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Morning Joe: All Episodes Talk

Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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Thank you Shok for putting into words what I am feeling but I couldn't find the right way to express it.

I've been trying to watch MJ in short bits (sort of like building up my immune system) but I had to switch it off today as the level of over-talking was reaching The Today Show levels and I couldn't stand it. Joe was his bloviated self cutting everyone off so he could ask his question (which are never questions but statements).

I did catch the picture of the Republican Senate and House committee leadership (all white men...shocking). Even Joe and Michael Steele were taken aback. There was some woman on the panel that tried to defend the Republicans noting there were a few new women freshman Republicans so the picture might change in the future. Michael Steele scoffed and said what happened to the last couple of Republican classes that elected women...where were they? But that was it for what passed as enlightened discussion. They showed a video of the Republicans having their photo taken on the steps of the Capital and Mika started cooing as she saw some Republican women as if she had seen a group of puppies. WTF?

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Claire McCaskill makes a comment about driving while black and Joe goes on an epic rager to have Claire say out loud that the cop shouldn't be threatened. Way to distract Joe.


Wait...did he get his jock strap in a twist because he doesn't want to acknowledge that driving-while-Black isn't just a figment of someone's imagination, or because he was outraged because it does happen?  Curious...


It's funny how Joe rages against something for years such as sensible background checks for all gun purchases.  That is, until something affects him or people who happen to look like him.  When the Newtown, Connecticut school shootings happened, he changed his tune, frequently citing his concern for his own children's safety, who happen to live in Connecticut.  Obviously, that is a natural reaction and anyone with a heart should have had a visceral reaction to 20-plus school children and school personnel being gunned down.  But the lack of empathy by Joe and his ilk for people who don't look like them is simply mind boggling.


BTW--was Joe suitably outraged that the KKK (a terrorist organization) has used the Ferguson, MO situation as a recruiting tool and a call to arms [crickets chirping]?

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When Eugene Robinson is a guest and lists his and his son's many driving-while-black stops by police, Joe sits mum.


I just read that Willie was fired from NBC along with Natalie Morales, but the GM who fired them left before the firing was official?  NBC sure has odd ideas on what does and does not work or constitute fulfilling entertainment.   They'd consider firing Geist, but not Mika?  Insanity.

I have to presume that they simply do not watch "Morning Joe," or, they honestly don't care about "Morning Joe's" ratings, content or quality.

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I just read that Willie was fired from NBC along with Natalie Morales, but the GM who fired them left before the firing was official?  NBC sure has odd ideas on what does and does not work or constitute fulfilling entertainment


The news was denied by the President of NBC news. Apparently they were on the air when the information was posted online.

I doubt Joe would accept that Mika would be fired . No one else would put up with him. A few years ago they were supposedly trying to get the show syndicated but it didn't work out.

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Well, well, well the worm has turned. The NY Times article on Chris Christie today details how CC felt betrayed by the gruesome twosome. Supposedly at a Vanity Fair party he stormed past  and didn't speak to them. All because they questioned him re: Bridge Gate.


The cynic in me thinks that they are in cahoots because no 2016 republican contender wants to be seen as buddies with MSNBC anchors. Although it perfectly demonstrates what a thin skinned, bully CC is. (So many good digs against CC in the article. a good read.)

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Heh, poor Mika, she can't compliment the bully on his weight loss on air.  There is no way on this planet that Christie will ever be the GOP nominee, but I guess we'll be entertained by watching him try, or dismayed by his bullying er, efforts.  Mark Leibovich nailed it on temperament. 


Thank you Senator Amy for setting the bloviator straight!

