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Sleepy Hollow in the Media

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Geez. They need to stop. Just keep quiet and let it blow over. WTH?


Phillip Iscove @pmiscove

I know you guys are upset but please try and remember I'm still a human being. Words have power.



So, if you guys are wondering, I guess they are reading the tweets...he's answering the supportive ones. All five of them.


Ah, he is a human being. I suppose the fans are machines, so it's fine to manipulate and play them.

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You know, they really do. It's a big responsibility.

That's why they pay some people a lot of money to write them correctly.


I had to take out the "You know" to get it in Tweet length, but I sent this back to him.


ETA: A nice Tweet from Iscove to Beharie:

Thank you so much for bringing Abbie to life for the past three seasons! Your talent and heart is boundless :)
Edited by jhlipton
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Geez. They need to stop. Just keep quiet and let it blow over. WTH?


Phillip Iscove @pmiscove

I know you guys are upset but please try and remember I'm still a human being. Words have power.



So, if you guys are wondering, I guess they are reading the tweets...he's answering the supportive ones. All five of them.

I could feel a little bad for Iscove since it is unclear how much input he has in the storyline, but really anyone involved in the show should just go radio silent for at least the next week or so. I don't except him to go against the company line, but to try and police the fan's reaction right after such a terrible episode is just ridiculous. Your show played on fan emotion to boost ratings when it was teasing Ichabbie, the least you can do is let people express their hurt and not get defensive about it

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ETA: A nice Tweet from Iscove to Beharie:


Thank you so much for bringing Abbie to life for the past three seasons! Your talent and heart is boundless :)

And TPTB decided to bring her to death? WTFF?

Because one F is not enough.


ETA:  Because quoting and posting are two different things

Edited by DeLurker
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I’m reading on a couple of sites that Zach Appleman wanted out?  What went on there?


Also, find it interesting that Lyndie waited two days to say anything about Nicole leaving. 


And I’m wondering if Nicole fell out with the cast given that she didn’t go to the wrap party?  Or was she just done at this point?


Man, the tea on this is going to be delicious if it's ever spilled.


The hosts of Afterbuzz TV's Sleepy Hollow aftershow ripped it up one side and down the other. It was fabulous!



The chicks at Random Tea went off too. They were so pissed they didn't even recap, just ranted and said this would be their last SH podcast.



Edited by FierceAfroChick
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I’m reading on a couple of sites that Zach Appleman wanted out?  What went on there?


Also, find it interesting that Lyndie waited two days to say anything about Nicole leaving. 


And I’m wondering if Nicole fell out with the cast given that she didn’t go to the wrap party?  Or was she just done at this point?


Man, the tea on this is going to be delicious if it's ever spilled.


The chicks at Random Tea went off too. They were so pissed they didn't even recap, just ranted and said this would be their last SH podcast.




I'm pretty sure I heard Zach Appleman say that he was told at the beginning it was finite and his role was to further Jenny's character development. I would be surprised if he wanted out of it.


Yes, I side-eyed Lyndie's sudden remembering that Nikki had left. In fact I seem to be permanently side eying LG - and Metzner.


I'd hate to think that Nikki fell out with any of her fellow cast members, but especially Tom.  I hope that's not the case.

And now, off to listen to another rant. (I can't get enough.) Thanks for the link.

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ha!  I love how incoherent with rage all the (former) fan podcasters have been.  And so many critics who gave up reviewing the show have piled on and done some think pieces.


Just goes to show...


I don't get the impression there was cast tension too much.  Nikki tweated some "you go girl!" stuff about Lyndie a few months ago.  None of the SH cast outside of Orlando are bit twitter users.  I think Peter Mensah did more in his few months that Tom or Nicole did in their whole time there.  I would be more inclined to believe Tom & Nicole fell out in some small way if he had been part of the promi junkets that all the lesser cast have been part of.  But both he and Nicole have been absent.  I am inclined to believe there was a bit of solidarity there on his part.  At least I like to think so.  I just imagine if it were just Nicole with the issues, we would have seen Tom doing more solo promo with all sorts of excuses made.

