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Sleepy Hollow in the Media

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Yup it's not a great portmanteaux, and I never smushed my fav couple of all time Todd and Blair T&B it was and T&B it shall always be. 


Having said that I'm now weirdly attached to Ichabbie and will stick with it, and I feel like Team Witness is the foursome including Irving/Jenny.

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As long as he doesn't go the Murhpy or Moffat routes, I think it might be okay.

That made me snort. LOL




Sandra Kellstrom @couldbeheather  ·  Mar 23

@CCInnuendo I would love to see Katrina redeemed as strong wife/witch and backed by the show runners/writers. This character is a victim.

Yes she is, and that's the freaking problem isn't it? Nothing is her fault truly, she just is so "kind and compassionate" that she lies, manipulates and connives her way through life. Poor thing... Ugh, RME so hard. Basically she's the Serena Van Der Woodsen of Sleepy Hollow and boy how happy would I have been if she had died in GG. All I know is, Katrina better stay dead. There needs to be some damn consequences in this show.

Edited by fantique
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To see what is being tweeted to someone on Twitter, go to search and type in @theirname, or in this case, @ccinnuendo. https://twitter.com/search?f=realtime&q=%40ccinnuendo&src=typd


        So do you see all tweets/replies when you're actually signed up for Twitter that doesn't appear when you're not a member but reading public tweets?  Because the link Blackhoney provided showed me a lot more tweets/replies than - as non Twitter member - I've seen before.  I've seen Clifton Campbell's public twitter comments but didn't realize until now Sandra and Co were actually tweeting the man or that other members were giving Campbell the heads up warning on the infamous "thugs" comments (thankfully!)

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So do you see all tweets/replies when you're actually signed up for Twitter that doesn't appear when you're not a member but reading public tweets?


When you search the @ handle of a person you see every tweet that includes their @ handle, including their own tweets, as long as the tweet is public and not restricted by a friends list (like the fake Ichabod has gone totally private/locked). That isn't affected by being a member of twitter or not. 


It IS complicated and still don't fully understand it myself but, if you just look at someone's feed all you'll see is their tweets, and if you look at tweets/replies you see tweets/replies,but you won't see every tweet that was *at* them, if they didn't respond, or if they've blocked that user. I think. Heh.

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Yes, I used to love them but then she just seemed to lack the spark. Broke my heart.


       Oh and when Garrett Dillahunt made a Guest Appearance in S1.

       I was disappointed he shared no scenes with his RL wife, Michelle Hurd. 

       Who played Jim's Boss on the show.

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Mark Goffman@MarkGoffman posted a few minutes ago "Recording @SleepyHollowFOX s2 dvd commentary with @NikkiBeharie today".

Things that make you go hmmmmmm.

This made me produce one of those uncomfortable giggles. That has got to be the most cringe situation if it's just the two of them. I am literally getting second hand awkwardness just from the tweet.

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Mark Goffman@MarkGoffman posted a few minutes ago "Recording @SleepyHollowFOX s2 dvd commentary with @NikkiBeharie today".

Things that make you go hmmmmmm.


Things that make you go...BAHAHAHAHAHA!! This fucking show, I swear. Feel bad that Beharie has to endure extended minutes with Goffman, when you know he's pining away for his "beloved"


But LOLing over the fact that suddenly...suddenly Miss Beharie has been invited to commentary. This is not a shot against Nicole at all. It's the thought of the decision makers who - once the Beharie tweet and subsequent response went viral - you know were running around like chickens with heads cut off, trying to rectify yet another mistake they made.


Oh, this is the best shadenfreude ever!


ETA: Oh yeah, you didn't bother to tweet congrats to the show for the third season, MG (fuck you). But you'll tweet the DVD commentary. Just divorce yourself of all SH mentions from this point forward and everyone will be happy.

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Mark Goffman@MarkGoffman posted a few minutes ago "Recording @SleepyHollowFOX s2 dvd commentary with @NikkiBeharie today".

Things that make you go hmmmmmm.