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Joe went on an epic rant this morning against Michael Brown. He said he shouldn't be the face of black oppression. Joe said that Michael brown's "thuggish" behavior against officer Wilson was responsible for him being shot. Joe said there are two justice systems,but that they shouldn't yell at police officers. Joe now defends Trayvon Martin against Zimmerman. Donnie deutsh agreed with Joe. Mika was quiet but when Joe asked her opinion she said there was value in the frustration over the situation. Joe is mad at the media for reporting that the police shot a 12 year old who was waving a toy gun around. Joe is mad at the st Louis rams players who supported Michael Brown with a hands up don't shoot wave. Halperin said the st Louis police should not have left his body in the street for hours. Joe said there was racial inequality in ferguson with too many white cops. Joe said 95% of Americans support him.  

Deutshe asked Wes if was upset about the looting in Ferguson. Wes said there was rage in the black community over the rift between law enforcement and the community they serve.

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I was horrified by Joe's racist rant this morning and by all the bobble heads on the panel that agreed with him or just kept their damn mouths shut. He's crazy to think that his son would have also been shot if he'd done the same thing or that a 12 year old white boy would have been shot and killed by waving a toy gun around in a park.

There are rules of police engagement and 99 percent of them don't include pulling out your gun unless, apparently, the suspect is black. How is it possible that an unarmed teenager is shot dead and the sympathy and outrage goes to the police officer that shot the teen? Using the term "thug" or "thuggish" is the new code for black teenagers because, what, they wear a hoodie?

Joe's new approach is trying to protect the black small business owners (yeah, right). It's the same stupid argument that somehow black on black violence is worse. Hey guys, violence is violence. That argument is never used for white criminals (I.e., Timothy McVeigh, Jim Jones, the Uni-bomber etc.) but it's a convenient argument to blame the black community for their outrage.

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Fuck Joe.  Should we add up the property damage from when white folks riot over sports events?  You know, when they turnover police cars and set shit on fire?


eta: for once Mika gets it right - no matter with the Mike Brown situation, it has become a symbol of a massive problem. #BlackLivesMatter

Edited by NextIteration
  • Love 7

When Eugene Robinson is a guest and lists his and his son's many driving-while-black stops by police, Joe sits mum.


Because this needs to be repeated in light of Joe's rants this morning.  Evidently, he knows when to rant (with the expectation that his panel of sycophants will agree with him) and when to keep his plagued mouth firmly shut (when he's faced with a distinguished guest who endured the indignity that Joe and his tone-deaf ilk choose to ignore).


Missing in the black-on-black crime meme is the fact that for the most part, the perpetrators of those crimes, when caught, are tried and usually convicted for their crimes.  The prosecutors have little problem getting grand juries to return indictments.  Contrast that to the prosecutors in the Martin and Brown cases.  I also find it intriguing that conservatives--and White supremist groups--were willing to raise hundreds of thousands of dollars for both Zimmerman and Officer Wilson who planned to resign weeks ago!


Joe said 95% of Americans support him.




Citations or raw data to support your ludicrous claim, Joe?  Crickets chirping...


From what I understand, even the officers who work with Officer Wilson gave contradictory testimony about whether Michael Brown had his hands up.  Given that there was no trial to determine who was actually credible, it's arguable as to whether the claim that Mr. Brown had his hands up is "a lie."  Thanks for showing your true colors, Joe, and for being willing to pander to the worst of your base--who frankly see you as a "RINO."  

Edited by MulletorHater
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I did find it astonishing that Joe would believe everything the officer said and then call out the other "thugs" (also known as witnesses) as liars. I applaud some of the Rams football players for entering the stadium yesterday with their hands up. Joe was disgusted. Hey, it's a non-violent protest that apparently makes Joe and his ilk (95 percent of Americans apparently) feel uncomfortable. Joe must feel more comfortable with riots and property damage because it proves his point.

You could tell Mika wasn't buying Joe's rant but like the good little battered wife she cowered and tried to change the subject. Way to go out on a limb Mika...

