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This is sort of related but it's something that occurred to me the other day. Apart from when the girls do the Spice Girls and Diamonds Are a Girls Best Friend, does Marley ever perform in the choir room. I've been wracking my brain trying to think of one and I can't.

She does Holding out for a Hero with Kitty, that's one I can think of right now.

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She does Holding out for a Hero with Kitty, that's one I can think of right now.


I think Marley and Brittany did Tell Him in the choir room. But when I think about it, I don't recall her doing other numbers in there.

So they spent a season telling us she's 'the new Rachel' but she never had a solo in the choir room.

It's weird, season 4 didn't have two split narratives, it had three.

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This is sort of related but it's something that occurred to me the other day. Apart from when the girls do the Spice Girls and Diamonds Are a Girls Best Friend, does Marley ever perform in the choir room. I've been wracking my brain trying to think of one and I can't.


I think she sang Everytime in the choir room, back in 4x02

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I just found this deleted scene from the season three finale. And I'm really annoyed it was cut. There was no reason to split up Tike, they could've stayed together off screen. It's not like they put either in another relationship.


Now that I've seen it, I'm annoyed too. It was a nice closure for Mike, who is one of the few decent people on this show (and it reminded me that I used to like Tina. Poor Jenna for getting thrown under the bus). 


I would've taken it over Rachel, very unfairly, getting into NYADA.

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"Rocky Horror Picture show" is on tonight in the weekend Glee rewind.  As that is one of the last episodes that I loved for Finn in S2, usually I would not hesitate to watch it.  Then "Transitioning" happened.  Now I think I am going to skip it due to Sam in his gold shorts starring on Rachel's picture wall.  Good job Glee!  Your current episodes are now driving me away from past episodes.  Same thing happened to me after the "How I met your Mother" finale.  


About the episode itself I loved Finn as Brad and Rachel as Janet.  They both nailed it.  I also loved Will & Emma in "Toucha toucha touch me."  It was ridiculous but they made it work, Jayma especially

Edited by camussie
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It was taken some time in that episode because he is wearing the gold shorts.

Taking pictures during The Timewarp made sense. But that isn't, so at some point Rachel took a picture of, at the time, Quinn's half-naked boyfriend. Or had one sent to her.

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About the episode itself I loved Finn as Brad and Rachel as Janet.  They both nailed it.


I agree, and would have loved to see them in the full production of Rocky Horror. I also loved Santana as the lips in the beginning.

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About the episode itself I loved Finn as Brad and Rachel as Janet.  They both nailed it.  I also loved Will & Emma in "Toucha toucha touch me."  It was ridiculous but they made it work, Jayma especially

Im still gutted we didn't get to see Mike dressed as Frank-n-Furter. I'd pay to see Jenna and Dianna as Magenta and Columbia.

Love Jayma, I'm sure I read that was her audition song.

Of all the roles Rachel has played on this show I always thought Janet suited her best.

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Taking pictures during The Timewarp made sense. But that isn't, so at some point Rachel took a picture of, at the time, Quinn's half-naked boyfriend. Or had one sent to her.

Glee is the worst. They were so lazy that they just used existing publicity stills, regardless of whether it made sense. Another one of the photos on the wall was a scene from Rachel's Season 4 DSB audition, which was a fantasy, so she also managed to get a snapshot of her imagination. Pretty impressive.

Edited by dlyn
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Responding from the 6.08 thread:


I've never watched friends, so I don't get the references, but I too think that the forced disappearance of Finn definitely affected Klaine and Brittana because they were the only important couples left, so they got more focus ultimately.I highly doubt that with Finn and Finchel around Brittana would've gotten as much focus this season, for example. But it affected them differently: I think they had more interest in Klaine so they actually made the effort to give them storylines and conflict, but the storylines sucked because this is Glee. Because they never cared much for Brittana when they no longer knew what to do with them, they just slapped them together with little effort and just gave them corny lines. Even the abuela storyline was left over from back in the day, and getting married is a non story... you just get married. So no effort there. Ironically, Brittana definitely ended up wining, though.

I think there was a practical issue, as well - they actually have Kurt and Blaine as regulars all season, so I don't know whether they were more INTERESTED or just had to do SOMETHING to keep the characters occupied, no matter what.  Personally, I think that's where the writers went wrong with Sam/Mercedes in Season 5 - because they had them on screen, they hooked them up again, even though it made Sam/Rachel this season seem (to me) to be rushed. 