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I just imagine if it were just Nicole with the issues, we would have seen Tom doing more solo promo with all sorts of excuses made.

Exactly. These two were joined at the hip - best buddies. I mean, for real - they're like best buddies in real life due to this show. I think Tom being absent from promotion was definitely a solidarity move. Also, I think NB's thoughts on Ichabbie were more about her fear of the show getting canceled too soon. Which makes her wanting to exit so badly after S2 really glaring in terms of how badly TPTB must have treated her to make her want to leave.

I'd love to see the two of them together in a movie or something...

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Had you all heard this before?....


In an interview Shernold Edwards did last year she talked about how "Abbie" wearing her hair natural wasn't taken lightly. Nicole had wanted to go natural and the EPs of the show apparently weren't A-OK with it. Shernold said she was sitting there at the same table with the EPs while they were discussing this "issue" and neither of the EPs even bothered to ask Shernold for input about it! The one black lady that actually wears her hair natural and could've offered some insight!! They sat there and talked RIGHT IN FRONT OF HER, as if she wasn't there. She said she would've liked to been asked for opinion.


I just find this so interesting and insane! Something so simple as the girl wanting to wear her hair natural and TPTB took issue with it! Really?!?!? I mean, I can only imagine the difficulties a person of color must deal with in this industry. The issues that come about that shouldn't even be issues! We see that Nicole did get to finally wear her hair natural in the second half of the season, but just knowing that her request caused a stir and had to be questioned by the TPTB?!?!.....I just can't.


I'm sad like everyone else that Nicole is no longer on the show, but, honestly, it truly seems like it's for the best. I'm sure the stuff that girl witnessed and experienced during her time there...well...no one wants to experience. It's just ultimately not worth it. .

Edited by PaisleyPark
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Had you all heard this before?....


In an interview Shernold Edwards did last year she talked about how "Abbie" wearing her hair natural wasn't taken lightly. Nicole had wanted to go natural and the EPs of the show apparently weren't A-OK with it. Shernold said she was sitting there at the same table with the EPs while they were discussing this "issue" and neither of the EPs even bothered to ask Shernold for input about it! The one black lady that actually wears her hair natural and could've offered some insight!! They sat there and talked RIGHT IN FRONT OF HER, as if she wasn't there. She said she would've liked to been asked for opinion.


Good grief. What is wrong with those people? (Purely rhetorical.) Particularly ironic given how great Nicole's hair looked during/after the catacombs episodes. My first thought was, "wow, she should have worn her hair like that all along." Not to say that she didn't look beautiful before.

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Had you all heard this before?....


In an interview Shernold Edwards did last year she talked about how "Abbie" wearing her hair natural wasn't taken lightly. Nicole had wanted to go natural and the EPs of the show apparently weren't A-OK with it. Shernold said she was sitting there at the same table with the EPs while they were discussing this "issue" and neither of the EPs even bothered to ask Shernold for input about it! The one black lady that actually wears her hair natural and could've offered some insight!! They sat there and talked RIGHT IN FRONT OF HER, as if she wasn't there. She said she would've liked to been asked for opinion.


I just find this so interesting and insane! Something so simple as the girl wanting to wear her hair natural and TPTB took issue with it! Really?!?!? I mean, I can only imagine the difficulties a person of color must deal with in this industry. The issues that come about that shouldn't even be issues! We see that Nicole did get to finally wear her hair natural in the second half of the season, but just knowing that her request caused a stir and had to be questioned by the TPTB?!?!.....I just can't.


I'm sad like everyone else that Nicole is no longer on the show, but, honestly, it truly seems like it's for the best. I'm sure the stuff that girl witnessed and experienced during her time there...well...no one wants to experience. It's just ultimately not worth it. .


Holy crap. That's horrible.

