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Small Talk: Out of Genoa

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Inside the race to halt the virus in Asia's 'biggest slum'


From Iran’s hot zone, Afghans flee home, spreading coronavirus


Desperate hunt for food by Peru's poor amid virus quarantine


South Africa’s TB, HIV history prepares it for virus testing


The cider must flow -- German restaurant takes novel approach to stay in business


Japan considering six-month period for state of emergency: TBS


After coronavirus, how will Americans' view of the world change?



Queen delivers message of hope to UK amid virus outbreak


Coronavirus in the US: How all 50 states are responding – and why nine still refuse to issue stay-at-home orders


Americans hit by economic shocks as confusion, stumbles undermine the Administration's stimulus effort


Wells Fargo stops taking applications for Paycheck Protection Program loans


America’s housing market is showing the first signs of trouble from the coronavirus pandemic


Texas Gets Double Punch From Virus and Oil Shock. 'There's No Avoiding This One.'


Key food prices are surging after coronavirus upends supply chains


“Kill your earnings”: Jim Cramer’s surprising take on the coronavirus crisis -- CNBC’s biggest star sounds a lot like a Socialist



U.S. Is Nowhere Close to Reopening the Economy, Experts Say


Consumers were slammed in the Great Recession. The CFPB’s former director warns worse could be on the way. -- Richard Cordray is worried about Americans losing their homes and falling victim to loan sharks and scams amid the coronavirus crisis.


How coronavirus has changed US employment, in 6 charts -- Unemployment rates, hiring, working from home; the pandemic is changing everything about the state of work.


How universal health coverage would have softened the blow of losing insurance coverage during the coronavirus crisis


World leaders who denied the coronavirus’s danger made us all less safe -- Leaders who saw the coronavirus threat saved lives. Those who didn’t endangered them.


Dr. Drew Pinsky apologizes, was 'wrong' about coronavirus threat -- Buying into his own press, while burning his listeners with misinformation. Another lapse in "do no harm?"


Coronavirus patients rush to join studies of Gilead drug



‘Stupid and crazy’: Local officials protest Gov. Kemp’s decision to reopen beaches in hard-hit Georgia -- Yup.


Why coronavirus scammers can send fake emails from real domains -- Organizations like the WHO could prevent domain spoofing, but many don’t.


Bill Gates calls coronavirus pandemic a ‘nightmare scenario,’ but predicts lower death toll than Administration -- However, he predicted that the U.S. could see less than 100,000 to 240,000 deaths from COVID-19 before the outbreak is under control. Gates said if people continue practicing safe social distancing and remain in quarantine, cases should begin leveling off toward the end of this month. -- That's how to bury the lead, Bill.


Another non-doctor/scientist heard from -- Navarro says he is qualified to disagree with Fauci on coronavirus treatment: ‘I’m a social scientist’ -- White House trade advisor Peter Navarro said Monday that he is qualified to disagree with Dr. Anthony Fauci on coronavirus research because “I’m a social scientist.” <blerg> “I understand how to read statistical studies, whether it’s in medicine, the law, economics or whatever,” Navarro told CNN in a televised interview. Navarro is the White House director of trade and manufacturing policy, and Fauci has led the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases since 1984. 


Inspector general who handled Ukraine whistleblower complaint says ‘it is hard not to think’ he was fired by Trump for doing his job


Acting U.S. Navy Secretary said fired captain may have been "stupid": officials -- And that's how he became the captain of an aircraft carrier in the U.S. Navy. -- Stop while you're ahead, Acting Secretary Thomas Modly.



SeaWorld CEO Rivera Resigns After 5 Months, Continuing Turnover at Top


Ukraine continues to battle forest fire near Chernobyl


Pastor who refuses to cancel Sunday services greeted by police


Despite coronavirus concerns, worshippers gather at Orlando church under statewide exemption


Disgraced Cardinal Pell awaits appeal verdict



Edited by Cupid Stunt
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  On 4/5/2020 at 4:54 PM, OhioSongbird said:

I have a quick survey if you choose to answer.  What part of the country/world are you posting from?  Some of you I know your area but just curious.  My location is obvious and I've been sharing your posts with hubby and telling him we're kinda global here with everybody's family spread everywhere.


I am in Calgary, Alberta, Canada.  The City of Calgary declared a state of emergency on March 15, this was after the Province of Alberta announced its measures encouraging people to stay at home.  With the state of emergency, pretty much everything was closed except essential services.  At first restaurants could stay open but most of them shut down for the recommended two week period. Then some time later, restaurants could only stay open for delivery or take-out.  I got the last haircut from my stylist two Fridays ago!  Liquor stores are open and also will do delivery 🍷  Cannabis stores, ASFAIK, remain open too.

People are encouraged to work from home and most everyone I know that is still employed that is the case.  My two closest friends lost their jobs.  One works in a restaurant, the other for a major international exhibition and fair (which will likely be cancelled).

My hubby is doing most of the grocery shopping.  As elsewhere, we have plenty of produce.  Staples like flour and rice and pasta continue to be difficult to get.  Stores have implemented maximums on things like tp.  Potatoes for some reason also sell out!  We are now not allowed to bring our own grocery bags to some of the grocery stores.  We are not suffering grocery-wise.  

Our economy really sucked before this happened so now it sucks worse, and we will have a longer road to economic recovery. 

People here are very cooperative regarding social distancing.  I go for walks and people give you a wide berth.  Plus now almost everyone smiles and says hello. 👋

The Province has closed all provincial parks, including access roads and parking lots because some people were using it as an opportunity to commune with nature, but unfortunately that meant crowded trails.

