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18 hours ago, Miss Anne Thrope said:


I enjoyed the Marahs reunion too.  I loved that Robert Newman and Kim Zimmer seem genuinely fond and proud of all of them (and KZ of Tom Pelphrey as well).  It's been mentioned many times before, but that cast was apparently very tight - which to me seems, if not miraculous, possibly unusual.

Definitely looking forward to the upcoming one too.

I am just getting around to watching the Bauer BBQ autism fundraiser on The Locher Room and I have to agree that this cast seems like they were very tight.  Nearly all of them commented on the fun and laughs behind the scenes. Sad that most of them haven’t kept in touch but this reunion, and all of Alan Locher’s other ones, really seem to make them genuinely happy to see each other and reignited a desire in them keep in touch moving forward.

I appreciate all these reunions and all of what Alan is doing and it seems the actors do as well.

Edited by justduckey
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On 7/27/2020 at 12:50 AM, ByaNose said:

I still have to watch the Marah reunion. I was there from the beginning with Ashley Peldon. To find out that she is 36 is very depressing. I’m almost 56. Does that make me old? It’s all relative I guess. LOL!!!!

Ashley was the Marah I knew best followed by Kimberly. I basically stopped watching in 93 but would check in every now and again. I’m not familiar at all with the older Marah’s. I really enjoyed seeing Kim and Robert’s reaction to seeing the girls - specifically Ashley and Kimberly since they were children last they saw them and now they’re grown women.  I’m glad Alan saved the reveal for live, on air.

Good for Ashley for not falling victim to child star syndrome. I would have liked to hear her memories of working with Beth Ehlers.

Time, right? I cannot believe Harley and Mallet left in 93 and that was 27 years ago!!  It was before the OJ Simpson murder, before Friends and ER premiered...so many things that seem soooo long ago and yet them leaving seems like maybe it was 10 years ago (which is crazy since the show was cancelled over 10 years ago already)!

Edited by justduckey
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Attention @Bastet! I think this reunion in particular---this Wednesday, August 12th at 3 PM Eastern--is one you're going to LOVE! :)

It includes:

Tina Sloan (Lillian)

Maeve Kinkead (Vanessa)

Ellen Parker (Maureen)

and...wait for it...

RACHEL MINER! (Michelle 1.0)

I only wish Maureen Garrett and/or Peter Simon were going to be there, too. Still, how exciting! 



Edited by UYI
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This really was my favorite so far, though Maeve got dropped out due to wifi issues about 3/4 of the way through. I would have liked two hours with the four of them. 

I had no idea Rachel Miner was such a force. Wonderful. And learning she is 40 years old makes me feel ancient. 

Is there a reliable way to find old episodes or sequences of episodes with some kind of accuracy? I can never find anything but individual scenes or supercuts. I'd love to be able to drill down into a period I loved and revisit. Thanks for any guidance! 

15 hours ago, rejnel said:

This really was my favorite so far, though Maeve got dropped out due to wifi issues about 3/4 of the way through. I would have liked two hours with the four of them. 

I had no idea Rachel Miner was such a force. Wonderful. And learning she is 40 years old makes me feel ancient. 

Is there a reliable way to find old episodes or sequences of episodes with some kind of accuracy? I can never find anything but individual scenes or supercuts. I'd love to be able to drill down into a period I loved and revisit. Thanks for any guidance! 

Up until a few weeks ago there was and then bandstandmike’s channel was removed by YouTube for a variety of violations. I was enjoying the full episodes. 

On 8/9/2020 at 3:08 PM, UYI said:

I only wish Maureen Garrett and/or Peter Simon were going to be there, too. Still, how exciting! 

Me too, especially Maureen Garrett; since she, Ellen Parker, and Maeve Kinkaid had so much fun sharing that big (for the tiny studio) dressing room for years, I would love to hear the three of them reminisce.

I still haven't watched the one with Maureen Garrett, Jerry VerDorn, Liz Kiefer, etc., but I will definitely download this one, too, and watch it someday.  Thanks for the heads up.

Thanks for the update on YouTube, justduckey.

Honestly, if CBS had a Vintage Soaps subscription service, I'd gladly pay a few dollars a month to watch GL and ATWT. Even if the shows went in directions I didn't like from time to time, I'd love to see all the actors I loved and those old shows. Especially if everything were on demand so you could pick your eras and storylines. 

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We are FINALLY getting a reunion that includes Peter Simon (Ed), as he will be on with Alan Locher next Wednesday, September 2nd, at 3 PM Eastern, along with his wife Courtney Simon (they met while acting on Search for Tomorrow together; she later played Dr. Lynn Michaels on ATWT and was a writer on many soaps, including GL), and their daughter Kate Hall, who followed in her mom's footsteps and became a soap writer herself.


