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Morning Joe: All Episodes Talk

Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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Robert's described it as "heartwarming" and Mika piped up that she didn't think it was heartwarming at all..



I think what happened was Thomas described the story how at certain Starbucks, someone started a pay it forward chain that lasted for hours and hours.  One lady started it at the drive-thru, the next person in line would hear their coffee was already paid for, then they  would pay for the next person and so on and so on, til one woman didn't want it and paid for her own coffee.  Thomas, generously offered that the woman wasn't cheap, she probably did not understand what was being explained to her by the barista.  That's when Mika jumped in and said "it's only two dollars!", Thomas tried to explain the lady wasn't being cheap just a little thick.  What got my dander up was Mike offering "It's only two dollars!", as if she pays for and gets her own coffee!!!!  

Edited by sugarbaker design

Nothing costs 2 dollars, you rich witch.

I personally can't stand how often she bumbles and mumbles, "Is it just me?". And I AGREE with her take on McDonnell (I think, she's so busy listening to herself and showing off that I'm not sure).

Why did Joe need to catch a plane before the show even ended? Does this mean he'll be remote from Nantucket again for a few weeks?

It's too bad EmeraldGirl, that Mika can't string two declarative sentences together because I agree with you (ha, still not sure of Mika's line of defense). I really think Joe is looking into a mirror for his defense of Bob McDonald. Poor, poor defenseless Govenor who's stuck with a shrew of a wife who took him down. Joe's argument is so weak (he's never heard a bad word about McDonald...he doesn't have a reputation for having a bad temper, blah, blah, blah).

However Mika's only argument is that Bob wears the Rolex and sits in a Ferrari but she never goes anywhere else with it like couldn't his $50,000 investment in the vitamin guy's company be viewed as a quid pro quo for the hundred of thousands of dollars in gifts and "loans" his family obtained from this guy? What father doesn't know how much his daughters wedding costs? Honestly, who wants a Govenor, or lord forbid a Vice Presidential candidate, that is so clueless about his family's finances or let's his wife run the show?

I swear McDonalds wife has the look of someone who has been medicated for anxiety and/or a battered wife (perhaps verbal abuse) that has been browbeaten into submission for the sake of the family. Honey, your husband is going to leave you in a cloud of dust after the trial and based on testimony won't have to support you in any way. I'm not sure if it was Sam Stein who said perhaps the good Virgina voters may find him throwing her under the bus very distasteful. Joe bristled because it's clear that good old Bob is a victim (*cough*, as is Joe no doubt in his divorces).

As always, Howard Dean is a good foil for Joe but he's calm and reasonable. Joe was touting the new poll that had Scott Brown pulling within two points of Jeanne Shaheen in New Hampshire (just a month ago he was trailing by 12 points). Joe was convinced the Republicans have a good chance to take over the senate. Howard calmly pointed out that he was suspicious of the poll and that it's probably an outlier. I guess Joe forgot about all the polls that showed Eric Cantor leading in his race and of course the Tea Party's utter defeat in their recent primaries...or even Miit Romney's own polls that showed him beating President Obama. I'm convinced the Republicans manipulate polls as a fund raising strategy because they said donors are now willing to put money behind Brown's campaign given the poll results.

  • Love 3

Joe is in full rant mode today. He is mad at the militarization of police, the lack of community policing. Joe said the police need body cameras. Joe said Ferguson police makeup is like Apartheid in South Africa .Joe strongly supports Al Sharpton efforts. They talked about Maureen Dowd's golf column on Obama. Joe said his friends in Pensacola were talking about Obama playing too much golf. Mika did not watch the VMA's. joe said his daughter listens to Ariana Grande & other female singers but that there are no good male  bands except Maroon 5 now. He said One Direction wasn't popular anymore.

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I'm so sick of this nonsense about Obama playing golf. Pretty soon they're going to be complaining that he's breathing. Besides basketball, golf seems to be the only thing he does in the few hours of spare time he gets to unwind and rest his brain from all the incredibly sticky situations he's faced with. Of course all those people bitching didn't complain endlessly about Bush's brush clearing and mountain biking or Reagan's horseriding or Bush Sr's sailing at Kennebunkport or the fact that they took three to four times as many days of vacation than Obama has even thought of taking.