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Good grief. What is wrong with those people? (Purely rhetorical.) Particularly ironic given how great Nicole's hair looked during/after the catacombs episodes. My first thought was, "wow, she should have worn her hair like that all along." Not to say that she didn't look beautiful before.

And baffling considering NB's natural hair doesn't look much different from Lyndie's. But we know why it was okay for Lyndie's to be natural and NB not be. SMH.

Another reason for me to love TWD. All the AA women on there, regular cast or other wise be sporting natural hair. Michonne has dreads and Sasha looks like she hasn't had a perm in years. Granted it would be ridiculous for them to walking around with newly permed hair 2-3 years after the apocalypse but still it's refreshing.

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(I'm pretty sure I came to the forums about thirty seconds into the first 'natural hair' episode screaming OMG NICOLE BEHARIE IS GORGEOUS without ever consciously noticing anything about her hair. Someone else pointed it out to me in a reply.) 

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Geez. They need to stop. Just keep quiet and let it blow over. WTH?


Phillip Iscove @pmiscove

I know you guys are upset but please try and remember I'm still a human being. Words have power.



So, if you guys are wondering, I guess they are reading the tweets...he's answering the supportive ones. All five of them.


Words have power?  Well let me go tell him "fuck you" one more time.  Asshole.

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I had to take out the "You know" to get it in Tweet length, but I sent this back to him.


ETA: A nice Tweet from Iscove to Beharie:


The first response to that tweet is "You're the reason she quit."


And TPTB decided to bring her to death? WTFF?

Because one F is not enough.


ETA:  Because quoting and posting are two different things


Hah! I read "WTFF?" as "What the fuckity fuck?"

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The first response to that tweet is "You're the reason she quit."


Yeah, no. Sorry, but Iscove was long gone from SH before any of this went down. This is not on him at all. He is still credited as creator due to being initially involved with writing and creating the pilot, but he was gone at the end of S1. He has nothing to do with this, and people are slamming him unfairly in this case. It would be the same as slamming Kurtzman/Orci and even Len Wisemen. All of them were long gone onto other projects - to blame them is just foolish and incorrect.

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I was just reading the comments on TVLine about the season/series finale when I came across a couple of comments from viewers in the UK. According to the two comments I read, Nicole was never featured in any promos there. She was on posters, but in the background with the rest of the cast behind TM and Headless. What a crock of shit.

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Judging from how they presented Katrina then Betsy, it was always A Tale of Two Titties.


(I'll see your literary reference and raise you a title parody...)


Hilarious -- I wish I'd thought of that line.  So very excellent.


Had you all heard this before?....


In an interview Shernold Edwards did last year she talked about how "Abbie" wearing her hair natural wasn't taken lightly. Nicole had wanted to go natural and the EPs of the show apparently weren't A-OK with it. Shernold said she was sitting there at the same table with the EPs while they were discussing this "issue" and neither of the EPs even bothered to ask Shernold for input about it! The one black lady that actually wears her hair natural and could've offered some insight!! They sat there and talked RIGHT IN FRONT OF HER, as if she wasn't there. She said she would've liked to been asked for opinion.


I just find this so interesting and insane! Something so simple as the girl wanting to wear her hair natural and TPTB took issue with it! Really?!?!? I mean, I can only imagine the difficulties a person of color must deal with in this industry. The issues that come about that shouldn't even be issues! We see that Nicole did get to finally wear her hair natural in the second half of the season, but just knowing that her request caused a stir and had to be questioned by the TPTB?!?!.....I just can't.


I'm sad like everyone else that Nicole is no longer on the show, but, honestly, it truly seems like it's for the best. I'm sure the stuff that girl witnessed and experienced during her time there...well...no one wants to experience. It's just ultimately not worth it. .

Do you happen to have a link to the Shernold interview?!  That's INSANE!!! I keep thinking this whole debacle can't get any worse and then I hear something like this and it makes my heart hurt and sends my "pressure" up.  

Edited by TV Juriste
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I've read that Shernold has also left the building....