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3 minutes ago, Bastet said:

Maybe you're confusing him with Daniel Pilon (who also played Alan); he died a couple of years ago.  And of course the original Alan, Chris Bernau, died a long time ago.

Nope.  They were both before my GL time. as I probably didn't see more than an ep or two before the 90s.   Ron Raines is the only Alan I have any memory of.

39 minutes ago, UYI said:

Alan DID die during the final week of the show--maybe that's what you're thinking of? LOL. 

I don't think that's it either; although I appreciate everyone trying.   I don't know.  Maybe I had that thought and then a few of the reunions I watched talked about him in the past tense and I translated that in my mind that he was past tense instead of whatever specific thing they were talking about was past tense.

Edited by Irlandesa
1 hour ago, justduckey said:

I wasn’t even watching during the Gus/Alan years yet I found this thoroughly enjoyable.

I really liked them too; both men were informative, funny, and genuine IMO.  I never knew Ron Raines was such a warm guy with so many nice things to say about so many others (with Ricky Paull Goldin a close second).

Ron was Mr. Broadway and always had the boisterous personality with the cast. I heard from others he was always singing in the studio because he has a great voice. He was great as Alan. Of course, Chris Bernau was the best Alan but I would put Raines up there, too. It is funny because I was thinking that Grant Alexander & Raines worked together a lot but I can’t really recall when Grant left and returned towards the end of the show. 

1 hour ago, UYI said:

@Bastet, another one with MG! 🙂

Hell yeah, my gal Maureen is wearing an RBG shirt!  (I really miss the red hair, though.)

I still haven't watched the first two I downloaded, but I will definitely add this to my collection; thanks for the heads up.  I liked the Holly/Gilly relationship, and remember Amelia Marshall - who looks great! - said MG was the first cast member to befriend her, so it will be nice to hear them reminisce. 

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Killing off Mo created a void that the show never managed to fill, but wow did Nancy Curlee turn Jill Farren Phelps’s terrible idea (even JFP wound up agreeing it was one of the biggest mistakes in soap history) into fantastic television.

I just re-watched it - from Maureen finding out (via Lillian's note to Ed) through Ed tucking Michelle in after the funeral - and I was so damn angry with Ed all over again.  He’s going around yelling at everyone to tell him where she is* - when she has made it plain as day she wants to be left the hell alone for a minute to process the fact he cheated on her with one of her friends - because he wants to tell her he loves her.  Shut up, Ed!  And then when he gets to the cabin and ignores her orders to leave, he has the gall to say, “Please don’t leave me.”  Seriously, dude?  You get to beg for forgiveness and ask if you can work things out when SHE is ready to talk to YOU.  She just found out!  Get out of her face.  He's so fucking selfish.

*As an aside, how dumb is he not to have thought of the cabin?  Let's see, your wife wants to be alone, you own vacation property within driving distance, where could she be?

Their final confrontation is incredibly well written and acted – drama with absolutely no melodrama or histrionics.  Mo's confrontation with Lillian was the same way.  It’s just so raw and real that it's brutal and truly heartbreaking to watch.

There were so many moments from those episodes I remembered clearly, all this time later (good gods, it has been over 25 years!):  “You have broken my heart” as her final words, Vanessa’s anguished cry when Eve delivered the news at the hospital, the “Goodbye, My Friend” closing credits, Roger’s devastation when he heard the news, and the conversation between Holly and Michelle in Michelle's bedroom after the funeral (kicking off what became one of my all-time favorite storylines/relationships).

And there’s so much more greatness I’d forgotten, like Maureen telling Lillian she reduced them to a ridiculous suburban joke.  And Vanessa telling Lillian to get her ass in that house and put on the performance of her life, because no way in hell was anyone going to take Lillian’s absence or awkwardness as a clue to what had happened and think of Maureen as a hoodwinked wife.  Plus great conversations between Ed and Ross, and Ed and Vanessa.  Michelle trying to be a Mini Maureen and have all the food laid out.  Ed assuring Bridget she can return whenever and for however long she wants; Maureen’s death doesn’t mean she’s no longer family.

I love how fierce Ellen Parker’s performance is, like she’s showing JFP, “See, if you'd ever given me anything meaty to play, you wouldn't think I'm expendable."

Edited by Bastet
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On 10/14/2020 at 6:45 PM, Bastet said:

Killing off Mo created a void that the show never managed to fill, but wow did Nancy Curlee turn Jill Farren Phelps’s terrible idea (even JFP wound up agreeing it was one of the biggest mistakes in soap history) into fantastic television.

