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Sleepy Hollow in the Media

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Well then...that's not looking good for renewal, I tell ya. What a drop from last week.


From what I heard, in the US, there was a little promo at the beginning with Katrina in it, and some people say "No" and didn't bothering watching it, because they thought it was all CFD/Katrina. Also, FOX is being so stingy with promos, that there wasn't much else out there to indicate otherwise.


Or people have said fuck it, and have given up. What. A. Mess.

yes, just before it started, a man's voice said "Ichabod and Katrina want you to watch Sleepy Hollow". This had to be okayed by someone. I'm getting a little weirded out. Is someone DELIBERATELY trying to cause trouble?

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yes, just before it started, a man's voice said "Ichabod and Katrina want you to watch Sleepy Hollow". This had to be okayed by someone. I'm getting a little weirded out. Is someone DELIBERATELY trying to cause trouble?


What. The. Hell? No promos (I never see them) and this is what they give us (you). Wow. That kinds of creeps me out, gives me second hand embarrassment. Someone is trolling hard, I think. What, with the release of the finale synopsis, strange interviews, and that mess over at SpoilerTV, amongst other things, I swear someone is doing this on purpose from behind the scenes to make sure the show is 100% done.


Oh, and guess what the mindset is the Ickatrina crowd?? They want the show cancelled. If it's not Katrina front and centre, it should be cancelled. I wonder if Goffman thinks this way too...hmmm....*puts on TinFoil Hat*.


Anyway, it's just weird. "Strange things at afoot at the Sleepy Hollow K."

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Or people have said fuck it, and have given up. What. A. Mess.

I've never suffered through so much or for so long with a show.  I've wanted to walk away so often this season, but kept holding out for the smallest bone of hope.  And then it got so bad (Pittura Infamante)  that I needed to stay and watch the trainwreck.  And then they started to pull out of the nose dive, but it looks like that is where we'll be again with the 2 part finale.


Watching SH has really been the most emotionally exhausting tv experience.  Ever.

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I agree, DeLurker. Never before, and never again. This show was special to me for reasons. But just like it was "batshit' insane on screen, it was batshit insane behind the scenes. What a waste.


I wonder if many people jumped ship because of that finale synopsis and simply said "I'm done with this."

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Oh, and guess what the mindset is the Ickatrina crowd?? They want the show cancelled. If it's not Katrina front and centre, it should be cancelled. I wonder if Goffman thinks this way too...hmmm....*puts on TinFoil Hat*.


I'll blame Goffman then (and Orci & Kurtzman). After all, they are the  ichatrina crowd. 

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I'm starting to wonder if during all their scrambling to fix episodes they forgot about the promo lead in. I don't even want to imagine what their original plans were. Now Katia's bitterness makes sense. I bet she gave that interview after seeing this episode.

Edited by archiesmom
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I'm starting to wonder if during all their scrambling to fix episodes they forgot about the promo lead in. I don't even want to imagine what their original plans were. Now Katia's bitterness makes sense. I bet she gave that interview after seeing this episode.

Nerdist.com had a podcast today with the writers of this episode Damian Kindler and Phil Iscove. They originally planned to have Ichabod lose his memory of Jefferson with Katrina knowing he had lost these memories, but they changed it to what we saw.

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I'm starting to wonder if during all their scrambling to fix episodes they forgot about the promo lead in.


My understanding is that promo departments are almost islands onto themselves, at least as respects lower rated shows (like Empire that's being "overseen" it's doing unseen for years numbers and they want to keep it going), so I just think not even the hand doesn't know what the left hand is doing, it's that NO ONE knows what the hell the promo department is cutting together and running, because that seems pretty SOP for shows in general, fans hate a promo and ask the show runners who are like don't ask us we didn't do shit.


Glad to hear and not surprised that Iscove wrote the most S1-vibey episode since The Weeping Lady. That staff needs a line of folks slapping the shit out of them like in Airplane.

