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This show is the only show on television that I religiously love to hate to watch.

Me, too.  At the risk of sounding repetitive, Ree is pretty much a cooking show hack.  Her lack of originality is epic, and in fact I'm kind of surprised that groups like Taste of Home and the Pawhuska Church Cookbook Committee of 1975 haven't come after her with pitchforks.  "Hey bitchcakes, that's our top secret recipe for garlic bread made with butter and garlic salt.  Back off."

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At the risk of sounding repetitive, Ree is pretty much a cooking show hack.

Yes, she really is. My personal favorite moment was when she made home-made spaghetti sauce, and the secret ingredient was a jar of store-bought spaghetti sauce. WTF? And I think she did that twice in 3 or 4 weeks.

And hi, grisgris! Nice to see you here. Loved reading your posts on TWOP. I was LadySadie there.

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Today's last show (the 1:30 16 minute meal edition) perfectly illustrates the hilarity of calling this a cooking show for me. Spending two segments on French bread pizza? Really? "You take the baguettes and the marinara and then you assemble it". The funniest thing about that for me was when they went to commercial between the segments and the first one that came up is Giada's Kohler commercial where she makes the meatballs AND the sauce from scratch in 60 seconds.

French Bread pizza was only slightly more cooking than the assembling the sammiches for the football camp episode.

Edited by SanLynn
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I've watched only once and was totally confused by the "kitchen" and the setup.  It reminded me of a cooking show for young women who have never cooked.  Sure was basic.  The one I saw  was her making cupcakes - then rolling in butter and sugar.  I almost gagged when I realized that it was suppose to be the entire breakfast for the family.  Sure not a health show.

The favorite dishes  for her kids was another cannotbelieve moment - wow - carrots and frozen peas.

I'm thinking it looks like a lot of hype and a busy blogger

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Oh, give me a home, where the wild (subsidized) mustangs roam...

And where no one can find us all day (because we live in the middle of nowhere)

Where often is heard a discouraging word (about the crappy recipes)

And the fierce wind is whipping all of the way (that's why we like to entertain guests outdoors and better yet, have dangerous bonfires)

Sorry, that's been swirling in my mind since the new site launched this thread.

I watched the "Family Favorites" episode the other day (seen it before) and poor Paigey really got the raw deal. Carrots and frozen peas. If you're going to replicate frozen TV dinners, then do it right. Have mashed potatoes and a brownie in the corner. I'm surprised that Ree didn't rummage up those replicas of frozen dinner trays to serve that meal. Gosh, Aunt Sandy and even Trisha has them. Ree is slipping. 




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Today I saw the 16 minute meals. The French bread pizzas........please!! My kids made those 15 yrs ago! FOR A SNACK....

Can you say to your family......I care a bout you enough to spend 16 minutes on your supper. A few chunks of canned pineapple and ham on a slice of bread! This should be taken off FN and the tapes be played in 8th grade home ec classes...oh wait, do they still have those classes?

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Lisin, your comment about her chcocolate seet cake being commonly referred to as Texas sheet cake is exactly what bugs the shit out of me the most. That recipe is absolutely identical to the one I inherited from my aunt, who brought it to pretty much every party I can remenber attending since 1965. She presents it on her blog like it's hers. In a posting where she's bragging about some Italian person writing to her and praising her best ever lasagna, which I'm betting she lifted directly from somewhere else. She doesn't have the professional ethics or decency to attribute her material to other people. And yet, her people would probably be all over anyone who tried to rebrand her "best ever chocolate cake" to "super fantastic chocolate cake" on their blog. She's so much worse about stealing recipes and passing them off as her own than Paula Deen ever was.

It would almost be better to name this Ree's Plagiarism Zone (aka Test Kitchen), but I'm sure that wouldn't last for long.

Edited by anneofcleves
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With all due respect, that's not the point. Ree passes these so-called recipes off as her own creations, when in fact, they are not. Other FN hosts will say that a recipe is from "so and so," and they may make some adaptation, but they don't profess them as their own original recipes.

I want to know the day when microwaving a tortilla with onions, cheese and hot sauce constitutes a dish fitting for a cooking show. Has Ree put her copyright on that one yet?  LOL!