I just re-watched it - from Maureen finding out (via Lillian's note to Ed) through Ed tucking Michelle in after the funeral - and I was so damn angry with Ed all over again.  He’s going around yelling at everyone to tell him where she is* - when she has made it plain as day she wants to be left the hell alone for a minute to process the fact he cheated on her with one of her friends - because he wants to tell her he loves her.  Shut up, Ed!  And then when he gets to the cabin and ignores her orders to leave, he has the gall to say, “Please don’t leave me.”  Seriously, dude?  You get to beg for forgiveness and ask if you can work things out when SHE is ready to talk to YOU.  She just found out!  Get out of her face.  He's so fucking selfish.

*As an aside, how dumb is he not to have thought of the cabin?  Let's see, your wife wants to be alone, you own vacation property within driving distance, where could she be?

Their final confrontation is incredibly well written and acted – drama with absolutely no melodrama or histrionics.  Mo's confrontation with Lillian was the same way.  It’s just so raw and real that it's brutal and truly heartbreaking to watch.

There were so many moments from those episodes I remembered clearly, all this time later (good gods, it has been over 25 years!):  “You have broken my heart” as her final words, Vanessa’s anguished cry when Eve delivered the news at the hospital, the “Goodbye, My Friend” closing credits, Roger’s devastation when he heard the news, and the conversation between Holly and Michelle in Michelle's bedroom after the funeral (kicking off what became one of my all-time favorite storylines/relationships).

And there’s so much more greatness I’d forgotten, like Maureen telling Lillian she reduced them to a ridiculous suburban joke.  And Vanessa telling Lillian to get her ass in that house and put on the performance of her life, because no way in hell was anyone going to take Lillian’s absence or awkwardness as a clue to what had happened and think of Maureen as a hoodwinked wife.  Plus great conversations between Ed and Ross, and Ed and Vanessa.  Michelle trying to be a Mini Maureen and have all the food laid out.  Ed assuring Bridget she can return whenever and for however long she wants; Maureen’s death doesn’t mean she’s no longer family.

I love how fierce Ellen Parker’s performance is, like she’s showing JFP, “See, if you'd ever given me anything meaty to play, you wouldn't think I'm expendable."

Beautiful post and I loved how the Holly/Blake/Ross storyline permeated throughout that story..  Ed/Holly bonding was also another treat and I loved how Holly reamed him out when she found out that he cheated on Maureen. Even though she had had an affair with Ed while he was with Maureen in the past but she did not come off hypocritical or self-righteous.  The writing during that time was so excellent and nuanced.  I only wish Beverly's Alexandra was there to find out about her good friend Lillian having an affair, given what happened between Mindy and Roger.  The Alex/Mindy/Roger storyline was another great story  that was wonderfully written and acted by the principals  but I digress. 

Nancy Curlee hated killing off Maureen she said she had lots of stories to tell for Maureen.  The Maureen/Roger friendship had so much potential., damn you to hell, Jill!

Edited by Pearson80
4 minutes ago, Pearson80 said:

Ed/Holly bonding was also another treat and I loved how Holly reamed him out when she found out that he cheated on Maureen. Even though she had had an affair with Ed while he was with Maureen in the past but she did not come off hypocritical or self-righteous. 

That scene was fantastic, when she let him have it about cheating and he was so bewildered - as was she to a lesser degree by her own reaction - that she was so angry.

I particularly love that it honestly presented what had happened between Ed and Holly upon her return, that the estranged Ed and Maureen had agreed their separation (which Mo's infatuation with Fletcher was partially responsible for) meant they were free to do what (who) they wanted -- Holly, for all her faults past and present, would not have slept with Ed then if not for that.  I haven't watched those scenes in many years, so I don't remember the details-- I think Ed may have slept with Holly again hours after that conversation, but the conversation did indeed happen and that was the context -- but the gist is critical to the Ed/Mo/Holly dynamic that followed.

Holly was a shit wife to Ed in version one of the characters, but she was a good friend to him in version two, and I was a kid for the first so only understood any of these folks in the second; their relationship was always quite interesting to me.

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12 hours ago, Bastet said:

That scene was fantastic, when she let him have it about cheating and he was so bewildered - as was she to a lesser degree by her own reaction - that she was so angry.

I particularly love that it honestly presented what had happened between Ed and Holly upon her return, that the estranged Ed and Maureen had agreed their separation (which Mo's infatuation with Fletcher was partially responsible for) meant they were free to do what (who) they wanted -- Holly, for all her faults past and present, would not have slept with Ed then if not for that.  I haven't watched those scenes in many years, so I don't remember the details-- I think Ed may have slept with Holly again hours after that conversation, but the conversation did indeed happen and that was the context -- but the gist is critical to the Ed/Mo/Holly dynamic that followed.

Holly was a shit wife to Ed in version one of the characters, but she was a good friend to him in version two, and I was a kid for the first so only understood any of these folks in the second; their relationship was always quite interesting to me.