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I feel so bad for the Core Four. Hope Nicole, Tom, Lyndie and Orlando get new jobs quickly.

Fringe guy will pop up in another show, John Noble is awesome.

Just didn't like Henry.

Best of Luck to Neil and Matt, with their new shows.

RIP Sleepy Hollow, you, them and WE deserved better.

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I feel so bad for the Core Four. Hope Nicole, Tom, Lyndie and Orlando get new jobs quickly.

Fringe guy will pop up in another show, John Noble is awesome.

Just didn't like Henry.

Best of Luck to Neil and Matt, with their new shows.

RIP Sleepy Hollow, you, them and WE deserved better.

I'm not seeing anything saying it's canceled. Could you provide a link?

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I agree with what they said except for " The possibility of Katrina having a personality injected into her? SIGN US UP." When did that happen?


I'm not seeing anything saying it's canceled. Could you provide a link?


Zap2It says Backstrom is likely to be cancelled (with good reason).  With Gracepoint and Red Band Society already out, FOX has little to replace it.  Barring anything really weird happening, I think it's safe.

Edited by jhlipton
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Deadline has a pretty good list of Fox's pilots in the works. Glee, Red Band Society, and Gracepoint are all gone. Backstrom hasn't officially been canceled yet, but it keeps falling. All the major ratings prognosticators still have SH as a sure thing for next season, so I'm going with them until I see differently. 

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How many shows has Fox canceled this season? I know about Glee, Red Band Society, Gracepoint, and now Backstorm. Have they announced their pilots for next season yet?


Mulaney (half-hour) is also cancelled, and Glee is in its final season (rather than cancelled), freeing up that hour as well.  So that's 4.5 hours for FOX to fill -- I think SH is safe for now.

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We know Headless is gone from and it sounds like KWs film thing is happening, so I am hoping her too*.


But since Henry became the Horseman of War maybe someone else can become the Horseman of Death.  Does he need to cut someone's head off and yell "Tag!  You're It!"?


* Whatever will Goffman do without her?

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Said network has to make major changes going forward, making it sound certain that there will be a S3, however, when asked if renewed, said he didn't know. ..


Right but I can't imagine anyone on set isn't aware of the ongoing dictates from above, aka, you done fucked up, fix it. Like others I think it's all but certain it will be renewed, by the grace of every other Fox option sucking more, or just plain not existing yet. It's being renewed as a place  holder until they can cancel it outright when the other pilots are good to go.


But I'm unconvinced anyone involved higher up is ready (or cares much) to make the most productive cuts: Goffman and Winter, making it difficult, for a not insignificant portion of the audience, to reinvest in this show next fall.

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John Noble on Good Day New York right now. Said couple of major characters will be gone by end of season. Said network has to make major changes going forward, making it sound certain that there will be a S3, however, when asked if renewed, said he didn't know. .. contradicted himself.


Better be mother and son, that's all I have to say.


So my curmudeonly self is starting to get annoyed with Aaron Baiers. To give him HUGE credit, he has taken his own time to reach out to the SH fans and communicate positively, of which no other writer or showrunner did. So I give him props for that.


But today's, he's cheerleading and saying fans have to let FOX know to save the show, blah blah. Well, you know what? If you (FOX/Writers/Goffman) didn't allow bad storytelling and shoving Katrina into the forefront to happen, NONE of this would happen. Why on earth should I cheerlead now, when I (the fans, review articles) TOLD you guys over and over again what works with the show. "Focus on Abbie and Ichabod". "Abbie and Ichabod make the show." "Without their chemistry the show is nothing." For good measure "CFD is boring" - this was said in season 1 - and "Katrina drags down the show/iz boring."


So why on earth are you now asking the fans to be positive, tell FOX how much the fans love the show, campaign for renewal, that the time is now. The time is now?? The time was Season 2, episode 1 when all of a sudden, everything revolved around Katrina and boring CFD. None of this would have happened in the first place if the (the writers) and FOX listened to the feedback from SEASON 1 in the first place. If FOX took the effort to promote this show, it would be more well known. We wouldn't be in this place, worried about a cult show's cancellation.


