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Sleepy Hollow in the Media

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The meltdown gas already began. This Gavin dude from Spoiler TV in my opinion is telling everything while trying to act like he's not telling anything. He's running his big mouth all over Twitter. He's given away the entire plot if you ask me.

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The meltdown gas already began. This Gavin dude from Spoiler TV in my opinion is telling everything while trying to act like he's not telling anything. He's running his big mouth all over Twitter. He's given away the entire plot if you ask me.

Yeah - I saw his post on twitter in response to some fan's question about Ichatrina. I think he's salty. He's trying to low key diss the show, while still double speaking that the show is great!! It's great, you're all great!! (LOL - quoting Iris from the flash when she was upset he was dating someone).

I'm super excited for Monday... SUPER EXCITED.

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Speaking the truth isn't being cynical. That's EXACTLY what they're doing. That's part of the hilarity I was referring to. .. although, who knows who's orchestrating it...O/K? FOX? BOTH? But, they're in cahoots.


You could be right but I feel like the promotion from behind the scenes and the quick change in direction in the show could be out of desperation. I think for a while the people involved in the show just assumed that it was going to be renewed, but once FOX didn't renew it along with Empire, BK99, and Gotham a few weeks ago I think the message finally hit home that a Season 3 wasn't a sure thing. It is a shame because Goffman and company come off like college students who had the whole semester to study for a exam but put it off until the last minute and now are trying to cram as fast as possible(or in this case were forced by FOX to actually do their job).


They might still pass and get the show renewed, but it is a shame that it is still even up in the air at this point. I don't normally root against shows, but if it takes one of Fox's remaining dramas getting canceled(The Following or Bones) to help push Sleepy Hollow to a Season 3 I would take that. This show can be so good when done right that I really want to see it have a full season to try and get back on track.

Edited by vanarnd1
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You could be right but I feel like the promotion from behind the scenes and the quick change in direction in the show could be out of desperation. I think for a while the people involved in the show just assumed that it was going to be renewed, but once FOX didn't renew it along with Empire, BK99, and Gotham a few weeks ago I think the message finally hit home that a Season 3 wasn't a sure thing. It is a shame because Goffman and company come off like college students who had the whole semester to study for a exam but put it off until the last minute and now are trying to cram as fast as possible(or in this case were forced by FOX to actually do their job).


They might still pass and get the show renewed, but it is a shame that it is still even up in the air at this point. I don't normally root against shows, but if it takes one of Fox's remaining dramas getting canceled(The Following or Bones) to help push Sleepy Hollow to a Season 3 I would take that. This show can be so good when done right that I really want to see it have a full season to try and get back on track.

My only lingering fear is that it will get it renewed and then Goffman will go right back to fouling up the show. Hopefully Fox demanding an overview of the entire season will prevent that but I just don't trust him. At all.

Sorry to be a wet blanket - I'm still excited about the finale - but skeptical of Goffman honestly turning around this ship - especially if Katrina is still around - actually even if she's gone. He'd just try to find another muse to shove onto the canvas in an attempt to sideline Abbie - although you'd think he'd understand that the fans would riot if he did that.

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Sorry to be a wet blanket - I'm still excited about the finale - but skeptical of Goffman honestly turning around this ship - especially if Katrina is still around - actually even if she's gone. He'd just try to find another muse to shove onto the canvas in an attempt to sideline Abbie - although you'd think he'd understand that the fans would riot if he did that.

I could see Goffman trying to get away with that, but I am going under the assumption that FOX has taken over the show and the  network executives are the defacto showrunners at this point. I don't think 2x16 and 2x17 would have been written the way they were if Goffman had any significant role in the process and even if he stays on as part of the show, I can't see him having much of any creative control going forward. As you mentioned in addition to the ratings drop this season the show was critically panned and had very public fan oucry go against it which I am sure was very embrassing for the network.  If the show gets a season 3, I think it will be a FOX-driven vision that will have a clear Ichabbie focus going forward.