This week the City has announced that all City events and activities, including anything that requires a city permit, so everything that the general public would attend, are cancelled until at least June 30th.  So that gives us an idea of what is to come.  That also means even if sports leagues reopen, like football, they won't be playing here.

You can still go to the doctor although my dentist has shut down, and other specialists are probably difficult to see.

Here's a pic of what would have been our normally bustling downtown pedestrian mall.



Edited by bannana
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  On 4/6/2020 at 6:11 PM, Cupid Stunt said:

Another non-doctor/scientist heard from -- Navarro says he is qualified to disagree with Fauci on coronavirus treatment: ‘I’m a social scientist’ -- White House trade advisor Peter Navarro said Monday that he is qualified to disagree with Dr. Anthony Fauci on coronavirus research because “I’m a social scientist.” <blerg> “I understand how to read statistical studies, whether it’s in medicine, the law, economics or whatever,” Navarro told CNN in a televised interview. Navarro is the White House director of trade and manufacturing policy, and Fauci has led the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases since 1984.


Oh, keep talking Mr. Navarro, and others of your ilk, because we've got nothing but time these days to hear you and The Great One continue to show us why November can't come soon enough.

What a pompous ass he is.

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I’m so proud of you @jewel21 you are still doing your studies and kicking ass even in this while social isolating. These don’t sound like easy course work either so it’s pretty amazing you’re doing it at home diligently! Fingers crossed for you my lil book worm pal you Ace it! 

@OhioSongbird I live in a wealthy suburb of Chicago. I have lived in actual Chicago and quite liked it. We are hit pretty bad here by the pandemic. I was a fine dining waitress just returned to 2 weeks before quarantine and simultaneously took a restaurant lunch job at a lower scale place and in healthcare for both for low pay and something told me take the healthcare morning gig, not that lunch shit which made slightly more. Quarantine and pandemic broke out and my healthcare low pay job became full time and only job. I am an essential worker so do go out everyday sans mask and gloves. I social distance and don’t venture out beyond work or grabbing a few necessities. It’s been incredibly depressing. I know people who’ve passed, of course, while the stay at home order is going on and their funerals were via Zoom and I know people who aren’t well during this like about to suffer nervous breakdowns. I fear many things. Like a return to normality. Getting my mom, my only family sick. Getting sick myself, rarely I think about, but I do have heart defects that eventually require I’ve known will require a replacement so if I get ill it will probably be game over if I’m being blunt. There’s a tremendous sense in my soul that I am vulnerable since this will be my way of life a long time so there’s no options. Also I don’t think this even will be the biggest crisis of 2020 I think something bad is going to happen in the fall that most people won’t be able to handle like something really fucked up we won’t expect that is different from this it will happen in or the fall out will be in November. This isn’t going to be the worst thing that happens,  it will be different. 

  • Love 10

Thank you for the kind words, Petunia. 

Not working during this course, I thought it would be a piece of cake since I had all day, every day, to study. But the stress of everything has been crazy and it resulted in a lot of late nights filled with anxiety. I am happy it is almost over and last night I actually managed to fall asleep just a little after 1:00 AM. 

I think of you during this time and I keep hoping you are safe. What you're doing is amazing and I'm sure the people in home are grateful to have you there. My brother works picking up recycling and he said lot of people have been thanking him for doing his job. It's nice to know there are people out there that are appreciative of the people on the front lines. 

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Here is a really awesome thing that is happening in my city, that came about because of COVID-19.

It's called porchtraits and you just have to let him know and he will come by and take a photo.  His wife is also part of organizing this, etc.  People have been super creative in what they do on their porches/balconies/in their windows.  Just a fun thing for people/families to do.

  • Love 11


Crewmember on Navy hospital ship Comfort tests positive for coronavirus -- Moving along in spite of wise counsel.


Coronavirus Task Force Briefing -- April 6, 2020


A timeline of the Administration's promises and predictions on coronavirus


Health experts call for Roosevelt-style programs to kill virus, revive economy


From Texas to New York, vastly different COVID test rates


Will coronavirus slow down in warmer months like the flu?


The Administration called NIH 'terrible,' questioned vaccines -- Opinion on Obama's response to the Ebola and H1N1 epidemics.


US coronavirus death count likely an underestimate. Here's why


How did coronavirus break out? Theories abound as researchers race to solve genetic detective story


Trade Adviser Peter Navarro Warned White House in January of Risks of a Pandemic and then the change of heart … Navarro's laughable claim that he knows better than Fauci -- Related: Peter Navarro Has Antagonized Multinational Companies. Now He’s in Charge. -- Oops ...


Another member of the Cabinet heard from -- Wilbur Ross’s prediction about the coronavirus helping the US economy could not have been more wrong -- Remembering that time Ross said the coronavirus “will help to accelerate the return of jobs,” 10 million unemployment claims later.


MSN Spotlight: Navy Captain Brett Crozier removed over coronavirus warning


Acting Navy secretary apologizes for calling ousted aircraft carrier captain 'stupid' in address to ship's crew -- Related: Navy official’s fiery speech deepens a political crisis as warship battles coronavirus


A Make-or-Break Test for American Diplomacy -- The post-pandemic world will pose a massive test for U.S. statecraft, the biggest since the end of the Cold War.


America has no federal response to this crisis -- We're on our own. Just the way the Heritage Foundation intended.



Voting during a pandemic? Here's what happened in 1918


Texas’s election law could disenfranchise millions during a pandemic -- Texas’s absentee ballot law is utterly unfit for a state holding an election during a public health crisis.


Wisconsin Supreme Court overturns governor, orders Tuesday elections to proceed -- The U.S. Supreme Court also overturned a lower court's order extending the absentee ballot deadline in the state.


