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Hunting Hitler

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I couldn't sleep last night and wound up stumbling on this show. And...OMG. This cannot be for real! So, these ass clowns think they're going to find evidence that Hitler survived his suicide and made his way to Argentina? In a future episode, do they build a time machine and stop the Russians from making off with his body after they found it in his bunker?! Now granted, I didn't watch the beginning where this fact might have been brought up, but I'm somehow kinda doubting it if they intend to air six more episodes of this.

They should rename this network the Revisionist History Channel.

This show was just awful. I was watching a Smithsonian Channel WWII presentation, and my GF recommended this show because she'd seen it a couple of days ago. We began to watch it together (OnDemand), and I paused it after the first 5 or 10 minutes to warn her that the "investigators" were "coming off douchey". I sat through the whole thing, because I assured my GF that I would, but she was upset that my mind wasn't a-whirl by this team of self-promoters. I told her that this self-aggrandizing team was to real historical investigation what professional wrestling is to boxing or UFC. 

Since then, I've checked Google/Google News for reviews, and my faith in humanity was restored...

This show is a load of BS. Hitler's dentist was captured after the war by the Americans. Two of his dental techs were captured by the Russians. Each independently reconstructed the details of Hitler's dental work from memory. Their reconstructions meshed completely, and they fit with the details of the dental work on the jaw fragments attributed to Hitler AND to the skull X-rays taken of him by his doctor after the July 20 bomb attempt. Bottom line, there is solid forensic proof that Hitler died in Berlin. For a detailed account of the forensic exam go to http://www.nl-aid.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/Sognnaes.pdf

This show fascinates me, what with all the remote safe houses they are finding along with the tunnels that seem to be everywhere they look.  I agree that it appears Hitler did truly did in Berlin.  So what is the take on all of this supposed evidence they discovered?  They have gone to Spain,  the Canary Islands, Argentina.  Is all this evidence just of other nazis who sped off after the war ended?  I know these kind of shows amp up the drama of all their discoveries, but it does appear something was going on what with all the tunnels and their discoveries on the Canary Islands. I am wondering if anyone has any theories on this?

I think a lot of Nazis were known to have escaped Berlin after the war and many fled to Argentina, which probably explains all the evidence of tunnels and escape routes that look like they might have been used by Nazis.  Same for the eyewitnesses who claim they saw Nazis around that time.  But to theorize that one of those escapees was Hitler is still a stretch, especially when compared with other contradictory evidence, as mentioned above.

I have absolutely no problem believing that the Nazis had contingency plans to get Hitler out. Many of them did get out. I don't believe Hitler could have ever survived the trip. He was a physical wreck by that point, addicted to all sorts of drugs, possibly suffering from a degenerative disease, possibly also dementia. What would be the point? Also, Antarctica. Really?

That said, this hits my crazy conspiracy theory sweet spot. Maybe - they smuggled out the body double, so they could set him up as a puppet for the return of the Reich! Any oddities with his behavior or appearance could be explained as the need for disguise. Guys, I think I figured it out!

Edited by Ananayel
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On 11/24/2016 at 0:02 PM, Ananayel said:

I have absolutely no problem believing that the Nazis had contingency plans to get Hitler out. Many of them did get out. I don't believe Hitler could have ever survived the trip. He was a physical wreck by that point, addicted to all sorts of drugs, possibly suffering from a degenerative disease, possibly also dementia. What would be the point? Also, Antarctica. Really?

That said, this hits my crazy conspiracy theory sweet spot. Maybe - they smuggled out the body double, so they could set him up as a puppet for the return of the Reich! Any oddities with his behavior or appearance could be explained as the need for disguise. Guys, I think I figured it out!

I am so with you on this!  We do know Hitler had many look-a-likes and they could have fooled people with the extent of his illness, not to say he was not a drug addict.  Once he dismissed the quack that was poisoning him he could have recovered somewhat.  I think if anyone was smuggled out it was him.  How long he lasted?????  I don't think smuggling out a double would have done them any good since it was his "charisma" (just puked typing that) that people sought.

I am all in.  Remember the Russians got to the city before us and we have no idea what really happened.  Just having declassified material from both US and UK still tracking him makes me want more.