Another reason for me to love TWD. All the AA women on there, regular cast or other wise be sporting natural hair. Michonne has dreads and Sasha looks like she hasn't had a perm in years. Granted it would be ridiculous for them to walking around with newly permed hair 2-3 years after the apocalypse but still it's refreshing.


This says to me that the people behind the scenes of TWD are more in tune with their show.  Michonne of course has dreds in the comic, but Sasha is a new character for the show, like Daryl.  A less smart show would think nothing of having her with silky smooth hair all the time.  But  it sounds to me like either Sonequa or someone on the creative side basically said... Uh black woman. Natural hair.  She won't have time to put in a relaxer in he ZA.  And TPTB were like "ok makes sense."

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I'm pretty sure I heard Zach Appleman say that he was told at the beginning it was finite and his role was to further Jenny's character development.


Ya know, if they had thrown that out with Abbie furthering Crane's journey, it would have softened the blow.  Maybe not a lot, but the parallel would certainly have helped.  Although I wonder if he's being paid to say that now, just for that reason..


Hilarious -- I wish I'd thought of that line.  So very excellent.


That's was set-up pitch.  You did all the work.

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I had to unfollow the show on Facebook and Twitter. Some of the comments left there made me see red. Too many people came of the wood work to talk about how Abbie was replaceable, boring, worthless, not interesting, ect. Ugh.

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I suspect that there are a great many trolls who heard about the outcry and wanted to get some cheap thrills.


I mean, if someone genuinely watched the show and found her lacking?  No BFD. 


If someone is just putting lemon on the papercut?  Not worth your time or a civil discourse.

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Yeah, no. Sorry, but Iscove was long gone from SH before any of this went down. This is not on him at all. He is still credited as creator due to being initially involved with writing and creating the pilot, but he was gone at the end of S1. He has nothing to do with this, and people are slamming him unfairly in this case. It would be the same as slamming Kurtzman/Orci and even Len Wisemen. All of them were long gone onto other projects - to blame them is just foolish and incorrect.


I keep wondering what happened that made the show's original team leave so swiftly. 



People's ignorance about natural hair floors me. I know I should be used to it by now but I'm not.

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I keep wondering what happened that made the show's original team leave so swiftly.


From what I understand, Len Wisemen has a development deal with the network to create TV shows and help them successfully launch. That's why he's with Lucifer now. Kurtzman/Orci I think were just brought in to help Iscove (a newbie unknown) get his pilot script picked up and the show initially funded and launched (somehow he knew K/O from somewhere before). Their names are in the credits, because of WGA rules and all of that. Again, that's my understanding. They bounce from project to project, maybe overseeing certain things but not involved in the day-to-day.

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They need to work on their launching process.  Their shows tend to suffer once they leave them to do other projects.


The other issue also is that Fox at the time had an executive who was all about Diversity.  Fox basically booted him out the door and then we got S2.

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From what I understand, Len Wisemen has a development deal with the network to create TV shows and help them successfully launch. That's why he's with Lucifer now. Kurtzman/Orci I think were just brought in to help Iscove (a newbie unknown) get his pilot script picked up and the show initially funded and launched (somehow he knew K/O from somewhere before). Their names are in the credits, because of WGA rules and all of that. Again, that's my understanding. They bounce from project to project, maybe overseeing certain things but not involved in the day-to-day.



They need to work on their launching process.  Their shows tend to suffer once they leave them to do other projects.


The other issue also is that Fox at the time had an executive who was all about Diversity.  Fox basically booted him out the door and then we got S2.


I agree. One or more of them should be present  for a probationary period or...Something.


And speaking of diversity: 




Note the title.


After a shocking death on Sleepy Hollow, fans are questioning how the show treats characters of color


Really? I'm not. *polishing nails emoji*

Edited by C76
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I suspect that there are a great many trolls who heard about the outcry and wanted to get some cheap thrills.

I mean, if someone genuinely watched the show and found her lacking? No BFD.

If someone is just putting lemon on the papercut? Not worth your time or a civil discourse.

