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Morning Joe: All Episodes Talk

Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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WTF with Joe's voter suppression screed?


We're just supposed to pretend that Republican majority state legislatures aren't working furiously to come up with ever increasing difficult hoops to jump over to acquire state approved "voter IDs"?  It's not just the folks of color affected, it's also the poor - remember Joe?  You want Hillary to address income inequality?  I guess that goes out the window when it comes to voting - sure would be nice if he had to get on a bus and transfer three times to spend four hours and $40 he doesn't have for a copy of his birth certificate, and then on another day jump on a bus and transfer four times to head on over to city hall to apply for and spend another $25 for a state sanctioned voter ID, all the while taking time away from his minimum wage job that doesn't cover time away.  I'm not even addressing the elderly that may have a hard time getting their hands on a birth certificate in the first place.




That shit, at least here in Floriduh, is done under the guise of preventing voter fraud.  Meanwhile reports on such fraud actually occurring are practically non-existent.

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Joe decided to wear a green jacket today . He & Willie started joling about Golf. Joe was excited about women Viagra. Mika gave him a nasty look. Donnie Deutsh was wearing a seer sucker jacket with tight pants. Mika did not like his tight pants.


Mika was mad that the GOP talks about income inequality but don't do anything about it. Mika said Elizabeth Warren was a leader on income inequality.


Joe bragged that he was a leading speaker on income inequality.


Joe is mad at Connecticut for raising taxes. GE said they may leave the state. Joe sounds like a lobbyist for his ex employer GE.


Yesterday, Joe was mad at the Democrats for talking about voter id because minorities for voting in large numbers so its a non issue for him.

Mika sounds better without her braces. She said she took them out.

Joe is outnumbered on the panel over the voting issue. Eugene said African Americans have to line up an extra 30 minutes to vote. They don't put enough polls in minority communities. Halperin defended Hillary. He said there should be more absentee voting.

Joe loves Fracking . The EPA said it doesn't affect drinking water. Joe is mocking the NY Times for reporting on female Viagra rather than fracking.

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Catching up with this week's shows. I think the show is doing a good job of interviewing all the candidates for President. It would be nice if they could get Hillary to go on for an interview. Joe made fun of Lincoln Chafee for supporting the metric system.

Joe wants Petraus to take over the command for the war against ISIL in Iraq & Syria. Mika said he had ethical problems with giving classified documents to his mistress. Joe got mad at her for bringing up his personal problems.

Joe is really mad at any extension of the voting rights for minorities. I think they should have more advanced polling days like we do in Canada.

Joe is mad at Obama for his support for Palestine nationhood. He said Obama should focus on ISIL.

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Today's topics include Joe being upset with Obama's lack of strategy in Iraq with Isis. Joe had his usual rant about Iraq & Moyhadien said his solutions were too simplistic. Joe got mad then repeated Moyhadien's analysis.


joe is mad at mayot deblasio for reducing stop & frisk. Crime is up in NYC & joe said the police are following the mayor's orders to step back.


Joe got mad for people complaining on twitter about his focus on crime in the upper west side.


Joe said no one is talking about Baltimore's high crime rate now since the police aren't shooting criminals.


Any Holmes said nYC was scary in the 1970's & 1980's. Barnicle said when the police step back, people in poor neighborhoods get hurt by higher crime.


Mika biq question to Nicola sturgeon was about her makeup makeover.


Joe wants to bring Morning Joe to Scotland.

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when Joe asked me and the rest of his audience to believe that he pays 55% of his income to the government.


Then Joe needs to get a new accountant.  Half my paycheck goes away each paystub, but that is what all of the middle/upper class tax breaks are for: mortgage deductions, 401Ks, donations to causes, carried losses, leasing, write-offs, etc.

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Joe is mad at Zucker from CNN who made fun of the show's low ratings & told him to update his resume. Joe bragged that their show gets influencers!. Yeah! we are influencers!




I admit the show's topics are getting better but Joe is still obnoxious.


Joe refuses to give his solutions to Iraq but blasts Obama as weak & destroying the peaceful Iraq that President Bush left him.


I think that Bush's decision to ban all the Baathists from the military in 2003 was a bad move. Now, some of them are fighting for Isis.


I do agree with one panelist from yesterday that said that Obama is opposed to war & is reluctant to commit troops to Iraq.


