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Small Talk: Out of Genoa

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@boes that sucks. There are so many books and periodicals not available online or on audible. I used to be a big fan of the Algonquin Round Table and WR Hearst. I had a bunch of their original publications and things about them but left them when I left my ex. Finding them online or tracking replacements down is impossible.  

@peacheslatour that must have been such a rewarding career. A good florist such as you were required many talents. 

George's hair grows SO fast and is so thick and silky for yorkie and blue black he looks like Crystal Gayle crossed with a teddy bear right now. 

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You all are pretty wonderful if you don't know that already.  It can't be said enough.

I'm sure it will all be fine eventually.  I rented "Every Little Step", this documentary from 7 or so years ago about people trying out for a Broadway revival of "A Chorus Line" - that's something more important to hear than it is to see clearly and I remember it had some day players in from the soaps, one from OLTL and I think, one from Y&R although I'm not sure on either.  In any case, it'll be good music to listen to.

Thanks to you all for being such incredible people - AND, Masters of Snark!!

7 hours ago, peacheslatour said:

Okay Preverts, I have a question. I used to be a florist so I'm supposed to know this stuff, I even had a florist friend over to look at it but she was as stymied as I am so I thought I would see if your yuge brains have any ideas. I bought a Victorian Parlor Palm and also special palm soil. I planted it in a clean pot and now I have a crop of fucking mushrooms like you wouldn't believe! Wat do?

Peacheslatour, this is sounds like the beginning of one of those early 80's horror sci fi pics......be careful, and don't water them after it gets dark whatever you do.....

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happy sunday morning preverts...

am in vancouver at the chateau granville for the weekend...will be travelling back home tomorrow...it will also be our anniversary tomorrow.. 

LOL  chateau granville is right downtown vancouver and boy is it ever noisy at night.  people hootin and hollering while walking down the road, police/ambulance sirens....and i couldn't find the temperature control for the bedroom to turn down...

hmmm, am i getting old and crotchety?

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1 hour ago, valleycliffe said:

happy sunday morning preverts...

am in vancouver at the chateau granville for the weekend...will be travelling back home tomorrow...it will also be our anniversary tomorrow.. 

LOL  chateau granville is right downtown vancouver and boy is it ever noisy at night.  people hootin and hollering while walking down the road, police/ambulance sirens....and i couldn't find the temperature control for the bedroom to turn down...

hmmm, am i getting old and crotchety?

Crotchety? Maybe. Old? Never! Happy Anniversary!

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26 minutes ago, valleycliffe said:

peacheslatour, did you feel the earthquake that happened last night?

we had one off the coast of vancouver island too but i never felt a thing..

Nope, we heard about it but felt not thing one. Good too because earthquakes freak me the fuck out. Were you around for the Great Earthquake of , what, 63-64? You could see the street rolling like there were waves of water under it. I was on my way to school and my parents said they could see me up at the top of our street, I was just standing there but they said I looked like I was jumping up and down.

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i lived in burnaby at the time and i don't remember an earthquake..

first time i actually felt an earthquake was in 69 0r 70...was visiting with friends living in an apartment building when the darn thing started to shake...scared the pants off of me.

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I was about to leave work early for once when the big quake in Japan happened nearly six years ago. I didn't feel the full force of that since I was still on my ship when it hit the base (300 miles away from Miyagi Prefecture), but those on land told me they were unable to even walk.

Also, this happened to our pool on base: 



Suffice it to say I eventually start sleeping through the 5.0s that hit.

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my nephew lives and works in japan.  he's lived there for about 10 yrs. now..married with 2 kids..

he was teaching esl in sendei when the earthquake hit...

he said he had just got outside and was having a smoke....

many many people died that day, fortunately, he wasn't one of them..

to this day, he still suffers from ptsd from it.

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I can only imagine...my ship went on patrol for three weeks helping the Japanese government scour for survivors. :(

We were the "lucky" ones in that we had too much iodine in our water and ended up being grounded. Most of the other ships were out to sea for upwards of two months. One of them was out to sea for nearly five MONTHS.

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I severely injured my left wrist.  I told my sister not to tell anyone because I didn't want people to think I couldn't drive, perform simple household chores, etc.  Since I didn't want anybody to know I am posting it here. 

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Living in Chicago watching the news is beyond shitty. 7 murders in one day and 6 additional attempted murders by gunshot. Flip through channels and  Dr Phil is about a man who shot to death his next door neighbor because her dog stepped on his lawn. Go on Facebook and there's videos a middle aged man beating up a 13 yr old boy and pulling a gun on him because he walked on his lawn coming home from school. 

The news is more depressing and violent than prime time dramas. 

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2 hours ago, jewel21 said:

Life sucks. I'm just going to sit here and cuddle my bird. Except not literally because he won't let me. He's such a tease.

Yep. I just got back from lunch with my dad. He is so damn lost since my mom died. I have to meet with the attorney's and accountants and stuff because he's just not up to it. This last couple of years have just sucked.

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On ‎2‎/‎23‎/‎2017 at 9:57 AM, valleycliffe said:

peacheslatour, did you feel the earthquake that happened last night?

we had one off the coast of vancouver island too but i never felt a thing..

