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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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But I don't think the little twerp wants CEO anymore. If he had wanted it that badly, he would have continued to hold his nose (and his tongue and his fist LOL) when Bill said what he did about Maya, but even little twerps have their standards.

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None of this makes any sense. Maya resigned. She is no longer a Forrester employee so why did $Bill stipulate that she had to be out before he joined forces with Eric/Rick?

He knew Rick would bring her back.

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None of this makes any sense. Maya resigned. She is no longer a Forrester employee so why did $Bill stipulate that she had to be out before he joined forces with Eric/Rick?

That crossed my mind as well.

But I don't think the little twerp wants CEO anymore.

I definitely think he would want it if the takeover didn't happen and his DaDa were back in charge.

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So can we expect a marriage to keep Ivy in the country? Will it be Waffles 2.0 or Chickenhead in a pinch when W 2.0 is too busy making googly eyes at Steffy to notice Ivy's immigration issues? Also (and why I ask such details as clearly the show can't be bothered with trifles) as the daughter of an American citizen, wouldn't she have dual US/Aussie citizenship anyway?

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I wish Nick had shared whatever he was smokin before coming to see Maya; I always enjoy comedy so much better after getting a buzz up and grabbing my munchies. Seriously, did he actually say something like "you are the strongest person I know", and then something like "go back to being the great couple that you are"? Great by who's definition pal? Yeah, that is what I thought.

Why did they bring that guy back? It's like he lives in some alternate reality where Maya and Rick didn't do all the shite they did for no real reason other than because they could. In his mind, Maya's being transgender is like a free pass to do whatever you want. I guess the character (and actor) is TPTB's way of trying to be extra PC about all this but the stuff that comes out of that guy's mouth doesn't do Maya's case any favors, IMO.


So, Maya thinks she owns some responsibility in what happened? Ya think?

My mind keeps going back to that day she stood next to Rick and told Ridge that if he didn't like the way they (she and Rick) were running FC, he could GTFO. Girly overplayed her hand and now she's busted.


Maya would just have to go public, or her friend could leak the story.  So what is Bill's plan?

Bill could leak the story of how Maya finagled to get herself a wealthy married man, and all the nasty stuff she and said man were doing to the FC employees and Forrester family members, both in the office and at their home. Plus how Brooke and Eric were supporting it all.

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So can we expect a marriage to keep Ivy in the country? Will it be Waffles 2.0 or Chickenhead in a pinch when W 2.0 is too busy making googly eyes at Steffy to notice Ivy's immigration issues? Also (and why I ask such details as clearly the show can't be bothered with trifles) as the daughter of an American citizen, wouldn't she have dual US/Aussie citizenship anyway?

Maybe he revoked his status or maybe he wasn't one to begin with? Also I'm not sure but I don't think you auto-citizen with one parent I think you still have to apply for the citizenship or maybe they do on your behalf. Funny that Ivy spent all this time minding Maya, Rick, Hope, Wyatt and Liam's business when she should have been tending to her own.

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Why did they bring that guy back? It's like he lives in some alternate reality where Maya and Rick didn't do all the shite they did for no real reason other than because they could. In his mind, Maya's being transgender is like a free pass to do whatever you want. I guess the character (and actor) is TPTB's way of trying to be extra PC about all this but the stuff that comes out of that guy's mouth doesn't do Maya's case any favors, IMO.

My mind keeps going back to that day she stood next to Rick and told Ridge that if he didn't like the way they (she and Rick) were running FC, he could GTFO. Girly overplayed her hand and now she's busted.

Bill could leak the story of how Maya finagled to get herself a wealthy married man, and all the nasty stuff she and said man were doing to the FC employees and Forrester family members, both in the office and at their home. Plus how Brooke and Eric were supporting it all.

Most of this is faulty or ignorant of two facts, one is that Maya loves Rick, always has. The goldigger crap is just that...crap. She never tried to get a "wealthy man" she tried to get Rick, always Rick. If she was only after money she would have gone after Bill. Two is that Rick and Maya weren't that bad. Ridge as treated Thorne worse than they treated Ivy and Aly every minute of his life. It's hard for me to sympathize with someone who claims to have no agency but two minutes later is backing the president of their company into a corner.

Ivy and Aly are bullies. If Rick and Maya hadn't bullied them first they would have done. The only scenes I ever saw of Aly and Ivy at work were them gossiping about what a goldigger Maya was and how Rick would never love her. Yes poor little spoiled brats, god forbid someone make them feel small in the midst of them making someone else feel small.