It's weird that the USA still keeps troops in Japan, Germany, South Korea etc. several decades after the wars ended.


Maybe, Iraq would have been better off with 10-20K US troops keeping the peace after 2009?


I wonder what Dr Z thinks?. He hasn't been on the show in a while.

Joe's hair is too puffy.

Joe is mad at Zucker from CNN who made fun of the show's low ratings & told him to update his resume. Joe bragged that their show gets influencers!. Yeah! we are influencers!




I admit the show's topics are getting better but Joe is still obnoxious.


Joe refuses to give his solutions to Iraq but blasts Obama as weak & destroying the peaceful Iraq that President Bush left him.


I think that Bush's decision to ban all the Baathists from the military in 2003 was a bad move. Now, some of them are fighting for Isis.


I do agree with one panelist from yesterday that said that Obama is opposed to war & is reluctant to commit troops to Iraq.


It's weird that the USA still keeps troops in Japan, Germany, South Korea etc. several decades after the wars ended.


Maybe, Iraq would have been better off with 10-20K US troops keeping the peace after 2009?


I wonder what Dr Z thinks?. He hasn't been on the show in a while.

Joe's hair is too puffy.

Yeah, there are troops in these countries but it's not like they're in danger of being fired upon which would not have been and is not the case in Iraq.

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Joe is mad at the coverage of Rubio's personal spending habits. Ratner said its fair game & everyone wants to know why Rubio bought a pool when he had financial problems.


Joe said the 450 advisors is not enough to battle ISIS. Richard Engel agrees. The surge in 2007 took thousands of troops with air support.


Joe is outraged at Bill Clinton's answers about paid speeches & helping the poor with the Clinton Foundation.


Joe is upset that the Clintons are worth $200M.


Harold Ford said that the Clintons do not get paid from the foundation.


Joe said that Jeff Sachs said that people are angry at the Clinton Foundation for not being effective in rebuilding Haiti.

Barnicle said that Rubio may have violated the watering ban in Miami. His lawn was too green according to experts from the NY Times.


Mika said Rubio's driveway is too well manicured.

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It's very sad to see Iraq fall apart after all of the efforts of the US troops & allies to make it stable..


On the show they mentioned that ISIS was gaining ground in Libya.


The US supported removing Gaddafi but the alternatives are worse.


It's a very complicated situation because the dictators like Assad, Hussein & Gaddafi & the Ayatollahs in Iran are bad for their countries, but removing them without  keeping an eye who takes over can be  worse.


Joe hasn't been clear about his position except to say what Obama is doing now isn't working.


Mika called him out today because when troops were being killed in Afghanistan, Joe was mad at Obama for having a surge in Afghanistan a few years ago. He wanted the troops to come home.


Now Joe supports keeping troops there to prevent the Taliban from coming back.


It's messy.

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Are you kidding me???? If the US hadn't invaded Iraq in the first place it wouldn't have fallen apart and been unstable


It was stable when they left Iraq. Obviously if they would not have invaded, Saddam or his successors would probably have been running Iraq.


On today's show, Mika is very upset that she can't give shoes to her sister in law who is the wife of the Swedish ambassador.


Mika said there are tough conflict of interest laws. She can't figure out why it was OK for Bill Clinton to give speeches on topics that Hilary was dealing with for 500K. Mika is upset that Bill as to answer the tough questions for her.


Mika was mad at Jeremy Peters from the NY Timesfor focusing on Rubio's spending hats.

Joe is mad that Stephanaopoulos got away with attacking the journalist who wrote the book about the Clintons but Brian Willims is losg is job over lying about his war stories.

"You've been hanging around too many right wing sites listening to the likes of Joe and Bill Krystol"

LOL!. I get news from many sources, but President Obama himself said the USA was leaving Iraq was stable when he announced the end of the US troops in Iraq. ( The Guardian is not a right wing newspaper:))



Why in all that is holy, is this show sucking up to Trump?  Are they forced to because they are part of NBC?  What a joke.  Rumor has it that Trump hired extras for his hateful screed of an announcement.


And how disgusting that the show couldn't manage to stay live in the aftermath of the mass-shooting in Charleston.  They really disrespect their audience.

