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I give up - and agree that Diggle is not the one in the grave.


However, I still think Quentin is a strong possibility.  Dinah would come to her ex-husband's funeral, and Nyssa would come to support Laurel (it's not like Nyssa has anything better to do). Or Nyssa could be returning to help Team Arrow fight the Big Bad.

Edited by tv echo
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I'm curious (I mean, not really, but in theory) what part of the Lance's - Quentin or Laurel - past we're going to explore? TPTB barely remember she's a character half the time. We've seen parts of her relationship with Oliver. We've seen the immediate aftermath of the boat going down, and we've seen her a few years after coping with her father. What part of her past are they burning to tell?

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What I take from the Legends is that significant deaths do stick, even when you try to change the future (ie. Hawkman's kid) - you can only change the manner or circumstance of death.  If I remember right, Rip had said that significant deaths cannot be avoided, so if there is no mention of LL in 2046 and the implication being Diggle and Lance lived until the uprising...this would lead me to believe that if LL died early on and is in that grave, then time travel cannot change her death because it is a significant one that won't change in any timeline.

Edited by ComicFan777
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I'm wondering if they might bring back Tommy. 


Malcolm has no relationship with Thea now.  He's big on blood it seems. So maybe part of Malcolm's Genesis thing is using Tommy's DNA to clone Tommy and then Tommy 2.0 becomes the new younger Dark Archer

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Here's a thought... what if the person in the grave this season is Sara Lance.  The message would be that you can't cheat death.


That would be a shocker.  S4 starts with Laurel bringing Sara back from the grave and ends with Sara going back into the grave.

Edited by tv echo
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I hope they don't swap graves or something because that would be weird and oddly interchangeable...kinda makes me think of that strange KC interview about her talking about LL and Sara being twins.

Edited by ComicFan777
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Here's a thought... what if the person in the grave this season is Sara Lance.  The message would be that you can't cheat death.


That would be a shocker.  S4 starts with Laurel bringing Sara back from the grave and ends with Sara going back into the grave.


I really would be shocked if they killed the wrong Lance sister again.


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I'd say at this point we know it's a Lance. Digg's safe. Sara's gravestone and Alex Kingston, who hasn't made an appearance since a quick minute in S3? That's a dead Lance right there. It's kind of frustrating bc most out-of-show hints, such as the two above, work equally well for either.


Didn't we also hear that CL was filming for Arrow, 18 or 19?

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Didn't we also hear that CL was filming for Arrow, 18 or 19?


Maybe? There was a rumor she was on set for 419 but, its never been substantiated. 


CL tweeted about playing a version of Sara she never thought she'd play again but that was awhile ago, possibly 417 or 418.  There was also a BTS selfie of KC in her BC gear with CL thinking 417/418.

Edited by Morrigan2575
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Agreed. I think the only thing that can be said in certainty at this point is that it is a Lance.


*sigh* I know. But there's always hope :))))) It won't die until the bald Lance is 6ft under. What a game changer that is, amirite????

Edited by wonderwall
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Apparently, Sara's headstone made an appearance today (according to Canadagraphs guy).  Aw, Laurel will be buried next to her sister.  Well, kinda.  Sara's not in there anymore since Laurel dug up her dead body and all, but close enough.

Perhaps a trolling post?

Edited by tarotx
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*sigh* I know. But there's always hope :))))) It won't die until the bald Lance is 6ft under. What a game changer that is, amirite????

Totally serious question, do you think that will really fix any of the big problems with the show? She hasn't been much of an issue this season. Maybe the fight scenes would improve a little with one less person to coordinate, but story-wise, while her Sara arc was stupid, it was also short and she's just kind of been there since then.


If I had to pick any character on the show to die/leave permanently, it'd be Malcolm. If I had to pick just one person, period, to leave, it'd be Guggie. So I guess Laurel's third in line on my wish list.

Perhaps a trolling post?

We keep thinking that, like the proposal, etc., but he's really been quite accurate.

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What I love is that we all thought it was Quentin right from the start and then there were those who was hoping, insisting that it could be Laurel.  So after 15 episodes and spoilers for a couple more - we know what we always knew - or at least we think we do.  I mean really though, they would lose so many viewers/get so much backlash if it was anyone else BUT one of those two - what else could they do?

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Maybe a flashback to Sara's first funeral then we have Laurel's funeral?