On ‎2‎/‎23‎/‎2017 at 10:27 AM, peacheslatour said:

Nope, we heard about it but felt not thing one. Good too because earthquakes freak me the fuck out. Were you around for the Great Earthquake of , what, 63-64? You could see the street rolling like there were waves of water under it. I was on my way to school and my parents said they could see me up at the top of our street, I was just standing there but they said I looked like I was jumping up and down.


I have Caltech's Earthquake Data Center on all our phones and computers. Earthquakes scare the wits out of me after we lost our Santa Monica house in the 1994 Northridge earthquake. We were thrown out our beds at 4:30AM, and huddled with our neighbors in the local school yard.

19 hours ago, peacheslatour said:

Yep. I just got back from lunch with my dad. He is so damn lost since my mom died. I have to meet with the attorney's and accountants and stuff because he's just not up to it. This last couple of years have just sucked.

I'm sorry, Peaches. Your father is suffering terribly. In his grief, you are a stabilizing influence.


My father was released from the physical rehab nursing home Thursday, and I went home with my parents to help them get settled in. My sister will be staying with them for a couple of weeks to help out. There's snow! Everywhere! There hasn't been this much snow for 6 years. The Mount Whitney and Black Mountain range is covered in snow ... amazing!

Dad has to be driven to town for physical therapy for the time being, so that gives mom time in town to drop off the egg delivery (they raise chickens, ducks and geese), visit friends or go to the library. That's given me time to air out and dust their closed up house, poke around my mother's well-stocked pantry for meal ideas and go horseback riding in the snow ... Heaven.

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horseback riding in the snow ... Heaven

5 hours ago, peacheslatour said:

That does indeed sound like heaven!


The snow muffles the hoof beats and hides the ground; in a full canter it feels like you and the horse are flying.

This is a good video of a snow ride, from the Horse Hill Center Horse Riding in Hosenruck, Switzerland -- Very impressive facility. Most of the horses have their bushy winter coats, but for the blond lady on the Andalusian breed in a top cape. It features one of my favorite Travis Tritt songs.

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6 hours ago, peacheslatour said:

Thanks for all the kind words guys. My poor dad, he's so sweet like a lost little boy.

I know it's wearing and stirs up all your unsettled losses for the last couple of years, but he needs your protection.

Have you had an opportunity to speak to his doctor/s about his behavior (with the gun) and despair?

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6 minutes ago, Cupid Stunt said:

I know it's wearing and stirs up all your unsettled losses for the last couple of years, but he needs your protection.

Have you had an opportunity to speak to his doctor/s about his behavior (with the gun) and despair?

He seems to go back and forth, for example he told me later that he wouldn't do anything to himself but when I had lunch with him on Friday, he was saying he would do whatever it took to be with my mother again. He refuses to see a doctor. I think it's just pain and he doesn't know how to handle it. Most women out live their husbands, I think it's rougher for a man to out live his wife for some reason. I see him as much as I can and he says that's what he's living for now. I'll do my best, that's all anybody can do.

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9 minutes ago, Petunia13 said:

The Oscars are tonight. I'm rooting for Moonlight. I though it was thoughtful, authentic, and beautifully shot. 

As an aside, I'm glad this movie got made for many reasons. I don't expect it to win Best Picture against Hollywood Love Letter La La Land, but as a black woman, it's time we as a culture push our own experiences and art films instead of the typical slave movies and gang banging on the streets stuff that was common as I was growing up.

and also, as much as it pains me to say it, there *is* far too much homophobia in the black community. Theres a religious element to that, but also some people who truly think that teaching acceptance is just another way for The Man to emasculate our males and people blame the (highly exaggerated btw) lack of male father figures for why people become gay. O_o Heartbreakingly, I had one guy on FB point on that he didn't want his kid to be gay because, to paraphrase, it's already hard enough to be a black man and we don't have time to deal with gender issues. :(

Suffice it to say if this does anything to open up this topic, that would be a good thing IMO.

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Moonlight, 20th Century Women, Hell or High Water, The Handmaiden and Elle were my favorite movies in 2016.

Annette Benning and Viola Davis (Fences, she won Best Supporting Actress) excluded from Lead Actress nominations (That would have been a worthy completion!). Meryl Steep as a cartoon light opera singer and Emma Stone trying to portray an actor/singer/dancer for Lead Actress nominations was insulting.

I thought certain that Taraji P. Henson would be nominated for a Supporting Actress nomination. <sigh -- One fine day ...>

The Show itself was more entertaining than in other years -- Candy and cookie drop, the sight-seeing bus occupants walked through the Dolby Theatre during the ceremony -- and Jimmy Kimmel was fast on his feet and self-effacing with the merry mixup for Best Picture.


Now for something fun from deliberate faux news front:

President Hillary Clinton -- News From the Real America, Where the Majority Rules

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3 hours ago, Petunia13 said:

How is everyone?! 

How sweet of you to ask. I'm still struggling with my mom's death and my dad's difficulty in coping. But we're on the way to selling our property and we should see quite a bit of money in the next couple of years. My son's girlfriend still has a myriad of health problems and one of my cats has a cold. C'est la vie.