Maya even had a genuine conversation with Ivy where she tried to befriend her and Ivy treated her like filth. What the hell did Ivy expect? A chariot of gold and some signet rings? Raya were no angels that's for damn sure but no worse than Ridge or Steffy have been in the past and honestly no worse than judgemental buttinskis Ivy and Aly.

Tweedledee and Tweedum are in for a rude awakening because Steffy doesn't play those games. I feel like they got rid of Heather Chandler to face Heather Duke, salty bitches. There's no sheriff in this town.

Also, I really enjoy Nick, his role as Maya's friend and a transgender voice is integral to this story and I'm sure there are transgender women and men watching who are comforted that their voice is being heard.

Edited by slayer2
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Your mileage varies, of course.

It's not mileage that she loves him though it's canon.

ETA Then as a mentally imbalanced teenager she should a) be on meds and b) have supervision. Not left to her own devices with a guy who's some 8 years her senior. If the show is playing the get out of jail free card for Aly because she's mentally imbalanced then Quinn should get one too and likely Pam and certainly (whispers) Sheila.

Edited by slayer2
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Joimiaroxeu, infinity likes to your post, perfectly stated!


ETA: Shira, I just read your post, the same goes for you!

Edited by ByTor
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Ivy and Aly are bullies. If Rick and Maya hadn't bullied them first they would have done. The only scenes I ever saw of Aly and Ivy at work were them gossiping about what a goldigger Maya was and how Rick would never love her. Yes poor little spoiled brats, god forbid someone make them feel small in the midst of them making someone else feel small.

Maya even had a genuine conversation with Ivy where she tried to befriend her and Ivy treated her like filth. What the hell did Ivy expect? A chariot of gold and some signet rings? Raya were no angels that's for damn sure but no worse than Ridge or Steffy have been in the past and honestly no worse than judgemental buttinskis Ivy and Aly.


It's nice to know that somebody else remembers this. I never understood why Maya has to go out of her way to be nice to people who aren't nice to her.

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It's nice to know that somebody else remembers this. I never understood why Maya has to go out of her way to be nice to people who aren't nice to her.

From what I recall, Maya's the one who was originally nasty to them, but then tried to make nice when things went her way (since it's easy to be nice when you're the victor). 

Edited by ByTor
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Forgot to ask before: Are they not going to have Rick and Maya kiss anymore since the transgender reveal? I found it odd yesterday when they reunited and just hugged. Is this a CBS daytime taboo not to have romantic kissing shown between a transgender person and a heterosexual? It just seemed so...restrained. I don't get it.

It wouldn't surprise me. I'm assume most of you are familiar with ATWT's Luke/Noah pairing, at least in passing, and the ridiculous lengths that show went to have their cake and eat it too. Two young men have to wait two years before having sex because reasons. Okay. :rolls eyes: the cut kiss under the mistletoe made TwoP's collective head explode....and all that was in the name of not offending viewers, because I think P&G still owned the show until 2008 IIRC.

I don't know what the show's excuse is here. The Bells own the rights to the show and they aren't trying to shill any products (which is how soap operas got their name). More to the fact, it's 2015. We've already had plenty of sex scenes and tub scenes before the reveal, so I'm not sure why they need to dance around it now. And on a show that had Ridge and Bridget being pushed as a couple, to say nothing of the others that resulted from Ridge's paternity, I'm beyond thankful to see folks looking outside the gene pool for love interests.

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Forgot to ask before: Are they not going to have Rick and Maya kiss anymore since the transgender reveal? I found it odd yesterday when they reunited and just hugged. Is this a CBS daytime taboo not to have romantic kissing shown between a transgender person and a heterosexual? It just seemed so...restrained. I don't get it.

I thought the same thing! I wondered if maybe they were going to address it later since Rick had asked if she was worried that he would be looking at her differently.

Wrt the fashion line, I opined that at the very least the HTFT target would be spot on about it but I also feel (and I may be wrong about this) that Fashion houses have been promoting youth and youth culture regardless of which one and those that haven't have been labelled Mary Quant-ish.

Even front row fashion week celebs are attracted to the most stylish thing irrespective of age and I can't imagine a Victoria Beckham, Lupita Nyong'o or Julianne Moore being okay with firing or "letting go" a model because she was transgender and didn't disclose. I think the narrative re:Paris etc is that Ridge is the "best in the business" (I know, ludicrous) so that must imply that they cater to targets that regular fashion houses do, like D&G or Versace.

It wouldn't surprise me. I'm assume most of you are familiar with ATWT's Luke/Noah pairing, at least in passing, and the ridiculous lengths that show went to have their cake and eat it too. Two young men have to wait two years before having sex because reasons. Okay. :rolls eyes: the cut kiss under the mistletoe made TwoP's collective head explode....and all that was in the name of not offending viewers, because I think P&G still owned the show until 2008 IIRC.