I'm happy that Nicole has been included in the DVD commentary, but must it be done with Goffman? I hope it's not too much of an uncomfortable situation for her, with his inability to talk about anything but Katrina The Wonderful and Katia The Best. Horrible thought: what if Nicole is handed a script, to make sure they are on the same page with the Katrina praise?

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You think it was just Nicole or Nicole & others?

Sorry for double posting but glad, happy, thrilled, delighted etc. Goofy is GONE!!!!!!!!


I would think he would mention if others were going to be present.  Hopefully she will only have to do commentary for Mama and the finale.  Everything else would be a complete waste of her time.

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She should go in there feeling the the victor in a showdown. He's the one eating crow.


Don't forget what else is more likely going to happen once the third season kicks off.


If the episodes are good, and get good reviews during the recaps, and the ratings are good, every article will mention the fact that the show did poorly with their show runner MG, and that the episodes and the overall feel of the show has improved, is good again under showrunner Clifton Campbell.


MG's going to be mentioned over and over again with regards to the failure of season 2, and Clifton Campbell will be mentioned over and over again as the saviour and show runner responsible for saving SH.


Excellent. *grin*

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I just peeped Mark Goffman's timeline and wow, people are being really mean to him. I almost feel bad for him: https://twitter.com/search?f=realtime&q=%40markgoffman&src=typd


You getting soft, Blackhoney?? Just remember who sidelined Abbie and Jenny all season to push his muse to the forefront. Who could talk about nothing other than Katrina in his interviews. Who destroyed Crane's character. Who wasted John Noble. Who did wrong by Irving. Who thought Deliverance was a brilliant idea. Who derided some of us for not being "true fans". I have no sympathy at all. His experiment failed. His muse on a pedestal failed. His "vision" and plan failed. Time for him to suck it up and move on to his probably bigger and better projects.

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Goofy has an entry for a website for a move called "Dumbstruck".  In typical Goofy fashion, none of the pages off the main site work!  Yes, I'm definitely going to go see a movie put together by incompetents!

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Look, fellow SleepyHeads.  Can we stop calling Goffman a Goober.  Because goobers are sweet and silly and it's kind of insulting to the goobers of the world.  Thanks.


Yeah, and Goobers are also peanuts . And I love peanuts (especially boiled peanuts). I agree. let's change the name!

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You getting soft, Blackhoney?? Just remember who sidelined Abbie and Jenny all season to push his muse to the forefront. Who could talk about nothing other than Katrina in his interviews. Who destroyed Crane's character. Who wasted John Noble. Who did wrong by Irving. Who thought Deliverance was a brilliant idea. Who derided some of us for not being "true fans". I have no sympathy at all. His experiment failed. His muse on a pedestal failed. His "vision" and plan failed. Time for him to suck it up and move on to his probably bigger and better projects.

Well damn, when you put it like that I feel like driving past his house and egging it. LOL
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Well damn, when you put it like that I feel like driving past his house and egging it. LOL


Whew. Blackhoney is back! I was worried there for a sec, but I understand. It was a momentary bit of weakness because unlike a certain Kult, we actually have a heart.


But no egging required. May Goffman go off and do this thing as CBS. Even it it works out for him, I don't care. He wasn't suited to SH and the genre, and that's fine. At least he didn't waste more time with the show. Same with Winter. Let her go off and get some more acting roles, job elsewhere. She's not a strong actress at all, so unfortunately, it will be a bit more difficult for her.


See my "egging" will be when season 3 starts and the show returns - and most likely improves - on it's glorious premise and glorious characters. The stories are good, the episodes are thrilling, the actors are happy, the fans are happy and the Kult is seething. Ratings increase to a nice level, media is gushing, FOX is happy.


And I will ride that glee and kult schadenfreude into the sunset. Success is the best revenge.

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Ha!  John Noble is still throwing shade at Season 2:


John noble ‏@thejohnnoble

@pmiscove Thanks Phillip. I am so anxious to see what you do with Sleepy Hollow. I sure it will return to the heady heights of season 1.




Love it.

