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Grey's Relationships: Leapfrog Group

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In the Spoilers and Speculation thread, @BaseOps wrote:


I'm in the minority in that I don't mind Carina. I like that she's fun and uncomplicated. It's nice to see both Owen and Arizona smiling again over flings after all the doom and gloom that has followed both of their relationships over the years. 

I will admit that I have a problem with Owen and Arizona being in a relationship with same person almost simultaneously.  It's not really for any moral issue--I don't look to this show to be any sort of purity standard--but because of the fact that Arizona has already been in that position with Mark and Callie.  Now, true--Carina is not Callie and Owen is so, so, so not Mark, but the dynamics are similar enough that it all seems like a repeat to me.  Plus, I really despise Carinaalso,  (the character....also, the actor leaves me cold).

However, I would actually be down for an uncomplicated fling for Arizona.  We know that she's had them in the past and sort of off-camera, but all we've really seen is her jumping headfirst into relationships (ironically, Callie was the one she didn't do this for!).  This, of course, would necessitate a new cast member--but I'd be happy if they replaced Carina with someone new.  And it would be nice for it to not be a doctor (or nurse).  There are actually people who work in hospitals who don't fall into either of those categories.

Carina and Owen don’t have Callie and Mark’s history.


I don’t think if they have Carina and Arizona become more serious that Owen and Carina will suddenly become codependent BFFs and that Owen will all of the sudden start barging into Arizona’s house out of nowhere, etc.


I do reserve the right to change my mind if Carina suddenly announces she’s pregnant, though.

Edited by CED9
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13 hours ago, OtterMommy said:

In the Spoilers and Speculation thread, @BaseOps wrote:

I will admit that I have a problem with Owen and Arizona being in a relationship with same person almost simultaneously.  It's not really for any moral issue--I don't look to this show to be any sort of purity standard--but because of the fact that Arizona has already been in that position with Mark and Callie.  Now, true--Carina is not Callie and Owen is so, so, so not Mark, but the dynamics are similar enough that it all seems like a repeat to me.  Plus, I really despise Carinaalso,  (the character....also, the actor leaves me cold).

However, I would actually be down for an uncomplicated fling for Arizona.  We know that she's had them in the past and sort of off-camera, but all we've really seen is her jumping headfirst into relationships (ironically, Callie was the one she didn't do this for!).  This, of course, would necessitate a new cast member--but I'd be happy if they replaced Carina with someone new.  And it would be nice for it to not be a doctor (or nurse).  There are actually people who work in hospitals who don't fall into either of those categories.

I don't really see the dynamic as similar at all. I mean, Carina hooked up with Owen briefly after Arizona cut off their tryst. Arizona didn't even appear to be upset that Carina moved onto Owen, which also ended quickly and seemingly without hard feelings. Now we're just seeing flirtation between Arizona & Carina again. The Callie / Mark / Arizona thing was very, very different to me - Mark and Callie were best friends with a sexual history, Arizona and Callie got serious, Arizona left and Mark got Callie pregnant - that was a whole jumbled ball of drama. This is, to me, just a few people having fun. I imagine Carina and Arizona will get serious as the season progresses, though. I'd honestly prefer Carina to stick around at this point rather than introduce another new love interest for Arizona who will likely be just as polarizing. 

Edited by BaseOps
2 hours ago, Stacey1014 said:

I enjoy their scenes together. The writers would probably ruin it if they put them together. I do wonder how Derek would have reacted knowing his sister was with Alex. 

Derek's reaction is the only thing that I would like about this pairing.  I don't think that there was any love lost between Derek and Alex (which I have always appreciated because they are such different people).  Of course, Derek didn't seem to think much of Amelia either so maybe he would have thought they deserved each other.  I think that Amelia is funny and sarcastic enough for Alex and could handle his rougher edges, but I don't know that he would be interested in getting involved with someone with addiction issues given his past with his father.  I like Jo and Alex together and I really hope that they get their happy ending, but if he HAD to be with one of the sisters, I would be way, way more comfortable with Amelia than Meredith or Maggie.

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In the s14e14 thread, @bybrandy wrote, re Jackson and Maggie:


This is exactly how I feel.  They didn't know each other growing up and they aren't blood relatives.  It isn't incest.  I could care less about that but the cheistry between them is so non-exhistant that I get bored whenever they are in scenes together.