Of course their was no real discussion on the Republican staffer that wrote disparaging remarks about the Obama girls. They did read her apology tweet (Mika refused to read the original tweet because it was just too mean) which focused on her talking to her parents and praying about it and finally deciding to apologize. The only response was from Donnie who said what a good job the recent Presidents and the press did in keeping their children "off limits". Joe just kept silent until he started rattling off all the "scandals" in this administration. It's as if the Republican talking points always include the word scandal even if it wasn't a scandal. Good job Joe. I'm thinking he's toying with running as a VP with Mitt in 2016.

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From what I understand, even the officers who work with Officer Wilson gave contradictory testimony about whether Michael Brown had his hands up.  Given that there was no trial to determine who was actually credible, it's arguable as to whether the claim that Mr. Brown had his hands up is "a lie."  Thanks for showing your true colors, Joe, and for being willing to pander to the worst of your base--who frankly see you as a "RINO


Agreed. I am shocked that there will be no trial . Joe has little credibility in these matters.


Mika looked like she wanted to leave the desk after Joe's rant. She said she didn't want to go there & was almost mute during Joe's tirade. I dare Joe to do his rant on front of Eugene Robinson or Al Sharpton or Jonathan Capehart.


I forgot to add that Donnie tried to take control of the show at 6 am, when Mika & Joe were off set. I almost switched it off because I don't like Donnie s a co host. Joe said he had several guests over for Thanksgiving. I wonder If they are part of Joe's secret insiders!


Mika was happy that her daughters get along for the weekend. I found it strange that Mika was upset that the GOP staffer criticized the Obama girls yet she has criticized her oldest daughters routinely last summer for her mistakes when she was an NBC intern. Mika should not criticize her kids in public.

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Dog, Joe is an idiot. I was actually yelling that very loudly at my tv screen. I seldom watch anymore but this morning did have it on for a bit, long enough to see Joe ranting again about the Rams players being so dastardly as to make a display of having their hands up. He was going on and on and on to Eugene Robinson how that symbol is so wrong because there was 'proof' from the grand jury that two witnesses said it didn't happen so therefore that's the truth.


Gene is such a milquetoast. He tiptoed and pussyfooted and mushmouthed around trying to say that there were more witnesses who said he did have his hands up and after much more bloviating from Joe, Gene managed to get out that other evidence as well didn't preclude the conclusion that  Brown could have his hands up. Jesus Gene, find some balls and say what you believe and push back on Joe's lies. Damn I wish they'd get a guest on who would.


p.s., here's an article from someone who also thinks Joe is an idiot and most of the commenters agree with him.  http://www.dailykos.com/story/2014/12/01/1348631/-Joe-Scarborough-has-a-Lecture-for-Black-America

Edited by shok
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Joe is so outraged about the minority small business owners in Furgeson not being protected. Joe did not connect the dots that the public safety apparatus in Furgeson doesn't give a shit about minorities PERIOD. He got Gene Robinson to agree that the small business owners were let down but let down by the protestors and outsiders coming into town to destroy the fragil economic structure. Somehow Joe's decided that all minority business owners are hanging on by a thread and the protestors/criminals have destroyed their lives. Don't get me wrong setting fire to businesses is a criminal act but I'm pretty sure Joe has rounded up every stereotype about minority business owners and uses those to prove his white supremacist points that minority business owners don't have insurance and certainly no reserves. Of course it's too much to ask where he gets his facts because he just knows.

Joe then went on an epic rant over the Rams football team and several Congressional reps pictured with their hands up in the air when they know that was a LIE. He must have said they know it's a LIE at the top of his voice ten times. I don't know if they cut off Gene's microphone but no one countered Joe's statement that everyone knows that Michael Brown did not put his hands up in the air in the "don't shoot me" pose.

Can someone please enlighten me how Joe knows this is a LIE? Did it come out at trial? Oh wait...

He also implied that the Rams and those Congress reps shouldn't expect the police to protect them after perpetuating the big LIE. Hey Joe, what's different about that? To me, Joe is only reiterating the current double standard that whites and blacks are treated differently and not apologizing to the police for insulting them by LYING about the hands up pose justifies the double standard. Perhaps Joe might benefit from a refresher course on the Constitution.