So though I admire him for tackling the mess that is the SH fandom, I'm at a point now where the cheerleading is annoying me. I don't want cheerleading. I don't want any "let's band together' BS that he's talking about. The fact is that the show's renewal is a business decision. A thousand people tweeting FOX means nothing, if the network loses revenue based on lower ratings based on poor storytelling and irritating characters.


Basically - don't waste my time with filler and fluff and false hope, and tell me to do the work to "save" the show, when it was your (Fox, writers, showrunner) poor decisions in the first place. It reminds me of the mess right now with Target Canada. All of the little working minions lost their jobs and are getting a small severance. But the CEO walked away with total compensation worth 50+ million. The big guys made the mistakes, but the little ones suffer for it and have to pick up the slack.


Rant over.

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A thousand people tweeting FOX means nothing,


Eh, shows have definitely been saved by fan campaigns, and by fan pressure, but yes the degree to which they've alienated that passionate, engaged on-line fanbase can't be made up for with a three week push by a low level staffer at the shows *former* production office. 


If it is not renewed it's really too bad that so many diverse acting roles and bunch of other below the line people had to lose their jobs because Goffman is an arrogant prick who wanted to give the finger to everyone who dared think the show as about Ichabbie, as witnesses or as a love story, and napalm every bit of goodwill the show developed over the first season.

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John Noble in the interview this morning on MYFOXNY said that the last two episodes complete two seasons so that there can be "a major reset as we prepare or as the company prepares to move forward". He later said he didn't know if SH had been renewed and one of the interviewers changed the subject.


Other info in the spoiler post.

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As much as I enjoy the Core Four, I would rather the show be cancelled than have them suffer through another season of season 2 level writing and story lines.  If they aren't cleaning house behind the scenes, that cleaning house upfront is irrelevant.  Even if they get rid of cast I find problematic, I suspect they will just find equally problematic replacements and continue with story lines that go further and further from what was established in Season 1.  I don't think Goffman can help himself.


I'm sure other influential types have noticed the appeal and talent that NB, TM, LG and Orlando have brought week after week (well, not for all those effin weeks Orlando and Jenny were forgotten about).  They've consistently elevated trite material and kept a frustrated audience hanging in based on their charm and their charm alone.


I would much rather see them find new homes in better shows than have to stick around through Season 2+1 even if it means breaking up my favorite Scooby Gang.

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Redo's can be so problematic. Only if the redoer has a firm grasp on what essential good elements need to remain will it be a positive redo. I am uncertain. My memory keeps going back to Earth Final Conflict - really liked the first season but ever season after that was a redo . . . and each was worse than the last.

I'm wondering if the falling viewership will lead TPTB to decide to write the original fans off (feeling they could never be lured back) and try to get a totally different audience.

I am gun shy and don't want to be hurt again.

Edited by pcta
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As frustrating as it was to see the obvious deterioration in such a delightful show, I would rather put up with the possibility of flaws, than the reality of cancelation. There have been some delightful episodes this season, despite the missteps and I am hugely appreciative of the obvious tweaking that is correcting the crappy direction they followed in the fall.


Now if they'd only cut Henry and Katrina's ties to Ichabod, if they don't get killed off entirely.

Edited by yuggapukka
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Now if they'd only cut Henry and Katrina's ties to Ichabod, if they don't get killed off entirely.



Based on who's saying what and who's not saying anything, my guess is:


Henry and Katrina die. With Katrina gone, the necklace is gone so no more Abraham and we have left Headless and the Fab Four.

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Based on who's saying what and who's not saying anything, my guess is:


Henry and Katrina die. With Katrina gone, the necklace is gone so no more Abraham and we have left Headless and the Fab Four.

I like it. I like it a lot.  

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I agree -- I think Henry and Katrina will be gone. And if Katrina separates Abraham from the avatar of Death, then Hesdless can be recast or kept Headless.

