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Morning Joe: All Episodes Talk

Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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So glad you survived, Rhetorica.  WRT the elevator, I didn't see anyone standing there when he dragged her out of it like a sack of potatos.  It may have been in the very early a.m.


With the job loss and press coverage, I am very concerned for Mrs. Rice's safety.  (Didn't hear anyone discussing it the first night, either.)  Doesn't mean he shouldn't be prosecuted - I just wish she'd get out.  WRT the marriage, my understanding is they were already engaged at the time.  But yes, she wouldn't have to testify against him. 


I'm sure it's the baby and the $$$ (don't know in what order) plus all the psychological trauma (agree, it's obvious in her face and demeanor) she's suffered but again, please, please, please, GET OUT.


Harold Ford - ugh, Mika - ugh, Joe ...  Why, oh why, is he the MSNBC star with the new MTP contract?  Why???

Edited by BearCat49
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On today, of all days, Joe's snarky, smarmy and jokey behavior seems misplaced. Granted, he filled in for Thomas on Way Too Early but he seems manic in his demeanor and remarks. There was a mic problem with David Ignatius in DC and so Joe tells him to hold up and then goes on way too long about this family of hamsters that have to get on the wheel and proceeds to name one of the hamsters. When Mika tries to bring the conversation back to ISIS Joe reverted back to snapping "would you let me finish"? Sure Joe, we all really want to hear about your fantasy hamster.

Of course Joe has to say the President didn't hit a home run last night and then turns to Willie and asks him about the President's speech. Willie in a brilliant move says he will leave the presentation marks up to Joe and Mika (who also agreed the President didn't hit a home run) and Willie focused on the CONTENT. I had to turn it off to get to an appointment so I'd be interested in hearing what others thought about the President's speech. I thought I heard Joe say that Charles Krauthammer was going to be on later so I'm glad I won't have to listen to that hot gas bag!

Edited by stafford
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I had to go to work (and honestly, couldn't deal with much more of the show) but I'm curious if anyone saw the story about Charlie Sheen and PYT.  Living in Philadelphia, "tipping-gate" is getting way too much attention but I'm mostly curious to see if Mika had any comments about the restaurant.  For those not in Philly, PYT is a burger joint that comes up with the most outrageous (and in my mind, gross) sandwiches out there and I can just see the mere mention of them making Mika's head explode.  

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Yes, eyebleach, they did mention the 20 cent tip left by the football (?) player when they did a review of local papers. They didn't, as I recall, mention the restaurant's name but only showed the receipt. Mika was horrified (at least she said she was horrified), by the behavior of the tipper. They quoted the football player who said he got lousy treatment but the owner said they set him up in a special section and all the waitstaff went over to get autographs. Everyone thought Charlie Sheen was a good guy for giving the waitstaff $1,000 to make up for the 20 cent tip. Joe used a quote that said if you are not nice to your waiter than you are not a nice person.

Uh boy, I'm shocked by the initial results of the Oscar Pistorius verdict. He is basically cleared of all murder charges but could still be found guilty of some lesser charges similar to manslaughter. Apparently in South Africa the judge has to go through point by point their reasoning for their verdict and it could take several days. The last I heard the prosecutor was in chambers arguing with the judge over the ruling or rational that Oscar did not know or could not know that shooting through a door could have resulted in death (which makes me think that manslaughter isn't a safe bet either).

I swear women are taking a literal and figurative beating all over the world today and I don't know why that surprises me. I think the only way Goodell loses his job is if the public goes after the NFL sponsors and advertisers. The owners are not going to get rid of him unless they start to lose money. The Onion had a headline today that stated:. "Goodell announces that if you kill your wife you get an automatic four game suspension". The absurdity of it all boggles my mind.

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Mika has been infuriating me lately with her feeble attempts to "see both sides" of an issue.


