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There were several weird things in this episode.  First, the women detectives went out to St. Tammany Parish for the autopsy.  Why there?  Whiskey Bay is in Iberville Parish, and they have a coroner.  Baton Rouge is just across the river, and we have a coroner.  The St. Tammany coroner is about 100 miles due east, close to the Mississippi border, and it's not like they're known for aquatic death investigations.  It's straight up weird they went so far to get it done without explanation.  Then, when Aubrey and the other cop were in Texas, the show chyroned the location as Harris County Sheriff's Office (or similar, indicating it was supposed to be a TX cop shop) but the flag outside was definitely the Louisiana state flag.  So was that just slapped together for signposting the transition from suspect's house to interview room and the editors used the wrong footage and no one caught it?  The whole episode just seemed to be a very ordinary murder investigation put together to show that these police can actually timely solve crimes.  And I think Aubrey's statement that they needed to talk to the husband in person because people can lie easier on the phone was shade on Rhodie, who initially excluded Eugenie's husband based on a single phone call and didn't revisit him for 20+ years.

I have no idea why they are seemingly doing a whole episode on Derrick Todd Lee next week.  That story has been done before enough.

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I just binge watched the entire season 2 today and was a little disappointed that we didn't get to see them find the Cochise barrel, but hopefully there will be more episodes of this lined up for the future. I could look at Aubrey all day, LOL!

The characters have all really grown on me, even Rodie. Those scenes with him in a lawn chair drinking while baring his soul are a little overwrought but kind of entertaining nonetheless.

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Season three has started - anyone watching? I miss Rodie and Aubrey but it's filmed in a very similar style (older detective paired with younger (cute!) rookie - older guy is even sitting in the dark pontificating on life).


Premiering on Jan. 4 at 9 p.m. ET, the show will move to Isle of Wight County, Virginia to investigate a new cold case. In the summer of 2004, 28-year-old Carrie Singer was found beaten to death and half naked in a field. But who would have wanted her dead? And why could they never connect any DNA with the actual crime?

The mysterious case never went anywhere. However, it has haunted lead investigator Randy Patrick for over a decade. Utilizing the latest cutting-edge technology, the Isle of Wight County Sheriff’s Office has decided to re-open the case with the hope to find some real answers.

Under the command of Lieutenant Thomas Potter, Randy works with a team of skilled investigators as well as a young rookie who believes he can bring a fresh take to the case. Shot in real time, the team works around-the-clock to re-examine critical evidence from the crime scene with incredible technology that didn’t exist at the time of Carrie’s death.

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I'm watching. First time, never saw any earlier seasons. Not sure how I missed it, but this is right up my alley. Sometimes it feels a little over done, but I do think the show does a good job of building suspense. 


I want to know why West was so cagey about that phone call (totally changing his story) if he had nothing to hide. I was kind of expecting to find out that Robert wasn't involved, but WEST was. And then they'd have to figure out who the other guy was. 


Now it's like starting completely from scratch. 


No idea cops could take your DNA from your car parked in a public area. 

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On 1/13/2018 at 0:23 PM, ExplainItAgain said:

Season three has started - anyone watching? I miss Rodie and Aubrey but it's filmed in a very similar style (older detective paired with younger (cute!) rookie - older guy is even sitting in the dark pontificating on life).

I've watched and liked the earlier seasons, and while I miss the Iberville Parish crew, I am enjoying this one.  I noticed a lot of similarities, including (and I may be reading in)  that the initial victim was a  white woman and the second victim was a black man. Could be nothing, but I had already noticed so many similarities, I noticed that, too. When they brought the second case in so quickly, I was sure the DNA was going to match and the case would be resolved, so they brought in the second case.  

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Oh yeah, this is just as good as the first two seasons, I love the young hot guy paired with the older seasoned cop, and especially his pontificating on the old back porch in the dark like Rodie, except this guy has a beer instead of a mixed drink and is not wearing a "wife beater". Whaaaaaaaaaa. This is a good case, and yeah, I think the two cases are linked too! 

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I'm surprised no one mentioned Carrie have a relationship with Johnnie Tynes back in 2004. It seemed like quite a few people knew about it. His son (not the Jr.) definitely seems suspicious. I think he called them after seeing all the renewed media attention; not only to find out just what they knew, but also to try and divert them onto this Jason guy. 

I also wonder how no one noticed the positioning of Johnnie's body as an indicator that someone was under him at the time? I get new advances in technology mean new breaks in a case, but that didn't seem like a particularly technological detail. The dude just noticed by looking at the picture and the pillow case. 

At any rate, so now I'm wondering what happened. Did they really die 6 days apart? Or on the same night? Who would let her live after witnessing Johnnie's death. They were probably both killed, but Carrie's body was dumped, so there wouldn't be a connection between the two. 

I kind of like this season more than the past two. It could be that they edited it to be a tighter show, without so much repetition, or it could be that more is happening quickly.

