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My guess would be BM reported the kid missing last week, but didn't bother telling Oliver because she doesn't think he could do anything to help and she could care less if he knew.

You would think she'd at least call Oliver or send the cops to talk to Oliver to make sure that fratboy loser didn't kidnapp her (his) son.
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SA hinting that we're going to hear Oliver's vows soon makes me worried that we're never actually going to see Oliver and Felicity get married for real. Although... he has proposed 3 times now, so. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Fourth time's the charm, right?  At least according to DD.


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Haha there is no way this storyline is ever gonna make sense. Even 10 year old William going off with 'mommy's friend' is stupid. My niece is 5 and she'd be like "Who are you, weirdo?!" and then she'd scream her head off.


What's everyone's poison for tonight? Gin, vodka, wine? I feel like I might need it. LOL.

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Haha there is no way this storyline is ever gonna make sense. Even 10 year old William going off with 'mommy's friend' is stupid. My niece is 5 and she'd be like "Who are you, weirdo?!" and then she'd scream her head off.


What's everyone's poison for tonight? Gin, vodka, wine? I feel like I might need it. LOL.


My choice of poison is a glass of wine, then skip the episode, come back onto this board/twitter and laugh at all the stupidity that's happening in regards to the show :p 

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She probably didn't tell the police that he's the father...and she's got a long list of mommy's friends that they have sort through.  They just haven't reached Oliver's name yet.

He is a Q, that could be a long list :)

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She probably didn't tell the police that he's the father...and she's got a long list of mommy's friends that they have sort through.  They just haven't reached Oliver's name yet.

Yes, but when your kid is kidnapped keeping his father's identity a secret shouldn't be your top priority. In theory, lol

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My choice of poison is a glass of wine, then skip the episode, come back onto this board/twitter and laugh at all the stupidity that's happening in regards to the show :p 


Solid plan. I like it. I'll be here too. Except I think I'll actually be watching the episode because I'd rather just get it over and done with.


I'm actually just laughing now. I think I might have reached the point where I know it's all just pointless and ridiculous and I don't care. Well done, show! You've worn me down with your dumb! Haha.

Edited by Guest
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What's everyone's poison for tonight? Gin, vodka, wine? I feel like I might need it. LOL.

I'm going to get funnel cake instead of watching. I don't know if I even have the heart to watch Olicity Queen's clips. Last year I skipped episode 15 completely.

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I'm going to get funnel cake instead of watching. I don't know if I even have the heart to watch Olicity Queen's clips. Last year I skipped episode 15 completely.


Oooh, cake sounds goooood.


I didn't watch 315 live either but I feel like I need to watch this episode. I need to see how the break-up happens. I've been really dreading that Felicity might act like she did in 408, which I hated, so I just need to see it. Get it over with. Rip the band-aid off! As for the rest of the episodes, not sure I'll watch those live. They can only play with us so much before it annoys me and a fake wedding is too far, IMO. Not interested. 

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“No matter who it is, we’ve been together for four years. The show has been going for four years, these characters are established and they know each other,” she says. “Whoever is in that grave, a part of the machine will be missing and I feel like we’ll know it as a story, we’ll know it as a show, we’ll know it as an audience, we’ll know it as a friend. it’ll be very potent and very heartfelt.”


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Oooh, cake sounds goooood.


I didn't watch 315 live either but I feel like I need to watch this episode. I need to see how the break-up happens. I've been really dreading that Felicity might act like she did in 408, which I hated, so I just need to see it. Get it over with. Rip the band-aid off! As for the rest of the episodes, not sure I'll watch those live. They can only play with us so much before it annoys me and a fake wedding is too far, IMO. Not interested.

If she acts anything like in 408 Oliver fucking deserves it he didn't hide it for like two days it's been like 3 months. Screw Oliver #TeamFelicity

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How about a nice Malbec? DD would approve…


Mmm…funnel cake…


Considering I've skipped the past 2 episodes and this one isn't looking good either, not sure I'll be bothering. I'm making spaghetti ala carbonara and I'm just going to savor the bacon, cheese and eggs (hard to get guanciale here). 

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I'm not sure how Sara and Ray being out of the timeline causes Starling City to fail. I don't like that allusion much at all!

Hopefully VS does something specific that we be prevented when they kill him.

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So I want to share a theory....