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Has anyone else been watching "Treasure Quest: Snake Island"?  They've been wandering around the Misiones this season, same as the "Hunting Hitler" folks, but looking for Incan/Jesuit treasure, rather than Nazis.  Mr. Blevins and I have been joking all season that they were probably more likely to find Hitler than the Incan treasure, given their somewhat iffy methods. 

Well, in today's episode, they found some old buildings in the jungle ... too modern to be Jesuit ... and then some pottery. With "Made in Germany" markings. Then some German coins. Then a tiled bathtub ... we just about fell off the couch laughing; it really looked like they went to the same compound as the "Hunting Hitler" people!

For the record, they didn't find definitive proof of Hitler's former presence, or the Incan gold.

We've started joking that maybe they'll run into Josh Gates, Scott "Minnesota Jones" Wolter, or maybe the guys from Oak Island, just in case they're listening ... 

Edited by jennblevins
Bad punctuation.
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This show is a mess, but I can't stop watching. In one of the first couple of episodes this season, they claimed to have a picture of Hitler taken in South America somewhere. Turns out, it was a picture of Moe Howard, one of the Three Stooges. They had to quickly re-edit and shoot some new footage declaring that it would be "irresponsible" to show the picture without it being proven, and that's the version that airs in reruns. Oy. I don't even think Zak and the Scooby Douches would get something that wrong.

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I love the premise and I love a good conspiracy theory.  I am bothered that Hitler's body was never found and that the Russians got to the bunker long before we did.  I do find it interesting that countries around the world were looking for Hitler and his crew for decades after.

That being said - I fall asleep every single episode.  Could the pace of the show be any slower?

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I haven't watched season two yet. I did find many things in season one persuasive.

one of the biggest was: why would all these random old people in different parts of the world lie? For me this is inverse of conspiracy theories that require too many people to keep a secret. At the very least a lot of people genuinely believed they saw Hitler.

im Jewish and I'm always shocked by how many literally HUNDREDS of Nazis escaped, some living to a ripe old age. mengele drowned in 1979. Nobody actually seeing the body is at best sketchy.

no nothing was proof. But they certainly showed it was feasible. 

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On ‎11‎/‎23‎/‎2016 at 6:39 PM, slf said:

Stumbled across this, watched it for half an hour, shut it off wondering how anyone respectable could work on a show like this. "Hitler could have..." Hitler might have..." "This is a solidly built structure in the jungle in Argentina; who could have built something this secure? Only the Nazis."

....Like, wtf?

Lol.  I had similar thoughts, along with, "Did they get a federal grant to research this?"

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On 1/5/2017 at 8:16 PM, jumper sage said:

I love the premise and I love a good conspiracy theory.  I am bothered that Hitler's body was never found and that the Russians got to the bunker long before we did.  I do find it interesting that countries around the world were looking for Hitler and his crew for decades after.

That being said - I fall asleep every single episode.  Could the pace of the show be any slower?

They DID find his body. The examination of the dental remnants proves beyond a reasonable doubt that he died in Berlin.


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5 hours ago, FushYumeng said:

They DID find his body. The examination of the dental remnants proves beyond a reasonable doubt that he died in Berlin.


Read your own document.  It very clearly states the first, in small type, was based on evidence the Russians reported to have and they never produced any evidence.  In larger type, within the first 2 pages, the document reveals that no one ever saw any evidence.  The Russians only said yes this is exactly what we have after dental records were sent to them.  Within those 2 pages the document does say that for years the Russians held the world off and then at some point displayed a part of the skull and proclaimed it was the skull of Hitler and this later had been refuted.  There has never been any part of Hitler's body to be recovered to this date.

I have seen the document before (huge history buff) and it is a great read but you must look and each word and not put your own interpretations on it.  I find it hilarious that once again the Russians are at the very heart of something that could literally change history.

Edited by jumper sage
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On 1/16/2017 at 6:07 PM, jumper sage said:

Read your own document.  It very clearly states the first, in small type, was based on evidence the Russians reported to have and they never produced any evidence.  In larger type, within the first 2 pages, the document reveals that no one ever saw any evidence.  The Russians only said yes this is exactly what we have after dental records were sent to them.  Within those 2 pages the document does say that for years the Russians held the world off and then at some point displayed a part of the skull and proclaimed it was the skull of Hitler and this later had been refuted.  There has never been any part of Hitler's body to be recovered to this date.

