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MSNBC: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly (Vaulted)

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I think what is amazing now is that the news programs seem not to be able to process what happened when Trump was told to stop speaking -- and did.  They are just going back to the medical records story.

Surely the Flint incident will have more coverage as the reporters who were there get back on the air.  They had to be thrilled.  And they must be trying to get Pastor Green-Timmons on the air. 

And now MSNBC is saying he is 267 pounds, which Dr. OZ said is "slightly overweight".   That's kind.  Not how Trump looks, but underplaying what that number means. 

3 hours ago, car54 said:

Wow, they just showed Trump's visit and he tried to speak at the end, and the pastor came out and told him he was not allowed to give a political speech.

That was amazing.  

Edited by jjj
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I KNOW!  I was yelling at Kornake!  I can't believe they didn't go on about it--She came out TWICE and shushed him and finally he ended it.   

 I hope Rachel saw that--Flint is her big story, I hope she gets it on her show.

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If Rachel's staff is on the ball (and they usually are), Rachel should be *interviewing* Pastor Green-Timmons this evening!

Then, MSNBC should hire her to go from show to show, with the sole assignment to go out and shake her finger and say to surrogates who can only spew their talking points:  "No, that is not what you were invited to do here."  And they will all say "Oh, okay, good, thank you," like Mr. Trump just did.

What a beautiful world that would be.  These strong women leaders of Flint, what warriors! 

ETA:  I should not have relied on Mr. Trump for the pastor's name -- it is corrected above. 

Edited by jjj
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4 hours ago, SierraMist said:

Thank you for the link.  I think seeing (or reading) more of the entire exchange showed KAC to be even more of a liar than where Lawrence stopped his clip.  She is a master of not answering any questions.  So the press is now badgering her when they won't take a non answer for an answer.   When are more people going to wise up?    

I think that MSNBC (and the other news shows/networks) should say to all surrogates "if you do not answer the questions directly we will not have you on".  " if you refuse to acknowledge known facts we will not have you on". Within one day none of the surrogates would have any bookings and no platform for their spewing until they figure out how to discuss and debate productively 

I  realize the networks would have to fill time for a while but I have faith that with all that staff at news programs they could figure it out. 

They should be like that pastor in Flint and pull the plug as soon as the surrogates break the two basic rules. 

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Thomas Roberts did a nice job with Sara Huckabee today--she was going on and on and at least twice he called her on Trumpisms where they put out lies or  conflicting stories and both times he quoted and then said--is what he said then true or what he said to me?    He called her on Trump telling Stephanopulos he had a relationship to Putin, then later saying he didn't know him, and also he called her on the campaign saying Hillary started the Birther movement--asked her to show him proof.

I think since the CNN incident yesterday with Conway more of them are going to be more confrontational.   

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31 minutes ago, jjj said:

Watching Trump in Flint on MSNBC.  He appears to be in a community center or church, very small venue.  He was saying "Hillary Clinton sent auto manufacturing jobs to Mexico, when a woman who appeared to be in charge (Pastor Armstrong, we learned) walked up to him and told him to stop giving a political speech.  "You were here to say thank you, not give a speech."  She interrupted him two times, and finally walked up a third time and shook his hand to indicate he was finished.  He meekly accepted this treatment and thanked them.  Awesome.

Steve Kornacki is saying nothing about the interruption.  I'm sure someone will. 

See, now THAT'S what I'm talking about!  Rachel mentioned this suspiciously timed visit to Flint last night on her show with all the skepticism and shade it warranted.  It's gratifying to see someone who isn't "charmed" or allowing her constituents or congregants to be steamrolled by the Big Cheeto and his machine.

Some of the GOP bigwigs who "don't support but will vote" for Trump should take note.  Or, better yet, check to see if the ACA covers sack replacement surgery.

I'm SO looking forward to tuning into Rachel's show tonight to see her hilarious take on this!