Edited by vanarnd1
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Ah, finally Mison explained the baffling "Ichabod is in love with Abbie" thing, that came out of nowhere. He basically didn't mean anything worthwhile:



I take this to mean Katrina is his "True Epic Love", but since Abbie is helping him survive in the present, he depends on her. He's just wording it in a way to keep the shippers hooked. Moving on.



I dunno.  I still think Mison is really trying to say that Ichabod really is in love with Abbie without breaking the so-called prime directive ( i.e. the Epic Love).    You don't use words like "in love with" and "hopelessly" and "helplessly" to describe someone you just depend on.  He also says "vice versa" so he is on the DL trying to make the case that Abbie is also in love with him.

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I have zero trust in Goffman, and I think that Fox should quietly displace him as a show of good faith towards the fans. I'm just not even sure why someone who clearly failed at his job on nearly every level would have any job security to begin with, but I don't pretend to understand the way Hollywood works. I was a soap viewer for 20 years where they recycled the same showrunners until they literally almost killed the genre, so I'm used to the rampant incompetence that persists. 


In other Sleepy news, Trollando is on his job and dragging certain parts of the fandom, Fox, etc. A new high, even for him:



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The meltdown gas already began. This Gavin dude from Spoiler TV in my opinion is telling everything while trying to act like he's not telling anything. He's running his big mouth all over Twitter. He's given away the entire plot if you ask me.

I went to check it out and saw the responses and some other tweets about the show. A few of the Katrina fans are... interesting. I particularly enjoyed one calling Abbie fans racist and punctuating it with a monkey emoticon. Nice. They seem fun.

And now they're trying to get a #CancelSleepyHollow hashtag going just because they haven't gotten their way.


Edited by cynic
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I have zero trust in Goffman, and I think that Fox should quietly displace him as a show of good faith towards the fans. I'm just not even sure why someone who clearly failed at his job on nearly every level would have any job security to begin with, but I don't pretend to understand the way Hollywood works. I was a soap viewer for 20 years where they recycled the same showrunners until they literally almost killed the genre, so I'm used to the rampant incompetence that persists. 


In other Sleepy news, Trollando is on his job and dragging certain parts of the fandom, Fox, etc. A new high, even for him:



LMAO! Ohhhh he is comedy GOLD!!

Read this gem:


"The Hollowburg Address

Twenty five score and sixteen days ago our Sleepyheads brought forth upon these continents, a new fandom, conceived in Ichabbie and dedicated to the proposition that all fans are created equal.

Now we are engaged in a “great” civil war (with 5 seriously pissed off Ichatrina stans and 1 Ichabod RPG Twitter account), testing whether this fandom, or any fandom, so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure. We are met on the great Twitter/Tumblr-sphere of that war."


Oh my Gosh - he went IN on them... FULLY IN ON THEM. He calls them out and says they showed their true colors! WOW!

Edited by phoenics
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I have zero trust in Goffman, and I think that Fox should quietly displace him as a show of good faith towards the fans. I'm just not even sure why someone who clearly failed at his job on nearly every level would have any job security to begin with, but I don't pretend to understand the way Hollywood works. I was a soap viewer for 20 years where they recycled the same showrunners until they literally almost killed the genre, so I'm used to the rampant incompetence that persists. 


In other Sleepy news, Trollando is on his job and dragging certain parts of the fandom, Fox, etc. A new high, even for him:



That is so, so well doneTrollando! 

I salute you my brother--and I WILL watch the FINAL episode--whether it be for the season or the series,...LIVE! 


I salute you,  you…actor, Twistterest, Socialmediest,  dare I say it...GOD!


Know only that we appreciate your passion and efforts!


Via Con Dios!

Edited by RiddleyWalker
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What happened to that poster who insisted that no amount of fan outrage could change the direction of a TV show, and that no network would bother stepping in to intervene? I kind of miss him or her.

