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Bring It! - General Discussion

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I can't even listen to Mimi. Seriously, shut up. I hope at the end of the day Camryn doesn't get the captain spot, although I'm afraid she will. The sense of entitlement is unbearable.

Kayla's mom and dad, adorable. Always love when JJ is on too. Diana hit it on the head re the expressions on the Twins' faces.

Why does everyone have SO much extra hair this season? Selina is so pretty with the short sleek bob, that long heavy look is awful. And don't get me started with Mimi and Camryn's hair.

Is Kayla going away for college? Nothing wrong with working as an assistant if she is going to school locally.


I can't even listen to Mimi. Seriously, shut up. I hope at the end of the day Camryn doesn't get the captain spot, although I'm afraid she will. The sense of entitlement is unbearable.

I too, hope Camryn does not get the captain spot, but feel like this whole other girls get a chance to shine while Camryn sits on the sidelines is for when Camryn inevitably gets the captain spot. I could have sworn there was another co-captain that Camryn battled a season or so ago when it seemed like all the various captain positions, besides Kayla's, were up for grabs. I think Christiana got some position. I wondered why that girl wasn't being featured as someone to take over Kayla's spot.


I really liked both of the girls that were featured tonight that we have not seen before. The captain solo girl and the one that lead stands. Though I felt sorry for the girl who lead the stand battle since they lost, and that gives Mimi more ammunition to say that Camryn should have lead.

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I'm torn on trio-gate. The kids and moms seemed to think that the concern was that they might not get 1st, and if that was indeed the concern, I'd say they should have gone for it. But at the same time, as a cheer mom, I've seen teams that simply weren't ready, and that's when injuries happen or when kids come off the mat in tears because they forgot halfway through. And I'm not convinced the trio wasn't in the latter category, where they just plain weren't ready to perform at all.

Leaving before awards is in poor form. I wonder if Lifetime is pushing for it, since it's played out on both Dance Moms and Bring It recently.

So I see Tracy and the Miami team are getting a show now? Of course I will be watching.... However, it makes me feel like them being involved in the show last season was all a setup. I always wondered why they would go so far from home to compete.

I'm sorry to say I am starting to really dislike Camryn. Her entitled attitude is grating. Really wish Christianna would become Captain.

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I'm sorry to say I am starting to really dislike Camryn. Her entitled attitude is grating. Really wish Christianna would become Captain.

And Camryn used to be so humble and teachable. I wonder if the changes are producer-driven, stage mother-driven, or adolescent-hormone driven. Or some bat shit crazy combination of the three.


I'm torn on trio-gate. The kids and moms seemed to think that the concern was that they might not get 1st, and if that was indeed the concern, I'd say they should have gone for it. But at the same time, as a cheer mom, I've seen teams that simply weren't ready, and that's when injuries happen or when kids come off the mat in tears because they forgot halfway through. And I'm not convinced the trio wasn't in the latter category, where they just plain weren't ready to perform at all.

I haven't seen the episode yet. Were the girls being taught cheer moves by an actual professional (or former) cheerleader, or was Dianna winging it?


And the girls do need to keep learning the valuable lesson that when you lose, it's usually because you just weren't good enough--or weren't' prepared enough. It's not always the unfair judges, the bias of the home town crowd, etc.

I'm torn on trio-gate. The kids and moms seemed to think that the concern was that they might not get 1st, and if that was indeed the concern, I'd say they should have gone for it. But at the same time, as a cheer mom, I've seen teams that simply weren't ready, and that's when injuries happen or when kids come off the mat in tears because they forgot halfway through. And I'm not convinced the trio wasn't in the latter category, where they just plain weren't ready to perform at all.

Leaving before awards is in poor form. I wonder if Lifetime is pushing for it, since it's played out on both Dance Moms and Bring It recently.

I think that the trio was ready, but the girls who were supposed to be part of the intro (the rest of the team that stayed behind) was not. The first time I saw it I was confused, because Kayla was working with 12-14 girls, Diana pulled her aside and asked "What do you think" then they had a whole conversation about the trio not being ready. It wasn't until I re-watched that I understood Diana's lead in about the trio having three parts, the intro, the trio and the closing that I realized that those girls were the intro. I guess without Diana there, they couldn't pull it together and she only had them the day of the competition for a few hours beforehand.


