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Past Seasons Thread


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It's been over ten years, but my memory is that he was part of an alliance with Theo (crazy Road Rules Theo), Eric Nies, and Mark Long, and their last cut was Brad from RW San Diego, who had done well in the challenges that season. Some argued that Brad had contributed more than Eric. Brad was salty about it in the reunion. Brad said that for all the talk about the bitching among the girls' team, the four biggest bitches on the show turned out to be Eric, Theo, Dan, and Mark. Their defense (Dan was pretty quiet) was that that's just the way these things work: people who have known each other longer and maybe been on previous seasons stick together, and they had kept the most valuable newbies for as long as they could.


I didn't have that much of a problem with it, but then, I'm not a big Brad fan. Eric, Mark, Theo, and Dan undeniably were all strong competitors, on this season as well as past ones. It wasn't as if someone useless were being kept around just because he was someone's bestie. (You could argue that that was happening on the other team.) 


Edit: Also, the final four guys very obviously threw one mission for complicated strategic reasons involving the composition of the girls' team that would be going into the finale. There was some bad acting involved.  

Edited by Asp Burger

Oh, thanks for explaining. I didn't really watch Battle of the Sexes 2 because I was so dismayed by the original.


Alliances don't really bother me. Throwing missions to rid your team of a weak player or to stick the opposing team with a weak player don't bother me much either. It makes sense to me that you'd want to win, and you'd want your friends to win with you if possible. It's nothing that would diminish my Dan love :).


I do suppose though, that on the seasons where a player was cut without an elimination round, that WOULD really suck to be an athletic newbie who was kept for a long time because they contributed a lot to the success of the team, then cut at the last minute with no recourse. If that was the case I do kind of feel for Brad, especially if he didn't make his own newbie alliance thinking he was part of the other four. Then again, I don't really like Brad that much and I think he would have done the same thing to someone else if he was on the other side.


I'm with you, Tatum. Dan's standing wasn't tarnished at all for me by Battle of the Sexes 2. I mean...considering what some of these B/M people have done to each other on camera, forming an alliance isn't a blip.  


One thing that always impressed me about him on all of his seasons is that he was never involved in much drama with anyone. He didn't make a fool of himself, and he seemed to be easy to get along with. Even some of the "difficult" people on his seasons (Los, Coral, Chadwick/Holly) treated him with respect.  

Edited by Asp Burger

Ah, Emily. She really pissed me off because I was her biggest defender on both Battle of the Seasons and Battle of the Sexes, and then she pulls out when the girls still had a fighting chance of winning just because James was eliminated, and then blames the whole decision on her sick sister, which we all know was total bullshit. Then I could defend her no more. She did a number of these challenges in a row then never came back after that. Bummer too, because she was a very strong competitor.


Emily's bloody axe didn't bother me much. Yes, she campaigned hard against Veronica for dumb reasons, but...Veronica. She had it coming.

In light of the latest mission and the fallout with women rubbing themselves raw on soapy poles, I ask: What has been the worst mission for females to compete? The one that I keep thinking about is the ice endurance mission from Battle Of The Sexes. Sure, the guys had to wear Speedos, but none of them had to be carried off the way Melissa was.

On 3/8/2016 at 2:53 PM, Tatum said:

Emily's bloody axe didn't bother me much. Yes, she campaigned hard against Veronica for dumb reasons, but...Veronica. She had it coming.

Yes, but this was the time between Challenge 2000 and The Gauntlet, where Veronica resembled a human being.


I wasn't quite sure where to put this, but this seemed as good a place as any - Dave Mirra's wife requested a post-mortum analysis of his brain, and Dave Mirra had CTE.  From the quotes from his wife in the article, it sounded like the changes in his behavior happened quickly and then he rapidly deteriorated.  How heartbreaking.    

Edited by Princess Sparkle

I want to joke about Jonny Moseley showing more signs of head trauma. Oops, just did.

For the longtime fans . . . what is the longest period we had without a mission? Off the top of my head, there was Real World devising a fake mission for Road Rules (Challenge 2000), the hurricane screwing up Battle Of The Seasons, the David Edwards/Puck fight which led to Puck's dismissal (Battle Of The Sexes), and Puck's wedding. Oh, and Ayanna assaulting Christian and getting kicked off (Extreme Challenge). Am I missing anything?

14 hours ago, Racj82 said:

I know what you are saying. I don't miss them. There were some fun times then but I'm not clamoring for that time frame. With all the good it had, it had a group of people at the center I grew tired of real quick.

