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S03.E14: The Song Of Gregory Williams Yates (2)


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Crossover time once more with Law & Order: SVU.


After infamous criminal Gregory Yates escapes from a New York prison, Lindsay and the team learn that he intends to flee New York and is headed for Chicago. The SVU team informs Intelligence that Yates has been gathering information on Lindsay and after Platt calls in a triple homicide likely at the hand of Yates, Benson and Fin catch the next plane to Chicago. Upon investigation of the crime scene, the team learns that another tenant in the building is missing and they work to find a connection between Yates and the woman.


(Part 2 of a 2-part Law & Order: Special Victims Unit - Chicago P.D. crossover on 2-10.)

OK, writers......Cain & Abel (plus, presumably, a sister or two!) were NOT "Adam & Eve's only children," and we are not "all descended from a murderer."  Having Yates spout such nonsense just makes him (& the writers) look pretty stupid.


Fercryinoutloud, pick up a Bible or just click on any search engine & look up "Seth"!  Third son of Adam & Eve, conceived after Abel's murder, became Adam's heir after Cain's exile, etc., etc., etc.......


And even the Biblical Literalists don't know whether Abel had children before he died.  According to tradition, they were grown men when the murder took place & Cain, at least, had a wife (presumably one of the aforementioned sisters!)  Who's to say Abel didn't also have a wife?


ETA: No Biblical Literalist here, just a lot of years of Catholic education

Edited by The Wild Sow
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ARGH! For some reason my DVR cut off right when she pulled the note out of the Dad's mouth.  I think there were just a few minutes left.  What did the note say? Was anything resolved or is Yates still presumably at large and on a killing spree in TV world?    

Yates wanted to make Erin, and Hank, squirm. And no, Yates is not at large. There was a storyline resolution but I won't spoil it for you.

1. Why can't Erin bring Mouse with her as back up? Mouse was a ranger. PTSD seems better.


2. Hank went along? Where was the NY officers and the rest?


3. Erin could have shot Yakes in the shoulder instead of head. She waited too long and let him get close to him.

Mouse is an outside contractor. He probably would shoot if it ever came up, but he's not a cop.

OK, writers......Cain & Abel (plus, presumably, a sister or two!) were NOT "Adam & Eve's only children," and we are not "all descended from a murderer."  Having Yates spout such nonsense just makes him (& the writers) look pretty stupid.


Fercryinoutloud, pick up a Bible or just click on any search engine & look up "Seth"!  Third son of Adam & Eve, conceived after Abel's murder, became Adam's heir after Cain's exile, etc., etc., etc.......


And even the Biblical Literalists don't know whether Abel had children before he died.  According to tradition, they were grown men when the murder took place & Cain, at least, had a wife (presumably one of the aforementioned sisters!)  Who's to say Abel didn't also have a wife?


ETA: No Biblical Literalist here, just a lot of years of Catholic education


"Seth": my 'go-to' crossword answer whenever the clue is "Adam & Eve's Son" or "Adam & Eve's Progeny" or "Cain's/Abel's Brother".  What's with all the four-letter male names, God?

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Did I get that right? The couple had a kid that showed all warning signs of becoming a sociopath and decided to drop him in another state for adoption? And a priest helped them to get rid of the boy in that manner? How many of his foster homes did he burn down afterwards?


THANK YOU!!!! I heard that line and thought WTF? You just dumped the budding sociopath on some poor unsuspecting family in another state and never looked back? Didn't try to get him help, or have him committed?  Anything? Geez, that woman should be convicted of accessory after (or before) the fact. Or acting in concert. Or something! She certainly shouldn't be pitied and she's no victim. 

  • Love 1
Did I get that right? The couple had a kid that showed all warning signs of becoming a sociopath and decided to drop him in another state for adoption? And a priest helped them to get rid of the boy in that manner? How many of his foster homes did he burn down afterwards?



Yeah, I would have filed that under "Seemed Like A Good Idea At The Time" but there is no way this EVER could have seemed like a good idea. Who on earth were the adoptive parents?? "Four and sets fires and kills animals you say? Well, we'll make him sleep in the barn. Should be fine."