I wonder if the trio (all of whom traveled to NYC) could have done the dance without the intro or if that was either too simple or too hectic...


It wasn't until I re-watched that I understood Diana's lead in about the trio having three parts, the intro, the trio and the closing that I realized that those girls were the intro. I guess without Diana there, they couldn't pull it together and she only had them the day of the competition for a few hours beforehand.

She could have just cut the intro and let the trio dance. They could've come up with an intro on the fly. Dianna seemed to be the only one worried about them not getting 1st place.


I'm a couple of episodes behind--I just watched the NYC episode. I like how wide-eyed and amazed the girls were in Times Square. I'm sure some of them had never left Mississippi before this trip.


Mimi used to be my favorite mom, but this season, she's getting on my nerves. Every week, she pitches a fit if Camryn isn't picked to be captain. Even though Dianna has explained several times that she wants to give multiple girls a chance to experience being captain for the week, and she will make a decision at the end of the summer on who will lead the team going forward. Mimi knows this and still has a fit every week. No, Camryn is not head and shoulders above the other dancers the way Kayla was at 14 or 15 (whenever she became captain).

--I actually like Selena better than Mimi at this point. And Chrystianna's aunt (Rittany?) is also one of my favorites.


Does anyone know how the compensation works? I'm sure Dianna and the "main" DD moms get compensation, but what about the girls themselves? For example, I've seen Michayla and Micaiah featured more than their mothers--do the girls paid for their one-one-one interviews?

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Why haven't we heard anything about Tamia this year? Wasn't she one of the captains last year? I'm pretty sure I've seen her performing during the episodes but they haven't mentioned her at all. Shouldn't she be in contention for the captain spot this year?


I'm surprised that the team won the stand battle in last night's episode given Makya's fall in the stand. I thought the Southern Royalettes were pretty good.

I'm guessing the Southern Royalettes were created for the show, possibly at the request of the producers.  I've seen PGA cheer (Pat Grey Academy-the studio they are out of) at competitions locally (and they're good). It seemed more like cheer routines to me (although they did pull back on the stunting compared to what they can do-which is reasonable on a gym floor without mats or a spring floor). If anything, I suspect their technique was too clean for Majorette, which may be where they fell down with the judges.


I wonder if they'll do the same thing with PGA that they did with the SupaStars, where they'll start popping up regularly with an eye to a spin-off.


Why haven't we heard anything about Tamia this year? Wasn't she one of the captains last year? I'm pretty sure I've seen her performing during the episodes but they haven't mentioned her at all. Shouldn't she be in contention for the captain spot this year?

Miss Dianna mentioned her briefly when she acknowledged Sunjai and Kayla graduating. She and some others are also graduating.


I thought Mimi was rude with her talking head after Michayla was chosen as captain for the week. I am assuming that Camryn got the captain position or else I would have seen Mimi's head explode all the way over here in Chicago. If there is another season I will not be looking forward to watching Mimi and Camryn continue to be smug and entitled.

Edited by Misslindsey
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I thought Mimi was rude with her talking head after Michayla was chosen as captain for the week. I am assuming that Camryn got the captain position or else I would have seen Mimi's head explode all the way over here in Chicago. If there is another season I will not be looking forward to watching Mimi and Camryn continue to be smug and entitled.

I definitely think the attitude lies more with Mimi, but she's influencing Camryn, who used to be very sweet and humble.

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Does anyone know who pays for all of the costumes the girls wear?  They must cost a fortune.


I checked online, and even a basic costume was over $100.  If they have a show every week, that's $400/Mo just for costumes, plus whatever is charged for the classes, busses to contests, etc.  Are all of the parents wealthy?  I see that Sunjai got a new Infiniti for a graduation present.

Edited by Honey
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My guess is that they wouldn't have nearly as many costumes if the TV show wasn't happening, nor would they have as many performances or travel as far.

Having said that, my DD has a friend on a similar team, and the parents have a lot of fundraisers. They park cars for big events like the county fair, they sell concessions at the local minor league baseball stadium, and stuff like that. The team contracts with the event, and the team parents work it, with the money they earn deposited into their child's account. I don't think many parents just write a check.

Why haven't we heard anything about Tamia this year? Wasn't she one of the captains last year? I'm pretty sure I've seen her performing during the episodes but they haven't mentioned her at all. Shouldn't she be in contention for the captain spot this year?