This.  I rewatched The Ruins last year because I watched most of the episodes when they originally aired, but I hadn't watched every one nor did I remember.  (I had a short period of time when I was "over" the challenge. That didn't last long!  Lol!)  It was absolutely despicable the way JKA and Susie treated other people during the entire season (and it was also the season of the infamous toothbrush incident).  It made me itchy to watch the interactions on that season, not just because of how people were being bullied but also because almost everyone else allowed it to happen because they either thought it was funny or they were too worried about getting on the wrong side of JKA.  They made the dynamics of the game quite toxic and not fun.  

Is it perfect now?  Not really.  The AYTO kids are quite annoying, entitled, and not that bright. John is still there trying to lord over everyone and there are still many willing to throw in with him and do what he says to stay in his good graces. 

Was there ever a "Good Ole Days" with this show? I'm thinking pre-elimination era, back when it was more of a traveling circus. I theorized that Inferno II was the last peak, with the Good Guys winning while their numbers diminished, but a lot of camera time was spent watching the fucking "Mean Girls" torture Tonya. And then came the Axis of Ass. Correct me if I'm wrong, but we've only had one season without Evan, Johnny and Kenny . . . Battle Of The Seasons. But that was the first edition with Frank and Zach, the former setting gay rights back fifty years anytime he opened his yap. These days, we get some good eggs, but we're stuck with Johnny, the assholes that aspire to be him, and a blur of women that border on Section 8. Also: fuck AYTO. Seriously.

  • Love 1

I still think the show's peak was the original Battle of the Seasons.  The first Battle of the Sexes was great too, but Battle of the Seasons is nearly perfect to me.  You have:

-The hurricane toga party
-Belou cursing out the Wicks
-The hilarious hypocriticalness of Holly voting out the 4th best team of Veronica & Yes in the first episode, and then saying it was bad strategy when that plan would vote out her husband in the next episode.
-Every time Coral said Holly had "witch hands"
-Sean describing how Stephen could be a little unsettling, all while being unaware that Stephen is in the background, creepily staring at the camera.
-The Newlywed-style challenge where only Kelley would admit to sleeping with more than 5 people, and then jokingly said "I'm a whore...."
-The Miz being shockingly good at puzzle solving (at a time when solving puzzles was a skill that would actually help you win a challenge)
-Hollywick being the only one to not agree to the prize sharing and therefore ending up with nothing
-Kelly SMOKING everyone in the rope climbing challenge

It's one of the last challenges (outside of the first Battle of the Sexes) where brute strength wasn't a requirement to win, which really gave everyone a more fair shot.  I highly doubt that the way the show is structured now that you'd get final teams of Sean/Elka, Kelly/Danny, or Dan/Tara (I do think Miz/Coral and Timmy/Emily would probably do pretty well now; not sure how I think Theo/Hollywick would do).  And for the most part, those teams dominated the whole season - Sean/Elka were pretty much on the top of the Real World side of the leaderboard for the whole season, and I don't think that would be the case for either one now.

  • Love 4

The battle of the seasons was a really good challenge, definitely one of my favorites. They had some fun missions, like the newlywed game, and having to move around a bunch of cars with manual transmissions, which even in 2001, posed a challenge to most of the contestants.


What was great about the earlier challenges wasn't just the casting- doctors, lawyers, CEOs, vs the endless stream of wannabe models and professional reality personalities these days, but also the lack of social media at the time. Unless you knew these people in your personal life, you had NO idea what most of them were doing once their show wrapped.


For me, the beginning of the end was when they decided to do away with the RR vs. RW format (likely because they did not have the casting options to continue). That opened the door for all the fresh meat, bloodlines, spring break challenges, AYTO, etc.


Strange to think about the 90s cast members now. Most of them are in their 40s and a few are in their 50s. A lot of them are quite successful though and I wonder what they think about the people getting cast now. I guess though it's less the fault of production and more just inevitable changes when a show lasts 25 years.

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On ‎6‎/‎21‎/‎2016 at 10:37 AM, Princess Sparkle said:

I still think the show's peak was the original Battle of the Seasons.  The first Battle of the Sexes was great too, but Battle of the Seasons is nearly perfect to me.  You have:

-The hurricane toga party
-Belou cursing out the Wicks
-The hilarious hypocriticalness of Holly voting out the 4th best team of Veronica & Yes in the first episode, and then saying it was bad strategy when that plan would vote out her husband in the next episode.
-Every time Coral said Holly had "witch hands"
-Sean describing how Stephen could be a little unsettling, all while being unaware that Stephen is in the background, creepily staring at the camera.
-The Newlywed-style challenge where only Kelley would admit to sleeping with more than 5 people, and then jokingly said "I'm a whore...."
-The Miz being shockingly good at puzzle solving (at a time when solving puzzles was a skill that would actually help you win a challenge)
-Hollywick being the only one to not agree to the prize sharing and therefore ending up with nothing
-Kelly SMOKING everyone in the rope climbing challenge