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I just peeped Mark Goffman's timeline and wow, people are being really mean to him. I almost feel bad for him: https://twitter.com/search?f=realtime&q=%40markgoffman&src=typd

They really went in on him... although not nearly as badly as he might have deserved... I wonder if he regrets anything he did or even understands where and how he went so wrong. I mean, half of it was him backing the wrong horse but the other half was just shoddy storytelling and tone deafness when fans tried to speak up.

The fact that fans had to literally mount a massive campaign to save the show he tanked speaks volumes. I totally understand the rage and anger towards him. The ONLY saving grace for SH was that they killed off Katrina and tanked Goffman. Without that, I don't think a third season would have had a chance.

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Look, fellow SleepyHeads.  Can we stop calling Goffman a Goober.  Because goobers are sweet and silly and it's kind of insulting to the goobers of the world.  Thanks.


Yes to this!  I tend to think of him as Goofman, because I'm a terrible typist.

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Ha!  John Noble is still throwing shade at Season 2:


John noble ‏@thejohnnoble

@pmiscove Thanks Phillip. I am so anxious to see what you do with Sleepy Hollow. I sure it will return to the heady heights of season 1.



Love it.


HAHAHA! *DeadOnFloor*  HAHAHA!!  Hey John, don't hold back, man! Let it out and tell us everything!! We understand.


Wow. Again, strong words and obviously he's pissed over season 2 and what could have been for him and the show. And DearEvette, you forgot the mention that John's tweet was a response to a tweet Iscove made only about Fringe. SH wasn't mentioned at all, but John threw in that little dig anyway. Beautiful.


What I would not give to be sitting in a bar with John Noble, Orlando Jones, Nikki Beharie and Tom Mison, get them semi-drunk and get them to spill DEETS. It would be glorious. (I've omitted Lyndie Greenwood because she's actually friends with Katia Winter, therefore would be gracious and hold back the gossip and probably cause the others to also).

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Been seeing some reviews of Sleepy Hollow Origins which delves into the lives of our beloved characters before the threat of molucholypse. I'm not into comic books typically, but this seems promising. It comes out today, I think. No mention of Katrina either...

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Ha! John Noble is still throwing shade at Season 2:


John noble ‏@thejohnnoble

@pmiscove Thanks Phillip. I am so anxious to see what you do with Sleepy Hollow. I sure it will return to the heady heights of season 1.

Love it.

A lot of people use the phrase shade incorrectly. They think it means any burn or insult. Ladies and Gentlemen, this is shade at it's finest. John Noble, I may have disliked your character, but I love your way with words.
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A lot of people use the phrase shade incorrectly.


IKR? It's why I love Jezebel's feature Shade Court. Shade is sly, and you only know ya burnt after the fact if at all. It's a complisult, and bringing up the fail of S2, by mentioning S1's glory is surely the way to do it.

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IKR? It's why I love Jezebel's feature Shade Court. Shade is sly, and you only know ya burnt after the fact if at all. It's a complisult, and bringing up the fail of S2, by mentioning S1's glory is surely the way to do it.


To go even further and what really makes it real shade, imo, is that he doesn't even mention S2.   And not mentioning it, it makes the absence of it more glaring juxtaposed next to the fab compliment of S1.   That's the beauty of it.  Shade is as much about what you don't say as what you do.  In the words of late Dorian Corey "I don't tell you you're ugly....but I don't have to tell you because you already know you're ugly.  And that's shade."

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is that he doesn't even mention S2.


That's exactly what I meant, sorry if it wasn't clear. You are left to infer what he ain't sayin, aka that S2 is not even worth mentioning! 

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IKR? It's why I love Jezebel's feature Shade Court. Shade is sly, and you only know ya burnt after the fact if at all. It's a complisult, and bringing up the fail of S2, by mentioning S1's glory is surely the way to do it.

I love Shade Court! I'm seriously thinking about submitting this to Judge Kara Brown.

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Here are some recent tweets from this Sandra idiot:

Sandra Kellstrom @couldbeheather  ·  21h 21 hours ago

@CCInnuendo Hi. I'm here b/c I'm hearing that NB fans are now demanding no whites on show and less time for TM. I know they own the show 1/2


Sandra Kellstrom @couldbeheather  ·  21h 21 hours ago

@CCInnuendo 2/2, but the rest of us do want SH back. We were hoping your leadership would help to tame their unique access/ownership.