YES.  It's generally good to look at both sides of an issue, but **not always** (ie domestic violence, child molestation) and as an adult with a BRAIN you're just supposed to know that!  I can't put my finger on what's missing with Mika, but she's always like...a day late and a dollar short with her views.


Also, just gag me about the Goodell "but he's a nice guy!" crap, that is the WORST.  ETA...and why is MIKA of all people saying this? "knowing your value" and all?  I'd expect it from Joe, whatever.  Mika is all over the place...doesn't seem to have a solid grasp on her own supposed beliefs.

Edited by jenkait
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As a non viewer of this show (I tune into MSNBC to watch Chris Hayes, Rachel and L O' only), I am annoyed with the new ploy to attract viewers to this hot mess.

Running during Chris Hayes show is an MSNBC commercial "here's what you missed it you didn't watch MJ today". Then we have a sound bite of Joe praising President Obama.


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Bob Woodward is a dick.

He looks old and confused this morning.

He just blamed Obama's "muscular stance" vs ISIS as the reason that people want to join ISIS.  It's Obama's fault.  He calls it "the degree of diffuclty that Obama has bought himself."  Like those words mean anything.  So, Bob, to mention ISIS is to lose?  Ergo Obama lost because he has too strong rhetoric?  Ok.  That's literally a brand new slam against him re: ISIS.

Then 4 words later, he calls Obama "the reluctant warrior."  As if that makes any sense. 

Just throw what ever shit at the wall to see what sticks, old man.  


Edited by Landsnark
  • Love 8

Bob Woodward is a dick.

He looks old and confused this morning.

He just blamed Obama's "muscular stance" vs ISIS as the reason that people want to join ISIS. It's Obama's fault. He calls it "the degree of diffuclty that Obama has bought himself." Like those words mean anything. So, Bob, to mention ISIS is to lose? Ergo Obama lost because he has too strong rhetoric? Ok. That's literally a brand new slam against him re: ISIS.

Then 4 words later, he calls Obama "the reluctant warrior." As if that makes any sense.

Just throw what ever shit at the wall to see what sticks, old man.


I heard Bob Woodward speak at an Honor's Lecture at the college where I taught. Speak isn't really the correct word. He read and droned. I was so disappointed. I was looking forward to an interesting session. He was old and confused then. 

All right, I admit it, I caved and watched MTP.  I'm not a regular viewer anyway (didn't care for David Gregory) but I wanted to see how Chuck Todd did.  I have to say...I think he suits the role quite well.  He questioned people but was also polite, engaged his guests and they also let him do his chart thing.  They even made his hair look pretty good!  No sign of Joe's ugly mug of that WTF young nepotism kid.


In not really related news...is anyone else terrified that Richard Engel will run into some serious trouble in his line of work?  I worry about that guy.

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Jenkait, you are one brave soul to watch MTP. I'm very impressed. I really hope Chuck Todd pulls it off. I wonder why Joe wasn't there along with Wonder Boy? I saw the last five minutes of MTP on the early morning replay and all I saw was Bryant Gumble and I was very disappointed with Bryant's dismissive attitude about Roger Goodell. I've seen him go on rants on Real Sports about changes needed in "X" sport but yesterday he was "whatever" followed by a shrug that Goodell is safe. The only piece of advice he did give was to stop writing the NFL and to start writing the sponsors (Gateraide etc) and once the owners are threatened with losing money they might act.

Chuck Todd showed a statistic that 1 in 3 women will suffer either domestic assault, rape and or incest. And can they please stop showing the five women who wore a Ray Rice's jersey to Thursday nights game as if this is some statistically valid counterpoint? All you have to do is turn on Jerry Springer (is he still on?) to see what lengths some people will go so they are on TV.

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Joe's hair was on fire during his opening rant this morning, that Hillary seeks attention by playing coy re a presidential bid. Hiking her speaking fees by not committing to a public decision. "Lead, follow, or get out of the way." Jeb Bush - "Lead, follow, or get out of the way." What has 25 years of Bush/Clinton leadership accomplished? Mika appeared genuinely frightened by Joe's wrath. She had the control room in her ear, the morning's guest(s) will not be appearing with their planned footage, changes will be made. Joe asked if there are tranqs in his coffee, Mika offered "I hope so."