It's one of the last challenges (outside of the first Battle of the Sexes) where brute strength wasn't a requirement to win, which really gave everyone a more fair shot.  I highly doubt that the way the show is structured now that you'd get final teams of Sean/Elka, Kelly/Danny, or Dan/Tara (I do think Miz/Coral and Timmy/Emily would probably do pretty well now; not sure how I think Theo/Hollywick would do).  And for the most part, those teams dominated the whole season - Sean/Elka were pretty much on the top of the Real World side of the leaderboard for the whole season, and I don't think that would be the case for either one now.

Such good times!  We should all do a rewatch once this current season is over.  It'd be nice to relive this season and discuss on the forum.

  • Love 1
21 minutes ago, luckyroll3 said:

Such good times!  We should all do a rewatch once this current season is over.  It'd be nice to relive this season and discuss on the forum.

That would be so funny. I still remember during the newlywed game challenge, when they asked Hollywick what she would change about her body, and she answered, her large feet. Theo reluctantly holds up his card, which says Holly would change her small breasts. Eric and Mark (who are hosting) fall over laughing at how much trouble Theo is in.


I wish they'd bring in older cast members to host instead of always using Teej.

  • Love 2

Off the top of my head, the following would have made better hosts than Teege: Melissa, Coral, Frankie, Blair, Devyn, and Rob Dyrdek. With Rob, he would sing the theme song. As one-hit wonder "Bobby Light."

Random question time: What was the most shocking memory from the show that you have? Right now, I'm fixated on Battle Of The Sexes 2 when Mike was voted off. The guy had competed in three of the previous four Challenges, and he completed all of them. Seeing him having to depart was . . . whoa.

I don't know if shocking is the right word, but I was definitely surprised to learn that when Rachel and Veronica were mocking Sarah (campus crawl) for doing "crossword puzzles" with Theo- they didn't actually mean crossword puzzles. That was pretty out of left field to me. I am not even sure which one of them lowered their standards more. 


Also I was surprised when after consistently underperforming against Road Rules and being significantly behind in the final, Mike Miz of all people helps his team pull off a win with a brain teaser/puzzle in battle of the seasons. 


General WTF moments- Timmy and holly S. bullying Kendal to take Timmy's place in inferno against Leah (the least intimidating opponent ever), Susie, Paula, Cara and Davis playing I Hate Tonya knowing they're being filmed (what kind of awful person does that? Oh yeah, Susie), and Wes suggesting to Evan during the original duel that Wes take out two small guys while Evan takes on CT and Evan being stupid enough to agree. 


Honorable mention goes to seeing Belou's mullet/sausage curl on battle of the seasons, after having a girl crush on her when her season aired because I thought she was so pretty and had such a cool accent. 

  • Love 4

Yeah, I don't know if this is "shocking" so much as "I sat watching it with my mouth open", but I will always remember the Katie/Veronica fight from the Inferno (I'm pretty sure it was Inferno) where Katie just runs in topless to start screeching at Veronica.  I'm pretty sure that's also the same challenge where Katie won an Inferno while walking on a treadmill and smoking at the same time.  God, I miss that little firecracker.

The actual ending of The Gauntlet 2 surprised me, just because I wasn't expecting the Vets to bomb out immediately.  That was also the challenge where Beth beat Ruthie (who up until then had been a DEMON in physical challenges) in a gauntlet, which shocked me.  Beth then quit before she could face Aneesa in a gauntlet, which was...not shocking.  I think Gauntlet 2 also had  the "I will cut you with WORDS!" moment, with Timmy imitating Aneesa, which is still one of my top-5 favorite challenge moments of all time.  

And I cannot remember what challenge it was, but there was one where some kind of elimination 1:1 was Aneesa vs. Paula where they had to climb up some kind of tower, and Paula basically shoots up it and explains it by saying "I climbed a lot of light towers as a kid".  The nonchalant way she said it was so "WTF" to me.

And special mention to Brad FREAKING OUT at the Miz after Brad begged the Miz to give him a wedgie.  "NOW ITS A NECKLACE" is one of the funniest things I've ever seen, and to see him start screaming not even 15 seconds later was fantastic.  Never change Brad.