That's a good guess. We saw them finding out about Sara dying and then three years down the line, but not really in the aftermath. But geez, will it be only them in the flashbacks? Susanna Thompson is a no go, Alex Kingston wasn't filming the flashbacks, not that I mind that part. Maybe Colin Donnell can manage to swing by to add Tommy to the mix at least?

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Totally serious question, do you think that will really fix any of the big problems with the show? She hasn't been much of an issue this season. Maybe the fight scenes would improve a little with one less person to coordinate, but story-wise, while her Sara arc was stupid, it was also short and she's just kind of been there since then.


If I had to pick any character on the show to die/leave permanently, it'd be Malcolm. If I had to pick just one person, period, to leave, it'd be Guggie. So I guess Laurel's third in line on my wish list.

We keep thinking that, like the proposal, etc., but he's really been quite accurate.


Well, perhaps this death will finally lead to Malcolm's death?

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We aren't getting rid of Malcolm anytime soon IMO so between the possible choices the one death that will improve the quality of the show would be LL. Her only unique skill is being a lawyer and it hasn't even been used so I don't see the point of keeping her and killing someone who has a real purpose on the show.

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Totally serious question, do you think that will really fix any of the big problems with the show? She hasn't been much of an issue this season. Maybe the fight scenes would improve a little with one less person to coordinate, but story-wise, while her Sara arc was stupid, it was also short and she's just kind of been there since then.


If I had to pick any character on the show to die/leave permanently, it'd be Malcolm. If I had to pick just one person, period, to leave, it'd be Guggie. So I guess Laurel's third in line on my wish list.

We keep thinking that, like the proposal, etc., but he's really been quite accurate.

I agree that Malcolm is the worse character. I also agree that outside of the Sara-arc, Laurel hasn't been crazy terrible.


For me, KC doesn't have the chemistry with the Team. Something feels off. Right now she is the only character interacting with everyone, she feels like a barrier. It's weird. And perhaps most importantly, I hate to hear or read 'because comics.' I think killing Laurel would cut that down a hell of a lot.


I also can't forgive her for sucking so much for so long and continuing to be alive.

Edited by Chaser
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I think they'll get rid of Malcolm too.Maybe not this season but he's for sure being made into a full blown villain again which is the much better version of him.The problem I have with Malcolm is when they try to pull the redemption bs.

I agree that Malcolm is the worse character. I also agree that outside of the Sara-arc, Laurel hasn't been crazy terrible.


For me, KC doesn't have the chemistry with the Team. Something feels off. Right now she is the only character interacting with everyone, she feels like a barrier. It's weird. And perhaps most importantly, I hate to hear or read 'because comics.' I think killing Laurel would cut that down a hell of a lot.

yeah thats my big problem.Right now she's totally sidelined but she brings down the team dynamic in a really bad way imo.Also I'm so sure she's the reason Felicity/Diggle/Thea have no scenes right now and I think it would be solved with her gone.

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Oh my gods. I really think they are going to kill Sara again.


Sara's true death will be super sad because the Sara's  Lazarus Pits crazypants  syndrome will resurface and to keep Sara from killing someone Laurel will kill her. Then Laurel will wear Sara's refurbished costume but it will be in Black. And everyone is super sad because Laurel had to kill her sister. It's gonna happen.


I'm calling it now.

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They may kill Sara again but it's not going to be here in Arrow episode 18 or 19. LOT will still be on and they aren't having a Arrow Character kill her for Oliver to need a reason to kill. 


Oh my gods. I really think they are going to kill Sara again.


Sara's true death will be super sad because the Sara's  Lazarus Pits crazypants  syndrome will resurface and to keep Sara from killing someone Laurel will kill her. Then Laurel will wear Sara's refurbished costume but it will be in Black. And everyone is super sad because Laurel had to kill her sister. It's gonna happen.


I'm calling it now.

Edited by tarotx
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Sara can still be on LoT though. She's a time traveler in that show and can still be dead on Arrow.


Wibbly wobbly timey wimey...stuff




Why would Sara be the person Oliver kills for? Sorry I didn't watch LoT yet. I know that Oliver is dead in the far future on the Flash and is an older guy in last night's episode, but IMO with time travel and multiple time lines, Sara's death on Arrow wouldn't change her presence on LoT.


LOL she'll end up being the "Kenny" of  the Flarrowverse.


OH MY GODS. They killed Sara.


I'm tellin ya

Edited by catrox14
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Totally serious question, do you think that will really fix any of the big problems with the show?

I don't think it would solve the writing problems, but killing Laurel would give the writers some extra time in each script to develop, well, everything else.