I have seen the document before (huge history buff) and it is a great read but you must look and each word and not put your own interpretations on it.  I find it hilarious that once again the Russians are at the very heart of something that could literally change history.

I did read it. At the very end it states "From this overall comparison of the odontological evidence we conclude that the individual identified by means of the 1945 Hitler files located in the U.S. National Archives in 1972 is the same person as that whose 1945 autopsy report was published in 1968 on the basis of the previously unknown documents from Soviet Archives of 1945.".  Pretty clear and explicit. The Russians had the body which they examined, and they had the testimonies of dental techs Kathe Heusemann and Fritz Echtmann. They produced a reconstruction of the details of Hitler's dental work from memory. The Americans had testimony from Hitler's dentist Dr. Hugo Blaschke and they had verified X-rays of Hitler's skull. Neither side shared what they had with the other, yet the testimonies matched completely. This would be almost impossible if there were any errors or falsehoods in their testimonies. Their reconstructions matched the details of the dental remnants examined in the autopsy. All of this fit with the X-rays of the skull verifying its identity. It's the TOTALITY of the evidence and how it all fits together in a way which would be impossible if any of it were faked which confirms his death in Berlin beyond a reasonable doubt. The skull fragment was recovered from the vicinity of the burial pit about a year after the end of the war. Nobody ever claimed it was his. Dr. Mark Bellantoni swabbed the surfaces of the fragment and recovered DNA which was from a female. The jaw remnants still exist and are kept in Moscow. In 2003 a forensic biologist named Mark Benecke went there to examine the dental remnants. He held them IN HIS HANDS, comparing them to the verified X-rays of Hitler's skull taken by Dr. Theodor Morell in 1944 and confirmed that they came from Hitler.

Edited by FushYumeng
2 hours ago, jumper sage said:

That is simply not true.  Documentation?

The Sognnaes report clearly states that the dental work on the body recovered by the Russians matches that on the verified skull X-rays of Hitler. The separate independent matching reconstructions from Blaschke and the techs confirm that the details are accurate. The autopsy report published by Lev Bezyminski in 1968 confirms that their testimonies mesh with the details of the dental work on the corpse as reported in the postmortem. The skull X-rays verify that the details of the dental work match what was in Hitler's mouth. You don't get to call it BS without better evidence to back it up.  If you want to dispute it YOU show why it is insufficient to verify his death in Berlin beyond a reasonable doubt.

Go back to your own source and read at least the first two pages.  It clearly states the Russians only said they had a match with the dental records AFTER the Americans sent his dental records recovered from his dentist.  The Russians never have produced any fragments to corroborate any link.

My 8 year old grandniece loves to get reference questions so I posed her this one:  Is there any evidence of Hitler's body being found?

She sent me this link.  After having her parents give her a rudimentary lesson in mother gives x and father gives either x or y to baby.....

Here is an excerpt from another site dealing with suicide in general - who by the way does not like the link found by my 8 yr old:


I conclude that, despite hoaxes and conspiracy theories, Hitler indeed committed suicide. This was also reported by German witnesses. However, the last of Hitler’s henchmen were the most fanatic Nazis. Not a reliable source. Hitler’s skull does or did exist, but the Russian Archives simply gave the researches of the University of Connecticuta a different one. The Seduction was born. Formal errors sometimes lead to cardinal differences in outcomes. This is the power of The Seduction.

One fact is still unclear to me: where in Russia are the remains of Hitler? The official story goes that everything was burned. If this is true, the Russians destroyed the body without any explanation. This was not just a crime investigation, it was in fact the most important historical crime evidence of the last 2000 years. The study of Sognnaes is somewhat messy and the Russians should have known that some of the crucial components would become important. What for? In 1944, the purpose of DNA was discovered by Oswald Avery. He describes personal characteristics by storing information in cells. Yet 100 years earlier, DNA was discovered by Friedrich Meis Cher, a Swiss chemist. He labelled phosphorus-rich compound in cells (later called deoxyribonucleic acid, DNA). At that time, it was not known what it did. In 1953, the so-called spiral staircase was described by Watson and Crick. Sognnaes did his research in 1977. By that time, scientists could read DNA. The question remains: why did the Russians not preserve any of the crucial evidence from crime scene number 1 of the last two thousand years?