Tamia was promoted to captain before filming started back but through some dramatic events that I won't get into on the forum, she is no longer on the team and she is a Purple Diamond now.

Tamia was promoted to captain before filming started back but through some dramatic events that I won't get into on the forum, she is no longer on the team and she is a Purple Diamond now.

That's a shame. She was my favorite to watch. 


The Miami team got a spin-off which looks like will focus on their competition dancing: http://www.mylifetime.com/shows/step-it-up

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I can't say I'm surprised that Camryn was picked as the captain, but I'm not mad. All 3 girls danced and led the team well, but Camryn seems like the one that the other girls look to for guidance.



The Miami team got a spin-off which looks like will focus on their competition dancing:

I'm going to post this here since Step it Up doesn't have its own thread (and might not ever). I don't like the show, probably because I don't like Tracy. She's a great dance teacher, but I don't like her personality at all. She's always in performance mode, making it clear to everyone around her how "fierce, tough, and demanding" she is. IMO she's unnecessarily mean to her dancers, she carries a baseball bat at her practices (does she want them to think she'd hit them with it), and she uses far too much profanity to be talking to a group of mostly teenagers.


That said, her dancers are amazing. Their technique and execution were flawless. Very precise moves.

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Damn if Tracy's squad isn't rough to look at...but their technique is impressive! LOL!

That bat, though. Shake it at me...and its going up your azz. Not cool! Girlfriend must think she's Debbie Allen's protégé.

On another note...her implants look SUUUUPER uncomfortable on her frame. And the constant midriff baring isn't cute, neither.

Edited by MichelEliz
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Straight from Tamia's Instagram:

"There's always 2 sides to every story . You heard their side (which was second hand information). Now here is our side which is 1st hand information . Now you decide!!! Facts:

1. I'm not going to even speak on her husband because he wasn't around to see any of the incidents or fights happen. By all means protect your wife, but speak on things you know and not here say. His accusations and so called (FACTS) are NULL AND VOID‼️ And the answer to your question (why didn't I leave the team if it was so bad?) because I love to dance and we were all supposed to be family. And in fact I don't get paid a dime to be on the show! 2. First fight the coach knew there were a group of women and their daughters outside the Dollhouse in a huddle because she just had a verbal altercation with them. The coach could have prevented the altercation but she was scared of the same people because she was in the middle of the drama herself. Instead of telling these group of women to leave the premises she folded under pressure because she just kicked 2 of the dance members off ; therefore she just let them linger around. When my sister pulled up, they immediately started talking noise to my sister and her 2friends. In the midst of words being exchange all 8 females including parents walked up on my sister and tried to jump her . With 8 people trying to jump my sister all she could've done was protect herself and fight back . Why in gods name would my sister walk up to 8 females by herself ? The fight happened by my sisters car so that lets you know that they walked up on her. After the fight , she gave me the option to either stay inside the factory or go outside to see about my family. Which one option would you have taken ? 3. As far as the gun situation, no one had one. Only 1 person claimed they saw a gun and the coach just ran with that , instead of listening to our side of the story. When this situation happened, she seized the opportunity to demote me!! 4. A particular girl that's 18 trespassed and came to where I live. My mom asked her why she wanted to fight me. She disrespected my mom and called me out my name, but I was on my way to practice and I didn't have time for the drama. Later that the same girl came to the Dollhouse and caught me off guard and tried to fight my mom and I and she brought two other girls with her. I had no control of her coming to the Dollhouse nor was I aware that she was coming up there. I didn't have control over neither fight , but the 1st one could have been avoided if proper actions were taken. The coach nor her husband were outside for either fight. 5. The team voted for me as their captain, so if I brought so much negativity to the Dollhouse and the team , why was I picked as captain ? After all this happened , why did they vote for me to come back? 6. Why haven't the coach hired any security for the building ? The only time the Dollhouse has security is when the cameras are there. Without having security , she leaves her girls vulnerable to any outside fans or enemy's including herself."

It may be a little hard to understand without the tweets she was responding to, but I think you can get the idea.