Isn't that funny? We're the Queer as Folk, Girls generation. I think we can handle it.

Edited by slayer2
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From what I recall, Maya's the one who was originally nasty to them, but then tried to make nice when things went her way (since it's easy to be nice when you're the victor). 

Quoting $Bill? I see you've learned well, grasshopper.

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There is a difference between being unpleasant and nosy and being a bully. Aly and Ivy were cold and unwelcoming to Maya when she first moved in, but they didn't short sheet her bed or demand a manicure from her lest she be kicked out. Rick, and by extension Maya, had power and leverage they could use to make Ivy and Aly dance to their tune. Rick had real authority over their livelihood.

I hate it when a character I love does something awful. I have such a soft spot for Wyatt, but he was a giant prick to Nicole. I could blame her for being naive or call her out for being mercenary when she first arrived in LA, but Wyatt's actions are still pretty bad, especially selling her sister out to Dollar Bill. I'm relieved that he seems to feel guilty about lying to Nicole and seems worried about what Maya's going through, but still, what a dick move.

Eric should slink out of FC, not for his and Rick's business maneuver, but for being a horrible, horrible father. He just does not get it. You don't have to disparage Ridge to prove your love for Rick and vice versa. When your son shoots a gun in an occupied building, you come down hard and get him help. Eric makes me want to bang my head against a wall.

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It wouldn't surprise me. I'm assume most of you are familiar with ATWT's Luke/Noah pairing, at least in passing, and the ridiculous lengths that show went to have their cake and eat it too. Two young men have to wait two years before having sex because reasons. Okay. :rolls eyes: the cut kiss under the mistletoe made TwoP's collective head explode....and all that was in the name of not offending viewers, because I think P&G still owned the show until 2008 IIRC.

Oh, so $Bill's minority statement was a jab at that. Sweet. Thanks for pointing that out, I didn't get it when I watched. (Probably because I watched the episode on the cbs site and it took 2 1/2 hours with all the pausing in between each 5 seconds of dialog.)

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Quoting $Bill? I see you've learned well, grasshopper.

Oh $Bill lol! It's weird because he is literally the worst but he brings much needed balance to the show when Forrester inbreeding gets to be too much.  I can't wait for Bill to start sticking his nose in Livy because everybody knows he wants Steffy as his daughter-in-law, he may have warmed a bit to Cousin Koala but he would give her the old heave-ho in a heartbeat to have his precious Steffy in the family. This new regime causes waaaaay more dissent than Rick ever did. C'mon B&B, bring it!


Just as an aside, I discovered that Michele Val Jean is writing for B&B and was the first black female head soap writer, I couldn't be more thrilled to have Maya's story in her hands as it is always terrifying to think of our stories told through the lens of someone who doesn't understand it. It's even more heartening know that she wrote Elizabeth's rape storyline on GH and the revisitation of Laura's rape. That was one of the most poignant storylines I have ever seen on soaps and I am even more thrilled to know that she is contributing to B&B.

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There is a difference between being unpleasant and nosy and being a bully. Aly and Ivy were cold and unwelcoming to Maya when she first moved in, but they didn't short sheet her bed or demand a manicure from her lest she be kicked out. Rick, and by extension Maya, had power and leverage they could use to make Ivy and Aly dance to their tune. Rick had real authority over their livelihood.


Tis' true. But they couldn't have done that, Rick wouldn't have let them, If they had the power themselves I would not put it past them. Here's my main problem and bias against Ivy and Aly and I'll tell you Ninja if Rick had treated anyone else this way eg. Donna, or Zende or (I'm running out of cast members) I would have been like dude, fuck off. But my problem with Ivy and Aly started when Wyatt and Hope got married and Wyatt didn't know what his mother did to make that happen, Ivy and Aly insinuated themselves into their relationship and were constantly having pow-wows (instead of working) about how perfect Hope and Liam were for each other and basically treating Wyatt (her husband and father of her child) like an afterthought. They behaved like Cinderella's wicked step-sisters plotting and planning ways to butt into Hott's marriage (instead of working mind you) and even went as far as to distract Wyatt so Liam could have time alone with Hope (I'm sure you already know all this I don't mean to auto-recap) but for me that was the moment that said that these two were solipsistic, narcissistic, spoiled little assholes. Their joint behaviour said, it doesn't matter what Wyatt wants within the context of his marriage because WE want Hope with Liam.  It was very Blair Waldorf.