Link to above article.

I am a librarian, certified by the American Library Association, with all the credentials that go with it.  One reason I became a librarian was my love of research. Being a librarian means I can spend a lifetime doing research on various topics of my choosing.  Being able to use FOIA and FOI (UK version) has been very enlightening.  Believe me when I say I relish in any document on the subject.  Being able to use FOIA and FOI to get more documents has been awesome.  Why did the Americans and the Brits continue to investigate his (possible) movements well past WWII?

To sum up.  I am not saying Hitler did or did not die in the the bunker.  I am saying there is no evidence of his body to be found to date.

Edited by jumper sage
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I realized I am late to the party here, but I just finished watching both seasons of Hunting Hilter, and I am near obsessed with the idea that he may have escaped.  Is anyone still talking about this show?  I go back and forth between -- ridiculous! and totally believable!  I need to look at this dental records biz a bit closer for sure.

But, we do know rat lines existed and many Nazi's did in fact escape. We know this because they have since been hunted down and brought to justice. The Nazi's had plans and plots which involved a lot of pre-planning and preparation to ensure it did happen.  They did a lot of things in secret.  There were multiple exits from the bunker, the pilot who swore he flew Hitler out, the many people in various places along those rat lines that said they saw Hitler, etc, etc.  The idea that he had plans to escape, should it have come to that, seems quite plausible, reasonable even, and knowing the secrecy under which the Nazi's operated and their ultimate plans for world domination, I doubt they would have been loose with that kind of information. I could even imagine (here's where I start venturing off course into conspiracy theories territory) that they had planned to lie about Hitler dying to further their nefarious plans. But, that's an awful lot of people willing to die or go to jail for Hitler and his cause, is it even reasonable to think so? I do not know.

Interesting question though. I have google working overtime right now. 

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@Jel It is fun isn't it?  I love this stuff too.  Just the fact that our own government took their scientists in and cleaned up their files to make them "fit" for America is telling right there.  Wehner von Braun is such a great example.  Not only was he "cleaned" of any wrong doing but he became a national icon with his work with NASA and Disney.  I get it that many Germans had to get along to be alive so I am not judging but it is fascinating.

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Jumper sage, I did not know that about von Braun! Interesting indeed.

I also just learned that so much of what we "know" about Hitler's last days is based on the work of historian Hugh Trever-Roper who wrote a book about it, which, from what I can gather, seems to have been taken at the time as the definitive, last word on the subject. And if history as taught us anything, it's gotta be that "definitive, last words" are rarely that.

I also read that Stalin thought Hitler escaped. And that there was not a ton of interest in pursing the idea, ie no international man hunt for Hitler because it would be kind of embarrassing and demoralizing to the Allies if he had escaped, the Argentine government was uncooperative, everyone was just exhausted from so much war, and Russia was starting to become a big problem for the West.  

When I learn that governments are capable of turning a blind eye to something when it serves their purposes, as in the situation you outlined, it does make me wonder if they could have been able to do the same with a Hitler escape.

I agree with you 100% -- it is fascinating.

Edited by Jel
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Shortly after the HH season ended, I saw another show (a one-off, hour-long thing) that theorized that the assorted governments did have definitive proof the Hitler was dead, but didn't do anything with that information because they found the rumors of survival beneficial -- the idea that he was alive kept the site of his death from becoming a shrine, and the search distracted any remaining followers; they'd be too busy looking for him to plot revenge. 

In other words: yes, there is a government conspiracy -- they're conspiring to cover up his death by ... announcing that he died without providing indisputable proof. 

As conspiracies go, I suppose it has the benefit of being unique ... at least as far as I know.  

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Thanks for the link Jumper sage.  It grossed me out that people took souvenirs from the bunker. Souvenirs? Ugh.

This whole thing is interesting on a conspiracy/mystery level, like an academic exercise kind of, but if I start to think about it too much it gets very depressing. I can go a ways thinking that people didn't know what was really going on inside the Nazi regime, but after the war it was all out there, and the idea that people, governments, organizations and institutions would aid escaping Nazis is just so upsetting and really repugnant.  Maybe this is why we can't stay on the topic for too long because it's hard to keep it at the level of just a mystery and all the horror of it starts to creep in.  