I think LL will be prosecuting DD for the kidnapping of W across state lines. And it will be prosecuting him that will put her directly in the crosshairs of DD/HIVE. LL will die as a result of trying to help OQ & BM/W. This BMD story is the story that just keeps on giving. TA will find out about MM working with HIVE in 417, which will bring it back to OQ's stupidity. LL will die in 418. By 419, FS is angry with OQ & the situation because her close friend LL was killed as a result of OQ's stupidity and lies. TA will still have to get rid of DD by the end of the season (420-423). However, I bet MM will become one of the trusted leaders of HIVE which is how he will spend s5. So LL will probably still die a heroic death but it will be her lawyering that helps set into motion her demise. I can't help but wonder why after virtually 2 seasons of no lawyering they are so eager to get her in the courtroom. It's her one last Hurrah before she goes.

Edited by kismet
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I'm not sure how Sara and Ray being out of the timeline causes Starling City to fail. I don't like that allusion much at all!

Hopefully VS does something specific that we be prevented when they kill him.


Actually I kind of do.  I mean, not that VS doesn't do something and other things don't go wrong (probably related to Malcolm) - but I also like the idea that Rip might not have been so right about these people having minimal impact on history.  Because honestly while I'm sure Time Lords are supposed to be more "in the know" than your average historian - for the most part, what lives on in history are only the biggest names.  You don't get to know which cousin, teacher, co-worker, or chamber maid would cause a butterfly effect and which one wouldn't.  So I'd like Rip just to tell them the only thing he CAN know about them before removing them from history and that's that none of them had children. And he picked them for that reason.


Because yea, I could definitely believe that rather as superheroes or just as friends - Sara and Ray both could have made a difference in whatever happens to Starling.  Especially since it probably is at least partially Oliver's fault (likely because he didn't kill Malcolm) and Sara could have at least taken care of that for him.

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Backk to tonight's episode...I hope in Oliver's montage we don't discover he and BM hooked up while Felicity was in a wheelchair. On Flash last night Barry told Diggle that Felicity wasn't returning his calls. So was Oliver intercepting them? I am sure Barry was the excuse for going to CC. I just wonder if the deception was supposed to be an affair but they backed off after 4.09 backlash. BFS was one of the writers on 4.08 and was tweeting about the "feels" during O/BM scenes.


When I was watching Flash, I couldn't help think that perhaps the timeline was off and the Sharkweek episode was happening AFTER the Olicity break up.  It would make sense for Felicity to be avoiding Barry's calls since he'd be also tied up in the BMD mess.  Plus when miserable it's hard to talk to anyone. 

Yeah, I'm fine if she takes a break, but I don't want it to be another "Has she left permanently? Will she come back?" or that is an issue and they have to convince her. They made her leave the team after Oliver's "death", at the end of S3, and she was just considering leaving for good in 411. I really want the show to avoid presenting it like an issue, because Felicity is not a quitter, but if they do, they are making her one.

I really hope she doesn't waver because I hate the theory that keeps getting spread that Felicity is only in it as long as her relationship with Oliver is good and if she can't be with Oliver, then she's not really interested in helping.  It's IMO a theory ridiculously riddled with holes but I'd hate for anything to fit the pattern, even temporarily. 


I'm thinking it's a trap for Cupid tbh because IDK what else it would be



Since there is no audience and they look unhappy, I doubt it is a real wedding of their accord.  Maybe...insane Cupid wants them married because they are the couple that everyone believes in and she didn't want them to break up.  They could be standing on a platform with a bomb and be forced to be married or maybe someone is held hostage...Laurel wasn't at the scene, but I think Diggle and Thea were according to the paparazzi guy.  

Yeah, one of these two for sure.  I could absolutely see Cupid trying to actually play cupid. 


I think I'm gonna spend the hiatus re-watching the Chloe/Ollie rom-com of grrrreatness so that I can remember an Oliver Queen story that actually brings me joy in life.

I don't even have that.  The Chlark is strong in this one. 


EBR's quote above about being together 4 years - if taken literally - would knock Donna out of the running for who's in the grave.

I would say she absolutely was speaking literally.  We're pretty sure she knows who is in the grave. I think we really can take her comment as confirmation that it is a regular.  I swear that's what the producers said in the beginning but it's been soooo long ago.  This makes me certain Donna and BM and William are in the clear.  Does make me worry more for Diggle.  EBR barely interacted with Laurel until season three.  Would she be reminiscing about being together with Laurel for four years? 