I think if it hadn't been for Cory's death Brittana would have stayed apart and just been a high school romance. The two long term couples would've been Finchel and Klaine.

I certainly don't think Brittana would have gotten all this focus - but given the quick-fix given to Quick (seriously, who saw THAT coming!!) -- I think Brittana would probably have gotten the same ending, since a) they did at least date, and b) these writers clearly love their high school romances.

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I think that it's fairly clear that Cory's death did shift things very significantly and put Klaine from the "maybe" column to the "must have". We ended season four with Kurt giving a lot of indication that he had moved on from Blaine. He was dating Adam (and their last interaction hinted that their relationship was moving into more serious territory). His interactions with Blaine were ambivalent at best (and his voice over expressed that his hurt had passed and seeing Blaine no longer bothered him). We then jump to season five and Adam was suddenly no longer in the picture, and Kurt was more than willing to not only reconcile with Blaine, but accepted his marriage proposal.


Klaine became the new Finchel. And like FInchel, the relationship and the characters suffered badly as a result.

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I still think they all would have ended up together anyways. It seems that the Glee writers have a weird obsession with people ending up with their high school boyfriends/girlfriends. The only ones where that doesn't apply apparently are the people of colour who are not gay. Klaine, Brittana, Quick (which, was anybody even rooting for that couple or had it on the radar?), Finchel would have, now it looks like it might be Samchel (though I'm having my fingers crossed for St.Berry and I sure as hell never thought I'd say that - and even they dated in high school). They should advertise McKinley High as the school you send your kids to if you want them to find their soulmate (TM RIB) early in life. Like one of those matchmaking colleges, only for the underage.

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I still think they all would have ended up together anyways. It seems that the Glee writers have a weird obsession with people ending up with their high school boyfriends/girlfriends. The only ones where that doesn't apply apparently are the people of colour who are not gay. Klaine, Brittana, Quick (which, was anybody even rooting for that couple or had it on the radar?), Finchel would have, now it looks like it might be Samchel (though I'm having my fingers crossed for St.Berry and I sure as hell never thought I'd say that - and even they dated in high school). They should advertise McKinley High as the school you send

your kids to if you want them to find their soulmate (TM RIB) early in life. Like one of those matchmaking colleges, only for the underage.

Isn't this also bizarre given what happened with Will and Terri?

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I think Adam/Kurt were done no matter what. After all the Kurt/Blaine engagement, much like Rachel getting Funny Girl, was set up at the end of season 4. Also IIRC that summer before Cory passed there was no mention of Oliver returning to Glee.  That is why I really believed what changed in regards to Kurt/Blaine is not that they went from maybe to must have, rather they went from the secondary ship on the show to the primary one and with that came much more manufactured drama. Had they remained the secondary ship the would still have had their ups and downs after they got engaged but they would have stayed together through them.


As for people ending what up with someone they went to high school with I don't find it bizarre at all for a show rooted in a high school setting. For the real world, sure, but most high school shows end with the majority of the characters ending up with someone they went to high school with. That really isn't the issue as much as how badly these romances are written.

Edited by camussie
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I still think they all would have ended up together anyways. It seems that the Glee writers have a weird obsession with people ending up with their high school boyfriends/girlfriends. The only ones where that doesn't apply apparently are the people of colour who are not gay. Klaine, Brittana, Quick (which, was anybody even rooting for that couple or had it on the radar?), Finchel would have, now it looks like it might be Samchel (though I'm having my fingers crossed for St.Berry and I sure as hell never thought I'd say that - and even they dated in high school). They should advertise McKinley High as the school you send your kids to if you want them to find their soulmate (TM RIB) early in life. Like one of those matchmaking colleges, only for the underage.


There was nothing "maybe" about Kurt/Blaine imo. They were always intended as endgame ever since RIB saw the viewer and media response in Season 2 .Even after the breakup they were written as endgame. I agree with camussie about Adam as well, and how

Klaine had to be the primary couple after Cory passed with all unfortunate consequences.


Where the disconnect is, is that the writers concept of what is palatable to the viewers, shippers included, is different from the viewers'. RIB either overestimated the viewers' capacity for sticking with the endgame couple despite how they were jerked around, or never really bothered considering it. There was a tweet by the DP, I think early this season, that indicated they, or at least he, thought they were writing some grande amore for the ages. 