New York is merging all its hospitals to battle the coronavirus -- “We’re in an almost apocalyptic crisis, which requires cutting through the bullshit.”


New York City Considers Temporary Graves for Virus Victims


Passengers started leaving the Coral Princess. Then the CDC changed its stance on coronavirus-stricken cruises. -- Whoops!


Not surprisingly Senator Elizabeth Warren has a plan for this, too -- “When you have a plan and people can see it, they can start making their plans,” Warren says.


“Shelter in place” is impossible if you can’t afford a home -- If we don’t protect America’s homeless from coronavirus, we all pay the price.


7 case studies that show how coronavirus spreads before you know you’re sick -- A new study from Singapore shows how presymptomatic spread of coronavirus works.


As School Moves Online, Many Students Stay Logged Out


Underfunded, understaffed and under siege: Unemployment offices nationwide are struggling to do their jobs


New Zealand isn’t just flattening the curve. It’s squashing it.


Coronavirus? Pandemic? For many in Sweden, life goes on as usual.


Zoom CEO Seeks Redemption as Trolls Invade Coronavirus Haven -- NYC schools, Elon Musk ban use of app until it fixes privacy .. Yuan’s vow to adapt is ‘totally reasonable,’ analyst says … and 18 months too late.


Factories that used to make perfume, T-shirts, and cars are now making supplies to fight the coronavirus -- Manufacturers, fashion designers, and 3D printing companies are making face masks, ventilators, and hand sanitizer. -- It's all about surviving the reccesion.


Why people are being released from jails and prisons during the pandemic -- As coronavirus cases rise in America’s jails, some states have instituted early release. But advocates say that isn’t enough.



The fading bohemia of Los Angeles' Venice Beach


Bubba Wallace loses real sponsor from quitting virtual race -- Only game in town and he flounces off on a huff.


Rape Culture marches on -- Cardinal George Pell freed from prison after High Court overturns sex abuse conviction


Maeve Kennedy Townsend McKean's body found by divers -- Related: Why Americans share the pain of Kennedy tragedies



A crime against nature -- Tractor-Trailer Hauling Coveted Toilet Paper Crashed and Caught Fire on Texas Interstate




Edited by Cupid Stunt
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  On 4/6/2020 at 2:21 AM, lovemesomejoolery said:

Now, if I could just get the Fed-X guy to stop putting them up against the front door so I can't get out to retrieve the packages without going out my back and walking around, it would be ideal!!


Can you note on your order to deliver to the back door? You probably thought of that and it's not feasible?

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  On 4/7/2020 at 3:04 PM, SweePea59 said:

Can you note on your order to deliver to the back door? You probably thought of that and it's not feasible?


You know, I haven't thought of that!  It would actually be o.k.  Maybe when all of this sheltering at place stuff is over, I'll see if I can do it.  Right now, these delivery guys are a bit overwhelmed and I feel like it would be an extra step that the Fed-X guy might not take. 

  • Love 8

Just need to vent. Got laid off. (And Lost my health coverage.) Was told by "employer" that I'd get vacation pay, (2 weeks and 1 day leftover from last year) and 2 weeks severance pay. Regularly paid bi-weekly. So I asked and was expecting the $ this week. I made my executive decision to pay all other bills the previous 2 weeks and use this weeks pay for the mortgage. Well I got a text yesterday that they can't afford to give me my vacation pay right now, they're applying for a loan, and severance is on hold too. I WAS JUST STARTING TO COPE WITH THIS SHITTY SITUATION AND DEAL WITH IT. My heart (with its bad valves) had finally stopped pounding all the time and my stomach stopped hurting all the time. Stopped having the trouble sleeping that it caused. And I was adopting a positive attitude, or at least trying to. Started wearing shoes and a bra again. And after that text at 5:30 last nite all the bad stuff is back. A real kick in the gut/nuts/boobs/any body part. I would have paid the mortgage first otherwise. It is the most important bill. It just feels like no matter how hard I try, it's always fuck you. And I know other people have it much worse than me. And I don't personally know anyone who has died from c19, so far. But shit, I'm having trouble coping. 

  On 4/7/2020 at 4:02 PM, lovemesomejoolery said:

You know, I haven't thought of that!  It would actually be o.k.  Maybe when all of this sheltering at place stuff is over, I'll see if I can do it.  Right now, these delivery guys are a bit overwhelmed and I feel like it would be an extra step that the Fed-X guy might not take. 


It's worth a try. Delivery people don't always read the instructions anyway. It's kind of a 50/50 thing.

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To add to what I was saying, when I applied for unemployment, which took a few DAYS to get through, I claimed that I got vacation pay because I was expecting it. So that will delay the unemp. for me. And can I contact them to try to straighten it out that I did not, and may not, get that vacation pay? I don't even know how to and whatever I attempt, futile or not, will take me days again!!!!!!!!! I think that the people working there may be mostly working from home which creates delays due to the nature of technology. I just don't even know what to do next.

SweetPea59...that.  sucks.  mightily!!

Sadly hubby is kind of in that same situation.  They're letting people go steadily and although he has seniority (40 yrs!) he's nervous.  He has 3 weeks vacation left and 10 sick days he is owed but these yahoos are maxed out and the employees are feeling the pinch.  Praying for the money he's owed.

Keep the faith, baby!


  • Love 6
  On 4/7/2020 at 4:56 PM, boes said:

Sweepee59, I just looked up the mortgage referral into that is in the Coronavirus Aid package that Congress just passed and in it, mortgage payments can be deferred in whole or part for up to 6 months.  The article said to check with your lender.  Maybe this might help in the short-term?