Edited to add that Joe's Twitter feed blew up demanding that Gene respond to Joe's rant. Gene did an okay job of pointing out that the finding of fact is the job of a trial jury. Gene did state that there is no real evidence that Michael Brown did or did not have his hands up. Gene said it was a symbol of two different justice systems. Joe then spent the remaining time talking about how he and Gene agree on almost everything regarding race relations. Yeah, sure. At least Gene was given the opportunity to respond to the big LIE. Joe said he'd rather people use the black power symbol (the 1968 Olympics were used as a reference point) because, as Joe said its not based on a lie and not as inflammatory (are you kidding me?).

Edited by stafford
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The wimpy Morning Joe producers will just block all the offenders on Twitter, that's what happened to me both from the Mika and Joe accounts long ago.  They don't allow dissension for long.  Well not when it gets really hot, really real, and really true.


Speaking of Twitter, I can't even look at my feed for very long anymore, it's my own fault since I choose who I follow but the news is mostly bad, 24/7, it's just too depressing.  I know I could change this reality by unfollowing people and news sources but I believe in those that I'm following. 

Okay, I seem to be a confused bunny. Why is it that when Bill Cosby's "troubles" are mentioned everyone lowers their head and Mika whispers "it's a tragedy". What the fuck does that mean? Is it a tragedy for the women that were assaulted or a tragedy that the myth of Bill Cosby has been unveiled?

I stopped caring about Bill Cosby years ago when his heretofore undisclosed daughter tried to extort money from him by threatening to expose her story to the National Enquirer. Bill was such a stand up guy that he participated in her prosecution and somehow came through it smelling like a rose. He showed no remorse or caring for his daughter because he secretly paid the mother a monthly stipend and, well money does seem to be his "go to" get out of jail free card.

Mika, where is the faux outrage you displayed when ranting about domestic violence in the NFL? Clearly there will be no trial (hmmm...just like Michael Brown). Why is it okay to decide guilt or innocence without a trial (Michael Brown, Ray Rice, etc.) but it's hands off Bill Cosby because he was a ground breaker with "I Spy" and bringing the black middle class to our TVs. I'll say it, I think Bill Cosby is a sociopath. The sadness displayed by the panelists (poor Bill had to resign from the Board of Temple University) diminishes the horror of countless women who suffered brutality at his hands.

Yup it's a tragedy Mika but not for Bill Cosby.

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I only caught a few seconds at the end of their last segment about light sabres, and her visible anger and disgust over the topic is... well I don't know.  Repellant?  Off-putting?  Tone deaf?  Asinine?  Immature?

You know who she is, speaking of "cartoonish upper crust snobbery?"  She's the Margaret Dumont of the show. 

I hope John Stewart does a segment on the hypocracy of Joe's need to have an honest conversation about race relations. Joe started out the show this morning by saying he watched cable news shows last night and he was stunned that nobody wants to have an honest conversation about race relations. Both sides (liberals and of course the truly righteous right) go to their corners and try to out shout each other and no one listens to each other. I honestly thought he was going to laugh and then apologize for his outrageous behavior yesterday but he truly believes that screaming LIARS & LIES is having an honest conversation about race and the other cable shows are so much worse.

Darrian Warren was terrific and stated that's why he thought John Stewart and Stephen Colbert did such a good job exploring the issues. Warren suggested that they should discuss specific policy issues that the President raised about arming police with military style gear etc and if that's a good or a bad idea. Joe of course let Warren speak for about 45 seconds and then changed the subject.

Mika has so far contributed the following this morning..."Stop, just stop", "No, no, no", "Please stop", "Giggle, giggle", "Stop Joe, just stop" "Awww look at Willie...he's grown up" and that she was at a benefit last night handing out an award where she dragged the woman's little girl on stage to actually present the award. You know Mika standing next to a child doesn't prove you are decent person just media savvy.