If it were a one-off then maybe I would have gotten over it but Ivy started again with Rick and Caroline, long before Rick was being a dictator and shooting a gun off Ivy had sided with Caroline and said Rick should suck it up. She never once faulted Caroline for falling in love with his brother (aka the man he hates most in the world) and she never once confronted Caroline about not being upfront about it. In point of fact she even squealed with delight at the details of their romance (her and Aly both) and all but encouraged the relationship. Then she sat in judgement of Rick and Maya's relationship (all while condoning CarRidge) and called Maya a goldigger and (without knowing the facts or history to the point where Carter had to school her) declared that Rick would never love Maya and that their relationship was simply a fling. She even went as far as to go and confront Maya over their affair and make more baseless assumptions when she barely knew her  and her attention should have been focused on her cousin Rick.


Now we have Aly playing the same buttinski role completely oblivious to the fact that Steffy and Liam are none of her business, erroneously declaring that Liam and Ivy belong together (I say this not because they are a bad couple but because it is not for her to decide) and warning her boss off a man that Aly is not related to, not friends with and has no real relationship with. Again, none of her business. Ivy is on the other end of the spectrum deciding that since she doesn't want Steffy and Liam to rekindle their romance (despite Liam saying more than once that he was committed to her) 

she will now take it upon herself to decide who Steffy should see and how.

It's a level of narcissism that blows my mind but what drives me crazier than anything else is the same thing that drove me crazy about Hope. NOBODY calls Ivy or Aly out on their behaviour. Nobody sits them down and tells them to mind their own damn business, nobody tells them to get back to work and stop gossiping, nobody expects them to act like professionals and not spend the day playing matchmaker or sniping on their superiors personal lives, and that was the case long before Rick turned into an angerball and I'm calling it that it will be the case long after. 

Edited by slayer2
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slayer, you nailed exactly why I can't feel too sorry for either Aly or Ivy.


They were both hypocrites - wanting Hope to commit adultery with her true wuv, Liam, and for Liam to not only cheat with a married woman but screw over his own brother. Don't even get me starting on Ivy's fangirling of the CaRidge relationship but who could blame her because it's just so hot and sexy and fun to gush with your BFF about her cheating on her husband with his brother. 


So neither of them had any business throwing stones at Rick and Maya for their behavior when they were all but accomplices to the same exact behavior, transparent as can be in their glass houses.

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slayer, you nailed exactly why I can't feel too sorry for either Aly or Ivy.


They were both hypocrites - wanting Hope to commit adultery with her true wuv, Liam, and for Liam to not only cheat with a married woman but screw over his own brother. Don't even get me starting on Ivy's fangirling of the CaRidge relationship but who could blame her because it's just so hot and sexy and fun to gush with your BFF about her cheating on her husband with his brother. 


So neither of them had any business throwing stones at Rick and Maya for their behavior when they were all but accomplices to the same exact behavior, transparent as can be in their glass houses.



Yup! To me there are no victims in this storyline, I think we are about to see what an unmuzzled Aly and Ivy truly look like.


ETA Someone is always the architect of Ivy's unhappiness,  yesterday it was Quinn and Hope, today it's Rick tomorrow it's Steffy. She will always be unhappy and find someone else to blame for it, it's part of the reason why I think her relationship with Liam is doomed.  It's also of note that she only truly respected Wyatt and Hope's marriage AFTER she began dating Liam and it served her interest.

Edited by slayer2
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Maya pursued and slept with a still married Rick, so she is a hypocrite as well for being so outraged over, and publicly outing, a hug between Ridge and Caroline (because at that point she didn't know for sure that there was more to it than that).  Honestly, it's difficult to NOT find a hypocrite on this show.

Edited by ByTor
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I think we can all agree B&B is chock-full of hypocrites.





They're all terrible, terrible people. I think the only one with any shred of decency is Thorne and I can barely say that since he took up with the woman who killed the mother of his child. Perhaps Bridget or Felicia are the only safe bets.

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I know it's been awhile but I think Ivy was really appalled by CaRidge (for about 30 seconds, but still...) mainly because no matter how it went it was going to be a mess for the family.  And then it seemed like the writers flipped a coin and decided to go with Ivy's friendship with Caroline to determine what she did next.  I didn't even know if they were friends but they are around the same age, part of the same family, working for the family company, so whatever.


Aly and Ivy gossiping about the Hope/Liam/Wyatt did irritate me though. Or maybe not the gossiping so much (that's normal behavior) but the intensity seemed a little creepy. 

ETA Someone is always the architect of Ivy's unhappiness,  yesterday it was Quinn and Hope, today it's Rick tomorrow it's Steffy. She will always be unhappy and find someone else to blame for it, it's part of the reason why I think her relationship with Liam is doomed.  It's also of note that she only truly respected Wyatt and Hope's marriage AFTER she began dating Liam and it served her interest.


