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S32: Peter Baggenstos

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Another one I wasn't initially crazy about.  I hope we don't have a bunch of montages about the Obama comparison.  Even though I was put off by his video, I get the vibe he's got a good game in him.  I think he'll go far.

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Since he's from my home town, I guess I'll cheer for him unless he turns out to be a total jerk.

I was thinking the same thing.  I have several people to root for since I am originally from St. Paul but now live in Massachusetts.  I will root for all of my "home town" competitors unless/until they turn out to be unlikeable.

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God I wish faux Obama has gotten the boot.  Liz looked more worried than he did when it was a tie, but this arrogant asshole probably thought there was no way the tribe would get rid of his excellence.  Liz might have been a bigger threat down the road if she jumped ship, but Peter keeps this smug attitude up and has this need to openly control and run things, he'll probably get booted sooner rather than later.  Or (god forbid) get taken to the end as a goat.  So far I'm seeing several people that would be easy to beat in the final 3, and he's one of them.

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I wanted Peter gone but I guess he was kept for strength, right? He really has a view of himself. Maybe, he'll rethink his his personality next week. Doubt it!


That's my guess, or else they really do think he'll dig himself a bigger hole down the road and act as a shield for themselves (because of what a jerk he is).


I re-watched that part after the IC when the brains (using that term loosely) went back to camp.  I just can't believe how oblivious he and Liz were.  So cocky and condescending.


I feel like he has a permanent smirk etched on his face.  Like the Joker.  Well, except for that brief moment at tribal when he realized the tie vote didn't go how he had planned.  But then the smirk returned.

Edited by LadyChatts
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What puzzles me is, did this guy watch any previous episodes of Survivor before applying?  At all?  Because when you start puffing out your chest and talking like you own the game, other people tend to notice, and they typically don't like it.  I wish he'd gotten the boot instead of Liz, only because I think he's going to be more insufferable going forward.

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Neal and Aubry voted  Pete (coz they got annoyed at tc?)

Debbie and Joe voted  Liz (instead of Neal to flush the idol per Liz)

Pete and Liz voted Aubry (your plan failed)


Liz and Pete thought they are running the tribe but

Debbie and Joe are smarter

and Joe likes Neal now as he is the provider of the tribe so I think Neal is safe for now.


I hope Pete is the next to go please.

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You know, I don't mind him. I like seeing all sorts and he'll be  the one-who-thought-he-was -driving-the-game-but-was-not. I'm looking forward to seeing how he readjust his game :) There were others who started cocky and ended humble...

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He'll probably make the merge though. He is getting screen time which means something to me anyway. I always forget when they do a switch up but it's got to be coming up. He will probably be able to escape some of his tribe members and slide into another allince. Of course, he might have to tone down his massive ego and stay under the radar. I am curious to see his reaction after coming back from tribal council.

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Based on previous 3 tribe seasons there will probably be a switch up at episode 5 so they can create 2 tribes of 7. So, really he just needs to survivor one more episode.

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Something tells me this guy's arrogance and ego know no limits.  If he makes it to the swap, he'll probably gleefully pick off whatever former tribe members wind up with him (if the other numbers put him in a majority), and then enter the merge thinking he's running the ship.  We'll see if he openly brags about it or if he keeps his ego under wraps for the TH.  He and Nick are practically cut from the same cloth when it comes to thinking they are superior in this game.  

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A propos of nothing, I just have to say that "Baggenstos" sounds like a Hobbit 'ship name.


Sounds more like a snack food made by lopping the digits off Frodo's feet.



Something tells me this guy's arrogance and ego know no limits.


Of course not - because !!!!!!#DOCTOR!!!!!!!

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Can I ask again where they found some of the men this season? Peter is so oblivious and delusional. He sounded like the spoiled kid coming back from tribal that didn't get his way and was left out of the plan, so of course his tribe is going to self destruct. Now I really wish it had been him going home last week. And yes, I totally believe he will turn on his former brains at the first chance just because, even if it doesn't benefit his game. But just to get the last word in (so to speak) that he's better than them.

Why did it have to be Caleb tonight?

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Peter [...] yes, I totally believe he will turn on his former brains at the first chance just because, even if it doesn't benefit his game. 

He probably will, and it will most likely not help him in the long run. 

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Terry Dietz!  That's who Peter reminds me of.  Way too confident with his position in the game, thinks he's running things and in the loop, and doesn't consider himself a risk to be voted out (despite being blindsided once already).  But of course, that's because his tribe was stupid.  It didn't have anything to do with him being an insufferable jackass.

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Was Dietz as bad as Peter?  I don't remember wanting to throw my remote at the television with Dietz, but that was a long time ago.


I love when he calls his tribemates "these people."  As in, "these people are merely pests that stand in my way of winning this game, which I will surely do, since I am the smartest and most attractive player this season...possibly ever."


Has he NEVER watched this show?  Or does he truly have zero self-awareness?

Edited by laurakaye
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He's sorta good looking minus the stupid anchor tattoo. That said, he's overtly confident. He's either gonna get a big boot pre merge or he's going far. He's being seen too much not to last. IMO!!

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Can not wait to read Fauxbama's interviews tomorrow, just to see him spin the ultimate tale of how his tribemates were so threatened by his good looks and smarts that they voted him off because of jealousy at his awesomeness.


Now, if the rest of the men (minus Tai and Joe) follow?  I will consider this a good season.  Right now, it's very blah.

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By the end of his run, I found Peter to be an amusing villain and wished they had kept him around. I didn't take him seriously, because he was so cluelessly arrogant, but it was fun to watch him pontificate about how he was running the game, when it was obviously false. I prefer that sort of harmless arrogance, to mindlessly delusional, douchey mansplainers like Nick. 

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Peter looked truly lost and crushed after his interrogation by Joe, when he sat down by the fire with Julia.  I felt bad for him for approximately 2.5 seconds.  Then he talked again and that feeling went away.

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Here is his post-boot EW interview:  http://www.ew.com/article/2016/03/24/survivor-kaoh-rong-peter-baggenstos


I particularly think this part is priceless:

On why the others did not trust him:

“Right when we got on the beach, Aubry and Joe told everyone that I was this arrogant blah-blah-blah. And once that sticks in your mind, that first impression, that dialogue, and that narrative cannot be lost.”

And the reason why Aubry and Joe thought he was this "arrogant blah-blah-blah" was because.......????  Perhaps it is because he is indeed an arrogant jackass.  This man has absolutely no self-reflection at all.
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I can't stand this man's voice.  Anytime he opens his mouth, whatever he says is dripping with smug condescension that says "I am smarter and better looking than you and therefore everything I say is correct".  So happy he is gone.  I hope we don't have to hear much from him at the reunion.

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He just can't be trusted period. He tried to take out Joe and Aubry (glad that the others didn't listen to him)

imo, wrong timing for him to take them out, it's not merge yet,

he told Joe he tried to take them out, of course Joe would have told Aubry that

and if I were Joe or Aubry, I would absolutely vote for Pete


I can't remember Doctor Mick's personality in Samoa, the ally of Russell, was he like Pete?

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