Edited by NextIteration
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I'm worried about what's going to happen here in Charleston.  I can't believe this.  I also can't believe I'm watching Trump on this network.  Even Fox News is treating the shooting with due gravitas, for f's sake.



I live 1/2 a mile from the scene.  Our dear friend lives 1/2 a block from there.  My MIL just moved here and is 2 blocks away.  This is NUTS.  This is my home.  I am hoping greater compassion and understanding comes from this, and the community comes together rather than picks sides, which leads me to...

I was wrong about Fox News.  It's not a hate crime, you see.  Despite the shooter's own words.  It's a crime against Christianity, and Fox had on a pastor who believes other pastors should be armed while in church.  My apologies for giving Fox and Friends leeway and the benefit of the doubt.  Big mistake.

Long and the short of it.. Morning Joe and pre-9am MSNBC ignores a mass shooting that kills 9 innocent people in church - instead focuses on the insane clown Donald Trump... Fox News invents partisan causes.

Edited by Landsnark
  • Love 10

Thoughts and prayers to you and your community Landsnark. ♥


Charleston is my favorite place in the country.


eta: I saw the clip of Douchey incredulously questioning "hate crime?" with the African American Pastor that suggested it was hate against Christianity and that church officials everywhere should begin to pack heat.  I'd eye roll here if it wasn't so hateful and awful. :(

Edited by NextIteration
  • Love 3

What the hell?  "He looks unstable".  Excuse me?  He looks pretty hateful with his jacket and car tag, and like he hasn't been in sunlight for years.


I'm so damn tired of the "mental health" distraction, no, it's hate and fucking GUNS, one obviously has to be disturbed to do this shit but don't paint the mentally ill with a broad stroke to justify absolutely zero gun control.  It's getting old and tired.  This was racial terrorism.  And you whole bunch of assholes are racists.


ETA:  AND GOD DAMMIT EUGENE ROBINSON STOP SUCKING UP TO JOE!, use your words, you're a damn Pulitzer prize winner.

Edited by NextIteration
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"Why in all that is holy, is this show sucking up to Trump? Are they forced to because they are part of NBC? What a joke. Rumor has it that Trump hired extras for his hateful screed of an announcement.

And how disgusting that the show couldn't manage to stay live in the aftermath of the mass-shooting in Charleston. They really disrespect their audience"

I am surprise why Morning Joe didn't delay showing the Trump interview. It was inappropriate given the massacre events in Charleston. I watched the interview & they let off Trump easily. Is it because his show airs on NBC? They didn't ask him about his comments about Mexican rapists or his campaign to prove that Obama was not born in the USA.

Mika & Joe seem to be happy that Brian Williams will be joining MSNBC.

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I wonder if NBC will issue a formal apology for allowing Morning Joe guest , Chuck Todd to air his video about African American murderers after an incident where a white supremacist killed 9 African Americans in a church.? MSNBC & NBC have to get their priorities straight. Giving air time to Donald Trump after he attacks Mexicans & tries to rehabilitate Brian Williams's after his actions in February.


I am baffled how it was relevant to focus on African American criminals when the killer was a young white man .?

Edited by oakville
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I wish I had more time to do a proper recap of this week's shows. So much to discuss. Joe & Mika are doing their best to defend Brian Williams & Chuck Todd. It's fascinating to see how quickly the politicians are demanding that the Confederate Battle Flag is being removed from SC & stores across the USA. Joe admitted that he had the flag in his college dorm room because he didn't like Yankees. Joe said he had a UK flag as well because he liked the Beatles. Joe was mad at the NBC polls that showed Hillary ahead of Jeb Bush. Joe said Bush would win Florida & Ohio if he picked Kasich as VP. Joe said Bush would win VA & pick up swing states like Colorado, New Mexico & Nevada because Latinos would vote for Bush because he speaks Spanish & his wife is from Mexico. Joe & Barnacle agreed that it would be a long election night

I think Joe may overestimate GOP votes for 2016. Will it really be that easy for Bush to win the White House?