Edited by kieyra
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The meltdown gas already began. This Gavin dude from Spoiler TV in my opinion is telling everything while trying to act like he's not telling anything. He's running his big mouth all over Twitter. He's given away the entire plot if you ask me.

Can anyone give me a link because I am inept?

I don'T want to spoil myself but can't resist a good train wreck.

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I cannot with you, Sir. Oh. My. Gawd. Mr. Orlando Jones aka Mr. Shade of Shade, is truly the best....


The Hollowburg Address


Twenty five score and sixteen days ago our Sleepyheads brought forth upon these continents, a new fandom, conceived in Ichabbie and dedicated to the proposition that all fans are created equal.


Now we are engaged in a “great” civil war (with 5 seriously pissed off Ichatrina stans and 1 Ichabod RPG Twitter account), testing whether this fandom, or any fandom, so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure. We are met on the great Twitter/Tumblr-sphere of that war.


We have come to dedicate a portion of our social media posts as a final resting place for those “real fans” who stopped using coded language and showed their true colors, so that this fandom might live. It is all together fitting and proper that we should do this.


But, in a larger sense, we can not dedicate — we can not consecrate — we can not hallow — those Ichatrina stans. The brave fans, POC and allies, who struggled here, have consecrated it far above our poor power to throw shade or demand representation. The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here.


It is for us the fandom, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us; that from these honored fans we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion. That we here highly resolve that these fans shall not have tried to Renew Sleepy Hollow in vain. That this fandom, under Fox, shall have a new birth of representation and diversity.


And that Sleepyheads of the fandom, by the fandom, for the fandom shall not perish from the earth.

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I think it's far too soon to say that Mison is lying about Ichabod's feelings about Abbie. Ichabod might very well be in love with Abbie but because he is married he can't/won't pursue anything until his marriage is over via divorce or death. It's a pretty bold step for Mison to say this without their being a nugget of truth to it. How big that nugget is remains to be seen

My impression was that the quote was without context, intentionally giving shippers hope. Considering the previous clips during the piece, I would have guessed Mison was talking about Ichabod and Katrina. Which, gross. Anyway, a pretty commonplace editing trick that's probably not worth reading into.

ETA: Not that it's impossible for him to love Abbie, because he certainly seems to. I really wish they were more committed to conveying the relationship on the actual show without having to resort to outside media bait.

Edited by Delwyn
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if it takes one of Fox's remaining dramas getting canceled(The Following or Bones) to help push Sleepy Hollow to a Season 3 I would take that. This show can be so good when done right that I really want to see it have a full season to try and get back on track.

Backstrom will go before Sleepy Hollow. With Glee ending, Backstrom, Red Band Society, Graceland and Muleney cancelled, that's 4 1/2 hours Fox has to fill. The uptick from Awakening could be enough, but a lot depends on the ratings of the finale. Long story not short enough: I think SH is safe for at least another half season, if not a full one. It could get a 9-ep order, with the "back 4" waiting on the start of the season.


We have come to dedicate a portion of our social media posts as a final resting place for those “real fans” who stopped using coded language and showed their true colors, so that this fandom might live. It is all together fitting and proper that we should do this.

I wonder if he's talking about the out-and-out racists (good job, Goffman, on catering to them, even if it wasn't your

Edited by jhlipton
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Indi, if nothing else, put the show on Hulu or Fox while you do something else. We need the ratings!!


Tell all your friends to watch, every way they can.



The cynic in me thinks that they're delaying announcing to drive up fan frenzy (and thereby ratings).

ETA (from 10 Reasons):


"Actual perfect mermaid warrior princess."

Of course! :)


My only lingering fear is that it will get it renewed and then Goffman will go right back to fouling up the show. Hopefully Fox demanding an overview of the entire season will prevent that but I just don't trust him. At all.

Sorry to be a wet blanket - I'm still excited about the finale - but skeptical of Goffman honestly turning around this ship - especially if Katrina is still around - actually even if she's gone. He'd just try to find another muse to shove onto the canvas in an attempt to sideline Abbie - although you'd think he'd understand that the fans would riot if he did that.