Lance dying probably means someone else [Laurel, probably, or maybe Lyla] is given his screentime as the law enforcement connection, because they need that. Laurel doesn't need to be substituted by anyone, because she doesn't do anything to the narrative.

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Totally serious question, do you think that will really fix any of the big problems with the show? She hasn't been much of an issue this season. Maybe the fight scenes would improve a little with one less person to coordinate, but story-wise, while her Sara arc was stupid, it was also short and she's just kind of been there since then.


If I had to pick any character on the show to die/leave permanently, it'd be Malcolm. If I had to pick just one person, period, to leave, it'd be Guggie. So I guess Laurel's third in line on my wish list.

We keep thinking that, like the proposal, etc., but he's really been quite accurate.


See, I do think that out of all the possible deaths, it's Laurel's that could potentially change the show for the better. Thea has a lot of promise as a character and has rarely had an individual arc that had nothing to do with Oliver or Malcolm, Quentin just doesn't change the show, Diggle would change the show for the worst. 


Laurel's death on the other hand:

  • IMO Would take away the barrier between the team members which would make them interact more, especially Thea. Because currently she's the ONLY ONE who interacts with everyone outside of Oliver
  • Help the fight scenes be more fluid. S3 showed that TAs fight scenes are still good with only 4 members of a team
  • Taking out KC (who is presumably the 2nd most highest paid and practically does nothing) would mean more of a budget to spend on other things or other recurring actors
  • Give the writers more screen time to focus on other things, developing better emotional beats, or developing the villains more. Like take this weeks episode. If we didn't have to deal with Laurel's reaction we probably would've had a more satisfying breakup between Oliver/Felicity
  • I will get much glee from watching people break down over this
  • Killing Laurel IS actually game changing and will bring a sense of urgency back to the fight scenes
  • If Quentin actually dies, Laurel will have a larger role in S5 and I honestly don't want that at all. She might be a non-entity right NOW, but if Quentin dies, she won't be in the future
  • There will be less Lance family drama to deal with


Laurel's death would have the most impact storywise - for the better. 

Edited by wonderwall
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Lawd. They still haven't removed Sara's headstone?! I really hope Laurel and Thea at least filled up her grave after they dug her up. Haha. This is ridiculous. 


Unless they're pretending that Sara is really dead to explain why she's just magically disappeared on a ship to travel through time.


EDIT to add that Sara's headstone could be from the flashback. Forgot about that!

Edited by Angel12d
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If Malcolm kills Laurel and then Oliver FINALLY EFFING KILLS MALCOLM, for real, permanently, no backsies, THIS season, I would be totally thrilled. Maybe even enough to forgive BM drama (w/ prior caveats, Oliver has to stop lying to his loved ones for good, BM/Spawn have to never return or be spoken of, and they need to start writing Oliver's love for Felicity more convincingly). 

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The one thing that makes this lean more towards LL than QL for me (other than my desperate hopes and dreams) is the fact that the character that's being killed is getting one hell of a send off - the death was the major talking point of the premiere, it's been teased repeatedly since then onscreen/offscreen and in promos and the FB in ep 18 seem to be given over to the dying character...PB seems like a good guy and Lance has been an Arrow character from the start but I'm not sure the character's deserving of that kind of reaction, especially when you compare it to other deaths on Arrow. 

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Any word on CR filming 4x19? I know there was that tweet about 'next week' but I haven't seen any confirmation and I know she was still in LA mid week. I can't help but think that if she doesn't make an appearance it clears QL.

Frankly, the fact that she isn't in 4x18 is in my plus column.

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Laurel doesn't do anything to the narrative? lol, i don't agree, laurel's death = game changing? sincerely i believe that the death's Diggle is much game changing for characters, I really wonder how the writers decided to kill such a character lol

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If Malcolm kills Laurel, then I hope that Sara comes back to finish him off permanently in the season finale. Oliver would probably try to find a way around actually killing him again. :(

I do think removing Laurel would improve the show, at least for me personally. Malcolm is worse, but Malcolm's not in the grave. Maybe not so much Laurel the civilian, but I still can't stand Laurel the Black Canary, and I think she just does not fit with the team. Something is just off there, in a way it never was with Roy and Sara (I really miss Roy). So yes, for me, removing Laurel!Canary from the picture would greatly improve my enjoyment of the show.

It's not going to fix the writing issues, but after four years I don't think anything is going to improve that.

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