I think that's where they're going and look forward to it. I really think that if FOX decides to renew the show for a third season, they ought to announce that Goffman is fired immediately. It would result in an immediate bump in ratings and eliminate some of the resentment and mistrust that fans have felt toward the show.


I realize the missteps of SH can't be entirely laid at Goffman's feet and we have no idea what influence producers and executives have had on the show's direction. But without a "tell-all" outlining the influence these fairly shadowy people have had on the creative direction of SH, Goffman will be the focal point of fans' anger. I realize this might be a bit Machiavellian, but if Goffman really does have smarts and talent, he'll survive in the entertainment industry. If not, he can go back to politics. ;)

Edited by RiddleyWalker
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* Whatever will Goffman do without her?


Quit?  he said, hopefully.


But today's, he's cheerleading and saying fans have to let FOX know to save the show, blah blah.


I will be a cheerleader again when I have something to cheer.  For what it's worth, I propped What Lies Beneath on my FaceBook page.  If I had a Twitter, I'd prop it there as well.  Credit where credit is due.  But I'm not propping Season 3 until I know what changes are made (at a minimum, Winters and Goffman need to be gone.)

Edited by jhlipton
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You forgot Thandie, but I still don't consider 10 as many.


Compared to even a few years back, when there were one or two at most, 10 is a gigantic increase.


Especially when you consider how extremely racist much of America is (comments about the Obamas on even barely right sites are sickening).  I, for one, am very happy.



ETA: http://nikkibeharieposts.tumblr.com/post/110555645913/insp-i-love-this


Damn right, she doesn't!

Edited by jhlipton
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Compared to even a few years back, when there were one or two at most, 10 is a gigantic increase.


Especially when you consider how extremely racist much of America is (comments about the Obamas on even barely right sites are sickening).  I, for one, am very happy.



ETA: http://nikkibeharieposts.tumblr.com/post/110555645913/insp-i-love-this


Damn right, she doesn't!

Ooooh love that tumblr post! Kick @ss Abbie - strong yet vulnerable too when the situation calls for it.

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Ooooh love that tumblr post!


Sooo many feels! It's probably weird to fangirl her as much as I do. Love you Nikki! Her songs are very Jill Scott inflected.



Compared to even a few years back, when there were one or two at most, 10 is a gigantic increase.


Yeah 2014-15 TV Season is definitely one of the most diverse since the mid-nineties. Also Tracy Ellis-Ross was left off the list, and both Sandra Sohn and Masie Richardson-Sellers are kicking ass on The Originals.


I am always leery of how easily "trends" like this one towards diversity (and including Jane the Virgin, Cristela, and Fresh Off the Boat), can be dismissed even when it's proven they bring in ratings and money, so I hope there is more over a general commitment to diversity as a standard of practice in the industry, behind the camera as well as in front of.

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Compared to even a few years back, when there were one or two at most, 10 is a gigantic increase.


Especially when you consider how extremely racist much of America is (comments about the Obamas on even barely right sites are sickening).  I, for one, am very happy.



ETA: http://nikkibeharieposts.tumblr.com/post/110555645913/insp-i-love-this


Damn right, she doesn't!


This tumblr just gave me all the feels and I'm practically lighting candles and chanting in hopes of this show being renewed now. Nicole is amazing and I'm not ready to let Abbie Mills go yet! 

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Sadie Gennis @sadiegennis 
  ·   Feb 12   
Just had a great talk with @katia_winter who was refreshingly honest and optimistic about Katrina and #SleepyHollow's future


Sadie Gennis @sadiegennis 
  ·   Feb 12   
@CherryCinnaMoon I think fans will be happily surprised with what she has to say




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She may be saying it's been renewed - but I hope that she's not coming back. PLEASE let her not come back.

Sadie Gennis said we'll know Monday.



And completely off topic:


Kimberella, Indi, Pcta and especially Phoenics-I've learned a lot from all of you. Thanks

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