And yet, when I first started watching, everyone liked Ivy as a breath of fresh air.  She did develop a thing for Liam but she dealt with it practically when it looked like she didn't have a chance. It seems like the longer she's been in LA, the more neurotic she's become. 

Edited by tessaray
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I think we can all agree B&B is chock-full of hypocrites.

We certainly can :)  Not to open up a character can of worms, but this is why I loathed Taylor, just as big a hypocrite as the rest of the bunch, yet somehow we were supposed to believe she was goodness personified and above all that.

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And yet, when I first started watching, everyone liked Ivy as a breath of fresh air.  She did develop a thing for Liam but she dealt with it practically when it looked like she didn't have a chance. It seems like the longer she's been in LA, the more neurotic she's become.



I thought so too!!! I was shipping Liam and Ivy haaard, especially with Hope as the alternative, it was refreshing to see someone give it back to Hope about her waffling and flip-floppy behaviour. You are right that it does seem like the longer she's stayed the more neurotic she's become. 

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We certainly can :)  Not to open up a character can of worms, but this is why I loathed Taylor, just as big a hypocrite as the rest of the bunch, yet somehow we were supposed to believe she was goodness personified and above all that.

I hated that lying sack of sanctimonious, holier than thou, teflon coated, my shit don't stink, do as I say, not as I do, bitch.

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Where was all this formal paper work when Eric was dictating Rick be CEO? Wouldn't the other stock holders have had to sign off on it, just like the majority shareholders are doing it now? Eric couldn't have been able to solely decide who gets to be CEO and who doesn't with his 37%. 


Ally trying to go up against Steffy was hilarious. Where was this backbone when it came to Rick and Maya?

Edited by Artsda
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Maya pursued and slept with a still married Rick, so she is a hypocrite as well for being so outraged over, and publicly outing, a hug between Ridge and Caroline (because at that point she didn't know for sure that there was more to it than that).  Honestly, it's difficult to NOT find a hypocrite on this show.


Couldn't find a non-hypocrite on this show if you combed through years and years of footage, and they all love to judge each other like they're crapping candy rainbows. Terrible.

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Why did they bring that guy back? It's like he lives in some alternate reality where Maya and Rick didn't do all the shite they did for no real reason other than because they could. In his mind, Maya's being transgender is like a free pass to do whatever you want. I guess the character (and actor) is TPTB's way of trying to be extra PC about all this but the stuff that comes out of that guy's mouth doesn't do Maya's case any favors, IMO.



Wordy McWordy Word, and 1000 likes to you Joimiaroxeu! I am willing to give Nick a pass on Maya and Rick's rotten behavior; he wasn't around to witness it, and of course Maya would never own it. But I get the distinct impression that his message is "I/we are transgender, and anyone who doesn't like something we have done is transphobic". I call a big fucking foul on that, and I also find it incredibly offensive. 


Ridge as treated Thorne worse than they treated Ivy and Aly every minute of his life.



Agreed, but Ridge's treatment of Thorne has no bearing, and certainly doesn't alter, how Rick and Maya have treated everyone.


Maya even had a genuine conversation with Ivy where she tried to befriend her and Ivy treated her like filth. What the hell did Ivy expect? A chariot of gold and some signet rings?



I don't blame Ivy at all. She had the misfortune to be the Forrester that stumbled upon Rick and his mistress at Bathtub Hut. She knew that Rick had just re-declared his love for Caroline and how he wanted to reconcile, so Ivy's confusion was more than understandable. As Caroline's friend, a Forrester, Rick's cousin, and an employee of FC's, I think she was perfectly in her rights to ask questions. Rick and Maya were the ones acting badly; lying and deceiving and fornicating, which is why they were both so worried that Ivy would tell. But Ivy didn't tell. I mean really, who would want to drop a bomb like that on your friend. Even so, Rick went out of his way to be as miserable as he could to Ivy, for nothing more than being at the wrong place at the wrong time, or maybe, at the right place at the right time, depending on your perspective. 



I'm so riveted to TK, he can just skulk around the office saying throwaway lines like "son of a bitch!" and I'm rewinding just to watch his hotness. lol!



IKR? As an old married of 29 years, it is absolutely ridiculous how hard I am crushing on this man. 


Ivy: OMG! She's a total knockout now! How is this even supposed to be a triangle?! Liam is King of All Idiots if he drops her for Steffy.



Ivy is so damn beautiful it is almost painful to look at her. Why she should have any insecurity about the Bratz Doll escapes me. Ivy is feminine, and has a lovely voice, and wears her clothes and applies her makeup with taste. Where is the competition here?


