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Morning Joe: All Episodes Talk

Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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Joe nailed it when he said Biden needs to choose between his own ego and what's good for the country. In 2020 I'd assumed Biden would run for just one term. I was disappointed when he decided to re-run. He could have been a philosopher-king type and voluntarily relinquished power. But no, Scarborough hit the nail on the head when he said it's about ego. I'd been thinking Biden was bigger than that but I was wrong. And I would add that Jill needs to stop feeding that ego, if that's what's been going on.

Edited by Pike Ludwell
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 I am not sorry I missed show this morning. Joe going after Meeka aggressively? Sadly, I think it is in his DNA, ego, etc. I do think that behind closed doors Mika can be more assertive.  Where have Joe and these now panicked commentators been these last 6 months/year? And this network? 

Edited by Kemper
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21 minutes ago, tres bien said:

Did someone whisper into Joe's ear to shut up? He was going after Mika in an aggressive even for him way then abruptly stopped 

Joe was very rude to Mika today. He interrupted her several times & mocked her support for letting Biden stay in the race.

Mika should call an emergency KYV meeting with Jill Biden to discuss how to get Biden back in shape. Jill helped President Biden get off the stage yesterday.

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Barnicle said that the next President could pick 2 Supreme Court Justices.

Donny said that Biden is a great man but he isn't the best choice to stay as a candidate. The referendum will be on Biden.

Donny said you need crisis management. Mika was happy that Biden did well at the G7 last week.

Claire said people approach her in the grocery store to ask if President Biden is OK. He's not OK based on last night's performance.

Joe must be upset at having spent months defending Biden from people who were worried about his health.

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Adrienne Elrod supports Biden staying in the race. She said Independents were turned off by Trump. She admitted that Biden had a sore throat last night. He went to the Waffle House after the debate and got some food. He felt better.

A Waffle House visit after a rough night is a good cure for performance issues.

Biden will be in NC today. Adrienne said Biden is raising more money.

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Go back and watch clips of the 2012 debate between Obama and Romney.   Obama was, I believe 51 years old  that year, so 30 years younger than Biden, and he blew it. Dems were losing their minds.  Guess who got re elected. 

What I don't understand is why Biden campaign agreed to the format. You can't answer questions in 2 minutes, let alone rebut, or refut as Trump calls it, in one minute..  And wtf was Tapper doing telling Trump "you don't have to answer, just do whatever you want".   And why no push back from the moderators on Trump's lies.  "I didn't have sex with a porn star. I never said American troops are losers. I fixed Covid.  My economy was stronger." JFC. 

After the debate, Alex Wagner interviewed Gavin Newsome.  He said for everyone to calm down. And did anyone see Biden at the watch party after the debate?  That Joe looked like he did down a couple cans of Red Bull, or get a B 12 shot. Rachel said "where was this guy during the debate??"  Biden was trying to stick to his talking points which was a mistake. He got flustered when he saw he couldn't get thru it in 2 minutes.  And as far as the look on his face during Trump's lies, I'm pretty sure most people had the same look on their face. They just didn't have cameras pointed at them. 

Does anyone really think Democrats are thinking, well I guess all the independents will vote for the fascist asshole now, the convicted felon. Because the man who actually has helped America, and done a lot of really good things for us, stumbled during a debate.  Is this really the bar we judge candidates by?  Or do we judge them by their records?  Their actions? 


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4 hours ago, SeanBug said:

Go back and watch clips of the 2012 debate between Obama and Romney.   Obama was, I believe 51 years old  that year, so 30 years younger than Biden, and he blew it. Dems were losing their minds.  Guess who got re elected. 

What I don't understand is why Biden campaign agreed to the format. You can't answer questions in 2 minutes, let alone rebut, or refut as Trump calls it, in one minute..  And wtf was Tapper doing telling Trump "you don't have to answer, just do whatever you want".   And why no push back from the moderators on Trump's lies.  "I didn't have sex with a porn star. I never said American troops are losers. I fixed Covid.  My economy was stronger." JFC. 

This. I was actually in agreement with Mika -as is Michael Steele on Deadline right now. Democrats are so busy doing Republicans' work for them. Biden's long stares and bumbled language weren't anywhere near as terrifying as Trump's lies.

7 hours ago, tres bien said:

Did someone whisper into Joe's ear to shut up? He was going after Mika in an aggressive even for him way then abruptly stopped 

I hope so. He was incredibly condescending to Mika.

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5 minutes ago, chick binewski said:


I hope so. He was incredibly condescending to Mika.

Is this a frequent thing or it happened out of the blue?

Maybe if it is happening often, sign of trouble at home.

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Joe's new position on Biden should make Mika happy. I am surprised Joe didn't get whiplash. Megyn Kelly told her viewers that Mika & Joe want to have access to the White House at all costs. Mika could be rewarded with an exclusive interview with Jill Biden or Karine Jean Pierre. This will help build her KYV brand.

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1 hour ago, aghst said:

Is this a frequent thing or it happened out of the blue?

Maybe if it is happening often, sign of trouble at home.

I've sensed a weird vibe for a while but I really didn't like how he addressed her today. During the first hour when Mika said something like 'everyone needs to calm down' Joe tried to make it like she was insulting Barnacle, telling her to hold up and that "everyone's calm but you". 

I thought he was gonna pat her on the freaking head. 

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I get annoyed when someone says "relax" or "calm down" when not needed because it's, intentionally or not, a cheap gimmick that makes the other guy look out of control. I see Mika's point but she should have chosen different, non-condescending language that didn't make Mike's comment seem too emotional. Not that I'm a big Barnacle fan.

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15 hours ago, chick binewski said:

I've sensed a weird vibe for a while but I really didn't like how he addressed her today. During the first hour when Mika said something like 'everyone needs to calm down' Joe tried to make it like she was insulting Barnacle, telling her to hold up and that "everyone's calm but you". 

I thought he was gonna pat her on the freaking head. 

Some of that is their schtick, I think.

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I noticed MSNBC edited out Joe & Mika's spat for the 8 am re broadcast.  No use beating a dead horse when you're wrong, huh Joe? 

Maybe all the know it alls who are calling for Biden to step down and throw the Democratic Party, the convention and the election into utter chaos, basically handing the election to Trump, SHOULD calm down.

BIden's campaign people should have never agreed to that shit show. Tapper and Bash let Trump say whatever he wanted, CNN only fact checked him an hour later.  

Polls are showing that it's 50/50 as far as who won, and a Univision poll gave Biden the win.   

Obviously, the more the media harps on this Biden should step down bullshit, the more Democrats panic and MAGA Republicans are overjoyed.  More clicks, more tuning in to the news outlets to see if anything has changed.  Just what they want. It's the political version of those idiot ads "Former star of Who's The Boss is 70 looks 40!", and you click on it and it's an ad for some shitty face cream or something completely unrelated.  Made you look! 

Funny how the lies Trump told every time he opened his mouth are no big deal. Or that he brought up his golf game instead of answering a question.  

So we won't use the Obama/Romney debate as the comparison. How about Reagan-Mondale. Talk about being called out as old and frail.  


So maybe for once, Mika is right.  


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It's 2 months to the convention. I don't think folks on the show are off base calling for a new candidate. Biden would have to drop out. Then a few contenders jump in. And after a few weeks Biden and Obama could endorse a candidate and Joe release his delegates to them. The party would rally around.

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A conservative website is asking whether it's time for Joe Scarborough to quit his show due to his faulty analysis of Biden's abilities. Is it possible that Biden's health has declined sharply since meeting with Joe three months ago?

I doubt Mika would have tried to get Joe to resign from his position as America's favourite pundit.


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