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49 minutes ago, car54 said:

Thomas Roberts did a nice job with Sara Huckabee today--she was going on and on and at least twice he called her on Trumpisms where they put out lies or  conflicting stories and both times he quoted and then said--is what he said then true or what he said to me?    He called her on Trump telling Stephanopulos he had a relationship to Putin, then later saying he didn't know him, and also he called her on the campaign saying Hillary started the Birther movement--asked her to show him proof.

I think since the CNN incident yesterday with Conway more of them are going to be more confrontational.   

Even when the journalists are confrontational about the non-answers they have no mechanism to stop the double talk. They try to step on it or press but it never gets results. 

As Seinfeld would say the networks have no hand. 

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11 minutes ago, Mumbles said:

In Mitchell's defense, I think she may be reporting what Blackburn is asking, not asking to look at the returns herself.

I know. It's ridiculous to just quote that like it's a reasonable question. Anyone can see them. 

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I feel bad for Katy. She was so excited this morning reporting the BREAKING NEWS that Trump would be discussing detailed info on his health during his interview with Dr. Oz. Cardiovascular, neurological and even prostate! (Which, if you've seen the man's hands, you know he doesn't have any problems down there.)

Looks like that's not the case. Sorry Katy.

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1 hour ago, jenrising said:

Andrea Mitchell continues to impress with her journalistic talents. Pretty sure anyone at her work could send her a link in under 30 seconds, assuming she can't manage google on her own. 

Andrea Mitchell is ridiculous.  Marsha Blackburn is an extreme right wing politician who has national ambitions.  The sane people of Tennessee are trying to get rid of her.  For AM to re-tweet her nonsense is deplorable.

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8 hours ago, car54 said:

Thomas Roberts did a nice job with Sara Huckabee today--she was going on and on and at least twice he called her on Trumpisms where they put out lies or  conflicting stories and both times he quoted and then said--is what he said then true or what he said to me?    He called her on Trump telling Stephanopulos he had a relationship to Putin, then later saying he didn't know him, and also he called her on the campaign saying Hillary started the Birther movement--asked her to show him proof.

I think since the CNN incident yesterday with Conway more of them are going to be more confrontational.   

Thomas has such a good way of calling people out in a polite , calm way.

Last night the birther thing came up with Hayes and a Trump surrogate. She was  adamant that Clinton started the birther accusations, no matter what he said. (One thing he said was that he had personally tracked its origins down and written an article about it and it was neither HRC nor her campaign. I would love to find that article. He actually mentioned the name of someone who started it. And pointed out that Obama would not have chosen her as SOS if that was the way she'd run her campaign. Birtherism=racism so...just no. It was odd because as opposed as they were, Chris and the woman (whose name escapes me) seemed like friends.  Maybe they don't argue politics in real life, because it would be hard to do that with a friend who lied and wouldn't change (he mentioned all the birtherism-by-Hillary fact-checking, but she just wouldn't budge.)

Guests who refuse to be honest are pretty much useless on news shows, imo, and should be kept off. They add nothing but confusion.

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It took a while to understand all that happened at the church where Trump spoke today, but watching all the evening shows on MSNBC allowed me to piece it together..  Pastor Green-Timmons came out three times -- first to tell Trump that he was not there to give a political speech (which was shown several times on the later shows).  Then, the tiny group of audience members started to shout questions at him, and she came out again, and told them "you will RESPECT our guest", and they immediately quieted down.  Then, as he sort of concluded, since he could not give his speech, she came out and shook his hand and led him away from the lectern, which Rachel Maddow described as "an act of mercy".  I was amazed not to see his staff around, or Secret Service holding her back from her impromptu forays onto the little stage area. 

When MSNBC showed the tiny number of people there, I realized what a weird experience it must have been for Trump, also -- nothing like other places where he has been speaking.  And again, that pastor was made of awesome.   