Goffman can't be at the helm of any future seasons, when he's been proving how mercilessly incompetent, problematic and one-track mind he is. Don't get me wrong, I know perfectly well that Kurtzman and Orci are just as responsible for the "Katrina/Katia is our true lead!" debacle, but he is the public face and voice, who keeps uttering "Katrina this, Katrina that", no matter the subject he's supposed to talk about. I need him gone and I also need an explanation from the other EPs about what their true intentions, before FOX intervened. I don't trust them either and I'm sure that as soon as FOX relaxes its grip, they'll do S2 all over again.

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I wonder if he's talking about the out-and-out racists (good job, Goffman, on catering to them, even if it wasn't your

That's exactly who he was talking to (racist fans who stopped using coded language and finally just came out with the overt, clear racism - the fans who started using monkey icons, who referred to Abbie as a slave in the penultimate episode, etc).

Edited by phoenics
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Goffman can't be at the helm of any future seasons, when he's been proving how mercilessly incompetent, problematic and one-track mind he is. Don't get me wrong, I know perfectly well that Kurtzman and Orci are just as responsible for the "Katrina/Katia is our true lead!" debacle, but he is the public face and voice, who keeps uttering "Katrina this, Katrina that", no matter the subject he's supposed to talk about. I need him gone and I also need an explanation from the other EPs about what their true intentions, before FOX intervened. I don't trust them either and I'm sure that as soon as FOX relaxes its grip, they'll do S2 all over again.

The problem is also that Albert Kim seems to be nearly as daft as Goffman - his tweet about how they "DO have a plan" when a fan asked about Katrina using the grimoire for time travel was just so salty and butthurt. Dude - you clearly didn't have this plan before - or you were planning to use it WAY TOO late to save the show.

Here's the thing: If the remaining writers still don't understand what makes this show tick, we're still going to be struggling with them constantly. I'd say Albert Kim is the main one who probably needs folks to help him out - he's clearly feeling like his creative genius isn't understood - he needs to learn that HIS vision for the show doesn't match the fans so he needs to get with it or get out.

Also, I'm going to put this in spoiler tags, but abaiers tweeted some stills from the finale... it's regarding the hug:


I don't think the hug is going to be the hug we thought it was - I thought it was going to be between current Ichabod and current Abbie, but it looks like it's Past Ichabod and current Abbie... disappointed. Maybe abaiers doesn't get what we loved about the hug in the premiere - half of that was all about Ichabbie chemistry... current Ichabbie chemistry... I'll try to reserve judgment.

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The meltdown gas already began. This Gavin dude from Spoiler TV in my opinion is telling everything while trying to act like he's not telling anything. He's running his big mouth all over Twitter. He's given away the entire plot if you ask me.


   I would think there would be some sort of agreement for those who receive advance previews about how much you can and can't say about upcoming episodes   Running all over Twitter giving, read between the lines, entire plots sounds like a no-no to me.  Maureen Ryan kept her mouth shut about the mid-season finale even though she had issues and addressed her concerns at the time with Goffman.  She didn't run around Twitter telling people what would and would not happen.   Doesn't this man understand he's probably only hurting himself and his site for receiving future advance previews?  SH is only one show amongst many;  why risk the anger of other shows?  They have the power to decide not to send him, or his site,  previews for fear he'll go on another Twitter tangent revealing all.    I swear, the ease of social media makes people lose their sense of discretion.