Edited by fakeempress
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IMO Adam was always a midgame LI at best, though I do think at one point they were going to give Kurt/Adam more exposition and screen time.

Howeer I think when they gave McKinley almost 90% of the screentime that plan went out the window.

Edited by caracas1914
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I think Adam/Kurt were done no matter what. After all the Kurt/Blaine engagement, much like Rachel getting Funny Girl, was set up at the end of season 4. Also IIRC that summer before Cory passed there was no mention of Oliver returning to Glee.  That is why I really believed what changed in regards to Kurt/Blaine is not that they went from maybe to must have, rather they went from the secondary ship on the show to the primary one and with that came much more manufactured drama. Had they remained the secondary ship the would still have had their ups and downs after they got engaged but they would have stayed together through them.




  Yes, I think Klaine was meant to be endgame but I also agree that losing Finchel meant way more focus on Klaine.  With those Glee writers more focus translates into more damage done to the characters.  The characters that have fared the best on Glee have been those with limited storylines/screentime.  I am very thankful that Groff didn't sign a contract that kept him enslaved to Glee.and at the whims of RIB's ADD writing.


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They should advertise McKinley High as the school you send your kids to if you want them to find their soulmate (TM RIB) early in life. Like one of those matchmaking colleges, only for the underage.

Unless you are a straight, woman of color. Then you are SOL.

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I think the big difference between Klaine and Finchel though is chemistry. I could overlook Finchel's often crap writing at times, because Cory and Lea sold it. The most Klaine ever sold with me was their early day flirtation. It was Glee tried to say they were more than a cute, flirty couple, was when I lost interest, and it only got worse as time went on and the actors distain for the story became more and more apparent (and who knows what the off-screen dynamics of Chris and Darren are, but I don't think either of them are particularly close to each other). I think Klaine is literally the only couple I've ever watched on TV that I thought either didn't actually like or know each other in any real way. Even other ships I passionately hate (like Ezria on PLL. DIE DIE DIE) I believe they know and like each other on some level. I'm actually amazed that people continued to stay with Klaine despite it all. 


So even though Finchel did have plenty of writing problems, they didn't frustrate me in the same way, because I bought it on some level. 


I agree Klaine would be endgame regardless of what happened with Cory, but I don't think their relationship would've gotten to the level of fucked up that it did because the focus wouldn't be on them that much (because I was mostly ok with them until Blaine out of nowhere dropped the engagement bomb. I was also naive and thought Klaine would work their shit out and once that engagement bomb was dropped, I realized that their sole function was to make shippers squeal, which if they had Brittana levels of chemistry might work on me, but since I tend to see Kurt trying to avoid looking Medusa (Blaine) in the eyes it utterly fails for people like me who mostly chemistry ship). 

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I realized that their sole function was to make shippers squeal, which if they had Brittana levels of chemistry might work on me,



Chemistry and well seeing chemistry between two characters/actors is such a subjective thing because case in point, I have never seen any chemistry between Brittany and Santana. Even going all the way back to when they were just friends and the fandom first started pushing the idea of their being secret lovers, I remember thinking that I didn't see what others were talking about and all the talk of their amazing chemistry was a bit exaggerated.


I loved the development of Santana fully coming to terms with her feelings for Brittany and accepting her sexuality but that had zero to do with the chemistry or even relationship between the two and more to do with Naya's amazing performances in showing Santana's struggle. Now in fairness, I have never bought any Brittany pairing because I have always felt Brittany was too dumb to have a serious relationship with anyone but also, I've never bought any chemistry between Heather and any of her co-stars. 


As for Kurt and Blaine, I thought Darren and Chris worked well together and sold the pairing right up until around Season 5. I don't think they had much to do in Season 3 as a couple because they were fairly ignored most of the time then but what little they did have worked, imo. Also, YMMV, but I actually enjoyed their scenes more than Rachel and Finn's in The First Time and thought they sold the chemistry and passion more in the side by side love making scenes. I don't know what happened, maybe this was when Cory and Lea had officially gotten together, but something was slightly off and awkward for me in their scenes. Of course Rachel's little red riding hood outfit didn't help either. 