Here is what I don't get:

I have seen shows that put together pairings that were more nonsensical and inert (not to mention downright toxic), but if I went to social media, there was always at least a small, but vocal, contingent fawning over them.  Well, I checked to see what was going on in the dregs of the internet with Maggie and Jackson and....other than a random person here and there shyly voicing some support, this pairing is nearly universally detested.  As far as I can tell, it is *only* Krista Vernoff and Shonda Rhimes who want "Jaggie" to happen.  The vast majority of fans certainly don't.

Now, I hate fan service...I think those making television shows should be serving their story, not their fans (and, if they serve their story well, the fans will appreciate it).  But this relationship makes no sense in terms of the story and there is no fan demand for it, instead there are people threatening (or more than threatening) to quit watching over it.  

I just don't have the stomach for this and I'm sitting out the rest of the season.  I may catch up once it all hits netflix the summer...or I may not.  It is just so dang strange that a show that once did relationships so well is now botching them left and right.

  • Love 8

They are so dedicated to Maggie and jaggie thst they are firing Sarah drew over it. I whole heartedly believe that. So it only means jaggie is the new end game. It at best just wear people down and they’ll like it enough, it’s never going to get the fan reaction japril got, and now it’s not even in their back pocket. Smh, I’m devastated,

  • Love 4
16 hours ago, OtterMommy said:


I just don't have the stomach for this and I'm sitting out the rest of the season.  I may catch up once it all hits netflix the summer...or I may not.  It is just so dang strange that a show that once did relationships so well is now botching them left and right.

 A few years ago we were asked to become a Nielsen family.  It came at the worst possible time, as we were going through MANY life changes and tv viewing was not at all a priority.  We felt it was unfair to our favorite tv shows to accept the offer.  Now, I wish my instantaneous dropping of this show would count for something right away.  

I’ve  heard that if you watch a dvr-ed episode within two weeks it counts for something.  So, NOPE.  Maybe I’ll catch the rest of the season later.  Maybe on Netflix.  But, probably not.  


Since this is the relationship thread, Gaggie makes me cringe.

Edited by Scatterbrained
Poster quoted themselves in post; fixed it
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It's kind of funny that I dislike Jaggie for the exact same reason I disliked Japril - as others have said, Jackson's written as a relatively reasonable adult, whereas Maggie/April tends to get written like she's an immture 14. That's not an appealing relationship dynamic, and I just cannot see why Jackson would be interested in a relationship with either of these women. Not because he's too hot for them, but because they're just not at all on the same maturity level.

I'm having difficulty understanding why these adult, competent professionals who've been through a lot are being written like little girls. I'd suppose it's to contrast their more bright and shiny outlook on life with Meredith's dark and twisty (though Meredith's not really that dark and twisty anymore), but Izzie and George managed to fulfill that function, and did so far more successfully, without being written as middle schoolers.

It's so frustrating that April's getting written out when shes finally (after all these seasons of me wishing her gone) getting some edge and depth, and becoming really interesting. It's like, I agreed with Jackson basically 99.9% of the time during the Japril blow-ups, but he's such a bland, boring and personality-less character, I'd much rather keep April, who at least has a strong pov and a clear, established personality.

  • Love 11
35 minutes ago, kinnej5 said:

I know people are saying it's not actually incest (NOTE: It isn't consanguineous incest, but it is incest according to some jurisdictions

I don't think it's incest under any jurisdictions. Maggie isn't legally Richard's daughter. Her legal paperwork says that the Pierces are her parents, not Richard. Richard would actually have to have Maggie's adoption overturned and himself legally declared her father.

  • Love 7

It's not incest, or consanguinity....However, the show is not doing itself any favors by continually bringing up their "sibling" relationship. Seriously, why even go there?  Vernoff really, really wants this to happen....so she's making it less palatable by suggesting it might be incest?  Really?

But even without that element, I'm with @kinnej5.  It almost makes me nauseated to watch it.

  • Love 4

Ok when exactly was the last time the term sibling was used???.. Let's all stop using that as a defense... You don't like the nascent relationship fine... I'm personally willing to see how it goes.. If it flames out.. OK.. If not.. Cool.. But let's all stop going to what amounts to hollow unsubstantiated reasons for the dislike

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8 minutes ago, mehtotheworld said:

Eh, since when did anyone’s couple preferences or reasons to not like a couple have to be reasonable? It’s a tv show. If people feel like it’s too close to family for their comfort, then that’s how they feel. 