This is absolutely true. NY Magazine's website had a post over the weekend about what the blogger felt was the racist treatment of NB, and the comments were flooded with the usual roving gang of culture warriors bemoaning political correctness. Including my favorite, the one who 'proved' that POCs were overrepresented on Sleepy Hollow by repeating some (not actually accurate) statistics about how few black people there are in Massachusetts, where the show is set.

There's just no purpose to even addressing someone who can't be bothered to find out what you're talking about because it would get in the way of their busy attempting to feel like they're not dead inside by trolling schedule.

Edited by Julia
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With all due respect, it's not hard to see that TPTB have done a hideous job. And when I say "hideous", I'm being polite. I don't think I've sworn on the internet in a while, and I'm trying to keep it that way. 


Did I misunderstand your polishing nails emojii then?  It sounded like you were questioning the title of the article you linked/quoted?  The one saying that fans were questioning the shows treatment of characters of color?


It just sounded like you were intimating that you weren't questioning that?  I could have easily misunderstood your subtext.

Edited by phoenics
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Did I misunderstand your polishing nails emojii then?  It sounded like you were questioning the title of the article you linked/quoted?  The one saying that fans were questioning the shows treatment of characters of color?


It just sounded like you were intimating that you weren't questioning that?  I could have easily misunderstood your subtext.


The headline says "...fans are questioning...". I don't have any questions. As a Black person, what's going on is as plain as the nose on my face.

Edited by C76
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The headline says "...fans are questioning...". I don't have any questions. As a Black person, what's going on is as plain as the nose on my face.


Yup.  Completely missed that subtext.

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Did I misunderstand your polishing nails emojii then?  It sounded like you were questioning the title of the article you linked/quoted?  The one saying that fans were questioning the shows treatment of characters of color?


It just sounded like you were intimating that you weren't questioning that?  I could have easily misunderstood your subtext.


My attitude was clear to you, but you didn't have any context to know the reason for it. Understood.




I am glad that the story of what happened to Sleepy Hollow is gaining more traction in the media. Hopefully this will lead to some sort of positive/drastic change. 

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The headline says "...fans are questioning...". I don't have any questions. As a Black person, what's going on is as plain as the nose on my face.


I think you should put in the Kermit meme: "But that's none of my business".  For what it's worth, I got your original message.

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I am glad that the story of what happened to Sleepy Hollow is gaining more traction in the media. Hopefully this will lead to some sort of positive/drastic change.

I wish I could believe this... I thought after S2 that they'd really gotten it - enough that even if NB wanted to leave, they'd bend over backwards and offer her the world to get her to stay.

But that didn't happen.

All hope lost.

Even with the critics raging over this, I don't think it will change anything. They're too hellbent on keeping the status quo. They must be super comfortable with the status quo.

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I am glad that the story of what happened to Sleepy Hollow is gaining more traction in the media. Hopefully this will lead to some sort of positive/drastic change. 


Yes. I really, really hope so.


ETA: I just read what you wrote as well, phoenics, and I understand your pessimism. But still I hope.

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To the point about things changing:


In my field of study, we talk a lot about disrupting industries. Uber, for example, was a massive disruption of the taxi industry and basically forced taxis to either change or wither away.  Of course, the taxi companies are fighting back with regulation to try to hold onto their power, but eventually public dissent will force them to either catch up with the disruptive force of Uber, or die.


UBER came about as a product of innovative thinking - design thinking - which is what I do for a living.


I wish I wasn't so emotionally invested - I might come up with a way for regular people like us to skip the middle men of networks, etc.. and produce our own content, or have content produced that disrupts the networks so much that they are forced to either change or wither away and die.


Definitely DVRs, etc.. disrupted the ratings game... but I'm wondering about the next disruption that could completely change how tv shows/movies are made or something... 


Hmmm what about crowdsourced funding for tv shows?


This post probably belongs somewhere else, lol.