Joe's response to Mika at one point was "SHUT UP MIKA". I kid you not. Later on Joe had Mika read mean tweets about herself. Mika read two and then said "can we move on...I have no self esteem". She suggested that Joe stop reading tweets about himself and he readily complied. So Mika gets bashed by reading mean tweets but Joe skips it for himself. I swear Joe is a sociopath.

I swear Joe is going to blow (again) sooner rather than later because his bullying Mika hasn't gotten the horrible comments about his behavior out of his system and you know he's gotta punish someone.

Edited by stafford
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Yup Joe blew up at about 7:15 AM. He says policing is all about the data. He said he would shut up and let others talk but then he blew up again at Dorrian and keeps interrupting him and screaming at Mika. He's on a righteous rant. Of course Joe didn't want to talk about stop and frisk he wanted to talk about protecting the residents of Furgeson. It was a cluster fuck.

Battered wife Mika called Joe "brave" for bringing up different views especially after all the Twitter comments. Joe said he doesn't care about Twitter (so why have Mika read disparaging comments about herself?).

Edited by stafford
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Uh huh, but here's the thing, Dorrian did so much better of a job than Gene did yesterday, and I'm happy about that.  Can you just imagine Harold Ford?


Joe's abuse of Mika is beyond.  I am no defender of Mika, but this is real abuse and it should not be allowed.


eta: and of course at some point they mocked Jeremy Peters in a childish way by asking if Julie Pace was "still there".  Why oh why do I continue with this show?

Edited by NextIteration
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Nextleration, I couldn't agree more about Joe's abuse of Mika and I sorta feel bad that I pile it on but I so want an intelligent woman on the show to counter Joe's views. I just don't think Mika has the intellectual chops or backbone to do anything but mumble, pose for hootchie promotional shots, and look down on Star Wars fans while pretending she's too intellectual for that sort of stuff. She opens herself up to mockery but this morning's abuse by Joe was so bad.

Joe was spoiling for a fight and she is his go to punching bag. He actually had the audacity to state that he never raises his voice at home. He said he grew up in a houseful of screamers and he wasn't going to repeat that for his kids. This guy needs some serious psychotherapy. I'm pretty sure he's delusional.

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Joe needs some time off. His rant at 7 15 am against Mika & Dorian was uncalled for. He was outraged that police would frisk a white guy in the Bronx because the data showed the black guy was more  likely to commit a crime. Joe bashed MSNBC prime time shows for trying to move forward on race. Joe continued to blame African americans for crime in NY. Mika wants equal stop & frisking for whites & blacks. Joe is the patron saint of African American businessmen.

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Intelligent woman.  I've been pondering this for awhile now.  Mika is well educated, a bunch of the ladies on CNN and Fox are even Ivy League educated and most of them are guilty of the same damn thing as Mika.  The oversexualization, the preening to the camera, the coy stupid questions - almost every single one of them do it.  It's seemingly the great bimbofication of female news anchors/pundits.  There has to be a reason for it, it has to focus grouped or they wouldn't do it.


It's pretty sad what it says about American society, I think.


I'll take MHP and Rachel every day over these women, but they aren't exactly getting stellar ratings either.

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Joe needs some time off. His rant at 7 15 am against Mika & Dorian was uncalled for. He was outraged that police would frisk a white guy in the Bronx because the data showed the black guy was more  likely to commit a crime. Joe bashed MSNBC prime time shows for trying to move forward on race. Joe continued to blame African americans for crime in NY. Mika wants equal stop & frisking for whites & blacks. Joe is the patron saint of African American businessmen.

As Larry Wilmore said last night on The Daily Show, when shown clips of white people discussing these issues, Joe, you need to SHUT THE FUCK UP. 


And Mika with her "this is great, this is THE conversation about race".  


Why the rest of the panel didn't just get up and walk off the set is a testament to either their will power or insane need to be on television. 