I haven't been watching the show, so I don't know what all of the drama is about, but (a) I detest it when women are referred to as "females." As if they are animals, not human beings. And (b) it's absolutely no shock that there was more fighting going on. There has always been a distinct lack of maturity in the adults on this show and that filters down to their kids. Throughout the seasons, we've seen physical alternations, shouting matches, baiting one another, altercations in front of the children, and all sorts of behavior unbecoming to women who should be role-modeling for those young girls. They are all overly invested in something that is an afterschool hobby for their children. This is dance team, not saving lives. In my opinion, all of the parents need to reassess their priorities and Dianna needs to hold herself to a higher level of professionalism.


I also wanted to say that I did request a Step it Up forum, and one has been created. It is very interesting to watch Bring It and Step it Up, side by side. Traci's organization is clearly organized and professional. It is obvious that Traci has had considerable professional experience and opportunities that Dianna did not. Traci's dancers are better, the technique is better, the choreography is better, and the costuming is better (although still tacky.) Dianna's group comes across as amateurish in every respect. Which isn't an insult, it just is what it is: an organization founded by a lady with little experience, but who liked to dance and is basically making it up as she goes along, and serving a clientele that doesn't know much about the dance world. Her kids are doing this as a hobby. Traci's kids are much more serious about dance and it shows. However, at least Dianna isn't the exhibitionist Traci is. Traci seems to be overly concerned with her look and her "effect" as she calls it. It's hard to look at her sometimes, she's got so much going on.

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I also wanted to say that I did request a Step it Up forum, and one has been created. It is very interesting to watch Bring It and Step it Up, side by side. Traci's organization is clearly organized and professional. It is obvious that Traci has had considerable professional experience and opportunities that Dianna did not. Traci's dancers are better, the technique is better, the choreography is better, and the costuming is better (although still tacky.) Dianna's group comes across as amateurish in every respect. Which isn't an insult, it just is what it is: an organization founded by a lady with little experience, but who liked to dance and is basically making it up as she goes along, and serving a clientele that doesn't know much about the dance world. Her kids are doing this as a hobby. Traci's kids are much more serious about dance and it shows. However, at least Dianna isn't the exhibitionist Traci is. Traci seems to be overly concerned with her look and her "effect" as she calls it. It's hard to look at her sometimes, she's got so much going on.

Thanks. I can take my Traci comments over there. I'll just agree with you that her dance team is better than the Dolls. But Traci's personality leaves a lot to be desired, and I like Dianna better as a person (though Dianna does have some ratchet tendencies).

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The show is back! 


The New Years Eve episode was a little unnecessary, but it was fun to see the moms hang out with Dianna in a calm, relaxed environment. It's funny that a viewer asked Selena if she'd had butt implants. I couldn't stop staring at her chest. Her boobs were huge. I don't remember them being that big before, so I wonder if she had a boob job also. 


The street battle with the Compton dancers was interesting, but I blown away by either team. I don't think the Compton Divas (?) were especially good dancers--or maybe it was the choreography, which was very basic. And surprisingly, the only Dancing Doll that impressed me was Camryn. It's obvious that she's been working hard over the summer. But Crystianna, Makala, Makayah, and Ken'janae disappointed me with their lackluster dancing. And I don't remember seeing Jalen dance at all. They clearly didn't dance as well as I've seen them perform in the past. I wonder if they were told to "tone it down."


Now for a few superficial comments. 


NaShumba, you caved and got a weave!  Noooooooo!  She was the only unique mom, and it made me like her. 


And Kayla gained a lot of weight over the summer. It's to the point where I don't enjoy watching her dance anymore. She has to exert so much effort to move and jump, and her body clearly doesn't have the agility and mobility that it used to. 

Edited by topanga

I didn't watch much of last season, so I don't know what the deal is with Kayla, but I did see part of the new year's special and noticed her weight gain as well. It is significant. One of the last episodes I watched was one where Dianna addressed Kayla's weight, so it was a bummer to see that she's let it get out of control. She's still a teenager (I think?) so the weight seems more due to lifestyle and lack of activity than an age-related change in her metabolism.


I remember in the first season Kayla talked about wanting to into a dance program in college and eventually become a choreographer. At the time, I wondered how far she could go with that, given her lack of training. While she excelled at Dianna's form of dance, you have to do a lot more than that to get into a good dance program. Dianna herself doesn't have much dance training, and I don't think she's giving her students much of a foundation in the dance basics. Anyway, seeing Kayla now, she's clearly not dancing much, so I can only assume the college dance program thing never happened for her. Or IS she in college and what we're seeing is freshman weight gain?  In either case. it's a bit of a bummer to see her let herself go like that. It looks to me like she's given up on her dream of dance as a profession.  You have to take care of your body in order to make it in that world. It looks to me like she has decided she'd rather continue on as a big fish in the little DD4L pond. I guess it's not terribly surprising as we saw in previous seasons that when it comes to dance, she likes doing what she likes and isn't interested in challenging herself to gain some versatility as a dancer.