Boy did Mika (and Joe) get caught in a web this morning. Mika's idea of going after sponsors of the NFL gathered steam as they discussed the NFL scandals. She repeated her mantra several times. They bring on a NY Times reporter (Swartz?) who is trying to discuss the facts of the NFL cases and Mika keeps hounding him about boycotting the Sponsors. The reporter is exasperated and says something like "Well Mika if your so sure shouldn't we take off our mics and storm into the CEO of GE's office upstairs and declare that you're not going to participate in NBC programs?" Ever brilliant Mika tried to draw a distinction between product sponsors and NBC just showing a game on TV. HELLO Mika?

Mika I'd advise an economics course immediately. Who do you think sells the TV ads (of which they pay a portion of profits back to the NFL)--the damn network that paid a bazillion dollars to carry the game including NBC owned by GE.

After the reporter left one panelist (gawd, it might have been Harold Ford) said well why doesn't the reporter go do the same thing with the NYTs? Boy Joe pounced on that and repeated it several times. He was white hot mad. Here's the thing I think the reporter was trying to report the facts but Mika was bombarding him with her assertion that SPONSORS ARE AT FAULT. He refused to give in to her prodding by agreeing with her and then did he blurt out the GE tie in. Man, it was priceless and got better as Joe kept referencing it.

Edited by stafford
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Did Joe get dumped by a girlfriend over the weekend? Bring back pastel pullover Joe!

I can't stand Harold Ford. Both sides.. ALWAYS playing both sides. Useless.

And Joe is totally lying about how he is suddenly turning off the NFL in protest for the first time in his life. He's told us many times that he doesn't watch it anymore and only like college football and soccer. The last time was when the topic was about head injuries.

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Wow, I've had it with the popular media and sports media grandstanding their moral sanctimony and righteous indignation over Ray Rice and Roger Goodell.

Why would a sponsor cease working with the most successful sport in the Western Hemisphere?  What does Ray Rice's 1 punch, and SUBSEQUENT STRING OF PUNISHMENTS, have to do with corporate business, let alone anything else?  Would Google shut down because an employee punched his/her spouse, ONCE, and then pledged to be an advocate and go through counseling?  Should the CEO be fired?  Yes?  No?   (FWIW, Google makes far more money than the NFL and has far more employees and therefore far more instances of spousal abuse)

Rice admitted he punched her to the commissioner.  She admitted to the commissioner he punched her.  The commissioner suspended him two games immediately WITH NO LEGAL CONVICTION from the courts of NJ.  Two game checks would roughly cost Ray Rice and his family $800,000.  This is with no conviction of abuse in the courts, no history of abuse, and his wife pleading for the matter to disappear.


When the commissioner heard the blow back from the public because of their outrage over how ugly an incident it was outside of the elevator (see, because the public could see it, they now feel they are involved and can sanctimoniously demand blood), Goodell admitted he was wrong in his punishment and put in place a one-strike policy that would be an immediate 6 game suspension, with the possibility of a full season or lifetime bans left to the arbiter's discretion, also mandatory counseling and other programs.  Never existed before, this commissioner who "needs to be fired", put it in place.

So, he's demonstrated flexibility, foresight, and, admitted he was wrong!  Fire him!  Boycott!  I'm mad!  AAARRRRR!

So, when the video of the punch came to light, dug up by the salacious media industry, what was already known to all parties - Ray Rice punched his wife - became visible.  And now the public is demanding MORE blood.  Not from Ray Rice, though.  Odd, but is standard cable/internet misdirected faux righteous outrage... simple solutions by simple minds for an extraordinarily complex problem.