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Tim's back and the preview showed him out on a few lakes, LOL.  I wonder why this is the "final" season.  They mentioned the skull the Russians had that turned out to be the skull of a woman, but what about the jaw fragment with teeth that was supposedly matched to Hitler's dental records?  Is that how they're going to end this?  The only reason I'm still watching is that the series is still interesting even if you don't buy that they'll ever find evidence of Hitler.  Even if it's just Nazi's it's still interesting.  And then there's Tim, of course!

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On 12/28/2017 at 8:50 PM, Snarklepuss said:

They mentioned the skull the Russians had that turned out to be the skull of a woman, but what about the jaw fragment with teeth that was supposedly matched to Hitler's dental records? 

The Russian's have never produced the jaw they said they had.

I watched the first episode of the new season and I like that they are starting back to square one with a person who really knows how to hunt down someone.  Going back to finding out what happened to the family he cared about, two sisters, and that they and other top officers were sent to the Bavarian lodge was interesting.

So on tonight's episode we have extensive discussion about documents hidden in a lake.  Normally I would find that interesting but since Tim Kennedy was nowhere to be seen, not so much.  Also I noticed on the bottom of the screen showing Klatenbrunner it was noted he was tried at Nuremberg and executed.  Why didn't he escape with his friend Hitler I wonder?  I'm getting the feeling this "final season" will conclude there is no real evidence that Hitler survived the war and escaped.

That being said, it looks like Tim will be doing some repelling next week so I will be tuning in with some popcorn and a glass of merlot.  Cheers.

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On 11/23/2016 at 11:15 PM, Snarklepuss said:

I think they should have titled this "Hunting Nazis" instead of "Hunting Hitler".  At the very best they're only making a case for Nazis in South America, not Hitler.  If I look at it that way it's a lot more enjoyable (and believable).

I agree that "Hunting Nazis" would have made this show at least semi-legit.  All this stuff in place "could" have been used for Hitler but it wasn't.  it was used for lots of other nazis though.  Both high and low.

Even if Hitler survived the bunker -- and he did NOT -- he was a mere shell of a person by then in extremely poor physical health and of course crazy as a loon.  He wouldn't have lived through a long escape trip or if he did would have died within a year or two anyway.

On 11/23/2016 at 6:39 PM, slf said:

Stumbled across this, watched it for half an hour, shut it off wondering how anyone respectable could work on a show like this. "Hitler could have..." Hitler might have..." "This is a solidly built structure in the jungle in Argentina; who could have built something this secure? Only the Nazis."

....Like, wtf?

This is so similar to "Ancient Aliens" where the script always goes "Could ancient aliens have possibly done (built) ... this" and "Could ancient aliens possibly done ... that" and "Ancient alien theorists (hahaha) say yes ... hee hee ... still waiting for them to say "no" just once.  (Did you know the ancient aliens invented the wheel for us because we poor humans apparently couldn't figure out that round things can roll).

Anyway it is not a good look for a show that wants to be taken seriously to be compared to Ancient Aliens.

Also love the googling stuff on the internet sequences like this is some sort of serious research going on in the moment.  And trying to make it pass off like some sort of situation room ... well Wolf Blitzer's one looks 10 times better and it is totally fake and horrible looking too.

The asking questions to make it sound like facts is stupid and makes this whole series cartoonsville.  They actually showcased (NOT discovered, most of these places have been known for years) some old nazi housing etc in South America and old tunnels and stuff in Europe.  They could have done a serious job here but instead turned this into Ancient Aliens 2.0.  (Actually this is only why I sometimes watch.  For the camera crews showing these places in more detail then stills online).

PS:  Whoa, wait.  Great idea for more Ancient Aliens episodes.  Were the nazis descended from ancient aliens?  Were the nazis advanced weapons systems of alien design?  Were the nazi scientist aliens returned from the same ancient aliens that fathered the "superrace"?  Did the nazis therefore know the secret of the ancient aliens' Arc of the Covenant?  (Last is yes because we all know about Indiana Jones, heh).