Last night's episode made me wonder if they did anything on Johnnie's murder when it happened.  Seems like Cop 101 to ascertain the whereabouts of those close to him, like his son.  Even if his buddies didn't blow his alibi (though it sure sounds like Vic would have) the lady getting the paint job would have. No one has to twist the arm of an unhappy paint contractor customer to spill the beans. Plus, they must have used cheap paint on that house, because it didn't last 14 years. 

  • Love 5

LOL, I thought the same thing about that house. I thought it was abandoned when they first pulled up! 


I also wondered why SO much is coming to light that was never revealed in 2004. I know people can be scared , and after time guilt eats away and they talk. But, damn. There's some big connections between these cases that should have been made a decade ago. And Trabion's partner said, "I knew some day someone would come ask me about this" - if he knew it was that important, why did he never tell anyone!


So what do we think about Tameka? I tend to believe she wasn't really sleeping with Johnnie. She was so cagey about a lot of other stuff, but it was an emphatic "no" on that front. But if Trabion thought she was, maybe he left work hoping to catch them in the act - and caught Carrie with his father instead? But why would THAT cause him to go off? Maybe he just assumed, and reacted before realizing just who was under Johnnie Sr? 

Has time of death ever been established/mentioned? I'm just curious if the actual deaths were 6 days apart; I know the bodies were FOUND 6 days apart. But does that mean they weren't killed on the same day?  

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Randy Patrick talks a good game but, Good Lord, two murders within a few weeks in a small community with identical injuries/ cause and he didn’t think “Gee, wonder if there might be some kinda link here?”. Wonder if he might have made that brilliant investigative jump if Johnny was white? 

This whole show ( which I’m enjoying) is based on his absolute incompetence on the initial investigation. Retire.

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Man, I hope the police kept their word and protected Shameka. Glad she finally told the truth.

I miss the buddy-buddy feeling between Rodie and Aubrey. Randy and Kris aren't really a duo, this is much more of a team effort but it's still pretty good. I love that there's a badass female cop!

I love the scenes where they're getting DNA. I'm also always amazed how many people will talk to the police without a lawyer.

Does anyone remember if they said what Carrie did for a living? She didn't have a car so I guess she lived close to where she worked.

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I don't know what to think about this Cruz guy. The previews make it look like they land on someone new, but either way - he seems scary as hell. I hated the way he talked about raping that other girl, like it wasn't a bid deal. But I loved that the cops didn't seem to have the attitude some do, that a prostitute can't be raped. They were all disgusted by his perspective on matters, and that was quite a breath of fresh air. 

I'm excited for the final two episodes! Glad to see this wrap up. 

It's crazy to see the trickery cops go to to get people's DNA. I always just thought they called you in for an interview and took your cigarettes or cup of coffee. 

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In the latest (second to last) episode, the cops ask the latest suspect, Mr. Bleep (the nameless guy after Cruz) for his DNA and he turns it over, no questions asked. What I found amazing in a good way, was that the cops thought it was weird just to allow the swab, with not even an inquiry about a database or how long it would be kept.  Usually cops on true crime shows are all "What's the big deal if you've done nothing wrong?" and it was refreshing to see some cops do get that some hesitancy or questions (with or without a warrant) is normal. Because it totally is!!

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Yea, I don't know if they're controlling themselves because they're being filmed, but I've found these cops to be really pretty reasonable. 


I have to say, I know this show started about finding justice for Carrie Singer, and I want that - but, damnit, I want justice for Tamekah as well! When the dude that Red accused of killing his father (to draw suspicion away from him, IMO) started talking about how jealous Red would get, and how he would beat her ass for even talking to a guy...I just felt so sad for Tamekah. And I began to wonder if her sleeping with Big Johnnie wasn't a case of self-fulfilling prophecy. Trebion accused her of cheating so many times...so why not? But man, my heart just goes out to her. To endure all of that and then have to witness the murder and carry that burden all those years? You can tell the cops really feel for Tamekah too. 

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I've enjoyed this series. I wondered why they didn't check with a DNA database when they got the DNA and didn't get a hit.

I gave my dad a DNA analysis (Ancestry) for Christmas and I found out my heritage on his side.  AND, found a bunch of cousins on the site too!  Some we know and some we don't. 

Edited by SunnyBeBe
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I was disappointed with the ending. I always figured the preview of them in full armor, storming into someone's place, was when they caught Carrie's killer....not the arrest of Trebion. I'm glad that dude was finally dealt with, though. It was just frustrating to go through all that and still not have a good suspect for Carrie Singer. 

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On 2/9/2018 at 7:31 PM, ExplainItAgain said:

Man, I hope the police kept their word and protected Shameka. Glad she finally told the truth.

I miss the buddy-buddy feeling between Rodie and Aubrey. Randy and Kris aren't really a duo, this is much more of a team effort but it's still pretty good. I love that there's a badass female cop!

I love the scenes where they're getting DNA. I'm also always amazed how many people will talk to the police without a lawyer.

Does anyone remember if they said what Carrie did for a living? She didn't have a car so I guess she lived close to where she worked.