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Anyway, seeing Kayla now, she's clearly not dancing much, so I can only assume the college dance program thing never happened for her. Or IS she in college and what we're seeing is freshman weight gain?  In either case. it's a bit of a bummer to see her let herself go like that. It looks to me like she's given up on her dream of dance as a profession.  You have to take care of your body in order to make it in that world. It looks to me like she has decided she'd rather continue on as a big fish in the little DD4L pond. I guess it's not terribly surprising as we saw in previous seasons that when it comes to dance, she likes doing what she likes and isn't interested in challenging herself to gain some versatility as a dancer.

This.  I don't think Kayla is in college. No one has ever mentioned it. I think being assistant coach is her full time (or part time) job. I do wonder where Sunjai is this year. 


It seems that Dianna--and by extension, Kayla and the DD moms--still don't care much about technique or precision. Faith is the newest doll, and while she isn't as aggressive as the other dancing dolls--I don't know how hard she bucks, for example--her background in ballet and other forms of dance gives her great dancing technique. But Dianna and some of the mothers see that as a negative. They say she dances too "cute." What the hell does that even mean? True, she's a little timid when she dances, but she knows the choreography, her timing is good, and her movements are precise. Yes, her mom is tiring, but I like Faith as a dancer. 

Glad to see an active thread on Bring It and I actually liked Step It Up too. I was searching to see if Kayla went to college or not. It's too bad that she isn't introducing herself to other types of dance. It would be beneficial to the show if after "apprenticing with Diana - Kayla decided to open her own studio and competed against her.


I also noticed Kayla's weight - boy she added a lot and I always thought that she should have been a lot skinnier with all the dancing she did - I know I was thin when I danced and didn't exert 1/2 the energy these girls do. I also noticed this season the 2 other assistants - I don't remember seeing them on other seasons.


I wasn't thrilled when Camryn was made captain - but she is bringing it and I wish her all the best.

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Just going from Kayla's Twitter, it looks like she is in college. She mentions going to class and such from tweets back in September. Her profile pic says college student and dancer on it. She probably is a bit less active now that she is helping coach than when she danced.


I still do not love Camryn as captain. She has the skills. I cannot put my finger on what doesn't work for me with her leading stand battles.


I like Faith too. Her mother is a bit much, but all the moms seem a bit much at times. I am also curious about the girl named Alyssa who was somewhat in the running for the ballet solo. I say somewhat, because I thought it was obvious that Dianna was going to pick Faith.


Crystianna is probably my favorite of the girls. I like that she is soft spoken and does not have an over the top personality. I do hope her knee is doing better.


Star and Sky look like they would rather be anywhere else than dancing. Sunjai looked like she actually wanted to dance and be at the studio. Star and Sky not so much.

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I have to agree about Star & Skye. I think they were recruited only to keep the drama alive. Neither looks like they want to be there but they're probably saving their money for college.


I was thrilled to see that Dianna opened a studio in Birmingham Alabama - where my son lives - I'd love to go see it when we visit next.


On a sad note - Christiana's dad was shot and killed at a Jacksonville Gas Station on 1/15/15.  I'm surprised that we never heard about that. http://www.wapt.com/news/central-mississippi/jackson/one-person-shot-killed-at-gas-station/30718118


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On a sad note - Christiana's dad was shot and killed at a Jacksonville Gas Station on 1/15/15.  I'm surprised that we never heard about that. http://www.wapt.com/...tation/30718118

Has it ever been said if Crystianna lives with Rittany? I know Rittany is her aunt, but wondered if her mother is around and maybe, did not want to be on television. I guess I wondered how involved her parents are/were in her life.

Has it ever been said if Crystianna lives with Rittany? I know Rittany is her aunt, but wondered if her mother is around and maybe, did not want to be on television. I guess I wondered how involved her parents are/were in her life.