I wish I had more time to do a proper recap of this week's shows. So much to discuss. Joe & Mika are doing their best to defend Brian Williams & Chuck Todd. It's fascinating to see how quickly the politicians are demanding that the Confederate Battle Flag is being removed from SC & stores across the USA. Joe admitted that he had the flag in his college dorm room because he didn't like Yankees. Joe said he had a UK flag as well because he liked the Beatles. Joe was mad at the NBC polls that showed Hillary ahead of Jeb Bush. Joe said Bush would win Florida & Ohio if he picked Kasich as VP. Joe said Bush would win VA & pick up swing states like Colorado, New Mexico & Nevada because Latinos would vote for Bush because he speaks Spanish & his wife is from Mexico. Joe & Barnacle agreed that it would be a long election night

I think Joe may overestimate GOP votes for 2016. Will it really be that easy for Bush to win the White House?

No. He's smoking crack if he thinks that. If Hillary hangs onto Obama's coalition she's going to win all those swing states the same way he did, plus there's going to be a LOT of women who really want to see the first woman president and will vote for her to make history, which I think is going to make up for any percentage she does lose among say African-Americans or young people. I honestly believe there's been a fundamental shift in the demographics of presidential elections and who votes in them now. And Jeb Bush ain't winning the Hispanic vote either. As long as Obama's got a decent approval rating at the time of the next election (he's at 48% right now, but I'm betting it at least gets over 50% during his last year in office), he remains an asset because of his ability to excite the base of the Democratic party, which still loves him.


I would be more concerned if the GOP had any decent or likeable candidates, but I see zilch in this field. It's just as bad as last time, and I think Jeb Bush might even be a worse candidate than Mitt Romney. I think Hillary should pick Julian Castro as a running mate.

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All the claps for Heilman for calling Kristol out for being the troll that he is.


Also, after Kristol's little spiel, and Mika calls on Jonathan Capehart to comment, I thought to myself, "Kristol you are about to get bitch slapped back into 1950 where you belong". 


Don't feel bad Bill, Rush has your back. He's now saying that the next thing the "lefties" are going to demand is that the American flag be taken down everywhere.  

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No. He's smoking crack if he thinks that. If Hillary hangs onto Obama's coalition she's going to win all those swing states the same way he did, plus there's going to be a LOT of women who really want to see the first woman president and will vote for her to make history, which I think is going to make up for any percentage she does lose among say African-Americans or young people. I honestly believe there's been a fundamental shift in the demographics of presidential elections and who votes in them now. And Jeb Bush ain't winning the Hispanic vote either. As long as Obama's got a decent approval rating at the time of the next election (he's at 48% right now, but I'm betting it at least gets over 50% during his last year in office), he remains an asset because of his ability to excite the base of the Democratic party, which still loves him.


I would be more concerned if the GOP had any decent or likeable candidates, but I see zilch in this field. It's just as bad as last time, and I think Jeb Bush might even be a worse candidate than Mitt Romney. I think Hillary should pick Julian Castro as a running mate.

Hard to believe, Romney had more charisma.

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No. He's smoking crack if he thinks that. If Hillary hangs onto Obama's coalition she's going to win all those swing states the same way he did, plus there's going to be a LOT of women who really want to see the first woman president and will vote for her to make history, which I think is going to make up for any percentage she does lose among say African-Americans or young people. I honestly believe there's been a fundamental shift in the demographics of presidential elections and who votes in them now. And Jeb Bush ain't winning the Hispanic vote either. As long as Obama's got a decent approval rating at the time of the next election (he's at 48% right now, but I'm betting it at least gets over 50% during his last year in office), he remains an asset because of his ability to excite the base of the Democratic party, which still loves him.


I would be more concerned if the GOP had any decent or likeable candidates, but I see zilch in this field. It's just as bad as last time, and I think Jeb Bush might even be a worse candidate than Mitt Romney. I think Hillary should pick Julian Castro as a running mate.

These are some good points. I wonder if President Obama will campaign strongly for Hillary?

From what I have read, Jeb Bush will be more popular with Latinos than Mitt Romney but is it enough for

Joe's scenario?

I think President Clinton will campaign for Hillary but I doubt Mrs. Columba Bush will do as much.

Bill Kristol aka Smirky should stop showing up to annoy everyone. I think Mika's daughter attends his classes at John Hopkins, so Mika keeps inviting him on.

Capeheart was very upset about the flag. He said it scared him when he was a child in North Carolina.

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Thursday's recap. Mika & Joe were both dressed nicely. Joe wore a black& white blazer with a test pattern print. Mika wore a nice sleeveless pink dress.