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Hillary and her team should study that way Pastor Timmons shut down Trump  and use some of that method in the debates.   He veers off the question....step toward him and look him in the eye and interrupt and say "Mr Trump.....the question is...." 

I'd like to see the Pastor moderate ALL the debates.

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Pastor Timmons was awesome.  But did I hear correctly that the whole reason Trump was at that church was to thank them for being the place where the residents of Flint could pick up bottled water?  And then he tried to turn it a tirade about Hillary?  Unbelievable!

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He was supposed to thank them for something -- I thought it was for allowing him to visit their church, or Flint.  And yes, he was giving a stump speech when he was interrupted.  I was watching it live, because it was such a weird event even before he was interrupted, and he was kind of mumbling his speech, because he was smart enough to know that particular group of people were not receptive.  I think he was relieved to be stopped.

But this morning, the day after I just heard Trump say on MSNBC (the 1 PM ET/10AM PT slot) he knew "something was up" because the pastor was so nervous when she introduced him -- in other words, he "knew" she was going to stop him and it was an ambush.  What nonsense.  The whole event was ill-conceived, and the good background outcome is the loss of influence of the former aide to Ben Carson who set it all up, Armstrong Williams (being the expert on outreach to the African American community). 

21 minutes ago, SierraMist said:

Pastor Timmons was awesome.  But did I hear correctly that the whole reason Trump was at that church was to thank them for being the place where the residents of Flint could pick up bottled water?  And then he tried to turn it a tirade about Hillary?  Unbelievable!

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What I remember from a couple of days ago was--the campaign wanted to visit---the mayor was in DC working to get some aid passed by congress and she was not much in favor of them visiting but they came anyway--the water plant he toured is completely closed and not in use---and the church where he spoke is one where they took action because there was no aid coming from the state and they distribute water and healthy foods that mitigate the effects of lead to the community--so I think they made that the place he'd speak because the mayor was not there to meet/greet and the Pastor stood in.   Supposedly he as there to recognize their contributions to the community.   I would imagine the Pastor might be nervous because Trump is a loose cannon and you never know what you will get with him and she was kind of hosting in place of the Mayor being there--NOT because she was setting him up to be interrupted and rushed out--he did that for himself.

They just had an analyst from Tom Joyner's show on and he was absolutely livid that Trump had a negative word to say about the Pastor.  

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They just had an analyst from Tom Joyner's show on and he was absolutely livid that Trump had a negative word to say about the Pastor.  

Was it the chubby, round face looking guy? Cause if so, that's Roland Martin, who has his own morning news show on TV One, and he goes on the Joyner's radio show sometimes as well.  I find him to be excellent when he starts ranting and giving folks like Trump and Bill O'Reilly American history lessons. It's a thing of absolute beauty IMO.

I wonder if Trump sat down with the pastor at any point to find out what he could do to help their efforts? LOL

 Mayor Karen Weaver said on Rachel's show that he could pick up the phone and call his "friend" Paul Ryan, and ask him to pass the bill for funding that's headed to House. Roland Martin added Senator Mike Lee from Utah to that call months ago. Months ago Martin posted Lee's number at the capitol on his show, so that folks could call and harass him to pass the bill. He's the one holding up the money. He's the one who I've seen footage of him standing up saying we can't set a precedence, what if this happens in another state? Basically, we can't afford it, is what I concluded. 

Meanwhile, Mike Lee is bitching to Mike Pence about not stepping up and using the word deplorable to describe David Duke.  I personally think that the folks of Flint would find Mike Lee more deplorable than Pence or Trump if they knew that he, not Pence, not Trump, is holding up the funding and keeping them from getting clean drinking water.

Edited by represent
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I have had MSNBC on (sound off, mostly) for the past three hours, and they have shown Hillary Clinton climbing the stairs to her plane over 15 times.  Are they making the point that she actually can climb stairs, or that she is not bounding up the stairs?

They just showed a new angle of her climbing the stairs, view from her right side...