The hell? What the fuck is this idiot talking about. Here is a concept, dear Sandra..Let's have interesting actors on the show, regardless of skin colour. Just give me characters that I care about, not boring-ass dull people that are only there because they are a white-skinned muse. And my skin is friggin pasty white!


And yeah, we do own the fucking show. That's right. Because without us, the show would be dead and done. Without us, the show would not have the ratings it did, and would not have suffering a massive ratings drop because we were displeased.


Thank bloody god Clifton Campnell isn't retweeting this crap. He's only retweeting the good stuff. Smart savvy man. He is going to do good for season 3.


Again, I cannot in words describe how thrilled I was for this show to be renewed. Not just because I love the show, but because we won. Because the racists idiots lost big time. I have never EVER described a TV show in my life by skin colour. I have never ever thought 'Oh, well that show has X amount of *skin colours*.' Never. It's either good or bad and characters I love or hate. So tweets like this just kill me.


Oh, season 3, please bring me Ichabbie. Not just because of the amazing chemistry between Beharie and Mison, but because these people will be royally peeved. I know it's terrible, but so are these people.

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Well, that explains why she was a big Katrina fan. This old, white nana finds that kind of crap insulting. That woman has ingested the Kool aid and has no idea just how rac...er stupid she sounds.

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Sandra Kellstrom @couldbeheather  ·  21h 21 hours ago

@CCInnuendo Hi. I'm here b/c I'm hearing that NB fans are now demanding no whites on show and less time for TM. I know they own the show 1/2


She must be hearing the voices in her head telling her that.


Sandra Kellstrom @couldbeheather  ·  21h 21 hours ago

@CCInnuendo 2/2, but the rest of us do want SH back. We were hoping your leadership would help to tame their unique access/ownership.


She's just jealous because no one is listening to HER.


HalcyonDays, check out the Sleepy Hollowers video posted today at 7:30 this morning. Trollando singing and dancing will definitely make you feel lots better!

Edited by DJG1122
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We were hoping your leadership would help to tame their unique access/ownership.


HalcyonDays, check out the Sleepy Hollowers video posted today at 7:30 this morning. Trollando singing and dancing will definitely make you feel lots better!


Unique access?? What kills me is that it's not a one-off. She does not realise that the MAJORITY of viewers were disgusted by season 2. Unique access, my ass. Yeah, those of us who wanted GOOD TV are the rarity. Idiot.


Ack. I have to watch that movie now. Not only does it have Orlando, but Keanu. Yummy! Sleepy Hollowers is a great site!!


*sings* I Will Survive!

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Here are some recent tweets from this Sandra idiot:


      Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water. . .



Well, that explains why she was a big Katrina fan.


Let's not kid ourselves.  Sandra and Co were never really big Katrina fans.  They weren't on the same page as Mark Goffman, it only appeared that way and some of us lumped them together.  But Goffman really was fascinated by Katrina's character.  She was his muse.  This other bunch merely played along because as long as Goffman remained enthralled with Katrina, Sandra and Co got what they really wanted all along.  No Ichabbie.   Because that has always been Sandra's real agenda.  No Ichabbie, not now, not ever.  Yes, I know that sounds crazy, I know some think they're crazed Katrina fans.  They're crazed all right, but it's about SH never putting Ichabod and Abbie together.   Although Sandra and Co whined about Katrina turning evil, trust me, they didn't really care.  In truth, they would have taken an evil Katrina and their cries would have been for Ichabod to "save" his wife.  But Goffman betrayed them and killed Katrina and Sandra and Co are mad.  Not because Katrina is dead mind you, but because there is no wife whose marriage vows they can pretend to care about as the roadblock to what they fear the most.


So the new game is to tweet Campbell and tell him the show has been taken over by black people.  Nevermind most fans have begged for the return of the very white Badass Headless Horseman.  Let's forget John Noble, a white man, said Season 2 was a mess.  They wave away postings from fans who've asked for more focus on The Town! and the Apocalypse.  No, this is all about black people taking over SH, but never fear, Clifton Campbell, Sandra and Co are here to save you!