Rick, and by extension Maya, had power and leverage they could use to make Ivy and Aly dance to their tune. Rick had real authority over their livelihood.



This completely tells the tale. Ivy and Ally should not have to live in fear in their grandfather's/uncle's home. A home that they were invited to live in. They should also not have to fear for their jobs in the family business. Feeling this way because of a legitimate reason would be one thing, but because you might look at the CEO's girlfriend the wrong way, or give her white toast instead of rye? Absolute nonsense. 


She never once faulted Caroline for falling in love with his brother



As said above, I am an old married, and as such cannot imagine being unfaithful! But I am also a realist, and understand that these things happen. People marry the wrong people and don't know until much later. People also fall in love with others; it is unfortunate and painful, but many times it just happens without forethought or any preconceived ideas. I don't think it makes you a terrible person. I don't think it makes you a bad person, and I would never fault someone for someone they cannot control. You can control your libido, but sometimes the heart beats to it's own drummer. 

Edited by RuntheTable
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I hated that lying sack of sanctimonious, holier than thou, teflon coated, my shit don't stink, do as I say, not as I do, bitch.

Tell me what you really think ;-)

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Wordy McWordy Word, and 1000 likes to you Joimiaroxeu! I am willing to give Nick a pass on Maya and Rick's rotten behavior; he wasn't around to witness it, and of course Maya would never own it. But I get the distinct impression that his message is "I/we are transgender, and anyone who doesn't like something we have done is transphobic". I call a big fucking foul on that, and I also find it incredibly offensive.

Agreed, but Ridge's treatment of Thorne has no bearing, and certainly doesn't alter, how Rick and Maya have treated everyone.

I don't blame Ivy at all. She had the misfortune to be the Forrester that stumbled upon Rick and his mistress at Bathtub Hut. She knew that Rick had just re-declared his love for Caroline and how he wanted to reconcile, so Ivy's confusion was more than understandable. As Caroline's friend, a Forrester, Rick's cousin, and an employee of FC's, I think she was perfectly in her rights to ask questions. Rick and Maya were the ones acting badly; lying and deceiving and fornicating, which is why they were both so worried that Ivy would tell. But Ivy didn't tell. I mean really, who would want to drop a bomb like that on your friend. Even so, Rick went out of his way to be as miserable as he could to Ivy, for nothing more than being at the wrong place at the wrong time, or maybe, at the right place at the right time, depending on your perspective.

IKR? As an old married of 29 years, it is absolutely ridiculous how hard I am crushing on this man.

Ivy is so damn beautiful it is almost painful to look at her. Why she should have any insecurity about the Bratz Doll escapes me. Ivy is feminine, and has a lovely voice, and wears her clothes and applies her makeup with taste. Where is the competition here?

This completely tells the tale. Ivy and Ally should not have to live in fear in their grandfather's/uncle's home. A home that they were invited to live in. They should also not have to fear for their jobs in the family business. Feeling this way because of a legitimate reason would be one thing, but because you might look at the CEO's girlfriend the wrong way, or give her white toast instead of rye? Absolute nonsense.

As said above, I am an old married, and as such cannot imagine being unfaithful! But I am also a realist, and understand that these things happen. People marry the wrong people and don't know until much later. People also fall in love with others; it is unfortunate and painful, but many times it just happens without forethought or any preconceived ideas. I don't think it makes you a terrible person. I don't think it makes you a bad person, and I would never fault someone for someone they cannot control. You can control your libido, but sometimes the heart beats to it's own drummer.

I feel like this is being too lenient about emotional cheating but my point is that Ivy was hypocritical about excusing Caroline and judging Rick. If you can't cop to anything else at least cop to that.

There has never been one moment where Ivy even side-eyed Ridge or alluded to the fact that he shouldn't have lied about his abilities (thereby potentially damaging the bottom line) and then put the moves on Rick's wife. Ridge has never once been remorseful about it.

I understand you love the couple, fair enough but it's a cocky bastard that can't even find it in himself to be even the slightest bit remorseful about all of it. He acted like Rick was asking for it even when he was being a good supportive CEO and Ivy for all her ranting, never mentions that, only Eric or Bill ever bring it up.

Also just because you're an "old married" doesn't mean you're dead. Hotties are hotties, ya know?

Edited by slayer2
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I feel like this is being too lenient but my point is that Ivy was hypocritical about excusing Caroline and judging Rick. If you can't cop to anything else at least cop to that.

Agree. I also agree that while you can't really help having feelings for someone else, you absofreakinlutely can control acting on those feelings. From the moment they realized there was something there, they should have ended it (if they wanted to keep their respective relationships) or (if they really thought the other was THE one) Caroline should have ended it with Rick and Ridge with Katie first. Similarly, Rick's anger and hurt over Caroline's affair didn't give him a license to cheat with Maya. 