They alluded to it in one of the earlier seasons but didn't give details. Rittany simply mentioned that she was raising Crystianna because of "family issues" but didn't elaborate. My question is if Rittany has taken her to the doctor for her knee pain? Just resting it wouldn't help if she has an ACL tear or some other damage. I hope she did and they just didn't talk about it specifically. 


So sad about her dad. It sounds like Crystianna is in a calmer, more stable environment with Rittany. Yes, Rittany can be loud and a little ratchet, but she's stable and obviously loves Crystianna as if she were her own child. 





Just going from Kayla's Twitter, it looks like she is in college. She mentions going to class and such from tweets back in September. Her profile pic says college student and dancer on it. She probably is a bit less active now that she is helping coach than when she danced.

I still do not love Camryn as captain. She has the skills. I cannot put my finger on what doesn't work for me with her leading stand battles.


I'm glad to say I was wrong about Kayla. College will be good for her. Hopefully she'll see that the world is bigger than Jackson, MS and the Dancing Dolls. 


I do think Camryn is the best dancer on the team, but she isn't necessarily captain material. ("Maybe you're not captain material. You just cheer, Tor. Cheer your little heart heart out"). Camryn doesn't talk to the team much or guide them during competitions the way Kayla did. I know they're two different people, but Kayla always felt like the captain of the team. I don't get that impression from Camryn

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They alluded to it in one of the earlier seasons but didn't give details. Rittany simply mentioned that she was raising Crystianna because of "family issues" but didn't elaborate. My question is if Rittany has taken her to the doctor for her knee pain? Just resting it wouldn't help if she has an ACL tear or some other damage. I hope she did and they just didn't talk about it specifically. 


So sad about her dad. It sounds like Crystianna is in a calmer, more stable environment with Rittany. Yes, Rittany can be loud and a little ratchet, but she's stable and obviously loves Crystianna as if she were her own child. 




I'm glad to say I was wrong about Kayla. College will be good for her. Hopefully she'll see that the world is bigger than Jackson, MS and the Dancing Dolls. 


I do think Camryn is the best dancer on the team, but she isn't necessarily captain material. ("Maybe you're not captain material. You just cheer, Tor. Cheer your little heart heart out"). Camryn doesn't talk to the team much or guide them during competitions the way Kayla did. I know they're two different people, but Kayla always felt like the captain of the team. I don't get that impression from Camryn

Kayla finally stepped up this weekend to say this to Camryn. I wonder if Diana's closeness with Kayla is keeping her from getting on Camryn about leading the team. Diana would never have let the team go three weeks without saying to Kayla "You're not doing your job". Its not clear if that task was delegated to Kayla or if Diana was even aware the conversation had occurred, but its high time that someone pulled Cammy-Cam up short and said "Now you actually have to LEAD the team"

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talking about Kayla and college reminded me of the show where they handed out scholarships. If I am not mistaken, I think Kayla won a one year scholarship along with Sanjai and a few others, but Camryn won a 4 year full scholarship with room and board as well as tuition. I would not be surprised is most could not take advantage of the offer because the school was so far away and expensive. I thought on one of the last shows season ago, that Kayla said she would go to community college. My niece went to community college and has no student debt. 

a few shows ago we hadthe opposite dance teacher smash a second place trophy as unacceptable I think she was unacceptable. 

Edited by holly4755
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talking about Kayla and college reminded me of the show where they handed out scholarships. If I am not mistaken, I think Kayla won a one year scholarship along with Sanjai and a few others, but Camryn won a 4 year full scholarship with room and board as well as tuition. I would not be surprised is most could not take advantage of the offer because the school was so far away and expensive. I thought on one of the last shows season ago, that Kayla said she would go to community college. My niece went to community college and has no student debt. 

a few shows ago we hadthe opposite dance teacher smash a second place trophy as unacceptable I think she was unacceptable. 

College scholarships? I missed that episode (or my old ass just can't remember it).


I think it's hard to get an education with zero debt if you're talking about getting a bachelor's degree and possibly going to grad school. And many careers now require or highly recommend advanced degrees, even careers that didn't used to, such as teaching. 


I agree with you about the coach smashing the 2nd place trophy (was that Neva from the Divas of Olive Branch?). Basically she told her dancers that the hard work they put into their routine was worth absolutely nothing since they didn't get first place. Not a good message to send to children/young adults. 