OMG, Preverts are just the BEST. I love the way we go out of our way to help each other. ❤️❤️❤️

  • Love 11

Boychild got his Mom 'care package' yesterday.  He had planned on coming down the weekend of March 27 (and bringing our favorite ribs and sides) to celebrate our birthdays (his is St Patrick's Day, mine the 25th....I tease him he just couldn't wait 8 more days!) but he called Wed and said he didn't want to come down and maybe infect us.  I agreed  ☹️

I already had his faves made...pound cake (awesome recipe) and our family tradition Munchie Mix (Chex mix to you but this is 100 times better than the recipe on the box) my dear MIL came up with.  When she passed I made it my mission to try and replicate it as the family always has it at Thanksgiving/Christmas and Easter.  I'd asked for the recipe.  Somebody needed to carry on the tradition.

Anyhoo...got side tracked there...I mailed him a box of goodies, pound cake, Munchie Mix, pudding, soups, beef stew, mashed potatoes, mushrooms etc.  He's trying to avoid WalMart.  I missed him terribly as he lives an hour away and we see each other when we can.  He's single so I worry about him getting sick and having no one to take care of him up there.

Interesting times indeed.

  • Love 12
  On 4/7/2020 at 6:25 PM, OhioSongbird said:

Boychild got his Mom 'care package' yesterday.  He had planned on coming down the weekend of March 27 (and bringing our favorite ribs and sides) to celebrate our birthdays (his is St Patrick's Day, mine the 25th....I tease him he just couldn't wait 8 more days!) but he called Wed and said he didn't want to come down and maybe infect us.  I agreed  ☹️

I already had his faves made...pound cake (awesome recipe) and our family tradition Munchie Mix (Chex mix to you but this is 100 times better than the recipe on the box) my dear MIL came up with.  When she passed I made it my mission to try and replicate it as the family always has it at Thanksgiving/Christmas and Easter.  I'd asked for the recipe.  Somebody needed to carry on the tradition.

Anyhoo...got side tracked there...I mailed him a box of goodies, pound cake, Munchie Mix, pudding, soups, beef stew, mashed potatoes, mushrooms etc.  He's trying to avoid WalMart.  I missed him terribly as he lives an hour away and we see each other when we can.  He's single so I worry about him getting sick and having no one to take care of him up there.

Interesting times indeed.


I know how you feel. I haven't seen my son in weeks. I sent him some homemade chicken soup. I worry about him getting sick as well but at least he lives near enough to us that his dad can bring him stuff if he needs it. You must be anxious as hell. I'm sorry.

  • Love 11

I got a call to come to the San Bernardino station yesterday; some incoherent conversation of a homeless camp on the property, and the caretaker didn't want to call the police. <sigh> So, I took a trip to SB, with a stop at the corner food vendor for supplies to grease the wheels. Meet the occupants: A husband, wife and two kids set up camp on the easement between fence lines with the neighboring office building. I had a friendly chat, made a decision, and gave them two sacks of fruit and socks, bucket, bandanas, permission to open the sewer cap to empty their toilet, bar soap, $20, a tarp and a handful of bungee cords. I advised them to hang tight, and use the alley to exit. I told the building caretaker to not discuss the temporary arrangement. I'll try to find a better option. I gave the caretaker a bag of oranges and athletic socks and wished him a Happy Easter. He thinks I've lost my senses. I probably have. I didn't have the heart to drive them off in the middle of a California rain storm.

The Stunt's have entered the doldrums. The days are the same routine; cleaning, studying, listless reading and playing games, working, more cleaning, phone calls, exercise, news droning in the background, trying to entertain ourselves, missing our friends and family, waiting, waiting, 

Edited by Cupid Stunt
  • Love 9

Well, I just emailed the RAMQ portion of my exam and the dental claim portion. I am done. Done! Hopefully I passed. I just need to work on my CV. They gave us an example of what it should look like and I just need to rearrange mine. They also have a professional who will translate it into French for $45. I'm definitely taking them up on that option. 

I spoke to my boss who was going to still pay me. Since I'd only be making 600$ a month with them, she agreed to stop payment so I can apply for CERB and make $2000 a month. The payment period up on the site includes dates that I was still receiving income so I have to hold on another week or two before applying but that's fine. My boss told me to keep her informed and to call her if I want them to resume paying me. Such nice people. 

  • Love 12
  On 4/7/2020 at 7:17 PM, jewel21 said:

Well, I just emailed the RAMQ portion of my exam and the dental claim portion. I am done. Done! Hopefully I passed. I just need to work on my CV. They gave us an example of what it should look like and I just need to rearrange mine. They also have a professional who will translate it into French for $45. I'm definitely taking them up on that option. 

I spoke to my boss who was going to still pay me. Since I'd only be making 600$ a month with them, she agreed to stop payment so I can apply for CERB and make $2000 a month. The payment period up on the site includes dates that I was still receiving income so I have to hold on another week or two before applying but that's fine. My boss told me to keep her informed and to call her if I want them to resume paying me. Such nice people. 


YAY!! Some good news for a change! Good for you, honey. I want nothing but the best for you.

  • Love 10
  On 4/7/2020 at 4:56 PM, boes said:

Sweepea59, I just looked up the mortgage referral into that is in the Coronavirus Aid package that Congress just passed and in it, mortgage payments can be deferred in whole or part for up to 6 months.  The article said to check with your lender.  Maybe this might help in the short-term?