Fair enough.. I guess its just the amount of ppl saying that's the reason.. When based on the facts at hand.. It doesn't add up.. They didn't grow up together.. She's not even legally Richards kid.. Is it odd.. Can there be some tense moments.. Could it affect their parents relationship... Sure.. But its not incest.. 

  • Love 1
25 minutes ago, UNOSEZ said:

Fair enough.. I guess its just the amount of ppl saying that's the reason.. When based on the facts at hand.. It doesn't add up.. They didn't grow up together.. She's not even legally Richards kid.. Is it odd.. Can there be some tense moments.. Could it affect their parents relationship... Sure.. But its not incest.. 

Right, it isn't incest...as I said above.  What I don't understand is why the show spent so much time on that point which isn't even accurate.  Incest is not romantic, fun, or cool...yet they kept bringing it up, which makes no sense.

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What I don't understand is why the show spent so much time on that point which isn't even accurate.

I think the writers were trying to have it both ways: to play with the taboo against sex between step-siblings, and by doing so, nudge the viewers themselves to realize that this pairing isn't really that. Not legally, morally or culturally. Not in the case of two unrelated people who not only never shared a home, but where one has never shared a home with the parent in question. Two people who met as established adults and who know each other as colleagues, not family. 

I think the story-tellers over-thought it, then went cutesy, and missed the mark. There's time to tell if the actors and writers can now balance the ship.

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I think you're right in that the writers wanted it both ways but ended up failing on both accounts. They missed the few opportunities they had to make it seem more organic and now the bad writing means we're reliant on the actors chemistry and unfortunately neither of them seems able to elevate themselves or the other over the bad material. It's just failed on all accounts.

  • Love 4
10 hours ago, Chas411 said:

I think you're right in that the writers wanted it both ways but ended up failing on both accounts. They missed the few opportunities they had to make it seem more organic and now the bad writing means we're reliant on the actors chemistry and unfortunately neither of them seems able to elevate themselves or the other over the bad material. It's just failed on all accounts.

I think both Jesse and Kelly reflect light as opposed to create it. That is, they can effectively play a low-key character and when they’re in scenes with an animated actor / big personality character, they’re a good scene partner and perform well. But put them in a scene with a similarly low-key actor / character and it’s zzzzzzzzz - just no spark whatsoever. That’s why Jesse/Jackson did well opposite Eric / Mark and Sarah / April. Kelly / Maggie would be great with an actor like Greg Germann.

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On ‎3‎/‎20‎/‎2018 at 7:34 PM, skermac said:

for me the best love story was cut short before it going going at full steam, mark and lexie, that made me more sad than any other

Lexie/Mark were my favorite couple and I hated when they were killed.  However, seeing what the writers have done to so many other couples, I think they would have ruined Lexie/Mark to.

On ‎3‎/‎31‎/‎2018 at 4:57 PM, skermac said:

wait, owen would choose teddy over Amelia? really? crazy!

I liked Teddy kicking Owen out, but Teddy wouldn't have been the woman in the background while Owen was married/engaged to someone else, if she hadn't been stupid enough to put herself in that situation for years.

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i think the incest angle comes from the same direction from which the sisterhood angle comes. maggie accepts meredith as her sister because she considers ellis as her birth mother. now she just can't choose to be a 'pierce' when it comes to richard. 

now for me the problem with jaggie pairing is simply that maggie deserves better than jackson (i am not japril fan and I'll probably always side eye jackson for the way he treated stephanie....now she wasn't my fav character either but that's just not how you treat people). i was always against maggie being stupidly inserted into the meredith nathan romance and her being treated the same way again is a big turn off.

if you need a love interest for her, put her with deluca. now that pairing was fun.

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1 hour ago, beautifulGA said:

i think the incest angle comes from the same direction from which the sisterhood angle comes. maggie accepts meredith as her sister because she considers ellis as her birth mother. now she just can't choose to be a 'pierce' when it comes to richard. 


Actually, I think the incest angle came from the show continually bringing it up and giving lines to the characters like (said by Jackson), "But what if you want to sleep with your sister?" I'm not sure if that is the exact phrase (but it's pretty close)--it was from the episode on the boat.

Honesty, all they needed was ONE LINE from saying that it wasn't incest and we wouldn't be having this conversation.

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I like Maggie and Winston in that it’s the one relationship where Maggie acts like a grown up and they’re inoffensive. I do find Winston to be a really underdeveloped character though. To the point where if he disappeared from the show I don’t think I’d even notice. Of all the characters we’ve had that were primarily introduced as love interests I find Him to be the most forgetful.


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