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I don't often watch but holy shit this morning. What is the matter with every single person associated with this show?  This sort of ignorant absurdity would get a prime time host fired, rightly so!  UNBELIEVABLE. You all have said it better but that whole "discussion" about race was offensive, stupid, untrue, smug and self-righteous and conducted by people who were all born into the front row.  How does MSNBC let this shit stay on the air?  Why?  I literally wanted to violently lash out and set something on fire.

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Nextleration, I couldn't agree more about Joe's abuse of Mika and I sorta feel bad that I pile it on but I so want an intelligent woman on the show to counter Joe's views. I just don't think Mika has the intellectual chops or backbone to do anything but mumble, pose for hootchie promotional shots, and look down on Star Wars fans while pretending she's too intellectual for that sort of stuff. She opens herself up to mockery but this morning's abuse by Joe was so bad.

Joe was spoiling for a fight and she is his go to punching bag. He actually had the audacity to state that he never raises his voice at home. He said he grew up in a houseful of screamers and he wasn't going to repeat that for his kids. This guy needs some serious psychotherapy. I'm pretty sure he's delusional.


I just have ONE request for Joe.  Please, please, please have Ohio's Nina Turner as a guest on your show.  Pretty please?!  You would have but one opportunity to show your ass.  If you dared to get in her face and demean her the way you do Mika, you would be drawing back a nub, bruh, and looking for all 32 of your teeth on every continent!  Your face would turn as red as a beet, and not because you managed to work yourself up into a lather either.  Not only that, she can go toe to toe with you when it comes to effective policing since her husband happens to be a cop.


It's intriguing how some want to "move on" because of the alleged LIES while ignoring how botched the original investigation was from the beginning; how dubious the instructions to the grand jury were (i.e., citing a law that the Supreme Court struck down 30 years ago); how Officer Wilson was handled with kid gloves while other witnesses were grilled, etc.  Sorry, Joe and Co.  It doesn't quite work that way especially when the so-called investigation raises more questions than it answered.  When these individuals aren't busy shouting folks down, they're nimbly changing the subject by citing statistics.  Any time that fish wife with a forum, Nancy Grace, is in a lather about the so-called investigation, you have to wonder.  And, she's not the only former or current prosecutor who is questioning the handling of this case.


And, how disrespectful to Michael Brown's parents to repeatedly refer to their son as a thug, and all the other not-so-coded words that have been bandied about by Joe and his ilk.  I still can't get past the fact that Mr. Brown's body lay in the street for over 3 hours.  I've seen dead dogs treated with more respect.

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I haven't been watching Morning Joe for weeks, and my mornings couldn't be pleasanter ... at least in terms of my TV viewing. However, even without watching, I've been hearing about Joe's rants over the football players who raised their hands and how tired he is of the Ferguson protests. Well, how hypocritical can you be? When the "media" and punditry class were talking about Benghazi on a permanent loop or the IRS "scandals" non-stop, I didn't note Joe's annoyance over that. And, god forbid, he should turn on FOX news. Whatever, the faux Obama scandal of the day, they're like a dog with a bone. I guess being tired of a particular news story or protest depends upon where you sit ideologically and has nothing to do with legitimacy or basic fairness. (Oh, and Joe, I'd advise you not to turn on Chris Matthews unless you want a daily helping of "what will Hillary do.")

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He was outraged that police would frisk a white guy in the Bronx because the data showed the black guy was more  likely to commit a crime.


Another untruth. For one, the stop and frisk is just that, it's not stopping anyone from committing a crime, and second, stats show that the frisks found the same amount of weapons/drugs/whatever on the (much fewer) white guys as the black guys by percentage, i.e. 7% of each ethnicity although more was found in total on people of colour because so many more of them were frisked.