So apparently now, the NFL, like no other business, was built NOT around the business they conduct, but instead to handle moral and ethical miscues and have complex punishments at the ready because the NFL's only job, ya see, is to be the moral and ethical arbiter of the United States of America.  For some reason.


One year ago Roger Goodell suspended the New Orleans Saints': head coach, defensive coordinator, and at least 2 defensive players for a full year.  With no convincing evidence.  If Goodell is in the pocket of owners and is conspiring to sweep things under the rug, why did he intentionally doom the N.O. Saints to a poor season that conceivably cost tens or hundreds of millions of dollars to that franchise?

Joe believes that Goodell is protecting Ray Rice (despite suspending him for a f'ing year) in order to protect the NFL's image, yet, last year he hamstrung an entire franchise's season with NO evidence?


The punishment and policy is now in place.  It wasn't 3 weeks ago, but is now.  If it had been put in place 6 weeks ago, then would Mika still be shrilly demanding the NFL be defunded?  No?  Why not?  Because there were 3 intervening weeks?  Heh.  Ok.

Seems like the shrill and outraged should be thanking Goodell for changing the policy and taking steps to (presumably) prevent further domestic abuse.  Which, if examined, is asinine.  Because the NFL cannot prevent domestic abuse.  It can only remove the abuser from the public eye and from the NFL's own legal liabilities.  And that apparently is all that the American viewing public cares about.

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As much as I am an advocate for tough punishment for abusers I don't think Rice should receive a life-time ban. As badly as I think the NFL has handled the case I'm hopeful that the issue won't be dismissed so easily in the future. I just hate that the SF 49ers played the guy that was arrested for domestic assault...of course I hate anything Harbaugh related. I think the Carolina Panthers got it right by sitting out the player that was convicted for domestic assault (on appeal now).

I think the Adrian Peterson case is going to be a nightmare for the Commisioner (and I'm sort of loving him flailing around). I've seen what are reportedly the pictures of the injuries of the four year old son and it is awful. This four year old boy had scratches all over his body (and the photos were taken a few days after the boy was sent back home). Charles Barkley is an idiot saying every African American parent in the south would be arrested because everyone uses a "switch" on their kid. Chris Carter had it right--just because his mom did it doesn't make it right and IMO probably perpetrates the cycle of violence. LOOK, I'm not saying a parent can't discipline their child...this wasn't discipline this was rage and went far beyond a "switch". This child was repeatedly hit and hit hard.

Edited to add that I just read where Peterson was reinstated. He insisted that he's not a child abuser although he wrote a text to the mom right after the incident expressing regret. Ahem, saying your sorry doesn't excuse the criminal behavior. My father believed in corporal punishment and I vowed I wouldn't use it when I had kids. Did I want too? Yes, a hundred times but I walked away and figured out other ways of discipline. I'm happy to report both of my grown children did not turn into bad kids or spoiled ("spare the rod" and all that sort of malarkey). The NFL owners are just a bunch of chicken shits.

Edited by stafford
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Great post Landsnark. Of course neither you nor I nor anyone else are saying domestic or child abuse is acceptable behaviour but since when, as you said, is the NFL or NBA or MLB or NHL or any sports league the moral and ethical arbiter of the United States of America? The pile of sanctimony being heaped by Joe and Mika and most of the media is growing bigger by the day.

OMG do your research. The panel says Janay Rice "failed" to press charges. Victims of domestic assault CANNOT press charges. It's entirely up to police to file charges and the prosecutor to arraign the suspect. She may defend her husband (right or wrong) and issue statements but she can only file a law suit in civil court not criminal court.

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Yes but the prosecutor usually won't press charges if they don't have the victim ready to give a statement, appear in court as a witness for the prosecution and testify as to what happened. 


I think that's where the confusion lies.   The police will arrest and prosecutors will press charges when there is enough evidence, but that evidence also needs testimony of the victim.  And these victims are usually not willing to testify against the perpetrator.