  • Love 9

Fleecy Joe is back. The music interrupted Mika while she was speaking about Iraq. Mr Dreamy gets to sick at the glass table with Mika & Joe while reading newspaper headlines. Something is off with the show the past week or so. Joe has been going on these weird monologues at the start of each show. Maybe Joe is upset that he didn't get to host Meet the Press?


Mika & Joe were upset at Warren Buffett for investing in Burger King.

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Well either Joe is on drugs or I am (and I'm not), because I've actually been enjoying the show these days. Yes he's angry/ranty, but he must have a new gal or something because he seems more .... open? Entertaining? Not sure what it is, but I actual do laugh at him being funny a lot.

Mika, on the other hand, same old. Loved her pretending today that she knows and watches all the hip tv shows. There's no way she's not mostly passed out by 8 (she said the other day that she can't stop her daughter from being online all night). It is hard to police teenagers, but she can't seem to stop bitching about the one who didn't go to boarding school.

  • Love 2

Something is off with the show the past week or so. Joe has been going on these weird monologues at the start of each show.


oakville I have noticed this too! It IS weird. He's clearly written these screeds ahead of time and wants to lead off every show with his own editorials, but because he is pretending that these are extemporaneous comments instead of canned monologues, they come off as stilted and unnatural.


Why don't they just put him in front of the camera, a la Bill O'Reilly, and let him rant for three minutes at the top of every show?

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Wow we all seem to be on the same page ala Joe. He has really toned down his conservative babble the last week or more (although it slips out occasionally). He even criticized George H. Bush for getting us into the wrong war (Iraq #1) hence the growth of ISIS. He admitted he and the Republicans were wrong (as well as a lot of Democrats) and said Howard Dean was right (admittedly Howard was sitting there and had interjected that he said this would happen) but Joe did not come up with any convenient excuses.

He also hated the Wall Street Journal editorial (or Op Ed) that said really horrible things about President Obama as if the President was solely responsible for ISIS. I only wish Joe would go after Maureen Dowd with the same vigor (sidebar: I really think she is in love with her own voice and is the equivalent of Ann Coulter).

I'm trying to figure out the shift in Joe...A new liberal girlfriend? Shockingly low ratings? Therapy and anti-depressants? A desire to run for public office or be seen as a suitable running mate for Rand Paul? I'm confused but kind of pleased. It's nice not throwing stuff at my TV (of course Mika opens her mouth and I'm tempted).

  • Love 2

Wow we all seem to be on the same page ala Joe. He has really toned down his conservative babble the last week or more (although it slips out occasionally). He even criticized George H. Bush for getting us into the wrong war (Iraq #1) hence the growth of ISIS. He admitted he and the Republicans were wrong (as well as a lot of Democrats) and said Howard Dean was right (admittedly Howard was sitting there and had interjected that he said this would happen) but Joe did not come up with any convenient excuses.

He also hated the Wall Street Journal editorial (or Op Ed) that said really horrible things about President Obama as if the President was solely responsible for ISIS. I only wish Joe would go after Maureen Dowd with the same vigor (sidebar: I really think she is in love with her own voice and is the equivalent of Ann Coulter).

I'm trying to figure out the shift in Joe...A new liberal girlfriend? Shockingly low ratings? Therapy and anti-depressants? A desire to run for public office or be seen as a suitable running mate for Rand Paul? I'm confused but kind of pleased. It's nice not throwing stuff at my TV (of course Mika opens her mouth and I'm tempted).

MJ, is a JOKE.Low rating.....New Day &HLN, are beating him in rating.Mika, is the door mat.

Wow we all seem to be on the same page ala Joe. He has really toned down his conservative babble the last week or more (although it slips out occasionally). He even criticized George H. Bush for getting us into the wrong war (Iraq #1) hence the growth of ISIS. He admitted he and the Republicans were wrong (as well as a lot of Democrats) and said Howard Dean was right (admittedly Howard was sitting there and had interjected that he said this would happen) but Joe did not come up with any convenient excuses.



Actually, he was criticizing George W. Bush for Iraq War #2. He said good things about H.W. and Iraq War #1.

I'm so sick of this nonsense about Obama playing golf. Pretty soon they're going to be complaining that he's breathing. Besides basketball, golf seems to be the only thing he does in the few hours of spare time he gets to unwind and rest his brain from all the incredibly sticky situations he's faced with. Of course all those people bitching didn't complain endlessly about Bush's brush clearing and mountain biking or Reagan's horseriding or Bush Sr's sailing at Kennebunkport or the fact that they took three to four times as many days of vacation than Obama has even thought of taking.