Hey boes, thank you. I had heard in the news that it was just Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac, but there is so much inaccurate info in the news these days. I am going to call my mortgage company today. (it's around 7AM right now)(I don't know if they have east coast hours, I think they're based in the midwest, but whatever)(plus it may take hours just to get through) and talk to them about that. I will let you all know what they say. I believe I can email or text unemployment, so I am going to try that and maybe eventually that can get straightened out. That's kind of a bitch since I don't know what my former employer is actually going to do and I do not want to unwittingly "lie" to unemployment. But odds are the former employer will screw me every way possible. I'll let you all know how that goes as well. And I apparently need to get in touch with my old healthcare company since they still have not sent me a letter stating that I am no longer covered so that I can get healthcare on the marketplace. That shit is screwy and stresses me.

  • Love 8


Coronavirus Task Force Briefing -- April 7, 2020


The 9/11 Era Is Over -- The coronavirus pandemic and a chapter of history that should have expired long ago -- Who are you kidding? The Mean Season started with the Reagan Administration.


A guide to helping and getting help during the coronavirus crisis


Modeling coronavirus: ‘Uncertainty is the only certainty’


Tracking Covid-19 cases in the US -- Since January, novel coronavirus has spread to nearly every state and territory


The Administration Broke the Agencies That Were Supposed To Stop the Covid-19 Epidemic -- The government agencies designed to protect us are riddled with vacancies and temporary officials. No wonder we’re facing a catastrophe.


The rally is running out of steam, and for good reason -- A big rally in stocks makes it easier for bears to push back. Strategists can only guess at corporate earnings for 2020, but many see them dropping 20% to 30%. Bullish investors are hoping for a strong market rebound next year.


Famous stores that may not survive because of coronavirus


Boris Johnson is 'stable' in ICU amid questions about who's running the UK -- The Home Secretary?


Even as deaths mount, officials see signs pandemic’s toll may not match worst fears -- Related: Top public health official says number of dead could be lower as Americans practice social distancing


Seven Days, Hundreds of Deaths: New York's Worst Week Yet Tests Its Coronavirus Response


Trump Team Preps Plans to Reopen Economy That Depend on Testing -- Possible plateau in New York revives White House optimism. Hospitals, labs still having trouble scaling up tests that are not readily available, not properly vetted, or inaccurate.


How federal snafus slowed testing at a top U.S. hospital


Key Trump coronavirus task force must work remotely after positive COVID-19 test -- The positive test for the coronavirus, announced in an email to Federal Emergency Management Agency staff Monday night, will empty the supply chain war room.


Trump removes inspector general overseeing $2 trillion coronavirus relief package days after he was appointed -- Acting Pentagon Inspector General Glenn Fine was tapped to lead the Pandemic Response Accountability Committee last week. By removing him from his Pentagon post, Trump makes Fine ineligible to lead the accountability committee. -- Related: Trump removes independent watchdog for coronavirus funds, upending oversight panel The move comes as Trump makes a broad push against inspectors general scrutinizing his actions.


Trump says $70 billion in coronavirus rescue loans authorized. But where's the cash?


Acting secretary of the Navy Modly resigns after calling ousted aircraft carrier captain 'stupid' -- Related: Former acting Navy Secretary Thomas Modly's resignation letter


Wisconsin voters faced long waits, lines amid coronavirus outbreak -- The national guard was called to many polling places.



A car moves along an empty highway during the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak in Seattle, Washington, U.S. March 30, 2020. REUTERS/David Ryder

Allstate to return $600 million in auto premiums as coronavirus cuts driving


Los Angeles has notoriously polluted air. But right now it has some of the cleanest of any major city -- Related: Los Angeles crime plunges during the coronavirus stay at home order


Why some people of color say they won't wear homemade masks


On Twitter, almost 60 percent of false claims about coronavirus remain online without a warning label


Pandemic Leads to Shunning and Shaming in Small Towns


The Administration's Aggressive Advocacy of Malaria Drug for Treating Coronavirus Divides Medical Community -- Related: After Administration's statements about hydroxychloroquine, lupus and arthritis patients face drug shortage


It's stockpiling, but not as you know it. Why coronavirus is making people hoard illegal drugs


A ‘Liberty’ Rebellion in Idaho Threatens to Undermine Coronavirus Orders -- A culling of the herd that endangers the general populous.



Volunteers fixed 20,000 N95 masks for Memphis hospital in a weekend


Nurse says she was suspended after refusing to treat coronavirus patients without a mask


Nursing home patients trying unproven virus drug in Texas


Tasked with schoolwork help, many US parents lack English


Financial hits pile up for colleges as some fight to survive


'No farms, no food, no Walmart.' Idaho agriculture industry grapples with coronavirus -- Does that mean white faces will be picking tomatoes for your table?


 Online grocery services struggle to meet spike in demand



Grocery stores turn to robots during the coronavirus


Work starts in Montana on disputed Canada-US oil pipeline


Most Americans, unlike Trump, want mail-in ballots for November if coronavirus threatens: Reuters/Ipsos poll


Sex. Drugs. Virus. Venezuela elites still party in pandemic



Edited by Cupid Stunt
  • Love 9

Okay, here's the update on my mortgage. My mortgage company is calling it a Forbearance Plan. For 6 months I have a halt on my monthly mortgage payments. No late fees, no negative credit report, no interest. But, and here's the catch - at the end of the 6 months I owe all 6 months in one lump sum. (She said, that's the part they're not telling you about.) So it is advisable to pay what I can every month, even if it's just $100. The way I am looking at it is, when I get the stimulus check and when I get my tax refund, whenever I get money, I can make late payments without late fees. And if I can only pay partial, they'll take that and hopefully I can catch up. It is some breathing room, since right now my April payment will be late. And at the end of the 6 months we can review and possibly qualify for more Forbearance time, or Modification (for example whatever I didn't pay could be added to the end of my loan rather than making one lump sum), or something else she said that I didn't jot down but didn't seem like an option for me. They are sending me everything in writing. And you can't do a refi during forbearance period.

