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Morning Joe: All Episodes Talk

Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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I missed the first hour but found an interesting clip about Joe attacking Florida Governor Rick Scott. Scott had the audacity to demand that FBI Director Wray resign over the FBI screw up in not following up on the leads about Cruz being a potential school shooter & the calls to the tip line about him. Joe said that the FBI acknowledged that protocols were not followed & they were sorry that the families had extra pain knowing about the FBI missing the warning signs about the shooter. Joe called Scott a Trump lackey & that he should resign because Florida Social Services visited the home of Cruz and didn't find him to be too mentally disturbed. 

It's unclear if the Florida Social Services Dept could have stopped Cruz from buying a gun. Can they put a note on his file when a background check is done on Cruz? What if he already had bought the gun? Can they take it away from him?

I think Joe should admit that the FBI did make a mistake in not following up on Cruz. They aren't perfect. Secondly, could Social Services have had Cruz committed to a psychiatric facility when they met with him?

Mika & Joe's personal hatred of Trump makes it difficult to follow the show.

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They did man on the street interviews. One lady called MSNBC Fake News.

And of course the lame-ass reporter did zero follow up, e.g., "What reports, specifically, do you believe are fake?" Dollars to donuts we would have gotten a lame response that just proves these man-on-the-street media critics don't have a clue what they are talking about.


Joe is excited by Trump considering more background checks & bump stocks. Trump could pivot!

He won't. It's all talk. Just like everything else.

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2 minutes ago, Eliot said:

And of course the lame-ass reporter did zero follow up, e.g., "What reports, specifically, do you believe are fake?" Dollars to donuts we would have gotten a lame response that just proves these man-on-the-street media critics don't have a clue what they are talking about.

He won't. It's all talk. Just like everything else.

That segment on Nunes was so lame. Stopping people in pick up trucks asking them who they would vote for. I wouldn't answer that on camera.

Why not to a focus group in that town. ?

Mini Joe was knocking on coffee shop windows & asking people to come outside and discuss politics. The blonde girl & her mom were confused.

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Mika looked like she had shopped Morticia Addams closet today.

Why can't MJ have some real people on to talk about their grassroots organizing against guns? Chuck Todd had on five teenagers yesterday but only let three talk before he decided the adults should take over. :(

Edited by stormy
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24 minutes ago, stormy said:

Mika looked like she had shopped Morticia Addams closet today.

Why can't MJ have some real people on to talk about their grassroots organizing against guns? Chuck Todd had on five teenagers yesterday but only let three talk before he decided the adults should take over. :(

I think the control room was afraid that Joe would interrupt all the articulate teens to brag about how his latest positions on gun control were the solution. I would love if the kids told Joe to shut up.

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32 minutes ago, oakville said:

I think the control room was afraid that Joe would interrupt all the articulate teens to brag about how his latest positions on gun control were the solution. I would love if the kids told Joe to shut up.

I'm pretty sure Joe & Mika don't want to face those kids. They have no qualms about calling out BS, and since that's JoMika's stock in trade, it wouldn't end well for our lovebirds. 

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5 hours ago, oakville said:

There was a segment about Mini -Joe Soupcoff visiting Nunes district. there is an exciting challenger to Nunes. He has raised money!. They did man on the street interviews. One lady called MSNBC Fake News. They weren't paying attention to the Russia story. The Democratic opponent called out MSNBC for being focused on Russia. He wanted to talk about local issues but acknowledged that he raised $500K since Nunes dropped his memo. He takes money from Democrats all over the USA.

The district usually votes GOP for over 65%.


The challenger doesn't stand a chance.

Nunes' district includes a lot of agricultural land and apparently lack of water is a big problem out that way.   All those people care about is maintaining/increasing their water supplies.   Nunes, they say, has come through for his constituents in that regard, so whatever else he wants to spend his time on is just fine by them.   They don't care about Russia, or Trump, or anything else.   Washington is another world and it doesn't concern them.

The local tunnel vision might explain why Nunes has so cavalierly embarked on boondoggles that would have been the kiss of death for other elected officials

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4 hours ago, millennium said:

The challenger doesn't stand a chance.

Nunes' district includes a lot of agricultural land and apparently lack of water is a big problem out that way.   All those people care about is maintaining/increasing their water supplies.   Nunes, they say, has come through for his constituents in that regard, so whatever else he wants to spend his time on is just fine by them.   They don't care about Russia, or Trump, or anything else.   Washington is another world and it doesn't concern them.

The local tunnel vision might explain why Nunes has so cavalierly embarked on boondoggles that would have been the kiss of death for other elected officials

I like the scenery of the district. I do think Morning Joe is in a bubble & the show would benefit from them doing town halls outside NY & Washington. The show used to do regular townhalls across the country prior to 2014.