Alas for this bunch, Campbell is a show business veteran which means he likely understands what makes a show work. Certainly FOX chose him because they felt he could turn SH around.  This is a man who still inspires loyalty from "The Glades" actors, writers and fans and I don't think he's stupid. I bet the minute he was quietly tapped as SH's next showrunner, Campbell spend that time studying the show and what worked.  He probably immediately "got"  SH still managed to shine in Season 2 because it had the rare gift of chemistry and it wasn't coming from Ichabod/Katrina.  If Sandra and Co think Campbell is foolish enough to throw this gift away, they're not paying attention to the man's tweets. Abbiebod indeed.   When the first day of filming for SH resumes, Sandra should prepare herself: Clifton Campbell might well serve his new cast and crew freshly roasted goat. 

Edited by MissAlmond
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Oh, season 3, please bring me Ichabbie. Not just because of the amazing chemistry between Beharie and Mison, but because these people will be royally peeved. I know it's terrible, but so are these people.


    They're terrified that not only would Campbell do it, but he would do it in a way that works for the show.  And if that happens, who will they turn to?  I'm sure Daddy Clifton has already gathered his children - Snarky BIg Brother Albert, Sensitive Middle Brother Raven and Happy Baby Brother Phil - and shown them the way. Sandra, OTOH, revealed herself for what she really was by the end of Season 2 and those who didn't see that before, have backed away.  

Edited by MissAlmond
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So the new game is to tweet Campbell and tell him the show has been taken over by black people. Nevermind most fans have begged for the return of the very white Badass Headless Horseman. Let's forget John Noble, a white man, said Season 2 was a mess. Wave away postings from fans who've asked for more focus on The Town! and the Apocalypse. No, this is all about black people taking over SH, but never fear, Clifton Campbell, Sandra and Co are here to save you!

Oh horrors! Sleepy Hollow may turn into a BLACK show! Someone get her a fainting couch!

In all seriousness, this Sandra person sounds like a loon. There's being passionate about a show, and then there's being disturbingly obsessed. Gosh, I wonder would happen if she tweeted to Orlando?

Edit to note the sarcasm of the first part of my post.

Edited by LeeLeePanda
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Still thinking about the 'unique access/ownership' remark. Do any of you Ichabbie/Nicole Beharie/Sleepy Hollow non-shipper fans know anybody in the TPTB at FOX? IMHO, I thought Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr and Email were social media accessible to anybody and not the least bit unique.

Re the ownership part-does this mean that because I am one of the 'thugs', I own part of FOX? Whoa-let me call my stockbroker! He'll be thrilled!

This person is a few ants short of a picnic. She's from Pinellas County, (probably St Petersburg) in my home state of Florida. Unfortunately, we have a few lunatics running free around here.


Thank you Miss Almond. I value your input.

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Oh horrors! Sleepy Hollow may turn into a BLACK show! Someone get her a fainting couch!

In all seriousness, this Sandra person sounds like a loon. There's being passionate about a show, and then there's being disturbingly obsessed. Gosh, I wonder would happen if she tweeted to Orlando?

He did the "Sandra Dee" video sometime recently-He knows who she is.

Edited by DJG1122
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Her latest tweets have made me seriously upset and angry. I hate to see us maligned that way. And her little 180 spin is just laughable. Wasn't she campaigning to get the show canceled?

I've seen this kind of crazy in fandoms before, but I'm still mad at her attempt to whitewash history and act like she was trying to get the show to go back to S1 glory.

Please, PLEASE tell me someone dragged her and called her out for the racist fool she is.

There is a whole tumblr with receipts of her ugliness from before - shouldn't be too hard to put her on blast.

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Please, PLEASE tell me someone dragged her and called her out for the racist fool she is.


    I did that see all Twitter thing and yes, people called her out.  Sandra did respond nobody in charge followed her.   Gee, I wonder why. 

Edited by MissAlmond
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