  • Love 2
24 minutes ago, Princess Sparkle said:

Yeah, I don't know if this is "shocking" so much as "I sat watching it with my mouth open", but I will always remember the Katie/Veronica fight from the Inferno (I'm pretty sure it was Inferno) where Katie just runs in topless to start screeching at Veronica.  I'm pretty sure that's also the same challenge where Katie won an Inferno while walking on a treadmill and smoking at the same time.  God, I miss that little firecracker.

All of this was greatness!!

Yeah Veronica was the topless one. She held something up to her chest though and her back to the camera for most of the scene. 


Paula and Aneesa elimination round with the climbing was inferno 3, also known as the one Where They Play I Hate Tonya, the One Where CT Clocks Davis For No Reason, the One Where Derrick and Tonya Finally Win, and (my favorite) the One Where Susie Tells Abe To Wash Her Clothes and He Does Using the Toilet. Paula was thrown in so Susie could avoid the elimination round that she claimed to have no fear of. I'd feel bad for Paula but she was fine to do it against Colie and Rachel and only minded when Susie ran out of other options. 

I couldn't feel too bad about Katie always getting thrown in the elimination either- she only tried when her ass was on the line and she only ever did the bare minimum. I'd be annoyed too if I were her teammates. 

  • Love 1
3 hours ago, Princess Sparkle said:


And I cannot remember what challenge it was, but there was one where some kind of elimination 1:1 was Aneesa vs. Paula where they had to climb up some kind of tower, and Paula basically shoots up it and explains it by saying "I climbed a lot of light towers as a kid".  The nonchalant way she said it was so "WTF" to me.


Inferno 3. Aneesa was dealing with a leg injury and clearly had no chance of winning it

Edited by Aaron4102
On ‎7‎/‎5‎/‎2016 at 11:45 AM, Tatum said:

Paula and Aneesa elimination round with the climbing was inferno 3, also known as the one Where They Play I Hate Tonya, the One Where CT Clocks Davis For No Reason, the One Where Derrick and Tonya Finally Win, and (my favorite) the One Where Susie Tells Abe To Wash Her Clothes and He Does Using the Toilet.

Lol!  I love the AKA season titles.  Inferno 3 should also be up for a rewatch!

So, I watched the movie The Final Girls last night, and guess who pop up on my screen in a pretty large featured role? Angela Trimbur from Road Rules: X-Treme and Battle of the Sexes 2.  I couldn't STAND her when she was on RR or The Challenge, but I must give credit where credit is due - she was actually pretty funny.  It took me a little bit to place her though, because she was blonde in the movie.  

Ugh, I HATED Angela. She's one of those girls that views every other girl as competition, is flat out rude to them, and then when they don't like her, dismisses them as just being jealous of her. If I recall, she hated the new girl on X-Treme (despite being new herself) due to the fact that the new girl was the same age as Angela's younger sister. That was seriously the reason she gave.


(The real reason was that the new girl stole Angela's thunder being newer than Angela and also hooked up with the resident 'alpha' of the group).

  • Love 1

You remember correctly my friend - it was Jillian she hated (of The Gauntlet 2 & 3) and yup, it was absoluetly because Patrick and Derrick started paying attention to Jillian instead of her.  

In looking up what season she was on (I couldn't remember if it was X-Treme or South Pacific), I realized how many challenge cast members we got from that season: Angela, Jillian, Derrick, Jodi, Ibis, Kina, and even Danny and Nick each were on a season, and of those 3 of them won at least one challenge.  

Also, I need to add a memorable moment I forgot in my last post - the spelling challenge in The Duel 2 where Brad spelled "throne" t-h-r-o-n, and even that took him a couple of minutes.  I'm giggling just thinking about it.

Edited by Princess Sparkle
  • Love 1
3 hours ago, Princess Sparkle said:

You remember correctly my friend - it was Jillian she hated (of The Gauntlet 2 & 3) and yup, it was absoluetly because Patrick and Derrick started paying attention to Jillian instead of her.

In looking up what season she was on (I couldn't remember if it was X-Treme or South Pacific), I realized how many challenge cast members we got from that season: Angela, Jillian, Derrick, Jodi, Ibis, Kina, and even Danny and Nick each were on a season, and of those 3 of them won at least one challenge.

Also, I need to add a memorable moment I forgot in my last post - the spelling challenge in The Duel 2 where Brad spelled "throne" t-h-r-o-n, and even that took him a couple of minutes.  I'm giggling just thinking about it.

I thought that Jillian, Derrick, Jodi, Ibis, and Kina all won at least one challenge.

To add to the Duel 2 funny memories, I would add Katie trying to body slam Big Easy while preparing for her duel against Jenn, and Diem rapidly babbling to Evan to not let her go during the mission where players were hanging over a cliff.