Exactly! Mo was a good person but she was allowed to be flawed. She always showed disdain for Holly and was insecure around her because she knew of Ed's past devotion and love for her and it was a stark contrast to her liking Roger who Ed hated with the heat of a thousand suns.. That era of Guiding light was just golden, I remember a television critic saying that Guiding Light was the best show on TV, period..

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4 hours ago, Pearson80 said:

Exactly! Mo was a good person but she was allowed to be flawed. She always showed disdain for Holly and was insecure around her because she knew of Ed's past devotion and love for her and it was a stark contrast to her liking Roger who Ed hated with the heat of a thousand suns..

I think ticking Ed and Holly off was part of the appeal of Roger for Maureen at first, and I liked that orneriness from her (and loved the mutual respect and affection that developed between her and Roger).  I also liked how annoyed Holly was by Maureen sometimes; it was a fun contrast to everyone else thinking she was the Saint of Springfield.  And I loved most of all that they had moments when they genuinely liked each other, and were honest about the fact they were each a little jealous of the other.

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I am so glad I got to watch bandstandmikes videos before they were taken down. I binged the 91-93 period earlier this year and it held up so well. The acting was phenomenal. I was about 9 when it aired and I was most interested in Bridget’s storyline even though my heart broke when Maureen died. Watching it as an adult, I was furious with Ed! And then his pity party afterward and not really letting Michelle feel all her justified hatred towards him. I was fully on board when she ran away. Rachel Miner was such a wonderful child actor. 

Early 90s GL really was a gift. So many great stories and performances. 

Edited by racked
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12 hours ago, racked said:

I am so glad I got to watch bandstandmikes videos before they were taken down. I binged the 91-93 period earlier this year and it held up so well. The acting was phenomenal. I was about 9 when it aired and I was most interested in Bridget’s storyline even though my heart broke when Maureen died. Watching it as an adult, I was furious with Ed! And then his pity party afterward and not really letting Michelle feel all her justified hatred towards him. I was fully on board when she ran away. Rachel Miner was such a wonderful child actor. 

Early 90s GL really was a gift. So many great stories and performances. 

I always thought the Alexandra/Roger/Mindy triangle was one of the best in daytime , nobody was totally right or totally wrong and  it was not meant to be a triangle where a couple would end up together. It was about betrayal and heartache.  Beverly McKinsey was just phenomenal during that time as Alexandra.  Alexandra can be a cold stone bitch one minute  doing something  heinous and then will break your heart the next. I doubt that I will ever see that type complexity in a character  on a daytime soap..

Edited by Pearson80
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Expanding on the previous post, the reunion includes Beverlee McKinsey's son, long time soap director Scott McKinsey (formerly of GH, now at DAYS), as well as:

Grant Aleksander (Phillip)

Mark Derwin (Mallet)

Jay Hammer (Fletcher)

Vincent Irizarry (Lujack/Nick)

It will take place next Monday, November 16th at 3 PM Eastern.


Edited by UYI
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On 11/7/2020 at 2:01 AM, racked said:

I am so glad I got to watch bandstandmikes videos before they were taken down. I binged the 91-93 period earlier this year and it held up so well. The acting was phenomenal. I was about 9 when it aired and I was most interested in Bridget’s storyline even though my heart broke when Maureen died. Watching it as an adult, I was furious with Ed! And then his pity party afterward and not really letting Michelle feel all her justified hatred towards him. I was fully on board when she ran away. Rachel Miner was such a wonderful child actor. 

Early 90s GL really was a gift. So many great stories and performances. 

I’m so glad I got to watch his videos before they were take down, too. But honestly is just whetted my appetite for more and I’m trying to cobble together uploaded episodes from here and there to try to see a cohesive story. 

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 I always thought the Alexandra/Roger/Mindy triangle was one of the best in daytime

The triangle was great, but I hated the way they followed up on it, with most of the characters thinking Mindy was some poor innocent in all of this, and that Alexandra was some mean old vindictive witch for wanting to punish her as well as punishing Roger.

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I'm just about 25 minutes into this, and it's absolutely lovely.

These reunion interviews have been quite an accomplishment. Some have been messy and awkward, and others have been elegant and inspiring. But they have all been done in a spirit of community, and a great success in that regard. Daytime television should find a way to recognize Alan Locher for what he's done this year. 

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I finally saw the interview with Grant & Beth. There no hiccups so it was a nice clean interview & great lighting. That’s a win-win. I would love to see Grant on a soap even just for six week arc. I’m not sure if he’s given up acting or not though. I had been watching GL a few years before he started but they really had great male leading actors such as Stewart, Bernau, ver Dorn, O’Rourke & later on Simon & Zaslow. They were like movie leading men. I was really spoiled how good the show & writing was in the late 70’s. Great theater.

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