography. Some girls are doing 2 kicks, one at the beginning and the one near the end. Some are just doing just the only one near the end. Are some just showing off or are the others just forgetting it?

It looks like 16 counts is free style. So if it's within that window they have added it themselves 

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1 minute ago, MrsEVH said:

I have a question about the FV choreography. Some girls are doing 2 kicks, one at the beginning and the one near the end. Some are just doing just the only one near the end. Are some just showing off or are the others just forgetting it?

I'm pretty sure girls doing 2 kicks are just showing off, the only time they would be able to do a kick in the beginning is during the freestyle section.

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Brennan and Mandy my top favorites.   Certsen 3rd.  Still think Emily has the most promise of the returners - she just looks so beautiful.   Kyndell did "okay" w/ the dance, but kind of boring - she's still so cute though and I'd prefer her over Madeline (they are a similar look).  Selina was a better dancer, but I don't think she has the look as much as these others.

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29 minutes ago, MrsEVH said:

Ugh thanks! not sure how i keep missing some of these!

She actually looked pretty good. I think she is a beautiful girl and has an awesome smile. I don't even think I'd say she looks heavy, she just is someone who carries her weight at her stomach (her legs look great!).  I will be so interested to see what they do with her.  It's been a while since we've had a cut vet come back several years later...

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