Also of note is Ray and Janay got married the next day after he was charged. I find that very interesting that they suddenly decide to get married.  Like was this his ploy to shut her up.  "Baby we gotta stand together against all these people trying to bring us down". 

So Cackles is really and truly now a full-time member of The View?


The first thing she does on the show is distance herself from Palin and the Bush Administration, BUT, those are her only two career accomplishments.  Should be modestly interesting to see how long her vapid talking-points schtick lasts.  When they won't be able to get Palin on the panel to confront Cackles, they'll surely tire of her, as she's wholly unlikable.

I put the over/under at 18 months.  Because Cackles also has to know that this is not good for her "legitimate" "political" "career."  So she may stay until something more... I don't know, inside-the-beltway comes available.

I'm glad she's gone.  But I hope they don't offset her absence by bringing in David Gregory (is he still an NBC employee??), Peggy Noonan* (shudder), Dan Senor or Campbell Brown.


*Ever seen "Young Frankenstein?  Remember when anyone says "Frau Blucher" and the horses whinny?  I feel as if MSNBC should use that sound effect whenever her name is used.  Hilarious.

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Oh Lord, Mika is going to be crowing tomorrow about the Sponsors expressing their concern about the NFL handling of the domestic abuse cases. Radisson pulled it's sponsorship for one game (at least so far) and Cover Girl issued a statement.

You know Mika you weren't the first person to bring that up but good ol' Huffington Post gave her a front page block touting getting the Sponsors to pull money.

Forget Cackles on the view we've got Mika.

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Cackles strikes...


It's totally off topic, but I couldn't resist laughing at her nonsense that we're so familiar with.  "Obama hates people."  I think the truer comment is that Cackles and that ghoul Krauthammer hate Obama.  That's the correct way to work that equation.

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Wow they showed a clip of Merideth Vierra talking about her abuse situation years ago. It was extremely powerful. She admitted she was afraid to leave (a very common fear) because he threatened to ruin her career. She only felt safe to leave when she got a job offer in a different state. So Mika not everyone feels safe to become a spokesperson for a very dark chapter in their life. I don't care what people say you are judged if you admit that you were a victim of domestic violence.

Mika was also on the bandwagon for Rhianna to speak out since CBS dumped her for her lyrics along the line of I enjoyed the pain. Their are a zillion ways to interpret that line. The psychological damage done to these women is huge and abusers often convince women that they care so much. So CBS dumps the abused woman but ignores Chris Brown? Where the fuck is he condemning violence against women? This can't just be a woman's issue.

I'm glad to see yet another reversal on Adrian Peterson being out. I swear if you see the photos of his four year old and you'd want him in jail. Seven children with seven different women? He's reached Shaquille numbers. Okay, I put some of the blame on the women who sleep with this guy with no protection but hey Adrian try a condom and maybe you won't have to beat your kids.

Edited to add: Boy did John Stewart take a bite out of Joe's "Hillary, stop playing games and announce you are running rant". I wonder if that's why Joe didn't show up this morning? It starts around the 7 minute mark. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/09/17/jon-stewart-hillary-clinton_n_5834072.html

Edited by stafford
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So Cackles is really and truly now a full-time member of The View?


Entertainment Tonight reviewed The View with the new cast, and the first show was, according to one of the ET reporters on set, terrible. Slow, boring, etc. 


This ET person said Nicole was the weak link.  Rosie P, Rosie O'D and Whoopie all knew each other, and Nicole was like the new kid nobody really wanted to talk to.

It's gotta be bad if ET is slamming you.  They kiss everybody's butt. 

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Apparently Cackles came out swinging today with Rosie. Rose brought up Bush's handling of Katrine. Cackles didn't cackle but shot something back inferring that President Obama doesn't like people. Blah, blah...better ratings? I loved Mika's advice to Cackles when she was going into the interview for the View. Mika said (I can't remember-be yourself?) but then wear better shoes. This is why women DON'T KNOW THEIR OWN WORTH.