This does alleviate some stress. Every little bit helps.

  • Love 12
  On 4/8/2020 at 2:43 PM, SweePea59 said:

Okay, here's the update on my mortgage. My mortgage company is calling it a Forbearance Plan. For 6 months I have a halt on my monthly mortgage payments. No late fees, no negative credit report, no interest. But, and here's the catch - at the end of the 6 months I owe all 6 months in one lump sum. (She said, that's the part they're not telling you about.) So it is advisable to pay what I can every month, even if it's just $100. The way I am looking at it is, when I get the stimulus check and when I get my tax refund, whenever I get money, I can make late payments without late fees. And if I can only pay partial, they'll take that and hopefully I can catch up. It is some breathing room, since right now my April payment will be late. And at the end of the 6 months we can review and possibly qualify for more Forbearance time, or Modification (for example whatever I didn't pay could be added to the end of my loan rather than making one lump sum), or something else she said that I didn't jot down but didn't seem like an option for me. They are sending me everything in writing. And you can't do a refi during forbearance period.

This does alleviate some stress. Every little bit helps.


I'm very happy that you've gotten some news that will both help and lessen your anxiety, give you some breathing room.

  • Love 10
  On 4/8/2020 at 6:40 PM, pearlite said:

Humour time

Or "As the Inbox Clogs"... The faculty of the School of Media are getting seasonal today, and I found one image I really like!



I'm going to try this spiffy new recipe I got off a dump cake commercial to make sticky buns using my trusty bundt pan and some Pillsbury biscuits.

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We have been watching a lot of Netflix and some movies.  This week we watched Contagion (it was trending) with Laurence Fishburne, Matt Damon, Kate Winslet and Gwyneth Paltrow.  I thought it would bother me, but I actually liked it.

Contagion IMDB

It is incredible how prescient the movie was, including language like "social distancing" but also other things that we are seeing happen now.  Here's an article about that.


And another one:


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  On 4/8/2020 at 9:21 PM, peacheslatour said:

Cool! I got all of them. Of course as a florist, if I didn't I would hang my head in shame. Old florists never die. They just make other arrangements.


I was surprised I got 15 out of 17.  I should get my hubby to do, he calls every flower a pansy or a petunia.  Except for sunflowers. 

Flower Dancing GIF

  • LOL 8
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  On 4/8/2020 at 9:27 PM, bannana said:

I was surprised I got 15 out of 17.  I should get my hubby to do, he calls every flower a pansy or a petunia.  Except for sunflowers. 

Flower Dancing GIF


That's better than my husband. Unless the plant is in bloom he thinks it's a weed. I can't tell you how much of my garden he has decimated.

  • LOL 6
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@peacheslatour I’ve always admired that you were a florist and spoke of how much care you took in your work. There’s a true art and science to it that it truly admirable. And it shows in your personality that you like to bring beauty or joy to others in your service and here in your words just reiterates it time and again. It’s very elegant. I’m 

This situation shows the real ones. Like all of you are kicking ass so effortlessly and uplift and inspire me and I’m sure others. 

@SweePea59 ❤️ I’m not even compare myself but I each week from this think of how I’m going to pay rent and living expenses for me and my mom after losing my fine dining job. Working healthcare a lot now is a blessing but pays very little I’m not an RN or dr; but is necessary since just throwing away that I need money and it has helped, they need people to help provide care and there’s a deficient in it. It was high key weird I both started this one and a lunch dining one (whilst thinking I’ll keep my weekend fine dining high pay gig that went boom almost a month ago) and had my choice of the 2...the lunch restaurant one and low pay healthcare one and something told me in my gut even though I had to take so many tests (TB, eye, hearing, drug, criminal background check by my name and written history, criminal background check by a face recognition scan all held far away in myriad sites far away and took hours while juggling them) My inside voice or ancestors told me shouldn’t take the restaurant one, instead the low pay iffy healthcare one and I’d learn a lot.

I have grown to really care about these people and challenge myself in my interactions to make it as dignified as possible. Every day I think of ways to make it better or validate w more authenticity. It makes me so happy when they are calm or have nice moments and express themselves, even if it’s angry or but especially when we laugh. 

I can’t obviously do this forever though and survive and support me and my mom, even if we live of my paycheck to paycheck and that makes me scared. And if quarantine is lifted finally fine dining it will be insane like 300 applicants or more for each server position and the supervisor will have some power mad way about it because they could replace people instantly  or the place will fck people over on tip outs or make every one tip share or pay the house and do dumbass side work that results doing hours of cleaning for free like scrubbing floors and cleaning bathrooms (This happens often even before, I went through it, one restaurant job I did. A the holidays made me do it and withheld tips while over scheduling servers and bussers so we made little the paid out way too much). I think shit will get real strange in service and retail after this. A lot of the restaurants and stores won’t reopen and the ones that do will have hundreds of people for the jobs and a blank check to demand anything or scare people. 

  • Love 8

@PatsyandEddie I'm very sorry for your loss. It's so awful that people have to grieve alone.

  On 4/5/2020 at 9:45 PM, peacheslatour said:

My fellow pot smoking Preverts will appreciate this:

I got lucky. Last week my husband was working at my dad's house because, as you know, we're getting it ready to sell. When he took out some garbage he noticed a bag, neatly folded in the bottom of the garbage can. Curious, he picked it up. It was full of excellent bud and an expensive bubbler, some vape sticks and a really nice torch. All bundled up with coffee packages. We figure either some stoner kid hid it there for some reason or some kid's parents found it and knowing my dad's house is empty, put it in his garbage can, either way: SCORE!