I thought Kurt and Blaine were fine in the Break-Up episode and bought their hurt and pain there and I even thought they did fine in their post-breakup hookup at Will and Emma's abandoned wedding. Where I feel things just went way off the rails is Season 5, starting with the hokey and stupid proposal and onwards. Now I don't know if part of that is the fact that the actors were both fairly honest about not exactly being a fan of the engagement storyline or the rumors of their hating each other is true and it got worse but that's the point where it really became painful in my opinion, to watch them. The chemistry was completely gone, Kurt looked more and more detached and annoyed by Blaine's mere presence and Blaine just got more pathetic and whinier. 

Edited by truthaboutluv
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If the creators, show runners, actors, directors and writers got together in one room, I wonder how each one would explain what story they were trying to tell with Kurt and Blaine.  Perhaps, "We just wanted to sell as many iTunes downloads as possible"?  Was direction to the actors to portray one thing or another repeatedly ignored?  Was direction ever actually given?


For me, Kurt and Blaine stopped working in the Valentine's episode where Kurt thought Blaine wanted to sing to him.  I loved how brave it was for Kurt to admit at the end that he thought Blaine was going to sing to him, but I was shocked and disappointed at how bad Darren's acting was, at how much out of left field it was for Blaine to suddenly be this incompetent doofus.  It seemed like such a pointless interruption in the flow of the story which I thought should have been giving Kurt an innocuous and saccharine sweet first dating experience.


Blaine never seemed to me to be an endgame type match for Kurt.  Their energies just don't mesh at all--and I admit some (a lot?) of that is actor bleed to me.  Nothing about the two of them meshes well to me--the way they stand, speak, move--they just seem like two people who have no reason to spend any time whatsoever in one another's company.


I always pictured Kurt with a guy who was a little more Finn/Burt Hummel mix.  Smarter than Finn, hipper than Burt, but a more down-to-Earth, works-with-his-hands kind of guy.

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I always pictured Kurt with a guy who was a little more Finn/Burt Hummel mix.  Smarter than Finn, hipper than Burt, but a more down-to-Earth, works-with-his-hands kind of guy.


I'm now shipping Kurt/Ryder.

I read Puck/Kurt fix once, they really worked together.

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My fantasy Glee storyline would have been Bette Midler cast as Kurt's New York Jewish Yenta neighbor who keeps messing up her kitchen sink so she could set Kurt up with the dishy plumber (who naturally had a bar band he playing in on the weekends on account of It's Glee).  Dishy plumber would be all "not into Kurt Hummel gay guys," and Kurt would be all, "Not into guys whose hands are dirty," then dishy plumber's van wouldn't start and Kurt fixes it and dishy plumber apologizes for being judgey by inviting Kurt to come watch his band perform and Kurt is all, "Your way of apologizing is asking me to come watch you sing?"  Cue intro to song...


The end.


I have too much free time.

Edited by Myrna123
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and Kurt is all, "Your way of apologizing is asking me to come watch you sing?" Cue intro to song...

Kurt does have experience with watching his love interest sing. Would be immediate red flag for Kurt to get the hell out of there. LOL

I always pictured Kurt with a guy who was a little more Finn/Burt Hummel mix. Smarter than Finn, hipper than Burt, but a more down-to-Earth, works-with-his-hands kind of guy.

Sometimes Blaine and Kurt did mesh well, but yeah, I could see that. Maybe that will be Kurt's type when he rebounds after a horrible marriage to Blaine...you know, before he decides to get back together with him when everyone he knows tells him he was better with Blaine and Burt gives another "life is short" speech.
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Sometimes Blaine and Kurt did mesh well, but yeah, I could see that. Maybe that will be Kurt's type when he rebounds after a horrible marriage to Blaine...you know, before he decides to get back together with him when everyone he knows tells him he was better with Blaine and Burt gives another "life is short" speech.


God, that's so depressing. 


For me, Kurt and Blaine stopped working as a couple around the Whitney Houston episode. 

Edited by Ceeg
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Chemistry and well seeing chemistry between two characters/actors is such a subjective thing because case in point, I have never seen any chemistry between Brittany and Santana. Even going all the way back to when they were just friends and the fandom first started pushing the idea of their being secret lovers, I remember thinking that I didn't see what others were talking about and all the talk of their amazing chemistry was a bit exaggerated.