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Did they really talk about moral leadership? Calling out politicians to take a stand against child abusers and wife/gf abusers? They praised companies for taking a moral stand. I don't remember the moral stand that companies took when they blew up the economy. Did the managers fall on their swords in shame for pulling all of the redlining, messing with the mortgages, pushing ARMs, "losing" paperwork, etc? I should just sleep in and dodge these guys.

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For sure. I used to really enjoy Bernstein when he was on but then Joe Doucheborough was so nasty to him he won't come back any more and I don't blame him a bit.

JMHO but they both seem like bloviating gasbags at this point.

Oh, and reminiscent of Mika on Paris Hilton, Mika began to read something (Hillary-related IIRC) and Joe said "No!" and grabbed the page from her hand.



Don't know for sure and only managed to watch a few minutes but this all felt like a stunt to me, ala Paris Hilton.  Mika's faux fear about the guest lineup and tranquilizers ...  JMHO

Great post Landsnark. Of course neither you nor I nor anyone else are saying domestic or child abuse is acceptable behaviour but since when, as you said, is the NFL or NBA or MLB or NHL or any sports league the moral and ethical arbiter of the United States of America? The pile of sanctimony being heaped by Joe and Mika and most of the media is growing bigger by the day.


Agreed but athletes are essentially entertainers and considered public figures.  Their employers, the teams/leagues, have the right to police their behavior under the terms of their contracts.  I'm sure they all contain morality clauses.  If the public demands a higher standard of them as public figures, then ...  Doesn't sounds as if the ratings have suffered to date.  We'll see what happens with the sponsors.  JMHO

Edited by BearCat49

Yes but the prosecutor usually won't press charges if they don't have the victim ready to give a statement, appear in court as a witness for the prosecution and testify as to what happened. 


I think that's where the confusion lies.   The police will arrest and prosecutors will press charges when there is enough evidence, but that evidence also needs testimony of the victim.  And these victims are usually not willing to testify against the perpetrator.


Also of note is Ray and Janay got married the next day after he was charged. I find that very interesting that they suddenly decide to get married.  Like was this his ploy to shut her up.  "Baby we gotta stand together against all these people trying to bring us down". 


The victim can file a complaint, however and yes, it's up to the d.a./prosecutor to press charges.  It's a crime against the state.


Apparently, things have changed in d.v. cases.  My understanding is that prosecutors now use a hearsay exception and frequently prosecute offenders w/o the victim's testimony.

So Cackles is really and truly now a full-time member of The View?


The first thing she does on the show is distance herself from Palin and the Bush Administration, BUT, those are her only two career accomplishments.  Should be modestly interesting to see how long her vapid talking-points schtick lasts.  When they won't be able to get Palin on the panel to confront Cackles, they'll surely tire of her, as she's wholly unlikable.

I put the over/under at 18 months.  Because Cackles also has to know that this is not good for her "legitimate" "political" "career."  So she may stay until something more... I don't know, inside-the-beltway comes available.

I'm glad she's gone.  But I hope they don't offset her absence by bringing in David Gregory (is he still an NBC employee??), Peggy Noonan* (shudder), Dan Senor or Campbell Brown.


*Ever seen "Young Frankenstein?  Remember when anyone says "Frau Blucher" and the horses whinny?  I feel as if MSNBC should use that sound effect whenever her name is used.  Hilarious.


Reply:  (don't know why this was boxed!)

Not sure if you mean over/under for her to be off the show or ???  (They had that Hasslebeck woman for many years and kept the "earth is flat" comedian for 7 years!)  Haven't ever seen The View but their thread's typically good reading!  Sounds like the 1st day the group basically said nothing and did introductions but Cackles had ticked off many viewers by the close of the 2nd day! 


Funny thing is, many View posters don't seem to be familiar with Cackles MJ background and are giving her a pass so far, IMHO!