People really need to own their shit on this show and stop visiting the bakery of having one's cake and eating it, too.

Edited by CountryGirl
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Agree. I also agree that while you can't really help having feelings for someone else, you absofreakinlutely can control acting on those feelings. From the moment they realized there was something there, they should have ended it (if they wanted to keep their respective relationships) or (if they really thought the other was THE one) Caroline should have ended it with Rick and Ridge with Katie first. Similarly, Rick's anger and hurt over Caroline's affair didn't give him a license to cheat with Maya.

People really need to own their shit on this show and stop visiting the bakery of having one's cake and eating it, too.


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I feel like this is being too lenient about emotional cheating but my point is that Ivy was hypocritical about excusing Caroline and judging Rick. If you can't cop to anything else at least cop to that.



As has been said here many times; mileage varies. 


There has never been one moment where Ivy even side-eyed Ridge or alluded to the fact that he shouldn't have lied about his abilities (thereby potentially damaging the bottom line) and then put the moves on Rick's wife. Ridge has never once been remorseful about it.



I can agree with this; Ridge's original intentions were not honorable. I guess I can understand not wanting to disclose his artistic limitations; in the context of the show, they showed that Ridge was devastated by this loss, and was reeling emotionally, and that he identified himself with his drawing. Being artistic myself, I think I can understand that. But the comment was about Ivy not calling Caroline out on her feelings for Ridge; not about Ridge's actions in regards to Caroline:


She never once faulted Caroline for falling in love with his brother



Also just because you're an "old married" doesn't mean you're dead. Hotties are hotties, ya know?



Didn't say I was dead, just that I could not conceive of cheating or being unfaithful! If you notice in the same post I note my crush on TK? So, no, I am not blind either. 

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I think the only one with any shred of decency is Thorne and I can barely say that since he took up with the woman who killed the mother of his child.

I need my memory refreshed on this.  Did Thorne know it was Taylor the whole time, or did he find out after the fact but chose to be with her anyway?  What I DO remember is little Aly taking scissors to Taylor's wedding dress.

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I need my memory refreshed on this.  Did Thorne know it was Taylor the whole time, or did he find out after the fact but chose to be with her anyway?  What I DO remember is little Aly taking scissors to Taylor's wedding dress.



No, Thorne didn't know all along; he found out well after the accident happened. If I remember correctly, Taylor was in jail when Thorne found out. What I remember is him coming to her cell and her telling him. Or maybe she had told him, and he was coming to talk to her about it. What I don't remember is why she was in jail? I do know that Hector was heavily involved and had been telling Taylor to remain silent. 

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There has never been one moment where Ivy even side-eyed Ridge or alluded to the fact that he shouldn't have lied about his abilities (thereby potentially damaging the bottom line) and then put the moves on Rick's wife. Ridge has never once been remorseful about it.

I understand you love the couple, fair enough but it's a cocky bastard that can't even find it in himself to be even the slightest bit remorseful about all of it. He acted like Rick was asking for it even when he was being a good supportive CEO and Ivy for all her ranting, never mentions that, only Eric or Bill ever bring it up.


Caroline saved Ridge by helping him get the collection out in the nick of time, but by then there was so much going on his hiding that physical problem did mostly fall by the wayside.  Katie didn't help the situation either.  I do think TK showed some - if not remorse, something close - at inadvertently hurting Caroline by interfering in her marriage.  It wasn't in the dialog though, all in the acting.  But Rick's campaign of punishing Caroline ended that pretty quickly. 


IMO, Rick has been an awful CEO, at least the way he's been written as taking all his personal animus out in the workplace.  This nice guy Rick from the last few days, this guy I don't even recognize.


Was Ridge 1.0 ever remorseful about anything?  

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No, Thorne didn't know all along; he found out well after the accident happened. If I remember correctly, Taylor was in jail when Thorne found out. What I remember is him coming to her cell and her telling him. Or maybe she had told him, and he was coming to talk to her about it. What I don't remember is why she was in jail? I do know that Hector was heavily involved and had been telling Taylor to remain silent. 

It was bothering me, I got a condensed version from Wikipedia (for what it's worth):

"Taylor becomes an alcoholic and while driving one night to Phoebe who is stranded on PCH, she accidentally hits Thorne's wife Darla Forrester (Schae Harrison) with her car. Darla dies from her injuries. Taylor bonds with Thorne and his daughter Aly, and they become involved. Taylor confesses the truth about Darla's accident and is sent to prison but is later released due to her death being accidental."