Edited by MissAlmond
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The problem is also that Albert Kim seems to be nearly as daft as Goffman - his tweet about how they "DO have a plan" when a fan asked about Katrina using the grimoire for time travel was just so salty and butthurt. Dude - you clearly didn't have this plan before - or you were planning to use it WAY TOO late to save the show.Here's the thing: If the remaining writers still don't understand what makes this show tick, we're still going to be struggling with them constantly. I'd say Albert Kim is the main one who probably needs folks to help him out - he's clearly feeling like his creative genius isn't understood - he needs to learn that HIS vision for the show doesn't match the fans so he needs to get with it or get out.Also, I'm going to put this in spoiler tags, but abaiers tweeted some stills from the finale... it's regarding the hug:

https://twitter.com/abaiers/status/569345926994665473I don't think the hug is going to be the hug we thought it was - I thought it was going to be between current Ichabod and current Abbie, but it looks like it's Past Ichabod and current Abbie... disappointed. Maybe abaiers doesn't get what we loved about the hug in the premiere - half of that was all about Ichabbie chemistry... current Ichabbie chemistry... I'll try to reserve judgment.

Re spoiler

Ichabod past or present is Ichabod. Assuming he's going off to die to preserve the timeline. I say with nothing to back it up.

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Also, I'm going to put this in spoiler tags, but abaiers tweeted some stills from the finale... it's regarding the hug:


I don't think the hug is going to be the hug we thought it was - I thought it was going to be between current Ichabod and current Abbie, but it looks like it's Past Ichabod and current Abbie... disappointed. Maybe abaiers doesn't get what we loved about the hug in the premiere - half of that was all about Ichabbie chemistry... current Ichabbie chemistry... I'll try to reserve judgment.


Yeah, I had to laugh,

when I saw the hug. It's horrible, but I have to admit it's the most realistic thing this show has done to depict their relationship. Abbie doing all the effort and he just standing there taking it and not reciprocating? Nailed it! It's sad really. Poor Abbie, always trying to do her best, but all she gets in return is a selfish unresponsive cold fish. And to think Baiers pimped that hug as the best yet... they definitely do not get it and I'm afraid they never will.

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I dunno. I still think Mison is really trying to say that Ichabod really is in love with Abbie without breaking the so-called prime directive ( i.e. the Epic Love). You don't use words like "in love with" and "hopelessly" and "helplessly" to describe someone you just depend on. He also says "vice versa" so he is on the DL trying to make the case that Abbie is also in love with him.

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Yeah, I had to laugh when I saw the hug. It's horrible, but I have to admit it's the most realistic thing this show has done to depict their relationship. Abbie doing all the effort and he just standing there taking it and not reciprocating? Nailed it! It's sad really. Poor Abbie, always trying to do her best, but all she gets in return is a selfish unresponsive cold fish. And to think Baiers pimped that hug as the best yet... they definitely do not get it and I'm afraid they never will.


Some ppl responded with "eh" to the picture and he basically said "talk to me after you watch the scene on Monday" so maybe the screen grab doesn't exactly convey the emotion well? 

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I agree and the bent of the season 2 magazine supports that idea. And I say this as someone who isn't quite sure I ship them. I like the tension, will they or won't they?

That quote places them(K and A)on the same level. Even NB mentioned the idea sounds intriguing.

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I would think there would be some sort of agreement for those who receive advance previews about how much you can and can't say about upcoming episodes   Running all over Twitter giving, read between the lines, entire plots sounds like a no-no to me. ..<snip>...Doesn't this man understand he's probably only hurting himself and his site for receiving future advance previews?  SH is only one show amongst many;  why risk the anger of other shows?  They have the power to decide not to send him, or his site,  previews for fear he'll go on another Twitter tangent revealing all.    I swear, the ease of social media makes people lose their sense of discretion.

I've read his reviews a few times and he strikes me as having the misguided notion his opinion is the only one that counts and carries a lot of weight outside the site he runs on.

Fitting though, why should he have anymore balance than Goffman et co. have shown?

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I went to check it out and saw the responses and some other tweets about the show. A few of the Katrina fans are... interesting. I particularly enjoyed one calling Abbie fans racist and punctuating it with a monkey emoticon. Nice. They seem fun.

And now they're trying to get a #CancelSleepyHollow hashtag going just because they haven't gotten their way.