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1 minute ago, millennium said:

enough. about. guns.


Cuomo's back on New Day if anyone is interested.  MJ has a great starting panel (glad to see they let Heidi out of the library) but after Joe's Twitter fit yesterday I figured guns would dominate.

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trump endorses Romney.  Joe praises trump.  Joe acts like the parent of a toddler that is finally potty trained.

Mika  is somehow relieved that Romney will  be a Senator as if he alone will restore dignity to the senate.

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Tuesday Recap. Mika & Joe together in a studio for 2 days in a row. Mika & Heidi are in matching black turtlenecks. Mike Allen who used to be a regular panelist is now downgraded to the library. Democrats admit that Romney was right about Russia. Joe likes Mitt.

The camera seems to be closer to Mika & Joe than in NY.

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Joe discussing his decision to voluntarily step down from Congress. He didn't miss all the staff around him. Joe said he left politics for his 2 middle school kids.

Heidi is excited about the Democrats winning PA 18. Heidi didn't mention that he is supportive of gun rights.

Oh Oh. A poll showing 51% support the tax reform. Joe promised viewers that it would be Armageddon. Companies are paying bonuses to workers. Trump is a salesman.

3 minutes ago, WhineandCheez said:

7:18 AM "Donald Trump is the type of person that people will stand in THE DRIVING RAIN to vote against."

See, Joe can change!  It's not just women, and now the rain is driving!

It's raining in Oakville. People are outside waiting to vote in our June election!

Heidi said that employers are sending notes to people about the tax cuts. Joe spoke to important CEO's !.

Joe said $1,000 is a big deal. Costa is talking about suburbians concerned about gun shootings not just tax cuts.

Joe talking about 1994!. The year America found a new hero, Joe Scarborough. Clinton represented the excesses of the 1960's. Damn Hippies!

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People voting in the Driving Rain! Joe making fun of Chris Matthews!

Mika continues to hold her hands over the Morning Joe mug. What's in the mug?

Peter baker talked about Trump fatigue. Heidi is upset that evangelicals didn't turn on Trump after the Access Hollywood tape.

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32 minutes ago, WhineandCheez said:

7:18 AM "Donald Trump is the type of person that people will stand in THE DRIVING RAIN to vote against."

See, Joe can change!  It's not just women, and now the rain is driving!

In spite of (or maybe because of) the rain comment, I actually enjoyed the segment with Robert Costa, Peter Baker, Mike Allen, and Heidi P. It had everything--the rain comment, Joe making fun of himself for asking long-winded questions, Mike Allen telling Joe he was right about something (for once), Mika smiling adoringly but saying almost nothing-- and, most of all, an interesting discussion with people who actually seem to know what's going on in Washington. We even saw a tiny smile (or maybe it was a smirk) from Robert Costa (I think it was after the Big Lebowski clip). He really is losing weight. Maybe he doesn't have time to eat?

Oh, and that crazy bit from Brody's book about how Trump's affairs are all about his spiritual yearning? Is that what they're calling it these days? Sheesh.

Edited by Jordan Baker
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1 hour ago, oakville said:

Mika continues to hold her hands over the Morning Joe mug. What's in the mug?

I just assumed it was to show off the rock. Lol

Unpopular opinion, but I think Mika looks great in black.

Who is forwarding Joe Facebook posts from bots asking if they are true? 

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2 hours ago, oakville said:


Oh Oh. A poll showing 51% support the tax reform. Joe promised viewers that it would be Armageddon. Companies are paying bonuses to workers. Trump is a salesman.

Heidi said that employers are sending notes to people about the tax cuts. Joe spoke to important CEO's !.

Joe said $1,000 is a big deal. Costa is talking about suburbians concerned about gun shootings not just tax cuts.


Guess it's the vocalist in him that permits Scarborough to change his tune so quickly.   What about the trillion dollar deficit our children and their grandchildren will be stuck with?   That hasn't gone away, and it'll only get worse as Trump keeps selling debt.

Another thing that verily pisses me off is the stories about the $1000 bonuses.   No one tells the whole story, like how Walmart announced $1000 bonuses for employees ... who qualify.   That little caveat made precious few headlines.   The only Walmart employees who received $1000 were those who had been with the company for 20 years or more.   The tenure of the average Walmart employee is less than three years.   For everyone with less than 20 years', Walmart depreciated the $1000 according to time served ... I mean time of service.   Those with less than three years received about $150 before taxes.  