Edited by grisgris
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I don't think anyone was under the impression that Ree (or anyone) invented that chocolate cake recipe, and she fully gave credit to the frosting recipe (someone posted that to her blog) so I think that isn't really the point. I don't think Anne Burrell invented steak with mushroom sauce or whatever but it's nice to watch the technique or to get ideas. I don't think Ree is anywhere near as bad as Aunt Sandy, she's never scooped the innards out of a store bought cheesecake to make cheescake pops. I think it's fun to snark on some of her Semi Homemade "recipes" like the tortilla in the microwave but I don't think she's guilty of stealing recipes. Most of the things she makes are comfort food type things that have been in the lexicon forever.

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Right,grisgris. Lisin, if you google, she's pretty much laid claim to that cake. Her name is associated with it, and I think there are lots of people who believe it's hers. She's an unfortunate byproduct of the blogging culture who never learned proper attribution. People can nitpick about originality, like when demonstrating a classic fried chicken, but this stupid cake is ingredient for ingredient the same as the recipe in my box.

Thank goodness she wasn't stupid enough to rebrand Toll House cookies as her own. That would be fun to watch.

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I ultimately don't care that much who takes credit for what in this sense because I'm guessing it's a super old recipe that basically everyone's grandmother made. I don't even make it remotely the same way as she does, I use different ingredients (I use yogurt not buttermilk because I always have yogurt I never have buttermilk) and I use different cocoa powder and different amounts of it but I still tell everyone it's Texas Sheet cake if they ask (I also exclusively make it as cupcakes) because in my head that's what it is.

That frosting though? The one with the cooked milk and flour? Seriously, do yourself a favor and make it. It is a GIGANTIC pain in the ass, there's a better recipe here but you will not be sorry. It is amazing. 

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Trying to fit into the norms of my new land so I am creating an espisode thread.

I had to look up the season and episode number, and I am amazed.  This is the 7th season???

Anyway, I watched the Bryceeeee episode the other day.  Bryce is a cute kid and you can tell he does have animated expressions like Ree said in her voiceover.  Of course he was on camera and probably mugs it up more in real life - I'm sure he is quite funny.  I wonder if he likes being called either B-Man or Bryceeee.

Ree made an Italian meatloaf.  And she used FOUR eggs!  I usually use one.  Are four eggs typical?

I saw the recipe for the "salad" was called "B-Man Salad."  It should have been "B-Man Dressed Lettuce," because literally that's all it was.

I loved the scene of B-Man with the Bassett hound.  Those dogs are the best part of this show.

Edited by Aquarius
  • Love 3

I love those dogs so much! Such good names too, Charlie and Walter. They're too funny.

I've noticed that often she's making HUGE portions of whatever so maybe it was a really big batch of meatloaf? I don't remember specifically because I haven't seen the episode in a while but I'm betting she used quadruple the amount of everything and just didn't mention amounts of meat etc. and you just saw the eggs because they're obvious. Generally speaking she's feeding at least 6 people, 4 of whom are growing teens/pre-teens and all of whom spend their entire days riding horses and burning calories like no ones business so I get the portion size I just wish they'd mention it more often while filming because a lot of times it just looks like she's a crazy person.

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She did mention that she made a whole meatloaf although it was just B-Man and her for dinner.  She said something like meatloaf is the best ever leftover (I happen to agree it's good, but my vote for best is beef stew).  The loaf was on the larger side but not colossal.  I think two pounds of ground beef maybe and the typical amount of bread soaked in milk.  (Oh sorry, it was Ciabatta to make it Italian).  So I'm thinking it was not quadruple sized.

And thanks for reminding me of the second Bassett's name!  I could only remember Charlie.  They are the uncredited stars of the show.

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What I found strange about the "Bryceeee" episode was how Ree didn't know what position her son plays for the local football team.  She said he played defensive back, but his jersey had the No. 17 on it.  That's a quarterback number, not a defensive back.  And the fact her husband's the team coach, well her kid ain't playing defensive back.  Surely she's not that dim.

Brycee, Toddy, Paigey.....makes me crazy with those "cutesy" names! I watch the show but something about this family doesn't set right with me. Ladd has the personality of a rock. Ree seems a little too laid back and such a goody two shoes. And don't get me started on Cowboy Josh! He seems kind of sleazy and gives Paigey a come hither look. Eww....creepy!

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What I found strange about the "Bryceeee" episode was how Ree didn't know what position her son plays for the local football team.  She said he played defensive back, but his jersey had the No. 17 on it.  That's a quarterback number, not a defensive back.  And the fact her husband's the team coach, well her kid ain't playing defensive back.  Surely she's not that dim.