I did think it was ballsy of a reporter on the plane to ask if she had binge-watched "The Good Wife" during her days of rest.  HRC deftly sidestepped the question with, "Oh, but it's finished!  What a loss!"  Now THAT is funny.  (And she sent on to say that "Madame Secretary" is "based on realistic, well some realistic situations.") 

21 minutes ago, represent said:

Was it the chubby, round face looking guy? Cause if so, that's Roland Martin, who has his own morning news show on TV One, and he goes on the Joyner's radio show sometimes as well.  I find him to be excellent when he starts ranting and giving folks like Trump and Bill O'Reilly American history lessons. It's a thing of absolute beauty IMO.

No, it was not Roland Martin.  ETA, based on the next post:  I must have missed Roland Martin -- I did hear Jonathan Capehart on MSNBC on the same topic around the same time. 

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3 minutes ago, jjj said:

I have had MSNBC on (sound off, mostly) for the past three hours, and they have shown Hillary Clinton climbing the stairs to her plane over 15 times.  Are they making the point that she actually can climb stairs, or that she is not bounding up the stairs?

They just showed a new angle of her climbing the stairs, view from her right side...

I did think it was ballsy of a reporter on the plane to ask if she had binge-watched "The Good Wife" during her days of rest.  HRC deftly sidestepped the question with, "Oh, but it's finished!  What a loss!"  Now THAT is funny.  (And she sent on to say that "Madame Secretary" is "based on realistic, well some realistic situations.") 

LOL, that reporter is full of shit, just trying to catch her and see if it's true that she really liked "The Good Wife." Probably wanted her to say yes, just so he/she could say that it was off the air.  Then we could get back to Hillary the liar, she can't even tell the truth about what shows she watches. 

Edited by represent
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11 minutes ago, car54 said:

Yes, it was Roland Martin.

I love when I hear about Hillary and Bill watching regular TV like the rest of us.    

Okay, I missed him, but I did hear Jonathan Capehart talking about this later -- also indignant. 

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20 minutes ago, represent said:

I wonder if Trump sat down with the pastor at any point to find out what he could do to help their efforts? LOL

 Mayor Karen Weaver said on Rachel's show that he could pick up the phone and call his "friend" Paul Ryan, and ask him to pass the bill for funding that's headed to House. Roland Martin added Senator Mike Lee from Utah to that call months ago. Months ago Martin posted Lee's number at the capitol on his show, so that folks could call and harass him to pass the bill. He's the one holding up the money. He's the one who I've seen footage of him standing up saying we can't set a precedence, what if this happens in another state? Basically, we can't afford it, is what I concluded. 

Meanwhile, Mike Lee is bitching to Mike Pence about not stepping up and using the word deplorable to describe David Duke.  I personally think that the folks of Flint find Mike Lee more deplorable than Pence or Trump if they know, or when they find out that he, not Pence, not Trump is holding up the funding and keep them from getting clean drinking water.

I know, right?  I understand that Trump is now all over Twitter and Fox talking shit about the good pastor.  Typical coward.   Evidently, his big mouth wrote a check that his orange ass couldn't cash and now he wants to act all brand new.  It must have really frosted his cookies that he was in front of a small group of people who don't give a rat's patootey about his celebrity status and who weren't about to feed into his narcissism.  The added bonus is that Trump got taken down by a woman unlike those opportunistic "prosperity gospel" ministers who are courting his favor (i.e., contributions to their building funds).

I'm still trying to figure out what nimrod in his campaign thought this Flint photo op (because that's all it is) would be a good idea.  "Pastor" Omarosa perhaps?

Rachel has been absolutely awesome in covering this disaster before the mainstream media even caught on.  Her town hall meeting a few months ago was must-see TV.  Mayor Weaver also called into Tom Hartman's Show this afternoon and gave an update on the situation in Flint.  I would love to see Rachel follow up with this in the months ahead and keep the spotlight on this situation.   Mayor Weaver indicated that the tap water still isn't safe to drink and that Govenor Snyder has yet to be held accountable despite throwing some low-level employees under the bus.