Edited by jsm1125

Rewatched Gauntlet II last night and I almost forgot how awful Beth is/was. There were times I almost felt bad for her, but she honestly deserved almost everything that happened to her. She was such a shit-stirrer and was never took responsibility for performing poorly in challenges. I did like it when Montana said that Beth is terrible at being a human being. So true. I don't know why she ever bothered coming on these challenges. She wasn't an agreeable person and she's not really athletically inclined. The one thing I can say is that while she's annoying, she's relatively harmless compared to some of the current challengers. But what a bitch she was to pick reverse tug-of-war against both Ruthie and Montana. She got really lucky that the wheel landed on Challenger's pick and Captain's pick during those two gauntlets. And after all that, she punked out and didn't do beach brawl against Aneesa. I had a hard time understanding Beth, because I felt bad when they would talk about her behind her back (and she would cry), but she was vindictive against her own team. I noticed when she won against Montana, Derrick congratulated her and she responded with a "well, I know you wanted Montana to win." Derrick gets defensive and says "yeah," all the while calling her the meaning person he knows. If she had just taken the compliment....

That season also had Landon and Alton as teammates for the rookies. I miss teams like that and people actually worth rooting for. 

I did find this nugget of a screenshot. I have no words.

Edited by SophiaPehawkins
Fixed the link!
  • Love 1

I hope that works.

I didn't think Gauntlet II was that bad. I was more so annoyed with the ending. The final challenge was such a letdown in that they had to bet coins for three different challenges. The veterans fucked up by betting all of it on the eating challenge and losing! It literally is the least anyone's ever had to do to win $150,000.

On ‎3‎/‎9‎/‎2016 at 1:41 PM, Lantern7 said:

He helped throw the penultimate mission in order to force the girls to keep Arissa. I think he was also in on the screwing of rookie Brad in the mission before that.


ETA: Oops . . . did not see that this thread had a second page. While I'm here: I prefer the original BOTS to BOTS2, even with Puck, Emily, and Emily's bloody axe.

I came in here because I was watching the Real World Los Angeles marathon earlier today and it got me thinking about how long I have been watching the Challenge.  I guess the first BOTS was my first Challenge season.  I did not realize it was so long ago.

I also checked when Beth S. was last on a season of the Challenge and it was in 2008.  It does not seem that long ago.  Anyway I guess I came in here to say I did not realize I have been watching this damn show since 2003.

On ‎6‎/‎19‎/‎2016 at 3:03 PM, Lantern7 said:

Was there ever a "Good Ole Days" with this show? I'm thinking pre-elimination era, back when it was more of a traveling circus. I theorized that Inferno II was the last peak, with the Good Guys winning while their numbers diminished, but a lot of camera time was spent watching the fucking "Mean Girls" torture Tonya. And then came the Axis of Ass. Correct me if I'm wrong, but we've only had one season without Evan, Johnny and Kenny . . . Battle Of The Seasons. But that was the first edition with Frank and Zach, the former setting gay rights back fifty years anytime he opened his yap. These days, we get some good eggs, but we're stuck with Johnny, the assholes that aspire to be him, and a blur of women that border on Section 8. Also: fuck AYTO. Seriously.

I am a little surprised that Frank has only done two seasons.  I thought for sure he would become a Challenge mainstay.  Not that I want him to because I despised him and was pissed that him and Zach got that win after how poorly they treated Sam.

  • Love 3

Anybody up for old-school recaps? I know it might be awhile for MTV Classic to get to the sixth season, but I'm willing to spelunk in order to retrieve my recaps. So far, I got the preview for Battle of the Sexes, a fantasy challenge overview, and the one-hour premiere. In my head, I would repost that season, the MTV/BMP hookup special, and my analysis of Puck's departure.

  • Love 2
On ‎8‎/‎27‎/‎2016 at 6:37 PM, Lantern7 said:

Anybody up for old-school recaps? I know it might be awhile for MTV Classic to get to the sixth season, but I'm willing to spelunk in order to retrieve my recaps. So far, I got the preview for Battle of the Sexes, a fantasy challenge overview, and the one-hour premiere. In my head, I would repost that season, the MTV/BMP hookup special, and my analysis of Puck's departure.

Are they going to show older seasons on MTV Classic?  I would love to see the seasons that I missed.

21 hours ago, Lantern7 said:

That would be logical. I'm willing to bet we'll get Road Rules: All-Stars after Islands or Northern Trail. What seasons would you like to see?

Can you give me a heads up if they actually air RR3 through RR6? I don't have MTV Classic but I will be on the phone with DirecTV ordering an upgrade in a heartbeat if those seasons are on the docket.

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