Fair enough. I fully admit to being biased and that I ship brittana pretty hard (and it started at a time I was desperate for lesbian representation). It became more apparent when to me when Dani was a thing. I guess there was chemistry, but it felt really forced? Idk, they always look like, extra happy around each other and I find it cute.

I'll always wonder what would have become of glee if the fans had been open to new ships (especially Klaine fans but all of them) and glee had actually bothered to explore new relationships, and with people not in glee club. I feel like Kurt outgrew the teenage dream. And even though they were really never gonna stray from Finchel until circumstances forced them too, I liked Brody/Rachel until him being too cliche about waiting at trains or whatever.

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Fair enough. I fully admit to being biased and that I ship brittana pretty hard (and it started at a time I was desperate for lesbian representation). It became more apparent when to me when Dani was a thing. I guess there was chemistry, but it felt really forced? Idk, they always look like, extra happy around each other and I find it cute.

I wish Brittany hadn't been written so childlike and utterly stupid. Had her relationship with Santana been more like Tike, in that they were more equal, I wouldn't have had a problem with the wedding. I mean they're young, and it is rare, but some people find their husband/wife in high school. The way they are now Santana feels more like a babysitter than a wife.

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I don't think Kurt would ever have been allowed to outgrow his teenage dream. Kurt/Blaine had the whiff of OTP from the start...based just on press before the first episode with Blaine even aired!

I wish Brittany hadn't been written so childlike and utterly stupid.

Yes, and now they have to keep reminding us that her brain just works differently and she's not really stupid at all, but a genius who just takes after her dad! What's Sam's excuse--dropped on his head as a baby? Poor guy just gets more and more stupid. Edited by indeed
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I don't think Kurt would ever have been allowed to outgrow his teenage dream. Kurt/Blaine had the whiff of OTP from the start...based just on press before the show even aired!


I think the reception to "Never been kIssed" when Blaine sang "Teenage Dream" to Kurt spawned the Klaine Kracken, and not necessarily (in hind sight) in a good way.  However the fact remains that Glee NEVER wrote any relationship well, so even if they broke up Klaine they would have ruined any other relationships that Kurt had with someone else.   I mean Adam would have eventually cracked an egg on his head, and Elliot would have turned out to be a male gigolo.  Small blessings, they never went the way of Kurt/Karofsky.

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Yes, and now they have to keep reminding us that her brain just works differently and she's not really stupid at all, but a genius who just takes after her dad!

I swear nothing had me swearing at this show like the 'Brittany is a genius' storyline. Even geniuses work bloody hard in their field. And none are that freaking stupid.

I also hate the Hawking thing. He's a real life man, with real life children (most of who are old enough to have children Brittany's age). It was just so icky.

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However the fact remains that Glee NEVER wrote any relationship well, so even if they broke up Klaine they would have ruined any other relationships that Kurt had with someone else.   I mean Adam would have eventually cracked an egg on his head, and Elliot would have turned out to be a male gigolo.  Small blessings, they never went the way of Kurt/Karofsky.



No, they just went with Blaine and Karofsky because somehow that was better because hey, at least Blaine wasn't the one Karofsky threatened to kill. 


But yes, with the way these writers seem to have no concept of good relationships, any alternate pairing would have been just as screwed up. Adam barely having a personality was the best thing for the character, same with Elliot being the Gary Stu-friend. I do agree that it sucked that none of the characters were ever given legitimate chances to move on and genuine alternate relationships.


As I said before, for all the talk of Kurt being saddled with Blaine and the writers not making him move on, I don't think they allowed Blaine too either. Hell Kurt at least got Adam who left before he was ruined. You can fanwank that Kurt did have another relationship and at least dated a nice guy for awhile that just didn't work out because for whatever reason he still wanted Blaine or whatever. But at least Adam seemed like a good enough person. Blaine only got the Facebook hookup, creepy crush on straight Sam and then relationship with once creepy, crazy Karofsky. Oh and Kurt got grandpa too this season.

Edited by truthaboutluv
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No, they just went with Blaine and Karofsky because somehow that was better because hey, at least Blaine wasn't the one Karofsky threatened to kill.


What was so staggeringly stupid of that pairing was that by not referencing at all the past (other than Sue's  musings) they neutered it so badly that worse than offensive, it became completely inconsequential.