Edited by phoenics
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I wish I could believe this... I thought after S2 that they'd really gotten it - enough that even if NB wanted to leave, they'd bend over backwards and offer her the world to get her to stay.

But that didn't happen.

All hope lost.

Even with the critics raging over this, I don't think it will change anything. They're too hellbent on keeping the status quo. They must be super comfortable with the status quo.



I don't want to give up. At this point, anything can happen.


Option #1 is what I'm hoping for: TPTB will get their ish together, fire and hire whomever needs to be, and bring us back to the SH that once was.


This could take place with or without Fox. I think they should do what they've gotta do and change whatever needs to be changed in order to make things right.


(One of my daydreams involves TPTB having to change nearly everyone on the production team. Once certain folks are gone, they can renegotiate to get NB back. But wrapping all of that up might involve a delay in terms of when the show could return.)


On the other hand, they could cancel the show, and fans would be left devastated.


I genuinely hope that they don't go that route. People have been screaming for days now. Our plea isn't impossible to satisfy. We want Sleepy Hollow. Just not in the condition that they left it.


ETA: phoenics, I like your disruption theory. Deep down I feel as though something will happen as a result of fans' reaction to Sleepy Hollow. We'll see. I'm going to pay attention to this issue for a long, long time. 

Edited by C76
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People's ignorance about natural hair floors me. I know I should be used to it by now but I'm not.


I don't know if you've ever watched Stargate Atlantis, but the way the POCs in the main ensemble cast were treated as regards this issue remains disgraceful to this day.


First of all, Rachel Luttrell was forced to wear a weave for the entirety of the show's run, 5 years. I can't remember what the excuse was - that she's not from earth? That she's not actually a person of color because it's another planet (funnily enough, when the time came to pull a boyfriend out of their asses for her, he was a poc too)? That a sudden change would confuse the fanbase? It was so stupid I can't remember it well.


What they did to Jason Momoa was even worse - he had heavy dreads at the time, and after four years, he was getting headaches and neck pain. There had to be special negotiations and meetings for him to get permission to cut them off. And then, to add insult to injury, instead of coming up with an organic reason for him to have a different hairstyle (he's finally come to terms with the fact that his people and planet are gone forever, it's a sign of mourning, etc etc), they made him wear a terrible wig for the rest of his run.


Re. the Washington Post article:


What I like most in it is that Abbie is referred to as one half of its lead duo, and Nicole Beharie as one of the show’s two main stars.


So, fuck you show, and your bullshit "was there to help with Crane's journey". The Washington Post sees through your bullshit, and so do we.

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arjumand, I never understood Teyla's wig. Rachel Lutrell has such pretty hair, and while it got a little better over the years, that thing they had her wearing looked like untreated horse hair with drugstore henna on it.

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I don't want to give up. At this point, anything can happen.


Option #1 is what I'm hoping for: TPTB will get their ish together, fire and hire whomever needs to be, and bring us back to the SH that once was.


This could take place with or without Fox. I think they should do what they've gotta do and change whatever needs to be changed in order to make things right.


(One of my daydreams involves TPTB having to change nearly everyone on the production team. Once certain folks are gone, they can renegotiate to get NB back. But wrapping all of that up might involve a delay in terms of when the show could return.)


On the other hand, they could cancel the show, and fans would be left devastated.


I genuinely hope that they don't go that route. People have been screaming for days now. Our plea isn't impossible to satisfy. We want Sleepy Hollow. Just not in the condition that they left it.


ETA: phoenics, I like your disruption theory. Deep down I feel as though something will happen as a result of fans' reaction to Sleepy Hollow. We'll see. I'm going to pay attention to this issue for a long, long time. 

Too late on Option 1 for me.  That is what CC was supposed to be about.  Frankly, if I were NB and they managed to convince me to come back, I would be constantly twitching waiting for the fuckery to start again.  And since they took the liberty to fuck with the fans - whether shipping fans or not -as a viewer, I would be twitchy too.  Not that I would be a viewer.


As to the second bolded point, they have already devastated me. 

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