Yes, they could have known each other outside of the scenes they worked together on but it still gives me a bad feeling.  Despite saying that, Quentin remains the front runner.  Felicity and Quentin had great scenes right at the end of season one.  

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I'm not sure how Sara and Ray being out of the timeline causes Starling City to fail. I don't like that allusion much at all!

Hopefully VS does something specific that we be prevented when they kill him.

All it would take is for one important pep talk to be missed and Oliver screws up.  Or maybe something that Ray could have handled is something that Felicity had to do which put her in the wrong place and the wheel starts rolling.  I'm fine with their absence leading to a mess.  Plus if VS gets to know Sara and Ray, all it would take was him finding out they had family in Star City to make him target the place.  I'm sure it's already listed as a vacation hotspot in the Evil Villain Travel Guidebook anyway.

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Because I'm petty as this episode approaches, I will say that with some of the pics coming across my twitter feed. If they are concerned about filling the arm-crossing in the background shots ~ they need not fear they could hire BM to answer the lair's phones or something because she has that arms crossed thing down just right.

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I think it's kinda weird thinking about: without Sara and Ray, olicity doesn't get married.  No matter what Oliver does to try to fix things between Oliver and Felicity, it doesn't work unless Sara and Ray are successful - seems strange.

Edited by ComicFan777
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Hmm. Yeah. EBR's quote about it being someone they've been with for four years just makes me think it's Diggle and I REFUSE. Lalalalalalala not happening.

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Even if it is Laurel and EBR has only worked with her for the past two years, she's still a fundamental part of the show, of the machinery.  Anyone who is from the original cast leaving is going to affect them all.  When Tommy died, both EBR and Colton said how hard it was to lose Colin Donnell because he was like their big brother and helped them acclimatize to the show and Felicity and Roy hadn't had any scenes with Tommy at all.


She probably didn't tell the police that he's the father...and she's got a long list of mommy's friends that they have sort through.  They just haven't reached Oliver's name yet.

Between Oliver and BM that poor kid lost the genetics intelligence lottery when he was conceived.


I'm not surprised SA likes this storyline - it's something new and very different from "Evil Mastermind targets the Arrow and they have fight scenes and defeat him".  But the writing for it is especially crappy though.


If they wanted it to be a secret though, they could have had BM say that she didn't want anyone to know William was Oliver's son until she knew more about who Oliver is today and whether she wanted him in William's life so she could protect William. Not great, but at least better than "I know you're not the douchebag any more but I still don't want anyone to know."


I'm not sure how Sara and Ray being out of the timeline causes Starling City to fail. I don't like that allusion much at all!

Even if they didn't do something specific, I can see them blaming themselves because they weren't there to prevent whatever bad things happened, they were off on their adventure instead.

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This silly plot just paid off for me at least a bit. He thinks I'm a friend of mommy's. Ahahahaha. Damien, I think you're pushing out Slade as my favorite villain. My highest hopes for this episode are on him. The actress playing Vixen hasn't really impressed me in the clips shown.

I'll say it now, I won't be surprised if Oliver and Felicity do get married in the next episode. Sure, it sounds crazy. But then, the engagement in 4x09 sounded just as crazy to me, so what do I know.

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EBR didn't say it was someone she had been working with closely for four years. She said "They".  I took that to mean the cast as a whole has been working closely for four years. The level of closeness varies by cast member I'm sure. I think it just narrows the party to someone who has been with the show since season 1.

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This silly plot just paid off for me at least a bit. He thinks I'm a friend of mommy's. Ahahahaha. Damien, I think you're pushing out Slade as my favorite villain. My highest hopes for this episode are on him. The actress playing Vixen hasn't really impressed me in the clips shown.

I'll say it now, I won't be surprised if Oliver and Felicity do get married in the next episode. Sure, it sounds crazy. But then, the engagement in 4x09 sounded just as crazy to me, so what do I know.

No guests or attendants. Plus, they look miserable. I guess they could get Arrow for real married, meaning Cupid forces them to and the show treats it as legally binding (which it would NOT be), but it's certainly not a regular wedding.


The actress playing Vixen was in an early episode of Supernatural. Season 1, the evil monster truck, and she was TERRIBLE. It was a dumb episode, it was 10 years ago, but for real, she was BAD. 

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To give the actress the benefit of the doubt, it was an EVIL MONSTER TRUCK episode.