If you really want to get a sense of how disturbing these people are - go here. It's a compilation of screen shots of tweets and posts the few Katrina fans have put out there time and time again. Beware, because your blood pressure will rise.  Four of them all belong on one other forum and myself and a few others have had to dole out periodic smackdowns and reality checks over their comments.


It's really sad, actually, that there are these people like this out there. They also keep calling Ichabbie fans racists. To quote The Princess Bride - "You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means."

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You guys have not seen crazy unless you saw the flame wars between Jaters and Skaters during Lost.  I have yet to see that level of crazy hit the web again :D

IDK, soap operas have some crazy fan base and/or shipper wars, complete with death threats over Twitter! And even one person who swore she'd kill her cat if she didn't get the couple she shipped.

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If you really want to get a sense of how disturbing these people are - go here. It's a compilation of screen shots of tweets and posts the few Katrina fans have put out there time and time again. Beware, because your blood pressure will rise. Four of them all belong on one other forum and myself and a few others have had to dole out periodic smackdowns and reality checks over their comments.

It's really sad, actually, that there are these people like this out there. They also keep calling Ichabbie fans racists. To quote The Princess Bride - "You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means."

Wow, that's a whole mess of crazy. It does make me feel somewhat better that it seems to be concentrated in a very small, if extremely vocal, group. Why Goffman chose to cater to such a small and ugly group is even more mind boggling though.

I have noticed that the in thing lately is to accuse people who fighting against racism of being racist. Another technique seems to be to get super offended at anyone trying to discuss discrimination, like it's somehow worse to accuse someone of racism than to actually be racist.

Edited by cynic
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You guys have not seen crazy unless you saw the flame wars between Jaters and Skaters during Lost.  I have yet to see that level of crazy hit the web again :D

I don't know - this is pretty ugly.  

If you really want to get a sense of how disturbing these people are - go here. It's a compilation of screen shots of tweets and posts the few Katrina fans have put out there time and time again. Beware, because your blood pressure will rise.  Four of them all belong on one other forum and myself and a few others have had to dole out periodic smackdowns and reality checks over their comments.


It's really sad, actually, that there are these people like this out there. They also keep calling Ichabbie fans racists. To quote The Princess Bride - "You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means."


I shouldn't have read that page - my blood pressure has gone way up... yeah... none of them actually know what that word means... This is the kind of ish that we've been dealing with for a long time - the only hopeful thing is that they are being drowned out finally.  But - yeah - my blood pressure spiked reading that page... now my chest feels tight.



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IDK, soap operas have some crazy fan base and/or shipper wars, complete with death threats over Twitter! And even one person who swore she'd kill her cat if she didn't get the couple she shipped.


Twitter wasn't as popular during the Lost years (I think it actually came into being during the last year or two of the show), but yeah, I got a death threat and I wasn't even a shipper, just a fan of one of the characters in one of the ships.  Killing their own cat, though, I never saw anything like that LOL! But plenty of crazy threats to cause physical damage to property, the network, etc.

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I don't know - this is pretty ugly.  


I shouldn't have read that page - my blood pressure has gone way up... yeah... none of them actually know what that word means... This is the kind of ish that we've been dealing with for a long time - the only hopeful thing is that they are being drowned out finally.  But - yeah - my blood pressure spiked reading that page... now my chest feels tight.




I noted that one person writes that Ichatrina is the heart of the Legend of Sleepy Hollow and always has been.  (You wonder if the original story is even familiar to this crowd.)  I took this to mean the original story by Washington Irvine also; but even if they only meant the TV show this is so blatantly untrue. 

In the short story, Katrina turned down Ichabod for “Brom Bones” (Abraham).  And Ichabod disappeared the evening of the party at the Van Tassel’s.  None of the 3 principals were written in a very favorable light (IMO) --- Katrina as a spoiled flirt, Abraham as a big bully and Ichabod as a pedantic and ridiculous school teacher. 

In the TV show Abbie is the heart of the legend.