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32 minutes ago, MulletorHater said:

I'm still trying to figure out what nimrod in his campaign thought this Flint photo op (because that's all it is) would be a good idea.  "Pastor" Omarosa perhaps?

See my post above (about six above this one) -- Armstrong Williams, former aide to Ben Carson, set it up. 

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Okay, I'm watching Hillary speak live now on MSNBC, and I hate my self for getting sucked in to the nutters' nonsense, but I can't stop myself from repeating in my head a mantra of "please don't cough, please don't cough, please don't cough".

ETA:  I loved her walkoff music...James Brown "I feel good"!!

Now to see from the commentary what she did wrong......I'm going to have a happy trigger finger on my remote.

Edited by pennben
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She's looking like she feels a lot better.     I hope they've assigned someone to stick with her to make her drink water every chance she gets.

She's doing a good job with this speech.   Very calm and personal.   

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32 minutes ago, pennben said:

Okay, I'm watching Hillary speak live now on MSNBC, and I hate my self for getting sucked in to the nutters' nonsense, but I can't stop myself from repeating in my head a mantra of "please don't cough, please don't cough, please don't cough".

ETA:  I loved her walkoff music...James Brown "I feel good"!!

Now to see from the commentary what she did wrong......I'm going to have a happy trigger finger on my remote.

Yeah I was thinking the same thing, because I know she's still got congestion deep down in there. 

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I saw the tail end of an interview Fineman did with Kurt Eichenwald on the Newsweek piece that KE wrote about Trump's foreign business entanglements.

I don't know what prompted it but KE commented on how his email has been lit up with some pretty awful stuff. Said he has never seen that level of vitriol and agreed with Fineman that it was youknowwho's fans. KE paused looking for the right word and decided that it was "deplorable".

Imho that would have been the perfect time to bring up how dangerous it has at times become for the press because of youknowho, only use his NAME! And ask to read some of those emails on-air.

I don't think the very real issue of the attempts at press intimidation has been covered nearly enough. I would think it might be in their best interests to get that info out there!

Hillary seemed really subdued to me. But at least she's up and at 'em. 

Edited by NewDigs
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Dumb ass question, Tim Kaine doesn't need to know shit until he needs to know. Knock, knock, Tim, I have a sinus infection. Knock, knock, Tim I have stomach cramps. Knock, Knock, Tim I have a headache. Knock, knock Tim I'm having a hot flash. (I know she's past hot flashes.)  Nobody gives a shit unless you're falling down on the job and that entire day she wasn't until she was in that moment so...Nobody on the job really gives a shit unless you're contagious and according to her doctor she wasn't.  Are you alive, and noncontagious? Then get to work, LOL. Nobody wants to know, everybody is got their own damn problems and if your good, then good, let's keep rolling and keep the bitch whining to a minimum. I suspect that's how she rolls.

She wasn't dying, I know that's the better story to those vultures, but it's not the story. I realize they can't tell the difference in the age of Trump reality tv. but...fucking losers, the press.

Edited by represent
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Hillary gave such a great speech.  She came across composed, compassionate and knowledgeable.  I hope she doesn't get into the weeds with her opponent anymore.  It doesn't work.   It didn't work for the republicans running in the primary.

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1 hour ago, jjj said:

See my post above (about six above this one) -- Armstrong Williams, former aide to Ben Carson, set it up. 

JJ, thank you!  I don't know how I missed that.  I should have known.  Armstrong Williams must have a wicked sense of humor because even Stevie Wonder could see that this wasn't a good idea.  Like, his selling of Ben Carson (who didn't even live on this planet) was such a resounding success!

7 minutes ago, NewDigs said:

I saw the tail end of an interview Fineman did with Kurt Eichenwald on the Newsweek piece that KE wrote about Trump's foreign business entanglements.