How are you and George? How's the promotion going?

Jewel, is your family doing better?

Valley how's the hip?

Edited by peacheslatour
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hey everyone..

which one?  LOLOL

my new hip is doing quite well, the pain has lessened to almost nothing.

my arthritic hip is another story and is acting up quite a bit...thankfully tho, spring should arrive soon along with some warmer dryer weather..

going back to the mainland tomorrow..i have a dr.'s appt with rheumatologist on friday so then will come back home on afternoon ferry on friday.

am going to have the husband take me to new westminster so i can go to "galloways".  it is a spice shop and that is where i buy the henna i use in my hair..allergic to hair dye so henna is the only colouring i can use..

BLECH.  got my hair cut yesterday, tried to explain to hair dresser how i wanted it, but i still ended up with my hair too short on the sides...looks like a high and tight....grrrrrrrr.

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so, i am friends with my grandson on facebook...he is 21 yrs old.

at first he didn't want to accept my friend request cause he thought he might get embarrassed by some of the stuff he posts cause it would offend me...silly rabbit.....

anyway, most of the things he posts are truly non-sensical, un esthetic etc...his friends are weird too.....

anyway, he posted a video of some christian lady who was speaking to a group of people...it was about the drink called "monster"...not sure, but i think it's an energy drink or something...anyway, this lady had displays to prove her point...apparently the green lines on front of can, which i thought was just their stylized m for monster drink, but she said it was actually the hebrew symbol for 666 or the devil...it also has a cross in the "o" of the name, then she was going on and on cause it said on the box that it was the drink of choice for milf's...i laughed out loud at that..i think she also showed that it said that on the box..  then it supposedly has a bfc on the can...she said it stood for big f**king can..

i know i sound petty for being annoyed about her going off on the product, but maybe her anger would be better served talking about all the bullying going on in school and how it goes against what jesus preached...or domestic abuse.....she could tell her listeners that a man beating on his spouse/significant other is not acceptable and maybe the wife should have a cast iron frying pan at the ready to use...or help him go to sleep if you know what i mean..

ok, rant over.

my point is, so what....don't buy it and don't drink it if you don't like it..

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at first he didn't want to accept my friend request cause he thought he might get embarrassed by some of the stuff he posts cause it would offend me...silly rabbit.....

Oh if the kids these days could see some of the shit we say on this board, I think they would need their fainting couches.

Hey, has anyone heard from Snap?

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come to think of it, no, at least i haven't either..

didn't he post something about going away on vacay or something?

my grandson and his friends like posting vids from indie punk rock/ metal bands...lots of screaming that i can't make out the words to...

LOL  last week he posted something about liking the electric light orchestra more than rap...he had been listening to some of his dad's vinyl records...so i replied to him "don't bring me down"...he was surprised until my daughter told him that elo was one of my favourite groups at one time.  i wonder if he thinks i was born old?

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Oh, man. Where to start, my life's a mess.

Brother was stopped by the police a week after I posted here about his gf having to call the cops because he was sitting in her driveway for 3 hours. They brought him to the psych ward of one hospital and five days later transferred him to his regular mental hospital. He's been there 30 days. He's not coming out of it very quickly, and they want to try Lithium on him. No one in the family wants to see him, visit him, talk to him, or bring him clothes. He's been wearing the same shirt and pants and underwear for a month now.

Today is the second time since Sunday my grandfather had to be taken away by ambulance. I came home to see a firetruck pulling up.  He's been sick and last Sunday got weak and almost fainted and peed the floor. They doctors ran tests and didn't find anything wrong with him other than being sick. And stress. Today, he peed himself twice, almost fell, and seems out of it. And his body temperature has been all over the place, mostly below normal. It dropped to 93 at one point and he's been shivering. He's quiet and not following commands and seems very lost. I don't know what's happening. He's at the hospital waiting to see a doctor as we speak.

Uncle wants to throw crazy brother out once he comes back, with a letter from a lawyer saying he needs to leave in 10 days. My mom wants me to tell my uncle that is ridiculous and you can't just throw someone out in 10 days, but I don't want to get involved.

They suspect Steve has cirrhosis of the liver and want to try a new med on him. It'll help with inflammation and help prevent new fibrous tissues from forming in the liver. It won't get rid of the existing fibrous tissues, though. It's supposed to be something we try for 3 months and then do another biochemistry. I'm debating it.

I'm so over 2017.

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1 hour ago, valleycliffe said:

come to think of it, no, at least i haven't either..

didn't he post something about going away on vacay or something?

my grandson and his friends like posting vids from indie punk rock/ metal bands...lots of screaming that i can't make out the words to...

LOL  last week he posted something about liking the electric light orchestra more than rap...he had been listening to some of his dad's vinyl records...so i replied to him "don't bring me down"...he was surprised until my daughter told him that elo was one of my favourite groups at one time.  i wonder if he thinks i was born old?

I'll tell you once more before I get on the floor...don't bring me down!

Don't bring me down, Brrrruuuce ?

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