Walmart was not alone in giving conditional bonuses.  Other companies did too, but those facts were conveniently omitted from the feel-good propaganda of companies trying to exploit free publicity and curry favor with the con man in the White House.

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Wow. I just read about Joe's weird abortion hot take on Twitter. I turned in late this morning and missed it. How did that go over with the panel? Did anyone push back? The whole assertion that young people are "skeptical of abortions" is fairly ridiculous.

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8 hours ago, XOQueens said:

I just assumed it was to show off the rock. Lol

Unpopular opinion, but I think Mika looks great in black.

Who is forwarding Joe Facebook posts from bots asking if they are true? 

In the past, Joe has talked about relatives of his forwarding fake news stories to him, asking if they were true. Today, he didn't specify who he was talking about.

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2 hours ago, XOQueens said:

Wow. I just read about Joe's weird abortion hot take on Twitter. I turned in late this morning and missed it. How did that go over with the panel? Did anyone push back? The whole assertion that young people are "skeptical of abortions" is fairly ridiculous.

Joe has been quoting these polls for a few months now. His talking point has been that young people are becoming more liberal on Same Sex Marriage & More Conservative on abortions. The panel usually stays quiet when Joe says this & Mika coos & beams at him. Joe think that gives him political currency with Conservatives.

Joe got called out again by a conservative website for flip flopping on Romney. Today he called Romney a true Conservative but Joe bashed him in 2012 for not being Conservative enough to defeat President Obama. Joe admitted to voting for Ron Paul in 2012 GOP Primary.


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Too bad Scarborough and Mika can't bring themselves to call bullshit on the sacrificial "bump stock."

The bump stock had nothing to do with the massacre on Feb 14th and a ban wouldn't have stopped it anyway.    This seems like the result of panicked meeting in which someone says "Come on, come on, we have to give them something.  What's it gonna be?   The bump stock?  Sure, let's throw them that bone.  It'll make us look like we're doing something and we won't have to ban assault rifles themselves."

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3 minutes ago, XOQueens said:

Mika seems drugged this morning. 

I had been watching CNN but can't take their overwhelming Parkland coverage so bounced over to MJ just in time to hear Mika pronounce the world "reality" like Elmer Fudd.  They must be readjusting her meds or she just popped in a new set of Invisaligns.

YIKES, Joe just asked Mika if this was an opening for an SNL bit . . . looks like I'll be hanging around today.

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I don't even know what this is show is suppose to be.  Thirty minutes of Joe talking about guns, guns and then more guns is not a show.

Have some people on the ground that you can talk to,  Students. Parents.  Lawmakers.  Anyone.

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2 minutes ago, stormy said:

I don't even know what this is show is suppose to be.  Thirty minutes of Joe talking about guns, guns and then more guns is not a show.

Have some people on the ground that you can talk to,  Students. Parents.  Lawmakers.  Anyone.

That and "single issue voters."  Newsflash, Scar-bro, this is fast becoming a single-issue show.

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4 minutes ago, millennium said:

That and "single issue voters."  Newsflash, Scar-bro, this is fast becoming a single-issue show.

Morning Joe has had periods before where they will focus on one topic for the whole 3 hours . The difference is that they used to have a townhall or multiple guest to break the monotony of Joe repeating himself over and over again.

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Wednesday Recap. First hour cut off due to the Olympics. Joe & Chris Matthews are competing to see which relative is the most extreme on guns. Wasn't Matthews brother, the former Lt Gov of Pennsylvania?. Why is Chris trashing him?

Joe mocked Trump for not giving a rousing speech on gun control.

Joe is excited about African American voters turning out in Alabama.

Joe said he took extreme positions hen he was in Congress but people voted for him anyway. Joe was very popular in Congress!

Matthews said Joe had a great personality.

Battle of the Blowhards. Can Matthews interrupt Joe more than Joe can interrupt Matthews ?

Joe said the AR 15 was a better gun for the WAR in Vietnam than whatever they used in Vietnam.

Joe talks a lot about Vietnam these days.

Mika is wearing a beige cardigan over a nice black dress. Mika has been wearing black every day. Is Mika in mourning ?

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7 minutes ago, XOQueens said:

Mika's crush on Chris Matthews is going to take Joe's one-up-manship to the next level. She really has a type.

I thought Mika was rather rude to Chris in the beginning.  Chris is a true newsperson, and I love watching him laugh and smirk at Mika and Joe.  

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28 minutes ago, oakville said:

Morning Joe has had periods before where they will focus on one topic for the whole 3 hours . The difference is that they used to have a townhall or multiple guest to break the monotony of Joe repeating himself over and over again.

The problem is that several  topics are being short-changed or altogether ignored -- go to Google News and do a search for "reprieve" or even "worst presidents."   You'll see what I mean.  