I don't know what prompted it but KE commented on how his email has been lit up with some pretty awful stuff. Said he has never seen that level of vitriol and agreed with Fineman that it was youknowwho's fans. KE paused looking for the right word and decided that it was "deplorable".

Imho that would have been the perfect time to bring up how dangerous it has at times become for the press because of youknowho, only use his NAME! And ask to read some of those emails on-air.

I don't think the very real issue of the attempts at press intimidation has been covered nearly enough. I would think it might be in their best interests to get that info out there!

Well, this is how fascism begins.  The Fourth Estate has done a grave disservice to the American people this election season.  But, with Herr Trump threatening to revoke the press credentials of The Washington Post and The New York Times, I imagine the rest of the media came to heel.  MSNBC has gone to hell in a hand basket ever since Comcast took over NBC Universal.  The Matt Lauer fiasco is only the most glaring and recent example of what happens when the behavior of a psychopath is normalized through false equivalence and a failure and refusal to keep the American people really informed.  Trump has already gone on record that he wants to expand the libel laws and doesn't hesitate to insult or threaten media figures who offend him.  There is audio, where he is already alleged to have posed as his own spokesman (John Miller).  On what planet is this kind of behavior normal and why is it even tolerated?  

The sight of a bunch of Trump supporters pledging their allegiance to him a few months ago should have frightened the shit out of everyone.  Since when do we pledge allegiance to a single man in this country?  The fact that the mainstream media have been so lily-livered about covering Trump's business dealings is mind boggling.  Thank goodness we still have a few brave souls out there willing to fight the good fight.  A few months ago, Rachel Maddow masterfully showed how the Trump campaign is nothing but one big scam, directly benefiting Trump's companies and his awful family members.  She did this by methodically following the money, including reimbursements for everything including the use of Trump's private jet, providing Trump Water at campaign rallies, etc.

This is a very scary time.

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1 hour ago, car54 said:

... I hope they've assigned someone to stick with her to make her drink water every chance she gets. ...

Dehydration is insidious -- you can't wait until you feel thirsty, you have to consistently drink a certain amount of water at certain intervals (depending on variables such as how active you're being, how hot/cold your environment is, etc.).  And the more you drink, the more often you have to urinate -- I've known people who purposely avoid drinking so as not to interrupt whatever they're doing with a bathroom break.   Not easy to manage, but it does have to be taken seriously.

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It is a very scary time.  I feel like I'm living The Deathly Hollows.  He who shall not be named has the elder wand and instead of a debate (which I believe he's scared of) he's going to challenge Hillary to Qudditch match.

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1 minute ago, 3pwood said:

Dehydration is insidious -- you can't wait until you feel thirsty, you have to consistently drink a certain amount of water at certain intervals (depending on variables such as how active you're being, how hot/cold your environment is, etc.).  And the more you drink, the more often you have to urinate -- I've known people who purposely avoid drinking so as not to interrupt whatever they're doing with a bathroom break.   Not easy to manage, but it does have to be taken seriously.

Ha! I'm one of those drinkers-of-impressive-amounts-of-water people. I frequently travel with my mom and she had the perfect observation. "You water people! If you're not looking for water you're looking for a bathroom."

It takes longer than many realize to bounce back from dehydration. Hill's a real trouper. I hope press eases up. They've shown her van-entry about a gazillion time too many already.

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Today's With All Due Respect was mostly about how no matter how much the press covers all of the shadiness that is Trump, how nothing sticks, but I was encouraged to hear Hielemann saying that they need to continue pushing that message hard.   I get the feeling the more liberal hosts are starting to get nervous about Trump's moving up in the polls.  I hope they keep at it every single hour.