Everyone is talking about it? Even big shot liburel Entertainment people go up to Joe and talk about Obama golfing? The only person I know who comments on it is an old HS friend on Facebook and I ignore most of his posts (I think most of his friends do also).


I think one of the reasons why Obama likes playing golf is that it is the only time he gets to drive. He has now be eight years of not driving himself anywhere. The golf cart is the only thing he has.  The other presidents have commented on it in the past. W had his gator on the "ranch", Reagan did his thing on his "ranch". Obama doesn't have that kind of money, so he drives his golf cart. FFS, is that the only thing wrong in the world?

  • Love 5

But, "optics," Dagny.  "Optics."


Joe started a sentence saying it doesn't matter that the President plays golf and Reagan did it the day after Beirut, but condemned Obama at the end of that sentence.  T'was odd.

Because "optics." 

So, if a President played golf in a course and no one was there to chronicle it, does it make a sound (or sight, because "optics)?  No, it doesn't.  It takes Joe Sanctimonybrough to whip up this non-issue into a judgment of Obama's character.   Meaning... it's JOE who provides the optics and provides meaning to a meaningless act.  He's the media platform interpreting phenomena and disseminating his own definitions of that phenomena.  HE is the producer of the optics, not Obama.


I think Joe is trying to improve ratings by playing at being moderate, but his natural dislike of Obama is irrepressible.

  • Love 4

I just caught a moment  of a segment before a break, and it appeared to have been about a 9 year old girl who shot her shooting range instructor to death in Arizona, with an Uzi. 

Joe bravely said that there are paranoid maniacs in this country and we have to stop being led by their agendas.. that the extremist paranoiacs "on the left and on the right," need to stop setting our agenda, bla bla blah...

I get he's trying to be measured and blame everybody for the extremist right wing's gun culture so he doesn't seem partisan for some reason, but I'd love to know what a paranoid left winger looks like?  A militiaman?  Nope.  Racist?  Nope.  Armed anti-gubmint the-drones-are-gonna-steal-our-precious-fluids loon?  Nope.  

I'm genuinely curious as to what he means by paranoid progressive, which very well may be an oxymoron.  And, I'm eager to hear how extreme left wingers are defining the nation's agenda.

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I'm genuinely curious as to what he means by paranoid progressive, which very well may be an oxymoron. 



I don't know what he means by paranoid progressives either. It's just another false equivalency. These days, the few "radical" types we have on the left are like Code Pink or PETA or tree huggers and none of those types usually carry guns or blockade themselves on a ranch challenging the Feds to a shoot out.


And, I'm eager to hear how extreme left wingers are defining the nation's agenda.



Maybe he means the President. LOL!

Edited by Nidratime
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And the latest category of "people" who "come up to" Joe is "new" immigrants (as opposed to old immigrants). They recognize him from seeing him on the TV. They tell him what America is.


Is neo-Gibran Joe's most recent persona? "Love is ever humble" and "love prevails."


Mika was not wearing a sheath dress, but a skirt and tucked-in blouse. They were not wearing red-white-and-blue with two US flags as a backdrop. The times they are a-changin'.

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I pretty sure I'm living in an alternative universe where Joe congratulates both the Democrats and President Obama for reducing the costs of Medicare and Medicaid by $100 billion (someone could fact check me because I was in the other room when this segment was running). Joe kept saying this was great news for the Democrats and with tongue in cheek suggested that the Republicans will stop calling it Obama Care and refer to it as the Affordable Health Care Act so as to not associate success with the President's name attached to it.

In addition a Republican poll showed women care about the economy, health care, education and jobs (no duh) and the Republicans continue to maintain a 49 percent disapproval rating with women. As Joe said this is a disaster for the Republicans but why I ask did he crow just last week that the the republicans had a great chance of taking over the Senate? He also warned Republicans to stop focusing on abortion as what women care about (hey Joe, women do care about that issue). Joe also is edging towards Mitt running again for President.

There was some woman on the panel (I didn't catch her name) who sucked up to Mika by saying that women who READ Mika's book and know their value are starting businesses (come on, really?). Mika, in her best imitation of a demure woman, let it be known that she is writing a new book and is working with NBC on several polls. I can only imagine the clap trap she will be writing about...Women raising ungrateful children, a listing of her favorite pop cultural icons (that will be a short book), or Elizabeth Warren for President?