Praise Jah! What a perfect find. Poor kids who lost their stash!😏

  On 4/5/2020 at 4:54 PM, OhioSongbird said:

I have a quick survey if you choose to answer.  What part of the country/world are you posting from?  Some of you I know your area but just curious.  My location is obvious and I've been sharing your posts with hubby and telling him we're kinda global here with everybody's family spread everywhere.

Location, food supplies, health care availability, etc.....

This is the way my mind works....scary place sometimes.


Maui, Hawaii since 2006. Originally from Boston. The virus isn't at full force yet and they are still letting people fly here which is infuriating. Most cases are on Oahu as it is a heavily populated county. Government is saying they are going to close all the beaches because of people just hanging out. I just don't fucking get it. We are so lucky to be able to go and exercise and a few idiots are going to ruin that for everyone. Other than that we can do essential shopping but it is slim pickings and will probably remain that way for quite some time. I haven't seen a roll of tp or cleaning stuff for weeks. I've been trying to get what I can on Amazon but they are running out too. I'm nervous about being able to survive here when all is said and done. We live from paycheck to paycheck as it is and I have no idea when or if my husband is going to be asked back to work. The hotel he works for is closed until at least May 1st. I make a pittance at a consignment store which is also closed. We're still having frustrating issues with the unemployment website so we have no idea how much we will actually be getting. I'm just praying it's enough for health insurance and rent. Other than that, groceries are going on our credit cards which we will worry about later. I'm finding myself compartmentalizing so I don't go completely insane. I'm thankful that so far my friends and family are okay. I do a lot of stress cooking and started making a virus song list on Spotify. I used to love making mixed tapes.

Our hospital here is horrible. There a joke that's not very funny that says "they don't call it Maui Memorial for nothing".  The estimate is that the virus will "peak" here in the next two weeks so I'm trying to refrain from even grocery shopping.

My cats are stoked to have both of us around all day but....


I'm certain this is happening.

  On 4/7/2020 at 8:24 AM, bannana said:

Here is a really awesome thing that is happening in my city, that came about because of COVID-19.

It's called porchtraits and you just have to let him know and he will come by and take a photo.  His wife is also part of organizing this, etc.  People have been super creative in what they do on their porches/balconies/in their windows.  Just a fun thing for people/families to do.


That is such a great idea! What a lovely and positive way to document this horrible situation.

  • Love 12

I know some of you have been at this as long as I have, if not longer.  This is week 4 of being at home.  I've been out just twice.  I never thought I'd feel this way, but I MISS PEOPLE.

I saw this tonight on a twitter feed I follow...it was food for thought, something I know in my soul, but have to be reminded of once and awhile.


  • Love 8

I live in a city that has been in an economic downturn for five years.  I had a great career, awesome really, and then I couldn't find a job after I was suddenly laid off.

This new crisis makes it that much harder to for me to ever find work again.

I never expected this would be the way I would live out the latter part of my working years.  I had it all planned out: retirement, good times, travel, etc.

As it turns out, the travel and good times are probably not something that anyone is going to enjoy for a long time.

Now, we are housebound, and our investments are shrinking because of the situation.

And I just have to remind myself about all of the people, including my parents and grandparents, who lived through wars, through epidemics, who lost so many family members to both, and realize that I have led a privileged life.  That I am only experiencing this now in my life, makes me lucky; cause I travelled the world and had great adventures for decades!  








  • Love 11

A Meeting House member has several apartment buildings under renovation. She offered a finished 5 room studio to the homeless family. I went back to their camp, but they had moved on. They left everything I gave them behind except the fruit and socks. I have an idea where they moved to, but won't pursue them. Fear drives them on.

The 3D Printers have completed over 3000 masks since start up. Thing2 finished his last final Wednesday, and waiting for his grades.

Mr. Stunt has signed contracts on two new commercial series. 

I'm plodding along with work, and finished cleaning the last closet in the house. Butterflied and marinating a leg of lamb for Easter.

  • Love 12


The Administration preparing to unveil second coronavirus task force, officials say -- Follow the money.


Americans hit by economic shocks as confusion, stumbles undermine Administration's stimulus effort


Millennials were just starting to feel economically stable. Now we’re being hit with another recession. -- “It makes you just want to lay down and just stay there.” -- Thank you One Percent.


These are the trade-offs we make when we depend on billionaires to save us -- Now more than ever, the coronavirus crisis has Americans living in tech billionaires’ world.


Coronavirus Task Force Briefing -- April 8, 2020


Bernie Sanders drops out of the 2020 race


CDC issues new guidance for essential workers exposed to coronavirus -- The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Wednesday issued new guidelines aimed at getting workers who have been exposed to the coronavirus in critical fields back to work faster. -- Against conventional wisdom.


Experts float strategies for reopening the country after and during the pandemic


Speed of coronavirus deaths shock doctors as New York toll hits new high



Is the coronavirus airborne? It’s complicated -- How a quirk of scientific jargon is confusing and endangering us.


41 Transit Workers Dead: Crisis Takes Staggering Toll on Subways


Covid-19 is disproportionately taking black lives -- Hundreds of years of racism has delivered poor health and economic outcomes for black people, making them more vulnerable in the pandemic. -- Related: The administration’s policies have exacerbated the health conditions that are leading to more coronavirus fatalities among black Americans.


India Bans All Exports of Virus Drug Often Touted by the Administration -- Hydroxychloroquine not approved in U.S. for Covid-19 treatment


What California is doing right in responding to the coronavirus pandemic


Coronavirus is testing the limits of Russia’s surveillance state


Senator Rand Paul recovered from coronavirus; volunteering at hospital -- Continuing to spread the bad news on conventional public health wisdom.