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Please, please, please have Ohio's Nina Turner as a guest on your show.  Pretty please?!  You would have but one opportunity to show your ass.  If you dared to get in her face and demean her the way you do Mika, you would be drawing back a nub, bruh, and looking for all 32 of your teeth on every continent!  Your face would turn as red as a beet, and not because you managed to work yourself up into a lather either.  Not only that, she can go toe to toe with you when it comes to effective policing since her husband happens to be a cop.


Never gonna happen for same reason you will never see Chris Hayes or Rachel, they would tear him to shreds and he won't have that, only sycophants allowed.


Perhaps Al Sharpton should go on Morning Joe  to defend Michael Brown against Joe's rants?


Rev. Al has usually been welcome on the show, and even since the shooting on August 9th, but he hasn't been anywhere near it for quite some time now, now why would that be?


Same reasons.  At some point this has to be career hindering for some of the "regulars".


I suspect though, since Joe keeps kicking up another notch each day, he knows he's getting attention and is possibly doing this for ratings, which makes me detest him even more.

Edited by NextIteration
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Joe's ranting is theater.  He doesn't believe one sliver of the shit he's spewing.  He's showing the world what a great extemporaneous sales person he thinks he is.  He's using right wing bullet points as a framework and weaving in old white guy outrage to bait viewers and social media.  It's done for ratings.  This was surely well considered over the Thanksgiving break w/producers and the MSNBC brass.

This is NOT a conversation about race, by the way.  It is a conversation about race baiting on the right, and a conversation about poverty and civics.  Riots occur in a culture as a matter of mathematics.  It's an algorithm.  As dependable as any equation.  When a group unfairly loses power or comes to recognize their powerlessness, and their "betters" do not have their best interests at heart, and their police and law makers and representatives aren't like them, don't work for them, and don't think of them... then you get riots.  When there is no justice, or perception of justice, then there will be unrest.  It doesn't matter what the race of the person is, and to think otherwise is as vulgarly racist as is possible.

An honest discussion would be about the reaction to the riots, what's being done to quell unrest, and the conclusions media outlets are drawing about race, poverty and power.  Not whether or not rioting is "right" or "wrong."  That's ideological mumbo jumbo.

  • Love 7

The twitterverse and attached media are absolutely thick with stories written about Scarborough and comments.  This has been a huge success for him.  He's cementing his pro-establishment, hard right wing bona fides by toting the party line on the opponent's network.  He's set the little world of online political media coverage on fire for a few news cycles.

I'm sure that the brass at MSNBC is hoping that this creates friction between shows so that viewers will tune in to watch rebuttals by Hayes and Maddow and the two folks on the weekend AM shows.

Tagline:  It's cynical, it's dishonest, it's loud, it's Joe Scarborough!

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Lisa Bloom had a one way twitter take down of Joe the other night.


I'm sure we'll go up another notch tomorrow now that the Staten Island Grand Jury on the Eric Garner case did not return a True Bill.  Wonder how NBC's annual Tree Lighting show will go tonight?  I'm sure security has been beefed up.  It sounds like the Mayor has cancelled his appearance.

Edited by NextIteration
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How the heck does Deutsch determine that Brown is a criminal?  Was there a trial I wasn't aware of?  Oh that's right, no there wasn't, because Brown was executed by Wilson.


I'm red-faced about Rev. Al turning up after I said he wouldn't, but then again I didn't realize that the Garner Grand Jury was going to repeat the Brown Grand Jury yesterday.


How the heck is Deutsch "proud of their performance" regarding the protesters in NY?  Most of the protesters in Ferguson have been non-violent as well.  What was a little comforting to me from what I've seen, the NYPD for the most part weren't in full riot gear, which if you ask me?  Can incite violence in itself.

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Another editorial comment written to Joe...




Someone on MSNBC said last night, (I'm paraphrasing) "Why is it when blacks are victims of police brutality, certain people in the media and law enforcement scramble to find reasons to prove that it was THEIR fault, but when two white teen age boys gun down their classmates at Columbine,all everyone could say is "it's a shame they couldn't get the help they needed". 