I'm surprised that someone above didn't know about von Braun being a nazi and developing the V2 rocket that reigned terror down on London which is history 101.  And if not flaunted it wasn't exactly hidden by the US per se that they scooped up tons of nazi scientists and engineers (Wikipedia says around 1,600 all totaled) at the end of the war.  So did the Russians of course but to a lesser degree.  Von Braun and his group of nazi scientists fled west preferring "western decadence" as they put it to stark, spartan living so as to get captured by the Americans but the slow of foot got captured by the Soviets.  (Remember the movie "The Right Stuff" where "their" chief nazi rocket scientist rises up in visions taunting the Americans every time one of "our" early rockets blow up in the 1950's).

Edited by green
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Okay I happened to catch this latest episode where "the team" seemed shocked and surprised that the nazis were trying to build the atomic bomb.  And heavy water being made in Norway?  Who knew?  Every school kid who ever opened a history book post WWII, that is who.

Loved the M5 or M6 or whatever file on the screen that suddenly revealed the information.  I was rotflmao.  It would have been so much more cooler if their "screen" in their "situation room" showed little Johnny's 8th grade textbook saying the same thing.

And hasn't Hollywood, the English and even the Norwegians made over a dozen movies about the famous joint British commando / Norwegian partisan operation that blew up that basement and later sank the ship with the heavy water on it when it was trying to sail away from Norway?

And we have a battalion of American soldiers arrive in that Austrian town and ALL OF THEM decide to go off into the mountains after Mr "Decoy" Man?  C'mon, man.  You got to get your show up to at least Ancient Aliens levels of, hah, "believe-ability".

The script these people recite on camera as their "real lines" in this show are at 3rd grade levels.

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Dear Show,

How could you.  You say the three little words you know I want to hear--wet Tim Kennedy--then you put him in the bulkiest wet suit in existence and have him dive in the icy North Sea.  The next time Tim goes swimming I want to see him in a warm South American lake.

Oh, and if you are truly interested in Norway's production of heavy water for the Nazis, I would suggest you read The Winter Fortress by Neal Bascomb.  



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Tim Kennedy annoys me with his "nucular" pronunciation.  I just can't with that.

And yes to this show just using the "Hitler" name to attract viewers as all they're finding is evidence of Nazi's, not Hitler. 

Shock surprise that the Nazis were working on a nuclear bomb?  They had to go all the way overseas and interview dozens of people to figure out what's been common knowledge for decades and anyone could learn from reading or watching other TV documentaries?  That insults the audience and makes the show seem stupid.

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I know this is nominally a show about history, not math, but come on, guys: of course your two markers are in a line — any two points define a line.  If you had three buoys, would you find it odd that they’re on the same plane?

Edited by jennblevins
Unlike high school math, I’ve apparently forgotten high school grammar.
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Alarming programming note. The History Channel website lists the Feb. 20 episode as the season finale, not the series finale.  The History Channel does call the show Hunting Hitler: The Final Evidence, so I'm pretty sure the show is ending as was stated in the first episode this season, but if someone could assure me that Bob and company are done hunting Hitler I would really appreciate it.

Yeah, I thought for a season ending, or a series ending, felt quite abrupt. It seemed almost like we were watching 2 different shows. Bob Baer all of a sudden decides they have enough evidence. Then he takes it to his retired FBI buddy who says, “seems you got something here.” That is the end? That’s the end of 3 long seasons and 3 years work? So abrupt...what is going on?

Did you notice that the witness who was supposed to be anonymous was identified? The guy who turned in the 15,000 documents from his grandfather who came back for a follow up.  At minute 36/37, you clearly see his face and hear his voice. I hope they didn’t just cost this man and his family their lives. What a huge mistake on the editors part. Possible Lawsuit? Did the show get cancelled as a result?

There was no preview of next week. If anyone finds out if there is another season, let us know. 

When they were talking with the guy who was in the Chilean concentration camp with his family, they never said why he was imprisoned, did they?  That's the thing that was driving me crazy.  Sounds like it would be probably some sort of political trouble with the government, but they never said, or even asked as far as we saw.

I was also wondering if this was the last season.  Bob Baer seemed to leave the door open a bit with talk about wanting a body, but can they fill another season?

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