They talked about the revelations in Kirsten Gillabrand's new book about sexism in Congress and the comments about her weight and looks. Mika was faux outraged (this coming from the woman with her leg up in the air on a table photo). Mika you can't have it both ways...sexy kitten and serious journalist.

  • Love 4
He also warned Republicans to stop focusing on abortion as what women care about (hey Joe, women do care about that issue).


What the panel doesn't seem to understand is that abortion is really also an economic decision. They can't afford it, the pregnancy/baby would have an impact on them, any kids the woman already has, could derail her education, cause her to lose her job and insurance.


Bob Woodward signs off about ISIS with a crack about Obama getting off the golf course, meeting with members of the House and Senate (at the WH!) and hash things out. Sigh. The House doesn't want to make a decision. Only Congress has the right to declare war. Obama asked Congress, over a year ago, for a resolution and CRICKETS.


Man was Joe obnoxious today. He kept talking over Robert's bit about the panda.

  • Love 4
What the panel doesn't seem to understand is that abortion is really also an economic decision. They can't afford it, the pregnancy/baby would have an impact on them, any kids the woman already has, could derail her education, cause her to lose her job and insurance.



And these people fail to understand -- or are being intentionally ignorant -- at how many women use these clinics for services other than abortions. In many cases abortions are not the primary service but women's health care, generally, is -- including breast exams, pap smears, birth control, etc. That's what makes the closing of so many clinics a real danger to women's health, especially women with little income.


Bob Woodward signs off about ISIS with a crack about Obama getting off the golf course, meeting with members of the House and Senate (at the WH!) and hash things out. Sigh. The House doesn't want to make a decision. Only Congress has the right to declare war. Obama asked Congress, over a year ago, for a resolution and CRICKETS.



Bob Woodward has been useless for years and can't stand the fact that this White House couldn't give a crap about him.


As for wanting the House to make a decision, I thought they did! Didn't the President do exactly what the Congress demanded and go to them to request that we bomb Syria to stop them from using lethal chemicals on their people over a year ago and Congress said, "NO!" And now, the very same jokers are upset with the President for not doing anything to stop ISIS in Syria when ISIS was just in Syria! Hello! You wouldn't let him take any action to save innocent people from chemical attacks, let alone to stop ISIS!


And then, we have the other backseat drivers (like McCain, famously pictured with ISIS members) who wanted the President to arm the rebels fighting Assad, without taking into consideration that a sizeable percentage of these rebels were members of ISIS and it was hard to distinguish who was who to make sure the arms were getting into the right hands of the rebels who *weren't* ISIS.


They're all hypocrites.

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Ah, hem. AYFKM! Gillibrand has to name name of which senators groped her or sexually harassed her?  Yup, that's worked out well for cops who have crossed the thin blue line.  Before you call out Gillibrand, I would like to see both Joe and Mika call out all of the people who come up to them to talk and all of the people who have sexually harassed them or others. I'm sure that Joe has been witness to many encounters by HIS TIME IN CONGRESS. My neighbors must be pissed by watching this stuff at 5am (on the waste coast).

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Didn't the President do exactly what the Congress demanded and go to them to request that we bomb Syria to stop them from using lethal chemicals on their people over a year ago and Congress said, "NO!" And now, the very same jokers are upset with the President for not doing anything to stop ISIS in Syria when ISIS was just in Syria! Hello! You wouldn't let him take any action to save innocent people from chemical attacks, let alone to stop ISIS!


I can't recall exactly what the President or the Congress did or the timeline - Joe and the rest of the media have repeated the right wing talking points so many times I can't remember who did what, other than knowing that if it was President Obama requesting something the Republicans would do the exact opposite. What I do know for sure though is that President Obama, through diplomacy, got a deal to remove all of Syria's chemical weapons and the UN just recently completed that process so at least Assad can't use them against his people anymore. Of course, you never ever hear any mention of that in any of the media because that would be giving Obama - gasp!!!- credit.


It all shows what a tightrope Pres Obama is walking with all these brouhahas going on in the world. He had to do the Syria diplomacy deal through Russia and Putin, same as the negotiations with Iran and their nuclear weapons have to go through Putin, but Joe and the rest of them of course are raining down criticism on him for not doing something in the Ukraine to stop Putin. Pres Obama has to work with Putin to deal with many of the other hotspots in the world so he has to navigate very carefully while the neo-cons attack him for not bomb bomb bombing the shit out of everybody. I don't know how Obama manages to stay so calm and cool and collected through it all.