Oh, BTW, David Gregory was apparently paid $4M to walk away from both MTP and NBC.  How much would it take for Joe, $2M ???  Please, Phil!

Edited by BearCat49

Latest Wednesday ratings (per mediaite) placed MJ at 4th in the demo, i.e. dead last with 80K viewers.  So, they haven't turned MJ around.


No wonder they're throwing it all against the wall, trying anything and everything, including daily rants, faux stunts, picking fights with guests and ridiculous entertainment reporting (Holly - what??) to try and find something that'll stick.


Gee, what happened to Joe/Mika's grandiose plans?  Let's see, within just this past year, weren't they supposed to take over the CBS Morning Show (to reunite with Chris) and then it was MTP.


Start doing your day job, kids ...

Edited by BearCat49
  • Love 3

Mika & Joe are in Washington today. Mika's mom had a party at a museum last night to show off her tree art.

Mika & Joe are wearing the same clothes on set today that they wore last night. Roland Martin from CNN was on today talking about Hope Solo's domestic violence charge. Mika was happy that the scandal with Chris Christie may be over. There was confusion over the military being skeptical about Obama's boots on the ground plan for Syria.

Roland Martin from CNN was on today talking about Hope Solo's domestic violence charge.



This guy was a huge asshole, probably the biggest asshole I've ever seen on MJ, a show that regularly features Dan Senor, Peggy Noonan, Pat Buchanan, Harold Ford, Nicolle Wallace, Willie, Mika and of course, Joe.

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Mika & Joe are in Washington today. Mika's mom had a party at a museum last night to show off her tree art.

Mika & Joe are wearing the same clothes on set today that they wore last night. Roland Martin from CNN was on today talking about Hope Solo's domestic violence charge. Mika was happy that the scandal with Chris Christie may be over. There was confusion over the military being skeptical about Obama's boots on the ground plan for Syria.

Roland  Martin, don't work at CNN . He is on News One Now.His contact was not renewed  2years ago.

I do agree that Hope Solo should not be playing but thank goodness for Katy Kay when she challenged the guy to say that's ONE example of a woman involved in perpetrating domestic violence compared to thousands of cases of men assaulting women. He kept saying that's not what he meant but you know he did mean it but didn't expect such a vehement rebuke from Katy.

I was in the car listening to MJ (yes I'm a masochist) and heard Mika's mom rip Mika's academic record at her museum event. It got big laughs but it was brutal. I never feel sorry for Mika but I did feel bad. You know there are other forms of abuse and I imagine both Mika and her brother were grilled every night in ways I can't even imagine. Now her mom is doing chainsaw art and is going to be a spokesperson for a chainsaw brand...give me a break. The whole family sets my teeth on edge. I used to like Dr. Z but I find him to be insufferable lately.

I watched the Detroit show yesterday. Every single guest had on a suit except Fleecy Joe. To me it's bordering on disrespectful to the citizens of Detroit that you can't dress up for a graduation ceremony. Of course Mika had to grab a todler and hold him through out a segment and carry on about how she should have had more kids. Please.

  • Love 4
I was in the car listening to MJ

WHAT?  Seriously, this made me laugh out loud and wipe a tear away.  Bless your heart.



What a D Bag.  The vast majority of male-reported domestic abuse occurences are male-on-male.  Hope Solo's assault was assault, and not co-habitive domestic abuse... which is so rare as to be an anomoly.

He would have women's sporting teams be vigilant against women beating up their husbands and demand that they are banned from playing their games until the legal process is adjudicated?  Wow, he really plays in the lower portion of the nastiest sewers of public discourse.  Ugh.  Why was this disingenuous dirt bag on a real network?? 

"Who is going to look out for men in matters of domestic violence?" Really?  American males are disenfranchised and have no voice in our culture and legal system?  Woe is us!!

Real straw man arguments are embarrassed by his straw man argument. 

Katty should've slapped the shit out his mouth!

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Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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