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I think Hilary needs to change her strategy. Trump has some outrageous gaffe or scandal nearly every day and the media just shrugs it off and moves on.  Hillary has so few (we know the drill: "email & server...the Clinton charitable foundation...and, oh yes, Benghazi." And now, of course, her health! (and age))  I realized this a.m. flipping between Flipping between CNN and MSNBC this morning, I realized that they have been mentioning Hillary's email problems every day for a year. I'll bet most Americans couldn't tell you what it is exactly, they just have learned from our glorious media's repetition of it not to trust her.  She should do like Trump and have a new gaffe every day so they just shrug them off and move on.

If it had been Hillary having the Flint failure yesterday (and looking so opportunistic in the process), we'd be hearing endlessly about it. Will anyone cover Don Jr today saying how the media protects HRC and would be "warming up the gas chamber" if they said half the things she does?  (After the ADL tweeted that the Holocaust and gas chambers should never be taken lightly, He later said he was just "talking about capital punishment." As Josh Barro pointed out on LOD, there have only been 11 executions by gas chamber in the U.S. in 40 years. It's a very odd phrase.)

And I heard Trump in his economic speech this morning (full broadcast MSNBC) say "I've spent a lot of time in Flint". What was it he was there? Three hours? Yeah. Long time. I liked one report late last night who said he seemed confused about what was happening there. Loved the pastor for not letting him make a political speech and for keeping to his promise (unlike Rev. Jackson last week in Detroit who promised "he will not speak here; that's not what we do" then simply capitulated).

Kurt Eichenwald's article in Newsweek is every bit the bombshell he promised. I was glad to see Bri Wi talk to him for about 3 minutes last night, but it seems to tax our media's brains to talk about anything more difficult than Hillary's health and her email and whether or not it was PR genius for Trump to discuss his (supposed) medical results on Dr. Oz.  (I say "supposed" because #1 Everyone except Trump and Dr. B say he's always been 6'2". HE insists on 6'3.  Also, Marla said she thought his weight now is probably about 260 which I'll bet is much closer to the truth than 236. "Obese!" I'd love that headline.)

Too bad Dr. Oz is a shill who promised to play along with Trump's stunt and not ask hard questions. It would have been great if he had at least brought out a scale and challenged him to weigh himself in public--"so they believe you".  The crowd could even have egged him on by chanting, "Weigh! Weigh! Weigh! Weigh!" and added to the reality tv spectacle he was aiming for.

Edited by Padma
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I hardly ever get to watch "With all Due Respect", but tuned in for a few minutes today with closed captioning.

If I read the captions right, one of the contributors said that Trump not only said the pastor was up to no good, but that the *crowd* "boo'd" her when she asked him to stick to thanking them, not doing the stump speech.  The MSNBC contributor said that was a flat-out lie, and it was -- I watched that event live, and what happened after she interrupted him was that they started shouting questions about the Trump family discrimination of renters (outlined in the NY Times two weeks ago).  *Then* the pastor came out and told the sparse audience to respect the guest.  The fact that he completely turned it around, and probably thinks he is actually describing what happened, is not just Deplorable, but frightening.  Because he cannot separate what is in his head from reality.  (*and P.S. -- there was no "crowd", just a small group of people standing around)

I really hope someone covers this new Trump lie on one of the shows tonight.  He is just gross. 

29 minutes ago, car54 said:

Today's With All Due Respect was mostly about how no matter how much the press covers all of the shadiness that is Trump, how nothing sticks, but I was encouraged to hear Hielemann saying that they need to continue pushing that message hard.   I get the feeling the more liberal hosts are starting to get nervous about Trump's moving up in the polls.  I hope they keep at it every single hour.