  • Love 7

But, "optics," Dagny.  "Optics."


Joe started a sentence saying it doesn't matter that the President plays golf and Reagan did it the day after Beirut, but condemned Obama at the end of that sentence.  T'was odd.

Because "optics." 

So, if a President played golf in a course and no one was there to chronicle it, does it make a sound (or sight, because "optics)?  No, it doesn't.  It takes Joe Sanctimonybrough to whip up this non-issue into a judgment of Obama's character.   Meaning... it's JOE who provides the optics and provides meaning to a meaningless act.  He's the media platform interpreting phenomena and disseminating his own definitions of that phenomena.  HE is the producer of the optics, not Obama.


I think Joe is trying to improings by playing at being moderate, but his natural dislike of Obama is irrepressible.

Morning Joe, rated 9th worse cable news show.(mediaite)

Edited by fgoldberg

This ranking has got to hurt. Although if you look at the top ten link I'm not sure if I trust the author or their bias.

Joe seems a little desperate to find the right attitude lately. Here's a thought...pick a side Joe, and stick with it. He always has the same (yawn) guests ala David Gregory on Meet the Press with John McCain and Lindsay Graham.

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Fleecefest continues. Joe has a purple fleece pullover today. Joe said that the USA  is better off with Saddam & Syria with Assad.


Joe said ISIS is the greater threat. Joe said fools rush in. Joe said Obama is cautious. Joe is opposed to invading Syria. Joe likes body cams on police in Feguson.


Joe said increasing the minimum wage is popular. He voted against it in Congress. Joe said the GOP campaign for Congress & the Senate is in trouble.

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This ranking has got to hurt. Although if you look at the top ten link I'm not sure if I trust the author or their bias.


I'm wondering if this ranking has been the reason Joe has seemed to be more reasonable the last few days. Or maybe the few minuetes I catch the show, he's taking a breather from his normal rants. 


The brouhaha about the President's "we don't have a strategy" comment is making my head explode.  What does the Beltway expect him to do?  Announce to the world our plans to fight ISIS?  So that they can be ready for it?  These folks seem to forget the WH Correspondents' Dinner of 2011.  Remember how everybody was laughing and joking and having a good time?  And the next night the President announced the mission and that Seal Team Six had killed Bin Laden?    


So maybe, just maybe he knows what the fuck he's doing.  And if Congress wants to bitch about him taking a two week vacation, where he actually comes back to Washington and works at the White House for a few days, and that even when he's ON vacation, he is working, maybe they could cut their five week vacation short and come back and address the pressing issues they keep saying he's ignoring.

  • Love 10

Joe goes on a riff about things that could have been avoided and I was half asleep at the time. He mentions a plane going down & I think the one in the Indian Ocean by Australia(?), not over the Ukraine. He mentions Gaza could have been avoided and for a weird reason I though about the "peace keeping mission" that Reagan deployed in the 80s where over 240 marines were killed in a suicide attack.


How long has Joe been saying "time and time again" that cameras should be worn by the cops? Before the Cambridge study or after Ferguson?

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If you go to the MJ paragraph (#9) and click on the sentence/link, "They starf*** like nobody's business", it takes you to Samantha Bee's Daily Show rant, entitled, "I Watch Morning Joe".  She pretty much hits her entire "Morning Joe Family", including "Mommy", "Daddy" and "Uncle Chris".

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These idiots have no idea the hell fire that is about to be released on them. 


You mean like the hell fire that was rained down on the rebels/jihadists when journalist Daniel Pearl was beheaded during the Bush administration? Bush had no hesitation to shock and awe the shit out of everybody, including innocent civilians, but he didn't over react and I don't think the death, gruesome as it may be, of a journalist is going to cause President Obama to release hell fire on them.


I caught a bit of a CNN International newscast the other day and a British journalist opened her remote report with a bit of opinionating by saying 'first may I say that the world is so grateful that there is a wise man in the White House who thinks before he acts'. It was so opposite to what you hear from most of the American media who continue to treat McCain as an expert sage. What is the world coming to when Joe Doucheborough is one of the few voices of reason.

  • Love 2
Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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