I would believe it. 

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While the kids and Ladd are outside working the bulls, Ree is making them a rib-sticking meal for when the school bell rings. There's Strawberry Lemonade to refresh them when they get to the lodge, and then Scalloped Potatoes and Ham with a side of Lemony Green Beans. To keep things sweet, Chocolate Pecan Crispy Treats before the kids get down to their studies


I give her props in this episode.  She made the potatoes completely from scratch (no cream 'o gack soup!), and she cooked an actual green vegetable.  Her desserts rarely speak to me, but all in all it was a good show.  The thing about her show that is consistently interesting (to me) is "life on the ranch" and watching her kids grow up.  Her cooking is pretty rudimentary stuff.

I really liked the mandoline she used for the potatoes.  If anyone noticed it and knows the brand, please let me know. 

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I have not used it with tomatoes. I don't use it on a regular basis, it is kind of big so I have it stored in a weird area. I have an out of sight out of mind problem. I have used it for potatoes, onion, squash, peppers & other firm vegetables. I have not used all the attachments, but the 3-4 I tried worked fine. I saw some complaints about the guard, I have never had a problem with it. It is pretty big but holds things securely.

I hope that helps.

This one is way cheaper and gets better reviews.


Edited by CheeseBurgh
The whole family is pitching in for a big party to celebrate Ree's father-in-law, Chuck's, birthday. Everyone is gathering at the lodge for a Cajun Surf and Turf feast, with rare beef tenderloin and juicy jumbo shrimp, and Cajun Mashed Potatoes and Garlic Butter Dinner Rolls on the side. The girls are helping Ree make a delicious Strawberry Shortcake Cake, while her sister-in-law makes Salad and her mother-in-law takes the boys shopping. It's one birthday Chuck will never forget.

Didn't Ree make that same, or a similar cake, for Pa-Pa's birthday last time?  I thought the use of the cajun seasoning on the tenderloin (I cried), shrimp, vegetables and in the mashed potatoes was overkill. At least she didn't use it to coat the frozen dinner rolls.  I didn't follow the vegetables in the cream-wine sauce. It seemed more like a sauce for the shrimp than a side dish. I also wish we'd seen the prep for Missy's salad. It sounded interesting. 

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I don't find her as annoying as I did when her show first started airing on Food Network. There was a very early episode, which I think revolved around a birthday party for one of her sons. 

So in this episode, she kind of pontificated that she and her family don't make big deals out of kids' birthdays like other people do, and that they prefer a just a quiet celebration with family. The whole speech had kind of a "Aw shucks I'm just a bumpkin farm girl" schtick to it, like she was trying to sell a simpler, slower-paced way of life. Then she proceeded to get into her late-model pickup truck and drive for 15 MINUTES to the lodge, which she said is what they use for family celebrations.

Lady, who the hell do you think you were fooling? It's obvious to anyone with eyes that your husband's family owns a significant chunk of Oklahoma, and is quite wealthy. Not rich, but wealthy. My parents both grew up in Iowa, on farms, and I have quite a few family members that make all or part of their living farming. I can assure you that none of them live like that, nor have they ever. 

It was just so phony and fake that it turned me off right away, and I didn't watch for awhile. Then I started watching episodes here and there again, and she seems to have toned that down. Now it's just her recipes that make me roll my eyes. And what gets me is that I've heard that some of the recipes on her blog are pretty creative, unique, and sophisticated. So I don't get why she dumbs things down so much for her Food Network show. 

Edited by Queasy-bo
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I always kind of assumed that because they owned a cattle ranch they got meat cheaper than most? I mean there is literally no evidence of that fact and they do show her buying meat at the store but I still think that in real life (not for the show) they probably have a whole cow or two broken down in some freezer because they own a cattle ranch. 

You can make pork tenderloin in pretty much the same way though and it's much cheaper. Also not as gigantic. 

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Sorry, I wasn't being clear when I posted, I meant to say that if someone here wanted a substitute for the beef that pork tenderloin is really good and also much cheaper.

I also didn't mean to imply that I thought the ranch slaughtered beef, I do think they are probably able to buy sides of beef for cheaper prices then I personally would though. I know tons of farmers that do this exact thing. They raise the cattle on their ranch and buy a side or two from the processor. When you live as far out as they do that's just sort of normal. I can understand why they FN always shows her grocery shopping but I'd wager she doesn't actually need to buy meat at the grocery store. 

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