First topic was Bobby Jindal running for President. Halperin said he was a Rhodes scholar & very bright but was running as an anti intellectual social conservative. His own popularity in Louisiana is at 32% vs Obama @ 42%.

New polls from Bloomberg. Hillary leads Sanders 50-24 vs 57-16 a month ago. Halperin said Sanders could delay Hillary's coronation.Halperin said Sanders was like Buchanan against Bush SR.

Trump is second in the GOP @ 11% vs 15% for Bush.

Joe defended Trump & said his business books were popular & he drew big crowds when he spoke.

Halperin said any bad reporting on Trump like shady business deals or attacks on Mexican immigrants would not have much effect on his popularity.

General Hayden was on to discuss the Iran Nuclear deal. The US is backing down because Obama wants a deal. Hayden said the USA should stop giving concessions against Iran.

Ratner said the other countries may want to drop sanctions against Iran.

Joe said Obama was weak against Iran & didn't condemn the the Government for killing civilians after the 2009 elections.

The USA wants the ability to do inspections anywhere anytime. Iran is opposed to this.

Joe said Obama is being walked over by Iran.

Ken Burns was on discussing the 25th anniversary of the civil war. South Carolina wanted slavery to continue so they seceded from the USA.

Joe said there were other reasons for the war like state's rights, tariffs etc.

More on Trump. Mika said Trump is very popular outside the media bubble.

Joe said everyone in the media hated Reagan. Amy Holmes said that wasn't true.

Rick Scott Governor of Florida came on to discuss Florida's booming economy & his plan to lure business from Conn.

Joe said business taxes & regulation are too high in Conn. Scott agreed. Joe said he loves Conn's quality of life.

Joe won't move back to Florida. His kids go to school in Conn.

You're right. I am bit confused about Mika's support for Trump. She did say she was opposed to many of his views on immigration etc but yet argues how popular his tv show is & the crowds he draws.

Perhaps she has to be nice to him while he still has a show on NBC?

Mika used to get very upset at his beauty pageant show that was on NBC. Mika is opposed to beauty pageants

If Trump runs as an independent like Perot in 1992, he could get enough votes to ensure Hillary's election.

Mika & Joe have been pretty quiet on Trump's campaign in 2012 to prove that Obama was born in Kenya.

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Perhaps she has to be nice to him while he still has a show on NBC?

Mika used to get very upset at his beauty pageant show that was on NBC. Mika is opposed to beauty pageants


I think you hit the nail on the head here, IIRC the Miss USA/Universe contests are also a partially NBC owned, or maybe just the broadcast rights.


It feels like opposite world seeing Sen. McCaskill cheer-lead for Hillary.

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On NBC News tonight Lester Holt had to mention that NBC does not endorse Trump's views even though they air the Pagent show. Univision cancelled the Spanish version of the Pagent.


I think Morning Joe should mention this every time they talk about Mr. Trump. Also, they should say that Trump cannot be on the fox debate until he file his disclosure statement with the FEC.

Did anyone see this morning's show from Charleston?


Is it just me, or shouldn't Joe have had on a dark suit or at least dark or black sports coat, seeing as how they were there to cover a funeral?  Everyone else was in black.  Mika at least had on some black, but her outfit was also a little too lively.  A nice black  or navy dress would have been more appropriate. 


Joe looked like he was going to a cocktail party in the Hamptons.  

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Did anyone see this morning's show from Charleston?


Is it just me, or shouldn't Joe have had on a dark suit or at least dark or black sports coat, seeing as how they were there to cover a funeral?  Everyone else was in black.  Mika at least had on some black, but her outfit was also a little too lively.  A nice black  or navy dress would have been more appropriate. 


Joe looked like he was going to a cocktail party in the Hamptons.

Agreed. Joe should have worn a dark suit. At least he didn't show up in fleece & sweatpants.

Joe got very mad at the professor from Massachusetts who mocked John Roberts for saying sometimes Conservatives support the law.

Joe hates Obamacare.

Joe, just keep your mouth shut before you tell more lies.  The Conservative/Evangelical view is certainly not that they believe in Civil Unions, they still are still speaking of same sex marriage as if it's an abomination, especially the 2016 Clown Car.


How long before Fournier starts attacking Hillary? - it was enlightening to learn that he's from Little Rock.

Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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