  • Love 7

I watched for a long while today, but didn't catch the beginning of their discussion on Garner's murder.  Joe occupied the space 180' from his positions on Monday and Tuesday.  He was calm, measured, thoughtful and parrotted Eugene's points and the other fella's points from yesterday about injustice for blacks in America. 

Is he trolling us?  Was he scolded?  Was he embarrassed from all the across-the-spectrum media blowback at him? Did he apologize for his ranting and bluster?


He has to account for the inconsistent about-face, right?

Edited by Landsnark
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Joe's ranting is theater.  He doesn't believe one sliver of the shit he's spewing.  He's showing the world what a great extemporaneous sales person he thinks he is.  He's using right wing bullet points as a framework and weaving in old white guy outrage to bait viewers and social media.  It's done for ratings.  This was surely well considered over the Thanksgiving break w/producers and the MSNBC brass.

This is NOT a conversation about race, by the way.  It is a conversation about race baiting on the right, and a conversation about poverty and civics.  Riots occur in a culture as a matter of mathematics.  It's an algorithm.  As dependable as any equation.  When a group unfairly loses power or comes to recognize their powerlessness, and their "betters" do not have their best interests at heart, and their police and law makers and representatives aren't like them, don't work for them, and don't think of them... then you get riots.  When there is no justice, or perception of justice, then there will be unrest.  It doesn't matter what the race of the person is, and to think otherwise is as vulgarly racist as is possible.

An honest discussion would be about the reaction to the riots, what's being done to quell unrest, and the conclusions media outlets are drawing about race, poverty and power.  Not whether or not rioting is "right" or "wrong."  That's ideological mumbo jumbo.


I wholeheartedly agree that Joe's ranting, bloviating and faux outrage is theater.  Evidently, he and Charles Barkley (a scumbag known for having violent tendencies himself and engaging in racist rants) are the talk of social media this week.  How proud they must be!


Although I believe that Joe's carrying on and race-bating commentary are a cynical ploy for ratings and the attention his narcissistic self craves, a part of me thinks that he believes everything he is saying.  Deep down in his Alabama-bred soul, he believes it.  I call it the "new" racism, which someone so eloquently spoke about in response to NYT's columnist, Charles Blow's op-ed piece this morning.  It's not always malicious and is often quite benign, which can be just as damaging, if not more so.  It's that "new" racism that attempts to minimize and pretend that racism either no longer exists or that it has gone safely underground.  There are no snarling governors standing in the schoolhouse door; no stereotypical overweight Southern sheriffs siccing dogs and unleashing fire hoses on school children; or White Citizens Councils threatening to shutter all public schools rather than comply with a Supreme Court edict.  Instead, it's taken on the form of demonizing Black men--including the President of the United States and his Attorney General--as "thugs."  The "new" racism tolerates out-of-control and militarized policing of predominantly minority communities, including stop-and-frisk procedures.  It assigns blame to the victims of profiling (including the way they are dressed) instead of the perpetrators.  It minimizes the deaths of those victims because they weren't "perfect" victims (like Rosa Parks) and loudly and proudly proclaim that the victims got what they deserved.


The "new" racism ignorantly tells Black people they need to "get over slavery" as if Jim Crow and its modern version (voter suppression, etc.) don't exist.  I won't even touch on the tea party rant, "We want our country back!"  Back from whom or what, I often ask, only to receive red-faced silence in return.  People like Joe trip all over themselves and contradict themselves constantly.  They will point to an accomplished man like President Obama as proof that racism no longer exist.  Yet, in the next breath, they will insidiously demean and minimize his educational and professional accomplishments because it upsets the apple cart of their own perceived superiority.  No president has ever been asked to "prove" that he was actually born here or that his college grades are real.  And, yet this president was.


I don't think Joe's brand of racism is malicious, but it is there, bubbling beneath the surface, and is often overshadowed by his narcissism and need to bully others into coming around to his way of thinking.

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Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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