My first thought after this episode out of the two was over was that it honestly sucked monkey balls. I have a love/hate thing going on with Chicago PD anyway. At first I wondered why they went through with killing the Father then I figured they did so because Yates knew that he was the one who dumped him in another state so I guess the thought was the viewers wouldn't be bothered that much by him dying either. I was just glad Yates died at the end so he wouldn't be around as long as Lewis was on L&O: SVU. I wish they'd bring another female onto the team besides Lindsay.

  • Love 2

My first thought after this episode out of the two was over was that it honestly sucked monkey balls. I have a love/hate thing going on with Chicago PD anyway. At first I wondered why they went through with killing the Father then I figured they did so because Yates knew that he was the one who dumped him in another state so I guess the thought was the viewers wouldn't be bothered that much by him dying either. I was just glad Yates died at the end so he wouldn't be around as long as Lewis was on L&O: SVU. I wish they'd bring another female onto the team besides Lindsay.

You'd think that would be Burgess if it weren't for her Ruzek ties.

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I thought Sophia did great with what she had to work with.


Hank > Liv: "I wish you were here more often. <<PREGNANT PAUSE>> For her. You'd be good for her."


continuity snafu (things like this make me CRAZY): Yates called the mother on the mother's phone, spoofing it to look like call was coming from Nellie. Nellie brings phone downstairs - Erin answers via facetime. talk talk talk....and then Fin texts her that the house is empty (or no one in the fire. I actually have no idea why they all went to that location.) So Fin thought he would text THE MOTHER OF THE VICTIM (as opposed to Erin's phone, which of course she wasn't using)????? I hate lazy writers.


ETA: As someone who lives in upstate NY and was enthralled with/terrified of/obsessed with the prison break here last summer, AND also has two brothers who are state troopers - the SVU hour was too close to home!!

Edited by betsyboo

1. Why can't Erin bring Mouse with her as back up? Mouse was a ranger. PTSD seems better.


2. Hank went along? Where was the NY officers and the rest?


3. Erin could have shot Yakes in the shoulder instead of head. She waited too long and let him get close to him.

What happened to "EVERYBODY", in New York it was all hands on deck, even agencies with no functional jurisdiction like Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms were on the fugitive task force and after murdering his way across state lines all the help CPD got was a NYPD Lieutenant and one of her Detectives. And when we find a location a local patrol unit doesn't even stop by to help.


Is the Intelligence unit membership supposed to be secret? It sounded that way with the desk Sergeant leading the press briefings while taking time out to mention Liv and Finn in the dispatches as they would say in the British armed forces.

Is the Intelligence unit membership supposed to be secret? It sounded that way with the desk Sergeant leading the press briefings while taking time out to mention Liv and Finn in the dispatches as they would say in the British armed forces.

I think so - which is why Platt helpedat the presser. Allegedly members of intelligence go undercover, so their pictures shouldn't be on tv. 

I think so - which is why Platt helped at the presser. Allegedly members of intelligence go undercover, so their pictures shouldn't be on tv. 

That always bugged me about first Miami Vice and then New York Undercover. The "secret police" for lack of a better term show up at high profile crime scenes all the time as cops and then are supposed to be undercover later working the same suspects. I thought Intelligence were just another detective squad like SVU and major case in the L&O NYPD universe and not an undercover or even a plain clothes anti crime patrol unit who picked up detective cases like Starsky and Hutch did

Edited by Raja
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That always bugged me about first Miami Vice and then New York Undercover. The "secret police" for lack of a better term show up at high profile crime scenes all the time as cops and then are supposed to be undercover later working the same suspects. I thought Intelligence were just another detective squad like SVU and major case in the L&O NYPD universe and not an undercover or even a plain clothes anti crime patrol unit who picked up detective cases like Starsky and Hutch did

understood - and the only reason I say they *are undercover i because i think the field chief or whatever the title is of the woman in the "corner office" said so to Platt. Something like "They're undercover so I need you at the press conference." 


ETA: Per this website: http://transcripts.foreverdreaming.org/viewtopic.php?f=83&t=25134


The transcript reads:

Talk to you, Sergeant?


Intelligence is undercover. I can't risk any of them at a press conference. I know we've had our difficulties, but I could use someone as committed and organized as you to be our point person for the press.

You don't have to blow smoke. All hands on deck means all hands. I'll coordinate with News Affairs.


Edited by betsyboo

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