Totally with you, but she was outstandingly bad. She also had absolutely zero sexual/romantic chemistry with JENSEN ACKLES, including in their actual sex scene. I quit watching a few years ago, but that dude has chemistry with with his CAR, for goodness' sake.

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No guests or attendants. Plus, they look miserable. I guess they could get Arrow for real married, meaning Cupid forces them to and the show treats it as legally binding (which it would NOT be), but it's certainly not a regular wedding.

I'm not advocating it, just preparing myself for it if it actually happens. I've already said that my preferred route would be Cupid and her Ken and Barbie dream wedding.
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I'm not advocating it, just preparing myself for it if it actually happens. I've already said that my preferred route would be Cupid and her Ken and Barbie dream wedding.

I try to think logically about this, with full understanding of Arrow's many faults. It's not a political wedding, bc they'd have tons of guests...I mean a public show of togetherness would be the whole point of a political wedding. It's not a REAL wedding, for the same reason and also bc they look miserable. The only way I could see it being at all real, as in Arrow-version legally binding, would be if Cupid or whoever makes them marry. Again, IRL that would NOT be legally binding, but Arrow is really super dumb re legal stuff.


As an aside, I'm not even watching tonight, but still drinking in solidarity with all those who are watching. PROCHNOST!

Edited by AyChihuahua
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Totally with you, but she was outstandingly bad. She also had absolutely zero sexual/romantic chemistry with JENSEN ACKLES, including in their actual sex scene. I quit watching a few years ago, but that dude has chemistry with with his CAR, for goodness' sake.


And Jensen was smokin' hot in that sex scene, but I got nothing from her. I hope she's used the 10 years since to improve. 


ETA: Did MG rule out alternate reality or other Earth? I don't trust that dude as good as he writes which is not at all. I can see him wordsmithing without lying. 

Edited by calliope1975
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And Jensen was smokin' hot in that sex scene, but I got nothing from her. I hope she's used the 10 years since to improve. 


ETA: Did MG rule out alternate reality or other Earth? I don't trust that dude as good as he writes which is not at all. I can see him wordsmithing without lying. 

Yeah, Jensen Ackles was NOT the reason I quit watching Supernatural. Dean Winchester was my 4th fave character ever, but moved up to 3rd when Oliver dropped off. He's an excellent actor, and yeah, hot as hell. 


I think he did rule that out. The only things I see still left are trap or S3 redo forced wedding.


Okay, so say it's a trap for Cupid. They should have guests, bc no guests would presumably alert her that it's not real. But maybe they're not willing to risk the guests' safety, and also, she's nutty as a fruitcake so they figure she wouldn't notice? But then, the poor officiant? 

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To give the actress the benefit of the doubt, it was an EVIL MONSTER TRUCK episode.




Oh that episode.  But honestly. I did love the stuff between Cassie and Dean...I mean Dean had a real girlfriend! I thought they had chemistry when they were fighting! LOL

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EBR didn't say it was someone she had been working with closely for four years. She said "They".  I took that to mean the cast as a whole has been working closely for four years. The level of closeness varies by cast member I'm sure. I think it just narrows the party to someone who has been with the show since season 1.


Put the "we showed up in the pilot" newscasters back on the Death Watch list!  (Ok, just one of them was in the pilot, but they've both been around since season one.)

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If Vixen is the one to take down DD i'll be pretty pissed off.

Also, I can deal with resurrections and "mystical" magic. But straight up animal magic? I wish they would go back to a bit grounded and "realistic" show like they used to :S

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Put the "we showed up in the pilot" newscasters back on the Death Watch list! (Ok, just one of them was in the pilot, but they've both been around since season one.)

Raisa deathwatch!!!

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I think it's kinda weird thinking about: without Sara and Ray, olicity doesn't get married.  No matter what Oliver does to try to fix things between Oliver and Felicity, it doesn't work unless Sara and Ray are successful - seems strange.


I'm going with a time loop - like once their mission is complete they both run to Oliver and Felicity and tell them they HAVE to make up. No, no the future of the city depends upon it! :)

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Raisa deathwatch!!!




Raisa hasn't been seen since events in the pilot made her realize that if she stuck around the Queen household, she would either end up dead or an unfortunate victim of the Queens' terrible financial choices. Joanna left in season two, apparently after realizing that Laurel was a terrible friend who was just using her to get a job.


The newscasters, though, have not only been here since the first season, they have even made recent appearances this season! 



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