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As has been said here many times; mileage varies.

I can agree with this; Ridge's original intentions were not honorable. I guess I can understand not wanting to disclose his artistic limitations; in the context of the show, they showed that Ridge was devastated by this loss, and was reeling emotionally, and that he identified himself with his drawing. Being artistic myself, I think I can understand that. But the comment was about Ivy not calling Caroline out on her feelings for Ridge; not about Ridge's actions in regards to Caroline:

Didn't say I was dead, just that I could not conceive of cheating or being unfaithful! If you notice in the same post I note my crush on TK? So, no, I am not blind either.

You seemed to be saying that you couldn't believe the affect TK was having on you, I was just saying that a good-looking dude is a good looking dude. No shame and no shade. Edited by slayer2
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Oh Wyatt, you don't tell a woman who's already feeling a little insecure how intelligent and beautiful another woman is. Especially if that other woman is after woman #1's man. Dick move, buddy.

Um, Aly, who appointed you the morality police? You might want to think two or three times about trying to step to Steffy. Who knows, you could find yourself stuck in ski gondola watching your archenemy marry your man. (And what's up with the Alice in Wonderland hairdo?)

LOLing at the thought of Steffy and Wyatt together, in bed. She'd probably snap him like a twig. Steffy versus mama bear Quinn might be interesting though. IMO, Quinn = Steffy + 20 years and a trust fund.

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Oh Wyatt, you don't tell a woman who's already feeling a little insecure how intelligent and beautiful another woman is. Especially if that other woman is after woman #1's man. Dick move, buddy.

Um, Aly, who appointed you the morality police? You might want to think two or three times about trying to step to Steffy. Who knows, you could find yourself stuck in ski gondola watching your archenemy marry your man. (And what's up with the Alice in Wonderland hairdo?)

LOLing at the thought of Steffy and Wyatt together, in bed. She'd probably snap him like a twig. Steffy versus mama bear Quinn might be interesting though. IMO, Quinn = Steffy + 20 years and a trust fund.

Spencer men aren't known for their tact I suppose. How do they get chicks? It's mind blowing.

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You seemed to be saying that you couldn't believe the affect TK was having on you, I was just saying that a good-looking dude is a good looking dude. No shame.



My apologies slayer2; I completely mistook your statement. So I guess this "old married" was being completely redundant in her reply! 

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Caroline saved Ridge by helping him get the collection out in the nick of time, but by then there was so much going on his hiding that physical problem did mostly fall by the wayside.  Katie didn't help the situation either.  I do think TK showed some - if not remorse, something close - at inadvertently hurting Caroline by interfering in her marriage.  It wasn't in the dialog though, all in the acting.  But Rick's campaign of punishing Caroline ended that pretty quickly. 


IMO, Rick has been an awful CEO, at least the way he's been written as taking all his personal animus out in the workplace.  This nice guy Rick from the last few days, this guy I don't even recognize.


Was Ridge 1.0 ever remorseful about anything?  


Spencer men aren't known for their tact I suppose. How do they get chicks? It's mind blowing.

How do they get multiple chicks fighting for the privilege of being their one (but not only)? 

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Where was all this formal paper work when Eric was dictating Rick be CEO? Wouldn't the other stock holders have had to sign off on it, just like the majority shareholders are doing it now? Eric couldn't have been able to solely decide who gets to be CEO and who doesn't with his 37%.

Ally trying to go up against Steffy was hilarious. Where was this backbone when it came to Rick and Maya?

You would think that Eric needed to bring it to the board for Rick to be CEO but not in soap land. But, with B&B taking dramatic license, a meeting is needed for a hostile takeover.

Ally, that speech may work on Hope but it ain't going to fly with Steffy. If anything Ally, with that speech and Ivy's speech it might give Steffy more of an impudence to tell them to eat shit and die and do what she wants. Not that she won't do what she wants anyway. Ivy, just make sure that Liam is worth the hassle of dealing with his Hope and Steffy baggage and his waffling. I'm not sure Liam actually knows what love is or he is just enamored with the attention that he is getting from the women in his life.

There may be a Rick 2.0 as a kinder and gentler person but is that what Maya really wants or is it the all and mighty CEO Rick that will punch out anyone that disrespects Maya. Has Maya drank from the well of absolute power and has become corrupted absolutely as Rick 1.0?

I hate the flashbacks of Steffy because it actually only goes to remind me of how beautiful she was than and the mess she made out of herself now. Ally is back to her floating head nieve little girl look. For a while, with her SL with Oliver, she looked more like a maturing young lady. Please bring back Ivy's bangs. Still beautiful but the hairdo is not all that.

Edited by Waldo13
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