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Yes, the show could have gone into some real interesting territory by breaking them up and bringing Karofsky into the mix, but nah! Too bad Sebastian has a hit TV show 'cause now that could've been highly entertaining. Oh, the smirking!

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Yes, every Glee relationship is doomed to the writing. However, chemistry can redeem things for me, a little bit. I just wonder if all the ships were chemistry was weak had love interests that worked better with them, I would've found them more tolerable.

I also think, for this season, I could also handle the shitty romantic relationships more if we had other stuff going on for these characters. What are Klaine and Sam doing other than ship stuff? Or Brittana (except the Abuela thing). I guess there's sectionals eventually, but glee seemed to forget about that. And Rachel trying to get back to Broadway, but that's only around half the time. -sigh-

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See that is where I disagree.  Professional acting/theater programs teach performers techniques to, not only interpret the material, but how to keep it fresh performance after performance, take after take.  They also give performers a rounded view of what a production takes so that they learn, that while they may be the star, there is an entire team working on making a production great.  Both of those are things Rachel needs to learn as she got bored with "Funny Girl" after a month and as she also never seemed to grasp that, while she was the star of "Funny Girl,"  there were many many others who also made the production the success it was.

I think one of the biggest thing glee missed with Rachel's journey was changing her as a performer. From someone who put themselves first, last and always to someone who wanted to be a star but understood she couldn't do that alone.

They'd did do it with Rachel as a person, she did develop close friendships, but as a performer she never learned that even when you're the star of the show you're still part of a team and you support others as much as they support you.

I think in Nationals it would've been a more interesting storyline if Rachel had already been accepted to college and someone else needed that lead.

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They could have done that this season  with Rachel putting aside her own self absorbed tendencies to just be there for the kids.  For example when Kurt and Sam wanted to take away a week of Sectionals prep in order to focus on Rachel's latest crisis it would have been wonderful if she put her foot down and said no.  Not everything is about me.  We do need to bond with these kids and it needs to be about them not me.  It just really frustrates me we have seen little to no growth from her this year when I think the whole point of her blowing up her career should have been for her to rebuild herself into a more mature and resilient person.  

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We got Rachel basically saying she didn't know anything about the kids still and proceeded to do nothing about it again.


This whole season feels aimless. These characters don't have much of an inner life because they're often so busy interfering with other people's love lives or gravitating to that Choir Room to grow as people.


The New New Directions have some potential as new characters but they're frequently overshadowed by alumni that refuse to break free of their highschool lives or their selfishness.


Considering that Sectionals are apparently 2 weeks away and they don't have a full squad and it doesn't seem like Rachel or Kurt has spent any time on camera teaching these kids anything about actual singing or dancing just assigning random artists for these people to work through on their own.

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Yeah my issue is two fold. On the one hand I HATE that they will have three guys (Sam, Kurt and Jesse) trying to tell Rachel what is best for her. Glee has a habit of the "menfolk" always knowing better. (The only difference is when they had Tina applying to colleges for Mike and going to talk to his father behind his back. But for some reason, I always felt like they put Tina in the male role in that relationship. She was always shown as the aggressor). So I'm just not really here for a bunch of guys trying to tell the "little lady" what she needs to do for her future.

The only relationships I can think that didn't have habit of the "menfolk" knowing better were Tike and Jarley. Someone please tell me there's another example!

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Considering that Sectionals are apparently 2 weeks away and they don't have a full squad and it doesn't seem like Rachel or Kurt has spent any time on camera teaching these kids anything about actual singing or dancing just assigning random artists for these people to work through on their own.

Well to be fair that is how they were brought up thinking that is how a glee club was run.   Except for Rachel's first and nice mentoring session with Jane no we haven't seen that. 

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Well to be fair that is how they were brought up thinking that is how a glee club was run.   Except for Rachel's first and nice mentoring session with Jane no we haven't seen that. 


True... but then they both went to a premiere performing arts school and Kurt stuck around and is doing teaching as part of some qualification so you'd think they might bring some of that back to Glee Club.


Kurt could be showing them how to improve their vocal range with voice exercises and Rachel could be teaching them some basic dance moves in order to improve their choreography.


Though I suppose at this point I just have to assume that all these kids somehow know how to arrange their own choreography and synchronise it with random dance/music partners every week with little to supervision from their 2 to 12 Glee Club advisors.

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