Of course it could be intentional.   Scarborough has the kid gloves on this week.    I suspect Scarborough is shipping Trump with a pivot and aches for the day it happens so he can take credit for it and go back to the Republican party with his head held high.

Edited by millennium
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10 minutes ago, ButterQueen said:

I thought Mika was rather rude to Chris in the beginning.  Chris is a true newsperson, and I love watching him laugh and smirk at Mika and Joe.  

He signed off his segment with "Goodbye, Mika Boo."

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Just now, suomi said:

He signed off his segment with "Goodbye, Mika Boo."

He threw a "thanks dear" in there too. 

14 minutes ago, ButterQueen said:

I thought Mika was rather rude to Chris in the beginning.  Chris is a true newsperson, and I love watching him laugh and smirk at Mika and Joe.  

She's a big fan though, I think that's just how she expresses it. 

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Mika looks like she is channeling her inner Mother Superior.  Or a female Episcopal Priest...she just needs to add the collar.  

This show has really been a little stale this week.  And Joe's voice seems to be never-ending.  Continuous.  When I turned it on, Joe was ranting about guns and then he let Chris Matthews speak.  I immediately turned to Mr. Kemper and said.."watch, he'll start talking about Bobby Kennedy"...and sure enough.  Chris brought up Kennedy speaking to a group of - can't remember, maybe gun owners or a military group.  He bragged that Kennedy was warned not to talk about guns; and he emphatically talked about guns.  Switched to CNN, so I don't know if he brought up his Kennedy book.  But the implication....

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Wow. I just read about Joe's weird abortion hot take on Twitter. I turned in late this morning and missed it. How did that go over with the panel? Did anyone push back? The whole assertion that young people are "skeptical of abortions" is fairly ridiculous.

Joe said that with the preponderance of digital imaging women will be able to see their fetus/embryo and are going to be more and more anti abortion.  Huh??? This true?  If I was set upon an abortion, unless some Southern Baptist politician forced me to get an ultrasound, I would never pursue getting any imaging at all.

8:10 is a bunch of Sarah sanders outtakes.  I have come to believe that SHS is the smartest person in the White House.  She can spout the lies quicker and more facilely than anyone I've ever seen, including psychopaths.  Spicey always stammered and stuttered but Sanders ejects the lie immeditaley after the reporter's question.  In a humorless deadpan emotionless style.  I would love to see a SNL bit with her vs Satan.



He signed off his segment with "Goodbye, Mika Boo."

That was part of their "Let's pretend we're on an SNL segment on us"

Edited by WhineandCheez
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41 minutes ago, ButterQueen said:

I thought Mika was rather rude to Chris in the beginning.  Chris is a true newsperson, and I love watching him laugh and smirk at Mika and Joe.  

I recall on election night, someone on the MSNBC panel told Matthews that Joe had predicted that Trump could win the Presidency. Matthews was dismiissive of Joe.

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3 minutes ago, WhineandCheez said:

He signed off his segment with "Goodbye, Mika Boo."

That was part of their "Let's pretend we're on an SNL segment on us"

I swear they must spend an inordinate amount of time trolling for Mediaite and DailyMail clickbait.  Well, they got the click part right.

Joe's persona has become full blown Bill O'Reilly in terms of making the whole show about himself and his sidekick so I guess that makes Mika the equivalent to Jessie B. Waters.  It has become about as professional as the high school AV club.

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25 minutes ago, Kemper said:

Mika looks like she is channeling her inner Mother Superior.  Or a female Episcopal Priest...she just needs to add the collar.  

This show has really been a little stale this week.  And Joe's voice seems to be never-ending.  Continuous.  When I turned it on, Joe was ranting about guns and then he let Chris Matthews speak.  I immediately turned to Mr. Kemper and said.."watch, he'll start talking about Bobby Kennedy"...and sure enough.  Chris brought up Kennedy speaking to a group of - can't remember, maybe gun owners or a military group.  He bragged that Kennedy was warned not to talk about guns; and he emphatically talked about guns.  Switched to CNN, so I don't know if he brought up his Kennedy book.  But the implication....

Ha! Kennedy was speaking to gun owning lumberjacks in Oregon. He was shot 10 days later in Los Angeles

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7 minutes ago, oakville said:

I recall on election night, someone on the MSNBC panel told Matthews that Joe had predicted that Trump could win the Presidency. Matthews was dismiissive of Joe.

Both Scarborough and Matthews are clearly alpha males but Matthews has no respect for Joe.  Not many are more alpha than Olbermann but he and Matthews did ok at least when they worked together.  Not sure what they would think of each other these days.

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