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2 hours ago, represent said:

Dumb ass question, Tim Kaine doesn't need to know shit until he needs to know. Knock, knock, Tim, I have a sinus infection. Knock, knock, Tim I have stomach cramps. Knock, Knock, Tim I have a headache. Knock, knock Tim I'm having a hot flash. (I know she's past hot flashes.)  Nobody gives a shit unless you're falling down on the job and that entire day she wasn't until she was in that moment so...Nobody on the job really gives a shit unless you're contagious and according to her doctor she wasn't.  Are you alive, and noncontagious? Then get to work, LOL. Nobody wants to know, everybody is got their own damn problems and if your good, then good, let's keep rolling and keep the bitch whining to a minimum. I suspect that's how she rolls.

She wasn't dying, I know that's the better story to those vultures, but it's not the story. I realize they can't tell the difference in the age of Trump reality tv. but...fucking losers, the press.

And, of course, it was Andrea Mitchell who made an issue of this.  

You are so right.  Hillary isn't president yet.  Kaine isn't vice president yet. She doesn't need to tell him every time she needs a drink of water.

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Ha! Joy Reid is on it!! She said she'll be fact checking Trump's tale of his visit to Flint.

I wonder if Hillary's team could get Tony Schwartz to sit front and center in the audience at the first debate and just stare at Trump.

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4 minutes ago, car54 said:

Ha! Joy Reid is on it!! She said she'll be fact checking Trump's tale of his visit to Flint.

I wonder if Hillary's team could get Tony Schwartz to sit front and center in the audience at the first debate and just stare at Trump.

Yeah, they should, cause I wouldn't put it past the Trump campaign to get Monica or Monica look alike, in the same style of blue dress, and yes stained, I know it's gross... to sit in the front seat and stare at Hillary. 

Yep folks, I'm going low, you gotta think as low as you can go in 2016.

Edited by represent
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I love when Joy guest hosts the evening shows! She has FOUR panelists on and not one of them is a shill for Trump. And they aren't Clinton spokespeople either. This is so refreshing and is reminding me of the olden days of MSNBC. Have missed this type of program.

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It is actually a relief that Joy had some time for discussion before HRC came out for her speech -- yay, Joy, for the fact-checking!  I was afraid the entire hour would be the Obama then the Clinton speech.  (I see Linda Sanchez is speaking at the lectern as we wait.  And now they are talking about overweight Trump, yay again!)

Listening to a contributor saying HRC "looks phenomenal after resting three days for pneumonia".  The rest definitely outweighed the effect of the pneumonia!  And there is no prohibition to getting highlights (hair) while resting, so that helps.  But she does look rested -- missed her speech earlier today, so this is my first good look at her except for the 19 climbs up the airplane stairs.  I like this order of speakers, which is gracious of Obama -- normally the President would be last, as the most important speaker.  I was going to say he is a tough act to follow, but she just said it! and: #tacotruckoneverycorner/HRCplank

Edited by jjj
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Of course Oz went along with this.  He's a Trump supporter and a hack as well.

Senator McCaskill's grilling of him during a senate hearing about his involvement with fake weight loss drugs is legendary!

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27 minutes ago, stormy said:

Of course Oz went along with this.  He's a Trump supporter and a hack as well.

Senator McCaskill's grilling of him during a senate hearing about his involvement with fake weight loss drugs is legendary!

That's why it's so shocking to me that Oz (refuse to call him doctor) was given a platform to put forth his quackery.  He and Trump are birds of a feather as far as I'm concerned.

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On 9/15/2016 at 0:18 AM, Padma said:

I would love to find that article. He actually mentioned the name of someone who started it.

I have been searching high and low for it, I did find it once before after an Up or an All in show - it's in The Nation, but I had a hard time finding it the first time and have failed to find it this time.  I'm going to log in and really look for it because it's a good source for how this all really started.

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This is not the article, I still can't find the correct one.  But in this article Hayes traces the "Obama is a Muslim" thing to Andy Martin.  In the article that I can't find, Chris proves that Clinton was never behind that - but that her supporters were the ones pushing the birther issue - I think it got widespread attention when Orly Tatz ran with it.  Dangit. I even searched the archive database, maybe I'll try tweeting Chris directly for the article link.

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