Meat plants are shutting down as workers get sick


Orange juice sales are soaring during the pandemic


Coronavirus claims an unexpected victim: Florida vegetables


Americans are 'craving comfort food' during coronavirus: Cereal, snacks, baked goods fly off shelves


Flushing out the true cause of the global toilet paper shortage amid coronavirus pandemic


A mounting casualty of coronavirus crisis: Health care jobs


Pandemic deals blow to plastic bag bans, plastic reduction


Quarantine horniness, explained by a sex researcher -- Sex for anxiety … Gonna' need a lot more where that came from.


6 things to know about telehealth -- Due to Covid-19, video chats with doctors are becoming mainstream. Here’s how it all works


Jerry Falwell Jr. says warrants are out for 2 journalists after critical stories on coronavirus decision -- The president of Liberty University, which he partially reopened to students during the pandemic, accuses a NYT photographer and ProPublica reporter of trespassing. -- It's all about the money.


The case for raising a mediocre child -- Welcome to the 50th percentile.


Divers find body of Gideon McKean, Robert F. Kennedy's 8-year-old great-grandson



A Catholic priest sits on an empty bench in Madrid, Spain on April 5.  © Bernat Armangue/AP Photo MSN In Photos: Holy Week Amid Coronavirus


Whale sharks may live up to a century, Cold War bomb dating reveals


Handle with care: Brignone’s crystal globes come in the mail


Days Without Name: On Time in the Time of Coronavirus -- Heidi Pitlor Tries to Find the End of a Friday Night


Inside Tove Jansson’s Private Universe -- Best known as the creator of the Moomins, Jansson was a cartoonist, writer, and creator of all sorts, whose fans clamored for more of her strange and enthralling fictional worlds.



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  On 4/9/2020 at 9:28 AM, Cupid Stunt said:

A Meeting House member has several apartment buildings under renovation. She offered a finished 5 room studio to the homeless family. I went back to their camp, but they had moved on. They left everything I gave them behind except the fruit and socks. I have an idea where they moved to, but won't pursue them. Fear drives them on.

The 3D Printers have completed over 3000 masks since start up. Thing2 finished his last final Wednesday, and waiting for his grades.

Mr. Stunt has signed contracts on two new commercial series. 

I'm plodding along with work, and finished cleaning the last closet in the house. Butterflied and marinating a leg of lamb for Easter.


Cupid Stunt, you're a loving human being and of that there is no doubt.  God Bless.

  • Love 9

Good morning!  I just got back from a grocery shopping / prescription pick up trip.....things have definitely changed since the weekend.  Again, I'm in Maryland, where we have started to see a bit of a surge in cases, as predicted.

I got there at 8:30 a.m., they open at 8:00. 

  • They're letting people in one at a time, if someone leaves, someone can go in
  • When you get in, honestly, the shelves are pretty bare.
  • Produce, while plentiful (I guess?) there is nothing exotic - and by exotic, I mean no avocados, no ginger root, no sugar snap peas, the stiff I specifically went in for.  Basic stuff, lettuce, onions, lots of potatoes, lots of citrus, lots of berries.  Tomatoes didn't seem as plentiful.  One type of cherry tomato versus 10 different types, colors, etc. and very few cartons of them.  It does appear that they're switching how they sell things - instead of buying a bunch of celery, now all you can get is the celery hearts, in a bag.  Instead of getting a few apples, you have to buy a bag.  Same with onions.  Which, in these times, is good I guess.
  • I didn't need much.....but I did need more peanut butter.  All they had were tons of the LARGE ones.....I'm o.k. with that.  It lasts a long time.  Same with Miracle Whip and mayo.  I don't use enough to go through these larger jars, but I bought them anyway. 
  • I think this store is thinking big........we're being asked to only go out now in a life and death emergency, so if you need something, they're putting large sizes on the shelf so you don't come back again?  Maybe, too, the store wants to make more money by selling larger containers of stuff.  Just theories.  Also, maybe the store was more picked over because we are being asked to stay in as much as possible over the next two weeks and everyone is rushing to get there.  I know that's why I was there...to get the last little bit I think I'd need.  But I got there a 1/2 hour after the store opened....and it was very, very light on the shelves.
  • Very little meat to speak of (I didn't need any). 
  • Alot of the items were the store brand...which is o.k. with me.  I needed sour cream and I usually get Breakstone brand...I could only get Wegmans brand, and only in a 24 ounce size.

Another depressing experience that just made me sad all over again.  Frankly, I am better staying in my own house, my own little bubble, until this calms down.  To do otherwise not only is a threat to my life and those I love, but also just a drag on my emotions......


  • Love 9

Samesies^ 👯 I went to the grocery store today too and also had weird experience. Only a few people in at a time, social distancing and everyone in masks.  It was a little stressful to be honest and I didn’t want to browse or tarry since people could be waiting outside or at the end of the aisle to look at what I was loooking at but couldn’t cuz of the rules. A lot of the things I wanted were sold out and some of what I wanted I thought they had (Kite Hill (Vegan) sour cream, I eat a lot of potatoes and veggies and thought that would be a great way to spice up a cheap or free meal for a week or two) but I didn’t want to spend any extra time looking or asking an employee. One man criticized me for shopping without a mask 😷 

i didn’t bother going into Trader Joe’s there was a line out the door a half a block. There have some good stuff I could use ($2.99 falafel mix that makes like 6 meals! Plus other fun shit) but it wasn’t worth it to wait an hour outside and then inside rush my shopping! I want that falafel and other staples from there but I only have one day off a week. 

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