Racism is just so ugly stuff and I wish these ‘true’ fans would just STOP.

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Yes,  More than likely!  :)


Edited to add:  I never saw it.  But since it's Disney, it's probably the Pixie dust version.


Well, Ichabod vanishes after he's chased by the headless horseman and Katrina does marry Brom Bones, but during a party before Headless chases Ichabod, he and Katrina are all into each other.  It's only 30 something minutes and very funny.  For a 1949 animated Disney film it's not that Pixie.  :)

Edited by WearyTraveler
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I noted that one person writes that Ichatrina is the heart of the Legend of Sleepy Hollow and always has been.  (You wonder if the original story is even familiar to this crowd.)  I took this to mean the original story by Washington Irvine also; but even if they only meant the TV show this is so blatantly untrue. 


Yes, that one person is quite "prolific", but there are a few others who are much worse recently. That was the post I had to educate them on the actual Washington Irving story. It was amusing. But these comments from these people have been going on for months actually. This is nothing knew - just the site is.


I shouldn't have read that page - my blood pressure has gone way up... yeah... none of them actually know what that word means... This is the kind of ish that we've been dealing with for a long time - the only hopeful thing is that they are being drowned out finally.  But - yeah - my blood pressure spiked reading that page... now my chest feels tight.



Everytime I go to that site, my mouth drops open in shock. Just, sick sick stuff. I almost feel sorry for Katia Winter. Imagine that these people are your fans.  That would suck.


Episode 2:18 - Tempus Fugit - Promo

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I don't know - this is pretty ugly.  


I shouldn't have read that page - my blood pressure has gone way up... yeah... none of them actually know what that word means... This is the kind of ish that we've been dealing with for a long time - the only hopeful thing is that they are being drowned out finally.  But - yeah - my blood pressure spiked reading that page... now my chest feels tight.



Why did I click the link? Why? I already know the hardcore IMDB people are too much. Seriously extra. I periodically go there, but try to stay away after being attacked on all sides from people who take the shows too seriously and seem more than a little unbalanced. The funny thing about it, from my perspective, is IMDB is an industry site. I've used it for years without knowing anything about the message board battles.

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IMDB message boards are the worst. I visited the Flash forum last night and one poster was fantasizing about the most horrible ways to kill off Iris (the leading female and main love interest who happens to be black). Another poster replied that the Flash should just speed her back in time to 1950's Alabama. And this isn't the first time I've seen crap like that directed at her. She was getting flack from "fans" since she was cast, before the show even premiered.

And don't get me started in the boards when the Star Wars Episode VII trailer came out with John Boyega.

I wonder if the creator of the SH tumbler page would be willing to add another calling out general fandom racism.

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IMDB is like the founding father of internet trolling and bigotry. Please don't risk your health and your faith in humanity by visiting those forums, it's the reason why TWOP and other "mature" forums like this one were created. 


Topic! I'm going to be HEAVY on my Sleepy Hollow grind today. I haven't been this excited for an episode of any show in months. 

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I haven't been this excited for an episode of any show in months.

I haven't been this excited for an episode of any show in years.  I think the last time for me was January 1998 when the "Surprise" episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer was coming up.  (The one where Buffy slept with Angel.)  I go over in my head all the things that could keep me from seeing it (family emergency, power failure, satellite goes out, etc.) because I've always felt that if I think of every possibility beforehand, they won't happen, as I have no precognitive powers whatsoever.


I'm thrilled with that Tom Mison interview!  It's gratifying to see that the people involved with the show (some of them, anyway!) have the same concerns as we, the viewers.

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Great interview. I will say, this quote made my brows go up...


“I didn’t want Ichabod to plead with [Katrina],” he says. “I think there’s been so much of that. I got really bored of seeing a weak Ichabod.”


So did I, Mr. Mison. So did I. Damn, he's not holding back in that interview though, is he? And you can tell he's so done with this season and the character assassination of Ichabod everything the wife steps into the picture. Good man.

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