I haven’t finished watching this show or reading through the other comments but I wanted to come on here and see if anyone was taking about Carrie and what she did for a living. Does anyone else get the impression that she was maybe a prostitute and/or had substance abuse problems?  When the mother and sister was on I felt like they were trying not to say some things and maybe that was a condition of doing the shown. When the sister read the letter that was written it seemed to be written by someone who maybe didn’t have much intelligence which makes me feel like she would be more vulnerable to shady people.

Just marathoned this first season and I'm hooked.

I love Aubrey.  Seriously love Aubrey.  I would watch a show with him and Rodie riding around and exchanging barbs.

As far as why Rodie didn't question the ex initially, Eugenie disappeared from Baton Rouge so the BR PD should have been handling her disappearance.  They should have contacted the ex.  Rodie and his department came into the picture only when Eugenie was found, which was in their parish and something like 2 or 3 months later.

Regarding Eugenie, it's disappointing that we didn't learn much about her as a person. Of course, the detectives said to the ex they wanted info on her to aid in the investigation. I've been divorced and it was a bad divorce and yet, if something happened to my ex, I would answer the questions.  Eugenie's ex is totally full of shit that he didn't know she was dead until told by the investigators like 2 days prior.  Bitch, please.  Why did he need 3 attorneys if he wasn't going to say jack anyhow?  It reeks of guilt.

I believe he's guilty. I think he and Eugenie were involved and she threatened to go to his wife and/or he found out she was involved with someone else. When she turned her back to him, I think he grabbed whatever was handy and bashed her head in.  She wasn't tied to either serial killer working the area at the time and there doesn't appear to be a motive otherwise. I know the detectives looked into the financial angle but I think it was a crime of passion, not planned. 

Seriously creepy that 2 serial killers were working the area at the same time and that 60 (!!!) women were missing at the time Eugenie disappeared.

I've never really wanted to go to LA (and this show doesn't make it look all that great) but I would to meet Aubrey.  Seriously. 

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I'm confused as to why the show didn't tell us that it was absolutely Cochise in the barrel?  Unless I missed something.

And how in the hell did that POS Tommy Francise get charged with second degree for the second man's --   George? --  murder?  He told his girlfriend that he was waiting for the man to come home and unscrewed the light bulb before shooting him.  That's lying in wait and clearly first degree.  WTF?  

I just watched this - somehow the last episode didn't tape and I just remembered.

I figured the arrest was Trabion. And I'm skeptical that the prisoner knows anything about Carrie.

Really interesting since earlier today I just watched another ID series where they mentioned Parabon and the familial DNA search and they were reluctant to release the composite to the public too.

I hope they will do a season 4 since they seem to be getting a lot of tips now.

What happened to Smokey? Poor guy :(

Edited by ExplainItAgain

I just watched Season 3 and like everyone else, am disappointed that there was no arrest for Carrie's murder. 

I Googled both cases because I can't stand not knowing . . something . . and apparently Johnnie Tynes' son was arrested for his murder in 2005, the year after it happened, but the case was dismissed by the DA.  Likely because nobody was saying anything then.  But it is interesting they didn't mention that.  Honestly, that guy should have been the first and only suspect to fully look at.  Don't mess around with these other leads.

No further updates on Carrie's case.  I did read an article where her mother said that Carrie did have a substance abuse problem in the past but went to Virginia to start fresh after she cleaned up.  She apparently had a new boyfriend named Bobby and everything seemed to be going well in her life as little as 2 weeks before her murder.  Was the boyfriend mentioned on the program?  Did the detectives clear him?  I guess there were no hits on the familial DNA.

One thing that really bugged me was the inmate who claimed he knew the two men who killed Carrie.  First time the detectives went to talk to him, he said he wanted something for his info.  Which should have been NO surprise.  I mean, duh.  The guy is an inmate.  They didn't even ask him what he wanted before they left.  WTF???  Thank goodness Kris the cutie asked for their second visit.  The cops still seemed surprised.  Did they fall off the turnip truck this morning?  Even if the guy was full of shit, tell him sure, we'll get someone to walk your petition to a judge or two and see if we can get a signature.  They can't guarantee a judge will sign off on a habeas petition, no matter who the petitioner is, but maybe if they said, "Look, we'll do our best to get your petition in front of a few judges.  Can't guarantee anything beyond that.  You give us something in return," then maybe he might have given up a first name or last name.  But they just ran out of there.  I didn't understand it.  And I didn't understand why they wouldn't have asked what he wanted and tried bargaining with him during visit one, before going down the dead ends.   Maybe if they had Carrie's mother go talk to him in person it might make a difference?  How many prisons has this guy been in anyhow?  If just one, start checking fellow and previous inmates.  He had to have heard the supposed story somewhere.  Just seems like there might be more to do with respect to the inmate's story before they completely let it go and/or rule it out.

All things considered, I would love to see a crossover where we get Randy and Kris working with Rodie and Aubrey.  That would be awesome.  

@ExplainItAgain, I also wondered what happened to Smokey. Poor kitty.

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