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talking about Kayla and college reminded me of the show where they handed out scholarships. If I am not mistaken, I think Kayla won a one year scholarship along with Sanjai and a few others, but Camryn won a 4 year full scholarship with room and board as well as tuition. I would not be surprised is most could not take advantage of the offer because the school was so far away and expensive. I thought on one of the last shows season ago, that Kayla said she would go to community college. My niece went to community college and has no student debt. 

a few shows ago we hadthe opposite dance teacher smash a second place trophy as unacceptable I think she was unacceptable. 


Sunjai took them up on the scholarship and goes to the school

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I love Camryn! I think its easy to forget that she is just 15, as compared against Kayla who was 17/18. Camryn will grow into the role, it will take time, but I think she has the tools.

I didn't realize she was that young. I'd been assuming she was 16 or 17. 



Is it just me, or is Dianna yelling a lot at the girls this year? She's always been passionate and tough with her dancers, and she occasionally gets into screaming matches with the moms, but I don't remember her yelling, "Y'all can't f***ing mess up like this!" in the past, both at practice and in the middle of a competition. Or maybe it's that she's been losing it with the dancers every single episode this season. Having a younger, less experienced team must really be stressing her out. On the other hand, there could be other problems in her life. 


And maybe I missed this, but has Rittany taken Crystianna to the doctor for her knee pain? Maybe she has and doesn't want to violate HIPAA rules by discussing her medical history, but a simple throwaway line about nothing being torn or broken would reassure me that Crystianna isn't damaging her knee by continuing to dance on it. Dianna and the other moms are treating Crystianna like she has bad menstrual cramps and should just work through the pain. 


I personally wish Rittany had pulled C. out of the parade. Was it worth it for the child to start crying in the middle of the parade because her knee was killing her? (I think those were real tears, by the way). Even if nothing surgical is going on with Crystianna's knee, she's running the risk of developing bad arthritis if she continues to dance on it every day when it's injured. 

Edited by topanga
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And I like Camryn more this season than I did last year. Last season, she was trying to be like her mom, it seemed. 


I think they're trying to keep the show interesting with Mama drama. It seemed more organic when Selena and Tawantza (?) were the outsiders. Even if it were produced way up the wazoo, it felt more organic than their interactions with Dana, Faith's mom. 


And I really like Faith. Granted, she doesn't dance as "hard" as some of the girls, but her moves are precise and well executed. Despite what her mother thinks, Dianna isn't cutting Faith out of everything. There are just some settings, like stand battles, that she isn't quite ready for. 

I have been disliking Mimi for the past few seasons or so. I think last season when she had so much attitude about how Camryn should be captain, and not even entertain the idea that some of the other girls should have a shot at it. Last season I disliked Camryn's attitude as well, but she really has not had much to do this season even though she is the captain. I still dislike Camryn as the captain of the team. I think she is technically proficient, but I think some of the other girls are as well. She just does not seem like a captain to me. I wish I could describe why, but I cannot put my finger on it. I know she is young, but wasn't Kayla around 16 when this show started?


The mama drama does not bother me, because there does not seem to be that much animosity behind any of it. They get mad, it blows over. Well, except with Tawantza. I could do with a bit less of the coach drama between Dianna and the various coaches of the other teams. I am sure a lot is amped up for cameras and drama. Though some of those coaches seem really thirsty.



And I really like Faith. Granted, she doesn't dance as "hard" as some of the girls, but her moves are precise and well executed.

I like Faith as well. Her and Crystianna are my favorites. Though I really do not dislike any of the girls.


I do not mind Dana either. Yes, she can be annoying with all the "Faith this, and Faith that" talk, but overall I do not mind her. I thought her talk with Dianna was not as big of a deal as the other moms made it out to be. She was not pushing Dianna to put Faith back on the battle squad the way the other moms thought. 

Edited by Misslindsey


The mama dram does not bother me, because there does not seem to be that much animosity behind any of it. They get mad, it blows over. Well, except with Tawantza. I could do with a bit less of the coach drama between Dianna and the various coaches of the other teams. I am sure a lot is amped up for cameras and drama. Though some of those coaches seem really thirsty.

I agree, but I hope they never, ever stop showing the clip with the pink-haired coach doing a high kick next to Dianna and going "Wa-POW!" I crack up every single time, no matter how many times I've watched it. 

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